Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How to help people in the Transition? ~ Ashtar via Gabriel RL ....and more

How to help people in the Transition? ~ Ashtar via Gabriel RL

How to help people in the Transition?

The Galactic Plan 

 Accessing Akashic Records

Ashtar - 09.02.2015 

Through Gabriel RL

Translation Jéssica Braga

Greetings, Family,
We are at an important time of your progress as a collective. It´s really a moment of big internal changes and improvement in your ways. Dear Family, you are at a crucial point of your earthly history and now you will be further called to what were in fact to do there. Remember that as a wayshowers, is deposited in each one of you the real confidence and in each step of you, gesture and word, are being observed and considered by many as examples.

See, dear, what you represent, what you have always represented. Although for a long time, the systems designed to keep each one of you in the cocoon of ignorance has overwhelmed you, by no means it extinguished the bright Light of your hearts. Lives and more lives have passed on Earth; as much as those who wished to see the defeat of you as a race, planned against you, they would never erase the flame of your hearts that remained constantly lit on the internal memory of the mission of each one of you.

The point now, where the beloved Earth crosses in the space, where it bathes increasingly in the Christ Light is a point spoken for many. In this, beloved, note that your actions will take larger proportions within the capacity of each one of you in moving powerful electric currents of Light. Your actions will become more watched, both by those who desperately seek a point of Light, as for those who still live in the darkness of misunderstanding. In this, beloved family, enlighten and bless the lower vibrations with the pulsating Light of your hearts, recognizing that those who resist the Light and remain in darkness just need love so they can rise. Remember that no being who has planned against humanity and committed crimes against it will go unpunished before the higher law, but consider always to send your purest vibrations of love so that their redemption come faster, or to that being still resident in darkness.

The area in the ​​space where you cross now, on your way to the higher dimensions, will bring many electric shocks on all your bodies. The intensity of these currents will rise as the plan advances and the pulse of the Creator becomes more intense. One of the first things noticed by you in mission on Earth will be the restoration of your memories by placing you again in touch with your divine heritage and strengthening in you, increasingly, self-love, since when actually you remember who you truly are, as an explosion of Light, will be seen the conditioning implanted on you by the brothers of darkness be dissolved quickly.

Many of you have already experienced it of smooth way, and some harder, but as you advance in the Plan, will realize more intensely the return of your memories. There will be no parades, no more breaks to the plan to take place, we are in an accelerated manner, but controlled, advancing and with the legal and safe measures so that the Earth and all body of physical life support and suits the new vibrations. Thousands of our Mother Ships, as well as patrol ships, guarantee to your Earth days the protection for the Earth to safely enter the high vibrations without major hassles. Understand that this is a huge work we do in love to your mother planet and to each one of you who are in it. You, beloved Seed of Stars are coming from various constellations of this universe, some members of the fleets of Ashtar Command and other blessed commands watching and ensuring the worlds in theirs evolutional trajectories. Now it is time, beloved, to remember who you really are, it's time to raise the torch of love and radiate the Light of your hearts!

Gabriel: Dear Ashtar, sorry to interrupt, but it is an honor to receive your message so unexpectedly (as almost always you like to do with me, which makes me happy and always very confident). I'm actually trembling of emotion and gratitude!

Ashtar: (loving smile) Well, remember always, Gabriel, that when you (and any other) is in alignment, it is the exact moment where we can unite with you more directly in telepathy, not only through messages like this, but through various other ways that we love to contact you. If you listen to music and come into harmony with us, we like to enter the frequency of where you are hearing music and, by it, to transmit our message, as well as through any other way, what we want is you feeling that we are here, even for a short time, invisible to you, but we are here, in just a raising of vibration.

Gabriel: I would like to ask a question within the theme you are passing me if possible...

Ashtar:  (Smiling) - Yes, breathe, find your loving center and ask. Of the same way, wait for my answer...

