Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Total Eclipse Of Full Moon 27/ 28th 2015... ...and more.

In the US, Canada, Central and South America, the Total Lunar eclipse will begin on the evening of September 27th.  In Europe, Asia, Africa, the Arctic, in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans it starts on September 28th.   The eclipse will last 1 hour and 12 minutes providing a tremendous opportunity for personal transformation.  



During this super full moon lunar eclipse a wave of energy will be sent to our water planet amplifying the awakening process.  The 11:11 code we each carry will be activated once again, flooding our consciousness with truth, filling our hearts with light. At the same time while we are still under the influence of Uranus in Retrograde, we will be feeling the need to break free from restriction.  We no longer  want to be labeled, we don’t want to be boxed in and we will feel a fighting spirit to break free of the illusion and doubts that we have created.


The affect is not just a one-day occurrence; this is an energy, a wave of light that it is building with intensity. It will illuminate everything in our life that needs to change at the time of the eclipse.  Our beliefs, our thoughts, our relationships, our way of expressing our service.  This awakening is occurring personally and collectively.  Impacting everything globally and politically.



Remember this is a planet of duality.  Opposing forces moving towards one another trying to find the still point.    This is a picture of the milky way that has an actual image of the infinity sign depicting our journey on a planet of polarity.  Its truly written in the stars. 


We can be that still point as we each make a personal commitment to be the shining light and the vessel of love that actualizes the seed we carry inside our heart center.    It is occurring in every way possible.  From resistance and activism to chaos and violence.  More and more people are being called to be the voice of peace and justice to ensure the web is healed.  This can only occur when we first heal ourselves.



The healing I refer to is letting go of our past wounds, letting go of our judgments.  Becoming more aware of the damage we do to the web each day through greed, negative thoughts, and fear.  We are being called to see ourselves as we really are: free of old wounds and outdated beliefs, magnificent expressions of the God and Goddess.   We are limitless and we are MAGNIFICENT.     As part of that process, our wounds and beliefs will flare up, becoming magnified, for the purpose of us addressing them and clearing them once and for all.  It will create challenges and our old fears will come to the surface.  


The postive aspect of the final total lunar eclipse in the Tetrad of four carries an energy much like walking a labyrinth.  There are three parts to be experienced.



At the time the full moon is ECLIPSING we have an opportunity to eclipse the old beliefs we have been operating under that cause us to feel less than who we are.  The self imposed limitations and negative belief we have that holds us back.


While the Moon is in the totality we have the ability to TRANSFORM our beliefs and ourselves by opening the heart to receive the wave of love being gifted at this time.  We can then send it through the web  as a collective  wave of light.



As the moon comes out of the eclipse we have an opportunity to see our path ILLUMINATED with light and ask for guidance how we can become that expression of light to guide others.


I can not express enough how powerful this event is.  Gather together with others of like mind, create an altar to receive the light, sit in stillness and connect once again to your divine self.  One thing I want to share is this is nature at her best.  Nature does not bang drums or blow horns creating a grand entrance.  Everything in nature happens subtly. The seed just silently rises and pushes through the earth when it is ready.  The fern frond quietly unfolds, the flower gently opens.


Do not be under the illusion that the eclipse brings immediate results to our challenges personally or globally.  You will feel it and you will most certainly begin to feel changes, but if you have an expectation that our world is fixed over night you will be in judgment and become disheartened.  We are changing moment by moment.  You just need a faith so strong it can not be shattered.  Trust so deep within you heart you keep believing.  Recognition that some days will most assuredly be easier than others.  Most importantly a commitment to be the best that you can be.


I will be posting a guided meditation for the Total Lunar eclipse on the website for those who are members of our online subscription.  The New moon solar eclipse and equinox rituals have now been posted.


I will be on the Isle of Iona creating a circle of light with others and sending that energy to our spiritual family  to activate the dream we carry.  Remember, You are the dream and the dream is dreaming through you.   I will  carry Fire and Ice crystals with me into the ceremony, which will become Dream Crystals.  They will be blessed in the sacred waters that serve as a key to unlock the memory of our soul legacy and heal the ancient Atlantean Seed Fear.  These hold amazing rainbows of light.


Fire and Ice crystal is  quartz crystal that has been subjected to thermal shock and intense heat from fire creating a crackle  within the crystal.  The crackle that captures the essence of the rainbow creates a very high vibration.  The shock the crystal moves through awakens a potent force within the stone.   Much like the human who holds the ancient Atlantean Seed fear which has crystalized within their DNA.  These crystal beings can assist in lifting one from the fear based illusion of the collective consciousness helping one align with  the consciousness of truth that comes when we awaken the seed we carry in our heart.  The stone being can help one actualize their dream.  It acts as a battery for the earth’s grid and is a power source.


I will be carrying these to the ascension seat at the time of the solar eclipse, New moon high on Mount Shasta to collect sunlight.    I will then carry these magnificent crystal beings to the Dream Isle of Iona where they will be placed in sacred ceremony at the time of the Total Lunar Eclipse.  They have been blessed in the waters that flow from the mountain and will be blessed again in the waters that surround the Dream Isle of Iona that sits above the Atlantean crystal library.  When one sits with the crystal it can access your souls journey allowing you to bring forth the talents and gifs you carry while eliminating the seed fear that holds you back.  It will be placed on the earth to receive the light of the total lunar eclipse.


These range in price from $45 to $80.  If anyone would like to order one please contact Guy at  I will do a special blessing at the time of the total lunar eclipse for those who preorder.  


Payment can be made via PayPal.   They will be shipped to you once I return from Scotland and Avalon in October.


Love and Rainbows,



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Comment by Debby Many Nations 11 hours ago

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Breaking Court Proceeding On Mount Zion!!! Sanhedrin Passes Judgment on Pope and Obama!!

Breaking Court Proceeding On Mount Zion!!! Sanhedrin Passes Judgment on Pope and Obama!!

