Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Spirit World Chronicles: Resting in the Borderlands – Part 3 /3...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of AwarenessConcluded from Part 2 Credit: Mike Swain confirms my musing that someone eventually greets and informs the recently deceased. “It takes some time, quite some time, for all this to register completely; often his first reaction is to go back to bed for another couple of days to get used to the idea of what has happened to him! “Then one of the elders visits him and answers all the unanswered questions in his mind. You see, the laws of creation are not as easily grasped by these backward souls as they are by their more exp...more »

Twenty-One Days With the Masters

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
*by Owen K Waters* *Spiritual Dynamics Academy A Special Announcement * How would you like the personal attention of an ascended master every day for the next 21 days? Naturally, their attention would be focused on a very specific goal, namely assisting you to rise in consciousness into the soul realm of awareness. Soul consciousness is the holy grail of the spiritual seeker. It is the doorway to the spiritual clarity and inspired wisdom which resides within each and every one of us. Regular spiritual awareness can bring you inner peace, better intuition, and even the chance to g...more »

Cedella Marley: Positive Vibrations – 10.14.14

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Cedella Marley, Positive Vibrations, October 14, 2014 [image: Positive Vibrations #10] When you find yourself searching for meaning, the words from teachers and books may lead you in the right direction but you’ll only find the fulfillment you crave and the answers you need by looking inside yourself. Only you possess the wisdom you need for creating a meaningful life. Your soul has all the answers. With patience and introspection, you will discover the answers that you seek. One love…Cedella October 15, 2014 | URL: ...more »

Millie Mestril Poem: Leaves of Heart

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
*Leaves of Heart*Written by Millie Mestril, The Master Shift, October 13, 2014 [image: photo 1] I find pieces of me in every leaf that falls dancing twirling colorful slow-motioned and freely dipping onto earth without a care or judgment. The trees exasperate breathing endlessly for such release like thousands of tears sending small rainbows to the world. I want to bring joy and wonder for one second to another who can see the presence of me falling in love over and over smiling from my heart like autumn leaves canvassed through the mountains awaiting the let... more »

Wisdom With Wes: Healing the World with Love and Centeredness by We...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Healing the World with Love and Centeredness by Wes Annac [image: Snapshot_20140731_2]The world's experiencing so much negativity and destruction, and the best thing we can do in the face of all of it is to remain as loving and centered as we can. I give this advice often, because I think it's very important if we want to navigate all of the difficult and seemingly unsolvable issues we face as a society. So much is being done by the planetary 'elite' and the well-meaning but unaware people who do their bidding to destroy this planet and keep us from discovering the spiritual nature... more »

Christina Sarich: The Ancient Science of Living From the Heart

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Christina Sarich, *Contributor for **Waking Times *, October 14, 2014 [image: Radiant Heart]*“In the great teaching of the Vedas, * *there is no touch of sectarianism. * *It is of all ages, climes and nationalities * *and is the royal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge.” ~ Henry David **Thoreau* Yoga has reached an apex since its emergence, from at least pre-3000 B.C. based on archeological findings, amalgamating the lush heritage of the East with the practical science of the West, and combining the numinous with the practical in ... more »

Steve Beckow: Back to the Garden of Eden We Left So Long Ago

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, October 14, 2014 [image: Police 234]One of the residual impacts of the years and years of having been downsized and laid off, having lost our benefits packages, watched our jobs go overseas, had mortgages foreclosed on, and everything else that the few did to dumb down, tame and subjugate the many is that we seem to exist in a kind of lethargy or torpor around many of the finer aspects of life. Our sense of community was impacted by all the wars that were created in a world that was almost constantly at w... more »

If Your Doctor Insists That Vaccines Are Safe, Then Have Them Sign ...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Posted by tatooke on October 15, 2014 Note this post was send to me by " Allie Henry The average person that consents to a vaccine injection, either for themselves or for their children, genuinely believes it is for the betterment of health. What they are not aware of is that even their doctor is likely unfamiliar with the toxic ingredients contained in vaccines which can immediately begin to degrade both short- and long-term health. If your doctor insists that vaccines are safe, then they should have absolutely no problem in signing this form so that you may archive it for your own ... more »

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Don’t Be Afraid – Part 2 /2 - by Wes Annac

