Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Tuning Into The Divine Mother By Ann Albers ... And ...Healing With The Angelic Rainbow Of Light By Natalie Glasson ... And ... Invocations For The Mystical Month Of May By Patricia Cota-Robles

Tuning Into The Divine Mother By Ann Albers & The Angels

Message From The Angels .....

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Be you male or female, it is the energy of the Divine Mother within you that gives birth. It is the energy of the Divine Mother that nurtures, not only yourselves and one another, but your ideas, your projects, and plans! It is the energy of the Divine Mother that helps you sit in silent reception to God's love. For within God, dear ones, all energies exist, and all energies are present within you to some degree.

Take a moment and breathe. Feel the gentle presence and energy of the Divine Mother within. For some of you this may take a form – Mary, Quan Yin, a saint or guru. For others you may feel a gentle but powerful presence. God is God, dear ones. The Divine contains all. The Divine makes itself known in all. Today however, we ask you to use your intention and relax into the arms and the energy of the Mothering presence of God.

No matter whether your physical mother was nurturing or not, you can bring this nurturing presence of Divine Mother up within you. If your physical mother embodied these qualities, count yourself fortunate.

If not, ask to find them within yourself. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Care for yourself. Celebrate your good ideas, and soothe yourself when you feel challenged.

Dear ones, no matter what form the energy takes, you all wish to feel nurtured, cherished, and loved. You can find this in a man, woman, Mother Nature, or always within yourself.

The energy of the Divine Mother is soft and strong, for "she" wants you to feel loved and supported. The energy of the Divine Mother steers you in the gentlest of ways. The energy of the Divine Mother helps you honor your heart, receive your guidance, and sit in quiet bliss.

Perhaps this day you can do something kind and nurturing for yourself, and perhaps for  your physical mother as well. If your physical mother was not nurturing then send light to her soul. If she is with us, then tell her all the things you cherished about her, or with great honesty, the things you wish she had been.

Opening your hearts to love dear ones, in any way you do it, is opening your heart to the love and Presence of the Divine within, and we may celebrate this every day in the form and energy of the feminine presence that lives within you all.

Happy Mothers day to each and every one of you – male, female, human mothers or not, for each one of you has given birth to greater light in this world and nurtured its flame in your own hearts.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Video - "Full Moon Angel Card Reading for This Week [May 12th-18th 2019] This Changes Everything!" By Melanie Beckler -

Ann Albers Message .....

Hi Everyone,

I love my mom. We have reached a beautiful place of respect and care for one another. It was not always this easy. You see, I had a "mouth" when I was younger. I wasn't easily told what to do. On one hand, I was a "goody two shoes" trying to please everyone, but when I felt that I was being commanded, my internal warrior rose up.

I remember once, after "mouthing off" ducking behind kitchen counters in a game of "you can't catch me," while my poor mom chased after me with a wet wash rag, intent on letting me know that my outburst wasn't acceptable. Eventually we both broke out laughing.

I have come to realize over the years, the challenges that my beautiful mother faced when she was young, and the generational disadvantages that were heaped upon women of her time. My mom became a very good wife and mother, but there was always more to her. 

Now at age 81, after nearly 20 surgeries, including two hip and two knee replacements she keeps going. I am in awe of her persistent spirit. I am i awe of her commitment to see good where she can. She is an amazing grandma to my nieces, and a good friend. I give thanks.

Nonetheless, I didn't learn how to nurture myself from my mom. She was raised in a culture of female martyrdom, which I adopted as well. It took me years to learn to put self-care – beyond the basics of eating, sleeping, and exercising – into the equation of my life.

Now, self-nurturing is as important a part of life as every other responsibility. I wake up three hours early to do my breathing, exercises, cold showers, and self-massage. I eat a healthy breakfast. I spend a little time reading something inspiring or in silence. I take care of my body, mind, and soul. I take time in silence, in nature, and nurture myself in as many ways as possible to keep me "full" enough to care for the thousands I serve.

The Divine Feminine takes many forms. It lives in your mother, and in you. It lives in the saints I go see for blessings every year like Amma Karunamayi. It lives in the vast beauty of Mother Nature. 

I like to sit quietly at times and ask specifically for the energy of the Divine Feminine to rise up within and around me. She feels like a warm fuzzy blanket. She reminds me that God is love, and not the judgmental "father image" I was raised with. She reminds me that I already have the answers inside.

Best of all, she reminds me, she is me, you, and everything in creation.She is He, and He is She, and both are We.... It is mind blowing but beautifully felt when you ask to experience the feminine form of the Divine.

Here are some pointers to help you connect with the feminine presence of the God – the energy of the Divine Mother...

