Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Legitimate Concerns re: Judge Navin Naidu (aka Dr. Aidun of the Neil Keenan Team) and the alleged ‘king’ Silva

IMPORTANT STATEMENT FROM ~Jean — Addressing Legitimate Concerns re:...

Date: Thursday, August 21, 2014

A recent Affidavit[1] released and signed by Judge Navin-Chandra Naidu (aka Dr. Aidun of the Neil Keenan Team) on Tuesday July 22, 2014 attesting to the validity of one alleged Dr. Edmund K. Silva, Jr., the alleged Sovereign Monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai’i has raised several alarm bells among many alternative researchers including myself.

The document which states in capital letters at the top ‘UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, I ATTEST AS FOLLOWS’ contains several inconsistencies and unverifiable and erroneous statements.  For example the opening paragraph attests to the academic qualifications of Silva, purportedly a “Ph.D. Doctorate in Political Science” awarded by “His Majesty’s University of The Royal Borneo Nations, Hong Kong[2].  Firstly, it would be much easier and more transparent to produce a copy of the relevant documentation from this ‘university’ than to produce an affidavit relating to this material.  Secondly, and even more concerning, is that a comprehensive search of the Internet revealed not one reference to this supposed ‘university’ and a comprehensive research at libraries worldwide has not been able to turn up even one mention of this ‘university’.

Another alarming detail that has emerged from investigative research is that this signed affidavit by ‘Judge Navin-Chandra Naidu’ aka Dr. Aidun of the Keenan Team has at the bottom of the document the following accreditations:

Judge Navin-Chandra Naidu

Judge Member # 01798766, American Bar Association

Member #1040751, International Bar Association

Member, National American Indian Court Judges Association

This is troublesome, as a copyrighted document[3] by the American Bar Associationand The Bureau of National Affairs dated September 25, 2013 and published by the Bloomberg BNA contains the following paragraphs

“A related example is the case of Navin C. Naidu, a nonlawyer, promised a ‘client’ that in exchange for $5,000 he would order the client’s foreclosure case removed from the Colorado Court of Appeals to the Eccleslastical Court of Justice, a Colorado non-profit corporation that employs Mr Naidu as a “judge”.  The client paid and Mr Naidu filed a notice of removal to the eccleslastical court in the foreclosure case.

Of course, the court of appeals struck Mr. Naidu’s notice of removal.  Mr. Naidu stopped returning the client’s calls.  The client was never able to get a refund of his fee.  The Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel has filed a petition for injunction against Mr. Naidu and ecclesiastical court, and the case is pending (People v. Naidu, No. 12SA271 Colo. Filed Sept 18, 2012).”

A second document[4] which our research has uncovered from the Colorado Supreme Court cites the “following individuals and businesses have been publicly enjoined from engaging in any further acts of unauthorized practice of law, by order of the Colorado Supreme Court, since January 1, 2000.  None of these individuals or businesses is currently licensed to practice law in Colorado.  These individuals and businesses cannot legally represent you in a court proceeding, in a divorce, in immigration services, or in any other instance where the services of a licensed attorney would be required:”


Supreme   Court
Case Number

Decision Date







An Affidavit is a very serious document and if Naidu’s  statements in this document are, as they appear to be, a lie, then it is a very serious issue.

The consequences of lying in an Affidavit are as follows:

An individual who lies about the content within an affidavit may be sued for perjury and can also be subject to the sentence given to others who lie under oath if he or she is convicted of perjury. Any person who is eligible or allowed to take an oath in a court is typically entitled to make an affidavit as well. Doing so means that the affiant is aware of the affidavit contents, the importance of the oath and the consequences for it[5].

Given that Naidu has signed his name as a Judge then this makes lying on an affidavit even more reprehensible and seriously calls into question the reputation and validity of the people he has being lying about, i.e. Silva and himself (and all those associated with him).

I have been contacted, personally, by distraught individuals who were caught up in the ‘scam’ mentioned above in the Bloomberg article and I am appalled that these innocent people have not only been duped in such a way, but have also been subjected to intimidation and threats (I, too, have experienced intimidation and threats from Naidu and others for addressing this issue).

This issue needs to be addressed by the Keenan Team and if they have hard factual evidence to dispute the above facts such as the alleged report from the Attorney General’s office validating and clearing Naidu, which a member of the Keenan Team says took place, I think now would be an appropriate time to produce this document.  Producing this document would ensure the Keenan Team has acted professionally in their dealings with Naidu and Silva and would demonstrate to all that they have acted in good faith and that they were covered in their dealings by documentation obtained from the Attorney General’s office.

NOTE:  As documents which I and other alternative researchers cite in relation to this matter may develop the strange habit of disappearing after they are mentioned, please note that I have both electronic and hard copies filed away of all documentation cited here which can be produced for further appraisal if necessary.






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A Comment left by Naidu . . . ~J

A Comment left here by Naidu – Just the man to run an International Court of Justice, a Tribunal, yes? 

JEAN HAINES: My Marshals have an Arrest Warrant for you and Ellen Gonzalez.. Dont worry, you will be treated well. BUT, when you cannot prove your stupidity in believing lies, you will regret having known me. This is a good time to make a police report, you wretch. Maybe call the FBI and see for yourself the wrath of truth and justice. Typical retard you are! DARE NOT post my comment, eh !!! Get a life, you ungrateful wretch !!!.


What is going on at Cosmic Voice today ? ? ? . . . by ~Jean


I watched today as Ellen Gonzalez posted on Drake’s Facebook page, and repeatedly had her posts removed. She was accused of being  someone by the name of Kirk Siewertsen ‘playing games again, a troll, if you will. (I have heard this name  Kirk Siewertsen somewhere before. Is this a name they use when the admin wants to discredit someone? I wish I knew, because this is crazy!)

By the end, there weren’t discrediting Ellen . . . but they had decided she had an accomplice, which is, of course, me, I feel certain, and they said it surely will go badly for me. How can it? I am speaking my truth!

Ellen came to me following the suggestion of someone involved with this information. While I knew things weren’t right, for a number of reasons I simply wasn’t able to look into it further. Ellen has done a masterful job of research and she writes extremely well! I wasn’t sure how to go forward with it, but today she took things into her own hands, and knowing what I already knew, I have decided to support her. She has more information coming to her . . . and I’ll be posting it, as well. 