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of AwarenessConcluded from Part 1 Credit: As Adyashanti tells us, fear’s ultimately created out of the illusions of thought and time. “All fear comes from thought in the form of memory (Adyashanti, past) or projection (Adyashanti, future). Thought creates time: past, present, and future. So fear exists and comes from the perceived existence of time. To be free of fear is to be free of time. Since time is a creation of thought, to be free of fear you must be free of thought. “Consequently, it is important to awaken and experience your S...more »

CANNABIS - by Sri Sunkara

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
CANNABIS By Sri Sunkara on October 16, 2014 *“I Am Leaf”* *I Am but a Leaf,* *Floating in a Pond;* *Moving with the Wave,* *Ripples make a Sway.* *Are you Duck,* *Calm above,* *Pedal Fast below?* *Across Pond ripples Flow.* *Are you the Swan,* *Swimming in your Lake of Heart;* *Always Together,* *Never Apart?* *Are you Pebble,* *Physical Instant Splash?* *Calm pond, fell Beyond.* *I Am Leaf.* *Fallen, Rising with the Tide;* *Truth Informed Belief,* *Beneath feet of Human kind.* *I AM Leaf.* *I know not to mind.* *I know what man Does Not?* *I know from What Tree came I.* *I am Leaf...more »

Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Crown Chakra Expansion – Part 1 /2...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings Credit: In this time of heightened consciousness and awareness on the part of the conscious community and, eventually, all of humanity, certain bold phenomena will grace you at times that are related to your ongoing ascension and your receptivity to the higher vibration descending onto your minds and hearts. If you’re particularly attuned to this phenomena, many of you will begin to notice strange and interesting things in your meditations that are related to your ongoing ascension. Interesti... more »

Cedella Marley: Positive Vibrations – 10.15.14

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Written by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, October 15, 2014 Fun has an important role in your ability to maintain a positive self-image and enjoy the world at any age. When you laugh and play, you are more apt to think youthful, healthy thoughts. Since the body takes its cues from the mind, maintaining a positive attitude empowers you to think about yourself and your future in optimistic terms and pursue your goals with enthusiasm. When you engage in fun activities, you’ll feel good about yourself and young in spirit. One love…Cedella October 16, 2014 | U... more »

Randi G. Fine: Gratitude – The Key That Opens the Gateway to Abundance

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Written by Randi G. Fine, *Contributor for **Waking Times*, October 14, 2014 [image: abundance]*“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ~ Melody Beattie* Who wouldn’t want to find the key to living a better life? It does not take money or tremendous effort to accomplish that goal. The truth is that attracting abundance to our lives is much simpler than we th...more »

Christina Sarich: Carnegie Scientist in Chemtrail Game Admits, “The...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Written by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, October 14, 2014 [image: chemtrails plane crop 263x164 Carnegie Scientist in Chemtrail Game Admits, “They are Likely to Cause Some Damage”]Ken Caldeira works for the Department of Global Ecology for the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Before I get ahead of myself, you should also know that Mr. Caldeira attended a conference with other internationally recognized geo-engineers who were discussing something that many of us still deny exist – chemtrails. Mr. Caldeira used to work on ocean acidification, but n... more »

Archangel Gabriel via Shelly Young: Daily Message – 10.15.14

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Archangel Gabriel Channeled through Shelly Young, Trinity Esoterics, October 15, 2014 Many of you are reluctant to love again because you’ve been hurt in previous relationships. You may feel like it would be foolish to let your guard down and love again. Dear Ones, what you experienced that was painful was not love. Love uplifts, love comforts, love accepts, love connects, love celebrates, love encourages, love unifies, love aligns, love allows you to experience yourself, in the most profound way, as a divine piece of the Source you came from. Once you g... more »

Steve Beckow: Yay America!

