Saviors Of Earth

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Tiara Kumara: Morphogenesis – Activating Your Bliss Blueprint July 8, 2015 . .....and more

Tiara Kumara: Morphogenesis – Activating Your Bliss Blueprint July 8, 2015 By Brian Ramsell

Image: “Bliss Dance”, San Francisco. A Marco Cochrane sculpture.
Bliss Is Your Birthright.

This equates to the highest level of natural ecstasy,
a sense of total connectedness.

Activate Your Bliss Blueprint

Free Gift from the Morphogenesis Program
Audio Activator Download
“The Bliss Code”

As Gods on training wheels, we continue to learn about the subtle mechanisms through which we create our desired life and rise into our greater human potential. We are exploring the idea that there are certain perceptions that hold the key to opening the internal crystalline seals, giving passageway to the activation of dormant DNA code.

This keeps returning us to main golden thread… that life is product of how we think. As we perceive, life expresses. All of our beliefs, hereditary trait have combined to encode the building blocks of our physiological system. Essentially, we live out our lives according to a pre-programmed navigation system that is constantly being reinforced.

The awakening renegade spirit in us says, oh, but a minute, there is something more to this story! We deeply feel this, and yes, there is a very special essence to us that is not imprinted into the matter body. It lives in a whole other octave, transcending any idea of time. Our human senses are not even designed to detect it. We are talking about ‘bliss’, as an encoded language of light.

Bliss is the prime fundamental vibration of creation. It is the eternal, forever unchanging reality that permeates the universe. Bliss is your birthright. This equates to the highest level of natural ecstasy, a sense of total connectedness. It is the most central of all truths.

You can call it unconditional love, inner peace, whatever word you prefer. Just know, that you are made from this euphoric substance. It is your core sacred fire, the super electron of your being! It is the primordial vibration, the exquisite essence that propels everything in the matter world to crystallize.

Bliss illumines a clear path back to the totality of your God Self. One could say that the idea of enlightenment is simply to vibrate yourself as a bliss driven blueprint. If you can do this, you are in union with the vibration of All That Is.


Many of us certainly want to actualize high states of joy and bliss in our lives. Yet, how do we get there and most importantly, how do we sustain levels of constantly feeling inspired, fully aligned in our life’s purpose?

Activating the Bliss Blueprint
Live According to Your Preferences

Live according to your preferences and what gives you joy. Any direction that excites you the most, and that gives you that full body YES, is the pathway to your next step. Just walk through that door of excitement, without any hesitation.

When you act upon this inner feeling state, you actually ground and center in the alchemical field of “now”. This instantly opens the door for more information to reveal. Simply by acting only upon whatever it is that YOU prefer, and what gives you inner jubilation… you can master the game of life.

Recognize that anything that inspires you the most is when your energy can coalesce in the most efficient and effortless way. Excitement is what tells you that this direction, situation or thing is most you. Whatever is mirror to you this level of elevated feeling, know that this is you; this is what you are all about.

Validate the Blessing of Self

Bliss is grace, as a divine blessing. To meet your rapturous self is to embody the knowing that your entire life is a blessing.

Bliss is simply to live in the blessing that is YOU. This means to consistently validate all of your life experiences and situation as a blessing, as an orchestration for your highest good.

It is easy to fall into habits of invalidating the self. Most of the time, it is done unconsciously. Yet, the mirror of life is sure busy constantly reflecting experiences of invalidation. For example, if you constantly say, I do not like my job and remain at your job, this invalidates your truer desire. How many times do we say, I am so tired of this or that, and yet, do nothing about it? These statements completely invalidate the fields of blessing energy.

Invalidating the self is also when we buy into belief systems that are not necessarily in congruence with our truer feelings or what we really prefer to believe. How many times do we change our preferred choices in life in order to accommodate someone’s else opinion of us or their idea of what we should be doing?

