Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Message from Montague - on Sunday 24 May 2015, ...Tolec Update ,and more :)

2015, the year of revelations. You will have to face many facts, this year, that will cause great distress to some, who feel that they should have been aware of what was actually going on. I have pointed out to you many times that you live on a PRISON PLANET. You were not ready to hear it then. Now, more of you are beginning to see this for yourselves. You are alarmed at what you now discover to be the truth.

When the decision was made to make the human race SLAVES to those who had ENTERED the Earth, many changes were put in place. All contact with other planets was CLOSED DOWN, and the Earth went into LOCK DOWN. You have been isolated and alone ever since. Religion was created and used to control you. Though the CHRIST they preach about, NEVER EXISTED, it was based on the Christ who was on Earth many hundreds of years before. The Vatican set about changing the names of places in the EAST to fit in with the story they had invented. The evidence for this is available. Great planning went into the takeover that they now want to complete. Many of you have assisted them in the destruction and annihilation of your race. You bought into their propaganda. It was meticulously planned.

There are enough of you awake to this now, to help others to see what you can see so clearly. You were conned by the MASTERS OF MANIPULATION, who drink your blood and eat your flesh in order to survive on Earth. Can you honestly turn a blind eye to all those who disappear every year. It is time you protected the vulnerable. Those who are "taken into care" by the State, are at the mercy of the satanic cults. They need your help to survive. You must face the facts of what is going on all around you. One day the knock will come on your door. Who will speak up for you? You are all Palestinians !

Only those who seek truth can clearly see what was done to humanity to render people obedient slaves to their unseen masters. Mind control plays a huge part in your slavery. Hellfire, damnation, punishment; all cleverly installed in your minds to hold you in check. They serve Lucifer; not the GOD of LOVE who created mankind.

We, in the world of spirit, are ready to help you rescue humanity and the Earth, so that all future generations can live in peace. Are you ready to work with us to achieve this? Together, we can do it. This is your big opportunity to free yourselves. Are you up to the challenge? What have you got to lose. The cabal will destroy you the moment they can no longer use you. Their plans are being exposed every day, as they cannot hide them from you anymore. They are bringing in new laws to buy themselves time. Humanity is sufficiently awake now, to see the full picture, so people can no longer be lulled into a false sense of security. Will the cabal come clean in September, when the head of the destruction of humanity greets his cohorts at the United Nations on 24 September.

Take time to learn the truth. Forget the false history and religions that have held you prisoner. Support your fellow human beings who are being bombed out of existence. For it is them today; perhaps you, tomorow. This is the plan. Connect your hearts with the God of Love. With love in your hearts, you cannot hurt your fellow man. Who taught you to hate and fear? Who began the wars and the killings? Who forced their will on humanity? Who created all the religions in order to cause division and strife? All roads lead to Rome.

Time is running out. Use it to expose corruption, and save humanity from extinction. Yes, people will at first think you are crazy, but then the penny will drop, and they too, will clearly see the truth of what is being done all around them, every day, without them realising it. Once you open your eyes, you can never close them again. Suddenly the corruption becomes so obvious that you wonder how you could possibly have been blind to it for so long. Become one of the many who are on Earth to liberate it and help humanity. Move forward into the light. Do not dwell on the atrocities perpetrated in order to control and destroy you. Concentrate only on creating a better future for the Earth.

This is a difficult time for all who serve truth. The attacks intensify but we will not be deterred. Please help us to move humanity forward into a peaceful world for all.

My dear, we know what we must do. We will not be stopped as the timing is right. With all of us working together, we cannot fail.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

In order to prevent cancer: use hot water, lemon juice to taste, and 1/4 teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda, every morning.

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Tolec of the Andromeda Council

Tolec for the Andromeda Council
By American Kabuki

This Tolec for the Andromeda Council video came in a YouTube email to me.  I was magnetically drawn to it, I have been working more and more that way.  I can't really define how I know something has useful information in it, but I sense it magnetically more and more.  I get a lot of email and material sent my way and I only post what I feel is relevant to the current direction of the blog. This has been an open exploration journey of my own multidimensional awakening, which I share with a few million of my best friends.

I don't claim to have all answers,  I KNOW I have a Pleiadian aspect of me that has his own ship/s, but unlike Tolec, I currently have little off-world info to carry forward to all of you.  I get glimpses of council meetings like Tolec speaks of but have little conscious memory of it in 3d life.  I have been told this is for my own safety, because if it where within this 3d vehicle, it could be read, but since its not here, its pointless for anyone to do anything to this vehicle because they'd gain nothing as far tactical information.  But that will change too and soon I will remember it all and it will be like I have always known it.

This is an interesting perspective and I quite agree with the multidimensional aspects of what he discusses.  I am less inclined to believe 50% of the souls here leave at the time of the "EVENT", that is a belief that was fostered by the Law of One channeling, and Urantia books series when it speaks of harvesting the planet.  Harvesting soul energies has been halted.  And the beings that depended on that parasitic source of energy are not looking so good.  They do have an alternative source of energy that which comes from Source Creator from their heart, but requires a change of heart and perception about themselves.  Ultimately it requires them to love themselves, and they don't.

The best explanation of "harvesting" that is easy to understand is simply to watch the movie Jupiter Ascending, as it is quite an accurate portrayal, plot-wise, of what has really been going on in the Solar System.  The beings in the movie that live on Jupiter in the city under the giant red spot.  Some of the acting in the movie is a bit stilted but the premise of the movie is close to the fact of the situation, especially in regards to energy harvesting and DNA harvesting.  DNA is the biggest export off this planet in terms of value.  I have seen the divines realm, in spirit, and it does not look like that of Jupiter Ascending, looks closer to movie depictions of Mount Olympus than anything, togas and white robes, Halls of Amenti and all that.  Perhaps that's where those Greek myths got started?

Keep in mind when listening to the video that the Andromedans count "density" levels differently than the Pleiadians and other groups do.  What is called "5d" by most ETs and humans is "4d" for Andromedans.  These "densitites" or what some have misnamed "dimensions"are are energetic octaves of life existence.  The universe is filled with life, and it fills the gamut of frequency ranges.
I suspect what we know as "4d" or the astral realm in regards to Earth and its inhabitants has been artificially placed for the purposes of keeping souls/eternal essences here on  the hamster wheel known as karmic reincarnation via the tool of self-judgement and shame and also as part of the veil of forgetfulness.  This isolated us from our multidimensional nature and made energy harvesting of humans possible for those beings who are self described as "divine" and their "divine plan".  Human enslavement has not all been because of the cabal and negative ETs, most of those are brokers who who were doing it for their own enrichment.  Remember the definition of divine is something that "god-like" or even "fearful", especially in the uncapitalized form and not the true Creator of All which is the ONE and within which all exists. For a clearer definition of divines and deities see here and here.  
The spirit within human body is energy very great creative power, but only if it knows what it truly is.   Belief creates limits and restrictions and a great deal of effort has been expended to shape the beliefs of humans on this planet that they are helpless and hapless.  
There is still precious little information on the net about the divines, its been one of the closest held secrets of the planet,  but that is perhaps not surprising as there was little knowledge of the Reptilian influence prior to the year 2000.  What David Wilcock describes as the disintegrating factions of the cabal is just a reflection of what is happening on a greater scale above it... as they say "as above so below"...
All the talk of "gods" and "goddesses" is your first clue of those who have no clue about the divines, because in truth, Source is ONE, and sees no hierarchy or lower than or greater than.  Source sees things only from the stand point of love and choice of experience.  There are beings who have great creative power, some of these have historically been referred to as "Creator Sons", but that does not make them "God" as the concept in modern time knows it.  Some would like you to believe that they are for purposes of claiming title to your energy.  It's a contractual universe out there, or at least it was... that is changing fast...
The pattern of separation has existed from top to bottom in this universe, and it included those who thought they were not part of the experience because they were "divine" and "immortal".   And even among the divines, as in the movie Jupiter Ascending,  there are those who aid humanity and those who use it for their own purposes.  And like on earth some of those embodiments are being "retired" as they are not adapting to the changing energies that is moving within all creation. All unique energy signature instances of Eternal Essence are eternal and timeless, the bodies they occupy as vehicles for experiencing various physical and energetic realms have finite lifespans, most of which are far longer than the typical human life span of 70+ years.   And some of them are not looking to well these days...  
But I digress from the subject of the video.  Tolec confines his discussion to what he knows, the Andromeda Council and its activities.  The video below, at 90 minutes, is worth listening to.  There is a caller who calls in who says he sits on the Nibiru Council, and he does mention that Nibiru - the wandering planet/spaceship of Anunnaki fame,  which he claims is a mixture of races from Planet Rizq and Planet Nirvana.   Illusion and allusion were common tools of the Anunnaki so seeing the name Nirvana crop up which has become synomous with "heaven" in many cultures is also curious.  
We encountered the name of the Planet Rizq before on this blog when the aide to the Qing Dynasty Empress said they owned humanity by right of the Treaty of Rizq, so my guess is the caller is legitimate, given that he knows about Rizq, there's very little information on the internet about Rizq.

