Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Transcript: St. Germaine – Healing the Hearts of Humanity and Gift Attunement, ..and much more

Transcript: St. Germaine – Healing the Hearts of Humanity and Gift Attunement

Transcript: St. Germaine – Healing the Hearts of Humanity and Gift Attunement

Heavenly Blessings leap into sunset

“And I say to you, in the healing of your heart and in the healing of humanity, ‘Begin by accepting, Loving, relishing, enjoying, being in your physical form.’ … What I am truly doing this day, to every single person who listens, is I am giving you the Attunement of Expansion.”

Heavenly Blessings – 8/11/15

Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love

Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal

Suzi: We have a surprise guest today. Our beloved St. Germaine has been nudging Linda for days now, so we’re welcoming him to the show for some kind of update which I’m sure will be very fascinating. Our lovely friend, Galea, will be back with us again at some point and I find being fluid with how life goes works out best.

These Lion’s Gate energies have been pretty intense, and we have a number of sources speaking to a major upgrade in the ability of the human collective to shift into higher frequencies. I wonder what St. Germaine will bring to our conversation today. Good morning, Linda!

Linda: Good morning, Suzi! And yes, it has been intense [laughter], really breaking through a lot of old paradigms and old grids, and re-patterning and opening of people’s hearts. So it will be very interesting, because you are quite right – St. Germaine has been nudging me for days, and certainly most of the night, to talk about the Healing of the Hearts of Humanity.

It’s a really timely address from him, and I know Galea was very eager to step aside because it really fits in with what our Intergalactic Family is telling us anyway. And so, yeah, here we go!

[Meditation from 01:54 to10:00]


St.Germaine: I AM St. Germaine.

Suzi: Welcome.

St.Germaine: And welcome to each of you. And I bring you a gift, not merely of my Flame which I have given you so many times that we have lost count. I give you the amethyst, this beautiful gem, for I do not only manifest diamonds. I give you this brilliant amethyst of perfection and clarity, and I place it in your palm and I place it in your heart.

And I place it in your heart, beloved ones, that you are healed and that you are healing. And as you communicate, one to another, one to yourself, that you feel and allow and surrender to the magnificence of your heart, your consciousness, your Love, your magnificence.

And I give it to you in your palm, in the palm of your hand, in the palm of your dominant hand that it will be present – literally – as you touch others, as you touch each other, as you touch your animals, your flowers, your trees, your grass, your food, your water, so that in this way as well, the healing of the Violet Flame, the healing and anchoring of your I AM Presence and of others’ I AM Presence is fully anchored – and not in a subtle manner, but in the full consciousness of what it means to be human.

Now, many times I have spoken to you, my beloved friends, my family, my circle. I have joked with you, I have teased you and I have said, “I am never returning to Earth again,” because I am aware of the challenges, the obstacles, the hardships.

But then I have waffled, have I not, and I have said, “Well, I will come when things are in the fullness of the Golden Age, when the reality of anchoring in the transformative Love, in the heart consciousness, in the Truth of who you really are is fully present.”

But I tell you this day, and I discuss with you this day things that I have not previously brought to Light, both from the human experience and why I am still on this side. I remain in this realm, in this reality because I have ascended, yes, but with Ascension is always the choice to reincarnate, to continue the Mother’s work, the creation of a brilliant society called Gaia, or called Venus or Andromeda or Cee Cee Cee.

I have remained on this side because my promise, my mission, my commitment to the Mother is the healing of the hearts of humanity, and I will never quit; I will never stray; I will never say, “I’ve had enough,” until this is done. I work in triad, in circle, in partnership with so many on this side, and yes, particularly Archangel Raphael. But I work in tandem, in partnership, my beloved friends, with each of you.

Now, while I have said, “Oh, I do not want to return; there is far too much chaos for my liking,” the Truth is my promise to the Mother. But while I have said there is great chaos upon the planet, I have also need to speak of the wondrous progress – yes, the quantum leaps – and the healing that has taken place within each and every one of your hearts, your minds, your emotional field, your causal field.

If you are looking for miracles, look to yourself, look to the person sitting next to you, standing in the aisle at the checkout counter, sitting across from you at a restaurant. These are the miracles of becoming and of being the I AM.

Being in human form… And yes, I have spoken at great length to the channel about the human realm being twelve dimensions and twelve planes, and the need for humanity – and particularly for Lightworkers – to begin to understand this.

But before I go there, before I explode your head, I want to talk about the joy of being alive, of the privilege of truly being in human form, of the senses of touch and smell, of hearing and vision, of knowing, of clairaudience and clairsentience, all of these ‘clairs’… Is that not an interesting word that you have used to describe what you think is extraordinary, but really isn’t!

It is a very small expansion, and it is an expansion that each and every one of you are capable of. But even before we get to that, let us talk about the joy of being alive, of simply waking up and opening your eyes, of being able to breathe and fill your lungs, and experience a physical body.

Now, as much as I have teased you about never coming back, why do you think – in every incarnation – I stayed so long? Because I absolutely loved it! It wasn’t that I was simply committed to Ascension.

I have talked to you about eating and drinking – and yes, eventually I stopped both – but not because I did not know the pleasure, the delight when I would gaze upon the majesty of the mountains of Tibet, or the lavender fields of Provence, or the architecture of Versailles, of the meadows and the fields and the wild flowers, the scent of wine… These began to feed me in ways that I had no need for what you tend to think of as ‘sustenance’.

But the gift of being in physical form is not intended to be a hardship. What you are doing, and what I am here and I am helping you to do, is literally smashing to smithereens this concept, this belief system that life is hard, that life is brutal, that life is tedious and boring. Not only was it not intended to be – it isn’t! And if you are stuck, as much of humanity is, on what they feel is a treadmill, then they are living erroneously.

It was not intended and it literally is not that! So it is a matter of breaking them out of the cell block of their mental and emotional belief systems, of the control paradigm of those who have enslaved you, and bringing forth the ability to create out of sheer air, like I have. That is not simply a gift of Mastery; that is what each and every one of you is capable of.

You say, “But St. Germaine, I don’t know how to do it.” And I say to you, in the healing of your heart and in the healing of humanity, “Begin by accepting, Loving, relishing, enjoying, being in your physical form.” This Ascension and the energies that are being sent to you are being sent not simply in the ethers that surround you, but to the very core of your physical body.

The energies of the Lion’s Gate, the Grand Cross, this cross, that cross, Jupiter, Mars, the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, the energy that is sent to you via your Star brother and sisters – everything is being sent into your physical body. Yes, that is why some of you are having some physical challenges, but many of you are breaking through those physical challenges as well.

It is a time of incredible healing, and not merely heart healing, as these energies penetrate you. And when you try – consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously – to not accept the wealth and the magnitude of the energies that are sent to you – and this is truly the case in much of humanity when they are not readily embraced and invited in – they do not bounce off you, they do not go away, they do not travel elsewhere. They simply demand entry.

