Saviors Of Earth

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Comment by CHRISTINA on February 16, 2014 at 2:03pm

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 16, 2014 at 1:55pm

i perfectly understand your stance on nuclear energy, darlene.

on the other hand, what i pick up onΒ from the vid is that markus, katrine, gary andΒ those people still alive 60 years after the bomb blasts in japan, Β are clear proof that one can indeed heal oneself after nuclear radiation exposure.

by sharing their experiencesΒ they remind us that we have divine powers.

their message is not a licence to continue with nuclear energy.

it doesn't have to cost the earth - no pun intended - to detox, though.



Comment by Darlene Buckingham on February 15, 2014 at 3:20pm

I think the video does not give enough information to develop a healthy respect for the dangers of radiation. Yes radiation is all around us and we are able to deal with some radiation without harm but to dismiss the very real dangers of continued use of nuclear energy is dangerous thinking. We are exposing ourselves to too much radiation and this is still the first line of defence - to stop using nuclear energy. YEs we can detox to a degree but there is still a point where even detoxing will not help us. Radiation is not to be feared but it certainly is to be respected just as we don't put our hands in the fire we should not be using nuclear energy. The detox protocols are also out of the reach of many people given the financial reality of what it now takes to buy healthy food. Saunas are not available to everybody. The first thing to do is to stop putting these heavy metals into our environment and to stop increasing the levels of radiation we are exposed to. This is not clear in the video. All of us have a voice and must tell the nuclear industry to stop. and for that matter any industry that is using harmful chemicals to stop. We the people have to start telling our politicians that we want free energy and will not accept anything less. So few people even know about free energy. Thank goodness the word is getting out and one way for people to ask for free energy is to absolutely understand why radionuclides harm the body and that we should not be tampering with this energy.

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 15, 2014 at 1:43pm

Thank goodness some people know how to heal and share this information.

that's right, but i certainly would never advocate nuclear energy, darlene, knowing there is free energy and which is not detrimental.

it goes without saying that we the people are responsible for the daily choices we make and what we allow to happen and the consequences of those choices.

Iran Already Has Free Energy That Could Render Military Industrial Complex Obsolete

Monday, 25 February 2013 10:20

'21WIRE reporter Patrick Henningsen investigates the groundbreaking free energy science and advanced space ship technology brought into the public domain by Iranian nuclear physicist, Dr M.T. Keshe, head of the Keshe Foundation in Belgium. Keshe’s recent lecture on Jan. 30, 2013 at Imperial College in London, revealed some incredible information about Iran’s space ship program, and also about a Peace Treaty which is currently in the hands of the world’s super powers, as we wait to see how the the world’s β€˜super-powers’ will react to these new advanced breakthroughs which Keshe himself has stated publicly, have already enabled Iran to apprehend not one, but two US drones.

Other applications include faster than light travel, nuclear gravity-magnetic field plasma free energy reactors and advanced medical treatment for the terminally ill. The implications of what Keshe has reveal are potentially world changing…'

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 15, 2014 at 1:36pm
Comment by CHRISTINA on February 15, 2014 at 1:35pm

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October 12, 2012 Sterling Allan, a bioelectrochemist, is the primary driving force behind,,, and most recently Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. Sterling is also the founder of a dozen-plus organizations whose functions range from preparedness and alternative religious and political thinking; to defining, teaching and researching better ways to live as a society. He returns to Red Ice to share the top 10 European exotic technologies that made the PES list. PES is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Sterling founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate. In the first hour, he reviews technologies 10-4 but saves the top 3 contenders for the member’s section. He shares exciting details about the #1 pick, which is simple and can be made with off the shelf components. Sterling also tells us about an up and coming reality show, reviewing clean energy devices with him as the co-host.

