Saviors Of Earth

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the links dont work, but yeah now we know whos who

the disney bloodline



The problem with people who are spiritually blind is   they think they can see.
  If you think we are the ones seeing things that aren’t there after reading   the below article and you are still skeptical after all the self evident   facts and truths presented, let us direct you to this expose’ so you can   understand why we are able to see what’s really happening and it’s really you   that can’t: WHY MOST PEOPLE CAN’T SEE THE TRUTH

  Walt had black hair with a black mustache, and bright quick eyes and was   about 6’ tall. He used his own facial features to clue artists on how to draw   Mickey Mouse’s features. He liked specially rolled brown cigarettes which he   smoked up to 70 a day. He picked up the smoking habit in the army. He loved   expensive scotch whiskey. He had a vacation home in Palm Springs, CA   called the Smoke Tree Ranch. He often wore the Ranch’s letter STR emblazoned   on his necktie. He played lots of golf with Bob Hope and Ed Sullivan, (two   major mind control programmers) at the ST Ranch. His main home was an estate   in Holmby Hills. The Holmby Hills estate was located in a plush area where   lots of rich show-business families lived. It was located between Bel-Air,   (an occult word for Satan) and Beverly     Hills.
  Walt spent many of his nights at the Disney Studios and later he had his own   private quarters at the center of Disneyland.   He had recurring bouts of insomnia. (For his nerves and insomnia he’d take   alcohol and tranquilizers). He’d go weeks on end without stepping foot on the   Holmby Hills estate and seeing his family. You also want to check out HIDDEN   MEANINGS IN THE DRUG CULTURE which exposes Disney’s illicit drug promotion in   their cartoons.
  The main topic at the studio by the staff during different time periods was   Walt’s bizarre behavior. He would not be available until late afternoon, when   he would emerge from the studio’s subterranean maze of tunnels. The value of   his estate when he died was 35 million dollars of which Lillian his wife   inherited half. In 1966, Walt Disney died. Prior to his death he had   investigated cryogenics—being frozen and it is believed by some that his body   is frozen somewhere in California,   while others claim he was cremated.

Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden,   such as Hitler’s connections with the Rothchilds, Bush’s connection to Crowley as well as Walt   Disney and the Dark Prince. “Uncle” Walt was an illegitimate child that grew   up in an abusing home, much like Hitler’s mother and the Rothchilds. See   ALEISTER CROWLEY   AND THE BUSH CONNECTION. Walt’s probable mother, Isabelle, was brought to   work at the Disney home as a maid in 1905. Disney became an FBI asset through   33rd degree Freemason and sexual cross dressing pervert, J. Edgar Hoover. Disneyland and Disney World have both been reported as   being used in “Princess Programing” to create high level sex slaves like   Britney Spears. (ABOVE LEFT)

Disneyland has underground tunnels and underground entrances that   even most employees don’t know about. One victim of total mind-control   mentioned that a tunnel entrance was at Matterhorn   mountain. (The Matterhorn was opened by Walt   and his good-friend Richard Nixon, who rode in the first car down the mountain.)   Disney productions has given the Illuminati the cover to bring together   Illusionists, magicians, and special effects artists without anyone being   suspicious.
  Some of these men were able to apply their talents toward programming   children. As an example of their talents, Disney special effects artists were   able to create 16 realistic-looking cadavers for the 1989 film Gross Anatomy.   (BELOW LEFT)

Walt Disney, Inc. has teamed up with Los    Alamos and Sandia Labs, two other groups which are heavily involved   in mind-control and people control to develop body scans, branding and access   codes for the visitors to Disney’s theme parks. Each of the Disney theme   parks, such as Disneyland, Disney World and   EuroDisney have vast underground facilities.

Each theme facility also has a vast infrastructure   underground in order to maintain it. The underground areas contain wardrobe   design and repair units, fitting rooms, restrooms, cafeterias, security   units, computers, freight ramps, utility encasements, and large connecting   tunnels. The underground areas also have human programming rooms. They have   their own power plants and water systems and their own police force. Disney   company employs 71,000 people at several locations. People are coming and   going 24 hours at the Disney theme parks.
  Now, we want to show you how insidious the Illuminati can be. Walt Disney was   part of an illuminati family. His initial interest was not in kids in the way   you might think, but he was in fact a sexual pervert and pedophile, which was   displayed in everything he did. He was also a big time occultist. Walt Disney   was an illuminist. Behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a   hidden agenda to control our children’s minds. Disney productions over the   years are filled with Masonic symbolism, mind control and indoctrination   which we will show you. He is preparing our younger generations for the New   World Order as well as introduce them to sorcery (black magic). For more info   on the Occultic Disney empire, check out our article that exposes Disney’s   mind control agenda for another Disney victim, former Mouseketeer, Britney   Spears : BRITNEY SPEARS, MADONNA AND PARIS HILTON: WHO CONTROLS THEM AND FOR   WHAT PURPOSE


