Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Love is the Greatest Healer By Shanta Gabriel ... And ... Awakening Of Truth By Natalie Glasson ... And ... The New Light Coming Will Bring Us A World Where Kindness, Laughter, Sharing, & Peace Rules

Love is the Greatest Healer By Shanta Gabriel

You Are A Beacon of Light

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that we radiate our energy into the world with every thought and prayer.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Your Prayers are a Beacon Calling to You the Love and Wisdom that You Seek.
The word that most stands out for me in this message is Beacon. It makes me think of the importance of Beacon Lights as signals in the world, such as the lighthouse that protects ships from wreckage on the rocks.

I have been fascinated by the idea of guiding lights since my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990. He has continuously spoken of the importance of letting our inner light radiate into the world and has given many different processes to encourage that practice.

It's important to remember that Divine Light contains both the presence of God's Love and the power of Infinite Intelligence. Both of these empowering attributes are necessary for us to lead a life that is fulfilling from the Soul's level as well as from the purely human.

When we are in alignment with this Presence within us, Divine Wisdom and Love become more available for us. Our heart's wisdom is accessible and we find new levels of clarity and certainty to enhance our daily lives.

We have been told for many years that Love is the greatest healer there is. When we invite the Light of God to work in our lives, we begin to create a resource that we allow to work in every area of life where healing is needed. This power of Love within God's light is so profound that it can bring new high-frequency energy into our hearts, and from there into our bloodstream to enhance our health and well-being.

Many studies have been done demonstrating the efficacy of prayer. When we pray with a full heart of gratitude, it can raise our vibrational frequency and attract to us what we need. Paramahansa Yogananda said that our thoughts are prayers and we are always praying. The benevolent presence of the Universe is continuously providing what we are focused on in full, loving commitment to our happiness.

The problem is our focus of attention is often on what is lacking or what we intensely do not want to receive. This intensity of feeling creates the magnetism. Our feelings profoundly affect our ability to manifest the life we most want. To change the course of our experience, we need to place our attention on our intentions for the life we want to live.

Knowing that I am radiating energy into the field around me like a Beacon Light is important. Being an expression of Divine Light to the world requires my heart to be full of Gratitude. When my heart is full of gratitude, I can more easily see there is Beauty everywhere around me. I am so filled with this natural beauty that I feel like my heart is bursting with Love. It thrills me to let Divine Love shower through me like a waterfall. My very cells begin to dance with Life Force. When I allow this fullness into my being, I naturally become a Beacon of Light and radiate this presence into the world.

These feelings within me are powerfully magnetic. The radiance of this pure Joy becomes a magnet for more of this ecstatic and nourishing experience.

Divine Presence,

May every thought in my mind be a blessing to the world. Help me to raise my vibrational frequency through my prayers and love so that my every thought is a Beacon of Light to the world. May all that I do, think, or say be in Alignment with the highest Will of God working in my life.

Thank you for your blessings of Grace and Divinity in every area of my life. May the Light that shines from me carry Divine Intelligence and Love into the world in every moment. May this Light bring more awakening and peace into the heart of each person on the planet. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
The Gabriel Messages Book #27


Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Love and the Wisdom that You Seek.

Archangel Gabriel.....

Dear One,

Just as a ship at sea can find the land it is seeking through the beacon light on shore, so it is the power of your prayers. The guiding light of your prayers sets an intention for your life that leads the way to all you require for an abundant, healthy and joy-filled life.
Prayer is an alignment with God's energy. It connects you to the abundant Source where all is provided. Prayer is not something you save until there is a dire need. Prayer is a way of aligning your thoughts to create the opening for miracles in your life.
When you pray you are sending out a powerful thought which is like a beacon light. This thought not only attracts what you are asking for, it sets a pattern of energy for the highest good in your life. It increases your conscious awareness of the power of great possibilities. Prayer creates a shift in your attitude so you can be a magnet for your good.
Your prayer does not have to be an elaborate ritual. Simple words that work for you are the easiest way to attune yourself to God. Prayer acts as a reminder that there is a Higher Power available to assist you in every area of your life.