Friday, September 11, 2015 22:48


By Lisa Haven


This past Wednesday on Mount Zion the Jewish Sanhedrin passed Judgment on both President Obama and Pope Francis for the charges brought against them. The crimes included moral endangerment of Israel, the Nuclear Treaty with Iran, and the backing of Palestine. Here is the breaking report… 



In case you haven’t already heard that the Sanhedrin is taking the Pope and Obama to Court, here is that report…. 


You may be surprised to learn that in 2004 the Sanhedrin—who constituted the supreme court and legislative body in Judea during the Roman period—re-established itself marking a huge prophetic piece of the puzzle to any Biblical Christian living today. If you follow bible prophecy then you are aware that the Sanhedrin needs to be re-established in order to prepare for the building of the Third Jewish Temple.  


The group is comprised of 71 Jewish sages who are well versed in Jewish Law and of their main goals is the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple. 


Today the Sanhedrin is disturbed about what the world is doing to the Nation of Israel and as a result they are taking Obama, the Pope, the United Nations, the European Union and others to court to make their voices heard about these wrongdoings. Some of the injustices include: the backing of Palestine, the backing of homosexuality and the Nuclear Treaty with Iran. They have a total of seven courts, the first of which is taking place, September 9th— a very critical month


In addition to these court proceedings the Sanhedrin has added an Addendum that will literally floor every Christian out there!! Please don’t miss this CRUCIAL report… 



More Critical Reads You Need to Hear by Lisa Haven! Click Here! 

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For More Information See: 

Israel News:  

Updates on Court:

Mt. Zion:


Views: 21


Mary Magdalene via Natalie Glasson: The Simplicity of Love September 12, 2015 By Paul Backes


As love becomes a key focus in this period of ascension upon the Earth it is wonderful to take a moment and one cycle of breathing to examine and familiarise ourselves with the energy of love.

The love you experience, receive and share with loved ones, family members, friends, animals and so forth is only a small aspect of the Creator’s extensive love.

The love of the Creator in many ways doesn’t need a physical expression as it is simply present powerfully and eternally, yet as humans you are encourage to express the love of the Creator in order to fully experience and embody the energy.

Imagine for a moment that the love you share with yourself and loved ones is only a small aspect of the love readily available within you, you begin to allow yourself to contemplate how powerful, valuable and expansive love is. Your capacity to express and receive love is one hundred times greater than you are currently experiencing and even then you wouldn’t truly be able to embody the immense love of the Creator at a physical level.

Love for self and others is similar to the energy of the Creator and yet it is also completely unlike the vibration of the Creator.

Imagine for a moment the love you have for yourself or a loved one. Imagine you strip away for this relationship or friendship all thoughts, emotions, as well as energies of want or need whether they are seemingly bad or good, allow them to be discarded until you are in truth taking away all the human aspects which cause, create, justify or verify the energy of love you experience.

As you continue to experience the energy of love without the human aspects allow yourself to imagine that the loving energy you are feeling is not for the person or soul, let them fall away as well. Within you there is an energy of love which is not attached to anything or anyone it is simply present and its presence will remain for as long as you are accepting.

I now wish for you to imagine that you let go of the label and title which you have given to this loving energy, let the word, ‘love,’ go so that it is almost as if the energy doesn’t have an identity, it simply exists. As you allow this to gently occur you may observe that the energy within you alters, the once labelled love energy within you will take on a new and maybe more truthful form. You will be observing the energy of the Creator within you.

As you ask this energy to grow, expand and become its truth you can continue to observe with acceptance and free from judgment recognising with your soul the magnificent energies of the Creator evolving.

Love is a doorway to experiencing and recognising the Creator more fully within your being and surroundings, yet the love experienced on the Earth isn’t the truth of the Creator, it is akin to an imprint of a greater source of energy.

As we on the inner planes invite you to experience and create the Era of Love we are of course inviting you to become, embody and experience love however we are inviting you to do so with the idea of moving beyond love into the source of the Creator.

Love is merely a title for an energy which cannot be labelled or defined and yet can be fully experienced when you allow yourself the freedom to do so. This freedom is to see, sense or acknowledge love as an energy which is greater than any human physical expression or understanding and yet it can be present in physical form.

With the practices of stripping away ideas and concepts of love in order to experience the essence of the energy which is beyond even its label of love you begin to remember and reform your direct link and alignment with the Creator. As you become accustomed to the essence of the Creator you can begin to notice how your own energy alters as it is being impacted in numerous ways by the essence of the Creator

In truth everything is moving into harmony within your being, this is the joy of ascension bringing forth experiences such as health, abundance, joy, fulfilment, peace, wisdom and synchronicities. Through recognising the healing shifts taking place within your begin this will encourage you to recognise that the same essence of the Creator exists within every person, soul, plant, animal and presence around you.

With a more truthful observation of the Creator within you then you allow yourself to experience the same in everything around you which will dissolve separation and allow you to feel connected in oneness with everything, recognising all as the Creator.

You begin to feel that which is within you within everyone and everything thus connecting you with the vast universe of the Creator. Anything that you feel, sense and acknowledge within you can always be recognised and sensed within everything and anyone around you, this has been the case throughout your entire lifetime.

Sometimes that which you experience outside of you validates your truth and other times it verifies the illusions you hold as truth.

When you begin to acknowledge the essence of the Creator through the gateway of love then a new perspective which is free from attachment, misunderstanding, illusions and false identities rises from within you and is reflected back at you from others. Thus you are encouraging yourself to have a deeper relationship with the Creator within your human form and your surroundings. This is what you may label the ascension and the enlightenment process.

The simplicity of love has the ability and offers you the opportunity to carry yourself into the very truth and core of the Creator’s essence as you exist in physical form. Imagine all the ways that love can be created and activated within your being through acts of kindness, caring, generosity and so forth.

Love is not the truth of the Creator however it is a valuable journey to the source of the truth of the Creator. This in truth is my message to you, it is time to see the experience of love not as the ultimate energy of the Creator more so as the key to unlocking the essence of the Creator.

