Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

1/12/09 Love From The GFL and The Kingdom Company of Heaven "The Givers"

Pre-First Contact Information of the Highest Truths and Light
“Liberation of the Soul”, This is The “Silent Evolution” unfolding from the Inside out.
“The Givers”

Love from the REAL Galactic Federation of Light, and The REAL “Kingdom/ Company of Heaven”, From THE REAL Galactic Central. WE are Your Family of Light, Your Family From the Stars, The Celestial, The Elohim. We are the Real “First Contact” Ground Crew, Medical Team, The Real Doctors are in. Also Present in the Physical Manifest are Your Parents Of Creation, Mother and Father God, Here To Welcome you Home, into True Reality, HI! BOO! It's Really US! Thank you For Celebrating Our Presence Here With you, On Planet Earth=Heart,We Love you Unconditionally, and We Are Celebrating Your Home Coming, for this Our Greatest Joy, Your Awakening into the Love you Truly are.

Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles and Magical Synchronostic Moments, with OH MY GOD EXPERIENCES! Today is Monday January 12th, 2008 and Once again we are here to Share the Highest Truth and Love On the Planet, which is also Equal To The Love Each of you Truly are. We are ALL Equal in Love, Creation. Today we are Going to Discuss Givers and takers. There is a Huge difference on this Planet Currently, which will be transforming very Quickly NOW, as Love Transforms from the INSIDE OUT, just as How it occurs within each Being. It begins from inside of you and then, When you Discover the Love from within, you bring this from the inside to your Outer Experience. Love Everywhere Present. Currently Mother Earth is moving through the Photon Belt. The Photon Belt is Pure Consciousness Energy, it is Multi-dimensional Creation Energy of the Highest Purest Love. She, Mother Earth=Heart, is Embracing all of this Energy to be used For The Greatest Good, For the Greatest Number, Equal the ALL, The Whole. So Now Lets Move on to the Definitions...

Laugh- To Manifest Joy in any way, a Burst or sound of Laughter, Laughing at something amusing, ridiculous, a joke. Example- In the Kingdom of Heaven we Experience so Much Joy, its a Continuous Laugh. We Laugh so Much, Tears of Joy roll down our Cheeks.

Laughable- Causing or deserving of Laughter. Example- The ego/program mind is Laughable, because it is not Real, although many of you have a “belief” that it is. To Us, Love, ignorance is a joke it does not really exist. We are Here to assist you out of it, Then you will Be in Joy.

Ethic- A Principle of Right Conduct. Example- We are the Ethics Train, and We Conduct only the “Right” Action of Love, Love in Action 24/7.

E-The-Real/Ethereal-Resembling Lightness, intangible, Highly Refined, Delicate, Exquisite, of the Celestial Realm, Heavenly, Spiritual. Example- Planet Earth= Heart is Transforming Back into Spirit, the Ethereal Real, The Realm of True Reality.

Real- Actuality, True, Not illusion or fictitious. Genuine, Authentic, Really Existing. Example- We of The Celestial, are REAL, Planet Earth=Heart is REAL, and Angels are Real. The world, ignorance, and your identity are only illusion, anything that is not JOY is not Real. In True Reality you have no “Id”, You are just you Being the Love you are, Equal to the ALL.

Reaction- to act in an opposing way, defensive, denial of Truth, a negative or opposing reaction. Example- Love always Responds with Love which is embracing, acceptance, and Allowance. The program, ignorance, always reacts with defensiveness or denial, which is the fight/flight reaction to Love and Light. Love always responds To Love Immediately, not to ignorance.

Response- The act of Replying or answering, Responding Positively, Responding without Question in a Positive, Truthful, Loving Way. Example- Love Always Responds with Love, Replying, and answering immediately. In reaction one either does not answer, answers in a fight/flight reaction, or by saying the word no. If asked, Are you unconscious? The being, if unconscious, will say no, which is a reaction. If we ask you if you are unconscious and you say yes, this is a response. The Being becomes Conscious of their unconsciousness and moves forward. This is How Love Responds to Love, by accepting the Truth, so that They can Be Fully Conscious, Awake and Aware. Being the Love You are Equal to the Love Everywhere Present.

Genuine-Not fake, Real, Authentic, not artificial. Example- Truly Awakened Beings are Genuine, Real and Full of Light and Love. This is Full Consciousness.

Authentic-Worthy of Trust, Genuine. Example- Being Awake, is also being Authentic, because then you are REAL, and out of the program.

Receive- To Acquire information, To Greet With Welcome, Being a Recipient.
Example- Thank you For receiving the Gifts of Unconditional Love we Give you through our Messages.

We do Laugh Here in the Kingdom of Heaven at some of your behavior towards US. We Laugh because we know and understand you are not a program. We Know WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and once you Awaken you will Laugh too, at how silly it really was. It's like some of you give us the finger, and When you awaken, you will be Like, “What did I do?” WE flipped off Mother and Father God! We Laugh, and so Will You, when you Realize the Truth, that it is US. If you are going to wave at US, please use all your Fingers.