My question is why were they at Cosmic Voice in such a hurry to delete Ellen’s posts with the accompanying links. They weren’t checking them out. How could they have had the time? I’m sorry, but I have to question what do they know . . . If they are encouraging people to spend $1000 to belong to this group — a group which is being required to PAY to DEFEAT the CABAl (?), why wouldn’t they want to find out the truth? Why would they try to intimidate Ellen, as they clearly did? As an accomplice, I’m told I also have something to fear. Why? Is there some sort of a scheme going on here?

Instead of intimidating us, after all we were only the bringers of the information, why weren’t they more than willing to check out the truth of Ellen’s research? Quite frankly, to me behavior like that smells to high heaven. What about you?  

Like Ellen, I am not afraid of these people, and I’m tired of their heavy-handed, bullying behavior. The world won’t tolerate it anymore!

When I discovered they were deleting Ellen’s posts — WHY?, I took screenshots as a record and have also copied the entire thread below as well.

But I already had an inkling of the truth of what Ellen speaks. Someone else had emailed me with similar info.

I’m posting the articles that were pulled by Thomas and Holly, as adminsHere and Here, plus another damning one HERE.

There is more ressearch to come on this one, so please stay tuned in . . .  ~J

Legitimate Concerns re: Edmund K Silva – the alleged ‘king’ of Hawa...


The first concern I have is that all documentation which serves to validate Silva as the alleged ‘King’ has been issued from the same source, i.e. Silva, himself. All documentation appears to be issued from the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ team, which is Silva’s own organization; therefore, he is basically verifying himself as the ‘King’ of Hawaii.

As this ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ appears to have no serious standing either legally or physically, it is impossible to accept this documentation as real validation. Anybody could do or claim the same rights to ‘kingship’ by making up a grand sounding title and by issuing mountains of unverified facts and claims. Another problem with this scenario is all who work with Silva have also donned grand titles such as ‘attorney general of the Kingdom of Hawaii’ (Sinkin), ‘Judge’ appointed by Kingdom of Hawaii (Naidu) etc., when in fact none of these have any legal basis at all.

Then, there are the multitude of grandiose accomplishments and titles which have been awarded to Silva, which when stripped back in the cold light of day, have absolutely no substance.

For example take this statement from Silva’s own ‘royal’ biograpy “On September 9, 2011, The Grand Prior General His Grace, Duke Michael Gardham and Officers of the Imperial and Charitable Order of Constantine the Great and St. Helen, Knighted Sir, Edmund K. Silva, Jr. Knight Grand Cross of Justice of the Order of Constantine the Great.”

It all sounds very ‘grand’ and lofty until a little research is done.

According to the Order of Constantine’s own website:

“We are a Private (fraternal) Chivalric and a Charitable Order. 501(c)3 and a Public Charity 509(a)2 by the Internal Revenue Code of the USA. Incorporated in the State of California, USA since 2003 and register in the countries of Finland and Belgium, in addition we have members in Australia, Japan, Canada, Italy, Sardinia, Armenia, Romania, Estonia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Columbia.” “

PRIVATE: As a group of people, moved by the same common goals, knighted by a Grand Prior General. Presided over by Michael, Duke of Aswan – Grand Prior General, Imperial & Charitable Order of Constantine the Great & of Saint Helen”.[1]

The ‘Duke’ title is a made up title and the person who bears it is just acting the role of ‘Duke’.  The Duke mentioned above is, in fact, “a retired Development Consultant” playacting the role of a ‘duke’.

“To become a Knight or Dame of the Order:  Each prospective postulant is invited to submit an application along with the non-refundable $100.00 processing fee. The application will be reviewed by the local Prior and the District Council. Once the postulant has been approved, and upon receipt of the remaining $650.00 fee, he/she will then be invited to attend an Investiture where the Oath of the Knighthood will be administered, and they will become a Knight or Dame of the Order of Constantine the Great or the Order of St.Helen.”[2]

$700 is not a lot of money for Silva, a convicted felon in 1996, who served 12 years in a Colorado prison, for ‘theft by deception’ to the tune of $500,000. Again, this cold hard fact of his crime has been spun by documentation issued from the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ and by a newspaper article[3], (which could easily also have been PR set up – it certainly reads like one), so that the public are now supposed to accept Silva’s conviction as evidence that he is the true ‘king’ because he has been so persecuted. Silva admits to taking the money and he admits to not paying it back, so how his conviction can be presumed to be evidence that he is innocent is very strange indeed.

With regard to the ‘Duke of Aswan’ that knighted Silva. There is no current ‘real’ Duke of Aswan unless one transcends further into the realm of fantasy and plays the game ‘Crusader Kings’ where one can find that aptly enough there is a fantasy “Duke of Aswan [who] declares a holy war against the Shiekh of Hayya with the aim of taking his land”.[4]

The website was requested to take down Silva’s ‘royal’ biography on August 1, 2014, on the grounds that he “did not have full permissions to publish it” and that “the genealogy of this man (and his family) is considered sacred”.[5]   It appears that the was given a similar order as on the page where the ‘royal’ biography should appear is this statement instead “You are not allowed to view this document. Sorry, we can’t display this document.”[6]

This is the most blatant form of censorship, in the guise of ‘sacred’ness – and in this day and age it is completely unacceptable. Transparency and accountability should be the order of the day.

Another lofty statement in Silva’s biography announces that “he is a Grandmaster and Professor of Chi Kung Tung Kung-Fu, inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 1984.” However, according to the Martial Arts Hall of Fame website this claim is not worth the paper it may or may not be written on. The website states:

“The martial arts is not regulated and as a result, anyone can purchase a black belt at their local store and open a school without any martial arts training at all. The same thing has occurred in regard to the Hall of Fame. Anyone and everyone can establish their own version of a Hall of Fame at any time. Today, there are over a thousand martial arts halls of fame across America alone. Nearly all of these halls induct people with little or no criteria. We have witnessed fifteen-year-old martial artists being inducted along side 40-year veterans. A hall should be the accomplishments over decades of a person’s life and should be the most difficult thing to get inducted into. Halls like these are not only confusing to the martial arts community, but even more confusing to the general public.

