Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

BioField Reader Energy Fields Made Visible 3/10 - See Energy Connections


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Comment by CHRISTINA on July 31, 2014 at 5:11am

Published on May 23, 2013

The women were filmed as they started to connect energetically, in the same way as do every time they work together to clear negative energy from places and buildings.The live video stream was run through the Biofield Reader Imaging System so that changes could be seen as they happened. The subtle changes in light are not normally seen by the naked eye, but are made visible by the special filtering process within the BioField Reader program.ย 

In the video we can see that there is a sudden shift in the light, or energy, and that after this shift the energy patterns and colours have changed.
Red energy is often seen as dynamic and forceful when seen in the context of movement of energy.

After the shift, the energy connections are stronger and appear to be more focused in certain areas. The woman on the left now has a great deal of red energy/light concentrated around her third eye and eyes. She uses her sight and third eye during her negative energy clearing work.ย 
The woman on the right uses her throat area and speech to clear negative forces. The 'ball' shaped energy in front of her chin is very unusual.ย 

See blogspot for more...ย

go to: www.biofieldimaging.comย 

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