Stand strong for how and what you choose to believe! It is just as valid as any other belief. You cease the invalidation by following your preferences and creating your reality based upon those preferences. Always, always remember that you are within God, and God is within you. God is experiencing itself through you as a human channel. This is your highest alignment and truth.

If you invalidate your own deeply felt preferences, then are invalidating the blessing that is constantly being showered upon you.

Keep Following All Inspired Thought

Following your inspiration is the easiest way to connect and be in tune with your Higher Mind.

Inspiration can be defined as the divine guidance that is exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind. To be inspired means that your mind has reached a stage where you are consciously and positively under the direction of your higher aspect of self.

This vibrational resonance is your true, core, natural being. When you reunite more and more with your core self, life evolves and blossoms into new awareness. Taking action on any opportunity that gives you a high degree of zip, zap and zest, is saying to the universe… YES! This is who I am. I believe in this with my whole heart and I am excited!

Joy, passion inspiration and excitement are feeling states that give valuable clues to your next step towards something. This ‘some thing’ is what you will actually be able to accomplish most easily, most effortlessly, because it inspires you. Your vibration is fully engaged and so the manifesting forces come in and give it to you through your tremendous flow of ecstatic feeling.

Activating the Bliss Blueprint is an excerpt from

The Program of “Morphogenesis”
Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness

Free enrollment continues…

If you have not signed up, go for the Alchemist’s gold!

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Mary Magdalene via Fran Zepeda: Jewels of Your Awakening July 8, 2015 By Angela Newberry

Hello dear ones.

Awakening to the vast beauty within and all your exquisite gifts is but a step away. As you spread your wings of Love and become Divine Love Incarnate, this is a catalyst for deep awakenings.

Beyond the fears and limitations that you are illuminating and clearing, opens a beautiful vista, a beautiful expansiveness, a deep well of beauty within you.

It is there that you find your True Divine Self. It is there that you may dwell, it is there that you inhabit. It is there that you will find all you have been waiting for, looking for.

Dear ones, now is the time for a deeper awakening of the beauty of your Divine Self. It is there within you, within your Heart.

Go there now with me and we shall explore all that is there, that used to be behind closed doors, doors of your conditioning of so many eons of being trapped in the matrix of life in Duality. Now those doors are flinging wide open. What will you do with what you find beyond them?

So now, with me, fling open those doors that are opening wide within your heart and glimpse the unfathomable possibilities of your new life.

Imagine now that within the space of your heart, which you have allowed to expand and open to infinity, that you are in the middle of a vast circle containing jewels and crystals and gemstones of the utmost clarity and color, each one exquisite and unique in its form.

Choose one now with me and save the rest for another time, infinitely using this meditation/journey with each exquisite jewel in your circle, whenever you see fit, as you see fit, ever expanding in number and quality and infinite possibilities.

So now you have chosen a jewel from the wide circle of jewels before and around you. Allow yourself now to enter into the energy of it, to feel it surrounding you, engulfing you, inhabiting you, transforming you. See yourself as it, within it, it within you, with infinite possibilities of creating with and from it…

Ask this jewel what gift/ability it is representing, a gift that you are now ready to recognize and own and use for the benefit of yourself and in service to all. Since you are now ready to let it reveal itself to you, ‘the sky is the limit’ as to how much you will receive as to its qualities and make-up, purpose and form.

What does it feel like? What does it look like? Sound like? What form does it take? What purpose does it serve? How can you use it to bring more beauty to your world, to all? Let it dance and sing and talk with you and get to know it. You have now opened up to it and have set your intention to discover and welcome this new gift/ability.

And the form and manner of delivery of this new information will be dependent on being open to receiving it in whatever time-frame and pace that is in the highest and best for you and in service to all. Now that you have opened to receiving it, let it materialize in whatever form and time-frame that is in the highest and best for you and all, and be completely open to it.