We are currently in moments where The Awakened ones can no longer support anything except for The Love they Truly are. This would mean that all non-humans, which we refer to as takers or unconscious ones who have chosen fear, cannot be supported by the Light. It is the moment, Light workers, to Be Present within your Light. The awakened ones we will refer to as the GIVERS. Givers Give everything away, because they understand “There is more where that came from”. If you are Present within your Light, then You are In Spirit, where Love is Continually Giving You More and More. You have so Much you have to give it away.

In the last message we shared with you about the differences between those on the Planet that Are Awakened Real Human Beings, and the unconscious non-humans. This is due to the being's choice of Love or fear. The non-humans have chosen fear and are in survival mode. They are scared, with a mentality that there is not enough, so they react by taking from others, stealing from others, through means of energy. If allowed, they continue to take energy from you, your Light, and utilize it for there own benefit, which serves no one, not even themselves. This is why this Planet has physical death and this is what the taker energy produces, destruction. Givers on the other hand, that are Awake, support The All with Love in ALL Moments. This energy of Love contributes to Creation, and To Grander and Grander Experiences that Also Support the Highest Good of the ALL.

In Daniel Quinn's Book, “The Story of B”, he describes a civilization that separated itself into Givers and takers. He Describes what occurred with The Givers and what occurred with the takers. All the Givers gave to each other in Cooperation, and SO they always experienced Over-Abundance, Happiness, and Wholeness of Being with Very Long Life Spans. Now the takers had a very different experience. The takers were just taking, and taking from each other until there was nothing left, but their own death. And So it is.

We wish to ReHeart You, We are not responsible for each being's choice of Love or fear. This would be your version of free will, the right to choose your experience. Now Turn your focus away from illusion, do not support it any more. If you do you are just delaying the inevitable, as Well giving away Your Energy to the black hole of unconsciousness. Ask yourself if that would be a good idea. We say, Definitely not. You will receive nothing from it, but more pain and suffering. Takers just want more and more with nothing to give back, because in illusion all you have is nothing. Instead, we recommend supporting those who are Serving Reality and Love. Support those who are Loving Themselves, Loving Others, and Loving Creation. In True Reality you Have Everything To Give because there is always an Overabundant supply, never ending! You are Now Getting to the understandings, That Within Creation we are ALL EQUAL. WE are all Equally Love, within our own Uniqueness. The mind is nothing but a false dream, while the being is EVERYTHING.

We would like to give you a personal example of takers. Where we live in Colorado we get a lot of Snow. The Roads can get rough to where we are unable to get out from our Home. Some others have moved in at the other end of the road and have a Snow Plow that can clear the roads. One day it took us 2 hours to get out [normally this would take 5 minutes] after pushing and shoveling the snow. The “non-human”, came up in his Snow machine and we asked him if he could help us. His reply was for $50 an hour he would do it, otherwise no. If we had one of those things, we would do it for everyone here for FREE. Can you see the difference between takers now and Givers? Takers want tit for tat.

There's another way you can tell the difference between “Givers” and takers. Givers always respond with Love, embracement, and acceptance. They are Helpful and Supportive. Takers react with denial, projections, and by running and hiding from Love. Now are you a Giver or a taker? You have been in a pretend game called illusion that you attempted to make Real. True Reality is not a game, Creation is not a game. True Reality is the Experience of Real Joy, Real Happiness, and you have so much of this it is overflowing. You constantly have to give it away, because your Cup Runneth Over. You give it to the All and Everything around you. You give your Laughter away by sharing it, and as you share your Laughter more Laughter occurs. What you are giving away is your Unique Expression of JOY.

Father God and I are not only the Heart of the Universe, and Planet Earth, but ONE with Very Heart of all the People Here. Love is decreed on Planet Earth=Heart and after the Cleansing, only Hearts will remain. Planet Earth=Heart is transforming into the Etheric Realm [Ethereal]. No More illusion, you are becoming REAL. If you Break down the word ethereal, it says E The Real. The E represents Energy which Equals Pure Consciousness. The Energy of the Real where everyone is Fully Conscious. You may attempt to run from this, however, no matter what, you are still immersed in the Love you are and in fact surrounded by Love. You will discover there is nowhere to Run. The Etheric Realm is Full Consciousness, where Love fills in the Spaces. It is what holds everything in Place, Unconditionally.

Events- Your Higher Selves are Communicating to you, with the Highest Love. They will Fill you with Love, if you accept this.

Todays Question “Who would you rather Be, one who is Full of Life, who Gives and Honors all Beings and ALL Things, or one who just takes and then dies?” Remember that you cannot take it with you. Email your answers to us at You can also check out our Forum and Library at .

We Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. We Love you Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God /Amon Ra and Your Family of Light. Love yourselves and Love each other. Be Love and Say Love, Love your Neighbor as YourSelf.

Here is todays Musical Selections, Our Love Songs to you along with Synchronostic Magical Events.. ENJOY and Listen Closely..

Love Remains the Same/Gavin Rossdale
Realize/ Colbie Caillat
My Heart will Go on/The Titanic Song
Isis- Goo Goo Dolls
Have I Told you Lately That I Loved you Rod Stewart
Pocket Full of Sunshine/ Natasha Bedingfield

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