Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Regreening a Mountain
Re-Greening a Mountain
Geoff Lawton takes you for a walk down a steep mountain slope in Hong Kong that was once a barren treeless desert. Now 50 years later, it's a wonderful paradise with all its own water, ponds, terraced gardens, compost and bio-char creation systems in place.
Geoff takes you all the way down to beautiful permaculture garden and nursery. He explains how they use these amazing aero-pots in the nursery to grows plants super fast. Check it out!

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Flat Land Flash Floods and Permaculture
What to do in Flat Lands with Flash Floods?
You live on flat land and the river rises suddenly and your property is inundated with flood water. Your precious trees, gardens, poultry, livestock all ruined in the deluge. Swales are no good. You can't dig a trench in sandy soil completely full of ground water.
What would you do?
Here's a terrific story how one man dealt with this problem and saved his land using a clever little known Permaculture technique.

Watch this Video Now!

How to Create a Permaculture Design
How to Create a Permaculture Design
Geoff Lawton visits Dan Halsey in Minnesota who in 2006 made the switch as a successful photographer to become a professional Permaculture Designer. Dan gives you a tour of his farm and then shares with you his techniques of designing large scale properties. Even if you don't know one tree from another, Dan shares with you his method on how to design in any environment.

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Heating Your Glasshouse
Heating Your Glasshouse with Geo Solar
Geoff Lawton visits an enormous community glasshouse located in the cold mountains of Canada to find out how they managed to heat their system over winter without costly power bills.
Its an amazing system where the summer heat is pumped and stored below ground and slow released over winter. It really works. Its very inexpensive to build too. If you live in a cold climate and plan to heat your house - you must watch this video.

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From Monoculture to Permaculture
From a Monoculture to a Permaculture Farm

When Warren Brush bought a run down orchard near Ventura, California, he knew he was in for the ride of his life transforming it into a Permaculture farm. From an an original monoculture persimmon, apple and avocado orchard, its a risky challenge to turn this all around and announce you are now also running a creamery and a heritage pig system and a farm stall and then there are the walnuts and the orchards and...well, you get the idea.

Find out how Warren managed to do all this with inventive fresh ideas and a little Permaculture knowledge.

Watch this Video Now!

Are there Permaculture People near me?
Permaculture Global

Need a consultant? Want to find a teacher? Need to see more examples of working Permaculture Projects? Find out who is doing Permaculture in your neighborhood. Visit the Worldwide Permacultue Global network. Its Free. There are over 12,000 people on it already!

PermacultureGlobal Website

High Cold Dry and Windy
Transforming a Permaculture Horse Farm

Transforming a hostile Nevada property into a productive environment is not easy, especially when your farm is situated in the high, cold, dry and windy part of America. How did one family manage to combine their love of horses and permaculture together and transform it successfully into a wonderful environment in three short years? Geoff Lawton investigates.

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When Organics Goes Bad
When Organics Goes Bad

Geoff Lawton visits an organic carrot farm in California and explains why some organic farms are not always good for the environment.

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The $500 House You Can Build
The $500 House

Fancy a custom built $500 cob house? Geoff Lawton investigates an innovative collection of houses being built on a Permaculture farm in California. Each house costs around $500 to construct. All the little houses are built individually out of cob (sand, clay, water and straw) and are lovingly decorated in unique custom designs from found materials. They last a long time too.

Watch this Video Now!

Finding Water in the Desert
Finding Water in the Desert
You are lost in the middle of the desert with an enormous sand dune behind you and you need to find water fast. Where do you look? 
Geoff Lawton explains exactly where you should go to find water in this engaging and educational short video clip.

Watch it on Now on YouTube!

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Permaculturein Paradise
Permaculture in Paradise

34 Years ago, Dano and his wife Robin switched off their TV and moved into a tiny 1 acre property in the forest of Molokai and decided to concentrate their lives on just doing Permaculture and nothing else.

