Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Conscience asks the question: Is it right?

Cowardice asks the question:

Is it safe?


Vanity asks the question:

Is it popular?


Expediency asks the question:

Is it political?


But conscience asks the question:

Is it right?



There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, popular, or political,

but BECAUSE it is right!


- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2012 at 6:55pm

'Legalese   is a secret language invented to trick you. It uses English words but attaches secret meanings to those words with the sole intention of stopping you believing that what they are saying to you has nothing to do with the normal meaning in the English language. Their purpose is to cheat you and rob you.
For example, they will say to you "Do you understand?" .   In English, that means "Do you comprehend what I am saying to you?" and the automatic response would be "Yes", meaning "I do comprehend what you are saying to me". But these sneaky, underhand people have changed the meaning in Legalese to mean "Do you stand under me?" meaning "Do you grant me authority over you so that you have to obey whatever I tell you to do?".'

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2012 at 6:49pm

thank you Ted, but i don't have the capacity to understand since CHRISTINA is written in caps  ;-)

Comment by Ted on January 19, 2012 at 6:17pm

very intersting, because

1) at law, if the person doesnt have the capacity to underderstand that what shes doing is wrong, then that person cannot be held liable for its actions, its not like she understands shes been doing something wrong before doing it..

2) Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says "all human beings are endowed with reason and conscience"

3) Only humans have reason and conscience, i mean corporations dont. The law defines the word "person" in many diferent ways but allways refer to "corporations" and "legal persons". legal entities act in a diferent capacity than man, they act only in a "limited commercial liability" and man can act in "full commercial liability" and take full liability for their actions, like when you "attest", "testify" or "declare", it means youre responsable for your lies. a corporation cannot attest, testify or declare, and if it does its by a human who will take the risk for the corporation.

So I came to the conclusion that a corporation doesnt have a conscience, and so it cannot understand whats right and whats wrong and so it cannot understand if it is doing harm. So if a corporation is doing something wrong, and doesnt want to admit it or tell the truth, you can do it for them, by attestation, declartion, affidavit, from private side, to let them know that they are doing something wrong. it will bind them to your understanding. If there is no dispute on your understanding and they cannot prove youre wrong then there is an agreement.

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2012 at 1:30pm

thanks jim.

there are still those who are under the spell of hope-nosis. they have no clue or don't want to know....


'never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it'

~ albert einstein



Comment by JIM4HOPE on January 19, 2012 at 12:08pm

We need to realize they intend on using these fema camps as soon as martial law is declared,and we have a president who will stage a false flag event because there losing control of there power structure way faster than they thought  and so there going to use all there dark cabal tricks to derail this out of there control revolution train ,all anybody has to do is look at the momentum Ron Pauls if any body paying attention the people jumping on his train are going to surpass everybodys the enlisted military personel donated more money to his campaigne than all the others combined ,this is a very very dangerous situation for those corupted government criminals

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