With this perspective and knowledge you will encourage yourself to push boundaries in your alignment with the Creator at a physical level encouraging greater journeys into the core and truth of the Creator. Love for you will become more truthful likened to an inner plane experience on the Earth, thus bringing the inner planes/heavens to the Earth, creating a bridge of light.

This journey to remembrance of the Creator is not a long and arduous experience as you might perceive, if you wish to be it can be as simple as love in its greatest form and expansion.  It is time to realise and perceive that life, ascension and enlightenment are easy because mastery has already been achieved within you.

You may feel as if you are always striving to be your truth and yet your truth is simply who you are in your most expansive form, there is simply a need to re-familiarise yourself with your true form. Your true form is the Creator and therefore does not have any identity, character, wisdom or form, it simply exists, and in its existence everything is present.

In many ways I am offering you an easy and truthful pathway to the Creator and yet it will require you to let go of the need to over think and analyse yourself and ascension, to heal and let go of emotions belonging and not belonging to you as well as dissolving attachments and actions of the ego. This will all take place with ease and perfection with the simplicity of love.

“Through love I access the expansive nature of my truth and the Creator. I free myself from the energy of striving and struggling to achieve my ascension because I remind all aspects of my being that with the development of love within my being I am creating a gateway which I can easily enter into and embody. Through this gateway is all that I wish to experience and embody in my ascension.

I recognise love as a journey to my conscious unity with the Creator, a journey which is easy and fulfilling in all ways. With love I allow myself to be, experience and expand my truth. I now encourage myself to recognise the essence of the Creator within and all around me, acknowledging that this essence positively impacts my being and is an energy I feel most comfortable with. I allow myself to be and experience my truth in my present moment. I am fulfilled.”

You are so much more than love as is the Creator and this is important to humbly recognise as it will transport you in a very pure way to new highs of your ascension with perfection.

Do not mistaken my message to you as unimportant due to its simplicity, allow yourself to contemplate the processes of embodying and exploring that which I speak of.

With the power and simplicity of love,

Mary Magdalene

“Mary Magdalene: The Simplicity of Love,” Channelled through Natalie Glasson, September 11, 2015,

Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Views: 1

The First Jesuit Pope and the UN / NWO - September 2015 announcement schedule

September World Announcement by the Pope of the Jesuit Church of the NWO.
The Pope will address the (his) Congress on September 24 2015 
The Pope will then address (his) United Nations on September 25 2015 
Who, What, When and Why? 
Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope. What does that mean?

1. What are the Jesuits?

The Society of Jesus is much more than an administrator of prestigious American universities. 

Also known as “God’s Marines” or “The Company,” the order of priests and brothers was founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 with six other students at the Unive.... 7 hills of Rome

The 7 Sisters of the Pleiades

The 7 points of this Projective Synthetic Geometry pattern:

St. Ignatius had a military background, and early adherents referred to themselves as the “Company of Jesus,” hence both of the nicknames that live to this day. 

The CIA is an extension of the Jesuit covert intelligence ( spy ) order. They worship LUCIFER through the Lucis Trust.

Research Document: A look at the facts behind the Pope, Jesuit, Roman Catholic Cult, Church and its NWO.

Solar Eclipse on Sept 13 , 2015
Lunar Eclipse on Sept 27-28 , 2015
Here is excellent article on understand this time of crises and transformation.
The intersection of a pentagram and hexagram is important for magyck because of this geometry:

GAIAPORTAL: Experientials provide the Guidance for steps

Experientials provide the Guidance for steps


gaia_energy1Experientials provide the Guidance for steps.

Clandestines are unveiled.

Frequencies of collusion diminish, as frequencies of Inner solitude rise.

Flamboyants are denied.

Channels are appreciated.

Festivities are prepared.


              HILARION 2015

September 13-20, 2015

Beloved Ones,

As you allow the greater integration of the cosmic energies to take place within your consciousness and within your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you are digging ever deeper into your psyche. This is a process that is occurring for everyone upon the planet at this time. Depending upon your understanding of all that is happening, you who are reading this discourse are those who are now positioned to be of greater service than ever before. The world needs you to be fully present and willing to use your powerful energies for the awakening of the inhabitants of your planet. As the prevailing energies of polar opposites balance within, you become a mighty powerhouse of a force for good. Your divine essence is descending into your etheric field and there is a deeper integration that is taking place. On the outer level, this activity may not be seen but it is certainly being felt, for it is in the experience of the energy and awareness that one comes into their mastery on the physical level. We say to you, do not be afraid to face the shadows within, rather face them squarely and accept these as an important part of your enlightened journey.

During this process, the qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are being finely tuned within your soul as you now turn these qualities of love towards your own being. Each earthly experience should be seen as an important soul lesson that needs to be observed, understood and accepted. All that occurs in the outer world is a reflection of your desire as soul to learn, grow and expand into ever higher dimensions of reality and understanding. Your intent and willingness to undergo these experiences helps to move you forward on your unique path of light towards mastery of the physical plane. Try to attune your senses to the underlying feelings of zest and enthusiasm that well up from within your soul each time you overcome and release yet another illusionary limitation from your being. Yes, this is you at a higher level relishing the accomplishment! From the level of soul, it means that another test and initiation has been successfully passed. Celebrate these moments and mark them by rewarding yourselves with a special treat or symbolic ceremony that leads you to further empowerment.

Know that you who read this message are all initiates upon the path of light and are now steadfastly moving towards completion of contracts and agreements made before you ever set foot upon this planet in this and other, lifetimes. This current lifetime is for tying up all loose ends that needed to be dealt with from the highest soul integrity that was possible and you have all earned your lightbody and the privileges that come with this accomplishment. These privileges allow you as soul to traverse other regions of the universe as you work upon ever higher levels of ascension of galactic and cosmic experience. This process is ongoing and continuous, for there is always more to experience and learn in order that you grow and expand the divine spark within you, as God in action upon the universal playing field!