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We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING we know!!!

We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING we know!!!
Please copy this video, repost, forward, and subscribe! 

The HAARP Report

This is the most intense geoengineered aerosol (chemtrail) coverage over a populated, food producing, area that I have ever seen, in my years of viewing satellite images, and studying chemtrails. This intense chemtrailing is an open declaration of WAR against all of mankind. 


HAARP and chemtrails are being used to reduce human population as quickly as possible, with the side effect of triggering the arctic methane catastrophe. The methane venting from the arctic is increasing ten-fold each year, for the last five years. One, or two, more summers, and the arctic methane emergency will be exponential, unstoppable, and terminal for 95% of the life on planet earth, in only a few decades.


Geoengineered aerosols prevent ALL rain, by 

1) preventing the peak heating of the day, which stops cloud formation, 

2) by creating a hot air layer aloft (thermal inversion) which prevents thunderstorm development,

3) the nano-metal hydroxide particles absorb water vapor out of the air, causing the humidity to drop, and the temperature to rise (the opposite of evaporation, it heats the air, instead of cooling it.), and 

4) This heating reaction reinforces the hot air layer aloft (capping inversion), even at night, preventing nighttime thunderstorms. 


Geoengineered Aerosols destroy the ozone layer, causing deadly ultraviolet (UV) to reach the surface. The cancer causing form of UV is UV-B, and that has increased from 0.6% in 2002, to 7.0% in 2014 (of total UV reaching the surface). This is a 1070% increase in twelve years. 


Dane Wigington has measured UV-C in very high amounts. This is germicidal UV, and shatters DNA in seconds. This type of UV has not reached the surface for hundreds of millions of years.


The increased, deadly, UV is the main cause for the mass extinctions around the world, including the loss of coral reefs, and dying plankton. This is caused by the chemtrail nano-metal particles, which break down ozone in the upper atmosphere. If this is not stopped soon, planet Earth will die, with us going with it. 
Chemtrails are being used to stop rain in critical food growing areas of California, Texas, Florida, and especially Mexico. The NATO nations have agreed to permit chemtrailing, on the assumption it is used to slow global warming. However, the truth is that geoengineered aerosols are triggering runaway, catastrophic, global heating (caused by exponential arctic methane release. Methane is a greenhouse gas, that is 100 times worse than carbon dioxide, and there is enough methane in one part of the Arctic sea, to increase total greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere by 300 times.) 
Geoengineered aerosols contain aluminum and barium. Both these metals are extremely toxic to plants and animals, and are partially responsible for the mass extinctions happening in the northern hemisphere.
One reason for the geoengineered aerosols, is there is a HUGE amount of money to be made by CERTAIN parties, who have pre-positioned themselves to profit from severe drought (this is a New York based organization, not California based.) 
The ONLY way this global killing machine will be stopped is by everyone learning what is going on. Silence is death, and if this is not stopped, planet earth will be dead in 20 years. 
The "people" in charge must be located, arrested, and put on trial, under authority of the 2002 Rome Statute, which has jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
I've had this information for YEARS, but have been too afraid to go public with it. But, since our planet will be dead in a few decades (if this continues), there is no more need for fear! We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING we know. That is my approach from now on. I hope you will join me in being brave, and standing up to protect our families, and all the plants and creepy crawlies that we share this world with. They, too, have rights that are being destroyed by the "people" in charge. 
Wake up, fight back, or die - it is that simple! I'm sorry to tell you, but there is no time left for fear or indecision.
Please join Dane Wigington at, to help stop this eco-cide.
Please copy this video, repost, forward, and subscribe!
Thank you!
PS - to the paid shills, don't bother, I will delete your "assigned talking points".
More updated and quite important videos will be posted at

Listen to Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday May 24th

Humanity’s awakening is inevitable. Of course you have heard that many times before, but within the illusion doubts and anxieties assail you almost constantly. That is why it is necessary for me to keep reminding you, so that you hold your course regardless of the apparent lack of physical evidence within the illusory environment on which you focus most of your attention, to confirm that God’s plan is unfolding just as He intends.

The illusion is a place in which inconsistencies flourish, new information arises that displaces previously held beliefs by demonstrating their inadequacies, and the pace at which that is happening is constantly accelerating. No wonder you feel so assailed. The illusion is an environment of almost constant change – peace to war, love to hate, trust to betrayal – and reversals of those states. At this point in your spiritual evolution – and everyone physically incarnate on Earth is here to evolve spiritually – an enormous effort is being maintained through prayer, meditation, and through humanity’s intense desire for positive change, to move from violence to non-violence, from endless states of war to lasting peace, and awareness is growing that this can only happen if people trust each other and absolutely refrain from betraying that trust.

The briefest moment spent considering what is required to bring a state of peaceful and harmonious coexistence to all on Earth makes it quite clear that no progress can be made without first establishing trust, and to do that it is apparent that all cultures, ethnicities, lifestyles, religious and political beliefs must absolutely respect all others. The intense egoic need to be right that so many have, the need to belong to the right religion, the right political party, the right nation, the right . . . (fill in the blanks!) is, as history never fails to demonstrate, an unmitigated recipe for disaster, because it spends its time making others wrong, and thereby making others its enemies.

Worldwide, as children are born and start to grow, they have egos that need to grow and mature to enable them to live on Earth as wise and balanced individuals. Initially they have needs that they cannot fulfill for themselves, needs that require acknowledgment and fulfillment by someone other than themselves, and so they have to learn to attract the attention of those who are there to provide for those needs, and that attention seeking behavior strengthens their egos. This is normal.

What is not normal, but in fact always happens, is that these egos, the egos of nearly every individual human without exception, are hurt and abused to a greater or lesser extent by their caregivers during their years of growth to adulthood. Generally the caregiver’s intent is to teach and not to harm, but because of the damage that the caregivers themselves have experienced, they teach fear, not love. They unintentionally betray the trust of those for whom they are responsible, mostly believing that “it is for their own good!” The result is that the little ones growing up experience betrayal of their trust by those who are there to nurture them, and they are consequently conditioned to expect betrayal and thus learn to be forever on their guard. Consequently trust is not something they will offer lightly to another once they have lived through those unavoidable human growth experiences and had it betrayed.

How can humanity move forward then? The only way forward is by trusting one another, and yet to do that seems at best insane and at worst a total denial of reality. Your experience shows you that trusting individuals are gullible, unwise, immature, lacking intelligence, and are almost always betrayed. And yet reason and logic make it abundantly clear that without trust progress towards lasting peace is impossible. It would seem that humanity is caught in a “Catch 22” situation. There appears to be no way to escape from an absence of trust because, as experience shows most clearly, those who trust are always betrayed.

Nevertheless, the only way forwards is by choosing to trust. The vast majority of humans want only to live in peace and harmony with everyone else. When that state is achieved, as it has been many times in small communities, amazing cooperative creative ventures are undertaken and brought lovingly to fruition. However, the success of those communities arouses jealousy among those whose environments are less loving. If you look closely at what happens you will see that only a very small number of badly damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a harmonious community by spreading rumor and gossip.

