Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We’re going to do things that defy logic and defy the mind. We’re going to go out past the limb – not just out on the limb, we’re going to go past the limb. We’re going to go into areas that require you to have the utmost trust in yourself. Don’t trust me; trust yourself. When you try to put that trust onto me, I’m going to let you fall, so you’ll learn to trust yourself.

You’ll learn to trust yourself, to love yourself in a way that you can’t imagine right now. What we’re going to be doing, in going beyond the mind and the old human programming, is we’re going to go into experience. Into experience.

Many of you have been searching for Spirit, for God, for yourself or God knows what, for a long time. You’ve been doing it through your mind. You’ve been analyzing it. You’ve been studying it. Good Lord, put all those books away. Ship them off somewhere else. You’ve been studying it. You’re never going to understand yourself or Spirit. You can only experience Spirit, and that’s what you’re going to be doing.

You’re going to go beyond this rhetoric, the talk. You know, you can talk about love. You can analyze love. You can write about it, even sing about it. But it only becomes love when you actually experience it. Until then it is just a theory.

You can talk about God all day long. I’ve heard some of you, unfortunately, pontificating to others about God, on and on and on. Didn’t you notice that they fell asleep? I’ve heard some of you with your great theories about God. Get rid of all of them right now. We’re going to experience God. You’re going to experience Spirit in your life. Not a word will ever, ever be able to define the experience of Spirit – the experience of life.

You talk about life, you talk about New Energy – let go of all of your talk about New Energy. I see some of you trying to say what’s New Energy and what’s Old and criticizing something for being Old Energy. Let all of that go, because it’s all words. It’s all rhetoric. It’s time we’re going to experience it. You’ll experience New Energy in your life, and then you’ll even let go of the word ‘New Energy.’ It will become meaningless. You’re going to experience the integration, the completion, the fulfillment – whatever words, but none of them are satisfactory.

In New Energy you’re going to, once and for all, experience your creation, and then you’ll understand the words, “You Are God Also.” The words will become meaningless and it will become the experience. That experience radiates in every part of you. That experience is what attracts the students, is what allows you to become the Standard. That experience that you have had, rather than the intellectualization, rather than the analysis, is what changes your energy dynamic.

Over these past six weeks we’ve been working on, not a reprogramming, but basically an opening up of your energetic systems to allow for this New Energy to come in; working on and releasing a lot of old issues that have been there, a lot of old wiring, to enable you to have the experience of New Energy, of Spirit, of wholeness, of fulfillment. No longer being needy, wanting. No longer having that … you hold carrots in front of yourself sometimes to keep going. We’re going to go beyond all that.

I’m going to make a very bold statement here, as Cauldre hides behind a drink of water. (laughter as Cauldre takes a sip) I’m going to guarantee, what you would call in your human words, your happiness, your fulfillment. I know I can do that. I know I can tell you that if you allow for that trust in yourself, you work together with Shaumbra, you become truly integrated in yourself and allow yourself to participate in the Mystery Schools, you will have this thing that has seemed to have eluded you for a long time – happiness. Peacefulness, whatever you want to call it. Fulfillment. Mastery on Earth. Ascended status where you’re going to be walking as an ascended being, in the experience of it, in the realization of it, along with the other fifteen hundred and some other ascended beings who are going to be here on Earth.

I don’t want you to get all caught up right now into wondering, are you going to be able to see auras? That is child’s play. (laughter) Are you going to do instant healing on others? Hell no. Let them have their suffering. (laughter and some applause) That is true. There is more truth to that than you can possibly imagine. You know, it is such an egotistical thing. I’ve watched some of you. You try to do these instant healings on others. Shame on you. I truly mean that, because you’re doing for you. I’ve seen some of you. You’re doing it because you want to prove that you are some type of Jesus back on Earth.

We’re going to take a whole different approach. I’m going to challenge you on things. I’m going to throw out a lot of things. I see some of you are holding tightly to some concepts, but how could you possibly– you’re thinking to yourself – let go of some of the things? Well, you will, sooner or later. Kicking, screaming, perhaps or in a total sense of allowing.

This is the New Energy. It doesn’t work like the Old. Right now, dear Shaumbra, there’s a level of your intuitive feeling senses that are kicking in. You are feeling an energy that is different – very different to define. Part of you pushes it away. Part of you is intrigued by it. This is New Energy – just a tip of it, just a little bit of it – coming in right now. We’re going to start working with that.

I don’t know how many months or years or decades we’re going to have together, but I’m going to work with you. And I’ll make a commitment to you, first of all, that you will find your happiness – your happiness, your fulfillment, whatever you want to call it. Right before you find it you’re going to cuss the hell out of me. (laughter) Right before you find it, it will seem like you are in total, what some of you might call, meltdown or disarray, but it will be a very, very fleeting moment.

I know I can state this, because I know who you are. I know what we are working with, and I know, looking at your energy, that you really are there. It’s just taking that last gulp to let the experience come in now, to let it be realized in your life here on Earth.

We’re not going to get terribly esoteric with things. I’m not going to get philosophical on you. There’s going to be days when we’re together where you may feel that nothing happened, only to find out later that something tremendous did happen. That’s the way New Energy works. There’s going to be times when you think you’re not making any progress, to all of sudden realize progress was an illusion; that you’re doing quite well.

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