Those who are just awakened; arise from your slumber and know that it is never too late! Do not judge yourselves for your lateness of awakenment, for truly, it was not yet your time to do so. All that occurs is in divine timing in accordance with the requirements of your soul and the divine plan for the Earth. In truth, you are equipped with the ability to move forward now with leaps and bounds. Be kind to yourselves as well as others and take note that the evolvement of each individual cannot be wholly discerned upon this planet. It is highly possible that you have slumbered until this time in the Earth’s history in order to bring your unique and valuable energies online at the most perfect time. Honor your own growth and spiritual evolution without judgement and open yourselves to the inpouring energies, synchronistic opportunities and possibilities that now unfold.

Those who have paved the way before you hold the space for your movement forward during these times and will continue to do so in the times ahead. You are never alone! Remember this and walk steadfastly and resolutely forward in your daily lives, holding this knowledge in your ever expanding hearts and minds. You are invited to attend my retreat in the Temple of Truth during your sleep times (all you must do is set the intention before bedtime) in order to apprise yourself of the divine plan for your own life and to gain a greater understanding of the divine plan for the evolvement of the planetary life wave that is now in motion. We welcome you with open arms!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Watch video version here:

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Views: 13


Message from Yeshua: The Deep Expansion of Your Divine Energy 14 September 2015 Channeler: Fran Zepeda

Message from Yeshua: The Deep Expansion of Your Divine Energy ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 13, 2015

Hello and Blessings, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. I come before you to bring you guidance for your further expansion.

The deep expansion of your divine energy is becoming quite evident to many of you as you enter yet another more intensive Gateway with the Eclipses and Equinox and Blood Moon energies. The time is nigh for you to be much more cognizant and aware of your expansion, and with this awareness brings even more expansion.

It is time to be much more comfortable with your own divine energy, your unique energy as it expands, for in it is foretold of your further coming together of your unique Divine Self, comfortable in your own right.

For it is important to cease being so concerned with comparing yourself to other’s development and bring a concentrated focus on your own development, your beautiful and unique development and expansion of your own consciousness.

For behold, it is important not only for your sake and evolvement and ascension, but for all others, for it builds and consolidates the Oneness in all its glory.

I come to you now with great Unconditional Love for you All, and encouragement to keep your focus on your own expansion of your Divine Self. It is a beautiful thing. It is composite of your Divine Purpose and of Divine Will.

You are beginning to see the bigger picture of your long arduous journey of rise in consciousness. It has not been easy. You are, however, beginning to fathom the deep transformation you have attained through all your clearing and your blending with your Higher Self, your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, as a gateway for all others to do the same.

For in your maiden journey begun so long ago, you, like myself, in my own incarnation more than 2000 years ago, are bringing the Light to bear throughout all Humanity. And it has spread farther than you can even imagine.

The key now in perpetuating this Light, your journey of ascension, and the ascension of all, is the focus on your own individual expansion of your divine energy as a precursor to the expansion of All into the diverse yet complete and whole Oneness of BEing. It is time to explore at a deeper level your connection with Creator and Source energy from the Core of your Being, your Heart Center, which now has a deeper and wider connection with Source through the portals opening wider and wider for you to enter.

On the other side of that is a new vista which you are beginning to glimpse, that is Freedom and Expansion and Clarity beyond any degree of which you have once experienced it.

In this, Creation becomes much more readily available to you, for you are dissolving the barriers of Illusion and coming face-to-face with your own vast divine knowledge and abilities, being tapped now at a greater level than before.

It is thus becoming much easier for you to embrace your unique abilities that are becoming more evident to you and are needed for the World and Universe and Multiverse to expand further. You see, these abilities that you are discovering, or rediscovering, are not just something you can play with, and enjoy, be aware of, and be in awe of, which you hopefully are, but also they are part and parcel of the bigger picture of Oneness and fills out the greater picture of All-That-Is. It expands further the Collective Consciousness and prepares for greater Miracles of Grace.

For in your greater individual expansion, in your greater connection with Source, is the greater expansion of All-That-Is, bringing Divine Freedom and Clarity to your Purpose. You can thus ‘play’ upon the ‘stage’ of expanding Divine Love and Peace, made much more available in your individual rise in consciousness and expansion.

For you can now access the higher vibrations and dimensions with more ease, paving the way for Divine Peace and Love to reign in consistent Divine Unity.

And this is a beautiful thing, my dear brothers and sisters. You are to be commended for persistently indulging in your own expansion, even though at times it feels like you hit against ‘walls’. But do you not also find that with each ‘Wall’ you hit, that within it is the material to dissolve it, made manifest with your very consciousness and awareness of the ‘wall’ and subsequent further deeper delving within your Divine Essence as a result of and solution for them?

Expansion can be free-flowing as long as you see these seeming ‘walls’ as only reminders of yet another portal to your expanded consciousness. It merely takes acceptance and facing whatever the obstacle is, with the faith and knowing that on the other side of it is Freedom and Expansion and ‘aha’ moments of Clarity.

So my beloveds, continue on with your expansion and take heed of my encouragement to continue with the energy and quality and aspect of Divine Grace* that you all are.

The Infinite quality of your Being is manifest here now as you explore it more fully by spending more time exploring the still quiet space of your Soul, ever-expanding your awareness of its Infinite Divine nature. The ‘sky is the limit’, dear ones. You never stop expanding, and with that is the sweet knowing of Peace and Joy and Bliss that you are becoming ALL That You ARE!

I am always at your side in Peace, Love and Eternal Bliss,

Your loving brother, Yeshua

*Mother Mary expands on Divine Grace Here:

photo and message: Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

Views: 12


Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians and our Galactic Family – Portals of Transmutation September 15, 2015

Dear Ones,
Please relax into our message, as it is of a higher frequency than usual. Therefore, we will “take some time” to assist you to prepare your consciousness/perceptions. Please remember that the frequency of your consciousness sets the frequency of your perceptions.

As you focus on the YouTube, allow your consciousness to enter the Portal.

Feel how your consciousness expands.