Feel the change and transformation in you as you open to this new gift. It was always there. You are now ready to receive and exhibit it as a result of your recent shift in vibration and clarity. Play with it. Create with it. Explore it. Merge with it. Expand with it. Be it. Become it. Then go about your day coming from that perspective, that reality.

You have just expanded and opened to a new aspect of you. Watch as your whole world and perspective changes and shifts as you acknowledge and live in/with this new gift/ability. It is a long-awaited part of you being revealed before you as you welcome it to come into your view and reality.

How exquisite you are! This new gift/ability has transformed you to revealing yet another facet of your shining Divinity. Allow yourself to get used to this new expansion and know that you can develop it as you please, for you are the creator. Open up to all possibilities.

In this manner that I have shown you, you may open up to all the facets of you, one-by-one, as you are ready. You have so much waiting for you, dear ones. The possibilities of your experience are limitless, as you fling open the doors to your Soul, to your Divinity.

And there you will find the Love of Creator of which you are part and parcel. Many many openings are possible with just the intention to create from the basis of Divine Love, from the foundation of Love, from the essence of Love that dwells, ever-expanding, within your Heart.


I AM Mary Magdalene, in Pure Love Essence.

Source:“Mary Magdalene: Jewels of Your Awakening,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, July 4, 2015, at

Source Link: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. www.franheal.wordpress.com

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Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast July 2015 – Reality-Shifting Surprises July 8, 2015 By Brian Ramsell

Beautiful Friend,

It’s an honor for me to connect with you in this way. On behalf of all humanity, thank you for choosing to be dedicated to a spiritual path that is quickly aligning the consciousness of the world with higher states of existence. It’s because of you that we are seeing things change so quickly!

The Summer Solstice of June 20/21, 2015 was monumental! It was almost as if a light switch had been turned on everywhere. There was an energetic sigh of relief that could be felt in the hearts of many.

Up until the recent Solstice, there was a great deal of overwhelm and anxiety among the collective. To many, it felt like a pressure cooker that was in need of a great release. Emotions were all over the place, and finding a sense of peace and grounding during the downpour of light we were receiving from the Sun and other celestial bodies felt distant, and fleeting.

The Summer Solstice doorway has been one that has and is helping many of us come back to our familiar self, though in a more refined way. The upgrades we’ve been showered with in the past several months are now in full integration mode.

At the beginning of July, the planets Venus and Jupiter appeared closer to one another than they have in a very long time. This is usually called a conjunction, and creates a powerful portal for extraordinary change to occur.

The Venus-Jupiter conjunction was able to redirect us back through divine inner guidance and synchronicity, toward the fulfillment of our deepest and most authentic desires.

Our path is being made fully clear; the energies are helping us know what direction we’d like to move in next. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction gave us a preview to the upcoming Venus retrograde of July 25 to September 6, 2015. Venus refines and restores the true values of life when it is in retrograde, so those six weeks will be an amazing time of beautiful expansion!

Confirmations of the Next Wave of Awakening

Back in April, a series of energetic upgrades and celestial alignments occurred that have created some of the most powerful waves of awakening we’ve ever experienced in this lifetime. It was one of those “Holy Moly” moments! But always remember, our Spirit does not give us more than it knows we can handle.

But can you imagine how those not aware of what’s going on energetically must have felt?

During an awakening cycle, every person on the planet has the opportunity to let go of old patterns that have run their course, and which may still be limiting them from expanding into a state of grace, flow, joy, and Universal abundance.

For some, lifetimes of old patterns are being released, while for others, baby steps are being taken. Whatever the size of clearings that take place, it’s all perfect.

We are now seeing concrete confirmation that the next wave of awakening is in full throttle. Whether it’s in our personal lives or on the world stage, everything is changing at the speed of lightning! Even us!

