Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Our Crystalline Diamond Heart By Ramona Lappin

Our Crystalline Diamond Heart
By Ramona Lappin

We’re having an M-class Solar Flare, and probably Earth facing CME happening right now, along with a radio emission type 2 Radio blackout that’s been active since about 7pm UTC Sunday. We have some powerful solar flares, filaments and CME’s popping off the sun with consistent C-class flares for the past 12 hours. There’s been several Earth directed CME events over the past two days with the Solar energies rising again in intensity! This is allowing more Solar Codes and Cosmic Rays to penetrate the atmosphere, and is assisting the re-encryption of our matter world’s and Activations of our Multidimensional DNA and Crystalline Networks and Grids, within and without, which is reaching an important trigger point, where I see ALL of our true Memories flooding in at a collective level.

I see this happening very VERY soon, and already happening, but how and when exactly this is going to complete and play out in our visible Realities, I can’t say. Everything is very much in flux and this whole journey has been very much about putting one foot in front of the other and figuring it all out as we walk our path. I see this week as pivotal to how far we’re all about to Quantum jump, if not...+

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