The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Time: January 31, 2011 to February 7, 2011
Location: Mother Earth Gaia, Earthshan, Galactic Federation, Earth 3, Third Planet from Sol, Milky Way
Website or Map: http://ashtarstrinity.sananda…
Event Type: meditation, now
Organized By: Reverend Janisel
Latest Activity: Feb 1, 2011
Meditation To Ascend Earth and Her Inhabitants Right Now
To Begin Monday January 31, 2010
Through Monday, February 7, 2010
Greetings, Beloveds, it is I, Ashtar. Things are changing in many
arenas on planet Earth, are they not? Are you paying attention?
For your next meditation, YOU are being asked to use the Energy of
Love to help bring Balance to some of those changes. After getting
into your center, we would ask that you, through your intent,
connect first to the Christ Consciousness Grid and let the energies
of it to flow into your entire being.
Then, for the first five minutes, you are to send the Energy of
Love to the Crystalline Grid.
For the second five minutes, you are asked to send the Energy of
Love to all lifeforms upon, in and around your planet.
The last five minutes of this meditation may be a little difficult
for some of you, for you are asked to set aside all fear, all
judgment, and all anger, and to send the Energy of Love to what you
call HAARP. I don't believe I need to explain or clarify more than
Let's just say that besides being the Great Balancer and the Great
Healer, *LOVE* is, in this case. also a good `jamming mechanism'.
Enough said. We would suggest that when this last part of the
meditation is finished, you once again visit the Christ
Consciousness Grid and bathe in its Divine Energies.
That's it for this week. I leave you with my love. Ashtar out.
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Each week, we Sananda Eagles in our Meditation groups -- such as
Ashtars' Trinity and Eagle Triad -- perform meditations and prayers
for 15-20 minutes + each day for EARTH ASCENSION. Earth Ascension =
why we are here Now.
Mother Earth Gaia (Earthshan) Needs YOU right NOW!
Join Sananda's Eagles today, and begin your soul's mission!
Here is information about how to work for Ashtar NOW:
We need YOU to join ASHTARS TRINITY and our other Ascension Groups
and Grid Project Groups! Write to janisel (at)
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Are you ready for your Ascension Mission? Begin Your *Ascension
Mission* NOW by contacting:
janisel (at)
...and ask to become a member of Ashtars' Trinity and other
Ascension Groups!
Go to this link to find out more about Your Mission "Here"
Be the change you want to be! Be the *UNIVERSE* you want to be!
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Become Ascension. Be Ascension. Ascend! Help Earthshan (Mother
Earth Gaia) Ascend! Here is where you learn how to ascend:
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