1. Pick an Image of Divine Mother

We are visual creatures and if you're not accustomed to relating to the formless aspect of the Divine, choose a form that represents Divine Mother for you. It might be Mary, Quan Yin, a Hindu Saint, an image you makeup, or even your very own mother, or a powerfully loving woman you know. It might be a pink fuzzy blanket or a cloud of pastel energy. Allow your mind to wander, and ask the Divine Mother to give you an image so you may more easily relate to this energy.

Then close your eyes and ask her to embrace you and speak to you in your heart. Ask to feel her. Breathe, release expectations, and simply see what you feel. You may not hear words, but you will be embraced by pure, nurturing love.

2. Imagine her Presence in Nature and New Life

The energy of the Divine Mother gives life. Imagine her love within every offering of a seed, a bud, a new tree, the sunrise, a fawn, and the birds. Imagine nature is the cloak for her invisible presence. Now imagine your very own nature, your body, is also her cloak. She lives and breathes within you.

Breathe and imagine her love rising up within you.

3. Nurture Yourself

Close your eyes. Ask the energy of the Divine Mother, "How can I best nurture myself?" and listen to the first thought, idea, or image that pops in your mind. Resolve to do this more often. As I typed this, I asked the question, and heard, "Go eat now, before it gets too late." Time had escaped me. It is good guidance.

Happy Blessed Mother's Day tomorrow, to all who are actual mothers in this world and to all – male and female – on this list who are working to give birth to and nurture the light within us all.

Love you all!

Visit Ann's Message Archives -

Video - "Daily Morning Prayer for Connecting With The Divine And Blessings of Infinite Possibility" By Melanie Beckler -




Healing With The Angelic Rainbow Of Light By Archangel Michael Via Natalie Glasson

AA Michael's Message .....

My beloved friends of the Earth I call upon your attention and ask you to open your minds and hearts to my thoughts and energy. I come forth to you as the Archangel of Protection and of the Creator’s Will and Power. I, Archangel Michael, have been appointed to protect all aspects of the Creator whether they are on the Earth or the inner planes, as well as safeguarding the will of the Creator, ensuring that it is distributed to the correct minds and consciousness for manifestation.

I work closely with the power of the Creator, mastering the characteristic of power and assisting others in mastering the powerful energies within them so they may use their power in a loving way. It can appear that the power of the Creator is often misused, but know that this is a learning process that allows the individual to understand the energy of power and its influences, and later using power to create positive transformation. It is my mission to safeguard the power of the Creator and to allow others to activate this sacred energy within their beings.

The Spectrum of One Hundred Angels

I, Archangel Michael stand before you now with a spectrum of angelic beings who I have selected to work with me in this meditation. They are one hundred angels of numerous qualities and diverse vibrations of the Creator’s universe.

I have chosen fifty planetary angelic beings, twenty solar angelic beings, ten galactic angelic beings, ten universal angelic beings, and ten Christ consciousness angelic beings of the Creator’s light. The energy they create as they blend their light is magnificent and awe-inspiring. Each angelic being holds a purpose of working as a healing energy or working with healing energies creating wellbeing, rejuvenation, and joy. We are a united team and source of light.

I have gathered these magnificent angelic beings of light because I wish to create an intense and powerful healing energy to channel into your being and Mother Earth. My purpose is to share the abundant love, peace, and joy of the angels and to activate the angelic energies already upon the Earth.

This is a very common practice on the inner planes, a Master or Archangel will gather large groups of light beings together in order to create a rainbow of light through their intentions and united energy. This rainbow of light extends as you would imagine a rainbow would, in an arc shape to the person or situation of our intention.

It is a very powerful way of sending healing energy, light, consciousness or qualities to others in need. It is our mission as we gather to create a rainbow of light to heal you, the Earth and humanity, to allow all stresses and strains to fall away and a focus on an existence of love to manifest.

The rainbow of light can be used for any situation or person in need allowing the most appropriate qualities and vibrations to anchor to aid healing. You can, in fact, request a rainbow of light to be delivered from the inner planes, an appropriate gathering will take place to manifest this for you and deliver the healing that is needed and required.


I request a healing for (name the situation, person, animal, or yourself) to bring forth the outcome of……………… I invite a Master or Archangel and one hundred of the most divinely perfect divine beings to create a rainbow of light to send and ground powerful healing energy, light, consciousness or Creator qualities. Thank you.’

