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Anti Semitism is Legitimate Self Defence - by Henry Makow -December 3, 2016

Anti Semitism is Legitimate Self Defence

December 3, 2016

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Every day governments pass new laws banning opposition to Israel as "anti semitic."

Numerous states have outlawed Boycott and Divestment using the same term. 

No one can justify genocide, but the stigma attached to this term is devious mind control. Anti semitism is legitimate resistance to the pernicious agenda of organized Jewry and Freemasonry, i.e. the NWO.

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that since antiquity Jews consistently have been reviled for good reason. 

Judaism is governed by Cabala which is SatanismThe essence of Judaism is to take God's place, destroy Christianity and dispossess non-Jews culturally and materially, goals exemplified by Communism which rabbis equate with Judaism. First, Jews have been possessed by this satanic cult; then society as a whole, (thanks to Freemasonry, liberals and the mass media.) We are witnessing the effect daily in social and moral degradation and in unopposed Zionist hegemony.




"Anti-Semitism is not an irrational hatred or sickness in the Gentile soul, as Jews imagine. It is a healthy defense mechanism of mainly Christian and Moslem nations, cultures, races and religions that are threatened by a gradual and insidious process of extinction (i.e. world government.)"


The Riddle of Anti Semitism

Updated from March 17, 2009

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

"We're being flooded by Jews," a Canadian immigration officer remarked to his associate .

The year was 1951. He was checking the papers of a young couple with a baby.

My father understood English. He had narrowly survived the Jewish holocaust by passing as a Pole. This was his welcome to Canada.

Luckily it was not a harbinger. We encountered little discrimination and my family prospered.

Nonetheless, my parents wanted to assimilate. They gave their children English-sounding names and hardly associated with the Jewish community. The extent of our Jewish observance was that my mother lit the candles on Friday and we celebrated the major holidays.

My parents rarely spoke of my grandparents who had perished. They seemed to regard being Jewish as a curse.

I did assimilate. It's ironic therefore that my father had disowned me because I tried to understand anti Semitism other than in simplistic terms. (We have since reconciled.)

Nothing can justify the Nazi policy of genocide but you'd think Jews would want to understand how a catastrophe of this magnitude occurred. How else can we ensure ordinary Jews will not be be sacrificed as "burnt offerings" again?


It should come as no surprise that the people who own and control the world have put their interests before the greater good of humanity. Obviously many of these are not Jewish.

For at least 400 years, Christian civilization has been under covert attack by a diabolical multi-generational program now called the "New World Order", "globalization" or "world government."

Essentially globalization represents the consolidation of absolute economic, political and cultural power in the hands of a cabal of super rich dynastic families (bankers and their vast corporate networks) headquartered in the City of London. The UN, IMF and World Bank are some of their instruments.

These families include the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other so-called Jews who have intermarried with Anglo American and European aristocracy. 

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This mirrors the collaboration between the moneylenders and kings in the Middle Ages when the Jew "administered his oppression" in return for protection and a share of the spoils. These dynastic families have embraced Freemasonry, an occult secret society that worships Lucifer. The top rank of this cabal is called the "Illuminati."

The Illuminati uses anti-Semitism to manipulate Jews and others. Jews figure prominently in Illuminati-sponsored movements such as Communism, Zionism, Socialism, Nazism, Liberalism, Feminism, and Neo Conservatism.

Most of these Jews are opportunists or idealistic dupes who think they're building a secular utopia based on reason and not a world police state straight out of George Orwell's "1984".

The Illuminati strategy is divide-and-rule, i.e. get their enemies to destroy each other. For example they set up Communism to attract opponents of private property. They set up Nazism for people who champion nation and race, and hate "Jewish" hegemony. Then they attacked and destroyed each other.

As long as Jews play a disproportionate role in the New World Order, some opposition will be expressed in terms of Anti-Semitism. For example, this recently appeared in a book review on Amazon. "It isn't Jews dying in Iraq. Our boys are dying for their war on their enemies. Americans are just hostages. Our government and media is hostage to Israel-First Americans. "


Anti-Semitism is not an irrational hatred or sickness in the Gentile soul, as Jews imagine. It is a healthy defense mechanism of mainly Christian and Moslem nations, cultures, races and religions that are threatened by a gradual and insidious process of extinction (i.e. world government.)

Most "anti Semitic" books I've seen are remarkably free of hatred and rancor. They do not advocate violence against Jews but present measures to retain national and racial character similar to those practiced by Jews in Israel today.