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, October 15, 2014 Tour guide Alan in Ventura [image: Alan]Yesterday I posted my speculations on the work ahead to move the social body of the planet forward on the work of reconstruction. I said that there was a social lethargy evident and gave my opinion on what had caused it. At the social level, we are dysfunctional as a world society. And I mean that statement descriptively. But that is by no means the whole story. There’s another side of it that’s much more hopeful, and perhaps the hope of the future. ... more »

Meline Lafont: The Heating Up of Energies and Change

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 55 minutes ago
Written by Meline Lafont, Awaken Spirit From Within, October 15, 2014 We are moving through a gigantic force of energies that shakes everything at its core. Many are starting to realize the end of their old beliefs/convictions and ego they have clinged to for so long. The Full Blood Moon eclipse has shaken the core of that which has to wither away in order to make more place for the new and another grand portal, in the form of a solar eclipse, will occur in the upcoming days that will shake the core of this all once more. Each time it is a different ene... more »

Don’t Be Afraid – Part 1 /2 Oct15 - by Wes Annac

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Credit: Here, I’d like to examine what some of our well-known spiritual teachers have said about fear. Fear’s obviously one of the biggest hindrances on the enlightenment path, and if we let it, it’ll stop us from doing anything helpful or significant while we’re on earth. Most of you know by this point that we’ll have to transcend fear altogether if we want to thrive, and until we uproot and transcend this difficult obstacle once and for all, it’ll continue to influence us. Even if its influence is small and subtle, it can... more »

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Nearing The Activation Of Our Divine Nervous Systems

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
Nearing The Activation Of Our Divine Nervous Systems. Aluna Joy - Oct 17th, 2014 Last night I had another travel dream. I do this quite often, and it is so fun. No jet lag and no packing! This time we were in PALENQUE, Mexico. Palenque is my favorite temple site of all time . . . that is if you pushed me to choose over so many amazing places. This site has given me so much. Read my first experience in Palenque in 1990. It is a crazy story! ** In my dream, our group had just arrived in Palenque, and we entered the site for the first time... more »

SaLuSa 17 October 2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
*Através de Mike Quinsey* If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago. The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur. Around you the chaos is another sign of what is happening, although much of it is karmic as old problems between people and even nations... more »

Economic System.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
*Thought Adjuster*Received by OscarAlabama, USA, August 5, 2011. *Thought Adjuster:* “The economic system of your world is not a sustainable system, and you will constantly find yourselves facing new crises unless you implement a better system. The fundamental idea behind any financial plan is to make a profit. This is not a secret and it is unanimously accepted in your world as the goal of any enterprise that plays a part in your economy. This, specifically, is the fundamental issue in your economic system. “When the procurement of material benefit is the main motivation for a h...more »

Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Crown Chakra Expansion – Part 2/2 ...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul TeachingsConcluded from Part 1 Despite your immense and impressive ability to be energy conduits, your chakras are still occasionally in need of certain expansions or upgrades that help them bring this energy through in an increasingly pure way, and if we haven’t stressed this enough by this point, this is what happened for our reader and plenty of others who wonder exactly what it is they experience when they witness this bold phenomenon. *A Portal to the Other Side* We also want to let you know... more »

The Spirit World Chronicles: What’s Life After Death Like for Child...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
The Spirit World Chronicles What’s Life After Death Like for Children? Part 1/2 by Wes Annac *The Spirit World Chronicles is an ongoing series based on channeled accounts of what the afterlife is like. Some of the material examined in this series dates back to nearly a century ago, and the referenced sources discuss a wide range of topics that have to do with life after death and the conditions of the realms beyond. * At the request of a reader, I’d like to examine what life after death is like for children who pass away too soon. This is obviously a very touchy subject,... more »

The Team via Peggy Black: Field of Coherent Light

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
The Team Field of Coherent Light, channeled by Peggy Black, October 16, 2014, *Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.* [image: Peggy Black]We are here in celebration of your magnificence. We acknowledge your courage as a conscious being of divine light to embody a physical form in this dense reality with its many challenges. We observe that being in physical form also has its expressions of wonder and delight, joy and deep love. This is your present focus, as it should be. However, we continue to remind you that you are here to transform misqualified emoti...more »

Suzanne Maresca: Navigating the Rapids

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
Written by Suzanne Maresca, The Golden Age of Gaia, October 16, 2014 [image: eye of the needle]My dear Arcturian friend tells me that we’re in the “Eye of the Needle”, and I don’t doubt it. My body has been hurting in uncharacteristic ways and I’ve been wondering if gravity and age are just getting more enthusiastic or it’s the energies I’m feeling. The thing is that it’s not consistent, which tells me that it isn’t so much a chronic physical ailment that I’m dealing with but a series of upgrades and recalibrations. Heck, I asked for it. I’ve been q... more »