Gabriel: Okay, come on. Some people ask me how they should act when changes, lets say, start to take place on the physical plan, changes which will not leave margins for doubt. Yes, of course, we know that there are many things going on, but I tell people that, with all due respect, feel the need to see something more tangible. So what should we do to help many people who possibly will come into despair when faced with what for so long they believed not to be real and the great movement that will be on the planet. Could you also explain to them how they should act and to all who read this message. (I hope I have been clear in the question, I'm trembling and thrilled. Breathing and waiting for a response...)

Ashtar:  Beloved, Oh dear ... Star Seeds, wayshowers, that's right, that´s what I mean when I say it's time to wake up and show yourselves as you really are. The lighthouses of Light on this planet. Many people, dear ones, feel the energy emanated by you and seek on you the comfort for their pain and confusion. Many, many others still need to find their center and you that now see the whole Plan unfolding of a more conscious way will become the lit lamps in end of the tunnel, where those other dear souls will follow.

The important, very important by the way, is that always respect the free will of these souls, dear ones, asking you for some orientation. Just as when many begin to see the Mother Earth adjust itself physically, displacing its tectonic plates harmoniously in order to flush out the denser energies of her womb, as well as the movement of water in some regions start to rise, will look for a safe place, and here I do not say a place physically secure, because, as you see the beloved Earth already adjust itself every day and for many of you it is almost imperceptible these adjustments, but I mean a safe place emotionally. It is time, dear human being, of emotional security.

Dear wayshowers, be emotionally secure, be spiritually secure, be secure in your loving center, because in crossing the Galactic Plan, the emotional security is the greatest force. Guide, help, explain, be a living example of security and love, soothing souls that in the tremors and internal fears will search the best and highest place. Many who made fun of your first explanations will come back to see you and we ask that in the name of Love, to offer them the warm embrace of trust and warmth, renewing on them the Faith, Strength and Love, giving them a look of security, so that in this simple look, they resume their forces and from that moment on, can be more wayshowers for others to com e still asleep.

Safety and respect for the free will of your fellows, beyond what I have already quoted, are the best way to help the souls who will seek you. Do not have any fear of anything at all, because there is nothing to fear. Just as we said many times that you can count on us and that your space family is here. In the same way we do with you, passing security and faith, we ask you to guide to internal security the souls that seek you, only with a loving look. We are doing this with you now who read our words and will listen after in an audio recording. We look to you (Close your eyes... and see us...)

Gabriel: Oh God! What beautiful eyes I see! Thank you sir! I see big and beautiful bright eyes! They are your, dear Ashtar?

Ashtar:  We said that we look for you. (Smile)

May the steps of your path be examples, beloved ones. It's time to lift up your vibrations and remember who you are, the time has come and these electric currents of Light that you feel now going through your bodies are clear signs that you are more sensitive and anchoring more Light in you, speeding the process, increasing your extrasensory abilities and becoming again the galactic beings of various confederations that are here now, around the Earth waiting their members again.

Beloved Family, I say goodbye now in this transmission, trusting to you once again our words, asking you if possible, to surrender to as much people as you can, and do not be afraid, the people who will understand our words are already in your way, believe that no movement is done without a harmonious and blessed sync, where everything is connected.

Feel our words in your hearts and have discernment; again we ask, with all the information you see, some, beloved ones, by personal choices wish to impersonating us and in order to bring panic and fear, use of catastrophic ideas to promote despair. Always remember to read and listen with your heart. Our message is not meant to bring despair, but only the feeling that we always talk about: The Family feeling, the warmth and coziness of the family.

The Mother Earth passes and will continue passing for physical and spiritual changes, throughout the ages, because everything in creation is booming, everything is being refined. Do not believe, nor give credit to news of world catastrophes or any nuclear war idea, we are here to make sure, as we said, that you pass through the Plan of the best way as possible and with the greatest comfort possible.

We love you always, at all time. Feel our embrace, the  family hug.

And so it is.


Your brother,


Gabriel: Gratitude always beloved Ashtar!  