They tend to be reasonable and portray the Gentile as a feckless victim of superior Jewish intelligence. Leon de Poncins would even accept Jewish leadership if it were benign.


Competition between "Christian" and "Jewish" world views is perhaps the central factor in the development of the western world. "The Jew championed reason against the mythical world of the spirit," de Poncins relates. "He was the doctor of unbelief; all who were mentally in revolt came to him..."(Judaism and the Vatican, p. 116)

Essentially Jews diminish the soul as this God connection interferes with their hegemony. Reason without morality is mere rationalization. 

"The Jewish Question" has been a major issue for hundreds of years. As early as 1879, a German writer lamented that it cannot be discussed honestly.

"Since 1848 if we Germans so much as criticized any little thing Jewish, it was enough to have us entirely outlawed from the press," wrote Wilhelm Marr. "While a sense of delicacy is wholly absent among the Jews [when satirizing Germans], it is demanded of us that we handle them like fine glassware or extremely sensitive plants." (Anti-Semitism in the Modern World: An Anthology 1991, p.85)


Called "the most influential German anti-Semite before Hitler," Fritsch's most influential book Handbuch der Judenfrage 1896 (Handbook of the Jewish Question) went through dozens of printings, and was taught in German schools during the Nazi era. Most copies were destroyed after World War Two.

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"Handbook" was translated into English in 1927 and titled "The Riddle of the Jew's Success" by F. Roderich-Stoltheim, a pen name. It is extremely rare; original copies cost as much as $1000.

Fritsch does not fit the image of hate monger foaming at the mouth. His book impresses me as the work a civilized man with considerable spiritual discernment. His central point is that Judaism does not deserve credit for monotheism because the Jewish God is not universal.

"It is a fatal mistake of our theologians to regard the Jewish God as identical with the Christian. On a closer examination, Jehovah is found to be the exclusive God of Jew-dom and not, at the same time, that of other men."

He cites many passages from the Old Testament to demonstrate that the Covenant between Jews and their God "bears a hostile meaning for all non- Jewish people."

For example, "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the world for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron..." (Psalms 2.8.9) Or "Thou wilt devour all nations which the Lord thy God will give thee. Thou shalt have no mercy on them...(Moses 5.7.16) (p.55)

As a consequence, the Talmud (the Jewish code of law) distinguishes one system of morality for Jews and another for Gentiles who are regarded as cattle or swine. Fritsch cites many references to show it is permitted to lie, cheat or steal from a Gentile. (pp. 57-65)

Fritsch concludes that anti-Semitism is a natural reaction to these hostile attitudes which he claims are actually practised by many Jews. Since these beliefs are kept secret from non-Jews, he says Judaism is a conspiracy against non-Jews. Its aim is to fulfill the Covenant, and gain dominion over mankind by controlling wealth.

He claims that all Jews are part of this scheme and none can be excepted. I respect the right of Germans to a national homeland but I think he is wrong to judge all Jews by one racist standard.

How would he like to be condemned for what other Germans (e.g. Nazis) did or said? Jews are individuals and should be judged by their individual actions. Most are alienated from Judaism and many would find the Biblical passages cited above repugnant.


Jews need to re-examine their relationship with Judaism. I cannot overstate the significance of the Jewish rejection of Christ.

Christ represented a universal God and a universal morality. His teaching represented the natural next stage, which Jews should have embraced, while retaining their racial integrity.

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By rejecting Christ's teaching, the Pharisees placed the Jewish people in perpetual opposition to the best interests of humanity, to the ultimate and inevitable path of human spiritual evolution.

They have placed Jews in a state of permanent metaphysical revolt which on a personal level leads to alienation and dysfunction.

Christ taught that God is Love. Love is the Master Plan. Love is Light. Love thy neighbor. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. By giving of ourselves we find our true selves.

What fault could Pharisees have with a gospel that preaches human brotherhood and putting others before yourself? Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?

It denies their special claim, as God's "chosen people" which in practice means self-appointed Gods.

Growing up means recognizing that other people are special in God's eyes too. Think of a child that doesn't want to grow up. One who thinks he can do anything he wants. Who doesn't have to consider others. Who is never wrong and so never admits it. Who thinks any opposition must be motivated by irrational hatred i.e. "anti-Semitism" and not his own behavior. Think arrested development. Think New World Order.


Related Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult 

--------------- God Was the First Anti Semite

----------------"Antisemitism" is a trick we use 

-------------Antisemitism- Jews Will Never 'Get It'  (an example) 

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