Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Messages from Judy Satori & AA Gabriel Through Shanta Gabriel: "Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path" and "April’s Escalator to New Life By Shanta Gabriel"

Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel assures us that how we treat others can bless our own lives in beautiful ways.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week


  Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy
that you want in your world.


This is one of only two Gabriel Messages that relate to other people. In essence, it is a Golden Rule teaching.

We know that it is important that we treat others as we would like to be treated. Archangel Gabriel is saying that when we do this, it sets powerful energy frequencies into motion that circulate through our lives so we also receive what we give.

When I think of how I want to be treated and how I would truly love to treat others, I am attracted to the Buddhist concept of Loving-Kindness. It simplifies everything when I use the attribute of loving-kindness as my focal point and basis for all relationships, including with myself.

One of my heroes is H.H. The Dalai Lama. Being born on his 10th birthday is one of my only claims to fame. I love his humility, his humor and especially his wisdom. In A Policy of Kindness, he says:
An affectionate disposition not only makes the mind more peaceful and calm, but it affects our body in a positive way too. On the other hand, hatred, jealousy and fear upset our peace of mind, make us agitated and affect our body adversely. Even our body needs peace of mind and is not suited to agitation. This shows that an appreciation for peace of mind is in our blood.

Another relevant quote from this amazing man is on my refrigerator:
If you see yourself in others, who can you harm?

These are powerful motives to love others as they are and allow them to choose their own path in life. Most of us have a number of stories about those we have tried to change to our way of thinking. Even though it rarely works in any relationship, it has not stopped us from giving it our best shot.:-)

I want to remember that the most kind and loving way I can relate to others is by allowing them to be who they are while respecting their choices in life. This may mean that we cannot stay together, but for our soul's evolution that is the most perfect thing that can happen for the highest good of all concerned.

We are also being reminded that what we do for ourselves and for others affects the world. So for the sake of the planet and for our own happiness, may we remember that Loving-Kindness improves our Health and Well-being as well as sending the frequencies of Respect, Compassion and Peace into the world.
Divine Presence,
May the Light of Divine Love shine through me into the world and into all my relationships. May I offer other people respect and kindness no matter what their choices in life. As I allow others to live as they choose, I also ask for a special blessing that all beings learn to live from their heart for the highest good of all concerned.
And may I remember how important it is to give myself the same Loving-Kindness that I offer to others so that Peace can prevail upon the Earth and within me. Thank you God and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
The Gabriel Messages #10

Loving others in their own chosen path
is setting the energy you want in your world.

Dear One,

When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.

At times the chosen path of others may seem destructive to you, and it is not the energy that you would choose to be around. In these situations, often the most loving thing you can do is allow them to follow their chosen path, and you must give yourself permission to follow the path which is in your highest good. This may even mean never seeing them again.

Set the energy you want in your world by awakening your consciousness to all the good available to you. It's a matter of choice. Attune yourself to only that which you would have in your life. Release the need to be right. Close your mind to the negative thoughts that threaten your happiness. Moment to moment, make the choice to live in the Light of True Love. As you do, you are being a true bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Making the choice for Love allows you to be in the world but not of the world. When you make the choice to love others as they are, you pave the way for a mass awakening of Love on the planet so all may be free.  

Receive Love, give Love and be Love. With this loving energy as your intention, remember your Message from Archangel Gabriel for today:  
Loving others in their own chosen path
is setting the energy you want in your world.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
April 23, 2017

Video: "Should I Invoke the Light on Behalf of my Loved Ones?" By Patricia Cota-Robles

April’s Escalator to New Life By Shanta Gabriel

Moving through April has been like stepping onto a vibrant, high-powered Cosmic Escalator. We have been required to release of hectic mental and physical activity with the willingness to let yourself be carried into an expanded awareness of the new life that is awakening on the Earth. Whether you resist and turn to walk back down the stairs or try to move faster by running up, the speed and movement of the escalator will not change, and you will have only created stress in your inner being.

Far better to surrender to the flow of this Escalator of New Life, being very clear about what you want to experience when you get off the escalator when the time is right.

Oh, you may not know what it will look like, but you surely know deeply the experience that you want to feel, because your intentions are very clear. That deep power of Well-Being within, the sense of Calm Certainty that you can bring to every moment, that expanded perspective that leaves you Alert and Aware of your opportunities: all the qualities of consciousness that you desire to fill your life with, these are the frequencies that you need to hold as you ride the Cosmic Escalator that April has been offering.

Here is your big chance to take your Gyroscope on the road! That inner balance that you drank into your being at the Equinox has given you a powerful tool to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of April’s fiery realms. When you have set forth the advance intention to allow your inner Gyroscope to function as a fully-illuminated resource in the center of your solar plexus, the adjustments will be automatic, without needing your full focus of attention.

We also offer you access to the Violet Flame that was lit in the heart of all humanity in December 2012. This Violet Flame is offering you the ability to transmute all discordant energies within and around your field of activity as you navigate through this new world you are all experiencing.

There are many prayers and affirmations that have been decreed for hundreds of years. These can be used to intercept the ego as it tries to assert its power and disrupt the clear current of energy working within your escalator this month. The ego is not comfortable with surrendering to the flow of God’s Love working in and through you. There is the habit of needing to DO something, ANYTHING, to stop the discomfort of the unknown process you are all involved in as the Evolution of Consciousness at work.

Decrees and Affirmations work as a powerful tool that we can use to empower ourselves in the midst of upheaval.

This is the time you have been waiting for – the ascension of humanity awakening to the Harmony of All That Is. You are experiencing a new world awakening in the 5th Dimension. Bring what you have learned into the present moment and let these tools support you as you are carried on the Cosmic Escalator of your life. It will be as you make it – as you decree, so will it be.

A very simple Violet Flame decree is being offered that you can memorize and use to transmute the impulses and patterns of your egoic thinking. It calls on your I AM Presence, the greater eternal part of you that illuminates your Soul’s journey through life. When you allow yourself to bask in this Divine Presence and receive the Love, your guidance is fully engaged and working for you. You can begin to trust that you are a part of the Infinite Being that blends with your most human self and anchors Light on the planet. This affirmation will still your mind and allow your heart to bring more of the Divine Love you crave into your life.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Sweep out of me every limiting discordant thing. Consume it in the Violet Transmuting Flame this instant,

And set me free in the clear comprehension and feeling of my own Mighty I Am Presence as the only activity in my human form and world.

I AM that Violet Consuming Flame that is all Mastery and all Power to change all things into Divine Perfection right Now.

I AM that I AM in action here, Now and Forever. Almighty I AM. Almighty I AM. Almighty I AM. So Be IT.
Though they may feel awkward and stilted, these vibrant affirmations awaken dormant memories of Unity Consciousness and align your thinking with Divine Thought. When you repeat them, you will experience a vast improvement in your ability to stay focused on Truth and that which is in Harmony with your Soul Purpose. As revealed by the Ascended Masters over the centuries, students of the Light who find the decrees helpful are blessed in the process of freedom, bringing balance into your center – being awake, alert and aware.

New Life has been unfolding throughout the month of April on this Cosmic Escalator of Life.  A beautiful new birth in your life will be the result of this time.

You can feel more centered and at peace when your mind and heart in alignment with the great I AM that you are. And So it Is.

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