Christina Sarich: Marijuana Sales in Colorado Up 10% Since August

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
$45.2 Million Generated in Taxes Since First of Year Written by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, October 16, 2014 [image: marijuana sales 263x164 Marijuana Sales in Colorado Up 10% Since August: $45.2 Million Generated in Taxes Since First of Year]While the Feds continue to bankrupt the nation with war politics, states like Colorado are sitting on pretty pennies from marijuana sales. *In August 2014, sales for both medical and recreational marijuana were up 10%, and they show no sign of slowing down, according to numbers released earlier this month by t... more »

April M. Short: Have You Heard About the Euphoric Healing Plant Tha...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
April M. Short, *AlterNet*, *Waking Times*, October 16, 2014 [image: Kratom Leaves]Have you heard of Kratom? Why are people across the U.S. chewing on the small, glossy leaves of the Southeast Asian Kratom tree? It’s an ancient plant medicine related to coffee, and it produces a high that’s both euphoric and legal. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) has long been used in Thailand and Malaysia to relieve pain, settle the stomach and reduce opiate dependence. Now it’s taking off in the West. According to, Kratom leaves can be chewed fresh or dry, ... more »

Nikki Sapp: Lucid Dreaming in Real Life

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
Written by Nikki Sapp, Fractal Enlightenment, October 16, 2014 [image: lucid dreaming]“The more real you get the more unreal the world gets”- John Lennon We’ve often heard people say that this world is just an illusion, a dream of sorts that we are all dreaming up together. John Lennon said it best when he said, “A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality”. So if this is true, if our life on earth is just a dream of sorts that we are all dreaming up together until we die and travel to the afterlife or to a higher dim... more »

A Vision for Composure

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
*The Vision Alignment Project* I see a world where we have learned from our past experiences that it doesn't serve us in the least to "blow up" and give free reign to our anger. Now, instead of "blowing it" when we're faced with a highly charged emotional encounter, we're "flowing it" and in this way we are diffusing the possibilities for harm or damage to enter our lives and the lives of those around us. Thus, I see a world where more and more of us remain composed in every and all situations where we might previously have expressed ourselves aggressively or angrily; and where tha... more »

Change – Step by Step and at a Leisurely Pace.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
*Samuel of Panoptia*Received by George BarnardIllawarra District, Australia, September 9, 2014. *(a more personal message – shortened)* *Samuel:* “It is a product of your having risen above animal status that in your mind you can clearly imagine anything as being perfect, when in reality it is broken, rather ugly, or quite wrong. You are human, so you have imagination, you visualize things as being complete, and therefore you often grow so very impatient. In point of fact, you learn that all so-called rebel Midwayers are rehabilitated (2000), and now you expect all the world to know... more »

A Plan To Maintain The Safety And Well-Being Of The Populace During...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 30 seconds ago
*A PLAN TO MAINTAIN THE SAFETY AND WELL-BEING OF THE POPULACE DURING THE FINANCIAL RESET* Download This Post In PDF Form: EVENT_PLAN This is a unique plan that my Intel operative ‘Cobra’ asked me to put together It originally was intended to be specific to me given the industry I am in, but I have broadened the scope to generalize it; my hope is that others so inclined can attempt their own variations regardless of where they live and their personal circumstances. The primary goal of this document is try and work within the existing corporate power s... more »

Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia are AUTHENTIC

Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia to be AUTHENTIC 14th October 2014By Patricia AwyanGuest Writer for Wake Up WorldForeword by WUW Co-Founder Andy Whiteley Foreword [image: Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia Legitimate]Based in Egypt, the continuing research of the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism is focused on the implications of the evidence left behind for us to discover by the indigenous and the ancients of Egypt. Drawing on the expertise of hieroglyphics expert Mohamed Ibrahim and Khemit School Co-Director Yous... more »

CANNABIS - by Sri Sunkara

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 day ago
CANNABIS By Sri Sunkara on October 16, 2014 *“I Am Leaf”* *I Am but a Leaf,* *Floating in a Pond;* *Moving with the Wave,* *Ripples make a Sway.* *Are you Duck,* *Calm above,* *Pedal Fast below?* *Across Pond ripples Flow.* *Are you the Swan,* *Swimming in your Lake of Heart;* *Always Together,* *Never Apart?* *Are you Pebble,* *Physical Instant Splash?* *Calm pond, fell Beyond.* *I Am Leaf.* *Fallen, Rising with the Tide;* *Truth Informed Belief,* *Beneath feet of Human kind.* *I AM Leaf.* *I know not to mind.* *I know what man Does Not?* *I know from What Tree came I.* *I am Leaf...more »