In 1999, the Martial Arts History Museum felt it was important to at least bring some validity to the Hall of Fame and focus its efforts and providing the reason in which each inductee was selected. The Museum Hall of Fame was established with its inductees having an historical impact on the martial arts as a whole. Although winning countless tournaments or learning the arts for 40 years or teaching children who cannot afford classes is a great accomplishment, it does not alter history for the arts a whole.”[7]

It is in light of the above, and many more inconsistencies in the documentation produced by the Silva team that it is becoming very evident that there is something very seriously amiss. These inconsistencies coupled with recent information that has come to light about Silva’s ‘legal’ representative and ‘Judge’ (proclaimed thus by the non-existent ‘Kingdom of Hawaii) Navin Naidu who has claimed in an Affidavit to be a member of the American Bar Association when the Association’s own copyrighted document refutes this and then the Colorado Supreme Court ruling which states Naidu is not entitled to practice law and the fact that he has admitted to taking $5,000 from numerous clients under very suspect conditions, make it almost impossible to take seriously anything that ‘the Kingdom of Hawaii’ team publish. In the same Affidavit, Naidu cites under oath, a non-existent university as the alma mater where Silva  supposedly earned a PhD.[8]








[8] For relevant source links for this paragraph see:

Kauilapele sends ~Jean an email regarding the so-called King of Haw...

I received the following email from KP yesterday and on reflection I decided rather than reply privately to KP, I would make both his email and my reply public. I believe that from now on it is better for everything to be transparent, accountable. and publicly available to all. . . ~J

Dear Jean,

Here are four documents which may give you some data about Edmund K. Silva, Jr. Two of them are available on the website, the two about the “Royal Kupuna Exchange” are not on the website.

About the “Royal Kupuna Exchange”, apparently, Mr. Silva had no idea that his name was being used by that group, and did not give any permission whatsoever for them to use it.

The other documents give some background as to why he is considered as “Ali’i nui mo’i” (in western terms, “King”). He did not just “appoint” himself that title, rather it was several Hawaiian elders who researched the bloodlines and discovered that he fit the bill for that title. Later on, he decided to accept that the title was indeed his, and put his energies fully into that role.

My own conversations with him have demonstrated to me that he is a person of high integrity, and holds a deep passion for the people of Hawaii, and the lands and the oceans of the Hawaiian Islands. He recognizes his humanity, and recognizes (and admits) the fact that he, like all of us, has made mistakes in his lifetime. And has done his utmost to correct them.

I have no doubt he will fulfill his mission here, to bring the Kingdom of Hawaii back to full operation, and to full global recognition.

Please feel free to read these documents, and/or read others at

Below, I have excerpted from three of the documents which I have attached to this email.

Love and Light to you always (and with much appreciation for the awareness you bring to all of us, via your blog, during these challenging times),

Aloha, Kp


From the “Royal Kupuna Exchange – Lanny”, document:

Lanny Sinkin

Attorney at Law (retired)

March 11, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

I served as legal counsel to Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr. for a number of years. I am writing to address the question of Mr. Silva’s involvement with the Royal Kupuna Exchange. The simple truth is that Mr. Silva had no knowledge of or involvement with the Royal Kupuna Exchange during the period the Exchange was active. When I brought the use of his name by the Exchange’s website to his attention, he directed me to take whatever measures I could to have his name removed from the website.


From the Kingdom Booklet, pp. 32-33. (Note: “Mo’i” means “King”, “Aupuni” means “government”)


Some people have asked me: “By what authority are you Mo’i?”

A Hawaiian Kupuna (elder) contacted me to ask whether I would be willing to serve as Mo’i and restore Ke Aupuni O Hawai`i. He stated that his search for someone with genealogy linked to Hawaiian royalty and the personal capacity to restore the Aupuni had led him to me.

At the time, I was a political prisoner in the United States. At first, I resisted the request because I was in prison. After deliberation and prayer, I decided to accept. I told my God I was willing to serve in the position of Mo’i and to restore the Aupuni. Once I had made my commitment, doors opened to make the restoration process possible.

After twelve years, the prison doors opened, despite the opposition to my release by the United States authorities.

I returned to Hawaii in July 2005 and began unfolding the plan for the restoration. Many months of preparation have brought us to the brink of success.

Based on what I have seen since making my commitment, I can best answer that my authority comes from God. By that I mean only that I have already seen miracles take place that have brought us to the point where our goals are within reach.

To my people, I say: Look at my genealogy. Look at the vision we have put forward for the restored Aupuni. Look at the resources being put at my disposal to achieve the restoration. Look at how we use those resources to implement the vision. Look at the people who have joined me in this undertaking.

I believe that those with ears to hear and eyes to see will conclude that our vision, support, and works are proof that our undertaking is divinely guided and blessed.

I believe you will find that when you make your commitment to the Aupuni, doors will open to a more meaningful life for you and that together we will see the vision realized. I encourage you to fill out and return the form that follows. On this form you can indicate your support for the restoration process and what you can contribute.

On behalf of myself, Ka ‘Aha Kuko ‘Ano Lani, and all those who have kept the dream of restoration alive, I express gratitude to those of you who choose to join us.

E Mau Aku Ho’i Kealoha Hoa Hanau,

(Let brotherly and sisterly love continue)

Ali’i Nui Mo’i Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr.


From the Aunty Ipo letter


[Aunty Ipo] There was a common tread in all the emails as, to his genealogy. Our Mo’i comes from two royal pedigrees, King Kamehameha Nui ‘Ai Lu’au and the Ni’au pi’o” Sacred line. Our Mo’i and Queen Lili’uokalani connect to the Paki line otherwise known as the sacred line. Ali’i Nui Mo’i Keli’i is anointed of Akua and I Testify to this without doubt.

His closing statement still stands out in my mind,

[Edmund K. Silva, Jr.] “Huna Kalani — Finding your lost family members and bringing peace; changing unwanted family patterns to end family misfortunes. Peace comes with the perfect knowledge that you can serve something greater than the demands of your thoughtless pride; To serve your family spirit, your lineage, your aumakua, your fears, your hopes, your dreams and your goals is pono [right].

