Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

JESUS ~ This is not a time for condemnation and punishment.

This is not a time for condemnation and punishment.

Listen to Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday November 22nd.

Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Saturday November 22nd2014. Today he is once again talking to us about the closeness of our awakening. Again I will share with you our complete communication.

Jesus Blog # 239 for ​Saturday November 22nd 2014. Channeled Friday November 21st 2014 17.10.

Me:  Good evening Dear Jesus.  Thank you very much for your last message.  Is this a good time to start a new one?  I think I’m relaxed enough if you are free and willing.

Jesus:  Good evening John.  Yes I’m ready, willing, and enthusiastic about the idea.  There is so much to tell because so much is happening.  Yes, it really is.  Glorious delight is in store for you all SOON!

Me:   Well, there has been so much disappointment that it’s now way past the time to reverse the flow and give everyone an amazing and uplifting Thanksgiving!  Please go ahead, SURPRISE me.  Yes, there is a touch of cynicism there.  Forgive me, but in human 3d terms it seems that we have been waiting forever and forever!

Jesus:  The event for which you have all been waiting so patiently and hopefully is very nearly upon you.  Amazing developments have occurred over the last few days and those who would maintain the status quo – poverty, misery, suffering, and enslavement of all but a tiny “elite” – have lost their influence and their power to control events.  Yes, that has happened.  The old order is crumbling away rapidly, and with them the structures that have kept humanity tied to the treadmill of work and debt.  I feel your strong doubts, but I assure you that amazing developments have taken place, and what they entail will very shortly be widely published for all to see.

The Tsunami of Love, as you have been told, is extremely powerful and has enveloped all in its loving embrace, and the inevitable results of being held in that embrace are soon to be revealed to an astonished world.  It’s power is GENTLE but totally pervasive, none have escaped its enthusiastic and uplifting influence, all hearts have opened to it and been inspired.  Love is now the predominant energy being experienced and felt all across the entire planet.  Despite the mainstream media reports of escalating conflict in many parts of the world – political, military, religious, and financial – this is not the real situation at all.

There is a desperate effort being made by those who have been in control of the world’s resources – the political powers (not the elected representatives who are nearly all in the service of the insanely wealthy), industrial powers, military powers, andcontrollers of earth’s energy resources – to convince you that nothing has changed by using the mainstream media, which they own, to distribute their messages of alarm threatening impending doom unless you support them.  But due to the freedom of expression and the flow of information through the world wide web these efforts are failing dismally.  The mainstream media will not for much longer be playing the tunes that the dark ones order them to play.

In fact the tunes are already changing.  Listen . . ! Watch . . . ! and be uplifted, because the controllers have finally lost control, they know it, and they are stunned.  They truly believed that nothing would change unless they ordered it, and they are now finding daily that this arrogant presumption is utterly wrong.  It is very difficult for them to understand because they have held the reins of power on Earth for so long that they believed themselves invincible.  Hidden in darkness, manipulating and controlling nations, multi-national organizations, political parties, and religious establishments, they believed that no one could threaten them, let alone unseat them.  They are now realizing that their moment has come and gone, that their deceit and corruption has been uncovered and publicized, and that no one will raise a finger to support or protect them from public notoriety as their crimes against humanity are made known to all.

However, this is not a time for condemnation and punishment, because those who have abused you, and who have abused your trust in them are, themselves, very severely damaged souls who need your compassion.  Not to offer it is basically an attempt to replace them with others who are apparently of the Light and who will judge and condemn them to the delighted cries of the masses, and in so doing take their places.  If this happens their Light will fade rapidly as the power they suddenly find themselves holding corrupts them absolutely.  But that will not happen.

The way forwards, as always, is in Love.  Anything that is not in perfect alignment with Love is unreal, corrupting, and corruptible.  As the old order falls rejoice, but do not attempt to replace it, no matter how seductive and enlightened the offered replacements appear to be.  A very wise man some years ago wrote a book called “Small is Beautiful,” and on Earth this is a truism that has been neglected, ignored, denied, and ridden over roughshod with disastrous results for humanity and the planet.

Now is the time for communities to come together to resolve all their local issues in a wise and loving fashion.  With loving intent, honesty, and integrity on all sides this can be achieved very easily indeed, because all issues are local issues.

However, when they are raised to international status, as has often happened, they become insoluble, because along the way they collect detritus of a most unsavory nature – hidden agendas, divisive agendas, corrupt agendas, good but unworkable intentions, and multitudinous lobbying then occurs to distract and divert attention from those original issues.  If issues are easily resolved those who gain from drawing them out lose out, so it is very much in the interests of the wheelers and dealers, the lobbyists, to turn local issues into regional, national, or international issues that apparently require “supermen” or “superwomen” of great intelligence to resolve them.

