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Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:53am
Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:53am
Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:52am
Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:48am


Wherever the source, the process of stress is the same. The reaction involves three principal organs: the hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid. Ginseng aids in balancing the shypothalamus electrical center formed in the brain and its connections to the stomach, thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands.

The hypothalamus receives notice of stress from higher parts of the brain that monitor the body. It responds by secreting to the bloodstream substances, neurohormones, that are transported to the pituitary. the function of the pituitary is to regulate all other endocrine glands. The neurophormones from the hypothalamus stimulate the pituitary to send instructions to the adrenal glands by means of a chemical messenger, or hormone, called ... doesnt matter ill simplify it now in my own words

Ginseng is a stress killer the less stress u have the stronger the immune and nervous system is the less sicknesses and dis ease you get. So less stress = longer life span. Smile

If you want to get ginseng dont trust energy drinks theres large quantities of other things you dont need. I dont trust other drinks or tonics spirits wif ginseng because who knows how much they will add in there. So the best form of ginseng is the actual root itself! You can purchase them in bulk in natural food grocery stores or the web. The root has to grow for five years before it can be harvested it explains why its expansive.The older the root the better!! I find my ginseng in chinatown herbal store. hope that helps

Heres my recipe: Tea with ginseng, honey and mint.

Add one cup of water +  one tea spoon of crunched up ginseng in a pot and let it boil.

As soon as it boils, turn the heat to minimum and let it simmer for ten minutes.

After ten min. add a pinch of green tea or jasmine and add lots of mint. Let it simmer for five more minutes.

Pour in cup and add lots of unpasteurized honey!

Take time to hold the your cup of tea and think positive thoughts, or list the things your grateful for, or try to experience compassion any way works!! Don't forget to let it cool down for a little while and Enjoy :)

Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:47am

Additional Synergistic Supplementation
This is from Dr. Fred Bell's textbook Rays of Truth- Crystals of Light
Other components of well balanced formulas and their synergistic actions must be carefully chosen to assist the body as it combats environmental factors such as smog, heavy metals, and pesticides. These formulas must be create for the times. It is necessary to put things back in the body to overcome the stress reaction and resultant depressed immune system.
We have tried 150 mg of spirulina plankton in our formulas.

There are 35 species of algae belonging to the botanical classification of spirulina, some of which are not suitable for use as a food and have low nutritional content. But others have enormous potential for feeding the world. The purpose for including spirulina in our formulas is to facilitate the assimilation of the rest of the amino acids that are present in the formula. Blue-green algae developed on the earth over three billion years ago. Some taxonomists distinguish the blue-green algae from the other algae by placing them in special class of nuclear plants.

Nuclear plants are those which are borderline between plants and animals. Some spirulina are close to structure to the first living things which appeared on the earth, and since their primary waste product is oxygen, they, along with the other algae, is responsible for the very air that we breathe.
Remember I mentioned that the Global 2000 Report states that 40% of our atmosphere comes from trees, which we're destroying at the rate of the size of the state of California annually. And I also made mention that we should use a form of hemp plant to replenish the oxygen because it will give us a quicker rejuvenation. Looking at the pollution that's going into the oceans, we're destroying nature's ability to produce the other 60% of the air that we breathe, which is in the form of spirulina plankton.
As I said before, amino acids are basic building blocks of the body. Of the 22 amino acids that you require, only 14 can be manufactured by the body. The other essential amino acids must be derived daily from the foods you eat. They must also be available to the body simultaneously in the proper ration or they cannot be properly utilized. The cell walls of the most vegetables are composed of cellulose, not digestible by humans. Spirulina cellulose is composed of mucopolysaccharides which are complex sugars, easily digestible, thus freeing considerable energy. Digestibility tests have shown spirulina to be 83 to 95% digestible. The usable protein in spirulina, therefore, because of its digestibility and amino acid balance, is about 90% the highest of any protein other than casein, and that by the way, is the standard by which all protein assimilation is scientifically evaluated.