“We were severely wronged. But rather than blaming people for our lot in life, let’s change the dynamics of the negatives and come together as one voice, one people and one nation. Join with me in restoring our kingdom.”

Accompanying Documentation:
Royal Kupuna Exchange Affidavits
Royal Kupuna Exchange Matter_Lanny

Dear KP,

Thank you for your email concerning Edmund K. Silva, the self proclaimed ‘king’ of Hawaii. Frankly, though, KP, I am very surprised and concerned that someone, like yourself, who has “an advanced degree or two in science (chemistry),”[1]  and who has stated “where logic and planned research and analysis are king”[2] on your website, has not researched this subject more thoroughly.

My recent statement “Legitimate Concerns re: Edmund K Silva – the alleged ‘king’ of Hawaii”[3] clearly points out that one of my chief concerns relating to Silva is that NO verifiable evidence has been produced that validates Silva’s right to claim the title of King of Hawaii. I clearly stated in my statement, “all documentation which serves to validate Silva as the alleged ‘King’ has been issued from the same source, i.e. Silva, himself. All documentation appears to be issued from the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ team, which is Silva’s own organization; therefore, he is basically verifying himself as the ‘King’ of Hawaii.”

Yet, you send me four documents, two of which have been issued directly by Silva’s team, the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ team, a third which is an affidavit sworn by the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’s’ pseudo-attorney general and the fourth, a document which contains three affidavits. A little research later, however, and it turns out that these affidavits were put together at the request of Lanny Sinkin, the pseudo attorney general of the ‘kingdom of Hawaii’ (a title bestowed on him by ‘kingdom of Hawaii team) and the ‘kingdom of Hawaii’ team.  Therefore, all four documents have in fact, once again, been issued by Silva’s team and once again, no independent source or research has been offered. As these document sources relate directly back to Silva and the ‘kingdom of Hawaii’ team, they cannot be considered valid in any research I am undertaking.  

For your information however, here is my analysis of that first document containing the three affidavits:

The first document contains three affidavits:

While at first glance, KP, these affidavits may appear to be independent of the ‘kingdom of Hawaii’ team, a little research reveals that they are anything but. The second document you furnished to me last night, that of the sworn affidavit of Lanny Sinkin ‘the attorney general of the Kingdom of Hawaii’ clearly states at the end that “At my request, these individuals have prepared affidavits that, as to the best of their knowledge, Mr. Silva had no involvement with the Royal Kupuna Exchange.”  

The first affidavit is from another grand sounding individual George Edward Lake III, who, according to his own Affidavit, “enrolled as a full time minister with the WATCHTOWER and BIBLE TRACK SOCIETY at the age of 18″ before becoming a Prudential Life Insurance salesman and who from 1997-2003 began educating himself and studying many different types of law (he educated himself, not he attended an accredited law school). The main point of this Affidavit is to disassociate Silva from the Royal Kapuna Exchange by this man’s statement, “Therefore the man, Edmund Keli’i Silva Jr was not part of this group called ROYAL KAPUNA EXCHANGE.” The affidavit is poorly written; anyone can write these affidavits and get them notarized in a court of law. It is only when they are challenged that legal implications kick in.

The second affidavit is from Gary Allen Vincent, a former County of Hawaii Police Officer who served from 1979 to 1991 before resigning to pursue a business in automotive repair and recovery. His affidavit contains at the end the EXACT SAME text as the one in the above affidavit “Therefore the man, Edmund Keli’i Silva Jr was not part of this group called ROYAL KAPUNA EXCHANGE”

The third affidavit is from Dudley Silva Kaleohano Kaae, who served as a firefighter for the Federal Fire Department of Oahu, Hawaii from 1974 to 1978 and then as fire captain for the Keahole International Airport until 2008. His affidavit contains at the end the EXACT SAME text as the one in the above affidavit, “Therefore the man, Edmund Keli’i Silva Jr was not part of this group called ROYAL KAPUNA EXCHANGE”

All three affidavits are dated the exact same day: 3/10/2013.

The first affidavit, that of George Edward Lake III is notarized by GARRY A. VINCENT (who is the above mentioned ex police officer of the second affidavit and is quite possibly a legit notary public agent who can sign affidavits – but that means very little – most former police officers could apply for that). The second and third affidavits, those of the same Garry Allen Vincent and Dudley Silva Kaleohano Kaae are notarized by the same person, Elizabeth Kaolowi. 

These affidavits were all written/adapted by the same person, (who it would now appear likely was Sinkin – the pseudo attorney general of the kingdom of Hawaii’). The text is identical in places: they all say they met two individuals Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna II and John Paki Dudoit, who introduced them to an individual called Dr. Senders who said he had real gold certificates which could be used to create currency within the Hawaiian islands and that when individuals eventually asked to see these gold certificates they were shown ‘a poor copy of a homemade certificate’. All three affidavits then state that it was then they decided to end their relationships with Dr. Senders as he had misrepresented himself.

The affidavits then suddenly, out-of-the-blue mention Silva, and all three affidavits contain these two paragraphs relating to Silva:

“During this time period when I was in close contact with Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna III and John Paki Dudoit representing the Royal Kapuna Exchange and backed by the alleged claim of possessing of real gold certificates from Dr. Senders, there was no other names or individuals discussed who were involved in this gold certificate scheme.

 “Therefore the man, Edmund Keli’i Silva Jr was not part of this group called ROYAL KAPUNA EXCHANGE”

KP, none of these affidavits have any relevance to my statement. The fact that these three individuals wrote these is of no legal consequence. They could not know from what they wrote in their affidavits whether Silva was or was not part of the Royal Kapuna Exchange. The affidavits only say that they did not hear his name mentioned. In fact, in an earlier part of his affidavit, in Article  37, George Edward Lake III’s states “It was not until March 5, 2013 in a conference with Edmund K. Silva, Jr did I learn that he knew these two individuals Samuel Keolarauloa Kaluna II and John Pakii Dudoit,” which shows that Silva did indeed have a connection to the two above mentioned individuals involved in the Royal Kaluna Exchange at some time prior to 2013.

