Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Well it has been done the government no longer recognizes the constitution as our law of the land it has taken it even past a socialism state and into a communist state where your rights or justice are no longer validated by the justice system but by tyrrant working for our new empire the 4th reich this is just the start people YOU HAVE NO MORE RIGHTS AND IF YOU DONT COMPLY THEY WILL REMOVE YOU PERIOD WECOME TO THE NEW NAZI EMPIRE /..

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on October 10, 2010 at 4:31pm
The best I can guess what these control Nazi freaks are attempting to do is seeing how much they can get away with this to me is out right kidnapping and if I were in that guys shoes I would imediately file a civil suit not against that county sheriffs department but against the state for not arresting the person who had the authority to order police officers to go out side the laws of the state and perform a crime of premeditated kidnapping, criminal tresspass,obstruction of justice ,and the state is responsible for upholding his rights against any hostile anti constitutional laws .Since they have declined to protect his family then he should through his attorney also file a warrant of a citizens arrest by all those involved witjh the kidnapping it can be done.I have already sent my senator congressman and state representive that we cannot allow this to happen and if they get away with it then it will be on the law books as a past practice where they can kidnap any child from parents that they see isnt on there political side .And my right to own a gun has nothing to do with hunting its in place for a government who has went out side of the law and the malitias duties were to if nessacary put them back in place .This has realy got me ticked off .
Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on October 9, 2010 at 7:06pm
how do you abuse a child that is 16 hours old and within the hospital?? And i agree Patricia,.. I personally know people who do drugs .. ( im not talking just weed here) and neglect their children.. They have social workers come and visit all the time.yet..she still has all 9..yes i said 9 of her kids!
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on October 9, 2010 at 3:48pm
There is soooo much going on right now they want people to focus on anger, rebellion so that we don't put their thoughts and intentions in to a better world...specially with 10-10-10 around the corner.
That's my feeling on it!

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