Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

On December 31, 2011, I woke in the middle of the night with the message in this video. When I posted this message two days later on an FB group, I was invit...

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Comment by Pat on January 10, 2012 at 10:56pm

Beautiful....thank you drago...brought me to tears! It too is my vision for the now and the future.

Have not seen this one before, and it is most definitely not SPAM.

Trudy, can we please dispense with the negative low vibrational comments. They are not necessary and certainly are not in the interest of the common good of members and what we are collectively trying to promote by supporting each other through our spiritual growth and development to achieve a better future for all of humanity.

Comment by Trudy on January 10, 2012 at 5:32pm

Important or not, when I want to see everything twice I switch on my tv. It is very disturbing the way this fellow kulic is doing what he is doing. Instead of taking the first vid down he post it again and again and again like he did with other vids, and that my dear Lydia is very disturbing. And in my honest opinion I wonder if this site has a moderator who looks after this sort of SPAM. We have an index and you can look up into the index, you and he and everyone else, why is that so hard to do!!!

Comment by Lydia on January 10, 2012 at 5:22pm

They are organizing Global visualization on 21 Jan 2012

link to Facebook if You wish to Participate:

Regarding the January 21st visualization/meditation, assuming you have some experience with this kind of activity, you will begin with your regular grounding preparations. If you are new to visualization/meditation, we recommend that you begin by asking Source/the Universe/God for protection, healing and guidance. Then, you might wish to read the vision statement from this video (see below) to focus and align your energy. Once you have done that, Pearl has suggested that you imagine a boardroom -- a room for executives in heaven -- and you invite into this boardroom experts in the particular field that you would like assistance with.

Comment by Lydia on January 10, 2012 at 5:21pm

This Info Is Important ~ from the Video

On December 31, 2011, I woke in the middle of the night with the message in this video. When I posted this message two days later on an FB group, I was invited by Pearl Lee-Ora Landsman to use it as the basis for a world-wide visualization/meditation that she had in mind -- thus, I went ahead and created this video to spread the message and to promote this event.

Regarding the January 21st visualization/meditation, assuming you have some experience with this kind of activity, you will begin with your regular grounding preparations. If you are new to visualization/meditation, we recommend that you begin by asking Source/the Universe/God for protection, healing and guidance. Then, you might wish to read the vision statement from this video (see below) to focus and align your energy. Once you have done that, Pearl has suggested that you imagine a boardroom -- a room for executives in heaven -- and you invite into this boardroom experts in the particular field that you would like assistance with.

If at any time during your visualization/meditation, you hear the names of experts, either those who have gone before or those who are alive in the world with us today, welcome them, thank them for joining us, explain the issues that concern you, whether personal or global, and ask for advice. Of course, be prepared for a response -- whether that response is visual, emotional or auditory, though, please know that having no response is perfectly okay too. Your participation is more important than getting/sensing immediate results! And remember, Source/the Universe/God has the right to veto any and everything that you may request that does not serve mankind. Also, if you are new to visualization/meditation, or even if you're not, if at any time during this event you sense anything that alters your sense of inner peace, calm and well-being in any way, whether that something is just a feeling, or you receive a message that does not make you feel loved, or takes you out of your state of calm, stop immediately until such time as you are able to re-find your calm, centered, and peaceful composure.

Please note: If the time of this event doesn't work for you, feel free to participate any time you can. We are connected beyond the confines of time and space after all!

Love to you all,

Mathew and Pearl

A Facebook event page has been set up by Hester Aira for this event at

To join a community of like-minded, like-hearted souls, you can find Mathew, Pearl and Hester on the The Beautiful New World Facebook group page at

Here is the message from the video:

I have a vision for the future and it is beautiful. I see honesty, transparency, and correct thinking in all governments. I see an end to disproportionate military spending and an equitable reallocation of funding to humanitarian causes, education, infrastructure, job creation, health-care, and environmental preservation and clean-up. I see an end to corporate interests in government, and an end to the weaponization of space, and an end to unnecessary reliance on fossil fuels, and other non-renewable resources. I know that alternate sources of energy exist, are viable, and can be ultimately inexpensive, but that they have been repressed by misaligned interests. I also know about false-flags, and media manipulation, and Big Pharma's quest to keep everyone sick, and Big Agriculture's quest for world food dominance using unsafe and untested G.M.O.'s. I know about the growing financial divide between the 99% and the 1%, and I know about the N.W.O. and its schemes for population reduction. And yet, I stand in my light, without fear, and with a beautiful vision for the future because I know that I live in an abundant world with plenty of resources for everyone. Whether we are 7 billion, 10 billion,

Comment by Lydia on January 10, 2012 at 5:20pm

I Know Jesmae I Love this One too ~ Group Hug everyONE ! xox

there s a Meditation on 21 Jan 2012 will add the info here above Please Join In ! :)))

Trudy This video Is Soo Worth TO Post 2x or Even 5X ~ ITs What We Need NOW More than Ever !!!

Comment by Jesmae Tunnell on January 10, 2012 at 5:13pm

Thanks Lydia for emailing me on this one, my mascara is running, the music was terrific too.

Comment by Trudy on January 10, 2012 at 4:54pm

Well my dear Lea then you must take your time to look in the index, I find it SPAM when you post a vid and two days later you post it again. Or is is too hard for you to look in the index of the vids to see what is posted lately???

Comment by Jeanne Christie on January 10, 2012 at 3:44pm

 WOW-Let us manifest it!!!!

Love+ Hugs



Comment by Lea Anna Cooper on January 10, 2012 at 12:20pm

Thank you Drago...this is a good one. I'd not seen it before and this is my vision as well. :D

Trudy...please!  This is not SPAM...I'd not seen it before, and I'm sure others haven't either. Some of us didn't have time, or get the e-mail about it. So stop picking, okay?  This is what the world does NOT need. That was a very low vibration comment. 

Comment by Trudy on January 10, 2012 at 10:56am

realy mr. D Kulic sometimes I think you lost it, you post this vis allready, this is SPAM :

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