While I understand that you may really ‘want’ Silva to be the legitimate King of Hawaii and to ultimately make the world a better place, unfortunately this business is littered with very charming and convincing con artists. What I feel most sad about in this situation is the innocent people who are being duped right, left and centre along the way.  What about the homeowners who were conned by Naidu. These are ‘real’ people not just study cases which the American Bar Association discusses in their copyrighted documents.  What about the ‘real’ sovereignty campaigners who are now being put in serious jeopardy because these con men are hi-jacking their valid cause. This mess will set back sovereignty campaigners terribly and their research will be mired in the mud of Silva, Naidu, Sinkin etc..


PS: I note, KP, the following statement on your website “I can add here that I do know that the King’s lineage, and title of “Ali’i Nui Mo’i” (High Chief) of the Kingdom of Hawai’i, has been vetted at very high world levels.” If this is indeed true and you have verifiable evidence of the same, I would be most grateful if you could send it to me. I regard this as very serious business, and have tried very hard to unearth such evidence to justify Silva’s claim to kingship but so far nothing has materialized other than non-verified documentation issued from his own team and sources.

Bitcoin Records . . . from ~Jean, August 24, 2014

A brief explanation:  The first two photos are to be read from bottom to top, second photo first, then the first photo. This puts them according to date. The administrator of the funds, Michael Calhoun, made a small deposit on October 17, 2013, to test the system, and the last deposit was made on February 4. 2014.

The only payment to Neil Keenan was made to Jo Hutabaret at the Bank of China, who works for Neil in Jakarta, as this was deemed the best and safest way to get the money to Neil. 

The last three photos show this transaction, this time read from top to bottom, as you can see the cursor on the right drops. 

The amount of Bitcoin in an account varies like the stock market varies. There was a time when Bitcoin totally crashed, and that was when Michael decided to let it go dormant. At that time, if I remember correctly, the Account had about $1000 in it. Today, according to the following website, when I checked (remember the price fluctuates), this Account has in it 8.86561764 Bitcoin, with each Bitcoin valued at $502.13.

If you have any further questions I suggest you speak with the Bitcoin Account administrator. I was only the techie who helped to put it all together . . . 


Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here

Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here

By The Keenan Team

At this very moment we are sitting here contemplating what to do with the actions that have been reported to us.

The Clinton Gang has ridden in on their private jets, the Japanese Emperor’s sister has also flown in on her jet, and money transfers have taken place through Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Foundation.  Said funds are illegal, confiscated Colombian drug funds which somehow found their way from Clinton’s Foundation to Indonesia , with the main objective being to steal what does not belong to either the Indonesians, Clintons or the Japanese Emperor’s sister.

We told you long ago that this was the plan, and of course the Japanese Military is on standby.  Should they not be able to purchase, well, you get the message — they will get the funds one way or another!

Get Ready!!!!

Helicopters have been jamming the Wifi Systems between Stamford and Manhattan.  Do not be startled if communications have been disrupted for you seeing that the banking system is making a move which more than likely tells us that Manhattan has become a designated false-flag target once again.

When you see such activity it sounds like it’s time to get out of Dodge or do something about it before things get real messy.  It’s time to wake up.


Neil answers Jean’s “Orwellian” accusation with one simple statement:  the Bank Records will make everything perfectly clear.  With Jean having sole control of the accounts, it would be nice if she would provide everyone with a copy of the Bitcoin Bank Records by posting it on her site.

If not, do not be disturbed — we will have something up on our site shortly to document the Account History.  Neil never received one cent!  Let’s find out where the money went — we all would like to know.

We Have No Choice But to Stop This!

The people of the U.S. and the world need to stand up NOW and stop the actions of their tyrannical governments and the cabal organizations. There is more than enough historical and recent evidence about the actions taken by these psychopaths in executing  their dark agendas.   Our silence only perpetuates the extreme suffering and ultimate extinction of humanity.  They need to stop killing us all by poisoning our land, sea and air and by creating  wars!  Start now, today, with being loud and vocal in letting your representatives and local officials know that you know what is happening!

If no action is taken now, then … it has been nice knowing you.

It is the END GAME and there are no more excuses.



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In all documentation relating to the ‘Hawaiian kingdom’ Edmund Keli’i Silva declares himself the lawful ‘king’ of Hawaii with this statement, “On November 22, 2002, the prime minister of the Hawaiian kingdom, the Council of Regency, Nā Kupuna Council O’ Hawai`i Nei, the Nā Kupuna Council Hawai`i Moku of the legislative body of government, and the Royal Kupunas of the House of Nobles, proclaimed that I am the lawful successor to Ali`i Nuis (High Chiefs) of ancient Hawaii`”.[1]

He states that this is so because the ‘prime minister’ of the ‘Hawaiian kingdom’ proclaimed it so on November 22, 2002. Silva, however, neglects to mention the name of the pseudo ‘prime minister’ in his grand proclamation.  This is a very deliberate omission on Silva’s part as this pseudo prime minister of the fictitious ‘Hawaiian kingdom” on November 22, 2002 is none other than the notorious conman, ‘Prime Minister and Regent Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna, Jr, of the infamous Royal Kapuna Exchange.

Kauiliapele conveniently neglected to inform me and my readers of this fact when he wrote to me to inform me that Silva had no connection with Royal Kapuna Exchange.

The documentation which Kauilapele furnished me with, with the specific intention of disassociating Silva from the Royal Kapuna Exchange, included three affidavits. These affidavits were presented to me in Kauilapele’s email as if they were independent sources which could verify Silva’s non-association with the notorious Royal Kapuna Exchange. It was only through my own research that I discovered, in fact, that they were put together at the request of Lanny Sinkin, the pseudo attorney general of the fictitious Hawaiian kingdom, whose own sworn affidavit (also included in KP’s documentation and presented to me as verification that was independent of the pseudo Hawaiian Kingdom team) states “At my request, these individuals have prepared affidavits that, as to the best of their knowledge, Mr. Silva had no involvement with the Royal Kupuna Exchange.”

As I pointed out in my reply to Kauilapele “These affidavits were all written/adapted by the same person, (who it now appears likely is Sinkin — the pseudo attorney general of the kingdom of Hawaii). They were all notarised on the same date. The text is identical in places: they all say they met two individuals Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna II and John Paki Dudoit, who introduced them to an individual called Dr. Senders who said he had real gold certificates which could be used to create currency within the Hawaiian islands and that when individuals eventually asked to see these gold certificates they were shown ‘a poor copy of a homemade certificate’. All three affidavits then state that it was then they decided to end their relationships with Dr. Senders as he had misrepresented himself.”