For a comparison:, an 8 ounce steak is about 1.8 ounces of protein, whereas only .27 ounces, or 7.6 grams, are actually usable protein. When we take niacin to get the flushing reaction, a lot of times we're releasing trapped antigens because the steak and the chicken that we eat today are so full of all kinds of different hormones used to make the animals grow faster and bigger.
Spirulina, on the other hand, is 70% protein, 90% digestible and provides 5 ounces, 140 grams of usable protein in each of 8 ounces. That is 18 times more protein than a steak, with a little, if any, waste. The body's easy assimilation of spirulina protein facilitates the assimilation of the entire vitamin formula. Also spirulina has chlorophyll in it, another essential that assists in the development of healthy red blood cells in the body. The carbohydrates found in spirulina provide energy in several different forms, including a rare sugar known as rhamnose. Rhamnose is more biologically active than other sugars because it combines more readily with other nutrients. Sucrose, which is a major ingredient in processed food, is a notorious upsetter of your body blood sugar balance, usually a cause of the pancreas breakdown, hypoglycemia and diabetes.


Heres my personal opinion

Before you mess around with this stuff find out where its grown!! I hear about many places in the states grow them in very bad conditions some contain large amounts of lead or mercury. Best is fresh of course or in powder form stay away from spirulina compressed in pill forms.

I like to blend 3-5 fresh tomatoes in blender with a teaspoon of Spirulina in powder form. You can also  add a teaspoon in raw food shakes!!

Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:47am

Heres what Dr. Fred Bell has to say about Ph, EPCs and the Anti-Aging Process


The Beginning of True Longevity

Life extension and immortality have been pursued by the human race since time began. The Egyptians developed a remarkable method that preserved their bodies for centuries. After embalming the corpse with tannic acid, they placed it inside a pyramid field, utilizing its dehydration without the interference of bacteria effect on the body. If you hang a bunch of flowers upside down inside a pyramid and let them dry out in there, the pyramid's protective field will prevent bacterial decay. After a few weeks you'll have a perfectly preserved, very bright floral bouquet that you can spray a little clear lacquer on and would last for 20 or 300 years.
Ponce de Leon discovered and named Florida after looking for the Fountain of Youth in 1513, almost 500 years ago. Today pilgrims search different lands to find the answer. I know that many of my friends also have traveled as far away as Tibet in search of truth and everlasting life. Betty Lee Morales spent many years in Tibet with the long-lived Hunzikuts. Apricot kernels, which contain leatrile, are an important part of their diet.
There are stories of a chosen few who have successfully added a few years to their terrestrial lives. Methusala, for example, supposedly lived to about 650 years back in 600B.C. In more recent times, Count Ragowsky, who is known as Count Saint Germaine of Transylvania, lived over 200 years in a middle-aged body during the time of Marie Antoinette. Madam Dalamar kept a diary of his activities which is n a British museum today in London. Saint Germaine had been documented by several reliable sources to have been active in the European politics in 1710 to 1860, which is a pretty good long lifespan for a politician.
The famous author, Madam Blavatsky, wrote of an eastern gentleman, Mahatma Moria, who was a Rajput prince. He was over 200 years old when she met him in 1851 with Queen Victoria of England. During the ensuing 40 years she spent with the prince he never appeared to age. More recently, 500 year-old Robizar Tarz maintains the appearance of a 40 year-old. He is even said to have formulated some of the many exotic vitamins that combined the use of spirulina, herbs, enzymes and amino acids that are on the market today.

Protein is the most plentiful substance in the body next to water. It is a vital part of all body tissues. Protein is needed for the formation of hormones, which are the sources of our feelings. Protein helps balance the body's pH and water levels. Enzymes, substances necessary for basic life functions, and antibodies, which help fight foreign substances in the body, are also formed from protein. In addition, protein is important in the formation of milk during lactation and process of blood clotting.
As well as being the major source of building material for the body, protein may be used as a source of heat and energy, providing four calories per gram of protein. However, this energy function is spared when sufficient fats and carbohydrates are present in the diet. Excess protein that is not used for building tissue or energy can be converted by the liver and stored as fat in the body tissues.