Knowing that an attitude of gratitude can lift your awareness, it is often helpful to begin your prayers by giving thanks for that which already exists in your life. Proclaiming Divine Order is another powerful prayer when you don't know what else to ask for. When Divine Order exists in your life, you live in harmony, love and abundant joy.
Sometimes God seems very far away and too vast to comprehend. At those times, calling forth your guardian Angel is like calling on a friend, someone to talk to and pour out the deepest feelings in your heart. Know that it is all right for you to ask for what you want. The abundant resource of spirit is equal to every demand, and you deserve to be happy, and abundantly blessed.

It is often helpful to know the qualities you desire to attract to you when you pray. If you are lonely and asking for a mate, know clearly what you want in a life companion. These qualities could include a deep heart connection, understanding and harmony. When you ask directly for the qualities behind the physical attributes, it allows for a greater opening in your consciousness so you can receive at a deeper level.
Visualization can also assist your prayers. Imagine that you are a lighthouse on a rocky shore, a beacon of light. Feel the expansiveness as your light reaches out into the world around you. Know that your light is attracting your good to you and that you are assisting others by your beacon. When you become this light in your thoughts, it expands your consciousness and prepares the way for you to receive even greater light. It creates a new level of calming faith within you. So let your light shine. You are meant to be this beacon of light shining forth into the world for all to see.
Each person has this ability to shine, because each person is a part of the light, love and wisdom which is God. When you recognize this power within you, it will create the energy for miracles to occur. Believe that all the good in the universe is available for you, just because you are a beloved child of the Creator.
As you shine your light into the world, know that you are not alone. The abundant energy of God is pouring into you to assist you in keeping your light strong. Know that the Angels are also available as companions on your path, ready to assist you when you ask. You are a magnet for your good when you remember:

Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek.


Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
August 26, 2018
Video - "Experience & Embody The Levels & Dimensions Of Your Christ Consciousness"

Awakening Of Truth With The Angels of Alchemy Via Natalie Glasson

Angels of Alchemy....

Our purpose at this moment is to deliver the truth through our beings to you. We are the Angels of Alchemy, we currently reside within the 7th Ray of Light, using the power surge of this ray devoted to the awakening ascension to support our mission of the alchemy and empowerment of truth.

Please call us forth to be with you as you read our expression of energy to you through our words. We wish for you to experience our presence around you as well. We are instigators of inspiration, revelations and enlightenment.

We bring forth to you a new clarity and opening that allows you to step into your truth and awareness of your truth. Our light is extremely bright and instantly attunes you to a higher vibration and aspect of your being, thus resulting in a clearer perception of yourself beyond illusions and the ego. This is such a blessing as it allows you to step into an aspect of yourself that you may never have previously considered or contemplated.

As the Angels of Alchemy of the 7th Ray of Light, our purpose is to instigate the synthesis of the Creator’s light to create a transformation. A transformation is a shift or opening of new energy.

We recognise all energies as expressions of the Creator, whether you perceive them as negative or positive. We realise that when a negative energy, feeling or emotion activates within your being, it is because you are not recognising a beautiful loving expression or energy of the Creator within you. A negative feeling or emotion is a response to a blindness within you to see, sense or acknowledge a powerful light expression which would serve you in the situation you are currently experiencing.

We the Angels of Alchemy assist by directing you to the Creator’s expression within you that you are not allowing yourself to see or recognise which has the potential to ground the Creator more fully and empower your being. We assist you in connecting to the core of this Creator expression and fully embody it. This heals and liberates you and brings transformation, or at least a new perception to your current situation, an opening which may not have been visible before.