Views: 3

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Fox News Cuts off Girl Telling the Truth About Russia

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Fox News Cuts off Girl Telling the Truth About Russia The media will not mention that Geiorgia was who attacked first and that Russia retaliated in self defence. Added by Thomas Loughnane on October 18, 2014 *Please respect all credits. * Archives: Russia Like this! please bookmark. It is updated daily*:* ** ( *EN: *VioletFlame ; CPLP ; Light a Candle for PEACE ; Alternative Media ; Creator's Map ; ESU IMMANUEL ; Exposing Media DesInformation ; Galactic Federation ;... more »

A Vision for Smiles All Around

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
*The Vision Alignment Project* *Today's Vision comes from our favorite photographer, Gareth Marples, who uploads his spectacular photos onto our Intenders Facebook Founders Circle regularly. Thank you, Gareth!*I see a world where the global currency is smiles. Every time anyone passes or sees someone else, they smile at them. Those smiles create joyous energy that projects into the Universe, where it collects like energy and returns to the person who projected it, multiplied many times over. Every job is paid with smiles. Every task is performed with smiles. Every commodity is boug... more »

Discussions on Supportive Steps to Dissolve Fear and Illness - M. M...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Discussions on Supportive Steps to Dissolve Fear and Illness by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene Channelled through Natalie Glasson 17th October 2014 *Mother Mary:* It is with the vibration of the 9th Ray of Light I greet you today bringing forth the brilliant colours and vibrations of a blue and green light focused upon soul integration and exploration as well as the merging of the heavens with the Earth; light with matter. Please allow me to dowse you in the blue and green light permitting it to seep into your entire being. As the reality of the blue and green light of t... more »

The Spirit World Chronicles: What’s Life After Death Like For Child...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of AwarenessConcluded from Part 1 An earthly experience definitely isn’t the same as a fourth-dimensional experience, but every child who tragically passes away early in life is at least able to enjoy a harmonious realm that’s tailored to fit their needs and wants. Their parents couldn’t wish for anything better, and it helps to know that in most cases, their child (or children) is/are enjoying themselves even more than they did on earth. The children’s plane, Monsignor tells us, is “A township in itself, containing everything that great minds, i... more »

Music With Meaning – Flobots: Handlebars

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Category Archives: A New Paradigm Post navigation Music With Meaning – Flobots: Handlebars Wes: I’m sure almost everyone’s heard this hit from the conscious rap group Flobots, but for those of you out there who haven’t, I highly recommend this intense and eye-opening song. From my perspective on it, it’s about how quickly one’s ego can be driven out of control and lead them to want to dominate others. It’s very powerful, and it might give you goosebumps. I’ve been close to tears at the end of it more than once myself, because of it’s sheer truth and intensity. Enoy! Octo... more »

Anonymous FO: Best UFO Sightings of January 2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Anonymous FO Best UFO Sightings of January 2014 By Wes Annac Wes: NSFW because of some language used throughout. I can't validate that each of the sightings in this video are authentic, but its creator, AnonymousFO, assures us that every clip in the video is heavily researched for authenticity. I have to say that the sightings in this video are all incredible, and they point to an obvious presence in our skies. You all know what I think this presence is, but as always, use discernment and draw your own conclusions. October 18, 2014 | URL: *Please respect ... more »

Wisdom With Wes: Shining Our Light by Wes Annac

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Wisdom With Wes Shining Our Light by Wes Annac [image: Snapshot_20140731_2]We're on this planet to find a higher vibration and help the people around us do the same, and we're also here to use our spiritual perception to make a needed change to our clearly broken society. Even though society seems whole in a lot of ways, all it takes is opening up to the real situation to see that there's a lot we aren't being told and a lot that's being done in the name of greed, destruction and money. We're here to help change all of this, and one of the best ways we can do this is to use the bu... more »

Steve Beckow: Breaking the Isolation for Good

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Angelic Guides On Your Mark, Get Set, Wai…, channeled by Taryn Crimi, October 16, 2014, *Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.* [image: relaxing-frog]Today we would like to specifically address a very common experience amongst many of you at this time. There are many of you who are feeling particularly ‘stuck’ at this time, and we would like to expand further upon why so many have felt this ‘lull’ or drop in energy, enthusiasm, or motivation to move forward at this time. Certainly this does not pertain to everyone; however those of you who are drawn to this m...more »