Thanks to:  : Sementes das Estrelas 

Please respect all credits.

This author archives: RL

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. 
Individually anyone can be helped to find self Truth that is different to each of us. 

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We are preparing for the re-entry of massive ancient energies and energy fields which have lain dormant for billions of years.

With it come the age-old challenges for souls who have incarnated onto this planet – some who have been here from the beginning, and some who incarnated in later civilizations and the last huge one, which was Atlantis.  Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Mexico, Peru, China, etc. were build on the foundations of what has been before, merely building on the same building blocks, but haven lost most of the higher meaning and the potent energies, higher dimensions of that time.

All of the soul who incarnate onto this planet, are briefed before entering on the conditions on this planet, the life and lifestyle and that they would be entering one of the toughest schools there are in soul growth.  In that it is mainly because of old “negative” patterns which mankind created in all those billions of years of life on this planet, which were self-destructive.   It was almost a cycling tendency of mankind to always build and destroy and then destroy more.

The higher meaning is that we, as humankind, were about the only species in the cosmos who managed to fall from the 7th and higher dimensions and the state of Light-Being into the 3rd and animal world, and so, this lifetime is all about mastering the lessons of what has come before and to create new, and more holistic life patterns which will finally have taught us some incredible lessons in self-mastery, and in harnessing the forces of the cosmos, not in a self-destructive way, but in a life-enhancing way.

When I do soul readings I often will tap into the greatness of the lives of the souls in incarnations before and then I often wonder, how it is that souls who had experience such power and greatness in one lifetime, would somehow fall under the spell of power and abuse it in the next.  Or they would allow their own power to be taken away from them, although in most cases this was more or less the trend of the whole humanity at the time, e.g. when women lost their power and were more or less enslaved by the male principle who wished to mind control everything, and to take the soul out of the female principle.

Underlying all human behavior patterns is FEAR.  Fear not only keeps the soul prisoner of the Maya, the Illusion spun by the mass consciousness of the planet, but also most makes human beings behave in irrational ways.  With fear, mostly come shame and guilt, and the tendency to self-destruct – which means beating oneself up, believing one has not worth, that one is somehow flawed, or not measuring up.  It also the fear of the Unknown and what you human beings do not know, nor understand, they fear and wish to destroy.  Yet, what one is not measuring up to, nor understands,  is but another illusion spun by the mass opium of those who wish to keep the masses in fear and imprisonment of their own minds and belief systems.

Perhaps the greatest lessons to master for all souls and on all levels, is the acknowledgement that most fears as but illusions of the mind.  It is not that fear does not serve a higher purpose: – it does!  It teaches us to question the truth of the illusion and to act in spite of it all, for once we act the fear vanishes, like mist evaporates on a sunny day.   There are of course those situations in life where the innate fear is a warning signal that all is not kosher and that we should be on the alert, but again it serves in immeasurable ways to teach us to question what lies within and without and what is withholding our action into expanded Beingness, by buying into that fear.

I have found that the more I question, the more answers come.

The more one knows: – the less one knows.

When one stand at the expansive KNOWING and KNOWLEDGE of the cosmos, one tends to shrink, for truly there is so much vastness and infinite space of infinite wonder to explore and make your own in the cosmos: -you can never say you know it all, nor that you have even reached a fraction of knowing that is available on the cosmic scale.

The infinite higher mind is always re-creating itself and ever expanding upon itself, and so the is the infinite higher heart-love energy.  It is never stagnant and therefore souls go through the same evolutionary process, ad infinitum.

What we know, or think we know, on this planet, is indeed very primitive compared to the immense knowledge that other galaxies and star systems have, and we all stem from the 12 Master Galaxies of the Great Central Suns who created planet earth all those billions of years ago.

We are but infants in the cosmic playgrounds, and who are we then to think we know it all?

On earth power games, mind games, are nothing – they have no clout in infinite space and once we start realizing to what extend we allow ourselves to buy into the illusions of power play on this planet, we allow ourselves to be shrunk on soul level.   When we stop allowing ourselves to be shrunk, we step into infinite possibilities of soul growth and reclaiming our soul power, which in truth is infinite.