Comment by Darlene Buckingham on February 15, 2014 at 12:45pm

The point is that a tipping point can be reached. We have to address this problem head on and say NO more broken pieces of uranium are allowed into our water, air and food NOW. The point is we should be living 300 plus years. Β Our lives are shortened by the toxins we allow into our environment. We now consider dying at 60 is normal - it is NOT normal. Radionuclides are harmful and do harm people. Thank goodness some people know how to heal and share this information. The more broken pieces of uranium let loose, the more challenging it will be to stay healthy. Β Our food is becoming more contaminated every day and the harder it will be to heal through nutritious food and clean water. Excessive heat and ionizing radiation does break down the body faster as when you jump off a cliff gravity will dash you against the rocks. It is the fast way off the cliff and to the bottom but you will experience the consequences. Radiation is like this also. Uranium is meant to stay in rocks and breaks them down over time. Many radionuclides released in nuclear energy are not found in nature and do cause damage when ingested and hasten the death process. It is more dangerous when you don't know you have breathed in and ingested uranium so you can take measures to counteract this. Radiation and chemical toxicity of radionuclides are silent - no taste, no smell. The best way to live now is to know that we are being exposed to excessive amounts of radionuclides and we do have to live with this knowledge now. The industry is denying there is a problem and many people do not take it as seriously as they should. How many people are being taught to eat a diet that rids the body of heavy metals when the industry denies that there is a problem. First say there is a problem, stop nuclear energy now and then detox. The whole world needs to detox and this can be very enjoyable. This video is speaking out of both sides of the mouth - there is nothing to worry about but DETOX! The message has to get out that radiation from nuclear energy is dangerous for the body but it is not hopeless. Doing nothing is harmful and we DO have to stop using nuclear energy and fissioning uranium. We also have to stop using toxic chemicals, period end of story, or we will not have any nutritious food or clean water to detox with.

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 15, 2014 at 5:10am

We have become so reliant on things outside of ourselves. We rely on grocery stores and restaurants for our food. We rely on pills and doctors for our health. We rely on jobs, banks and the government to save us financially. We rely on other people's opinions to tell us we are ok and loved. Any time you depend on ANYTHING outside of yourself for security, peace and happiness, you are setting up yourself and everything around you for disaster. And many see the world as one big disaster right now. The world is doing just fine. What's happening in the world is exactly what needs to happen. The Earth is doing what it has to, to wake us up. People in Japan are taking it quite well. They are not looting. They are not crying "oh poor me". They are setting an example for the rest of the world and getting us ready because there are many more wake up calls on the way. Surf the wave of life my friends because this is an evolutionary storm that is pushing us to evolve whether we want to or not. The only way we can survive is to adapt, flow, simplify and LIVE THE WAY NATURE INTENDED !!!!!! You CAN heal from radiation, and even live without having to worry anymore.

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 15, 2014 at 5:08am

Stop living in Fear.
Don't just survive- THRIVE!
OK- enough of the scary stuff. Everyone's telling you how many ways the world is falling apart and why we should be dying. The issue isn't if that stuff is true or not. The issue is if it affects you or not.
What if I could give you the freedom to not have to worry about that stuff anymore so you can get on with your life?

If everything in the media were true, we would all be dead right now. People like to use scare tactics to grab your attention and make them look like whistle-blowing heroes. Geez, with all the radiation, chemtrails and GMOs in the world, why are we still alive? The Fukushima radiation scare is small compared to everything else that’s been going on out there. Yet we are still alive.

Did you know there are still people alive today from the 1945 Hiroshima nuclear blast? And yet kids in this country are dying of cancer because they live a standard modern toxic lifestyle and eat dead foods. Radiation is everywhere (including cell phone radiation beaming through you right now) Almost every inch of the planet is toxic now, and I don't just mean physical, I mean emotional and mental. But how it affects you IS UP TO YOU. You see, life never ends. It just changes form. You can't stop change. But you CAN change the direction in which things are going. If you set a good example to others, they will follow. And people the world over are desperately looking for direction. The first lesson is DON'T RUN FROM A PROBLEM. That doesn't fix anything, and if we learn anything from nature- if we run from something, it will run after us and kill us. Step one is NO FEAR.

How you feel changes everything.

Everything is energy. Science has proven it. Spirituality and religion teaches it. Radiation is not an enemy. It's just radiation. People emit a form of radiation. The sun is radiation. Every thing in the universe radiates. It is the essence of life. How do you survive anything? You resonate with your environment. Fish resonate with water. Birds resonate with air. I personally resonate with light. I thrive in light. I live in the desert with 360 days of blazing heat and sunlight. I also live in a city not far from where EIGHT HUNDRED NUCLEAR TESTS were done for over 50 years ! I am not afraid of it. People say the economy is collapsing and I need to run to Ecuador. I don't run from anything. This world is what me make of it and I choose to make it something really amazing. I can get into quantum physics, but let me just boil it down to this-

1. Start doing what feels right for YOU and forget about everything else 2. Clean out and seriously simplify your life. This includes cleaning out your fears (even of death) 3. Follow what inspires you, despite what others say 5. Start living YOUR LIFE and Loving everything right NOW.

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