‘Not Just a Blonde': God Shines Through Our Imperfections

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Ann, Not Just a Blonde, October 17, 2014 [image: IMG_0188.JPG]The quest for perfection is filled with folly. We can only do our best, and even with our earnest efforts we are guaranteed to fall short! We should never be ashamed of our imperfections, as if they define us or predict our value. Not one of us is perfect, nor can we *ever* be! Through the cracks of our defects we let can God in. It is through these cracks where God’s Love can shine into our hearts and into our lives. I was reminded today how when we mess up sometimes God’s love can ...more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: Attention Free of Effort

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
J. Krishnamurti Online, October 17, 2014[image: 8c960-jiddu_krishnamurti]Is there attention without anything absorbing the mind? Is there attention without concentrating upon an object? Is there attention without any form of motive, influence, compulsion? Can the mind give full attention without any sense of exclusion? Surely it can, and that is the only state of attention; the others are mere indulgence, or tricks of the mind. If you can give full attention without being absorbed in something, and without any sense of exclusion, then you will find o... more »

Archangel Gabriel, October 16, 2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Through Marlene Swetlishoff Image Source October 16, 2014 Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as reflection. Life in the busy world of today can be a continuous stream of movement and activity and sometimes it seems as if it will never slow down long enough for one to catch their breath. Many times, people get caught up into a cycle of doing things that really don’t bring them joy or happiness and if they are not careful and aware, they could find that life has passed them by. It is important to take time to breathe and reflect on the things that are r... more »

Aisha: A message from Mother and a message from me.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
A message from Mother and a message from me Aisha North 10.17.2014 Beloved family of light! Once again it is as if everything is speeding up, and to quote Otmn ” i feel like a brand new person again and again. the images, the insights, and all, is flowing in so fast that by the time i understand one there are more, it is mind boggling, but in a good way.” After reading through what you have all shared here during the last 24 hours or so, I could not agree more, it IS mind boggling, and in a very good way! If you have not yet seen the latest comment posted by IAMystAR and the respons...more »

Prime Creator and ONE: Predictions for 2015

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Prime Creator and ONEPredictions for 2015 Transcribed by Kathryn E. May Prime Creator: I am delighted to speak with you about what we see for all of you in the coming Earth year, for it is an exciting, historic time for all the Cosmos, and your beloved Terra is at the center of it all. First let me explain to you who I am. There is some confusion in the channeling community about who Father and Mother God are, and what my relationship is to you and to One, the Source of All Things. I will tell you. I have been mostly in the background for the past few years because we wanted to... more »

It's Time To Stop Living On The Earth and Start Cohabitating With Her

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
It's Time To Stop Living On The Earth and Start Cohabitating With Her The Earth is a Sentient Living Organism Contrary to the common belief that the Earth is simply a dense planet whose only function is a resource for its inhabitants, our planet is in fact a breathing, living organism. When we think of the Earth holistically, as one living entity of its own, instead of the sum of its parts, it takes on a new meaning. Our planet functions as a single organism that maintains conditions necessary for its survival. James Lovelock published in a book in 1979 providing many useful l... more »

Get Rid Of Frustration in Life....From Spiritual University....

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Get Rid Of Frustration in Life....From Spiritual University.... Posted by Dr. Sohini Shukla. on October 17, 2014 Overcoming Frustration In Relationships There are two things in life that we can never change: • the past and • other people This often brings us one frustration after the other, especially when we do not get the results that we want. Frustration is also a sign of failure, and every time that you fail in getting what you want from the other, your self-esteem and self-confidence are reduced. Frustration is a form of anger. You allow the negative emotion to control ... more »

Nearing The Activation Of Our Divine Nervous Systems

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 day ago
Nearing The Activation Of Our Divine Nervous Systems. Aluna Joy - Oct 17th, 2014 Last night I had another travel dream. I do this quite often, and it is so fun. No jet lag and no packing! This time we were in PALENQUE, Mexico. Palenque is my favorite temple site of all time . . . that is if you pushed me to choose over so many amazing places. This site has given me so much. Read my first experience in Palenque in 1990. It is a crazy story! ** In my dream, our group had just arrived in Palenque, and we entered the site for the first time... more »