Release your beliefs that others of greater intelligence are needed to organize and run human society in a safe and civilized fashion through the power which you invest in them when you mistakenly give them yours.  All that they will do, as they have done in the past, is establish a system that grants them privileges, claiming them as their right for establishing and maintaining order in society which they insist will collapse without their presence and wisdom.  This is a fallacy!  History shows this very clearly.

But humans through the ageshave happily given their power away as they did not wish to bother with their communal responsibilities, being either too busy with their own selfish agendas, or too busy eking out a living because in their impoverishment all their efforts and energy were required to do just that.

This is no longer to be the case.  All will be provided for most abundantly with everything they need to maintain a comfortable and satisfying lifestyle, thus freeing them to develop their individual creative talents for their own enjoyment and for the benefit of all.  The time has come for you to truly live free and follow your bliss.  When the interminable stress and anxiety of survival as presently experienced by the vast majority of humanity is removed people will start to uncover an amazing array of creative talents, talents that most of them were totally unaware that they possessed.

That is what the Golden Age is all about – living in perpetual peace and security because the energy field in which you are all totally and eternally enveloped is Love, which always provides for you abundantly.  In that state of utter and unrestricted freedom to be yourselves your talents will blossom as you discard the masks you felt you had to present to the world to be acceptable to it.  You will realize that you are acceptable, infinitely acceptable, and that that has always been the case, and your joy will be boundless as you interact freely and creatively with all your brothers and sisters in a grand and ongoing extremely creative celebration of life.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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English -- Blossom Goodchild -- November 22, 2014

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

November 22, 2014

Blossom: Blossom Goodchild reporting for duty ... Sir! Keen to continue on from last week …
The Federation of Light: Warmest regards to Each One, as we continue forth in our/your entertaining fashion. Much have we learned of humour … as the messages have progressed through YOUR years. Welcome.

Blossom: I have settled in with my position, now. So, let’s give it a whirl. First of all, are you able to elaborate when you spoke of many communications that the governments have had with E.T.’s (face to face) and that the government have reneged on their promises?

The Federation of Light: We can speak of this in a small dose … for as you were reminded this morning whilst tuning in … there is much we CHOOSE not to divulge, due to it being detrimental to your safety. Therefore, we have to be aware of certain TRUTH’s not hitting too closely to home … to those that ‘keep an eye’ on that which we converse about. By which, we mean … those who are not reading these messages for the ‘growth of their soul’ … but to ‘vet’ what is said and make sure they do not come too near the mark.

Blossom: I can get that … and in TRUTH … I thank you for keeping me safe in that way. So, what are you able to tell us about this?

The Federation of Light: We are aware of Knowledge that has been exchanged to those in high positions of your world. Knowledge that can greatly benefit technology and transform many things from a lower vibration to a Higher one. This exchange of information was not decided upon in the blink of an eye, yet, considered very carefully before doing so ... IN TRUST.

The exchange on the part of those of Earth was to allow ‘much’ of this Knowledge to be ‘given out to your world’ in order to help its GROWTH … Literally! Yet, when push came to shove … we kept our side of the bargain … or, would we prefer to use the word ‘offering’ … and your ‘Earth worlders’ did not. For they kept the information to themselves and used it for covert operations and ‘bribery’ … and to benefit themselves. Much of the Knowledge given, is kept highly secret … for again … if it was to be shared … the citizens of your world, would have no need to rely on that which your governments say are necessary … in order to maintain ‘life and order’.  For that which was offered, was able to assist your planet in so much progression … in a short time.

It was therefore decided, that any ‘exchanges’ would no longer be considered … for WE were let down … and understood, that what one may promise … what these people consider to be promises … are not exactly what they mean. Their agenda was very different from that which we were told.

Blossom: I have heard though, and it is only hearsay … that there is a certain faction of the 'Greys' that work with those in full control on Earth, and exchanges are made … Is this so?

The Federation of Light: Yes.

Blossom: Can you speak of this?

The Federation of Light: To a degree. As many are aware,  there is intense secrecy involved in underground ‘hangers’ … that, in a way … is like a whole new world going on within its ‘gates’. And, these gates are securely … beyond securely … fastened. As if souls who ‘reside’ there … literally ‘live’ there … for fear of any of this secrecy ‘getting out’.

Blossom: Not that secret, if many of us are already aware.

The Federation of Light: Yet, aware to a certain awareness. Much is not revealed.