That is the point – only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community, BECAUSE others listen to them and believe their embittered gossip.

If that gossip is ignored the gossipers move somewhere else. They seek egoic satisfaction in destroying the harmony and peace that others have established because they themselves are so damaged. And because they are in such intense pain, which is mostly denied and buried deep within them, they wait attentively for an opportunity to project that pain on to others for the slight relief it brings to them. When individuals are that badly damaged their only pleasure is found in hurting others. When you meet or interact with someone as hurt as that do not judge or condemn them, just intend for them to be healed, and send them love or blessings. That is one of your earthly tasks.

The way forwards therefore is to ignore all gossip, and instead to trust your own intuitive sense which tells you that others can be trusted, and then to trust them! Yes, within the illusion, your present apparent “home” environment, your trust will be betrayed occasionally. But, being an illusion, those experiences cannot harm you, they are the just unreal dreams from which you will awaken. The way forwards towards your awakening is to forgive those who betray you!

As I said above, only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community. However, if the community refuses to be influenced or manipulated by those in pain then those efforts are ineffective.

Each and every human, each beloved child of God, is permanently connected to the divine field of Love in which all of creation is eternally maintained, but the illusion, which seems so real to those living within it, is ego-driven and fear-driven, and it does every thing it can to convince you that you are an insignificant life form whose existence is short and meaningless. And of course that is its purpose. It was conceived of and built to allow you to experience separation from your Source, the infinitely loving God who created you in joy and for joy.

Your real state of existence – eternally present in the field of Love that is God – is unalterable. You are there always, and you have never left. You could never leave because there is, as you are constantly being reminded, nowhere else. Therefore there is nothing to fear!

As we in the spiritual realms keep telling you, through the various channels that we use to make contact with you, and through the divine intuition that you each have access to in every moment, there is only Love! God, the divine Source of all that exists, the sole Awareness, the One Sentient Consciousness that permeates every individual mind is Love. You are never absent from God, and therefore Love is your true and inviolable nature. What you experience within the dream, within the illusion – fear, conflict, betrayal, suffering, pain, and constant confusion – is unreal.

When you detach from the illusion, even momentarily, by going within to that sacred place where the flame of God’s Love burns constantly within you, then you will find peace. By going within and intending to know God, your divine Source, the place from which you arise renewed in every moment, you spread and extend Love to all with whom you interact in any way at all. That is your purpose during this incarnation. You chose to incarnate as a human this time around to help others to awaken, because the Love that you share with God motivates you most powerfully to bring all of humanity home to their natural state of awareness that all are One with God. You know that state, and being Love incarnate you want everyone to experience it permanently. You are in truth perfectly in alignment with the divine Will, and you are walking on Earth to shine the Light of God’s Love so brightly that no one can fail to see It.

That Light is shining brilliantly all across the world because so many of you chose to be on Earth at this time to awaken humanity. No other options are available, humanity will awaken, and the chaos and confusion that seem to be intensifying all across the world are clear indications that humanity’s awakening is happening right now!

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Views: 6

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies

In5D May 18, 2015 

The following is a thorough explanation of how DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, along with how this is related to the merging of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.


The picture below on the right shows the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from earth on a clear night.

Since our earliest education, we have always been taught that the earth, our sun and solar system belonged to the Milky Way Galaxy. New scientific evidence clearly shows that not to be the case.

One of the greatest astronomical mysteries is why the Milky Way is at an angle when seen from earth. If our solar system emerged OUT from the Milky Way, we would be in line with the whirlpool disk but as it is, we reside at an angle to it. That long time mystery has now been solved.

A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the universities of Virginia and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to create a — NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar System to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

We are now joining the Milky Way Galactic community … with all the implications thereof.

A sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

How can this be?

Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.

We are at an angle to the arms of the Milky Way Whirlpool Disk because we did NOT come out of the Milky Way but the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy which is now colliding with and being “eaten” by the huge Milky Way.

It has always been known that the Milky Way collects material from other galaxies and overwhelms the small ones. The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy from which our solar system came is very very small and being energetically consumed. We are about to join the Milky Way at the energetic level of the Whirlpool Disk.


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

The rings around the Milky Way Galaxy here are the remnants of other, smaller galaxies. You can see where our Sun is located and that it has been moving in an entirely different direction than thought. Trace the ring in which our solar system resides and you can see its path. Now it becomes obvious why the Milky Way is viewed at an angle from earth. And the coming convergence also becomes obvious as our solar system, from the diminishing Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy now joins with the Milky Way.

The Overall Biggest contributing Cause to Global Climate Changes, and the melting of the polar icecaps of — both — Earth and Mars (and Pluto) is caused by our arrival into the brighter, more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc ( where all the action is ) as we cross cut in from the clearly less energetic darker deep space.

With a little contemplation, it should become clear to anyone what is happening.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Actual Infrared Photo of Milky Way from Earth: nearly centered side view amidst glowing plasma region of whirlpool disc  [Image Credits NASA]


Crossroads of Convergence

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit


The many scientists studying these phenomena are telling us that this has vast implications for all DNA on planet Earth and her entire web of life. Big and sudden evolutionary changes are already beginning to occur.

These sudden and rapid changes have been called by evolutionary biologists a punctuated equilibrium.

Punctuated Equilibrium: The evolutionary process involving long periods without change (stasis) punctuated by short periods of rapid speciation.

At this moment we are beginning to undergo such a punctuated equilibrium.

The nature of our species, homo sapiens is now undergoing a huge shift. Some call it atransformational evolution, others call it the end of our old world and the beginning of a new one happening simultaneously.

Some can only perceive the negative side of it and are reacting with extreme fear over the loss of the familiar. They predict doomsday but, although many things in our old world are perishing rapidly, there demise will only herald a new age. A new age so different from the past dysfunction of thousands of years as to be almost incomprehensible from our present perspectives. The metaphor of a “golden age of peace’ has been used many times and in many cultures to describe the after-time.

Our physical DNA affects our personal human conscious awareness. DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, intertwined, commingled. What affects one affects the other. DNA is the material/physical aspect of human consciousness. Those who are becoming aware of the spiritual aspects, due to activating their energenic heart, are able to see the metaphysical implications as well.


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

This bombardment by the rapidly increasing energies now coming in from the Milky Way Whirl Pool Disk means rapid changes for human consciousness and it means genetic changes for all life on earth, as every quanta of matter and energy in our entire solar systemis transformed while colliding with the many energetic frequencies, ions, radiations and cosmic dust pouring out from the Milky Way equator and rapidly engulfing our entire solar system, including The Sun and planet earth.

It was the work of Russian scientists that made us alert to the physical aspects of this convergence.

There is an institute in Russia which focuses on studying our Sun’s Heliosphere. TheHeliosphere is the huge magnetic field of our Sun which surrounds the entire solar system like an envelope. We are continually moving through space in a certain direction. As I understand it, when you draw this on a two dimensional graph, we are rapidly charging downward from Northeast to Southwest right into the Milky Way equator at an angle. We will cross it and come out underneath the Milky Way as we enter its lower western quadrant.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Above: Convergence of galaxies from an Earth perspective of the Milky Way Galaxy


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Basically, the Mayans said that it is NOT the end of the world but our world’s recycling and transformation into an entirely new world where peace will reign. It is the golden age long prophesied by many, many cultures on earth, although described in various cultures with different metaphors.

So, how do these Russians who study the Sun’s Heliosphere know about this coming convergence?

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Our Sun and solar system speeds through space surround by our electro-magnetic envelope called the Heliosphere. It is shaped somewhat like a tear drop with a blunt leading edge and a thinner tail. As the blunt leading edge encounters the energies, radiations and cosmic particles of space, it effervesces or glows due to the energetic plasmas produced along the leading edge.