                        1 0 1 0 0




From their vantage point, which is shrouded by secrecy,   they are able to plan, scheme, and choreograph the events of the world. In   other words, things don’t just happen to happen. They happen because someone   wants them to happen and has the power to make them happen. It is spiritual   wickedness in high places according to Ephesians 6:12. Thus, the major events   of history happened by design and manipulation. This includes every major war   and revolution. One of these high-ranking Illuminists openly admitted to all   of this. The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt brazenly stated, “….if it   happened, you can bet that we planned it that way.”
  Most of Walt Disney’s films are metaphors and allegories. The same thing is   true of movies like “The Wizard Of Oz.” Both of these films are steeped in   the Occult and loaded (Pardon the pun) with drug references. We’ll   concentrate on just a few of them here. One example is people that are using   cocaine. When they get their dose of SNOW WHITE, they are gonna get HAPPY,   SNEEZY, SLEEPY, GRUMPY, DOPEY (DOPE), BASHFUL, then you head to the DOC.
  Cocaine is sometimes called: Snow, White Lady, Charlie, Coke, Powder and even   Snow White.
  The names of the 7 dwarfs are in order…...Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy,   Dopey, (DOPE) Bashful , and Doc.. Why does Disney put an emphasis on   “Dwarfs?” Why couldn’t they be just “people?” Or men? Or women?..etc. What   are “Dwarfs?” Why are they made to be important? Why are “midgets” and   “poppies” (DRUG REFERENCE) important in the “Wizard of Oz?” Is there   something that ties all of this together? In ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are the poppies   that the witch creates to put Dorothy and her friends asleep the same thing   as opium? Why do you think the United States   is in Afghanistan?   It’s because of the CIA led drug trade of Opium. It has nothing to do with   Osama Bin Laden. He’s long dead. It has nothing to do with “protecting our   freedoms”. It is only about black market drugs which our intelligence   operations control. DO YOU GET IT?

Opium, codeine, Morphine, Heroine, Darvocet, Percocet,   Oxycontin, Demerol, Vicodin, to name a few, are all derived from the sedative   plant the Opium Poppy. Let’s read on….

Snow White is a movie that indiscreetly makes reference   to the drug white gold. For one, her name is Snow White, the color of   cocaine. Snow White has black hair…so where does the term “Snow White” come   from? She doesn’t wear the color white. Cocaine is referred to as “Snow   White” or “White Snow” or “Snow” in the drug culture. It is an allegory that   is used by Disney to promote the underground drug culture and mind control.   For more on Disney click here: BRITNEY SPEARS, PARIS HILTON AND MADONNA:   THEIR REAL AGENDA and here: THE PERVERTED WALT DISNEY EMPIRE

This right here is a dead giveaway! The names of the   dwarfs are named after the symptoms of cocaine usage! People that are   addicted to cocaine speak of the drug as almost a sexual relationship….SNOW   WHITE?
  Their beards were also white, it seems they would be that way because they   are old, but it’s only that way to the untrained eye. To anyone who knows   about the drug culture, they know EXACTLY what the white beards mean! And   they all have hats…look at the hats from back to front in this picture. The   hats go up, down, up, down, up down..etc…DO YOU SEE THAT? It’s a drug   reference of being “up” and “crashing” constantly. Not only sexually, but   mentally as well….Also, see the “doc” is the only one without a diamond   pick….

It also looks like they work in a diamond mine, but   those are no ordinary diamonds, they are crack diamonds, which they process   into their drug of cocaine.