Allow your Third Eye to perceive deep into the portal.

Feel how the Unconditional Love of your High Heart guides you.


The higher perception of your Third Eye and Unconditional Love of your High Heart prepare your physical brain for the merging with your Multidimensional Mind.

You will facilitate this merging by unifying your physical senses of sight, hearing, smell and bodily sensations with your Multidimensional senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

Free of the limitations of your physical perception, you prepare the perceptual areas on your brain to perceive us as within you rather than outside of you. Yes, feel us in your body, as we are NOT separate from you. Your 3D mind has projected an image of us that appears to be outside of you. However, that vision is a projection of what is actually inside of you.

In fact, ALL of your experiences of reality are the “outer” projection of what you are actually perceiving “inside” of you. You are still accustomed to 3D rules in which you were taught to believe that reality is outside of you, and you were a victim to whatever occurred in your life.

However, the Gamma Rays of Light that are NOW entering Gaia’s atmosphere, are giving you ALL a deeper explanation of your process of creating/transmuting reality. We say creating/transmuting as in our frequency of reality, “transmuting” and “creating” are identical terms.

When we transmute a reality into a higher dimensional frequency, we send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into the frequency of initial thought forms and energy fields. The Unconditional Love breaths in unity and potential, while the Violet Fire expands that reality to higher and higher dimensions.

When we create a reality, we begin by creating thought forms and energy fields that define that possible reality. We then fill those thought forms and energy fields with Violet Fire to transmute the “idea” into a higher frequency “reality, and Unconditional Love to give Birth to that reality.

You can see in the chart below that your 3D, physical perception of light is VERY small. Therefore, your third dimensional brain is greatly limited in registering a conscious awareness of gamma wave energy fields.

Fortunately, as your states of consciousness expand, so does your perception. Then, once you can meditate into a state of gamma wave consciousness, you will be able to perceive these higher energies via your Third Eye and High Heart. In order to perceive reality through these Multidimensional Portals of your Earth vessel, you must remember that it is NOT the “time” or “date” on your 3D clock and calendar that is important.

Your higher states of consciousness will remind you that planetary Ascension is NOT calibrated to your third dimension perceptions or your third dimensional calendar dates. Your 3D brain will NOT perceive any of these changes in light, consciousness, and/or perceptions.

Hence, you must release your addiction to the illusion that the third dimension is the only “real” world. In fact, the third dimension is a holographic projection comprised of light projections.

To explain in the simplest manner, your 3D Self can not perceive what is actually being projected into your consciousness, because you are attending to the “projection of reality” that is reflected off the screen of your third dimensional perceptions. You have been trained for myriad incarnations that only the physical world is real.

You believed what you were told because you were also told that you were a lowly human who did not have the ability to see the “projector.” You were told to worship the projector, and you only receive from the “Projector God” that which was on the third dimensional screen of reality.

Now, holographic projection is not this simplistic, but we are using it as a metaphor to assist you to understand that YOU are actually the One who is projecting the Light outside of you and onto the “screen/illusion” of reality.

Since you were trained that the “Projector God” was outside and above you, even if you took some responsibility for what occurred in you life, it was because of a Projector God who Blessed or Cursed you.

You could not remember yet that YOU are the “projector,” YOU are the “mirror,” and YOU are the “glass screen” of reality that YOU have created.

For details about holographic projection please click:

Holographic Reality Part 1

Holographic Reality Part 2

Holographic Reality Part 3

We, the Arcturians, do not give dates for special events because the process of planetary Ascension is not about time, but about the frequency of humanity’s perceptions. However, dates are announced from higher sources so that people can direct their energy to that date.

Then humanity can build a powerful, collective energy field filled with Multidimensional thoughts, Unconditional Love, and Violet Fire. In this manner, the collective Multidimensional thoughts and Unconditional Emotions of humanity will create a Multidimensional Portal in which the return to SELF can begin.

If enough people direct their LOVING energy to that given date, then HOLD a frequency that is high enough for them to perceive the Event, the “predicted” Event may very well occur to them.

In this manner, those who are calibrated to perceive that Event will have a perception of it, according to their Mission. By “according to their Mission,” we mean that the safest version of change is to transmute in stages.

Therefore, Gaia and Her inhabitants can:

Make a shift
Adjust to the shift
Assist others who have made that shift to adapt
Fully stabilize that shift
Then some will remain in that frequency
Whereas others will go back to the lower frequency assist the members of the next shift
This pattern is similar to all “rescue missions,” such as with the hurricane Katrina. The helicopters took as many people as possible. Re-located them. Found those who could help the ones who needed it. Then went back for more people.

However, it is VITAL that you remember that this Mission is NOT about just rescuing humans off Gaia’s third-dimensional holographic habitat zone. This Mission is about rescuing Gaia’s planetary Self.

Therefore, you MUST remember that YOU are a Multidimensional Being who resonates to myriad higher frequencies of reality.

Therefore, when you:

Deeply merge with Mother Earth
FEEL an area of Earth that need to be healed/transmuted
Perceive the color/frequency that resonates to that area
Determine the chakra the is aligned with the frequency/color

Perceive if that area/chakra of your body is of it lowest, centered or highest frequency

Project your consciousness to “Centered Resonance” of the color/energy field
Align that personal chakra with the chakras of all the people in your “team” (even if it is the team of you and your Multidimensional Self)
Align the collective personal chakra frequency/color with Gaia’s location you are assisting.
As a Group, send Unconditional Love to heal that area of Gaia
As a Group send Violet Fire to transmute that area of Gaia
Through the centered resonance of your personal and collective chakra, send that area of Gaia:

In this first part of the process you will:

Create Unity Consciousness with your Group and Gaia (even a group of one)
Heal and Transmute your Self and your Group (energy out equals energy back)
Heal and Transmute the 3D hologram
Heal and Transmute the planetary body of Gaia.
Please remember that:

YOU are important.
Gaia needs your assistance.
We – your Galactic Family – are with you.
And, most important, remember that this is a Group process. Therefore, please share your experience, your ideas, your success and your questions why it did not go better. When you UNITE with each other to assist your planet, you exponentially expand your power of healing and transmutation.