Scientists have long known this and have measured the length of this plasma effervescence in astronomical units. One astronomical unit (au) is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It has remained fairly constant up until now. The length of this effervescence along the Heliosphere’s leading edge is now 1000% greater than what had always been considered normal. And, it is increasing rapidly the closer we get to the extreme energy of the Milky Way ecliptic as we plunge down into it and come out on the other side like a bunch of kids getting off the world’s most exciting roller coaster ride with trembling knees, seeing the world according to their inmost heart’s desire. Only in this case, some of the kids decided to go off on a different roller coaster ride to an environment they were more familiar with.

And, although no human being can do anything to stop it from happening, nor should we, those who are aware of it will definitely have a heads up as these tumultuous Earth changesincreasingly build up until they can hold no more energy and all the quantum particles in our solar system suddenly and instantly shoot apart from each other and remain stable at that increased distance.

This is a dimensional shift. It is a sudden density shift of all matter in our world from what is called third to fourth density.

Considering all the new insights concerning the nature of matter and time, I now increasingly understand this probability.

What then? What’s the next step in evolution?

If one contemplates this, the answer is found in thousands of years of prophecy in all cultures from the beginning of humankind’s awareness. These prophesies center on the emergence of a new era of peace while, at the same time, the old worn out and dying age completely recycles.

In a good sense, the dross is vaporized.

This has been foreseen in the prophecies of EVERY culture on earth, using different mythologies and metaphors of description, for thousands of years.

The cataclysms which are now increasing all over our planet will not come on all at once, but gradually and with increasing intensity.

The earth changes have already begun, as many people now fully realize and other people are starting to realize.

Most folks are highly perplexed by it. Perhaps what I am writing here will bring some comfort as well as practical help.

Some of you reading this right now are aware of this through your inner intuitions. Like myself, your intuitions have sensed this change coming on for a long, long time.. many since birth. It is that inner gut feeling of expectation. An anticipation which includes both angst for physical survival, as the outer energetic intensity increases and, at the same time, the inner expectation for an entirely new paradigm to emerge upon our planet and its confused people who are so caught up in war, criminality, religious and ideological fanaticism, violence and control, all for various selfish interests.

We intuitively feel the pressure building and inwardly know that eventually something will give.

Those intuitive feelings about this coming change are accurate, although our interpretations of them vary. But, you are not alone.

We can call this emerging new state of our existence fourth density. When the term density is used instead of dimension it is referring to differing states of the quantum particles between one world dimension and another. It refers to the cohesion and oscillation rate of each quanta which is an expression of material density.

In this vast Universe, time and space are completely comingled and consist of many different ratios. All quanta vibrate (or spin) at different frequencies and the quantum particles exist in linear time at varying distances from one another.

In our present third density world, the quantum particles of matter have a certain known distance between them. Most folks do not have any conception of how incredibly small these basic quanta are and even less idea of how much empty space exists between each one.

What is the empty space between?

It is the field of infinite energy and intelligence. It is the time domain.

Presently, in third density, this distance between the quanta which make up everything, including light (photons), is analogous to the distance between a golf ball at one end of a football field and a second golf ball clear down at the other end.

In between the two golf balls (quanta) is lots of space indeed.

But, it is not “empty” space, but a seething energetic flux of both entropy and organization.

In the coming, and much finer, fourth density, these quanta are further apart. It should be understood that the quantum level is much, much smaller and finer than the gross atomic level where these various quanta congregate. All is energy. Matter is energy spinning in various configurations.

Albert Einstein stated: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”


Views: 7

Sirian Mothership 26 May 2015 by Phil

Sirian Mothership 26 May 2015

 The elite are so intertwined with the common man as to become one in daily life, so are encouraged to work for benefit of collective human good. However they take our attempts at dialogue to resolve problems of social inequality as a sign of weakness. The current leadership has no intention to change their despotic ways, so they will be replaced with rulers who have self-discipline to see through the heavy lifting of clearing out all corruption.

 As time condenses into your experience it further processes your metamorphosis into a Fully Conscious Being of Light. You will find protection and cover in the light, when your kundalini is unlocked you will be plugged into reality to such an extent that you can outlive anything that may come your way. When faced with the unknown you may tend to let yourselves freeze, nevertheless state clearly and with energy your intent to move into the light and it will be so.

 From our Mothership we see many in the populace look like stars lit up as their inner light shines on. With great awareness you have found ways to keep rolling forward. If you look up you can see our large ships as bright nimbus clouds. We see your troubles and hear your cries and we send you the tools to dissolve your chains of limitation and break free. These tools will help guide and protect whether in the world of dreams or in waking life from attacks of the dark, which twist and contort things to trick you. However you have the energy within to work through this.

The Divine Feminine is being recovered and with that comes spiritual insight and inner strength, yet with kindness and wise judgment. This will propagate out leaving many unprepared. Engulfed by apathy and indolence will be those following the masculine 'power over' principle. Rather support will be given to those that direct their lives from the words of their Sacred Heart, however make bare trying to do everything or please everyone, and shelve any grandstanding. White Buffalo Calf Woman takes form and her return will bring balance and harmony on Mother Earth.

 You are all at differing shades of spiritual evolution, however you all have the wherewithal to overcome all the obstacles placed on your path to higher light, although you may play down this reality. Realize dear ones the earth plane is yours to command. Yet faithlessness is on the increase, which is understandable as you are now very malleable.

 Limited consciousness is stressful, yet you may see the lighter side even in quite challenging times. Be assured that what you love and care for can not be lost and always returns new and better than before. All exist in perfect balance yet this may seem confusing and vague for some. Look with the eyes of the creator to see the harmony and balance in all. Your logical mind may be enticed to look for hard evidence for this and to test it to its limits. Duality and separation is well defended by the logical mind. However if you step outside of your perceptual habits you can find convincing and compelling evidence and learn new things and then shine with new understanding.

 The dark have got their hooks into your vital interests. However we will intervene to defend the population at time appointed by heaven. Listen to your intuition to empower yourselves in the meantime. They have overestimated their power. However no soul is unredeemable as all are of the Divine. All souls at times alternate between light and dark. Ask yourselves are you greater or less-than your failings or successes? Loving all makes you free.

   You are not seasoned enough yet to stand on your own. We know that many of you are very driven and want all the positive changes to happen at once. Rest assured there will be a redistribution of wealth to extent of the storehouses being emptied to feed the poor and hungry. Everyone will have all that they need and you will cast off subsistence and wage slavery. You will be pleasantly surprised by the splendour that is in store. The spell of poverty will be stymied. We can not yet intervene; however we send you our vibrations of love and light.

 Spiritual immaturity underlies violence and cynicism. Yet many feel uneasy by the thought of telling people lost to concerns of daily life about light and love, however as lightworkers it is your path to inform people in an efficient and well-defined way. Their upliftment is in the interest of the public good, and general welfare of all in a deep-rooted way.

 You have had to undergo extortionate money-lending practices perennially, and this was compulsory if you wanted access to money. So ubiquitous it is that it is easy to escape this realization. However all forms of media now exclaim the banking misconduct and it engenders a straightening out of the disorder, and the changes when made will be effective with everyone receiving their fair share.

 For too long now your wealth and living standard has fluctuated up and down, with people flocking into the big cities looking for a better life. With the coming changes will be an acute return to living in tune with the spirit of nature. You may be quick to dismiss the need to live naturally but this is a fallacy. Just one example; each and everyone of you has a Merkaba that when activated can by itself save your life by producing all the heat and energy needed to stay warm in cold conditions. Dear Ones you already have all you need within, and once you have achieved a high enough state of consciousness you may give light to all that you could ever wish for.

 The thing many of you most long for is to sow the seeds of love in communion with friends and loved ones, key to that aim is to humble yourselves and take another look at situations or things which at first glance look hopeless and find the hidden value. Go about your daily lives with prudence and calm, not letting situations or events bug you. Your guides and angels are helping your enterprise into light, and we believe that you can overcome your circumstances.

 We of the Sirian Mothership send you our hearty and warm greetings and you have our deepest respect. Duality is like a treadmill however this balance of opposites is about to change. You will be carried forward and impelled on to meet the light and divide you from the dark. When we return it will be a time of merrymaking and with us woven together as one. Fiery spirits will turn up toward the light and in the course of time all will just 'get it'. You have turned a corner and are in a good place to move forward and selfishness will take flight and be blown to the wind.