With this new energy activated, we, the Angels of Alchemy, wish to further your experience of transformation, or an opening of an energy flow to serve you. We, the Angels of Alchemy bring to you an energy or expression of the Creator which when synthesised with the energy discovered within your being will truly create a shift.

While it seems as if the energy is given and delivered through us into your being, we are simply demonstrating to you a reflection of the same energy within you. In many ways the energy previously activated which we will call energy one and the energy we transmit/ activate within you which we will name energy two, have always been present within your being and are united and synthesised already.

The alchemy and transformation we speak of is not the integration of energy one and energy two, instead it is the realisation of the united energies which brings both energies into embodiment within your being, body and reality. When energy one and energy two are grounded into you, they create a shift as if your entire being is reprogrammed and realigned to the energies.

The true experience of the alchemy process becomes fully present within you, creating empowerment, new realisations, clarity and a new energy to create from. It is an awakening of your truth that allows you to become your truth and even realise your truth.

We the Angels of Alchemy, support this entire process especially the grounding of the united energies into your entire being and reality. To further your experience with us and to assist you in acknowledging that which we speak of, we, wish to share with you a summary and step by step guide for you to use in your everyday life.

Summary of Awakening Truth

  1. Realise a negatively impacting situation in your life or a limiting feeling, sensation or mood when it arises in your day. Let your awareness of yourself observe and acknowledge when you are impacted negatively without judgment or even creating an opinion.
  2. Realise that the negative or limiting energy such as anger, fear or sadness activating is manifesting because you are not allowing yourself to view, accept and embody an energy or expression of the Creator that is awe inspiring and will serve you. Be willing to view this energy that is already present within you.
  3. Ask us, the Angels of Alchemy, to lead you to this energy or expression of the Creator which will serve you and is within your being now. As you focus within, let us guide you to a liberating energy and aspect of the Creator that is waiting to be acknowledged.
  4. Ask us, the Angels of Alchemy, to support your full experience of this sacred energy so you feel you are embraced in the energy.
  5. Now take time to view that which occurred within your reality or the thought that created your limiting and negative feeling, how does it feel now? Are you able to see from a new perceptive or with greater clarity?
  6. Call upon us, the Angels of Alchemy, to bring forth to you an energy or expression of the Creator that when recognise within you as united with the energy you have just activated would create a shift and lasting opening of energy within your being and reality.
  7. Experience, breathe in and absorb the light and energy we share with you, accept it into all aspects of your being and allow yourself to recognise how the energy makes you feel and that it is activating from within your being.
  8. Acknowledge the two energies, energy one and energy two, recognise they have always been present within your being and are always synthesised and united.
  9. ‘Angels of Alchemy, I invite you now to anchor and ground the energy of …………………. and the energy of …………………………. as their synthesised and united presence into my entire being, body and reality now. Please aid and assist my embodiment and full acceptance of this energy within my being. Allow and support me in recognising the shift, transformation and opening to a new energy that manifests within my being now due to my acknowledgement and embodiment of the synthesis of these two energies. Allow me to fully experience the transformation and awakening of truth occurring within me, the reprogramming of my entire being and a greater sense of clarity. Allow me to relax fully into the energy I am embodying now and its impact upon my being. Thank you and so it is.’

Take time to enjoy the insightful and illuminating process.

  1. When you feel ready think of the situation or thought that created the negative or limiting feeling and allow yourself to perceive it differently, accessing a new understanding and realising the action that needs to be taken.

We, the Angels of Alchemy, perceive this as an awakening of truth within your being and a connection between your truth and your reality which is so vital now in the current stages of ascension. We are present to serve you in recognising your truth in the most loving way.

It is important to realise that you are an embodiment of the alchemy of the Creator, it is through your being that openings for the Creator’s energy to transform and open into new possibilities take place. Take a moment to acknowledge and embody this understanding fully.