As above – so below.  As within – so without.  The law of cause and effect.

These three infinite Universal Laws are the keys to all existence and to all of creation.

What is there in infinite space, repeats itself in earthly planes, to the TEE.

What is there WITHIN us reflects without.

We are not power-less but power-full.

The more we connect at deep and profound SOUL level to the infinite BEINGNESS which is our central place under the Central Suns, uniquely our own, within the greater SOUL GROUP we belong to, and we LIVE our soul name, calling and higher purpose, the more we can tune in cosmically.  We do not need the earthly knowledge and earthy realms to keep us bound to their way of thinking and being.  We are freed up to be, and become in infinite ways.  We are not earthly bound anymore.  We have claimed our cosmic citizenship and our right to cosmic Being.

We realize that we are but on this planet for an eye-wink in eternity.  Yes, not even an eye-wink, not even one single God-breath in the infinity.

Yet, we think it is a big deal.  We shrink ourselves; we allow others to shrink us.  We buy into illusions of how our lives should be, or not be, of how we should live, what we should eat, how to dress, what to have in order to be a “somebody”, but even being a “somebody” does not bring the ultimate state of evolvement, nor enlightenment.

It is buying into the insanity of being and trying to find saneness.

Maybe I should replace that with saint-hood.

Why this planet is the greatest and toughest school of soul mastery there is, is just because of this insanity and the attempt to imprison the mind and soul of those therein.  In the insanity, there is sanity, for it teaches the soul immense lessons, of finding it own way out of the Maya, Illusion, and into the realms of infinity WITHIN the SOUL.

The Higher Mind and the Higher Soul is always connected, plugged into the Infinite Source.  It cannot be other, for one fraction of the soul is remains attached to the Divine Source, ad infinitum.  We cannot ever be separated from the Source.  It is impossible.

All paths lead within.

Yet we all have free will and choice what we do with the life eye-wink on earth.  With every single act, comes a reaction.  With every single thought – a creation.  We create in a sense our own cages, our own prisons. 

When we start tapping into the infinite freedom of the soul, and higher mind within, we expand into someone other – the Higher Soul Self, the Higher Mind, and we literally can span dimensions, move into remembering parallel lives and existence, and claim our cosmic heritage and citizenship.  We are boundless, we have our home in galaxies and star systems and infinite possibilities of ever greater expansion of cosmic awareness.

There is nothing new under the Great Central Suns.  The infinite expansions, ever upon it-self, continue and new Suns are born, but all the Suns are still the Suns of the Suns.  Ad infinitum.

The lessons in power are essentially the lesson of each soul.  We are what change the world.  The outer world we manifested over the ages, the self-destructive ways, will only change to the extent that we allow ourselves to change WITHIN.

Such is the truth of the heavens.

And such are the immense lessons in Soul Mastery.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings:

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 are getting Matrix-style brain implants to boost their memory

People are getting Matrix-style brain implants to boost their memory

Tanya Lewis  Sep. 14, 2015


  • The MatrixWarner Bros.

Like something out of the Matrix, we're entering an era where it may be possible to boost your memory with a few zaps to the brain.

A few dozen people who were given brain implants that delivered targeted shocks to their mind's memory center scored better on memory tests, DARPA announced at a conference in St. Louis last week.

These implants could someday be used to restore memory to people suffering from traumatic brain injury or other neurological problems, agency representatives said.

"As the technology of these fully implantable devices improves, and as we learn more about how to stimulate the brain ever more precisely to achieve the most therapeutic effects, I believe we are going to gain a critical capacity to help our wounded warriors and others who today suffer from intractable neurological problems," program manager Justin Sanchez said in a statement.

Total recall?