All of them are guilty of the crime of being a drug   reference. The “Doc” is the one who enables them with their “drug of choice”   and fixes them when the user tears up their nose. Let’s look at them in the   order that they were intended:
  1. Happy – Cocaine puts you in a euphoric state of mind, and this guy is the   perfect example. So much cocaine usage has left him in a blissful state. It’s   tragic. But this is what initially sucks the user into this destructive   drug..You are happy and in a state of euphoria….at first.
  2. Sneezy – Now this is a sad case, to most people when he has his finger up   to his nose it may seem he is stifling a sneeze, but in reality, this poor   midget is getting his fix of coke by putting it on his finger. The other   dwarfs think he has a sneezing problem, but he is much smarter than them.   Hiding your habit by putting it on your nose…..But this goes without saying.   Sneezing is a major symptom with cocaine users. People! Use common sense!   What animator would use a character of “sneezy”, combined with all the rest of   the symptoms we’ve pointed out unless it was a drug reference that went up   your nose? This isn’t rocket science…
  3. Sleepy – You become sleepy from doing cocaine. Too much cocaine makes this   guy seem like a sufferer of narcolepsy. The problem is, since cocaine is a   major “upper’ it most likely will not let the user sleep. Even though they   crave sleep..
  4. Bashful – When you do cocaine you go into withdrawal after the initial   “High”...It leads to a feeling of isolation and depression and a general   feeling of wanting to stay away from other people.
  5. Dopey – When you hear Snow White, you either think of her or this dwarf.   He may be the goofiest of the dwarfs, but wouldn’t you be if you were a   cocaine symptom, he always runs around with the over sized tunic and ears   looking ridiculous and also crazy. He’s pretty much level-headed when he   doesn’t take his cocaine. But dopey (DOPE), is what ALL cocaine users become.  
  6. Grumpy – After a while on a cocaine high, you get angry, just as this   curmudgeonly old bastard does. Oh the “Doc” will tell you “He just has a   mental imbalance” but while on cocaine he’s a rambling psychotic, dangerous   to talk to and more dangerous to interact with. Men that are on cocaine are   more likely to abuse their spouse when high on this drug. The lack of sleep,   even though the user is sleepy leads to this symptom…Also, depression, anger   (grumpy) and a host of other symptoms are related to this.
  7. Doc – You’ll need one to do repairs on your nose or get you more for   medicinal purposes…The “doc” actually becomes an enabler….DO YOU SEE WHAT’S   GOING ON?

Hummmm, Snow White and the seven dwarfs…..What does it   REALLY mean? It should be obvious by now..
  What it looks like: Comes as a white powder. (SNOW WHITE).

The risks users take: Tremors, muscle twitching,   craving can turn cocaine into an expensive habit. Damaged nose membranes and   nose bleeds. Damaged veins, HIV & Hepatitis (if it’s injected), Heart   attack and death if a large amount is taken, also expect accidents due to   slowed reactions. Mixing cocaine with other drugs such as heroin (a   speedball) is particularly dangerous. That’s how Saturday night live comic   John Belushi died.
  Cocaine is classified as a Class A drug.
  1.Having or using Cocaine can lead to 7 years in prison and/or an unlimited   fine.
  2.Supplying Cocaine (which includes passing it on to a friend) is punishable   by up to life imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
  3.Getting a criminal record can make it more difficult to travel abroad or   get certain jobs.
  There are ALOT of Disney movies that have some relation to drugs. Here are   some examples:
  Dumbo: dumbo drinks a barrel of a mysterious liquid, has very odd dreams and   wakes up in a tree in the middle of who knows where…
  Peter Pan: sprinkles ‘fair dust’ *que finger quotations such as dr. evil does   on Austin powers on the children, next thing you know they are on adventures   in a mysterious land where they can fly and never age…
  Mary Poppins: every night feeds the children ‘medicine’ and then they jump   into paintings and have yet more adventures…”A spoon full of sugar helps the   medicine go down” What medicine are they speaking of? And why do we need   sugar to help the “medicine” go down? And why would this seemingly trivial   concept be a flagship song in a major motion picture? This is a big   manipulation…...DO YOU SEE THAT?