Thank you Sirian Mothership.

Phil LightBody.

Views: 14

ET First Contact Radio With Judith Dagley
Guest Biography: 

BACKGROUND: -- -- I was born to hold the frequencies of the planet during a very dark and dangerous time; then, once stabilized, to assist in raising them. -- I was the daughter of a veterinarian, a professional actor for 20 years, then became (and still am) a licensed pysychotherapist, a shamanic practitioner, and a "channel." -- Gradually learned while growing up and through early adulthood that I communicated with animal and plants, am an empath, an intuitive, and finally about 10 years ago, that I am clairgnostic (meaning I communicate with energy, itself.) -- Began consciously "channeling" when I was dying. The Ninth Dimensional Pleadian Collective came through to remind me that I knew how to save my life by changing the energy template of my physical body. And so I did. Which was the beginning of MY huge Paradigm Shift! THE CELESTIAL TEAM & ME-- CURRENT STATUS: -- The celestial team asked me to go public with them in 2010. They said it was "time" to begin introducing our human collective to frequencies. -- Just after 12.21.12, they began to braid with me more. The "boundaries" between us began to blur. Then, they began to ask me to transmit most of the messages through my human consciousness. I understand why more clearly than ever NOW-- because there IS no separation. Because as beings of frequency, we all "channel" aspects of ourSELVES, and in this NEW Paradigm we have entered, we need to USE our NEW technology as beings of frequency. It is "TIME!" OUR (the celestial team/me) CURRENT FOCUS: NOW, the focus is on the physics of working with energy as a HUMAN being of frequency. We need to understand our own technology in order to shift OURSELVES into a 5th dimensional perspective-- OUT of the linear, fear-based paradigm of separation, INTO the interconnected, inclusive, paradigm of unity consciousness. We have been IN this NEW Paradigm since 12.21.12, recallibrating, getting "up to speed!" NOW, that process is completed. NOW, the "stakes are high," you might say. The confluence of energy we are currently in is extremely fluid and supportive of transition. It is referred to as the 4th dimension, which is a sort of bridge between the 3rd and the 5th. One can flip easily between the two while acclimating into the lower octave of the 5th. The 4th dimension is the only dimension that serves as such a transitional space, by the way, and that is because the perceptual "gap" between the 3rd and the 5th is so extreme. However, in terms of our human process, this "confluence of energy" is increasingly becoming more like the center of a wheel. The choices we make as to "how we would like to BE" become spokes. It is very easy to jump from one to the other right NOW, trying on frequencies, feeliing our way to our OWN resonance. But within another 3 months, the spokes will be a little farther apart, so a little more challenging to leap between. And so it will go. By around Sept. of 2016, they will be so far apart as "timeline traectories" that they will be VERY far apart. Soon after that, they will be SO far apart that none will be seen at all--except for the "reality" one has chosen-- through FREQUENCY resonance. So, you SEE why we (thecelestial team and I) are presenting the NEW ENERGY TELE-GATHERINGS! It is also why we prenented Energy Tele-Gatherings monthly through the last half of 2014. And why we do videos, and why I (Judith) presented the "POWER TOOLKIT For Energy Alchemists" in 2013... why I focus ALL of my attention 24/7 in learning, as a clairgnostic human/celestial being, on attuning to and working with these NEW Energies in our NEW Paradigm of BEing. Because this is THE moment, and it is humans who will make the shift for the entire universe! Why? Because there is no other being among us who is incarnate for the purpose of developing COMPASSION-- that is what we humans are here for.

- See more at:

Views: 3

St. Germain:

"The Dominoes are Falling Fast!"

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference May 12, 2015

"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is I, St. Germain. Can you feel the excitement, the exhilaration, the knowing that we are so close?And make no mistake! We would not be so close were it not for you and all of those who hold the Light for the great changes which are coming. Now I have a major, major responsibility in not only effecting the changes which are on the way, but, shall we say, the results of those changes for each and every one of you and, indeed, for all, all of Humanity and, by extension, for all residents of Planet Earth, and by extension further, out into your solar system and beyond!!!

"I have had lifetimes upon Planet Earth. I have experienced, witnessed and, indeed, been a participant in many of the events which were organized or orchestrated for the purpose of enriching, by their definition, those whom we call the dark hats. I learned something many, many, many years ago. And that is that they felt that they were somehow empowered to rule, to control, to contrive every program that could possibly be conceived, to support this agenda of theirs. And so it was going to be quite difficult, I could see, to convince them otherwise.

"And indeed, those of you who know the story of NESARA* know that even though they signed agreements - presidents signed on to the Law, the Divine Law called NESARA* - they went back on their word. And the biggest of these betrayals took place on

9-11-2001. Now, you all know that story. Suffice it to say that NESARA* was to have been announced that very morning at 10am Eastern time. You all know what happened. Blame was placed on people who were not the perpetrators. It was the inner, or shall we say, the higher group of dark hats who again - with no thought whatsoever to the many lives that would be lost, the devastating results, indeed with a callous indifference - they went ahead with their plan. And the World changed forever on that day.

"But we saw on that day also, that there was a capacity for compassionate Oneness, for people to connect in with their Higher Selves, with their Spirit Selves, with the One We All Are -the Light of Heaven. And that was a beautiful thing to see, because we knew then that Humanity could do it for sure!Humanity had already started on that course toward NESARA's Announcement and other Announcements and the entry into the Golden Age and so on. But that was a shining moment, as tragic as it was for the World.

"And make no mistake, we were with you and we felt what you were feeling in your Hearts. And there is no way that we can possibly diminish the damage that was done that day, other than to tell you that there was a shining Light that burned in the midst of all that darkness. And that, Beloved Ones, was the Light of Humanity's Higher Self! And so we have worked diligently to bring you to this very moment. And when I say, 'bring you,' make no mistake, you have been right there, partnering with us! But we have been engaged in some rather delicate maneuvers - an infinite number, in fact, in order to get this far.

"So what is life going to be like for you after NESARA is announced? I shall tell you this:You shall have Freedom that you have never had, not for the last thirteen thousand years on Planet Earth – Freedom to be in JOY, or shall we say, to en-JOY your lives as you never have before; Freedom to be out from under whatever financial burdens you may have been feeling, but that is only the start! Yes, I know, I know. Even for this one whose voice I am using now, to be free from financial challenges will be a most wondrous state of being!

"That’s just the beginning! You will have the Freedom to go where you wish to go. Ashtar and Company will hasten the development, the evolvement of the technologies that will even take you out into space, if you so desire! You will be able to enjoy Peace. Now, Peace within your own Hearts may not come immediately, but these high energies coming in are very uplifting - as much as you allow them to be. And we do advise that you allow them to be so!

"When you are feeling Peace in your Hearts, then you truly know that you are Love and you are Divine, and that you can go anywhere and do anything that you choose so to do so long as it is peaceful to all!!! In other words, just be Love, be loving and enjoy the Peace that comes to you, even as the World lays down its weapons - weapons of mass destruction and weapons of self-destruction.

"What is it that the drug and chemical companies have inflicted upon the population except self-destruction - self-destruct methods with all of the inventions and techniques and modalities? And there are better ways. Oh, it’s not that 'the baby should be thrown out with the bathwater!' It is simply that there will be a complete review. Those among you who are knowledgeable are invited to be in consideration of what it is that you see as needing to change in that area! And nutrition -nurturing yourselves with good, wholesome foods.That will become the way of life everywhere in the World when the control that these companies have had is no more!!!

"And what about energy?How are these spaceships going to be powered? Well, they will not be powered by nuclear fuel and they will not be powered with anything that is toxic. Imagine trying to power a spaceship, even a shuttle, by filling the gas tank! It's not going to happen, because that is not the way it is! Oh, yes, these spaceships are in existence right now. And everybody will be able to afford a ride, if they so choose - a ticket, for as long as there is money in existence!!!

