Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What Kind of Year Is 2016?


Greetings Beloved!

We will not “beat around the bush,” as You say, in getting to the point of our message as You enter the second month of your very NEW New Year. That it is NEW is the point.

We have heard through our Judith’s ears the “titles” that have been given to your year of 2016 by many of the intuitives and channelers among You–
“The Year of…
Accelerated Change;
Completion and Transition”…
and even more that are variations of these!

Just as our Judith translates our frequencies into words that can carry them to You, these “titles’ were chosen by those who leaned INto the frequencies of the unfolding, then felt the word that encompassed the frequencies they attuned to. We hear/feel your question, Beloved! “WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DIFFERENT ONES, THEN?”

And an excellent question it was, for it leads directly to our point.  Yet we may confound You even more on the way, for we also tell  You that we do not feel any dissonance in any of them with the frequencies of 2016.  Indeed, from our perspective, every one of them is correct. We hear You again, Beloved! “HOW COULD THAT BE, WHEN EVERY ONE OF THEM IS DIFFERENT?”  

It is because NONE OF THEM ARE COMPLETE.  Which IS our point…. the year You have just entered is entirely NEW. An entirely NEW experience is indescribable until it is experienced, is it not?  Your NEW year of 2016 is an unfolding  PROCESS, and while all of those “titles” described a part of  this process,  it WILL BECOME FAR MORE THAN THE SOME OF ITS PARTS.

As we have told You before, Beloved, there is no “either/or” nor “this or that” anymore! In truth, there has never been a “this” without a “that.”  But NOW You will begin to experience “this/that” as the way it IS…. perspectives through which ONE WHOLE is experienced.

That is why we suggest a “title” for your year of 2016 which encompasses ALL of its frequencies, since it YOUR PERSPECTIVE that will expand.

We suggest calling 2016 “YOUR YEAR OF TRANSFORMATION.”

And, we mean literally, sensorily, experientially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually… in whatever way You can possibly perceive the frequencies of “transformation!”

This is what Paradigm Shift means. We will say more as the “time” unfolds, but in this particular moment of your ever-expanding NOW,  we will offer a suggestion that resonates with the frequencies that will serve You best exactly where YOU are within it:


By the way… transformation is not a NEW experience on your planet.  Your butterflies know it well.

How we love You  Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

<3 <3 <3

Thank you to all who APPRECIATE this message and offer your APPRECIATION  by pressing the “Donate” tab in the right sidebar.  APPRECIATION “APPRECIATES” (just like money does!)


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