SNIP-Be certain to see article for pictures that are   referenced


the disney bloodline



The problem with people who are spiritually blind is   they think they can see.
  If you think we are the ones seeing things that aren’t there after reading   the below article and you are still skeptical after all the self evident   facts and truths presented, let us direct you to this expose’ so you can   understand why we are able to see what’s really happening and it’s really you   that can’t: WHY MOST PEOPLE CAN’T SEE THE TRUTH

  Walt had black hair with a black mustache, and bright quick eyes and was   about 6’ tall. He used his own facial features to clue artists on how to draw   Mickey Mouse’s features. He liked specially rolled brown cigarettes which he   smoked up to 70 a day. He picked up the smoking habit in the army. He loved   expensive scotch whiskey. He had a vacation home in Palm Springs, CA   called the Smoke Tree Ranch. He often wore the Ranch’s letter STR emblazoned   on his necktie. He played lots of golf with Bob Hope and Ed Sullivan, (two   major mind control programmers) at the ST Ranch. His main home was an estate   in Holmby Hills. The Holmby Hills estate was located in a plush area where   lots of rich show-business families lived. It was located between Bel-Air,   (an occult word for Satan) and Beverly     Hills.
  Walt spent many of his nights at the Disney Studios and later he had his own   private quarters at the center of Disneyland.   He had recurring bouts of insomnia. (For his nerves and insomnia he’d take   alcohol and tranquilizers). He’d go weeks on end without stepping foot on the   Holmby Hills estate and seeing his family. You also want to check out HIDDEN   MEANINGS IN THE DRUG CULTURE which exposes Disney’s illicit drug promotion in   their cartoons.
  The main topic at the studio by the staff during different time periods was   Walt’s bizarre behavior. He would not be available until late afternoon, when   he would emerge from the studio’s subterranean maze of tunnels. The value of   his estate when he died was 35 million dollars of which Lillian his wife   inherited half. In 1966, Walt Disney died. Prior to his death he had   investigated cryogenics—being frozen and it is believed by some that his body   is frozen somewhere in California,   while others claim he was cremated.

Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden,   such as Hitler’s connections with the Rothchilds, Bush’s connection to Crowley as well as Walt   Disney and the Dark Prince. “Uncle” Walt was an illegitimate child that grew   up in an abusing home, much like Hitler’s mother and the Rothchilds. See   ALEISTER CROWLEY   AND THE BUSH CONNECTION. Walt’s probable mother, Isabelle, was brought to   work at the Disney home as a maid in 1905. Disney became an FBI asset through   33rd degree Freemason and sexual cross dressing pervert, J. Edgar Hoover. Disneyland and Disney World have both been reported as   being used in “Princess Programing” to create high level sex slaves like   Britney Spears. (ABOVE LEFT)

Disneyland has underground tunnels and underground entrances that   even most employees don’t know about. One victim of total mind-control   mentioned that a tunnel entrance was at Matterhorn   mountain. (The Matterhorn was opened by Walt   and his good-friend Richard Nixon, who rode in the first car down the mountain.)   Disney productions has given the Illuminati the cover to bring together   Illusionists, magicians, and special effects artists without anyone being   suspicious.
  Some of these men were able to apply their talents toward programming   children. As an example of their talents, Disney special effects artists were   able to create 16 realistic-looking cadavers for the 1989 film Gross Anatomy.   (BELOW LEFT)

Walt Disney, Inc. has teamed up with Los    Alamos and Sandia Labs, two other groups which are heavily involved   in mind-control and people control to develop body scans, branding and access   codes for the visitors to Disney’s theme parks. Each of the Disney theme   parks, such as Disneyland, Disney World and   EuroDisney have vast underground facilities.

Each theme facility also has a vast infrastructure   underground in order to maintain it. The underground areas contain wardrobe   design and repair units, fitting rooms, restrooms, cafeterias, security   units, computers, freight ramps, utility encasements, and large connecting   tunnels. The underground areas also have human programming rooms. They have   their own power plants and water systems and their own police force. Disney   company employs 71,000 people at several locations. People are coming and   going 24 hours at the Disney theme parks.
  Now, we want to show you how insidious the Illuminati can be. Walt Disney was   part of an illuminati family. His initial interest was not in kids in the way   you might think, but he was in fact a sexual pervert and pedophile, which was   displayed in everything he did. He was also a big time occultist. Walt Disney   was an illuminist. Behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a   hidden agenda to control our children’s minds. Disney productions over the   years are filled with Masonic symbolism, mind control and indoctrination   which we will show you. He is preparing our younger generations for the New   World Order as well as introduce them to sorcery (black magic). For more info   on the Occultic Disney empire, check out our article that exposes Disney’s   mind control agenda for another Disney victim, former Mouseketeer, Britney   Spears : BRITNEY SPEARS, MADONNA AND PARIS HILTON: WHO CONTROLS THEM AND FOR   WHAT PURPOSE