And it does not matter, my friends, how many shields, how many layers of protection that you have put around you, because this is sheer Love. And the sheer Love is coming right into you – into your tissue, into your skin, into your bones, into your blood, into your heart, into your etheric body, your causal body, your emotional body, your astral body – it is coming within.

So it is not about escaping physical reality. Physical reality can, will and is experienced in every one of the twelve dimensions. It is not to be eliminated; it is not to be eradicated. Your form is to be carried with you. Is it transforming? Yes. But do not make the mistake of thinking that your Lightbody does not mean a physical form – it does.

You are becoming… joyously, miraculously and rapidly. You are becoming the humans, the Gaians that the Mother has always desired, always planned, which is multidimensional beings playing, Loving, enjoying the senses upon sweet Gaia.

Now, I have run on, have I not, dear Suzi. Where do you wish to begin?

Suzi: Well, you know we always appreciate you coming. It’s always a joy to have you come on the air with us and we thank you for all that you bring. There’s so much to talk about. For one thing, you speak of your time on Earth and that you had joy while you were here, but you had full awareness of your powers while in body, did you not?

So, in truth, it would be so much easier for us to do what we came here for if we just maybe knew about what we could do. I know that’s what you guys are trying to show us and it is being revealed, but I’m not sure how to move ahead with that. How do we really understand what we can do?

St.Germaine: And that is one of the reasons why I have spoken about these expanded awarenesses such as clairsentience or clairaudience or clairvision to be the normal, because in fact, sweet angels, it is the new normal. And it is one of the reasons why I am here, not merely to spout off, but as I am speaking I am literally awakening this awareness within you.

What I am truly doing this day, to every single person who listens, is I am giving you the Attunement of Expansion.

Suzi: Beautiful. May I also ask then… I’m not sure who told me, but… Many times, the Council of Love brings information to us and our listeners, and sometimes it’s preaching to the choir. I would just like to confirm that when we do a show, it doesn’t necessarily matter that we have a limited number of listeners – the energy, the energetics of it and the healing goes out to pretty much everyone?

St.Germaine: I am here today, and each and every time one of us comes – yes, ‘preaching to the choir’ is a good way to put it, but in today’s situation also… Let me finish answering your question. We are talking to all of humanity. Yes, there are those of you who are consciously listening, but the vibration, the energy of what we say – whether it is Galea or Mi-cha-el or Sanat, it matters not – the energy is travelling out all over the globe.

So think of it in this way. You all are aware of radioactive fallout that travels around the globe and basically destroys everything in its path, and the radioactive particles fall to the ground. So now I want you to think of my brilliant Violet surrounding the entire globe as I speak, and these purple flames, these tangible amethysts falling down into every person’s heart and into every person’s hand.

Those of you who are listening are ahead of the wave, because you are conscious of what I am doing, what I am saying – even as we are speaking, I am attuning you now. And it is you, sweet listeners, who are asking, begging, pleading, “Bring the expanded awareness on,” and that is why I have absolutely bugged this channel so that I would have a chance to do it right now.

Suzi: Wow, beautiful.

St.Germaine: So allow the expanded hearing, the expanded vision. Hold your hands together as Sai Baba has taught you so long ago, and put in your hands that which you wish to create. And then, cup your hands together and let the amethyst do its work.

I am the Keeper, I am the Keeper of the I AM. I would never tell you that I AM the I AM, unless I was telling you that you also – which is the Truth – are the I AM. The I AM is the Godhead; it is the Source, it is the One, it is the All, and so are each of us. Therefore – pure logic – each of you, each of us, has the ability to create.

Now, are you creating Universes? Am I creating Universes? Heck, no! In that way, you can think of me even as a junior Master. My promise to the Mother is working with humanity. I am sure She will have a higher-realm assignment for me later! But this is my joy; this is my grand passion that I am sharing with you. And you have all the abilities that I have, and did have, in form – you just don’t know it.

So do you have the ability to dance the minuet? Yes. Do you have the ability to live on liquid Light? Yes. Do I tell you to do that and to give up the taste of wine and bread? Not necessarily. Are they absolutely necessary to your survival? No, but it is part of the texture, the scent, the joy of being in body.

Do you have the ability, not only to access my Trust Fund, but for yourself to manifest diamonds, rubies, amethysts, tanzanite? Yes, you do. And I am absolutely determined to teach you this.

Suzi: Okay. So as you are speaking, of course it occurs to me that the human aspect of what Lightworkers can bring is what’s so critical to this unfolding. So, joining with Masters and Archangels and All That Is, and Unity and meditation and all the time really… but it is our human aspect that’s most critical; and when others actually wake up and wonder what on Earth is actually going on is when our skills will be most needed, is what I’m feeling.

St.Germaine: That is exactly correct. Now, for many of you, you have felt as if you are secret agents [laughter] and that you have been in deep undercover like one of your movie films; that you have been undercover agents penetrating the darkness on secret missions. And has it been exciting? Yes. Has it been frustrating? Yes. And the most frustrating part of it is, most of you don’t even get paid!

So while you are waiting to manifest your diamonds and bring them to the diamond broker, it is difficult, is it not! So it is time. What you are doing is literally a change in mission. And for many of you, this has been a difficult, or a challenging transition. But it is also a huge sigh of relief, because you no longer have to keep quiet or hidden who you really are.

Now, there is that middle road, dearest Suzi, which you and Linda have spoken of prior to my presence, but I was listening in! And it is the fact that many of you who are Lightworkers are treading that middle road. And it is the middle road that I have walked; it is the middle road of balance that Lao Tzu talks about; it is the middle road that Serapis Bey teaches balance on. And that is the road where you are doing your work.

You are not undercover, but you are not also front and centre as yet. So you are filling the hearts, awakening the hearts with the brilliance of who you are, with the Love, with the Light. You are moving through – both actually and energetically – moving through the entire collective.

Now I have said to you, “When I speak this day, I am encircling the globe and the Violet Flame and the amethysts are falling down.” But, when you are wandering – whether it is in a city or a country, it doesn’t matter – what you are doing is exactly the same as what I am doing with you this day. You are attuning the entire populous.

When you speak – and this is why we have had such emphasis in the past months on Communication – when you speak, when you vibrate with the words of Light and Love, when you speak with your eyes, with your smile, with your body language the words of Love, the energy of Light, you are attuning everyone, not only [those] that you are coming into contact with.

Your vibration is moving from New Jersey to Hong Kong, from Hong Kong to New Delhi, from New Delhi to Sydney, Australia and so on. The vibration continues on, and you are doing such incredible work. You are attuning the whole of humanity.

That is why we say, “Yes, you are receiving very intense energies. Let them in. Because they are here, not only to lift you up, but to give you more ammunition as it were.

Suzi: Okay, and this is why I have felt very little energy or motivation to do the daily life-time kind of things that I need to do?

St.Germaine: You are moving out of what you have thought of as the daily 3D routine, and you are moving into ‘what gives me joy’.

