The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
You will not find a donation button on this site...
You will not find any form of activated NING paid subscription (membership fee, advertising banners, fee to join a group etc.) to generate revenue...
All i ask for in return is the following;
But feel free to help, here is how;
Each new member is greeted and directed to the following link:
(here they will find a brief description of SoE and instructions on where to post content and other advice)
Subsequently they are Directed to an A-Z index:
This is basically an index of content beginning with a letter between A - Z, members are requested to send me a link if they wish a pointer to be added here to help others and themselevs navigate to a certaion post on content beginning with that letter, click on one for examples , To date not one request has been put forward *help*.
If they have any questions to/about SoE they can make a post here:
They can even leave a post for myself or an admin here: (1 post in 3 years)!
And finally they kan even shape the future of SoE here: (not a single post made to date)!
*help*. Please take your time to navigate the above links and walk the crooked streets of my mind to help find a straighter path to make everyones stay here at SoE as pleaseant as possible.
In oneness,
I could not find a better open minded 99 percent respectable group of people here on SoE THANKS TONY
haha i clicked on like to see who liked it (blushes) guess i like it too now ;-)
© 2025 Created by Besimi.
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