With acknowledgement of the Alchemy of the Creator within you,

The Angels of Alchemy

Read More for the Angelic Kingdom -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

Video - "Love Body Harmonization & Healing" -

There's a beautiful song connected to the video below - The Song of Peace

Just start the video and click on 'YouTube at the bottom to read the words of the song.

Infinite Blessings of Love, Light, & Abundance to All of You


Video - "Archangel Uri-El & Aurora Service" -

The New Light Coming Will Bring Us A World Where Kindness, Laughter, Sharing, & Peace Rules

Federation Of Light Message On Aug 25th, 2018 Via Blossom Goodchild

Good morning to you.

Good morning to you!

A lady wrote in feeling most concerned about the younger generation. On the one hand there are so many that are here to lead the way and they shine so brightly, yet, on the other there is serious bullying and fighting … filmed for hits on the media, that lead the ‘bullied’ to suicide. Can you talk to us about that please?

We would ask you to consider that ‘the worse’ things appear to be … always know that this means the exact opposite is also occurring. I.e. There is the opposite counterbalancing. Yet, is it not so that your ‘mainstream media’ is not allowed to display the joyous nature of so many of the young ones upon your Planet?

Many of you now understand that you are shown the ‘depressing’ state of affairs in order to keep you depressed. It is not on the agenda of those in control to ‘feed you’ with Light-hearted content … for, Heaven forbid, you were to ‘take in’ news that would uplift! How rare it is for this to take place, again we state, in your main stream?

I get what you are saying yet, does it need to be so extreme that the victims should take their lives? There are many ‘cutters’ also, these days. Is it that these younger souls simply cannot take the Vibration of the ‘lesser Light’?

There are many reasons … as in all questions that are asked. It could be that the soul cannot take the ‘sheer nastiness’ and upset to their soul. Yet, should they choose to remove themselves … this would have been part of their plan … possibly … to show to others what is needed within ‘their souls’ to begin to understand who they are.

If this is the case… the soul who ‘returned home’ would have agreed to ‘put up’ with such atrocities in order to be of service. Only a very Enlightened soul indeed, would ‘offer’ to sacrifice in such a way. On returning home, they would recover quickly for they will have accomplished their mission, so to speak.

We ask you to recall that which we have spoken of in past conversations … ‘All is not as it seems.’ Agreements are made before ‘arriving’ that are done so through so much Love for each other, that one could not possibly imagine that such pain and emotional hurt could come out of … Love ... and it is often that agreements are unable to be finalised by bonded souls, as they know that upon Earth it would be too much to bare to inflict such sorrow onto one they Love. Yet, others agree to do so for the Highest Good of another, to assist their learning and soul’s growth, by ‘inflicting’ upon them that which they agreed to do.

Yes. I am aware of this. Yet, it does seem an odd way to go about things. Though let’s face it, it is an ‘odd planet’ that we reside upon! Another asked about the animals and how they are tortured so much. What happens to their souls?

We would say in the case of animals that are made to suffer for profit to mankind, that they are of a ‘Collective Energy’ rather than individual souls. Again we would say … part of the plan.

Who’s plan? Surely not the Divine?

Blossom … when the Divine Plan was devised … it was not a matter of planning and plotting every single move by every single soul. It is more so of a journey to bring your Planet back to the Light of its original design. So, certain factors were put into place in order for this to move forward and come about.

Your world by design is one of opposites. Yet, shall we say … ‘that experiment’ has had its day and realisation of its ‘workings’ soon presented in such a way that one would ‘play out The Game’ until such a point when all experiences of this particular polarity and free will presentation would cease/die out.

This is why the CHANGE we speak of is coming. The plan to return Earth into its Glorious position has been underway for a great space of ‘your time’.

It was agreed that at a certain juncture, assistance would be given in order for LIGHT to infuse your Planet in such a way that would ‘Change the rules of The Game’.

I don’t think you have mentioned that before … Change the rules of The Game?