Now, if laundry is your thing, dearest – and I speak to all of you – then go ahead and do the laundry because it is giving you joy. If washing dishes or scrubbing floors gives you a sense of joy… because when you wash a dish, you feel like you… if it is a dinner plate, you just did an entire continent; if it is a side plate, then you just took care of the United States. Then fine; if that is your thing, do it. But think of it in that way.

Suzi: Oh, I love that. Wow, that’s brilliant!

St.Germaine: It changes what you know you’re doing. So when you do laundry and you do a load of whites, know you are cleaning up the sludge of humanity!

Suzi: Ooh, I love it, wonderful! If I could just bring this up… The thing is, for a great many of us who have devoted ourselves to serving the Mother and assisting in our human forms this Shift of the Ages, we’re experiencing a stepping back from living more fully because of how limited resources have been for us.

I’m sure my daughter and I would love to be able to travel and have fun and do other things, but we’re kind of in a holding pattern without a lot of resources to do the stuff we would like to do that would bring us joy. So we sit on the deck and we drink sangria and keep the vibe high that way, but we want more!

St.Germaine: Let me tell you a secret that is no secret. You are wired to want more. You know; you know, dearest Suzi and everyone who listens this day – you know within your stomach, within your guts, within your brain, within your heart – you knowthere is more.

So it isn’t that you have a lack of appreciation for what you do have – and I would suggest that gratitude is always richly received – but it is also that you know there is more. And you are intended to have this internal drive, just as you have an internal drive for sex, for intimacy…

The hunger for more is at the forefront right now. It has been activated as if you are so hungry you could eat your entire fridge, go to the store, fill it up again, eat some more and still not be satisfied!

But that is also why I am saying, “Put your palms together. Use my amethyst.” Think of what I am giving you, in form: the presence of the I AM, that physical presence. Yes, go and grab an amethyst – and I guarantee you it will be the one I’m giving you – and hold it in your palm and cup your hands together as if you are trying to drink water out of a bucket. Hold it and ask for whatever ’the more’ is in the moment – and be specific.

I did not say… hold it in my hands and say, “I want to impress the ladies,” and a diamond appeared. No. I would intend that a diamond of such brilliance and lustre – and size by the way; size is always important [laughter] – and we then would manifest exactly what we had asked for.

So if you are seeking something, be practical. Yes, can you believe it? I am asking you to be practical. Be practical in what you are creating. Know what you are intending to use it for, but bring in the tool, the money, the plane ticket, whatever it is, to get to where you want to be.

Suzi: Oh well, just the simple things of abundance and a world that works for everyone!

St.Germaine: And it starts with each of you. You are… And I know we have a habit; we are all claiming you. Is that not tough! Michael demands Peace from each of you. I demand Creation and the I AM. The Mother demands Love Love Love. Gabrielle demands Truth and Joy. We are all claiming you – and do you know why? Because we know how powerful you are! You don’t know it, but we do.

And so now, this is the clarion call: I am determined to heal the hearts of humanity, and I need your help, plain and simple. As one who has walked the Earth and knows what the humans are capable of, I am saying, “I will join you, but will you join me?”

Suzi: Oh yes, certainly. So I’m just wondering… What I’m seeing right now is not necessarily speakers in conferences all over the world telling people how it is. I am just seeing that each individual will be energetically altered instead of having to be told by another human. They’re just going to get it.

St.Germaine: That is correct. Now many… when you think of speakers, they are transmitting – many of them on our behalf – and so there is an energy download, yes, just as we are doing an attunement this day.

But think of it: From our beloved Lao Tzu to the Buddha, to the Buddha, to the Buddha, to the Dalai Lama, to the Dalai Lama, to Yeshua – we have been talking. And unless the awakening, the heart opening is there in the individual, we can talk till the cows come home. And in France, the cows did come home!

And so you are correct: It is the heart awakening of the individual. We talk a great deal about the collective, but what is important is each and every single human on the planet. Does that feel like a monumental task, for us and you? Yes. But look how many are already there – hiding perhaps, still undercover agents, but they are there.

They do not speak of everything they know or everything they feel, because they are still in the paradigm of fear: that they think that they will be dismissed, or that the powers that be will try and control them, so they stay mute. But the energy of their bodies, their eyes, their smiles – it communicates volumes.

Suzi: Beautiful. I’m feeling like this month and next month are very big opportunities for a larger than normal influx of high frequencies. We’ve been getting the bumps over time, but I guess at one point there’s going to be a bump that pops us over. Would that be accurate?

St.Germaine: You are in the middle of it. Yes, it is already begun. Is it going to intensify? Yes.

Let us tell you… Now, the Mother… When I say this, I have to preface what I say. The Mother is eternal and infinite, so She doesn’t come to me and say, “Oh Germaine, I’m tired.” But in my human way, I can tell you – the Mother’s tired of waiting.

And more importantly, if you can believe this – you, all of you, all of humanity is tired of waiting. And you are moving, not only from the expression of frustration and ‘I’ve had enough’ that Michael has talked about. You are moving into action and you say, “But I don’t feel like taking concerted action.”

And what I am saying is that when you sit on your back porch and you hold the Light and the Love, and you laugh and you play and you engage in genuine, heartfelt relationship – dear heart, that is the most significant action of all.

Suzi: Yay, I’m happy to hear that. It’s important.

St.Germaine: Each of you has a way that is unique to you, that you have agreed to millions of years ago, and how to manifest. So some of you are those speakers in the public places; some of you are the tenders of the flowers, making flower essences to heal; making Peace with the kingdoms, talking to the animals; some of you are Angel talkers, some of you are communicators; some of you do nothing other than simply be the bridge; some of you do nothing other than being the Intergalactic transmitters.

When I say ‘nothing’, I am describing monumental tasks. And one of the hardest things for human beings to do is to stay still! And Ispeak from experience – I had to go off to a cave in Tibet to stay still, to learn how to do that!

Suzi: [Laughter] Thank you very much for joining us and for the wonderful information.

St.Germaine: I am with you. I am with you completely.

Please – Use the amethyst I have placed this day in your heart and hand – and more importantly, let the attunement blossom.

I Love you. Farewell.

Suzi: I Love you. Farewell and thank you.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.


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Be You Message from White Calf Buffalo Woman received by Julie Miller August 14, 2015

Be You
14 August 2015

Julie Miller

Staying true to who you are from the beating drum of your heart appears to be a great struggle in these modern times I see before me. The struggle, it is evident because of all the temptations and distractions you are faced with each and every day.

By following what others are doing, you do not have time to listen to what your heart is trying to tell you or show you. You find yourself caught up in in the momentum of others, but not of your own.

To unite as a people, all people need to be able to come together respectfully in order to achieve a common goal, letting go of differences and seeing, possibly, for the first time how similar you are in values and principles.

A great man of another era, Socrates had six questions for humanity and society alike to answer and the questions got him into a lot of trouble because he wanted to see these questions answered through pure action, not just in words. Socrates died holding on to his values and beliefs. He did not sway from his oppressors; he endured and stood his ground to what he believed to be true to his heart.