With Love and Gratitude,

The Arcturians and ALL your Galactic Family

Source:The Arcturians and our Galactic Family – Portals of Transmutation. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. September 14, 2015.

Sheldan Nidle Update - September 15, 2015

11 Etznab, 11 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Our allies are coming together to defeat the dark cabal. This operation is seemingly taking longer than initially expected. The world conceptualized by the Anunnaki is filled with hidden mental traps. What is needed is a newer construct. With Heaven’s approval we have put forth a new reality modeled upon the one you all know and love! This reality is now being manifested by the numerous decrees of Heaven. It is one, which the Light can, at times, find hard to fully fathom. Nonetheless, these brave souls of the Light continue to move forward. The dark controlled the old, cruel reality with a diligence that forced you to accede mightily to their heinous desires. This dark, silent controller still maintains a certain hold upon you, but this is starting to fade from the inner desires of the Light’s leadership. It is being replaced by a deep need to fulfill the decrees of the Light for a new and more just reality. These desires are currently driving the ancient families to complete the construction of a new reality that firmly isolates the dark cabal from its former subjects. Thus, the dark is ultimately doomed as this new reality begins to flesh itself out.

Above all, this reality shift needs your heartfelt support. One of the major outcomes of this change is the rise of new perceptions about how the world is supposed to work. As you grow up, you are constantly bombarded by your environment, your parents and friends to act or react in an acceptable manner. This acculturation process is really “second nature” to you. You now need to learn a new set of parameters, designed to expand your view of the world. This is required to truly alter this present reality. These powerful new perceptions are the main key to the path to full awareness. Up to now, Heaven has used your rising consciousness to permit a subtle degree of change to creep into your reality. This process is to be quickened as various funds become available. Hence, new banking regulations, a global currency reset and the rise of precious-metal backed monies is to greatly alter your everyday reality. This reality is to be centered on personal growth, outer peace and the start of a final path toward full consciousness.

As you grow in consciousness and begin to take on new chakras, remember the perilous journey that began when the Anunnaki changed the game and forced you to endure nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This terrorized you and led to a number of edicts being given you by the Anunnaki. The dark isolated you from your brethren in Inner Earth (Agartha) and preached a power concept that caused you to question how Heaven was to defeat the dark cabal and its many minions. This group of minions was first given a whole host of powers that the Anunnaki slowly redefined over many millennia. In the end, the minions felt they were all-powerful and defied their former masters’ edicts to acquiesce to the Light and permit Heaven to end the long dominance of the dark. Instead, these dark ones forged a scenario that prolonged their evil shenanigans for an additional twenty years. However, their misdeeds are about to isolate them from you. You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.

This coming age has taken an extended time to achieve. Long ago, the dark was given a very specific carte blanche. This special set of exceptions was to last a relatively short period. At a specially appointed time, Heaven was to regain its Loving hold over you and in a very detailed manner, finish a means to return you to a full awareness. This is to restore those abilities the Atlanteans had taken from you. This process was to be centered on a special living crystal chamber. In effect, the Agarthans and us are to welcome you home. This process is to permit you to remember your former roles as rebels in Atlantis. In this mode, you can use your abilities to join with the Agarthans and forge a unique galactic society destined to spread itself throughout the other three water planets. These planets are again to be returned to their former state within this special solar system. This solar system is to become one of the major gathering places for the Galactic Federation as well as many “galactic unions” that are now made up of over 20,000 nearby galaxies.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Millennia ago, the dark cabal were given a time dispensation by Heaven. This ruling was to better prepare each of us for this time. Along the way, Heaven told its heavenly guardian to set up a special group that was to graciously aid these blessed divine hosts. We were chosen over the years to fulfill these most sacred posts. As all of us on the Earth plane head toward a new day, we need to remain ever aware of what is now expected of us. We Masters have come together to freely guide you on the final part of a path that began with the abdication of the Anunnaki and the sudden rise of their minions, the dark cabal to power in the mid 1990s. Since then, the many types of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical changes have truly gripped you. Our sacred task is to support, aid and mercifully guide you down this most glorious path to full awareness. As this divine path unfolds, you are seeing and feeling more of our special supervision of your sacred souls! This task requires you to remain positive and to set aside any potential frustration. You need as well to sense the inner changes that occur daily. We are to assist you in this magnificent knowing.

The coming time is to be one in which many near miraculous events are to suddenly manifest. See these as signs that this former dark realm is changing for the better. The debt jubilee, the sudden prosperity and the growth of world peace are heavenly signs of this. Be ever grateful and go inside. Use these events to gather up your dreams and discover what these events truly signify for you. In this mode, thank Heaven and look for clarification of what this means to you. This is to be a time for inner work and for doing the right thing. Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world. Help the efforts to aid humanity and permit Gaia to see how wonderful this slice of humanity truly is! This is a time for joy and for achieving many positive goals.

Most of all, let your overwrought anticipation go. Instead, slip into a positive, supportive energy. The time for frustration is over. Most of you have waited through nearly a decade of unrequited wishing for what is now forming around you. Be gracious and support what is occurring. Be able to view all in a most gracious Light. Use your ability to cooperate with each other to globally signal that a new time has at last arrived. The fading away of the dark happened due to the unselfish efforts of a great many. Acknowledge them by showing your inner appreciation of these most courageous deeds. You are now ready with this great work to be able to create a new reality. Think of this responsibility in the most positive and gracious of ways. Be able to volunteer freely and watch with true intent what is globally happening. Be one whose intentions are to help and to fulfill your grandest dreams in joy! Hallelujah!