Amino Acids
During digestion, the large molecules of proteins are decomposed into simpler units called "amino acids." Amino acids are necessary for the synthesis of body proteins and many other tissue constituents. They are the units from which proteins are constructed and are the end products of protein digestion.
The body requires approximately 22 amino acids in a specific pattern to make human protein. All but eight of these amino acids can be produced in the adult body. The eight that can't be produced are called "essential amino acids" because they must be supplied in the diet. In order for the body to properly synthesize protein, all the essential amino acids must be present simultaneously and in the proper proportions. If just one essential amino acid is missing, even temporarily, protein synthesis will fall to a very low level or stop altogether. The result is that all amino acids are reduced in the same proportion as the amino acid that is low or missing.
The eight essential amino acids that the body can't manufacture and therefore depends upon are: tryptophan, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, valine and threonine. In a progressive and health building formula, all of these essential eight amino acids must be present.
Foods containing protein may or may not contain all the essential amino acids. When a food contains all the essential amino acids, it is termed "complete protein." Foods that lack or are extremely low in any one of the essential amino acids are called "incomplete protein." Most meats and dairy products are complete-protein foods, while most vegetables and fruits are incomplete-protein foods. To obtain a complete-protein meal from incomplete proteins, one must combine foods carefully so that those weak in an essential amino acid will be balanced by those adequate in the same amino acid.



Minimum Requirements
The minimum daily protein requirement, the smallest amino acid intake that can maintain optimum growth and good health in humans, is difficult to determine. Protein requirements differ according to the nutritional status, body size and activity of the individual. Dietary calculations are usually based on the National Research Council's Recommended Dietary Allowances. The protein recommendations are considered to cover individual variations among most persons living in the United States under usual environmental stress. The National Research Council recommends that 0.42 grams of protein per day be consumed for each pound of body weight. To figure out individual protein requirements, simply divide body weight by two, and the result will indicate the approximate number of grams of protein required each day.


Protein and Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism is essentially eating a meatless diet. This can cause in some individuals protein deficiencies, as well as mineral and B12 deficiencies. Ovo-lacto vegetarians eat animal by-products such as cheese, milk and eggs, but exclude all flesh foods such as meat, poultry and fish. Lacto vegetarians eat cheese and drink milk but exclude eggs. Vegans eat no milk or animal-related foods.


Formula: Carbohydrates + Fats + Protein = Energy!
Fats, protein and carbohydrates are prime energy sources for the body. Their energy potential is listed in calories. A calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree of centigrade at sea level. so, in other words, a calorie is heat energy. fats yield approximately nine calories per gram, and carbohydrates and proteins yield approximately four calories per gram.
Carbohydrates are the chief source of energy for all body functions and muscular exertion and are necessary to assist in the digestion and assimilation of other foods. carbohydrates provide us with immediately available calories for energy by producing heat in the body when carbon in the system unites with oxygen in the bloodstream. Carbohydrates also help regulate protein and fat metabolism; fats require carbohydrates for their breakdown within the liver.
The principal carbohydrates present in foods are sugars, starches and cellulose. Simple sugars, such as those in honey and fruits, are very easily digested. Compound sugars, or double sugars, are harder to digest, and in the body, sugar often converts into toxic alcohols during digestion, and should be avoided. Starches require prolonged enzymatic action in order to be broken down into simple sugars (glucose) for digestion. Cellulose, commonly found in the skins of fruits and vegetables, is largely indigestible by humans and contributes little energy value to the diet. It does, however, provide the bulk necessary for intestinal action and helps elimination of toxic waste.
All sugars and starches are converted by the digestive juices to a simple sugar called "glucose." Some of this glucose, or "blood sugar," is used as fuel by tissues of the brain, nervous system and muscles. A small portion of the glucose is converted to glycogen and stored by the liver and muscles; the excess is converted to fat and stored throughout the body as a reserve source of energy. When fat reserves are reconverted to glucose and used for body fuel, weight loss results.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate, is the substance which stores energy that is created when the body burns carbohydrates and fats in the citric acid or Krebs Cycle, which is the normal cycle of digestion.
When energy is needed by the body as in a muscular contraction, ATP is broken down to release the stored energy. ATP is the universal biochemical molecule for body energy, much as electricity runs a computer.


