Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


This is an interview with THE RUINER a blogger who became well known in the alternative community for his incisive look at the rumors surrounding the BLUE AV...

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Comment by CHRISTINA on September 20, 2015 at 7:59pm
shane's reply to a question from an anonymous reader:
  • I have read them all. I have them in physical and digital form and have been reading from them off and on for 20+yrs. Thank you for your words.

    The proof is always in the result.. So, where are we at with the info in those books?

    With respect,


    I am positive from your comment during the interview with Kerry Cassidy you have never read the Law Of One. You did a disservice and discredited yourself when you speak of things you know nothing about. If the Law Of One was given to the Illuminati adepts to read it is because it applies to both sides.. STSs (service to self) as well as STOs (service to others). If you would have read its five books, you would not be making such uninformed comments. Unfortunately you are being used and you are clueless.

Comment by CHRISTINA on September 9, 2015 at 5:36pm
Comment by CHRISTINA on September 9, 2015 at 4:52pm
Comment by CHRISTINA on September 9, 2015 at 4:46pm
Streamed live on Sep 8, 2015

This is an interview with THE RUINER a blogger who became well known in the alternative community for his incisive look at the rumors surrounding the BLUE AVIANS being popularized by David Wilcock and Corey Goode.

In this interview Shane AKA THE RUINER shares his background as an Illuminati insider, growing up in that organization, his experience communicating telepathically with Giants in stasis inside MOUNDS found around the U.S. and other countries. 

Shane shares his experiences and an overview of his understanding based on his break from the programs and the Illuminati controllers as well as his ongoing communication with them.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

SoE Visitors



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