My people know this very well, how to endure. To endure any difficulty takes great courage to turn away from any temptation or habit and begin carving out a road that will see you in lighter pastures while remaining true and faithful to who you are.

Even if you are aiming to achieve a certain goal, you endure the dry spells, you endure criticism, and you endure any negative habit that tries to persuade you away from what you are trying to accomplish. When you follow what others are doing just because it sounds ‘cool’ or ‘to others’ what is right, doesn’t mean it is right for you. Even when you are trying to come together under the same interest doesn’t mean you ignore who you are, or what you believe in to be true. Your mind knows no truth, truth comes from the heart. When you are discerning what is true, you must ignore what your mind is tempting you with and trust where your heart is directing you toward. Sometimes, many times, the heart has you on paths much different than what you mind wants, but the journey of the heart brings you to a deeper unfolding of you.

You are different for a reason. You are not created by the Great Spirit to be identical to everyone else. Accept your uniqueness and bring your freshness into every corner of your life, no matter what you are doing.

What I see often is people turning away from the hard work of uncovering the many layers that cover their primordial self so their natural self can be revealed in favour for what they barely scrape off from the surface.

Being true to you doesn’t mean you are rebelling from everyone else that is on a similar path or following a similar interest. All you are doing is keeping hold of your values, your passions, what is right and good from the beating drum of your heart, and committing your whole self from the level of your heart into all you do.

There is so much inside of you that has yet to surface and it waits until you show readiness for you to meet more of who you are. The heart that beats in your chest, beats in the chest of other people too and no matter where their home is, the Earth is there beneath their feet. Life is all around you. The Great Spirit and the Mother Earth has given you much, all that is needed to feed and heal yourself, to learn who you are and what it means to appreciate and love what you’ve endured and the plans you are personally creating to begin.

There is nothing you cannot move beyond from when you are working from 100% of your heart. And there is nothing you cannot reach when you have pure faith in who you are and that your values and beliefs are holding strong within you. You will persevere, learn to tolerate and overcome anything when you are whole with yourself.

Be you, don’t be another, let them be them. Unite, collaborate and work together: Yes, this is good, but don’t forget who you are, where you came from, what you fought for, or your faithfulness in what you can and will accomplish. Be You!

I AM White Calf Buffalo Woman,
through this vessel, Julie Miller


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Venus Speaks: Earth Initiations and Free Will (A Perspective) and Sanat’s Music Message 16 August 2015 Channeler: Soferia

Venus Speaks: Earth Initiations and Free Will (A Perspective) and Sanat’s Music Message

Many people are confused about Earth initiations, often referring to them as “contracts.” There are no contracts, soul or otherwise. There is, however, a complex interplay between free will and initiations, which I will discuss today.

Although I do tarry a bit longer on earth, working interdimensionally with my beloved Sanat-Eros-Enki Kumara, at this point in Earth’s ascension process I have a special covenant with God to no longer waste time with those who: 1) Do not believe in God; 2) Those who hate knowledge and refuse to expend their energy working toward acquiring wisdom; 3) Those who harbor an attitude of “permissiveness,” refusing to take actions or even voice corrections to other people’s harmful behavior with excuses and rationalizations such as “everyone is on their own spiritual path”; 4) Those who are still totally lost in hyperreality (the material, consumption-focused, and entertainment world); 5) Those who continue to choose laziness over actions; 6) Those who purposely or even unintentionally distort knowledge to benefit evil, power, control and/or the unfair acquisition of money; 7) Those who “just do their jobs” for the corporatocracy without considering the consequences of making immoral and unethical choices and imposing them upon others; 8) those who claim a title of “expert” and put forth harmful ideologies; and 9) Those who are self-focused and believe all change happens solely from “within”: It is not about you.

As you can see, the list is long (and only a summary at that), which indicates that many people fall within the covenant of those with whom I am no longer to waste my time. There is a reason for the covenant: time is running short. I have already put my best efforts forward for many years, as have the Great Teachers, and it’s now imperative that we use our time working with those who have found and are enthused about the Great Path, about learning, about working toward wisdom, and about making the world a better place.

Thus, today my message is for those who fall outside the above categories—those who take the Earth Project of bringing Heaven to Earth seriously and take actions and contribute accordingly. I wish to provide another perspective and a clarification of the role of initiations.

As many know, there are no longer just seven Kumaras, but rather there are hundreds now due to the successful ascensions of many souls. The Kumaras lead, under Jesus/Sananda, under the Father/Prime Creator for the Earth, and under God, the initiations on Earth. Many of these Kumaras also lead initiations on other planets, but my focus for this message is Earth.

What are initiations? Initiations are learning exercises that we agree to at a higher level of consciousness—all of us engage in these learning exercises, including myself and all of the Kumaras. God’s knowledge and wisdom (Great Mind) is infinite and yet ever-evolving; thus, our learning path is also infinite as we are led, ultimately, by God along the eternal path to wisdom. Now that Earth education has been completely hijacked by the fascist corporatcracy with its abominable motivations, it’s more important than ever before to transcend it and connect with true Higher Education—natural, personalized, loving education with the High Masters who serve God. If you will note, in the Bible, Jesus has informed us that he had to leave in order to send us each our own personal teacher via the Holy Spirit. These are many new Kumaras, along with other helpers and messengers of God.

With all of the newly initiated and ascended Kumaras, please understand that the initiation process has changed. This is expected given there are so many new Great Teachers of Creative Genius--and this is also a very good thing, because now we have many more ways to appeal to an infinite individuality of interests, skills, abilities, and the like. One thing you will learn is how to make very tasty lemonade and lemon pie from the lemons those OF the world may throw your way.

Just as one example related to this discussion, is that the fascist coporatcracy has taken upon themselves to eliminate certain wise and talented ones from planet Earth; this has happened throughout the ages. These many individuals have ascended rapidly and many want to serve as teachers and guides, which is why the initiation process can now be expanded to encompass everyone who wishes to engage (and by “engage” we have multiple meanings for this word, including the engagement you will experience if you take the Venus and Sanat-Eros-Enki Kumara’s One Love Path). All of these new teachers help explain one reason music is taking such a primary role in the learning/initiation process—untold numbers of musicians are now in our ranks due to so many of them suffering premature deaths at the hands of the death cult worshippers…thus, while the evil ones still harbored on planet Earth may think they’ve “gotten rid” of those who threaten their power, position, and money, they are coming to awareness that we have completely turned the tables on their actions. We have made lemonade/lemon pies from their lemons. There are many ways to make lemonade with the Great Minds. The power wielders’ increasing awareness of this reality is why you are witnessing increasingly insane actions on their part—they’re literally “losing it” out of desperation.