The Sugar Rollercoaster
Carbohydrate snacks containing sugars and starches provide the body with almost instant energy because they cause a sudden rise in the blood sugar level. However, the blood sugar level drops again rapidly, creating a craving for more sweet food and possibly fatigue, dizziness, nervousness and headache.
Overindulgence in starch and sweet foods may crowd out other essential foods from the diet and can therefore result in nutritional deficiency as well as in poor health, hypoglycemia and tooth decay. foods high in refined carbohydrates are usually low in vitamins, minerals and cellulose. Such foods as white flour, white sugar and polished rise are lacking in the B vitamins and other nutrients. Excessive consumption of these foods will perpetuate any vitamin B deficiency an individual may have. If the B vitamins are absent, carbohydrate combustion can't take place, and indigestion, symptoms of heartburn and nausea can result. Research continues as to whether or not such problems as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, anemia, kidney disorders and cancer can be linked to an overabundance of refined carbohydrate foods in the diet.
Carbohydrates can be manufactured in the body from some amino acids and the glycerol component of fats; therefore the National Research Council lists no specific requirement for carbohydrates in the diet.
Differences in basal metabolism, amount of activity, size and weight will influence the amount of carbohydrates the body needs to get from an outside source. However, a total lack of carbohydrates may produce ketosis, loss of energy, depression and breakdown of essential body protein.


Fats - Lipids - OilsFats or lipids are the highest form of concentrated energy in our diets. When oxidized. they contain more than twice the number of calories per gram than proteins and carbohydrates. A gram of fat yields nine calories to the body. In addition to providing energy, fats act as carriers for the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K. By aiding in the absorption of vitamin D, fats help make calcium available to body tissue, particularly to the bones and teeth. Fats are also important for the conversion of kidneys, heart and liver. A layer of fat insulates the body from environmental temperature changes and preserves body heat. This layer also rounds out the contours of the body. Fats prolong the process of digestion by slowing down the stomach's secretions of hydrochloric acid. Thus fats create a longer-lasting sensation of fullness after a meal.Fats differ from oils in that they are solid at body temperature, while oils are liquid at the same temperature.Fatty acids give fats different flavors and textures. The two types of fatty acids are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are those that are usually hard at room temperature and which, except for coconut oils, come primarily from animal sources. Unsaturated fatty acids, including polyunsaturates, are usually liquid at room temperature and olives. Vegetable shortenings and margarines have undergone a process called "hydrogenation" in which unsaturated oils are converted to a more solid form of fat. Other sources of fat are milk products, eggs and cheese. Fat We NeedThere are three "essential" fatty acids: linoleic, arachodonic and eicosapentaenoic acid, collectively known as vitamin F. They are termed "essential" because the body can't produce them. They are unsaturated fatty acids necessary for normal growth and healthy blood, arteries and nerves. Also, they keep the skin and other tissues youthful and healthy by preventing dryness and scaliness. Essential fatty acids may be necessary for the transport and breakdown of cholesterol.Cholesterol, necessary for good health, is a lipid. It is a normal component of most body tissues, especially those of the brain and nervous system, liver and blood. It is needed to form sex and adrenal hormones, vitamin D, and bile which is needed for the digestion of fats.Cholesterol also seems to play a part in lubricating the skin.Although a cholesterol deficiency is unlikely to occur, abnormal amounts of cholesterol may be stored throughout the body if fats are eaten excessively. Research continues as to the relationship of increased cholesterol storage to the development of arteriosclerosis.Excessive fat in the diet, of course, makes us to fat. You should regulate your caloric intake to maintain a proper weight/height balance. In addition to obesity, excessive fat intake will cause abnormally slow digestion and absorption, resulting in indigestion. If a lack of carbohydrates is accompanied by a lack of water in the diet, or if there is a kidney malfunction, fats can't be completely metabolized and may become toxic to the body.The U.S. National Research Council sets no Recommended Dietary Allowance for fats because of the widely varying fat content of the diet among individuals. Linoleic acid, however, should provide about 2 percent of the calories in the diet. Vegetable fats, such as corn, safflower and soybean oils, are high in linoleic acid. Nutritionists suggest that an intake of fat providing 25 to 30 percent of the total calories consumed daily is compatible with good health. Lipids and Oils - A Closer LookAs it is probably obvious to you, unsaturated fats and oils that are liquid at body temperature are far better for you than those that are release of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the universal energy storage molecule! So to be safe and healthy, we need to be careful of what we consume.Lipos means "fat." The lipolytic substance of correct lipids causes saturated fats to dissolve again. These types of fats are very necessary for good health. Often people begin a "low fat" diet to lose weight and find that they either "gain" weight because of the carbohydrate cravings, or simply don't lose weight. In dieting, you need to stay in a zone of properly balanced caloric intake, which would be approximately 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. And this must be the "proper" fa.Flax Seed and Borage Oil Formulas are a critical form of life-giving fat-complexes, that when taken properly, will reduce the toxic effects of saturated fats within the bodyand help you to lose weight, or gain weight, as you balance your body's biochemistry into the proper zone.Proper fat taken into the body is "electron rich," highly unsaturated fat. To better understand fat, let us break it down.