The goal of the study, which is part of DARPA's Restoring Active Memory (RAM) program, was to allow scientists to read and interpret the brain activity involved in forming and recalling memories and predict when a person is about to remember something incorrectly. The electrodes can then be used to deliver targeted electrical shocks to specific groups of brain cells that store a memory, making it more easily accessible, according to DARPA.

A team of USC scientists that is not part of the DARPA effort has also been working for several years on developing brain implants to boost and enhance memory in rats and other animals, but this is the first time this kind of technology has been tested in humans.

The people who received the implants volunteered to test them while they were having brain surgery for neurological problems unrelated to memory loss.

During the surgery, scientists implanted small electrode arrays in brain regions involved in forming declarative memories — the kind of memory used to remember events, times, places, or lists of objects — as well as in areas involved in spatial memory and navigation.......READ MORE>>>>>





Views: 5

Jesus via John Smallman: Love is Always Present, Like the Air you Breathe. September 15, 2015

John’s audio reading is available here.

We are One, there is no separation. Deep within you know that, and we here in the spiritual realms have been reminding you of this regularly for a very long time.

Modern physics knows it, but does not wish to state it quite so simply because it would appear to show that physicists have discovered the existence of God and must therefore become believers. That is something the vast majority of them are not yet ready to admit to.

The evidence is clear, very clear, but these physicists are focusing on “far more important issues,” they are still seeking the smallest and most basic particles in the universe via the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, and yet Reality is infinitely vast! Meanwhile their spiritual thoughts are kept private and, if possible, left undisturbed.

However, the human collective is way ahead of the game here because so many books, articles, and documentaries have shown irrefutably that humans are far, far more than chemical reactions and electro-magnetic impulses in the brain. The reality of spirit has been demonstrated again and again, and only those who have chosen to remain in denial of the truth of this refuse to admit it.

Denial is used because this truth is terrifying for many and it enables them to dismiss the possibility of spirit as wishful thinking by those who are afraid of death while themselves maintaining an air of nonchalance about the shocking brevity and seeming lack of meaning of an individual human life.

But of course life is never ending, it is eternal, as you well know, and the illusory state of existence you experience as humans on Earth is but a brief dream or nightmare from which you are shortly to awaken.

Signs of humanity’s awakening are evident all across the world as love, shelter, food, and resettling assistance is offered again and again to immigrants fleeing repressive regimes and war zones. Yes, humanity is most definitely very close to awakening, and nothing and no-one can prevent it from happening.

You, the Light holders and Light workers who read this and other channeled messages from the spiritual realms, absolutely know this and are doing essential work in bringing it about. And that work is simply your constant intent to be loving in every moment of your lives. The flood of Love that you are creating and extending is, like Reality, VAST!

When doubts arise for you as a result, for instance, of mainstream news reports of the intolerable suffering of so many due to war and other man-made atrocities, or due to extreme weather, fire, earthquakes or volcanic activity, remind yourselves of the work you are doing and of its inevitable success.

Then, once more, strengthen your intent to send love to all those on your lovely planet who are in need and who are suffering, because that is the most powerful and effective thing you can do, and it is most powerful because it is the Will of God being put into practise by all of you.

As I said above: All are One. Therefore helping another is helping yourself. However, the illusion, the realm of the ego, strongly suggests that taking care of the self to the exclusion of others is the only sane way to live, while perhaps offering a certain amount of compassion and charity to others if it does not demand too much of your personal limited resources. The reasoning behind that attitude, apart from a strong belief in the reality of the illusion, is the fear of scarcity that is separation and the ensuing lack of Love experienced in that state.

As you have been told so often there is only Love, because God is Love, and all that exists is contained within God, Who is the infinitely vast Reality, the energy field from which all life flows, the Source. So each and every sentient being is the same as God, just as every individual drop of water anywhere on the planet is identical to all the rivers, lakes, and oceans combined. There is no difference between them.

