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1924 French Police File Card for "Adolphe Jacob Hitler"

April 4, 2017


Encore: 1924 French Police File Card for "Adolphe Jacob Hitler" ?

"Instrument of high powers?"  "Jacob? " "Journalist?"  
Hitler officially born 1889 not 1880
This appeared in a magazine "Science et Avenir" March 2009

Fiche signalétique établie par les Services de Renseignements Généraux (RG) en 1924. Né en 1880 à Passau Hitler Adolphe, Jacob, le Mussolini allemand Profession: journaliste Ne serait que l'instrument de puissances supérieures: n'est pas un imbécile mais un très adroit démagogue. Aurait Ludendorf derrière lui. Organise des Sturmtruppen genre fasciste. Tentative de coup d'Etat de novembre 1923: Condamné à 5 ans de forteresse avec possibilité de sursis après 6 mois de détention. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 

Descriptive card established by the French Police in 1924. Born in 1880 in Passau Hitler Adolphe, Jacob, the German Mussolini Profession: journalist

Appears to only be the instrument of higher powers: is not a dumb but a very skillful demagogue. Seems to be backed up by Ludendorf.  Organizes Sturmtruppen fascist style Attempt of a Coup d' Etat in November the 23rd: Convicted to 5 years of fortress with a possible suspension after 6 months of detention.


See my "Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?"      for Hitler's Jewish antecedents and how he was an instrument of "higher powers"

For Ludendorf connection, my "Was Hitler a Pawn?"

Meet the real AH   (For your scrutiny.)

Thanks to Allen
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