"Now, isn’t this wonderful?! I have created a bank out of which I will be paying each and every one of you a grand amount of dollars, or yen ,or whatever it is that is your currency after NESARA is announced. And it will have real value, because it will be backed by gold and other precious metals. And there will be no more speculative money markets!!!

"Everything will be the same value. That will take a month or so to finalize, but the computer programs are already there. And, yes, the banks are already aware of it and it will be, as I see it, a very smooth transition. So that’s a big domino to fall, as Ashtar would say. So here I am, making sure that there is plenty of money so that everyone will have enough, probably more than most people have ever dreamed of having!

"And now I tell you I will give you enough so that you can be completely free of any debt, or any worries about how you’re going to pay for something. And, yes, before everyone gets theirs disbursed, those who are partners in the humanitarian prosperity programs shall be receiving sufficient funds to get the various changes implemented. Those are the new dominoes -cleaning up the air, the land and the water; making sure that everyone has shelter and food; making sure that every child has a family; making sure that those who need medical attention shall receive it. And the Arcturians are standing by to take it to a whole new level! And everybody will be able to afford all of these things, and more!!!

"But what is my goal in doing this anyway except to do away with money completely? So after all these new dominoes of the Golden Age have fallen, at the end the last domino will be that no one needs money because you will have evolved sufficiently that you can simply create whatever it is that you choose to create!!!

"Now that’s, shall we say, a little way off for most of you. It is not real for very many of you in this moment.Well, we do have many, many Masters from Higher Dimensional levels with us, and you can do this too, when you are conscious on that level, or even when you’re not - your focus is in 3D and yet you’re up there. But not many of you can gaze upon the palm of your hand and bring forth a diamond. There have been Masters walking this Planet who could do that.There are Masters right now who can do that! But not the most of you, and quite frankly, that’s not a very practical skill, unless the diamond is worth a lot of dollars, and we’ll leave it at that!

"There are other things that you can do and you do very well and you will eventually have the skills to do all of these kinds of things, readily available to you, shall we say, 24-7. You won’t hardly even have to give it a thought, much less work at developing it!!!

"So you can see that YOU are changing; YOU are evolving. And we understand that it is difficult sometimes to assimilate all of these energies or to what you call, 'wrap your minds around' how you will be as you continue to evolve. So I just want to assure you that it’s all wonderful; it’s all happening; it is coming very soon, this open doorway to the Golden Age, just as fast as we can open it for you!!!

"We shall continue with our services in this matter. We invite you to continue with yours. And how best you can serve, most Beloved, and most Honored Family, is to be Love - to express Love, to create out of Love, and to walk with us on this Joy-full, Joy-full Path that you have ordained. And so I thank you for your attention and I assure you that we are working together, and that the Golden Age is just ahead!!! And so it is. Namaste!"
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Madelaine Laros's photo.

FRIDAY, 29 MAY 2015

English -- SaLuSa 29 May 2015


Due to Mike Quinsey's annual holiday 

next message of SaLuSa will be on June 19th, 2015
    SaLuSa  29 May 2015

The old system continues to break apart as it no longer serves your need to expand your levels of consciousness. Also those who serve your interests are largely working with the old energies and whilst they remain, making more progress into the Light is a very slow affair. However the Lightworkers do have a voice and those seeking illumination will be drawn to those people who can guide them along a suitable pathway. Your intuition has a major role to play in guiding you in the direction that best suits your needs, and sometimes there is karma involved that may require you to experience progress in a certain way. Be assured once again that nothing of importance to your evolution happens by chance, and all experiences have their value. Sometimes the reasons may not be immediately apparent, but often in retrospect you can begin to see the lesson to be learnt. In these end times some lessons have been harsh, but you would be well advised to take note of the message they have given. However, do not worry about your degree of progress, as providing you handle your experiences with the intent to learn from them you will evolve. In fact, you would not have reached this far had you not been walking your path of illumination.

 This Age will prove to have been very successful in guiding you back to higher levels of consciousness, and indeed it was always the plan for those who were beginning to awaken to their true selves. Bear in mind that you eagerly volunteered to experience “lack” to test your ability to overcome such a situation. It was known that you always had the ability to do so, and now we know for certain how well you have overcome obstacles on your path to enlightenment.  Yet even so, you still have quite a way to go to achieve a level of full consciousness. Those of you who have awakened are rapidly becoming aware of the shortcomings and misleading guidance that has kept you in a state of confusion, but your Guides are working full time with you to ensure you are enlightened. The most important aspects of your experiences are those that emphasize the truth of your evolution, and give you a clearer picture of your true heritage. You are Gods in the making and your future lies not on any Earth such as you know now, but in the higher realms of Light.

You are learning from a number of sources that you are about to enter a period of extensive changes, and it is already beginning to happen. If you currently live where major changes are due to occur be assured that provisions are being made to ensure your safety. There will of course be some loss of life but for the souls involved it will be a desired release from their present experiences. Remember that nothing happens by chance, and all major events in particular are planned with attention to the life plans of the souls involved. Also realize that your awareness whilst on Earth is restricted by the low vibrations that you live in, but with the increase in the Light that is reaching it you are becoming awakened. Try to go through life with the full awareness that you are in truth indestructible, and no matter what happens to you now, you will fully recover once you leave the Earth. Look upon your experiences as role playing and try to understand the lessons that they are teaching you.

This year is one of change and in the very near future you will become enlightened as to the truth of your being. You are not your body but a beautiful Being of Light, and when you shed your physical body you will be free of the restrictions that you have experienced. In the higher realms you regain perfection in your higher vibrating body that will reveal you as you were as a younger soul. There is no place in them for anything less, so all of the trials and tribulations you experience now will no longer assail you. You move and exist in the lighter vibrations that respond to the power of thought. You will quickly adjust to them and enjoy the freedom that they give you. When you “arrive” after death of the physical body, the power of thought allows you to “restore” it in its perfect form and as a youthful Being once again. Indeed, if for the purposes of showing yourself as people remember you, you can “think” of how you would like to be seen. So if someone only knew you as an older person you can present yourself accordingly.

At present plans for the immediate future are well advanced, although the plans have been held back by interference from the dark Ones. At every turn they try to delay the inevitable, but without real success as we are aware of their planned attempts to do so. Once as you would say “the ball starts rolling” there will be no stopping its progress, and many changes will take place quite quickly. When all is in place you and the Earth will be ready to receive the first official visits from us, and it will be a time of celebration. Be assured that from our point of view that everything is ready for our arrival, and nothing will stop it from happening. So we tell you about the wondrous future for mankind so as to boost your expectations. Of course we ask you to exercise patience, as no events will manifest until the time is perfectly right, but our promises will be kept.

There are many, many souls fearful of the future as they see their familiar surroundings appearing to fall apart. When you have the opportunity try to convey the idea that it is all for the better, and that the old must be cleared away to allow the new to manifest. Earlier Ages at the end times have suffered major changes so as to allow a completely new start, and even in your recent history the evidence still exists. Remember at all times that you are victorious and you have so to say, passed the test and will not have to do it again. You are all the greater for it although you may not be aware of it at this time. When you know that you are all Brothers and Sisters regardless of color or beliefs and understand the Oneness of all souls, you are well on the road to complete understanding. Treat all as you would be treated yourself and you will be helping them to realise the immutable link that exists between you all.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to release more information at a time when so many of you are ready for the truth. There is a lot more to reveal but all will come in good time, and we certainly do not want to overwhelm you with too much at one once. We know that given a little of the truth gets you thinking of other possibilities and as you do so, your Guides will impress you with even more. Clearly many souls are not ready for the truth, and it will not be forced upon them. Some are still in the grips of a version of the truth largely given through religious teachings, but where these are in error their teachers will themselves become awakened and alter their approach. Keep good faith and never fear for what the future holds for you. Know that much love goes with you on your journey.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.   

The Beautiful Reality of Imperfection and Time For Change 28 May 2015 - Channeler: Brian, the dragon

Hi everyone, this is the Dragon

Your chosen reality is that of imperfection. It is also not set in stone to be that way.