The three affidavits all contained the exact same wording in relation to Silva:“During this time period when I was in close contact with Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna III and John Paki Dudoit representing the Royal Kapuna Exchange and backed by the alleged claim of possessing of real gold certificates from Dr. Senders, there was no other names or individuals discussed who were involved in this gold certificate scheme.  “Therefore the man, Edmund Keli’i Silva Jr was not part of this group called ROYAL KAPUNA”

In my reply to Kauilapele, I informed him that “none of these affidavits have any relevance to my statement. The fact that these three individuals wrote these is of no legal consequence. They could not know from what they wrote in their affidavits whether Silva was or was not part of the Royal Kapuna Exchange. The affidavits only say that they did not hear his name mentioned. In fact, in an earlier part of his affidavit, in Article  37, George Edward Lake III’s states, “It was not until March 5, 2013 in a conference with Edmund K. Silva, Jr did I learn that he knew these two individuals Samuel Keolarauloa Kaluna II and John Pakii Dudoit,” which shows that Silva did indeed have a connection to the two above mentioned individuals involved in the Royal Kaluna Exchange at some time prior to 2013.”

Subsequently, I have unearthed a Press Release dated July 15, 2003 and grandly entitled “The Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii  Announces Independence from all Foreign Powers — A Declaration of Independence, authored by His Majesty Edmund Kelii Silva, Jr. and signed by Prime Minister and Regent Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna, Jr. and the Hawaiian House of Nobles, [which] proclaims the Kingdom restored and states the intent of the Kingdom of Hawaii to purchase back its lands and govern them under an independent constitutional monarchy.”

This sworn affidavit below (and the two others notarized on the same date) clearly state that Samuel Keoamauloa Kaluna II and the Royal Kapuna Exchange were engaged in fraudulent activities in 2001 which prompted the three signatories of the affidavits to disassociate from Samuel Keoamauloa Kaluna II and the Royal Kapuna Exchange [See below: An excerpt from the Affidavit of George Edward Lake III dated March 10, 2013 which was notarised by Garry A. Vincent - Vincent also produced an affidavit for himself in relation to Silva and the Royal Kapuna Exchange which was notarized on the same date as Lake's affidavit along with a third affidavit (that of Dudley Silva Kaleohano Kaae) all of which were written and sworn at the behest of Lana Sinkin, the pseudo 'attorney general' of the fictitious 'Hawaiian kingdom' and all presenting identical statements in relation to Silva -]:

21. It was during the time period of 2001 that I was introduced to Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna II and John Paki Dudoit:

“21. It was during the time period of 2001 that I was introduced to Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna II and John Paki Dudoit:

22. A friend asked if I knew these individuals;

23. I stated no;

24. My friend who stated that these individuals would like to share something about Hawaii and its history with me;

25. At our first meeting they asked if I had ever heard of the Royal Kapuna Exchange;

26. A third part was disclosed shortly thereafter;

27. Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna II and John Paki Dudoit introduced me to an individual, who they referred to as Dr. Senders

28. Dr. Senders stated that he had real gold certificates that could be used to create currency within the Hawaiian Islands with the aid of the Royal Kapuna Exhange;

29. I did attend seminars over a period of time and I traveled to the Island of Oahu to meet with these three individuals

30. After a short period of seminars attend by Myself (George E Lake III) other individuals who requested to see the original gold certificate that Dr. Senders claimed to be in possession of’

31. He only provided a poor copy of an alleged gold certificate;

32. At that time I had stated to this group that I must end the relationship due the fact that Dr. Senders had misrepresented himself.

33. During this time period where I was in close quarters with Samuel Keolamauica Kaluna II, John Paki Dudoit representing the Royal Kapuna Exchange backed by alleged claim of possessing real gold certificates from Senders no other names or individuals were ever discussed.

35. Recently a very close friend asked if I could help his friend Edmund Silva Jnr. In the year 2012.

36. I happily agreed and gave some suggestions in handling some issues;

37. It was not until March 5, 2013 in a conference with Edmund K. Silva, Jr did I learn that he knew these two individuals Samuel Keolarauloa Kaluna II and John Pakii Dudoit.”

It is highly unlikely that Silva was unaware neither of the fraudulent activities of Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna when he was associated with him in 2002 and when Kaluna, the then, pseudo Prime Minister of the fictitious Hawaiian Kingdom proclaimed him ‘king’ of the fictitious kingdom, nor when he was writing press releases for Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna II in 2003 declaring  the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii’s Independence from all Foreign Powers.

The scams perpetrated by Samuel Keomauloa Kaluna II and the Royal Kapuna Exchange were public knowledge in 2002 and had achieved much notoriety as an article published by the Star Bulletin (Feb 2002)[2], an article by the Honolulu  Advertiser [3] and the three sworn affidavits above attest: “In February 2002, authorities shut down the Royal Kapuna Exchange”[4] amidst a flurry of publicity and the very public convictions of several of the Royal Kapuna Exchange con-artists.

In Lana Sinkin’s (the pseudo attorney general of the pseudo Hawaiian Kingdom) own sworn affidavit he testifies that, “a mutual friend suggested I call Mr. Kaluna regarding new efforts being made. Mr. Kaluna told me that he and the rest of the original delegation from our island had formed a government, issued a proclamation, adopted a constitution, and selected Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr. as King. Mr. Kaluna asked me to get the King out of jail.”  (The Mr. Kaluna mentioned here is, of course, Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna, the then, pseudo Prime Minister of the pseudo Hawaiian Kingdom who was already by this stage notorious as a conman involved with the Royal Kapuna Exchange when he gave this order to Lana Sinkin to ‘get the King out of jail’.)  The rest of Lana Sinkin’s affidavit is an obvious attempt to spin the whole story of Silva’s conviction for ‘theft by deception’ into a story of persecution by unnamed dark forces who wished to prevent the sovereignty of Hawaii being achieved. 