Of course the planet’s water has been severely contaminated in many places, but it is still water, much as humanity’s attitudes have been contaminated by its apparent separation from Source, and so the purity of Love seems lacking. As guardians of planet Earth, humanity is responsible for cleaning up the damage it has caused and restoring it to its natural state. More and more of you are becoming aware of this grave responsibility and are taking steps to do so. That is Love in action.

Love, your natural state, cannot be contained but it has been hidden or denied and then forgotten because of your choice to experience separation from God and therefore from one another. When Love is absent great fear arises and peace is impossible between either individuals or nations.

Psychology has recently – psychology being but a recent advance in starting to understand the basic essential non-physical needs of humans – learnt that self-respect and self-acceptance are essential aspects of a well-balanced and healthy individual. In other words to love oneself is essential for good health. When an individual truly loves the self with which it identifies, that love then flows outwards to embrace all life and that is your path to awakening.

Psychology is really only following along behind the ongoing human awakening process and observing its effects. Yes, it can be very helpful to those trapped in fear, loathing, and self-hatred, helping them to see that those deeply ingrained beliefs are utterly unwarranted, and by then assisting them to open themselves to the fact that they deserve and are entitled to love. However, it is due to the ever-increasing intensity of the power of the Tsunami of Love that your work is causing that is bringing humanity rapidly forward to its most gloriously anticipated moment of awakening.

Love is always present, like the air you breathe, but you all have the choice to accept or reject It, and the numbers now openly accepting and indeed embracing It are increasing daily, bringing humanity to the tipping point, the point at which the collective, having already chosen to awaken, remembers that choice and releases its hold on the illusion.

It is rather as though someone who is drowning, because they are holding on to some heavy artifact they dearly value and have carried with them from a sinking ship, suddenly lets go of it because they can no longer breathe, and, released from their burden, rockets to the surface and fills their lungs with desperately needed air. Then realization finally dawns that only life has lasting value.

Rejoice therefore in the knowledge that the life-force that powers your human vehicles is Love, that It is indeed eternal, and that it can never be snuffed out!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Source:Jesus: Love is Always Present, Like the Air you Breathe. Channelled by John Smallman. September 14, 2015.

Views: 4


I have a later article scheduled discussing this matter, but readers’ email suggests I should mention it briefly here.

Our language around Ascension can be confusing. We can say “we’re going to the Fifth,” and some people may think that what is being said is we’re going to pack our bags, take a journey, and end up in the Fifth.

All metaphors have only a limited application. They fit in some ways and they don’t in others.

We’re not going anywhere in one sense and we are in another.

No, we’re not packing and going on a trip. We won’t travel per se. But, yes, our frequency will entitle us to reside in the Fifth, vibrationally speaking.

One dimension will fade from view and another will come into view.

I think we’d all agree that the fact that there are dimensions points to differences between them. A person can “go” to one dimension and not another.

A resident of the Third Dimension cannot visit the Sixth without precautions and special measures being taken. He or she could not live in the Sixth.

But a resident of the Sixth could come to the Third, perhaps not in full glory, but in some way.

In our case, we’ll be in the Fifth, most of us, but we’ll be able to return to the Third, with certain necessary limitations.

We raise our vibrations and “ascend” to the Fifth. In a snap or ignition moment, as I understand things, our lightbodies are activated. We’ve changed from carbon base to crystaline. We now have the equipment needed to live or reside in the Fifth. Those who did not make the transition to crystaline will continue living in the Third with carbon-based bodies.

There comes a point on the ladder of consciousness where our enlightenment will be so sublime that we won’t want to return. We lightworkers need to stop before that point if we intend to continue serving.

Archangel Michael once called that point “nirvana.” There have been so many definitions of nirvana that I’m not sure when it occurs. Suffice it to say that a time comes when we no longer want to return to the Third, even to serve. And by the Law of Freewill we are then most likely relieved of duty.