SaLuSa 17 October 2014

*Through Mike Quinsey* If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago. The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur. Around you the chaos is another sign of what is happening, although much of it is karmic as old problems between people and even nations ar...more »

Economic System.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 day ago
*Thought Adjuster*Received by OscarAlabama, USA, August 5, 2011. *Thought Adjuster:* “The economic system of your world is not a sustainable system, and you will constantly find yourselves facing new crises unless you implement a better system. The fundamental idea behind any financial plan is to make a profit. This is not a secret and it is unanimously accepted in your world as the goal of any enterprise that plays a part in your economy. This, specifically, is the fundamental issue in your economic system. “When the procurement of material benefit is the main motivation for a h...more »

Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Crown Chakra Expansion – Part 2/2 ...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 day ago
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul TeachingsConcluded from Part 1 Despite your immense and impressive ability to be energy conduits, your chakras are still occasionally in need of certain expansions or upgrades that help them bring this energy through in an increasingly pure way, and if we haven’t stressed this enough by this point, this is what happened for our reader and plenty of others who wonder exactly what it is they experience when they witness this bold phenomenon. *A Portal to the Other Side* We also want to let you know... more »

The Spirit World Chronicles: What’s Life After Death Like for Child...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 day ago
The Spirit World Chronicles What’s Life After Death Like for Children? Part 1/2 by Wes Annac *The Spirit World Chronicles is an ongoing series based on channeled accounts of what the afterlife is like. Some of the material examined in this series dates back to nearly a century ago, and the referenced sources discuss a wide range of topics that have to do with life after death and the conditions of the realms beyond. * At the request of a reader, I’d like to examine what life after death is like for children who pass away too soon. This is obviously a very touchy subject,... more »

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Matthew Ward - October 19, 2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Matthew Ward Through Suzanne Ward With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. For the most part, mainstream media coverage of Ebola is straightforward; but like most major world issues, it is marked by political finger-pointing, particularly regarding the few cases in Spain and the United States. Given your mobile world, the appearance of symptoms several days after onset of the disease and their similarity to symptoms of other maladies, the sickness popping up outside of the heavily-stricken western African countries was inevitable. The heartening aspe...more »

Montague Keen - October 19, 2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Through Veronica Keen IN THE HISTORY OF THE COLLECTIVE AS IN THE HISTORY OF THE INDIVIDUAL, EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS.*Carl Jung* As consciousness develops and opens minds, those within the Cabal find that they have to use desperate measures to counteract it. Ebola is now being used. Pressure is being put on people everywhere to have a vaccination in order to protect themselves. Do not buy into this FEAR propaganda. See it for what it is. Protect yourselves by using the many NATURAL methods of protection that are widely available. Do not be swept up in the... more »

Hilarion, October 19, 2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Through Marlene Swetlishoff October 19-26, 2014 Beloved Ones,We call upon all lightworkers in the world to hold the vision high of the new Earth made manifest. We ask that you discipline yourselves to not be distracted or sidetracked from your purpose by the created illusions that beset the world during these times. You all have ability to discern what is real and true and to create what you desire to experience and this is where your attention should be focused. Peace is a reality if you can bring this into your own experience. From this, it flows outward into the world around you... more »

Wisdom With Wes: Positive Influence by Wes Annac

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Wisdom With Wes Positive Influence by Wes Annac When we approach life from a loving and spiritually open perspective, nothing drags on our sense of enjoyment. We're able to handle even the most difficult challenges with an open and loving heart, and nothing stops us from shining our light in the greatest and purest way possible. The positive, lighted vibration we radiate spreads to everyone around us who's in need of the sacred upliftment our light provides, and we make a greater effect on the collective consciousness than we would've ever thought or expected. The entire world ben... more »

The Many Degrees of Higher Love.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
*Teacher Ophelius*Received by ChrisMichigan, US of A, September 21, 2014. *Teacher Ophelius:* “Continuing with our theme on Higher Love, we would like to talk about some of the forms of this Higher Love, which can be experienced by those students on the path, who are seeking to elevate their spiritual vibration, and ascend their Psychic Circles while on earth. There are many ‘degrees’ to which this Higher Love can be experienced as you ascend the universes. As you come closer to relative perfection, the more ‘pure’ does this Higher Love reveal itself to your understanding until that... more »