Today, we have as before, given you a general update on what is happening on this globe. Be ready to receive news and events, which can initially amaze you. Once the cabal is gone, some events never before thought possible are to occur. We stand ready to inform and to explain to you what all of this means! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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Ask The Masters

By the Celestial Voices

Through Toni and Peter

15 September 2015

Out of their comfort zone

The suicide of a loved one can be one of the most difficult life lessons, as an American woman is learning - and a psychic she consulted didn't help matters. The Masters, however, are forthcoming about the reasons and reassuringly positive about her future.
Another difficult life lesson is living with a sensory impairment. A man from New Zealand copes with hearing loss and feels yet another ailment developing. The Masters do not give him medical advice - they never do - but they do stress that he had planned his challenges and can live a fulfilling life in learning from them.
Marital and extra-marital issues prompt questions from a married English woman who has long been involved with a married man. The Masters enlighten her about some soul planning of life lessons, as well as about the psychology of the current relationships.
These questions and answers ( or below) are further evidence of the infinite variety of human experience. No wonder souls incarnate hundreds of times!
Click on this link: - or the Bookstore tab on the website - to download your free handbook from the Masters in your choice of eight languages (so far).
Light, Love, and Laughter,

Toni and Peter

Celestial Voices, Inc | 13354 W. Heiden Circle | Lake Bluff | IL | 60044 | USA


Aftermath of suicide

September 15th, 2015
QUESTION: Masters my beloved husband of 23 years recently committed suicide. I believe he was my soulmate. As part of my healing, I have consulted several psychics; one of whom is adamant that he was not my soulmate because if he were, he would never have killed himself. She also considers his suicide a self-serving and selfish act. In his letter to me, he acknowledges that he knew how excruciatingly painful his departure would be for me. He also wishes that I might someday find joy in my life and even have love again. Since the moment of his departure, I have tried to come from a place of love, peace and acceptance. Now I am confused and even angry at him. Masters, can you please enlighten me as to whether or not he was my soulmate as I believe and perhaps help me to better understand the root cause of his choice? ~Karen, United States

ANSWER: What has been told to you about your husband has been delivered in the egotistical, judgmental realm of the third dimension. A soul performs all of its activities in the nonjudgmental arena of unconditional love, with the goal of learning lessons and evaluating the knowledge gained therefrom. The energy the psychic picked up is that surrounding the human making its decision in the body, not the essence of the soul fulfilling its spiritual journey.

Your husband  is a soul mate of yours with whom you planned many of the events the two of you shared on this planet, including his transition. He had fulfilled and learned the lessons he desired and wished to go Home. You have had several different lives together.

Prior to incarnating, you had talked about his leaving before you and that it was a needed step for you to grow more fully. Together you lived the life of a bonded couple with joint goals. You now enter a period of taking sole responsibility for the future. This event has allowed / forced you to explore your inner peace and direction. Continue to depend on your intuition, which is quite acute.

Your husband is watching over you and trying to send you hints as to possible directions you can pursue. Your strength is blossoming and will take you where and how you need to go. Don’t forget to love yourself – and this aspect of the journey you are now on.

You have the powers to manifest and create a world in which to explore where you have not gone before. Think it, imagine it, wish it, and then bring it to life.

Being challenged

September 15th, 2015
QUESTION: Masters I have been hearing impaired since my fourteenth year and never truly energetic. This makes me feel I cannot make full use of my abilities to enrich my own life and that of others. Recently there seems to something wrong with my kidneys as well, yet I do not feel unhealthy or unhappy. I suspect something deeper is dragging me down, but I do not know what it is. Can you shine light on this? ~Duke, New Zealand

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: You have planned a very interesting lifetime this time around. This diminished hearing was for you to experiment with increasing your sensitivity to the other senses and your spiritual essence. Fighting the deficit proved disastrous to sustaining your trip through life. Once you stepped back and allowed things to happen around you, all became clearer and more balanced.

You are more than using all your abilities; it is just that your expectations are that you will have the same results as other humans who communicate differently with the world. Your form of contact with nature and other humans is through feelings and vibrations. This is a more tactile use of the entire body than merely exercising the ears.

Having mastered one physical problem, you decided to see about adding more interest to your life. You have the ability to curtail this development or see how it affects the rest of your system. Your strength is incredible but based on a spiritual, not physical, level. Use your intuition to filter and create the life you desire.

What is affecting your sense of self – dragging you down, as you say – is the need to have some control over your life. The only experience you have had with physical control is what you observe around you. This type of manipulation does not work on the soul lessons you chose before coming. Your interpretation of needed experiences, controlled by your intention, will direct future events.

Love yourself for the experiences you have chosen and the fantastic way you are dealing with them and learning from them. Continue to take heed of the strength within and the understanding you glean from each day of your life. You have freedom of choice to go in any direction you wish to explore. Have a great journey.

Lover and a comfort zone

September 15th, 2015
QUESTION: Masters, I am married for many, many years but have had an affair also for a very long time, 25 years in fact. My husband knows about it and actively encourages us. My lover is also married but unhappily so. Please could you tell me if this scenario is something that we three agreed upon before coming here? Is my lover my soul mate? I feel such a connection with him and we just cannot end our affair. I am happy with my husband the majority of the time, but he is quite controlling. Will I ever spend a life with my lover, just the two of us? ~Joyce, England
ANSWER: All souls have total freedom of choice to choose the situations that create their human experience. Each of you is dealing with your chosen life lessons in different ways. Some of these interconnected activities were discussed before coming to Earth, but just in the way they would allow one to learn something to increase wisdom.

You needed to have a life of examining the various aspects and types of physical love – to see what was for show to other humans and what was fulfilling the soul’s desire for using the physical body’s nervous, skeletal-muscular, emotional, and mental abilities. Outside of the physical body’s animalistic urges to experience orgasms is the psychological and emotional impact these activities with various people have on the one sharing multiple experiences.

Your husband has found many other physical activities that allow him to feel in charge of his area of the world. He wants to preserve the image of having a loving, obedient wife at his beck and call, taking care of him and his wants. He doesn’t want you to leave him, so the fact that your lover is married makes him feel safe in maintaining his “happy home” for the entire world to see. For him it is all about control and the perception he feels the world has of him and his strengths.