This is alternative nutrition Smile

Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:46am

Beneficial Herbs

Peppermint Leaf

Peppermint leaf is good to put in ur formulas for digestive enzyme. All the mints are said to strengthen the stomach and improve digestion, and the pleasant aroma is soothing and invigorating. Peppermint is used against live complaints, flatulence, nausea, sea sickness, vomiting, chills, colic, fever, dizziness, dysentery, cholera, influenza, and heart problems. Its also useful in cases of convulsions and spasms in infants, and nervous headaches. So naturally it will work in certain supplements.

Winter Green herb!

this stuff acts as a mild stimulant and helps expel worms (for those who eat lots of pork or processed beef from fast food places have worms in their guts. )
It is also great digestive aid, as well as rice bran, another B complex source. By the way, all the B complexes in Dr.Bell's formulas are derived from bran and not from yeast, because yeast eventually causes unfriendly bacteria and fungus to accumulate in the body. Yeast infections such as candida flourish in the increased ultraviolet exposure we're getting right now, so it's necessary to put the healthier sources of B complexes in your body.

Herbs work well in certain formulas and can be good for many different things. One is Sarsaparilla, which contains a whole protein and normal forms of testosterone, progesterone and cortin, which increase sexual power.

Sarsaparilla is also high in sulphur, which is an invaluable constituent of the amino acid cystine. Sulphur is found in other herbs such as cayenne pepper.

Dr. Christopher was very known for teaching that one of the most important herbs was capsicum or cayenne. They have a tendancy to clean the body from the inside out, which is very important.
Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:46am

Check out 3 independent sources on Vitamin D3


Dr. John Cannell on vitamin D

Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Bill Ryan interviews Gabriele Stähler : Vitamin D3

Eat lots of seeds and nuts!! I think the best supplement is in oil form extracted form sunflower seeds. If you take 10 drops at once you will instantly feel it buzzing in your head in a positive sort of way :)

I got sick last year started wif a strep throat; took 30,000 i.u on first day(30 drops)  than 35,000 i.u next day. by On third day i was healed but took 30 more just to boost the immune system..  First time trying it thought i was gonna overdose on vitamin d3 :) so do not be afraid!

Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:46am
Comment by Courtier on March 11, 2011 at 3:46am

I love this site!!



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