                        1 0 1 0 0




From their vantage point, which is shrouded by secrecy,   they are able to plan, scheme, and choreograph the events of the world. In   other words, things don’t just happen to happen. They happen because someone   wants them to happen and has the power to make them happen. It is spiritual   wickedness in high places according to Ephesians 6:12. Thus, the major events   of history happened by design and manipulation. This includes every major war   and revolution. One of these high-ranking Illuminists openly admitted to all   of this. The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt brazenly stated, “….if it   happened, you can bet that we planned it that way.”
  Most of Walt Disney’s films are metaphors and allegories. The same thing is   true of movies like “The Wizard Of Oz.” Both of these films are steeped in   the Occult and loaded (Pardon the pun) with drug references. We’ll   concentrate on just a few of them here. One example is people that are using   cocaine. When they get their dose of SNOW WHITE, they are gonna get HAPPY,   SNEEZY, SLEEPY, GRUMPY, DOPEY (DOPE), BASHFUL, then you head to the DOC.
  Cocaine is sometimes called: Snow, White Lady, Charlie, Coke, Powder and even   Snow White.
  The names of the 7 dwarfs are in order…...Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy,   Dopey, (DOPE) Bashful , and Doc.. Why does Disney put an emphasis on   “Dwarfs?” Why couldn’t they be just “people?” Or men? Or women?..etc. What   are “Dwarfs?” Why are they made to be important? Why are “midgets” and   “poppies” (DRUG REFERENCE) important in the “Wizard of Oz?” Is there   something that ties all of this together? In ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are the poppies   that the witch creates to put Dorothy and her friends asleep the same thing   as opium? Why do you think the United States   is in Afghanistan?   It’s because of the CIA led drug trade of Opium. It has nothing to do with   Osama Bin Laden. He’s long dead. It has nothing to do with “protecting our   freedoms”. It is only about black market drugs which our intelligence   operations control. DO YOU GET IT?

Opium, codeine, Morphine, Heroine, Darvocet, Percocet,   Oxycontin, Demerol, Vicodin, to name a few, are all derived from the sedative   plant the Opium Poppy. Let’s read on….

Snow White is a movie that indiscreetly makes reference   to the drug white gold. For one, her name is Snow White, the color of   cocaine. Snow White has black hair…so where does the term “Snow White” come   from? She doesn’t wear the color white. Cocaine is referred to as “Snow   White” or “White Snow” or “Snow” in the drug culture. It is an allegory that   is used by Disney to promote the underground drug culture and mind control.   For more on Disney click here: BRITNEY SPEARS, PARIS HILTON AND MADONNA:   THEIR REAL AGENDA and here: THE PERVERTED WALT DISNEY EMPIRE

This right here is a dead giveaway! The names of the   dwarfs are named after the symptoms of cocaine usage! People that are   addicted to cocaine speak of the drug as almost a sexual relationship….SNOW   WHITE?
  Their beards were also white, it seems they would be that way because they   are old, but it’s only that way to the untrained eye. To anyone who knows   about the drug culture, they know EXACTLY what the white beards mean! And   they all have hats…look at the hats from back to front in this picture. The   hats go up, down, up, down, up down..etc…DO YOU SEE THAT? It’s a drug   reference of being “up” and “crashing” constantly. Not only sexually, but   mentally as well….Also, see the “doc” is the only one without a diamond   pick….

It also looks like they work in a diamond mine, but   those are no ordinary diamonds, they are crack diamonds, which they process   into their drug of cocaine.