Blossom: Years ago, I had a vision as I was going to sleep, of ‘E.T’s in large tubes filled with liquid. A bit like when one preserves dead animals to experiment upon. Then, I saw on a programme called ‘The X Files’ this very thing. I think I have mentioned this before somewhere. Do they have many E.T.’s captured in these places?

The Federation of Light: Yes.

Blossom: Are these E.T.’s alive?

The Federation of Light: Yes … yet, not in full awareness. It is as if they are in a comatose existence … for now.

Blossom: Until when?

The Federation of Light: Until those who have them ‘stranded’ there, decide they may ‘awaken’ one … to try and pump information from them.

Blossom: Can you not rescue them? In my innocence … can you not beam them up or something?

The Federation of Light: No. Because of the structure in which they reside. The density of the material within the very walls is designed for/to this very reason.

Blossom: That saddens me. Much of this world COULD sadden me, if I allowed it to … Yet, I am learning to be detached. And … it doesn’t matter anyway!

The Federation of Light: In the Bigger Picture … it does not matter. What we can tell you … is

Blossom: I just got it downloaded … I feel better now!

The Federation of Light: That, as with all living things … the soul does not have to stay in the physical form of that which it is. When you sleep, your soul travels, does it not? When you meditate … your soul can travel, can it not?  When a Human Being is in a comatose state … for long, long periods of time … their soul chooses to be out of its body … it has no reason to be in there, at times. Therefore, it is the same with our family that are contained in these tubes … They are not necessarily ‘in their body’ … full time.

Blossom: Ok … so, if one is woken up to have information extracted from them … why do they not choose to ‘stay away’ from their physical … and just be ‘dead’ when taken out of this liquid … If that is the correct word?

The Federation of Light: Because ‘death’ … (if that is the correct word?) has to take place. Much like the human. Until the chord is cut the etheric body/soul cannot completely leave.

Blossom: Do E.T.’s have a chord?

The Federation of Light: Yes. Like the human … it is an attachment to the physical form.

Blossom: Yet, if the soul of the E.T. simply chose not to ‘come back in’ when taken out of the tube … what would happen?

The Federation of Light: It is difficult to explain. Because it did not actually ‘die’ …

Blossom: For want of a better word …

The Federation of Light: It is still … like it or not … attached to the body … and when taken out of the ‘influencing’ liquid … it is ‘shot’ back in to its physicality.

Blossom: Are they tortured for information?

The Federation of Light: Yes. They are not exempt from FEELING pain.

Blossom: Ok … so, what do your councils have to say about THAT?

The Federation of Light: There is not a plan to break in and rescue … if that is what you are thinking. For it cannot be done … and in the Grand scheme … would not be compatible with the plan.

Blossom: I can feel that has to be accepted on a deeper level of understanding … for it is, for me, at this time … too HUGE to be broken down into words. I can just pick up on that.


Blossom: Can I just ask though … how did those particular E.T.’s come to be there? How were they captured?

The Federation of Light: Some indeed, by crashed vessels ... and others … who were ‘there in form’ to assist in sharing the Knowledge … and were then duped and restrained.

Blossom: Like … how many are we talking here?

The Federation of Light: 1,000 … around that figure.

Blossom: WHAT?  Those places underground are vast!

The Federation of Light: And indeed they are ‘places’ … not just one place.

Blossom: How on Earth did so many end up being there?

The Federation of Light: We smile … For like you and many of your kind … they volunteered.

Blossom: Knowing the risk?

The Federation of Light: KNOWING … yet, KNOWING of choices and possibilities also. Can you see and connect with how similar we are as ONE FAMILY? Are you not in the same boat, in a sense … that you feel trapped within a place that keeps you ‘dulled’?

Blossom: Oh yes … Makes me feel I should quit the Moaning Minnie scene! So, they volunteered to be there … did they exchange humans … as in the 'Close Encounters’ movie?

The Federation of Light: No. We do not have need for this. This was not part of our mission. They agreed to ‘go’ in order to teach ‘finer’ ways. To teach of recourses that could benefit your planet. They allowed themselves to interact on a face to face basis … in exchange for LOVE to assist and to bring your planet BACK to its once, former Glory.

Please accept, also … that these ‘Beings’ that were part of this particular project … are of High intelligence and Love and therefore, able to accept ‘where they are’ on a different level from perhaps, you are FEELING for them.

Blossom: That’s good! I have to say though … 1,000! What do you mean by ‘around that figure’?

The Federation of Light: Because, we are not able to ‘keep tab’ of all that is taking place within those structures. Yet, we are able to get ‘some reporting’s back’ when it is possible.