You may ask, "What do you mean? I didn't choose this?" You did, by incarnating in an energy. You knew the result. You also, by coming in this time, chose to incarnate to help transmute the reality.

By Imperfection, we do not mean what you may think of for the word imperfection. Imperfection generally means that you consider something perfect, and something else imperfect. However, it's always arbitrary since it's a judgement, and that leaves All-That-Is as the only thing that can be perfect - which it is, of course. However, there's a less strict definition of perfection that is often used by channeled entities - especially when they say everything in their reality is perfect. The next part is a recap, since we've gone over this before..

Ideal Archetypes vs Imperfect Manifestations

We have talked about archetypes before. In your reality, things are built from nuts and bolts, screws and nails, dirt and water, protons and electrons and never match the ideal archetype of that thing. For instance, the ideal vehicle would be unbreakable and perfectly safe, perfectly aerodynamic, have the highest possible gas mileage or electric range, be very fast of course and very attractive. It would never scratch or dent or even get dirty. The ideal grass would be perfectly plush and vividly green with no bare spots and the ideal garden would be geometrically arranged with precision or naturally arranged with natural beauty with each flower vivid and colorful, with no yellowing, browning, and no imperfections in the flowers. Every bud would be blooming, since why wouldn't it? In a high vibrational, less physical reality, beings typical manifest to their ideal archetypes, since it's actually less work to do it that way. Creating decay, break-ability, and other "imperfections" actually requires more energy and attention. Furthermore, another facet of that perfection in other realms is the ability to just change something with the speed of thought. Tired of the garden having so many purple flowers? Think them to red, and "poof".

So, that less strict definition of a perfect reality involves things being what you would imagine the ideal archetype to be, and those things being easily changeable by thought alone and very little action.

Your reality is special in that things are painstakingly built, they are flawed in that they break-down over time, and changing things is sometimes very hard and time-consuming. From your perspective, this may seem like the norm. However, your kind of experience is much less common than that of the less strict definition of perfection that we just presented. And by special, we have to say that many beings are quite envious and amazed of what you are going through. Sometimes, they just didn't have the guts to do it themselves. Nevertheless, it does get old and we know many of you are thirsting for change.

Your Reality is Malleable

Now, let's get into the crux of this message:

Many of you are here to transform the reality from that of imperfection to something more perfect.

Did you know that if everyone on Earth in your time thought that you wanted this all to change, with all your heart, that it would change instantly? Furthermore, it wouldn't even take everyone. That's how powerful you are collectively.

However, plenty of people think that the way things are right now "works fine". They are comfortable with it, or they want more but are conflicted in that they have a goal in mind, are playing this game, and feel compelled to continue. There are a lot of things that also fly in your face constantly to remind you of the limitations that you have accepted so far for this life. There are things that create disbelief that it can ever change. Well, it can.

As more become disillusioned with the way things are, the first impulses is they try to use physical means to change it. That doesn't work so well, but is usually the first evolution of change manifestation. It happens at both the individual and social levels. Your last few centuries had a lot of social examples of this. Things will break and not work right. Other people will get in the way. People just get caught up in the process of bringing about change and their power is stripped in the process. The end result is just being reminded of the reality you are trying to escape from. You see this a lot in politics. Very passionate people tend to get chewed up by the machinery. Change becomes slow and grueling. This way, only through decades of toil do results show. However, they do.

Nevertheless, there's a much easier way...

Some people transcend that physical thinking and realize that through spiritual, non-physical means, they can create change. This is a pure form of manifestation. In your reality, it involves pure thought from the heart and enough doing that. Your minds are powerful, and collective minds are especially. It doesn't even take overwhelming numbers of those who have belief and awareness to know they can change through thought. It can overwhelm a large amount of willy-nilly manifestation done without awareness as is typically done by the human being, such as the more physical approach to creating change that we talked about.

Then, to really amp things up, you take that heart thought manifestation, and anchor it a bit. You create a little grounding, by doing a little physical in so much as is necessary to allow synchronicities and alignments to occur. Then you go from the ripples the heart felt thought creates to waves of force that flush change through the physical.

The trick is not getting too caught up in the details.

What It's For

This kind of manifestation is not for cleaning your study or repainting your house. You can have all the heart-thought you want on those kinds of things and you just aren't at the vibrational level collectively for those kinds of changes to occur except in a blue moon. Physical things still take physical action in you reality and it will be a while before that changes.

This kind of heart-felt manifestation is right now most useful in the abstract things... "I want people to be nicer to each other" or even "I feel like I want to bump into nice people today". Or even, "I want that buyer that would love my house to actually be shown it by an agent". Those kinds of things are much easier for the universe to provide alignments and synchronicity for since it doesn't involve changing something of a more physical nature. Instead, these are things where you could call it "good luck" if you didn't believe in anything but coincidence. Anything where you can say it's "good luck" or "bad luck" is very malleable. However, no amount of "good luck" is not going to change the color of your house when you walk outside. It could result in a painter coming to your door with a very low quote. That's the difference.

Don't Overthink Things

Another thing you have been told by us and other entities time and time again is don't overthink the manifestations either. For instance, going back to the paint example. In your heart, you think "I want my house a different color" and then you think, "Well to do that, it's probably going to cost me X and I need to get job on the side because I can't save up enough for X with my main job, but I don't really know what I can do for that, blah blah blah" and you just close the door for magic to occur. Need we say more? I think all of you can understand WHAT to avoid doing to yourself when trying to manifest, and then it's a matter of just conditioning yourselves to avoid it.


Anyway, this century of yours is really a practice field for achieving this new way of doing things. It's a very abstract thing without a rule book and you will have to re-learn it. As you begin having successes, you will be reminded in an "aha!" sort of way of how it works and slowly evolve back into a new flavor of what you already were before coming here - a spirit in the realm of perfection.

With Love,
The Dragon


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You’re Here to Help Others, so Keep Your Strength May 28, 2015 By Wes Annac


I wrote an article a few days ago entitled ‘Stay Strong, World Changers’, and I’d like to return to the subject of strength because it’s relevant to my life and my experiences lately.

Life will send things our way that make us want to throw in the towel, and I’ll admit that my hardest times have left me wondering what I should do next or if I should even try to continue. It’s easy to let the pains and burdens of life keep us from being who we are, but their hold over us gets stronger when we keep giving in to them.

We have to look difficulty and negativity in the eye and boldly proclaim that they won’t stop us from shining our light. We have to find our sacred center no matter what difficulties we have to deal with every day, and we can’t expect the world to be strong if we don’t persevere and keep our own strength.

How are we going to change the world if we can’t even get past our own issues? We came here to persevere through all of the hard times we knew we’d have to face, and when the pain piles up and we don’t feel like we can keep going, we have to remember that we aren’t the only ones who suffer.

Everyone around us suffers in one way or another, whether they’re ‘conscious’ or not, and the first step to healing our own issues is recognizing that we aren’t alone in the struggle to stay centered and active in the midst of all of the pain.

Realizing that everyone is struggling in their own way can allow us to see our struggle in a new light, and if we allow ourselves, we can rise up and become a voice of reason through all of the pain, chaos and uncertainty.

It requires us to get past whatever holds us back, but if we can do this, we can emerge into the world as a force for love, compassion, and most importantly, healing. We can lend an ear to the people around us who struggle as much as we do, and we can do it with an open heart and a mind that’s willing to commit to the pursuit of helping others.

We can change the world by first looking deep within to heal whatever keeps us from fulfilling our role, and no matter how much progress we make, there’ll be times when the negativity or depression is just too strong and we have to bow out for a while, work on ourselves a little, and reemerge ready to contribute again.

We can’t ignore any negativity that comes to the surface, and our pain will never go away if we don’t embrace it and heal it. It’ll always be there to remind us of everything about ourselves and our life we don’t care for, and until we deal with it, it’ll always be a monkey on our back that we can’t seem to shake.

We can shake it, but we have to keep trying and refuse to give up when it overwhelms us. We have to use all of our inner faculties to surface and heal our pain, and helping others will become a lot easier once we achieve this.