Your Weekly Horoscope: What's in store for you this week

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Norah - Premium Astrology Monday-Wednesday: There are a lot of shifts that come in on Thursday, so they will be impacting you in the beginning of the week. The Sun Enters Scorpio, which you start feeling now. Change is huge and a lot of it is coming your way. You have a lot to adjust to. This is more about letting go of everything that is no longer relevant or useful to you in your life. Everyone is letting go, which could help leave difficult issues in the past. Thursday-Friday: On Thursday, there will be a New Moon and Venus will Enter Scorpio. Everything you feel will be ampl... more »

The Spirit World Chronicles: Departed Children Continue to Learn an...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Credit: Here, I’d like to talk more about the fate of children who pass into spirit early in life. I know this is a difficult subject for a lot of people, but I think it helps to see that in the vast majority of cases, children who pass on early will thrive in the spiritual realms. Their journey from life to ‘death’ is much more difficult for their parents than it is for them, and they experience a wonderful and joyous life in the fourth dimension that, if their parents could see, they’d be reassured that their chi... more »

Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Freewill and Soul Contracts – Two ...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings Credit: If you ever deviate from your life plan in favor of materiality or make choices that aren’t in the best interest of your growing perception of spirit, it helps to remember that you’re doing your best. You exist on a planet where humans have been taught to believe material things and the luster that comes with them grant eternal happiness, but in reality, this happiness is only temporary and the materiality that drives it will away seek satisfaction; feeding; stimulation. If you catch yo... more »

Masaru Emoto, 1943-2014

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
T*hanks to Golden Age of Gaia.**Masaru Emoto* (江本 勝 *Emoto Masaru*?, July 22, 1943 – October 17, 2014)passed opn Oct. 17, 20-14. [image: Emoto]According to Wikipedia, he was a Japanese author and entrepreneur, who claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto’s conjecture has evolved over the years. Initially he believed that water could take on the “resonance” of “energy” which was directed at it, and that polluted water could be restored through prayer and positive visualization.[1][*clarification needed*] Emoto’s work is widely considere... more »

Dolores Cannon, Founder of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT),...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
*Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.**Suzy Spooner writes:, * [image: Dolores] With a very sad heart I want to let you know my amazing teacher and friend, Dolores Cannon, has passed. She had an accident a few weeks ago and today she began her work on the other side, no doubt fact checking and interviewing every enlightened being she meets! Imagining the grand homecoming and reverence felt throughout the cosmos for Sweet Dolores. She trained an army of light workers and awakened multitudes. What a gift to humanity her life has been. I will be forever grateful to Dolores. Sending so much lov... more »

Christina Sarich: EPA Will be Targeted in Court for Approval of Tox...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, October 19, 2014 [image: pesticides green grass approved 263x164 EPA Will be Targeted in Court for Approval of Toxic 2,4 D Enlist Duo]The Center for Food Safety (CFS) has condemned the EPA’s decision to approve Dow Chemical’s Enlist Duo herbicide – an alarming blend of 2,4-D chemicals and glyphosate meant to be used in conjunction with genetically engineered corn and soybeans. If anyone still believes the U.S. protection agencies are actually out to protect public health after this latest debacle, then I have... more »

Deidre Madsen: Ascension 101: How to Not Go Crazy in a Crazy World

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
Written by Deidre Madsen, *Contributor for **Waking Times* [image: ascension-1]With so many ways for us to be afraid in the world today, like Chicken Little. (“The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”), do we really need to be afraid? Or do we want to arm ourselves with natural homeopathy remedies and immune boosting herbs and foods against dangerous rogue viruses like Ebola and the deadly respiratory viruses hitting children? Do we want to find a way to remain emotionally balanced (just as important as natural remedies) even though our country is besi...more »

Eliza: On Transitions and Changes

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 0 seconds ago
*On Transitions and Changes**Blue Dragon Journal** By Eliza Ayres* [image: Glimpses into the Distance]This past week, two significant individual First Wave Volunteers passed from this world. We have known them as Dr. Emoto and Dolores Cannon. Still others have passed away earlier this year, bringing much sorrow to those who have looked up to them and have enjoyed the fruits of their great gifts. Still others will be passing on without any fanfare, yet have served here well. Each one of these individuals brought knowledge and understanding to their students and to humanity about th... more »

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