Blossom: I heard … that all these underground bunkers were disposed of and emptied out.

The Federation of Light: With all respect, Blossom … You heard wrong.

Blossom: Whoa! Our new relationship is much more forthcoming. Eh … You will keep me safe though? You will beam me up if necessary???? !!!

The Federation of Light: We feel your humour…

Blossom: I am smiling now … yet, believe me … I wouldn’t be, should I suddenly disappear, as have many who speak of these things.

The Federation of Light: Blossom … we shall be careful in what we say. We always are. Take a look back at how our conversations are designed … mixed with the way you Feel about it all, now and then.

Chance … do you think?

Blossom: I’d like to swear if it was alright to … but I won’t.  A big penny dropped here . Yet, how far can we go with material shared?

The Federation of Light: As far as WE KNOW is safe. That which has caused confusion for many … that which many FEEL has been inconclusive  … that which we ‘beat about the bush’ concerning … does that make more sense to many … as to the reasoning behind it now?

Blossom: Well, it does to me … I can’t speak for others. Yet, I would imagine so. Time to go. WOW … that felt great! Thank you! 

The Federation of Light: THANK YOU for ACCEPTING your position in its TRUTH … on a Higher rung of the ladder. There are more steps to climb … where TRUST once again will FEEL tested.

Blossom: Well, I’ll deal with that … as the ‘me’ I have grown into … when it happens. In so much Love and thanks.

The Federation of Light: Nanu Nanu …

Blossom: That made me laugh so much, when it came into my head … and I thought ‘No, I can’t put that’. Then I thought … ‘Yes, I can’. You are exchanging humour … (Plus, I am called Nanu, by choice, by my grandchildren.) Tally Ho folks … Chocks away!

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE.

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You are all spiritual beings, and nothing can change that.

You are all spiritual beings, and nothing can change that.

11/23/2014 by John Smallman



As all the channels are telling you, the “event” is incredibly close.  Keep holding your Light on high and intend in each moment to be only loving.  You can do it because you are doing it!  And that is why the event is almost upon you.  You, all of you, even those who appear to you as dark, are simply and powerfully bringing it on.  So congratulations are in order, and we are showering them down on you incessantly.  Just be willing to receive them because you truly have earned them.


Do not embrace the gloom and doom that so much of the mainstream media dishes out because that just drains your energy.  Focus on the vast quantity of loving occurrences that are happening daily all across the planet, the stuff the mainstream ignores because it is so boring, YAWN.  They want explosions, and crashes, kidnappings, and other disasters, the more the better, and when you focus your attention there you help to bring them about!


You also add energy to maintain the illusion, and you really do not want to do that, you are in physical form at present to dissolve it, not to support it.  Its time is past and you are on Earth to bring the insane game playing to a terminal conclusion because that is the collective will.  It has always been God’s Will, but He does not control, manipulate, or interfere, He allows.  And now that allowing is paying off, you have all decided to return to Oneness and the infinite joy that state provides.


All bad news is an essential part of the illusion, it is its life blood, and when you pay undue attention to it you are giving it a transfusion.  Over the last few decades, because of the increasing numbers of you who have turned to the Light, to your spiritual paths, and made a point of trying to be loving rather than judging, you have succeeded in bringing about enormous changes all across the world.  The older ones among you only need look back to their childhood to see clearly that tremendous changes for the good of humanity have been happening with increasing frequency since that time in their lives.  It is wonderful!  Be conscious of the wonders that are occurring on your planet because that raises your energy signature to a higher frequency allowing Love to flow you through you more freely, and therefore more abundantly, which is your spiritual task.


You were created with only one purpose, namely to live in constant joy in the company of your Father.  And you did that.  Then you had an idea . . . What if I separated from Him and went off on my own, that would surely give me enormous freedom.  And by imagining it you brought that insane dream of separation in your mind to life and split yourself off into myriad pieces.  And then you fell into a state of horrifying confusion, panicked, and started to play your games of winning and losing – against Yourself! – because of the intense guilt and fear that that unreal state engendered.  It was so terrifying that you decided to enter into a state of deep sleep where you could totally deny your true nature.  And so the unreal state of separation from God became increasingly real to you, and as it did so your fear intensified.


The way out of the fear and terror that nightmares cause is to awaken.  And that, dear ones, is what you are in the process of doing.  There are seductions and enticements that are attempting to draw you back into this nightmare, but the Light within each one of you is now burning far too brightly to be hidden any longer, it is waking you up.  And to awaken is what you have been yearning to do since the separation first occurred.  The intensity of that yearning has finally reached such a vividness, in fact such a fever pitch, that it can no longer be ignored or denied.  You will wake up.