Due to the diversity of the Great Teachers, no one’s initiations will be exactly the same as someone else’s initiations. But, at the same time, there are many similarities. We advise you to share among each other both similarities and differences with the focus on learning from each other. As Sanat-Eros-Enki Kumara (SEEK) is fond of advising, we are to SEEK—seek difference, seek knowledge. We see very little of this type of interchange happening right now on the deep and sustained levels necessary to build love among you. Superficial levels of sharing are inadequate at this juncture, and result even in greater division—it’s why your so-called “social networking systems,” often devised and controlled by those holding power, are of “piss-poor” designs (that comes from Sanat, lol; he can be SO FUNNY, which is just one of the reasons I love him so much). Current designs of your technological communication systems are not conducive to a deep exchange of information and knowledge. The design prevents deep, caring discussions among multiple people…the Great Teachers will help you design new online platforms as well as assist you with learning greater telepathic abilities.

One extremely important change to the initiation process is that we have totally abolished contracts. So if you are thinking in terms of “contracts” those thoughts do not arise from a good place. There are no contracts. This affords you great freedom and control over your own learning process. You are never locked into an initiation. This means you can choose to change initiations, or even cancel them at any point during the initiation. You can also ask for specific initiations. Thus, you have greater power over your learning process than most of you realize. The Great Teachers, as connected to God, will love to assist you symbiotically—not providing too much instruction, but rather the perfect guidance and release of information to meet your learning needs. And don’t forget: They will also play a role in connecting you with just-in-time (JIT) teachings by having your path cross with Earth Teachers. Please pay attention. If someone, for example, suggests you read a specific book, then read that book.

Even though there are no contracts and your learning is not written in stone, there are, however, Natural, Cosmic, and Celestial Laws…stay pure and honest and maintain “service-to-others” versus “service-to-self” actions and you will be living within the laws…your teachers will be helping you learn much more about these laws. As many of you know, in operation today is what some people call “Instant Karmic Reflection.” Knowingly make a wrong choice and it will come right back to you. This is built into the equations for Natural Law; the Greatest of the Greats found this necessary because so many of us on this planet have been slow learners, not to mention so much effort has been put into misguiding us among the power wielders on the planet. They, too, are subject to this new Natural Law. It is interesting to note that String Theorists have discovered these added equations, but they don’t yet understand their significance. Well, I have just explained their significance—and I can assure you that they are very powerful.

While initiations are arranged at higher levels of consciousness and often times you are not privy to the details at this level, the more you can connect to those higher levels, the more power you have to adjust your initiations through your direct communication with your personal teachers and guides.

There is a caveat, however. While your own free will is in operation at all times, so is the free will of those with whom you interact. This prevents any form of prediction as to outcomes of initiations and it also brings in the dynamic that those who you may interact with may freely choose to fetter with the rising of consciousness of yourself and others who have chosen to work toward beautifying the planet, increasing knowledge, and contributing toward justice, peace and harmony, and sovereignty from external governments. It becomes a battle between good and evil, Eros and Thanatos. Striving for ever higher levels of consciousness and connection with God will help you traverse and transcend interferences in ways that are an advantage for you as well as the Great Mission (lemonade, again).

Let me interject here—contributing to peace and harmony does not mean ALLOWING others to destroy God’s Great Works or the works of people who are creating for God without raising the awareness of people as to what’s happening. We simply do not have time to sit back and merely observe. Yes, time is an illusion in the Cosmic scheme of things; but in terms of Earth reality, time is very real and time is running short. Increasing chaos and destruction will take many forms and increase in numbers and magnitude very soon, and, indeed, it’s already happening, due to the evil ones who still think they can win a battle they’ve already lost. Listen to the Holy Spirit, which is currently being dispensed as a Great Gift, a Special Dispensation from God upon the planet generously for all who wish to partake of its intelligent, loving, healing energies.

Allowing others to engage in evil, harmful acts while standing by, merely watching is considered to be “permissiveness.” The Holy Spirit is angered by such actions (it’s really ok to feel anger; it’s a very motivating and positive emotion when fueled by the love of Spirit). Permissiveness shrouded in a false notion of “be and let be” is akin to being an accomplice in crimes; and it’s a most abominable crime and an indication that one has stepped off The Path, and for which the ultimate Great Mind—God—has warned repeatedly will not go unpunished. “For the wages of sin is death…” as the verse goes. Well, in a very real sense, if we have not connected to the Holy Spirit, we are dead. SEEK the Spirit. Follow the guidance Jesus left behind. Study the 10 commandments for what they are, not for how they’ve been interpreted or how you’ve been indoctrinated…study them deeply and seek understanding…and think: why do you suppose those who are determined to destroy God’s beautiful creations on this planet ban the 10 commandments from being displayed in the public? The commandments are simple yet powerful. They are not a prison. Following the commandments leads to freedom. And God’s Salvation is very real….follow the Ascension Path and the Initiation Process sincerely and you’ll be guided to this knowledge, to greater understanding, if you have not been already. You will find that Spirit will guide you to opening Great Tomes to exact pages and exact verses and paragraphs you personally need, whether for reassurance or for greater understanding.

Time is running short. Yes, there is “eternity,” however, for the Earth Project, for riding the Ascension Waves to higher dimensional Earth, time is truly running out…all the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men could not put Humpty Dumpty together again…and a new earth shall rise up out of the ashes. I am speaking metaphorically. What shall this “New Earth” consist of? Will you be there? Earth will not be destroyed in the sense that’s being conveyed in the media…

…while archon-infested entities would have us believing the Earth will be totally demolished very soon, of course, this is deception. Do not listen to the “experts” and the “talking heads” as they will steer you in the wrong direction every time and keep you fearful, not knowing which way to turn. Should they violate your barriers with their frequency interruptions and thought interjection, simply tell yourself, “Delete that thought” or “Erase that” or tell the violating entities, “Go Away!” Listen to the Holy Spirit which sends messages out of deep and profound love. If you feel fear, it is not the Holy Spirit guiding you.

Due to the complexity of this era’s evolutionary process and the billions of souls involved, anyone who attempts to predict exactly what’s going to happen is misguiding…as we have conveyed many times, due to the very complex interaction of your personal, highly individualistic initiations, free will, and the free will of others, including those who continue to make bad choices.

No predictions are possible at this time for this planet. We are midst evolution and creation and no one is able to predict the precise final outcome for themselves or anyone else. This is not a prediction, however; it’s an observable fact. Find one person who got a prediction totally right. What are we to do? Keep our feet moving forward, just walking one step at a time, and stay active creating in our own personal ways…stay focused on what’s possible while staying alert to what’s happening around us.

To summarize, do not allow this uncertainty to cause fear; maintain FAITH. Do not take seriously all of the “fear porn” and continual lies being produced in the media—yet AT THE SAME TIME, develop and use your critical thinking skills and “common sense” so that you learn to sort truth from fiction, reality from imagination, good perspectives from harmful perspectives, evidence-based descriptions from mere speculation, and contextual explanations from out-of-context reductionistic explanations that cannot possibly apply in all situations. Use your time effectively. If you do so, you will be gifted with “time warps” during which even you will be amazed at how much you’ve accomplished. Pay heed to your initiations and learn what you can, but don’t be afraid to request changes to them…you know even better than your teachers what’s best for you in relation to your mission (service-to-others).