We’ll be able to use our experience to help others through their pain, and while we aren’t necessarily here to help people through every little problem, we are here to help them heal so they too can emerge and uplift the world.

We’re here to help those among us who also have the potential to get the world’s attention, and the next time you face an impossible obstacle, even one that makes you feel massively depressed, just relax, take a deep breath and try again when you’re ready.

I’d imagine this life is one of the hardest things we’ll ever do, and if you subscribe to a similar outlook on spirituality as me, you’re likely convinced that things will get easier as we raise our vibration and greet higher states of consciousness.

I genuinely believe the struggle will lessen as we raise our vibration, and our challenges will be a lot different. We’ll still be challenged and we’ll still have to look for solutions to certain issues, but the difference will be that we aren’t weighed down by the heaviness of a dense reality that seems driven by fear and hatred.

We’ll exist in a much lighter, freer state of consciousness, and the pains and difficulties that once brought us down will be seen for what they really are: illusions that we were convinced were real. They aren’t, and all it takes to realize this is an active investigation of every last ill that brings us down.

They don’t have the power over us that we’ve given them, and we can work our way through them if we’re willing to persevere and call on our higher consciousness to assist us when the cards seem stacked against us.

Nobody ever said we have to go through this journey alone, and especially when it comes to our creative and spiritual work, we have more assistance than we realize and all we need to do is open up to benefit from it.

It requires an open heart and a diminished ego, and if we have trouble opening the heart or feeling any kind of love, we might want to look within to figure out why our love seems blocked and why we can’t seem to find any positive, balanced or aligned emotions.

We’ll figure it all out if we stay dedicated to our inner search and to the creative work that can help us explore our issues, and strength will always be important to our creative and spiritual exploration.

Strength will see us through when we struggle too much to carry on, so stay strong and don’t listen to that critical voice in your head that makes you think you’re nothing and you should just give up. Please don’t give up, because the world needs your light and chances are that you’ve only begun to understand what you can do.

Keep active and keep your strength intact, and call on your intuition frequently to receive the internal guidance we all require to thrive. The higher self is very real, and this higher consciousness is with us in every single moment. After realizing it exists, the next step is to call on it to receive its strength, support and assistance.

Once we’re connected with our higher consciousness and we can funnel any difficulty we experience up to it, the stresses will become easier and we’ll be able to focus more fully on our passion and our purpose.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, May 27, 2015 –

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.


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Caroline Nettle: What Are You Worried About? May 27, 2015 By Graham Dewyea

As a species, we have really perfected the art of worrying. We worry about everything in tiny detail, as if worrying about it will lessen the blow, or make whatever we are trying to avoid not happen.

We worry about whether or not we are going to get old, sick, die, or any variation on this theme. We worry about poverty, the job market, our social standing and any variation on this theme. We worry about the country, the planet, our towns and villages. We worry about not being good enough, being too good, being rejected, ignored, noticed and any variations on those themes.

What is worry?

Worry is the least effective way of changing the very thing that is causing you to worry in the first place. If you have heard about the Law of Attraction, you will have read about how whatever you focus on will be attracted into your life. Even if you don’t believe this, have you read any of the studies that prove that people praying for someone who is sick have vastly improved their recovery rate? If you have, you will begin to understand a little of how important it is to really start to look at where you are focusing your attention if you want to improve your life.

If I worry non-stop about crashing my car, will that prevent me from crashing my car? If you follow the philosophy of the Law Of Attraction, worrying about crashing my car will send a message to the universe to crash my car because that is what I am focusing my attention on. A different way of looking at that is to think about how worrying steals a lot of our energy. If I spend 70% of my time worrying about (insert the relevant item/ event here) then I am effectively worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet and actually may never happen at all.

Worry is always about something that is in the future or the past. Take a moment to look at your life right here, right now. Is this a reality for you here and now? Do you have the power to prevent it by worrying? (Obviously the answer to that question is no.)

Since the Power of Now by Eckharte Tolle and many others are saying that now is the only moment that we have and that living in the now is the way to happiness, worry seems to be a thing we can learn to live without. Everything in the past is gone and everything in the future doesn’t exist yet in the now.

Worrying about something does not change the event or item that you are trying to avoid. In fact, you are sending negative attention to a situation over and over again, and thus potentially attracting it into your life. A different approach may be to send loving healing thoughts to the situation or person, as we know these can be powerful. An added benefit of this is that it feels good as we are doing something positive for someone else.

An example of this is someone worrying about their health. I am assuming they are not blaming their heritage, or someone else for their disease, but are just worrying about the treatment or the diagnosis that they have received. Instead of worrying, take control. Find out what you can do to best understand your disease, and then make an informed decision about how you want to go forwards with this situation. Look into thought patterns, lifestyle, food, or anything that may help to relieve your symptoms. Give yourself the very best opportunity to do something positive towards your state of health. Will it always turn out how you want it to? Maybe not, but you will have invested your energy in doing your best to give yourself a good chance of recovery.

Another question is what are you depriving yourself of because you are worrying so much? If I am worried about what other people might think, do you think that will make me spontaneous and free? If I am paralysed by worry, life will be very small and probably quite uncomfortable. Imagine if you were able to train your brain to think differently, and to worry less.

Imagine how much more time you would have to lead a full life, experiencing new things and people and really having the chance to enjoy life, and find out who you really are. Each and every one of us has gifts that we are supposed to share with the world. Does worry prevent you from sharing yours?

Source:“What Are You Worried About?” by Caroline Nettle, not dated, at

Original link: What Are You Worried About?

How Important Is It To Tell The Truth?
By Troy Rampy, Editor, The Wellness Blog™

“All of us contain Music & Truth, but most of us can’t get it out.”
—- Mark Twain
Okay. Here’s one of my favorite topics. And one I struggle with as much as the next guy.
When I was growing up, I had a natural tendency to tell the truth, always. I was brought up with that ethic and it felt quite natural to me. But at some point, as I observed my peers and the adults around me, and I began watching movies and programs on television, I soon learned that not everyone shared that point of view.
Indeed, when I saw how things really worked in the world, I soon came to the conclusion that the smart guys were the ones who had a creative relationship with the truth. Certain things just sort of worked better, easier, when the truth was shaved a bit.
Everyone knows that. Right?
Well, yes. And no. It’s correct that things may initially go a little easier, but there is always a price we pay. There is this slow ebbing of self esteem and self love that begins to accrue over time. We begin to form the internal opinion of ourselves that we are not exactly trust-worthy. And after a while, we begin to project that mistrust out onto others, and onto the world in general.
And with mistrust comes a certain tension. You know, stress. And it begins to calcify: in our thoughts; in our emotions; in our behaviors; in our beliefs; in our body.
So what does telling the truth have to do with reducing stress? The short of it is, everything! Telling the truth truly promotes well-being. And anything that does that also reduces stress.
Behaviorists tell us that lying may be innate to the human species. It comes about for two genetically programmed reasons: to receive rewards and/or to avoid punishment.
For some of us, whether or not we lie depends on our calculation of the reward/punishment equation. This is called “situational honesty.” But because most of us are taught by our parents that lying is wrong, it always creates stress … whether or not we consciously recognize it.
Some lies create only a little internal conflict and negligible stress. For example, when we tell “white lies” (“Boss, I really love that psychedelic necktie.”), it might create little or no internal conflict. But when we lie about something that is more meaningful to us— spousal infidelity for example— we are likely to feel a great deal of stress.
If we can become aware of and move beyond the reward/punishment paradigm, we might begin to experience that telling the truth, in all situations, actually makes us feel good. We would feel we are in sync with some larger purpose and that there is something right and good about our life and the way we are living it.
So here’s your challenge. As one of my teachers once said, strive to tell the truth, always. If that is something that doesn’t come easily to you, begin the practice of telling the truth in your most intimate relationships: with your spouse or significant other; with your children; with your family; with your closest friends.
Then expand that circle of truth to include your co-workers, neighbors, and community. Feel free to use tact and diplomacy when appropriate, but don’t let fear of giving offense get in the way of telling the truth, always.
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