Creating a rainbow of light is powerful because the foundation of the rainbow is created by the unity of many souls rather than one soul expressing healing light. We, as angelic beings are currently drawing our energy from our souls, the angelic kingdom, the planetary, solar, galactic, universal and Christ consciousness levels of the Creator’s universe, creating a diverse, expansive and high vibrational energy which anchors love into all aspects and levels of your being.

Through the rainbow of light that we create, I wish to energise the presence of angelic love already within the Earth, activating many Earth Angels in manifestation within physical bodies to empower their purpose on the Earth, to exist as beacons of unconditional love, devotion, and generosity. Our angelic light will gently support the growth and development of all of humanity and the soul of Mother Earth.  

I now wish to guide you through a meditation that will allow you to experience our Angelic Rainbow of Healing.

Video - "Healing With The Angelic Rainbow Of Light By Archangel Michael"

Awakening with the Angelic Rainbow of Light

With deep and meaningful blessings of love, I, Archangel Michael connect with your energy as leader of this angelic gathering. I extend my electric blue light around you to protect and balance your energies, ensuring only love of the purest vibration is able to manifest into your reality and thought process.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge my electric blue light enfolding your entire being, feel my secure and stable protection around you. Allow yourself to relax and breathe into my energy and the energy of your own being as you sit peacefully and breathe deeply.

In order to bring focus to your thoughts and to your reality, I extend a rich light holding the Creator’s will to you now. Allow yourself to accept this energy of the Creator’s will anchoring necessary wisdom, insights, and understanding within your mind and awareness.

You may be aware of the colour of the light of the will and guidance of the Creator melting into your entire being and aura, this colour can act as a symbol of guidance within your reality if you allow it to.

I ask that you allow yourself to focus within your being. Be aware of the presence of your own energy vibration surrounding you, it is the energy vibration of your physical and spiritual being. How does this make you feel?

We now wish to align your energies to the Angelic Kingdom in order to begin the healing process. Please imagine, sense or acknowledge a golden beam of light extending from the Angelic Kingdom on the inner planes and descending down into your reality, flowing through the top of your head and down the centre of your body. Let the golden light continue its journey and extend into Mother Earth and melting into all manifestations of the Earth. Feel this golden light akin to golden dust floating into your entire body, aura, and surroundings. You are now aligned with the Angelic Kingdom.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that within the Angelic Kingdom the one hundred angelic beings appointed for this service and me, Archangel Michael, are activating and integrating our healing energies as one. We now extend from our hearts a united large rainbow of healing light, holding the quality that is most needed for your healing process, as well as many healing vibrations and consciousness.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge this most beautiful, vibrant and shimmering rainbow of angelic light extending beyond the Angelic Kingdom in your direction. Open your heart and soul to this magnificent rainbow of healing and loving angelic light.

Allow the rainbow to align with your heart chakra and let the glorious colours of healing enter in abundance into your entire being. Feel the light circulating over, around and through your being. Take a moment to allow yourself to embody this rainbow of angelic healing light, let the rainbow light flow with ease, beginning an in-depth healing process.

The rainbow is so rich and abundant in healing energies and consciousness, allow it to flow through your being extending and grounding into Mother Earth. Know that you are allowing Mother Earth to accept this glorious angelic multicoloured light as well as the qualities we are distributing or that you have requested.

We now wish to activate within your being the angelic consciousness that you hold, the qualities of unconditional love, devotion, selflessness, joy and a pure connection with the light of the Creator. We activate you as an angel on the Earth to act as a beacon of the essence of the Angelic Kingdom.

We now ask that every soul on the Earth activates the angelic energy and essence within them and allows themselves to exist as an Earth Angel to aid the anchoring of the Creator’s love into the Earth. Let every soul on the Earth exist as an angel of love and healing uniting their energies as one in order to raise the vibration of the Earth and manifest the Creator’s heaven on the Earth.

Our angelic rainbow of healing will continue to flow into your being for as long as it is needed in order to complete the healing process. You may direct the light to heal and breathe Creator life force energy into any areas of your body or aura that you feel needs additional attention.

It is our wish now that you imagine a rainbow of healing light extending from your heart to people, situations, countries or anything that you feel needs healing or positive energies anchored. The rainbow you create will be a combination of your own positive energies and our healing light, imagine, sense or simply ask for this to occur. Know you can imagine a rainbow of light extending from your heart chakra to others or situations throughout your day with a simple thought.

 ‘I activate the rainbow light of Archangel Michael and the Angelic Kingdom combined with my own healing energies to extend as a rainbow of healing light from my heart chakra.’