Stay close to your Beloved Soul Family, your teachers, listen to Spirit, and most of all, stay close to God.

May the Force (of Love) Be With You,
Venus (aka “Psyche” and “Ki”)

P.S. Sanat approves of this message. And here is his music contribution for the day:

“Have a wonderful day!”

Wow! I think David Jason is getting music lessons from our brothers Stevie Ray Vaughan, Albert King…and other Great Teachers (this is my and Sanat's special song, btw).

It pays to “pay attention”:


Views: 19

Praise for Your Path in Life ~ A Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel

Praise for Your Path in Life


Archangel Gabriel

Through Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages in these articles to provide insight and inspiration each week that we can bring into our daily lives.

For this week's issue, the Gabriel Message is encouraging us to see beyond appearances and remember a very deep Truth.

The Gabriel Message card for this week:


Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.

I usually receive this card when I am questioning how my life is going. It is always a message that encourages me to step back from the immersion in what is happening in front of my physical eyes and take a more neutral view of my reality. 
Obviously it is easier to break into hallelujas and exuberant praise when our lives are moving in ways that evoke our happy place.
The challenge is to know that our life has power and merit when we are looking at appearances that may not please us. But that's when we start flexing our spiritual muscles — to balance our emotional states and to see beyond appearances to know that there is a blessing in every situation. It's not only a blessing, it's a call from our souls to notice that we have an opportunity to create something wonderful that really works much better for us.
Sometimes it is only this one step back into neutrality that helps me to be more present to the Creative Solutions available to me. First I need to recognize that whatever I am experiencing is a part of the work I am here to do for my soul, and then I can use the situation as a stepping stone to higher-frequency living.
When I make new choices from a higher perspective, from a place of multidimensionality, the path takes on a more enhanced aspect, with many more opportunities for the kind of creativity and expansion that I love. I have found that everything I love raises my vibrational frequency. That is really fun, because these empowered frequencies include really simple things like music, nature and beauty. All the things I love become qualities of consciousness that uplift and inspire me, thus changing my vibrations and making it possible for me to have more of what I want to experience in life. This very basic Law of Attraction principle is always valuable to remember.
When we celebrate life in all its myriad forms, it honors the Presence that lives in and through us and blesses our path. The uplifting of our thoughts and feelings to the ultimate truth of our existence is a substantial step forward to the recognition that our life is a true gift. We need to show up for our path in life with all the support and intention that we can muster, as well as all the resources we have within us.
We have had many attitude adjustments and learned many new skills and spiritual tools in this life that we can apply to creation of the most beautiful world we can imagine. Our imagination helps keep us expanded and inspired so we can incorporate the support from the Angelic Dimensions and all the help we have around us. When we keep our intentions clear and our focus strong, we are walking as blended beings in a greater world that has yet to recognize this imperative. Our Souls know that this is what we are here to do, and our path is celebrated in the heavenly realms. We are being gifted with so much love at this time. This real and practical multidimensional support is a blessed gift that we are here to experience right now.
When we honor the Infinite Intelligence that guides us and use the maturity and commitment to our spiritual path that hones our spirit, we are lifted into the enchanted realms of the higher dimensions moving from 3D to 5D and above. It is here that we can see the greater truths under the surface and join in an exalted co-creation of an empowered life.
All of us exploring together, using our most Divine resources combined with our diligent human selves, this is the enchanted and empowered collaboration that can create Peace on Earth, Love in every heart, and allow Nature and all life to thrive.
Anyone who reads these weekly messages knows that prayer and intentions are the center stone of my life. I have long wanted to create a group of dedicated beings who desire to work from the heart offering Divine Light to the world and all humanity. Stay tuned for my announcement of the Immersion in Light Program, an empowered monthly program designed by the Archangels that enables us as a group to hold a vision of true Freedom, Peace and Harmony within all humanity and for the Earth.
May all beings know in their hearts the experience of true Freedom, Peace and Harmony on all levels. And so it is. 
Shanta Gabriel,
August 16, 2015

The Gabriel Messages #50

Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.

Dear One,
Your path in life is decided upon before you take birth in human form. Your soul reviews the lessons necessary for highest growth, and then chooses those life experiences that will provide them. From a human perspective, this choice is often difficult to comprehend. Many outwardly horrendous lifetimes have powerful lessons and seem beyond human understanding.
To truly understand the soul's growth, it is necessary to have an expanded perspective that sees an overall picture. When situations occur in life which seem very difficult to handle, a certain balance is provided in knowing that, on a soul level, a great learning experience is occurring and that you are given all you need to handle the situation, for the highest good of all concerned.
This does not mean that your emotions do not exist, or that somehow you should not feel upset, because in human terms your experience is very real and your feelings valid. Within the power of your soul, however, there is a great gift in your situation. No matter how senseless a condition may appear to your human eyes, a greater truth is available. It can assist you to remember this and to pray to see it. It can also help to remember that you live in a benevolent universe where the grace of God is available at all times.
>From a human perspective, it is also often difficult to experience incredible joy and happiness. There are many in your world who say, "it's too good to be true, watch out when things get too good," etc. etc. The Angels say to you that you are a beloved child of God who deserves to be happy and to have incredible blessings in your life. If this is what you are experiencing right now, enjoy it. Live this blessed moment to the fullest. Never doubt that good things happen, and that joy and miracles are the natural state of being.
Do not doubt the path you have chosen. If there is something in your world that you want to change, pray that it be transformed for the highest good of all concerned. Trust in your Angelic teachers and in God's presence, which is eternally within you. Be grateful for your life and most of all:
 Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen. 
Shanta Gabriel, 2015

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. 
Individually one can be helped to find your Truth that is different to each of us. 

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SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #74 The Return of the Fairy Beings

The Return of the Fairy Beings

From: Oliver Troll
To: Denice
Datum: 19 augusti 2015 18:07:55 CEST
Subject: Some more questions...

Hi Denice,

Today is probably one of the hottest days this summer with about
31 degrees Celcius!

For the SA! 

Look at the picture and the sky, note the
thin clouds there. Usually clouds are not that thin but these are spread
throughout a vast area. Almost looks like a thin veil!

What are they?


I know that I'm here at this area up close to the Mountains for reasons. Are there certain portals I need to open here from within/outside as an Ambassador?

Love hugs

Skickat från min iPhone

On 8/20/15, at 1:17 AM, SKYe MACLOUD wrote:
The location I am staying in here in Scotland feels very magical. The Glen/valley I drive down to get to the village of Braemar is called Glen Shee which means glen of the fairies. On two recent visits, just as entered the Glen a large bird has flown beside the car at eye level for a short way as though escorting me. It really feels truly magical here.  Is there something special about this place where I am coming to live and to make my home?

THAT WAS NOT A BIRD DEAR ONE/SKYe FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EYES TO SEE THAT WAS INDEED A FAIRY. THE WALK-INS ARRIVE.  [Note: this does not refer to "soul walk-ins", this refers to fairy beings not seen in a long long time "walking in" through the open dimensional portals -AK]




Views: 4

Message From Sunat Kumara and Lady Master Venus 08/19/2015

By Bob Fickes, 08/19/2015

We welcome you Dear Ones! We are Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, Twin Flames of the Highest Ray of Consciousness.