In this video, Geoff Lawton tracks them down and finds out how they managed to survive all these years and what secrets they learned along the way.


Permaculture for Profit
Permaculture For Profit
Imagine you owned your own farm planted full of apple trees.
You used No herbicidesNo fungicides. No pesticides and No industrial fertilizers.
The trees were treated with Sheer Total Utter Neglect and still bore copious amounts of fruit.
How is that possible?
In this video, Geoff Lawton visits Mark Shepard's Permaculture farm in Wisconsin to discover his secrets of profitably growing apples using his STUN system. It's the best 15 minutes you will ever enjoy.
From Prairie to Monoculture
From Prairie to Monoculture
We shared this video on Facebook and YouTube last week, which was seen by well over 100,000 people. Whilst filming in the prairies of Minnesota recently, Geoff Lawton was struck by the contrasting field of industrial corn. In 3 minutes he gave you an interesting account of the contrast and despair of industrial agriculture. Its Geoff Lawton at his unplugged best. 
Please Like it and Share it with your friends. 
The Fish Ponds of Molokai
The Amazing Fish Ponds of Molokai
Geoff Lawton visits the Hawaiian Island of Molokai where an 800 year old fish farming system is being restored. These amazing Hawaiian aquaculture systems allow nutrient flow from a series of Taro ponds in the upper slopes to gather nutrient and algae to flow downhill to smaller ponds before going out to sea. Fish are attracted to the nutrient rich fresh water and with the aid of an extended rock wall, are trapped and harvested at the gates at night. An amazing sustainable system.
Canadian Cold Climate Urban Strategies
How to Grow Food in a Canadian Urban Garden with a Rocket Stove Powered Green House!
It's 40 degrees below freezing. We're in Calgary, Canada and this rocket stove powered green house is pumping out tomatoes and cucumbers when its still freezing outside! The neigbours are amazed to see red tomatoes coming out at the beginning of the season, when most tomatoes never mature or even turn red at all!
Geoff Lawton finds out how this engineering couple are growing their own food in a tiny backyard!
An Oasis in the American Desert
Discovering an Oasis in the American Desert
Geoff Lawton discovers an oasis in the middle of the Sonoran desert in Arizona.

The system was created 80 years ago. Built during the Roosevelt era, with horse and cart during the Great Depression it remained lost and forgotten for 80 Years! Now thanks to Google Earth imagining, Geoff Lawton tracked it down and discovered a forgotten swale system that was designed to passively harvest water and build soil - without human assistance.

We could re-green a lot of deserts this way and plant an oasis of productive fruit trees. Find out how they did it!
Watch Geoff Lawton explain it all in Detail!
Three Cow BioGas System
My 3 Cow Biogas Digester creates enough Gas for 6 People!
Geoff Lawton visits Permaculture Designer, Tom Kendall's farm where his three cows supply enough cooking gas to suit a family of six people.

Tom's dairy is designed to capture all the manure (including human manure) and direct it to an underground chamber where methane gas is fermented. Excess manure is then directed to his vegetable garden or through his a reed bed filtration system. 

Watch Geoff Lawton explain it all in Detail!
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Comment by CHRISTINA on November 12, 2015 at 6:52pm

Here Are Just Some Of The Simple, Techniques for Living More Naturally That You Will Learn...

  • How to Capture and Clean Water
    You’ll learn about a simple, almost effortless strategy for reducing your household water consumption by 50% or more… without skipping showers or re-wearing clothes! The powerful water recycling techniques you’ll discover can supply 2/3 of your home’s water!
  • Key Fundamentals of Natural Building Materials
    Create natural bricks with four easy-to-find ingredients! You’ll also learn about the top renewable building method, which lets you create structures without baking, using bricks, or using formwork or structural molds!
  • Six Fascinating Secrets of Composting
    You’ll get the 6 simple rules for creating optimal compost, and learn how compost can prevent plant disease, filter rainwater, prevent soil erosion, and even provide heat and electricity.  

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