Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The 10-10 Gateway of Divinity and Equilibrium By Anrita Melchizedek

The 10-10 Gateway of Divinity and Equilibrium By Anrita Melchizedek

On October 10th, 2108, we re-experience the Gateway of Divinity and Equilibrium through the tenth ray of Divinity. The tenth ray of Divinity holds the perfect balance of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, allowing us to Be the Divine, Holy Light of God that we are as we experience a new balance and equilibrium through the Will of God, the Wisdom of the Higher Mind and the Cosmic Heart of all Creation.

Under the influence of this ray, we are able to lift all remaining veils of illusion and limiting perceptions of reality, as we experience a synthesis of all past, present and future probably realities in this Now through the merging Christed timelines. As we experience the infinite and eternal Now for longer periods of time, we are further able to view our Life lessons and perceived challenges with deepening levels of acceptance and surrender, integrating into our Beingness all aspects of ourselves through this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity, and the knowing that our Divine Self within recognizes the Divine Self in all those around us.

It is in this Now that we further access the hidden knowledge of our Self viewed through a Cosmic Lens. For the tenth ray of Divinity unlocks the Akashic Records, and allows the knowledge of our Highest Potential through the Hall of Records to be revealed as karmic timelines integrate and then dissolve. This sacred knowledge, which can be described as  "a vision across the Abyss" is only given to a true Master; one who has transcended the limitations of this earth plane, removed the bands of forgetfulness, and one who remains within the loving heart.  

Through this Gateway, we take on greater Ambassadorial roles as these Flames of Divinity and wayshowers to this sacred earth. We are offered an opportunity to deepen our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God by going into our Heart's Temple and seeing what needs to be loved and nurtured within and through the three-fold flame within our hearts, as we build our rainbow bridge of Light into the higher dimensions by trusting and surrendering to the Divine. Through this gateway of Divinity, we activate the throat chakra to express ourselves clearly and lovingly, in forgiveness and understanding, as we heal all our relationships. Further to this, we experience a cellular expansion of the organic crystals within the crystalline matrix of our bodies and the creation of our Universal Bodies of Light.

Additionally we now enter into a deeper Cosmic embrace of the super-electron and Metatronic Consciousness, stimulated through the Photonic Rays of Light in the restoration and regeneration of the Divine Human Crystalline DNA. And through our Ascension process, we now experience Solar Christ Consciousness and the energy vibration of the Photon Rays through the electron, stimulating the particles of Light within the physical body to greater levels of health and well-being whilst purging and clearing and bringing online the codes of creation. 

This 10-10 Gateway is further activating greater levels of intensity through the left and right hemispheres of the brain as well as the pituitary and pineal glands, with moments of high energy expansions, head and neck pains, and then the need to rest and integrate as the crystalline consciousness ignites ever deeper within the body and through each sub-atomic particle in the knowing that We Are the Light of God, the Light of God We Are.

Namaste Precious Hearts. Enjoy the Gateway!

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