Your lover is a soul mate you are assisting to make decisions about his life. You are, however, also facilitating him in not facing the challenges of his home life. He is being forced into remaining with his wife because she desires it. He has a lack of self-esteem and self-worth. You are a safe harbor for him where he feels cherished and appreciated. He does not want to leave his wife because he would then have to take full responsibility for that decision. If things stay as they are, the womenfolk – you and the wife – make all the decisions and he is free to go along for the ride.

What happens in the future is up to each of you and the decisions you choose. Nothing is right or wrong in the realm of spiritual learning. The choices are all up to you.
For Questions

Reincarnation Guide

Fatima from Brasil asks the Masters: My mother left for spiritual plane a few days was very ill and fought hard not to break. I wonder how she is?

Answer: She is having a little problem adjusting to not having an ailing body. Her guides are working with her and all will be fantastic soon.

Agni from Brazil asks the Masters: I have had at least 4 times the same health problem (pneumothorax) at last 4 years. Last time, 2 months ago, the illness seemed to be a little reduced, without needing a surgery and for it, I thought I had learnt the lesson and that would be the last. Now, after a big flu, I am again dealing with it. It is an endless threat, because it stops my life when is occurring and I stay scared. I want to be fine. I do meditations, reiki and care of myself. What is lacking? Is there something more that I do not perceive? How can I help my body?

Answer: You bring to you what you need to experience. Once you learn the lesson, you should not give into fear the next time it visits – it is just appearing to see if you truly learned the lesson.

Bharati from India asks the Masters: My mother died on 17 Sept. 2013. She visits my brother's children frequently in dreams. Is she reached home or still on earth? What could we do for her?

Answer: Your mother is Home with us. She has the ability to spiritually visit with those on Earth. It is easiest with children because they don’t question the possibility. She is in unconditional love and there is nothing better. She sends love to you and the family.

Maria from Portugal asks the Masters: Please tell me if my brother committed suicide on January 31 1999 or if it was an accident. I still feel guilt. I should have helped him more. I started a small business doing jewelry, but sales are few, why? Should I quit?

Answer: Your brother made his own choices. No additional assistance from you would have changed his decisions. You should not think it was your fault or that you had the ability to alter the situation. He was ready to call it quits and he returned home by his own choice. Start having more faith in your jewelry business and it will bring the customers to you.

Jyoti from the UK asks the Masters: I am writing in regards to my partner who passed away two years ago. We had made so many plans together for the future. He was only 29 when he passed. We wanted to have a family one day and he had so many dreams and ambitions. I'd like to know if he would possibly come back as a walk-in soul to fulfil his wishes and promises that he made.

Answer: Everything that the two of you talked about was done with the human ego making the plans in the duality of Earth; it had nothing to do with his spiritual journey of discovering his soul’s abilities. He is now in unconditional loving energy and does not see a reason to come back to the situation he left. Walk-ins are extremely rare and have never occurred in a situation such as this.

Jane from Greece asks the Masters: Please give me some advice about my youngest child. Will she ever be happy and free of her problems? People think that she brings a lot of her troubles upon herself and that she is very self-absorbed. As her mother, I try to give her what she needs and offer her love, but I wonder sometimes when the traumas will end. I wish her happiness. Would it be possible that she can manifest this for herself?

Answer: Your daughter is able to manifest what she wants for herself; she just does not think of the consequences of her actions. She thinks that the world should revolve around her and that everyone should assist her in getting what she wants. Her expectations are unreasonable to those around her and in conflict with societal norms. She can create happiness if she steps back, watches how others handle life, and uses that as a model. It is up to her.

Márcia from Brazil asks the Masters: I have been looking for my true mission in this life, I have studied and practice the subjects that I believe is in this path. I have surrender my life to God and to you. How can I really connect to this?

Answer: Your purpose in this life, as is true of all souls, is to discover who you are as a soul and to accept your powers and abilities. You have no obligation to anyone else. This journey is all about you, not about being the supplicant of anyone else. Do not surrender your life to anything; you need all the energy you possess to feel yourself and make the choices which allow you to become enlightened.

Bettsie from the US asks the Masters: I have been suffering with major depression for the last few years --- did I destroy my life by the choices I have made? I need guidance and insight I need help --- I can no longer handle this – 

Answer: Your human experience is not finished until you decide it is time to go Home. Start seeing your life a day at a time. Today does not have to be affected by any yesterdays unless you allow it. Live in the moment and create the life you desire by the choices you make today and moving forward. The future is not yet written and doesn’t have to reflect the past unless you won’t let go of the past. It’s up to you. Choose each day to be happy.

Pedro from Brazil asks the Masters: Love reciprocation has been a constant in my life. I love a friend. What does he feel about me? He shows interest, and then he runs away. It is as if holding it like me or just as a friend? Which lesson should I take?

Answer: Your friend is fighting the feelings that he has for you. He asks himself: is this friendship only or something more? You both have freedom of choice in your future actions. You need to have patience, project a loving environment, and gently tell him your intentions. You will know if, and when, he is ready to commit. If he does not share your feelings, use this same technique to bring to yourself someone who will reciprocate your love.

Yezdi from India asks the Masters: My dearest friend Clayton Reilly passed into spirit over a year back after suffering from Liver cirrhosis. I was devastated after his passing on though now I have managed to get a grip on myself. Many known and completely unknown seers and spiritualists told me that even though it is extremely rare, Clay and I are twin souls. Masters, could you please comment and also please tell me how best I can help him with his ascension.

Answer: Clayton is at Home in unconditional love and doesn’t need any assistance because he was able to find his own way. You are from the same soul group as he – that is, you both came into existence near the same time and have been acquaintances for the entirety of your being. He is not your twin soul (or flame), which is like a piece of you that cannot be separated. You were so close because you have shared a number of lives together. He sends all his love and states he is there watching over you. He beseeches you to move on and live out the rest of your life lessons.

Portuguese translations:

Thanks to: Celestial Voices, Inc  

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