All of them are guilty of the crime of being a drug   reference. The “Doc” is the one who enables them with their “drug of choice”   and fixes them when the user tears up their nose. Let’s look at them in the   order that they were intended:
  1. Happy – Cocaine puts you in a euphoric state of mind, and this guy is the   perfect example. So much cocaine usage has left him in a blissful state. It’s   tragic. But this is what initially sucks the user into this destructive   drug..You are happy and in a state of euphoria….at first.
  2. Sneezy – Now this is a sad case, to most people when he has his finger up   to his nose it may seem he is stifling a sneeze, but in reality, this poor   midget is getting his fix of coke by putting it on his finger. The other   dwarfs think he has a sneezing problem, but he is much smarter than them.   Hiding your habit by putting it on your nose…..But this goes without saying.   Sneezing is a major symptom with cocaine users. People! Use common sense!   What animator would use a character of “sneezy”, combined with all the rest of   the symptoms we’ve pointed out unless it was a drug reference that went up   your nose? This isn’t rocket science…
  3. Sleepy – You become sleepy from doing cocaine. Too much cocaine makes this   guy seem like a sufferer of narcolepsy. The problem is, since cocaine is a   major “upper’ it most likely will not let the user sleep. Even though they   crave sleep..
  4. Bashful – When you do cocaine you go into withdrawal after the initial   “High”...It leads to a feeling of isolation and depression and a general   feeling of wanting to stay away from other people.
  5. Dopey – When you hear Snow White, you either think of her or this dwarf.   He may be the goofiest of the dwarfs, but wouldn’t you be if you were a   cocaine symptom, he always runs around with the over sized tunic and ears   looking ridiculous and also crazy. He’s pretty much level-headed when he   doesn’t take his cocaine. But dopey (DOPE), is what ALL cocaine users become.  
  6. Grumpy – After a while on a cocaine high, you get angry, just as this   curmudgeonly old bastard does. Oh the “Doc” will tell you “He just has a   mental imbalance” but while on cocaine he’s a rambling psychotic, dangerous   to talk to and more dangerous to interact with. Men that are on cocaine are   more likely to abuse their spouse when high on this drug. The lack of sleep,   even though the user is sleepy leads to this symptom…Also, depression, anger   (grumpy) and a host of other symptoms are related to this.
  7. Doc – You’ll need one to do repairs on your nose or get you more for   medicinal purposes…The “doc” actually becomes an enabler….DO YOU SEE WHAT’S   GOING ON?

Hummmm, Snow White and the seven dwarfs…..What does it   REALLY mean? It should be obvious by now..
  What it looks like: Comes as a white powder. (SNOW WHITE).

The risks users take: Tremors, muscle twitching,   craving can turn cocaine into an expensive habit. Damaged nose membranes and   nose bleeds. Damaged veins, HIV & Hepatitis (if it’s injected), Heart   attack and death if a large amount is taken, also expect accidents due to   slowed reactions. Mixing cocaine with other drugs such as heroin (a   speedball) is particularly dangerous. That’s how Saturday night live comic   John Belushi died.
  Cocaine is classified as a Class A drug.
  1.Having or using Cocaine can lead to 7 years in prison and/or an unlimited   fine.
  2.Supplying Cocaine (which includes passing it on to a friend) is punishable   by up to life imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
  3.Getting a criminal record can make it more difficult to travel abroad or   get certain jobs.
  There are ALOT of Disney movies that have some relation to drugs. Here are   some examples:
  Dumbo: dumbo drinks a barrel of a mysterious liquid, has very odd dreams and   wakes up in a tree in the middle of who knows where…
  Peter Pan: sprinkles ‘fair dust’ *que finger quotations such as dr. evil does   on Austin powers on the children, next thing you know they are on adventures   in a mysterious land where they can fly and never age…
  Mary Poppins: every night feeds the children ‘medicine’ and then they jump   into paintings and have yet more adventures…”A spoon full of sugar helps the   medicine go down” What medicine are they speaking of? And why do we need   sugar to help the “medicine” go down? And why would this seemingly trivial   concept be a flagship song in a major motion picture? This is a big   manipulation…...DO YOU SEE THAT?

SNIP-Be certain to see article for pictures that are   referenced

The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney Empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as a “control freak”, includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies. As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers. When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner, the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and violence. In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies. ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, a Jew. This corporation also has a controlling share of Lifetime Television and the Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies. ABC Radio Network owns eleven AM and ten FM stations, again in major cities such as New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and has over 3,400 affiliates. Although primarily a telecommunications company, Capital Cities/ABC earned over $1 billion in publishing in 1994. It owns seven daily newspapers, Fairchild Publications, Chilton Publications, and the Diversified Publishing Group. Time Warner, Inc, is the second of the international media leviathans. The chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald Levin, is a Jew. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. Warner Music is by far the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels, the biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg. Stuart Hersch is president of Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit. Goldberg and Hersch are Jews. Warner Music was an early promoter of “gangsta rap.” Through its involvement with Interscope Records, it helped popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites. In addition to cable and music, Time Warner is heavily involved in the production of feature films (Warner Brothers Studio) and publishing. Time Warner’s publishing division (editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew) is the largest magazine publisher in the country (Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune). When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN.

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