This is a time of balance. The masculine and feminine Rays of Light and Love are moving into unison. This means a balance will occur between your Inner and Outer Self. Inside of you there are strong forces moving to push you into snap decisions. Be patient Dear Ones! Look at your life through the eyes of your heart. Use your Higher Intuition before you make a decision. Feel what you want rather than thinking about it.

All thinking at this time on Earth is influenced by a strong tendency from your old habits. Be wise and tune in to what you really need for your future. The future is in your heart not your mind. Seek your Inner Wisdom and choose the best path. Your logic will fail you and must be replaced by the tendencies of the heart. The heart is your only guide to discovering what will make you happy. Only Love can tell you the answers you seek.

Love is not an emotional expression. It is a peaceful feeling of Knowingness. Love is not dramatic. It is a gentle breeze that refreshes you and guides you in tiny steps not big ones. Avoid all drama during these times and center your self. Trust that the universe is sending you signs to guide each step that you take. Look for the signs and trust the universe. The Light of Wisdom is shining brightest in your heart. It gives you a warm feeling that you are taken care of and reminds you that you are not alone. We are with you now and forever.

We are Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus. We dwell inside your heart. When your heart moves, we move with you. When you make a choice, feel peace first and then ask: “What is my best opportunity?” Then wait for a sign to verify your answer. Be patient Dear Ones! The sign will come today not tomorrow. The sign will come from the universe not your mind.

Look for the sign and it will appear. Truth never comes quickly. Truth comes in a natural way floating in the sky or moving in the wind. The answer you seek will be found when Nature moves to give it to you. Be Patient Dear Ones! Trust the universe will bring it to you when you are quietly enjoying your own Inner Feeling of Love. Put aside all anxiety and all thoughts that you must have the answer that satisfies your mind. If it is True, it will satisfy your heart with a warm feeling of well-being and knowingness. We are with you! We guide the heart not the mind. Bless you!


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Your Highly Sensitive Nature, message from the Arcturians,by Meredith Murphy.

Hello Beautiful Souls,
It is easy for us to see you now, as you have come into a much fuller expression of the truth of your being. We tease you in saying this for we always have been aware of you, but you are lit up now in ways that are quite different from your expression earlier in this lifestream. Do you feel this? Do you claim the conscious creation of this?
We want you to consider today how much you claim what you know and who you are and live at your leading edge with confidence and self-appreciation. We want to invite you to consider your reference points throughout life and see how they have evolved; how your sense of self, in fact, has opened up and dramatically changed.
You are much more active in creating your lives and your state of consciousness than you think. Although you know this conceptually, the awareness of this slips away from you still, and you find yourself reacting to life and feeling that life is happening to you. We see this in the way you feel fear and anxiety. We see this in the way you feel criticized or blamed. We see this most dramatically in the ways in which you still think you are fragile or overly sensitive. Today we want to highlight this dynamic and see if we might help you to lighten up your load in terms of how you feel and think about yourself as an embodied human.
To be human is a dream! You wanted it, you chose it, you are here. Any other idea is incorrect. You are here of your free will, and you have come here to be you.
You as you are, are perfectly capable of being here and thriving. You are not too sensitive, and you are not fragile.
All those who tell you that you are, are misinformed — be they spiritual teachers or guides, or simply people in your life. They may believe this strongly, and yet we tell you now, they are misinformed.
You meant to come here and be highly perceptive and to be able to translate vibration and operate with clarity. That is the function of your sensitivities; they are faculties of perception.
As you begin to treat them as such, you will learn to use them differently and stop thinking of yourself as so fragile and in need of protection.
Do you not see that believing you are weak, fragile and in need of protection is a way of avoiding what you came here to be? As your Divine Self, there is no sense of inadequacy or need for some other being to protect you. To believe that your sensitivity is limiting diminishes alignment with your wholeness. To believe your sensitivity makes you fragile or weakens your capacity, diminishes your alignment and the light of your presence.
Today we are speaking directly and pointedly to any who may be feeling that they are highly sensitive and also feeling that this makes them fragile, or in need of withdrawing from life to protect themselves. In this way, we aim to help you reconsider how you think of yourself and this sensitivity, and how you relate to your highly perceptive nature.
Human beings are capable of perceiving and handling very strong energies. Highly sensitive people who believe that their sensitivity is a problem often become uncomfortable with intensity. In effect, interpreting intensity as a threat, as something to be concerned about.
From a neutral standpoint, the degree of intensity is simply a measure of how much energy is being perceived. If you are highly perceptive you will be might be more aware of the intensity, noticing and being able to distinguish energy quite distinctly.
All humans have immense capacities for perception, the same as you. However, how any of you allocate that capacity is also important. Your human body only has so much capacity in your nervous system to process and perceive stimulus. For example, when you are digesting a particularly large meal, your nervous system is very busy and you will tend to perceieve less any other stimulus. Conversely, if you are experiencing very strong emotions, you may notice you have no appetite. Digestion requires substantial of nerve capacity and so if you are feeling strongly you may not have an appetite. As you can imagine, sometimes human beings eat to not feel things. Yes, this truly does work.
For those of open to expansive capacity for perception sometimes you feel worried when you experience intense stimulus. We want to clarify this here and now and say: you are far greater than what you're perceiving, and not a threat.
As you allow yourself to consider that what you feel about being immensely sensitive, we also want you to reflect on the way your mean-making about this may have led you to withdraw and avoid aspects of life. If you have felt this way and thought perhaps you were not up to some experiences, we want you to open up that idea once more for reconsideration.
Now we will say first and foremost that we want to encourage you to choose enriching experience in life. Exprience that foster alignment with all that you are. But we want to step beyond this and say more: you are capable of creating your emotional state and your consciousness regardless of conditions or circumstances. That’s how powerful you really are.
No one, beloveds, has the ability to alter that. You have not lost that ability simply because you may not be using it or feeling confident about using it. Self-doubt is something most humans feel some of the time and it is not going to change your capacity. It may change how you use it or the decisions you make in the moment, but it does not remove your capacity. Your capacity still exists even if you have not exercised it for quite some time.
The shift on your planet is calling you forth to share your gifts. For many of you this will mean stepping forth into visibility in ways that are far beyond what you’ve grown comfortable with.
Even beyond sharing your gifts, the leading edge of life on Earth is calling out for transparent self expression and presence. For blended beings to live fully as the Divine Light you each genuinely are.
This will require courage and a more accurate relationship with the dynamics of your perception -- what you may have regarded as having an extremely sensitive nature.
Living fully requires you to rethink your sense of being highly sensitive and begin to see this as a strength rather then something that makes you vulnerable. You are entirely capable of becoming more used to varying intensities and also to having expanded perceptions in ways that benefit you and feel empowering. None of this need limit your movement in the world, in fact, it can support you in participating more skillfully and having more fun.
If you begin to think of your sensitivity as perceptual ability, what might that mean?
What might it mean to realize that you are capable of picking up lots of information and energy and perceiving it, and that is the neutral way of understanding your sensitive nature?
If you feel offended by the energy you encounter. If you feel bothered by the energy you encounter, that does not mean you are highly sensitive, rather that you are still conditionally creating your mood. When you feel overly sensitive to other people’s ways of being or expressing it means that you are still paying attention to them as if they have the ability to define you or tell you who you are. When you feel irritated or threatened by other people, this is not the same as being highly sensitive. Unless you are truly in danger, to take in other people's energy and allow it to shape your state of being is simply being less sovereign then is useful. We encourage you to realize this. Once you begin to see that your sensitivity is not a problem, you can focus on becoming more sovereign and develop your gifts of perceptual openness.
As you allow yourself to distinguish high sensitivy from your current degree of sovereignty you will start to liberate your psychic senses which is the intended purpose of your sensitivity gifts. You have these capacities so you might intuitively live life with expanded perceptions and awareness. As you grow in your capacity to be sovereign; to reference yourself for identity and meaning and to create your own sense of autonomy in life, you will discover immense capacity opening up for you.
Life on the leading edge needs those of you with highly sensitive perceptions to step forth and expess yourelves fully. You have the potential to be highly informed and act in alignment with vaster fields of focus. Developing this bridging capacity is part of your role. To be free to share your gifts and be who you are, paves the way for others to do the same. It is easier to do this when you separate out creating your mood by paying attention to others from your immence capacity to perceive that is the gift of your sensitive nature.
We hope that you take these invitations to shed limiting ideas of who you are and what you can do, quite to heart. For we see you, opening up vast vistas of knowing if you dare to release the old limiting ideas of having a problem because you're highly sensitive.
As you commit to being free and sovereign and allowing others the same, in fact honoring this aspect of your free will domain, you will support and liberate your multidimensional knowing.
The potential for embodiment to open up more fully for many of you is available. Thus we share this transmission today, knowing that you will be met by it, perfectly for where you are now. Take from this transmission any energy and any guidance, validation or support which will further your development in this life.
We are the Arcturians
by Meredith Murphy, 