Yes, Dearest Blossom. Once this …Wave/Infusion … of Love Light is absorbed into your atmosphere, your soil, your Beings, your … Everything … plants, trees, insects, animals, waters …  Everything … there shall be an initial CHANGE IN ENERGY. A greatly noticeable CHANGE IN ENERGY … and then after that … as this Energy settles into position … EVERYTHING WILL FEEL NEW.

The rules? Let’s not forget them?

There will not be … room/a space … for the atrocities that take place now in your world to interact with such Light. The Light that is coming … is of such strength, such magnitude, that any agenda of darkness will be weakened to such a degree that it has no choice but to surrender.

As you say that my friends, I can feel the Energy coming through, my heart is racing and tears are welling up. This to me means ‘Truth’. The excitement my soul feels right now in the KNOWING of this TRUTH ... In the KNOWING that this is why we came to see this through … The KNOWING that this is why we made this agreement to bring these messages through … To get us ready … For us to prepare … Because it is getting so close now … I can feel it more than ever before … Now in this moment.


Once this New Energy is upon you, it will not ‘feel’ Loving to inflict pain upon another Living Energy. It is so very difficult to put into words. Yet, the True soul self will KNOW itself … in the flesh … of the flesh … and therefore, only the most Loving thoughts, words and actions will be desired to ‘act out’.

A world where kindness to one another ‘rules’ …

A world where thoughts are of one another’s well Being …

 A world of sharing …

A world of Laughter …

A world of Peace!

Can you comprehend that, Dearest Souls?


It is so designed. It is in the Plan.

Forgiveness shall be in play.

I apologise for interrupting the beautiful flow here. Yet, this New World … surely it will be far ahead in the future … for I feel that many many will struggle with ‘forgiving’ the souls that have caused so much of the downfall of our Planet?

Naturally, Blossom ... it will not be so that the wave comes …

By this do you mean ‘The Event’?

Yes we do. It has been labelled in many different forms now … It matters not its name … what matters is its affect.

 … It will not be so that the wave comes … and within minutes you are awakened to everything being perfect in function and Energy.

There will be a great deal to contend with … in a vast variety of ways. Confused souls being a major issue. This is, as we have said, where the Light workers of your Planet will come into their own. Leading the way. Explaining what has taken place. Bringing on board those asking for understanding.

Due to the wave … will there still be those who do not want to ‘come on board’?  Will there be those of a rebellious nature? As ridiculous as that sounds.

There will be those too! For some may feel they are losing who they are … as the change in them takes place.

For some ‘their cacoon’ may feel safer to remain in … longer than others.

Some will immediately transform, spread their wings and fly.

The nature of this ENERGY OF PURE HIGHEST LOVE that is so very close now… will wash over your Planet … like a breath of fresh air. There is nothing to fear … as the saying goes … only fear itself.

You said there would be musical accompaniment? Who’s the band?

Dearest Blossom, there will be no instrumentalists. In fact … no instruments. The music … the sound … Of Love Itself … will be the orchestra and the conductor.

Oh Lordy Lordy! So full of emotion here! Can you imagine? I mean can you imagine that?

We have, Dearest Blossom … and that is why/how it is able to come to you.

When we say ‘we’ … we mean as a collective. You would be flattened to horizontal … if you were fully aware of the Councils and gatherings that have taken place in order to ENSURE that nothing goes wrong … That no interference can occur.

My mind springs back to Oct 14th, 2008 naturally … when you aborted the plan due to such interference.

This is so.

We ask all those who read the words in this /of this message to take them to your heart. We ask you to take some deep breaths and put yourself in a peaceful state of Being … and then we ask you to reread this message from the inner depths of your soul … for there you will find its TRUTH.

Lovely way to complete today’s chat. Woah! Impactful! Love it. Love you. Love Love!

In Gratitude in Loving service. I AM.



Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

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Video - "Experience The Divine Power Of Light With Judy Satori"

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