Edmund Keli’i Silva, became a convicted felon in 1996, and served 12 years in a Colorado prison, for ‘theft by deception’ to the tune of $500,000. Again, this cold hard fact of his crime has been spun by documentation issued from the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ team and by a newspaper article, (which basically repeats Sinkin’s affidavit spin and appears very like a P.R. set up), so that the public are now supposed to accept Silva’s conviction as evidence that Silva is the true ‘king’ because he has been so persecuted. Silva admits to taking the money and he admits to not paying it back, so how his conviction can be presumed to be evidence that he is innocent is very strange indeed.[5]

The fraud, however, seems set to continue.

Edmund Keli’i Silva’s current pseudo ‘legal’ representative and ‘Judge,’ Navin Naidu aka Dr. Aidun of the Neil Keenan Team (proclaimed thus by the non-existent ‘Kingdom of Hawaii even though he is not even an accredited lawyer), claims in his own sworn Affidavit to be a member of the American Bar Association even though the American Bar Association’s own copyrighted document refutes this.[6]  The Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel filed a petition for an injunction against Mr. Naidu and ecclesiastical court, and the injunction was enforced less than two years ago (People v. Naidu, No. 12SA271 Colo. Filed Sept 18, 2012) with the consequences that Naidu is not entitled to attempt to practice law in the state.[7]  Naidu has admitted publically to taking $5,000 from numerous clients under very suspect conditions a fact is stated in the above mentioned American Bar Association/The Bureau of National Affairs own copyrighted document. Naidu has also cited, under oath in a sworn affidavit, a non-existent university as the alma mater where Silva alledgedly earned a PhD.

At this stage I feel it is pertinent to mention here also, another statement from the pseudo attorney general of the pseudo Hawaiian Kingdom, Lanny Sinkin’s, affidavit. “My understanding is that the Royal Kapuna Exchange started out claiming to have gold certificates. When the certificates were revealed to be amateurish copies, the Exchange then claimed to be empowered to issue bonds backed by gold. The actual operation of the Exchange appears to have never been much more than a website that offered bonds supposedly backed by gold issued by people claiming to have restored the Kingdom of Hawai’i government.”

As Edmund Keli’i Silva and Navin Naidu aka Dr. Aidun are prominent members of the Neil Keenan Team, I feel it is important to address a comment I received on my site yesterday. The comment refers to the ‘gold dollars’ which Neil Keenan was portrayed holding in his hand yesterday on his website. The comment points to the fact that the dollars are identical to two novelty gold dollar bills which are available for sale on multiple websites such as Ebay, Amazon, Aliexpress and many more. On close examination the novelty dollars are identical to the ‘gold dollars’ Neil Keenan is holding in the picture displayed on his website.










It may be pertinent here again to repeat the statement from the affidavit of the pseudo attorney general of the pseudo Hawaiian Kingdom, Lanny Sinkin’s, affidavit. “My understanding is that the Royal Kapuna Exchange started out claiming to have gold certificates. When the certificates were revealed to be amateurish copies, the Exchange then claimed to be empowered to issue bonds backed by gold. The actual operation of the Exchange appears to have never been much more than a website that offered bonds supposedly backed by gold issued by people claiming to have restored the Kingdom of Hawai’i government.”

While trying to research Silva and Naidu I was, at first, amazed at how difficult it was to get a handle on their story. My research path met with an inordinate amount of obstacles — masses of misinformation, broken links, links removed, articles marked as spam etc. The above mentioned affidavit of the pseudo attorney general of the pseudo Hawaiian Kingdom, Lanny Sinkin, was helpful on shedding light on these obstructions: “I served as legal counsel to Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr. for a number of years. I am writing to address the question of Mr. Silva’s involvement with the Royal Kupuna Exchange. The simple truth is that Mr. Silva had no knowledge of or involvement with the Royal Kupuna Exchange during the period the Exchange was active. When I brought the use of his name by the Exchange’s website to his attention, he directed me to take whatever measures I could to have his name removed from the website.

The affidavit outlines, further on, the measures Lana Sinkin took to ensure that there was no reference on the internet to Silva’s association with the Royal Kapuna Exchange; “I made an effort to have the cached pages removed as well and the page indicating the King’s involvement with the Exchange is no longer found on the Internet. I have done my best to track postings referring to the website that included the King and communicate to the authors that the King had nothing to do with the Exchange. Some of those contacted did not correct their postings, so the defamation continues, apparently because it serves political ends.”

The pictures of the fake notes presented by the Neil Keenan Team on their website make it blatantly obvious to me that Silva is currently involved in perpetrating a similar type fraud/con/scam like that in which the convicted conmen of the Royal Kapuna Exchange and Silva were previously involved . His insistence on the removal of his name from any documentation which associated him with the Royal Kapuna Exchange was an essential step in the preparation to perpetrate this fraud.

As I stated in my reply to Kauilapele, “What I feel most sad about this situation is the innocent people who are being duped right, left and centre along the way.  What about the homeowners who were conned by Naidu. These are ‘real’ people not just study cases which the American Bar Association discusses in their copyrighted documents.  What about the ‘real’ sovereignty campaigners who are now being put in serious jeopardy because these con men are hi-jacking their valid cause. This mess will set back sovereignty campaigners terribly and their research will be mired in the mud of Silva, Naidu, Sinkin etc..”

In a nutshell this is a real life story about conmen. Mr. Samuel Keolamauloa Kaluna, when his fraud with the Royal Kapuna Exchange was exposed and officials closed down his company in 2002, hijacked the sovereignty cause, created a fictitious kingdom of which he made himself Prime Minister, then, went looking for a ‘king’ to front this fictitious kingdom, found one Edmund Keli’i Silvas (a felon convicted of ‘theft by deception’) in a Colorado Federal Prison, and appointed him the pseudo king of his pseudo kingdom. The rest is about to be history.

PS: Kauilapele, I would strongly advise you to do your own research before you show your ignorance again by labeling my research as ‘disinformation’.  It may do you good to remember the old adage – if it talks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it is a duck, or in this case – considering the fake PhD from the fake university and the fake Dr. Aidun – it is a QUACK.




[4] Ibid




The Event Chronicle has decided to no longer post Neil Keenan updat...

