Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


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Amasing topic. I spent hours lastnight researching this. This is big. This is the manna. These mono atomic elements are considered superconductors and has properties like Anomalous responses to gravity, Superfluidity , Quantum Coherence, "Tunneling" through solid objects and Deformed nuclei in a high-spin state. It is also found in certian water and plants that are highly bio-energetic. I have much more to discuss on this topic but for now I have some links for research.
and please look at this

For a week now, I have been looking for ways to find gold. Something has been nudging me on this looking for gold for months and now I know why :)

Thank you and bless you , Vicky
Hi Simpleman, I'm so glad this article hit home for you. You might find it funny that I wrote another article, which was inspired by the very channeling of Metatron you cite. I call it From Beast to Light Body.

You might also find this of interest. will need to scroll down past the painting to read the entire article
Hi Vicky, this is right on. Thank your for the links. The connection with the number of the beast and the anatomy of the carbon atom make total sense. Our carbon based bodies are being changed into mono-atomic Crystalline Light bodys and we will be nourished with sun light, I agree with this. The dragon on the sea shore is us. Ourself is our own worst enemy. The beast keeps us locked into this limited 3D/ time bound reality, but our programing and beliefs are responsible for that too. We are our own judge. Both links are good and they resonate with me. It helped me connect some dots and make some connections. The picture is becoming clearer and clearer.

Oh the last image on the first link, the Creation of Adam scene at the Sistine Chapel, on the right where it shows God reaching his hand toward man (Adam), looks like a human brain.
You know, you're right. I never noticed that before, but it does!


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