Here is that discussion with AAM:

Archangel Michael: When you use the term “dramatic enlightenment experiences,” you are talking about Nirvana. You are talking about the unity of all with One. It is not to say that you will not experience that, but you cannot ― well, you can if you wish; if it is the choice to simply remain in that state of unity, of One ― but you cannot be fully conscious and in service, in action, if that is where you are. …

Now, while your being is expanding [at Ascension], while you are having a greater sense of unity, of connectedness, of the understanding and being of the cosmos, you will also feel your human self, your physical and your fields, so that you can continue on in service, in what we would call human service. (1)

So entry into the first subplane of the Fifth Dimension will not cause us to be unable to serve, but there are higher experiences which would. Most lightworkers however have it in their soul contracts not to go so far until we’ve concluded our missions. After that, as I’m led to believe, people may stay on Earth or return to their natural surroundings in much higher dimensions.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012.


Views: 10


ages of Ascension (Repost) September 16, 2015 by Steve Beckow

Reposted from Sept. 29, 2014.

I need to review Archangel Michael’s recent remarks about Ascension. Because they’re important.

I think it works to have the clearest possible notion of what’s coming down the pike to avoid disappointment and discouragement.

We have enough on our plates. We’re all tired. Let’s get on with it already.

If you feel that way, let me review what he said here because it explains a lot about our future and may reassure you.

What I got from my discussions with him and the Divine Mother over the past weeks is that there seem to be three stages of Ascension.

First Stage

The first stage of Ascension is what AAM humorously calls “the snap” or “ignition.” I believe that’s the activation of our lightbodies. Turning on the light, so to speak.

It marks our entry into the Fifth Dimension – mass, physical Ascension as One. That is an historic event for Earth.

Ascension in our lightbodies is equivalent to your guests having entered your house and they’re taking off their coats in the vestibule. They’ve just arrived.

We’ll all have entered the vestibule of the Fifth Dimension together, to be received with great celebration, I’m sure.

Yes, we’ll have entered the Golden Age, but, no, we won’t be creating with thought just yet. Using replicators perhaps. We’re in the vestibule, the first sub-plane of the Fifth.

Second Stage

The achievement of the higher stages comes in around 2017, as Matthew Ward intimated.

My model for this analysis is the subplanes of the Mental Plane on the other side of life. (1) Ascent there too is a gradual process similar to our Ascension.

As Archangel Michael explained it to me, there will be two advanced states of enlightenment we’ll pass through in 2017. They form the second and third stages of Ascension.

The second stage of Ascension occurs when the kundalini reaches the crown chakra. It’s called Brahmajnana or God Realization.

It’s being “halfway up the mountain.” We arrive at the knowledge that “I am God.”

This marks our entry into the second sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. But there’s more.

Third Stage

Shortly after comes Sahaja Samadhi, the energy doubling back on the heart to create a permanent heart opening, moksha or liberation. We now know that “God is everything.”

This is the third stage of our gradual Ascension. Let us call it the third sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension and it brings moksha.

It marks the completion of our journey of Ascension on Planet Earth. Job done. Throw our hats in the air.

Think of this as a road map of the three stages of Ascension, as related to me by Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother.

Why Know This?

Why know this? To ward off disappointment and discouragement when people find that we’ve entered the Fifth Dimension and they didn’t experience Sahaja Samadhi.

No, no, no, that comes later. Three more years for that.

We’re going up in a gradual manner so as not to wear out our physical bodies. We’re ascending together. And we’re approaching the first significant date. I have no idea what it’ll be like.

We’ve all done it many times before, but I can’t remember. (joke)

We’re here as the leaven in the loaf, waiters at the banquet of Ascension.

We’re already on the launchpad now, he said to me. We’re more or less underway. Life ahead is a series of events lasting from 2014 to 2017, in between which we build Nova Earth.

Use Your Imagination

To review: First our lightbodies are awakened. And then our Crown Chakra. And shortly after that we have a permanent heart opening and liberation.

All three are causes for celebration. It’s one majestic advance after another as we head home.

Can I say one last thing? All the work I’ve been doing lately on the imagination is tying in with things I’ve learned over the years (the file is being updated, the knowledge integrated).