Views: 11


As children of God each one of you is a very powerful energy field of Love.

As children of God each one of you is a very powerful energy field of Love.

August 23, 2015 by John Smallman


Listen to Audio Blog for Sunday 23rd.


Many are feeling that the illusion is strengthening its hold on humanity as the mainstream news media continues to report – apparently with great satisfaction – on wars, conflicts, economic fears, corruption and dishonesty in high places, and myriad other unhappy events and occurrences. These reports do certainly refer to numerous ongoing global events, but they are truly only a very small proportion of planetary activities. The current flows of the Tsunami of Love, which has been enveloping the planet since late in 2012, are much more far reaching in their uplifting and inspiring effects than any of the supposedly “bad news” events on which the news media attempts to focus your full attention.


As children of God each one of you is a very powerful energy field of Love. You each have free will and can therefore choose to engage with your field of love or to deny and ignore it as you go about your daily lives as humans within the illusion that you collectively built so many eons ago. The choice you make in this regard – and whether you are aware of it or not you are making and remaking this choice in every moment – directly affects how you experience life. Increasing numbers of you are now choosing engagement, and the effects of this engagement are visible all across the world.

Your real and eternal nature is Love. You were created in Love, and Reality, the Presence of God – or, if you prefer, Heaven – is Love. Your existence is eternally maintained by God, our loving Father, within the divine field of Love that is all that exists. You cannot depart from it because nowhere else exists. There is only God, the Source, the field of Love that is His creation, and it contains all life without exception.

Within that infinite field God’s only Son was created and had bestowed upon Him all that is God, which is everything. The only difference between God and His Son is that God is, always, whereas His Son was created by Him to join in the ecstasy of Life everlasting with His heavenly Father in that field of divine Love. However, Love does not control, it is utterly free of any form of manipulation, domination, or restriction on the one loved, otherwise, of course it would not be Love.
God’s Son then chose to exercise free will by constructing an illusory environment in which He could experience independence and separation from God and attempt to prove that he had no need of God.

But, beyond God there is nothing, there is no beyond. And the illusory environment that the Son of God built is illusory, non-existent, a figment, an unreality. Nevertheless, the power of God’s Son is immense, and so the illusory environment that he constructed appears both vast and very real, especially when it is populated by an enormous multitude of aspects or separated parts of Himself contained within extremely limiting containers – human bodies. As humans, then, the illusion appears very real, placing very real limits on human abilities, as compared to the limitless creative potential that was given to God’s Son at the moment of His creation.

And, on Earth, human bodies are needy. They need food, shelter, air and water, and if any of those essentials are removed or become unavailable those bodies cannot survive. And the realization of that is a terrifying state of affairs, which leads to the belief that they need to fight one another constantly in order to obtain enough of the planet’s inadequate resources to ensure their own survival.

But, as I said in the introduction to my book “A Course in Miracles,” “Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God.” Truly there is nothing to fear because you have your eternal existence in infinite joy and safety within the Mind of God. All that seems to threaten you or bring you suffering is unreal and will pass away.

Focus daily on your true nature, Love, and intend to share and extend It unconditionally to all of humanity without exception, and then enjoy the peace and contentment that that intent brings into your life. Where you see others suffering, no matter who they are or where they are, intend for Love to flow from you to them and relieve it. Many of you are already doing this and it is extremely effective, in fact it is undoing and dissolving the nightmare that seems to envelop so many in preparation for the imminent arrival of a pleasant dream that will lead to your awakening into full consciousness where you will once more know yourselves as you truly are – Divine Beings at One with God.

Your true nature can no longer be hidden from you by the deceptive veil of the illusion because that veil is disintegrating irreparably as more and more of you open your hearts to the Love that God offers you constantly in every moment of your existence. You know, deep within yourselves, that you are divine Beings, it is just that as humans you have forgotten because forgetfulness is a powerful limitation that a body takes upon itself upon incarnating, but as the veil dissolves so does forgetfulness. Awareness of your true nature is dawning on more and more of you each day and that awareness is intensifying the effect of the solvent – LOVE – that is dissolving the illusion.

Know therefore that you are eternally loved by your heavenly Father, and that because of His infinite Love for you He has provided the means and the energy that will dissolve the illusion finally and permanently. All will awaken because it is the divine Will, and your individual wills are all in alignment with that Will because, in truth, there is only One Will.

Your loving brother, Jesus.





GAIAPORTAL: Star Portals now shine with Higher Essence for all

Star Portals now shine with Higher Essence for all


gaia_energy1Sporadics of exclusion no longer carry weight.

Recognition from Higher Essence remarks on all of Hue-manity, and refreshes hu-manity.

“Prophets” are viewed as the zero point.

Inner Inclusions reap the rewards of Light.

Star Portals now shine with Higher Essence for all.


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