In response to the last paragraph, to which this Editor also takes exception, I would like to say that on July 29, 2014 I first alerted Neil that there could be a problem, suggesting he check it out so he didn’t hear things when he least wanted to hear them. I felt and still feel that such responsibility belongs to him and to members of the Keenan Team. Instead, I was told it was my responsibility, so because I am now busy with my own efforts I did absolutely nothing — until someone else came to me independently a week ago with even more information. I felt the need to find out the ‘real’ truth, and what I discovered since has indeed been very troubling.

Because I finally did research this subject, every effort has been made to malign me personally, yet not one single legal question has been answered in any satisfactory way by the Keenan Team’s own research. I leave it to you, as always, to decide for yourselves. . . If my research is poor, I ask only for correct, valid information, and I will readily and gladly stand down. The truth is after all the truth, and that is all that I am seeking.

When I asked the Editor if I might repost the article, he responded in a kindly way with the following comment:  You may post whatever you’d like. You were one of my inspirations for starting my own blog, so what’s mine is yours. :) Like you, I also stand for the truth, even if it makes us uncomfortable!

My thanks to him!

AUGUST 25, 2014 ·I

Note from Editor

I’ve been reading along with all the drama between Neil Keenan, Jean Haines and Kauilapele over the past several days. As a result, I’ve decided to no longer post Neil Keenan updates on The Event Chronicle. The following comment left for Jean Haines onher blog by the so-called Dr. Aidun (aka “Judge” Navin Naidu) was the final deciding factor for me.

“JEAN HAINES: My Marshals have an Arrest Warrant for you and Ellen Gonzalez.. Dont worry, you will be treated well. BUT, when you cannot prove your stupidity in believing lies, you will regret having known me. This is a good time to make a police report, you wretch. Maybe call the FBI and see for yourself the wrath of truth and justice. Typical retard you are! DARE NOT post my comment, eh !!! Get a life, you ungrateful wretch !!!.” [source]

June, 2014 Jean on her 75th birthday

June, 2014
Jean on her 75th birthday

Lovely. I have zero tolerance for abusive language, especially against women, and I have even less interest in drama (BTW this man has no “marshals” nor the ability to issue arrest warrants). Not only that, but I’ve always felt that name calling shows a lack of intelligence. Neil Keenan et al have done a lot of name calling over the past couple of years and have been involved in even more drama than I care to remember.

I have a lot of respect for both Jean Haines and Kauilapele. They are both intelligent and kind souls. They will work out their differences, or agree to disagree. I’m not worried about them. On the other hand however, in light of this new information regarding Keenan’s gold bill, and new round of name calling, The Event Chronicle will no longer be posting information from Neil Keenan. I’ve had my reservations about this man from the beginning and now I’m simply no longer interested in his shenanigans. It’s purely a personal decision. I cannot support any team that calls a 75 year old woman a “retarded wretch” and passes off a gold dollar bill obtained from the Internet as having any sort of significance.

I agree with everything in the following article except the last paragraph. I do not believe Jean is creating drama to keep us distracted. Jean is a Light Warrior. Jean stands for The Truth, whatever it may be. She is simply doing what she feels is right by exposing inconsistencies and asking us to take a second look. If that creates a little drama to shake things up a bit, so be it. The truth is being exposed now for all to see — whether some people like it or not.

Jean Haines Debunks Neil Keenan’s Gold $100 Bill

Source: Our New World | Via: Starship Earth (Also see original post from Jean)

Back in 2012, David Wilcock introduced us to Drake and Neil Keenan. There was much fanfare about how Neil had placed liens against the G7 banks. Winston Shrout was the Admiralty Law expert that explained much of the legal trickery that is used these days. Later that year, Neil withdrew his liens, stating he would re-file when he had more evidence.

To date, that has not happened. Cobra tells us that Keenan got himself involved with the Black Dragons, who abdicated their role in the this global reset that we’ve been hearing so much about, but the blogosphere kept listening to Keenan, who had an ally in Jean.

I maintain that much of what we see unfolding before us was scripted in the 1960s by the powers that be.

I’ve spent the better part of 2014 focusing on developments in Iraq and international banking. I am fairly confident that the infrastructure and underlying systems for a new banking system are in-place and ready to make the switch. I suppose that is one reason that I found Neil Keenan’s August 24th Update blogworthy.

From what I can tell, the RV was actually “live” for about an hour, last weekend, in Australia. Nobody knew why it was stopped. In the following week, the annual Jackson Hole meeting of central bankers took place, where it is rumoured that the US was told to fall in line or get left behind the rest of the world.

Neil Keenan maintains that he is responsible for one or more of the “collateral accounts,” which is pretty vague, in my opinion. Jean’s latest finding may surprise you…. (I’ve skipped the text where she debunks the King of Hawaii)

“As Edmund Keli’i Silva and Navin Naidu aka Dr. Aidun are prominent members of the Neil Keenan Team, I feel it is important to address a comment I received on my site yesterday. The comment refers to the ‘gold dollars’ which Neil Keenan was portrayed holding in his hand yesterday on his website. The comment points to the fact that the dollars are identical to two novelty gold dollar bills which are available for sale on multiple websites such as Ebay, Amazon, Aliexpress and many more. On close examination the novelty dollars are identical to the ‘gold dollars’ Neil Keenan is holding in the picture displayed on his website.”


eBay’s Novelty Note (front)

Neil Keenan’s Note (back)

eBay’s Novelty Note (back)

“The pictures of the fake notes presented by the Neil Keenan Team on their website make it blatantly obvious to me that Silva is currently involved in perpetrating a similar type fraud/con/scam like that in which the convicted conmen of the Royal Kapuna Exchange and Silva were previously involved . His insistence on the removal of his name from any documentation which associated him with the Royal Kapuna Exchange was an essential step in the preparation to perpetrate this fraud”

So what is really going on here? Personalities aside, it appears that fraud and deception are abundant. So, I ask you, are these people merely putting on a show, designed to distract us from what is really going on? I’m inclined to believe so.

The other thing to consider is that the masterminds of of the grand deception follow the 80-20 rule of distribution. This means that their operatives will present 80% truth and 20% disinformation, in order to cause confusion.

In my opinion, this whole situation is of little consequence. The King of Hawaii has little effect on the price of beans, as does Neil Keenan’s gold notes. So what has Jean achieved? This is nothing but drama to keep us distracted. The real question is “What is it from which we are being distracted.”

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