Here in the spiritual realms we have been nudging you, prodding you, and poking you for a very long time, but the depth of your sleep kept you unaware, anesthetized.  Finally the anesthetic, the sleeping draught is wearing off, the sleeper stirs, and awakening will shortly occur.  The sight of you stirring gladdens our hearts, because we have not enjoyed watching you suffer the terrors of your nightmare.


So, as we keep on reminding you, hold your Light on high by being loving in everymoment.  When you really focus on that intent it is very effective in helping you to change yourselves from egoic judgmental beings into spiritual beings finding your way Home.  Of course you are all spiritual beings, and nothing can change that, but many have been living egoically for so long that they have utterly forgotten what it means to be spiritual.  It means to be Love in action which is the only action that there is; any other actions are unreal.


As you remember to be loving, and demonstrate Love in action, your energy field changes to reflect and extend that Love to all with whom you connect in any way at all, and so by changing yourselves you are changing the world and dissolving all that is not in alignment with Love.  When you have completed this task that you undertook willingly and enthusiastically eons ago the illusion will be gone . . . Poof!  And you will then find yourselves very much awake, unimaginably awake and alert and filled with the joy that is your natural state, the state in which you were created and from which you have never departed.


With that fabulous prospect to entice you towards wakefulness why would you remain asleep a moment longer?  Children always wake very early on Christmas day, their birthdays, or on other days of celebration because they know that it is to be a most wonderful day, and they cannot wait for it to start.  So, as Jesus said to you seemingly so long ago, although in truth it was only a moment ago, “Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”  So do it!  Become like little children, let go of the corruption of the “Ego Games” that have contaminated you and filled you with fear and guilt.  You only have to choose to let go and all that corruption, all that distraction, all that unreal emotional baggage will slip away and you will be left with only your “carry-ons.”  And, because you are moving to a place where all your needs are perfectly understood and provided for, you will shortly be able to release your hold on that irritating carry-on as well, which seems suddenly to have grown far to heavy to carry.  Let it go and awaken!


With so very much love, Saul.






Gift of a Guided Attunement...


The Flow of Amara- Amara is an energy-consciousness of individual empowerment and self-discovery. The intent is not to heal but to become aware of our subconscious currents, our inner "waters", which hold the key to the mystery of our being.

The energy-consciousness assists us to accept our wounds as they are now and helps us to become fully aware of their reasons for manifesting. We all experience pain at some point or another and some experiences leave wounds that stay open.

By becoming aware of the patterns that keep these wounds open, we finally allow them to heal naturally. Nothing needs to be undone or fixed, as our true nature is whole and perfect. Allowance is the only thing needed to experience healing.

Amara will help us to see our "darkness", our shadow-self, and accept it as it is. It will help us connect with our subconscious where most of our true power and magic currently resides. The energy-consciousness will work with us so that we can bring these subconscious aspects into our conscious experience of who and what we are.

Through understanding the mystery of our Self we reach mastery. Amara represents the aspect of the self that is fully grounded in its own divinity, radiating the full spectrum of its being outwards. Amara is like water, transforming itself to fit every possible situation that manifests.

Amara is ever evolving,flowing and unfolding. In that state of being we become Amara, as it is not some form of consciousness that is separate from the self. The core nature of Amara is consciousness and it should not be seen as a mere energy stream.

The movement of consciousness creates energy. This movement is quite important, as it will help in aligning ourselves with the core consciousness of Amara. The energy guides us to the core by facilitating shifts in perception and consciousness. Unlike some systems that focus more in simply balancing the energy flow of our subtle bodies, Amara also works in the level of pure consciousness.

The energies will align the subtle bodies so that the actual consciousness can ground itself into our being. This is not "better" or "worse"than systems that focus more in getting direct results with energy manipulation.

This is simply different. Amara works well for those who simply resonate more with this particular approach. Amara does not offer quick fixes to physical or psychological imbalances. It does not offer a fast path to “enlightenment” either.

Amara simply offers a journey within. When we reach and experience the core we begin to understand everything that happens around it. In that space we can find true healing and empowerment. Amara has connections to many different realms of consciousness.

It can be said that Amara is actually a unified group consciousness composed of several unique aspects of the divine...

To receive this Attunement first you need to read the following attached documentation below....

Safe Journeys to all with my personal blessing..

Ashuk Kelau ei mii sutu laktra shem akhtel arulu sajarn mukaten empeiria

"Order of Amara may you call forth your souls energetic forces and pull them towards your inner sanctuary & personal empire" ...~:)




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