The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
In what can only be described in the most apocalyptic of terms, the mass gathering of owls this past week on the sacred burial site of the Cahokia pyramid builders clearly shows that one of the most important of the ancient signs signaling “mass death and destruction” has now been given to the people of the United States and is a “final warning” to them all that their preparations for survival should begin.
Now to fully understand the great significance of this warning one must first know that the Cahokia Pyramid [photo 2nd left], located near Collinsville, Illinois just east of the large American Midwestern city of St. Louis, Missouri, is one of the largest pyramid complexes ever constructed. In the entire World, only the pyramids at Cholula and Teotihuacan in central Mexico surpass the Cahokia Pyramid in size and total volume. No other structure in the United States approached the size of the Cahokia Pyramid until the building of airplane hangars, the Pentagon, and skyscrapers in the twentieth century. The Cahokia Pyramid is also one of only 20 World Heritage Sites designated in the territory of the United States.
The builders of the Cahokia Pyramid are referred to today as the North American Mound Builders and whose mammoth and ancient structures can be found throughout the Eastern and Midwestern portions of the United States, most specifically in the State of Missouri where over 37,000 of their mounds have been discovered to date, but which Judith Deel, an officer with the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office, admits is just a small fraction of the total number yet to be uncovered.
The most complete, though not exhaustive, writings about these ancient North American mound builders was written by the French historian and explorer Antoine-Simon Le Page du Pratz (1695-1775) who in his “Memoire sur la Louisiane” wrote of the legends of these people and stated that the burial place of their ancestors, including their “Sun King”, was in the valley of the “17 Great Mounds” which is now known as Dade County, Missouri.
It cannot be overstated how powerful the influence of du Pratz’s memoirs were upon the America’s Founding Fathers, most specifically their third President, and author of their Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson who in 1801 initiated the purchase for the United States from France of the entirety of the North American Mound Builders territory not already under American control in what is called The Louisiana Purchase.
Within two weeks of his purchasing this vast expanse of land from France, President Jefferson had the US Congress appropriate $2,500 for an expedition to uncover the secrets of these ancient and mysterious people. This is known to history as the Louis and Clark Expedition and named after Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
Though Lewis and Clark’s expedition was presented to the American people as being for the exploration of the new lands acquired for them by President Jefferson, the true purpose was revealed in 1825 with the publication of “Illustrations of Masonry” written by William Morgan (1774–1826) for which he was immediately kidnapped and murdered for making public and sparking off one of the most tempestuous periods in American history known as the “Morgan Affair” which nearly brought down the United States government.
And as attested to by William Morgan about the Lewis and Clark’s Expedition was its discovery of the “ancient secrets” of the North American Mound Builders that were “so profound” that President Jefferson ordered that the “symbol of the owl” should “forevermore” be placed on American currency as a “warning” of “that dark day to come”.
President Jefferson’s order has remained in effect to this very day and the “symbol of the owl” [photo 3rd left] can be seen on every US one dollar bill as a reminder to “those that know” of what is to come.
Sadly for the American people of today is that where President Jefferson had always sought to protect them by using the ancient knowledge he had acquired, the same could not be said by those who proceeded him; most specifically when in 1872 the infamous Bohemian Club was founded and whose members, to this very day, include nearly all the major heads of American corporations, banks and finance along with their most powerful politicians, including Presidents, who each year gather in the redwood forests of California at a place known as Bohemian Grove and worship before the image of a 40-foot owl [photo bottom left] in celebration of the destruction of their own country.
And at no time in their history has America’s destruction been nearer than it is today as evidenced by the reports that hundreds of owls have assembled in parliament [though owls are typically solitary, the literary collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament] in Dade County Missouri near the “17 Great Mounds” of the “Sun Kings”.
Important to note is that Dade County Missouri is home to a total of 17 mountain summits and peaks, the most important one of them being Bryant Mound Summit which according to the ancient legends is where the first “Sun King” sleeps until the “sky chariots” come again to take him home.
Most unfortunately, and as we have seen so many times before, this warning being given to the American people by this unprecedented Parliament of Owls will in all likelihood be ignored and even ridiculed. But at their own peril do they act as foolishly as they are prone to do as time and time again our history has proven that the animals of our Earth know more of what will happen than people do, and as we can read as reported by the National Geographic News Service:
“Before giant waves slammed into Sri Lanka and India coastlines ten...
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• Elephants screamed and ran for higher ground.
• Dogs refused to go outdoors.
• Flamingos abandoned their low-lying breeding areas.
• Zoo animals rushed into their shelters and could not be enticed t...
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Even today the people are Japan are heeding new animal warnings preparing them also for what may come, and as we can read as reported by the Telegraph News Service:
“Japan is bracing itself after dozens of rare giant oarfish - tradi...
The appearance of the fish follows Saturday's destructive 8.8 magni...
A quake with a magnitude of 6.4 has also struck southern Taiwan.
This rash of tectonic movements around the Pacific "Rim of Fire" is...
Those concerns have been stoked by the unexplained appearance of a ...
As to the catastrophes to come it is not in our knowing, but what is to be known is that when our animal brothers and sisters speak we would all be wise to listen to their message and heed the warnings they give us, especially those they carry from the past into our lives today.
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