With healing rainbow blessings,

Archangel Michael and One Hundred Angelic Beings


More Archangel Michael -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

Video - "Archangel Michael - Message of Love For You" -

Invocations For The Mystical Month Of May

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Saint Germain and Mother Mary are assisting Humanity in powerful and brand new ways during this Mystical Month of May. You and I have the ability to exponentially expand their Holy Endeavors by invoking the NEW frequencies of the Violet Flame of Forgiveness and the NEW frequencies of the Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Enlightenment.

By invoking this Sacred Fire from the Heart of our Father-Mother God and breathing it into the physical world of form through our Heart Flame, this incredibly powerful Light will bless the Earth in wondrous ways. As promised by our Father-Mother God, this facet of our Lightwork will be expanded one thousand fold every single day

By observing outer-world appearances, it is obvious that we are moving into a greatly accelerated purging process. This process is usually challenging and often painful and confusing. Saint Germain and Mother Mary are assuring us that through our unified efforts we will make this essential process much less disruptive and distressing for ourselves and the masses of Humanity.

Precious Heart, your Light is needed NOW! If you have the Heart Call to do so, please affirm these invocations on a daily basis, or as often as you are guided to do so, throughout the month of May.

Invoking the Violet Flame of Forgiveness

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I invoke the most intensified frequencies of the NEW Violet Flame of Forgiveness that Humanity is capable of receiving.

Saint Germain and the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangel that is stationed within the aura of every person on Earth, I ask that you blaze the Violet Flame of Forgiveness with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is reflecting anything less than Divine Love and the perfection of Heaven on Earth.

Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of God’s Divine Grace.

Now Beloved I AM Presence and Beloved 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangel, look into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity and see what yet remains to be balanced by us to any person, place, condition or thing we may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason whatsoever.

Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the positively qualified energy we have released throughout our Earthly sojourns. Draw forth one thousand times as much perfection as we have ever done wrong.

Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of FORGIVENESS and DIVINE LOVE, whatever is necessary, to balance every debt we have created which still remains unpaid to ANY part of Life. 


Beloved I AM Presence and Beloved Violet Flame Archangel, we ask you to FORGIVE every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged us or Humanity in any way, and balance all debts owed to us by Life everywhere.

Now, with the full power of my I AM Presence, the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, and the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangel within every person’s aura…


ourselves and all Humanity for any misuse of God’s Gift of Life since the beginning of time.


We are Grateful for the Law of Forgiveness. And we are NOW Loving ALL Life ETERNALLY FREE from the wheel of cause and effect before our miscreations from the past can act, manifest or longer be sustained.

We accept that our Father-Mother God’s Gift of DIVINE GRACE AND FORGIVENESS is being God Victoriously accomplished even as we Call.

We also accept and KNOW that the Violet Flame of Forgiveness is being amplified one thousand fold every single day until this sweet Earth and ALL her Life have completed our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light on the New Earth.

And so it is!  Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.

Loving I AM Presence - ENLIGHTENMENT

Beloved I AM Presence, walk through me. Open the door of understanding so I may become increasingly aware of the perfection of the New Earth and of my Father-Mother God’s Golden Flame of Divine Enlightenment which is now blessing all people and all Life at all times.

As I AM growing in awareness, may my questing mind push through the denseness of materiality into the Enlightened Spiritual Consciousness of my I AM Presence. In this Enlightened state of awareness, let my sense of gratitude expand into a welcoming smile, a friendly greeting and an expanding Light.

May I look upon all persons with the eyes of Love, knowing each as my friend, my brother or sister and not as a stranger. With this realization, my I AM Presence will spread its radiant Light through my Heart Flame to everyone I meet.

Oh, Loving Mind, thank you for the discovery that the consciousness of Enlightenment and Divine Intelligence live within every person.  May the Light of Truth illumine my mind, as I grow in greater awareness that I AM a Beloved Child of God and that ALL my Father-Mother God have is my Divine Birthright.

Beloved I AM Presence, as I place my hand in yours to travel this Earth journey, guide me into doing the simple things that bring happiness to others. Show me how to give wisely of myself and my talents in areas where they are truly needed and acceptable. Let me say with conviction, “I can” and “I will,” as my thoughts dwell on the Ascending Spiral of right thinking, right feeling and right action. As “I can” and “I will” become a part of my Enlightened Consciousness, I open wide the gate of Divine Power within my Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame.

Thank You for the blessings that are mine. Thank You for the opportunities that come my way. May I ever praise and bless, give and receive, Love and be Loved, and rejoice in knowing that the Light of God is Eternally Victorious, and I AM that Light!

I AM One with All That Is, and I rejoice in this Glorious Truth.

And so it is, I AM That I AM.

God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles

Video -"Let's Help Manifest Peace On Earth" By Patricia Cota-RObles


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