And I’m feeling more and more drawn to saying to you: Just imagine the future. Just think about it. Craft it in your mind.

Because whatever you craft in your mind is what you’re being given and I’d say what you’re intended to build.

Creative thought is a Fifth-Dimensional use of the imagination. So use your imagination.

Imagine our lightbodies. Imagine moksha. Imagine Ascension. Picture them in your mind.

By now I’m aboard the train to Sacramento, and then on to Tahoe.


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DARPA rumored to be genetically modifying humans to create zombie super soldiers


DARPA rumored to be genetically modifying humans to create zombie super soldiers

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes
Tags: DARPAsuper soldiersgenetic engineering
(NaturalNews) The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known by the acronym DARPA, is the Pentagon's super-secret entity responsible for developing all kinds of advanced weapons and other systems, including your ability to read this story. Now they are helping the Pentagon make a better soldier.

Business Finance News reports that DARPA has begun a heavily funded project to "enhance human ability in war zones, by altering the genetic code (recipe) of their soldiers." The aim is to achieve battlefield supremacy by making soldiers who lack empathy and are smarter, more focused, and much stronger than enemy counterparts.

The research is taking place under a relatively new scientific field called genetic engineering, wherein scientists conduct research and experiment with the "cookbook" of a person's genetic make-up.

Business Finance News stated:

All life forms have their own recipe, and just like food, there are a finite number of ingredients to choose from. Combination of different ingredients in different proportions makes different life forms. Genetic engineers are practically capable of making glow in the dark babies, by simply adding certain genetic codes of jellyfish into the human genetic code.

Zombie soldiers?

The research that has been conducted so far looks promising. It suggests that DARPA's so-called super soldiers could one day even grow new limbs they have lost in combat, which is something that has been tested already on mice.

As for the part of the brain that is responsible for empathy and mercy, scientists have found that it can be effectively shut off using gene therapy. This would essentially create asoldier who is oblivious to fear, fatigue and emotions.

However, what makes this even more disturbing, BFN noted, is the "Human Assisted Neutral Devices program" that focuses on brain control. The result could be a next-generation biological war "machine" controllable via a sophisticated "joystick."

A zombie soldier, if you will.

DARPA's efforts to create super soldiers dates back years. As reported by Wiredmagazine in December 2009 as the U.S. was sending a "surge" of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, researchers were working with pigs to find a way stop bleeding injuries by turning them into semi-undead.

"If it works out," Wired's Katie Drummond wrote, "we humans could be the next ones to be zombified."

DARPA awarded Texas A&M University's Institute for Preclinical Studies a $9.9 million contract to develop medical treatments that would extend a "golden period" when traumatically injured troops would have the best chance of surviving massive blood loss. Researchers were aware that the evacuation and treatment of such individuals in the thick of battle within the all-important one-hour window is often impossible.

Drummond reported that the institute's research was based on previous DARPA-funded projects, one of which theorized that humans might one day mimic the hibernation abilities of squirrels – who are able to survive unscathed for months on end through winter – by using a pancreatic enzyme that humans have in common.

GMO soldiers

In August 2012, the UK's Daily Mail reported that DARPA research was focusing on "GMO" troops – making them run as fast as Olympic champions and able to regenerate lost limbs.

The paper further reported:

According to the U.S. Army's plans for the future, their soldiers will be able to carry huge weights, live off their fat stores for extended periods and even regrow limbs blown apart by bombs.

The plans were revealed by novelist Simon Conway, who was granted behind-the-scenes access to the Pentagon's high-tech Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

DARPA has long experimented with exoskeletons, which are machines that assist normal soldiers in ways that permit them to lift weights far in excess what a normal human being can lift and run at far greater speeds.

The agency's most controversial research has been in the area of genetically modifying a human to perform tasks and function in ways that are currently not feasible, the Daily Mailnoted.

In particular, modifications would include developing soldiers who could go for as many as 40 hours without sleep, carry heavy loads, go days without eating and communicate telepathically.

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