This next wave of awakening is showing up in our personal lives in a number of ways:

We are feeling a strong desire to align with all things that strengthen our connection to Spirit.
Deeply-rooted memories and belief systems we’ve carried from the past are now resurfacing (This happens whenever big clearings are underway.).
We are experiencing daily synchronicities and moments of déjà vu.
Our Inner Seeing/Feeling/Hearing and Knowing are laser sharp!
We are becoming highly aware/mindful of our surroundings.
We’re having lucid dreams that feel very real, almost as if we’re living in other worlds simultaneous to being in this one.
New ideas are blossoming that may impact the direction of our personal and professional lives.
We’re increasingly living out loud more, by expressing ourselves more fully, and no longer hiding who we are.
We’re building new soul friendships and connections, while releasing those that may not be aligned with the love and mutual support we desire.
We’re sometimes feeling a bit more moody and irritable than usual.
We’re experiencing vertigo and/or inner ear ringing.
We’re seeing a shift in our eating habits.
We have a desire to look up at the stars more often.
On the world stage, we’ve seen massive shifts occur in what it means for humanity to have respect for ALL people, no matter what their race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, or background might be.
Yes, we definitely have a ways to go yet. But big leaps have been made in how we treat one another. The collective is beginning to see that at our core, we are all the same.

More Surprises Ahead

In the coming months, many more empowering surprises will make their way into our lives and onto the world stage. Specifically, many of the seeds that are being planted now will come to fruition in October and November.
The key to receiving a surprise is to align with the flow of life. This just means that we allow ourselves to remain mentally, physically, and emotionally flexible.

The mind tends to gravitate towards structure, and can often be a bit more rigid in nature. It’s important to have a routine, but it’s also important to change things up often, to keep the mind, body, and emotions flexible and in a state of adapting to the natural flow of life.

Creating an Abundant Reality

When things change so quickly, many free-floating thoughtforms start to make their rounds in the world. Because the mind isn’t very comfortable with so much change happening at once, many of these free-floating thoughts usually highlight ideas based on fear and belief in lack, which are then circulated among the collective. This is because those are the two energies the mind has been accustomed to running on, to keep itself feeling safe.

A free-floating thoughtform is simply a learned pattern that circles around in the collective consciousness, and attaches itself to those who vibrate at a similar frequency.

As many of us know, lessons can be learned from patterns of lack, but those lessons usually happen in a challenging and uncomfortable way.

I have a feeling that you, just like many who have been on a journey to personal healing and expansion, are ready to let go of the discomfort and challenges that go with learning lessons, especially those having to do with lack of abundance.

The amazing thing about being in the energies we are in right now, is that we can learn our lessons quickly, and in an easier and more enjoyable way. This usually entails not overreacting to life’s occurrences, but rather living as the observer, where less judgment and more discernment is involved.

We deserve to prosper, and experience life to its fullest!

If you find your mind going into patterns of the expectation of lack, just be willing to observe what it does, instead of reacting to it. Then, find an opportunity to do something kind or generous for at least one person (preferably someone who is not very close to you, so that expectations are not created between you). You can do this at the local cafe, with a volunteer group, or wherever you’re able offer a kindness to someone.

Then watch how quickly the Universe begins to open up doors for you.

The first pattern many people go to when they get into a lack mindset is, “Where can I cut back on some of my expenses, especially on the things I don’t really need?” Then the first things to go are the things that are probably nourishing them the most. This pattern only perpetuates more lack, rather than shifting it.

So when “lack” comes up, instead of letting go of something that nourishes us, let’s immediately find an opportunity to be of service in our local community through our time, gifts, and energy.

You’ll see how quickly the energy of lack will dissolve!

With all of that said, we are living in the time we’ve all been waiting for, the one our ancestors spoke of thousands of years ago.

A higher consciousness is kissing the mind and heart of everyone on the planet! Yes, even those who may appear to still be operating in the old energy of separation are being impacted by it in some way.

It will be just a matter of time before they too soften into the wave of awakening that is now sweeping the world.

Till next time,


Source:“Energy Forecast July 2015 – Reality-Shifting Surprises” by Emmanuel Dagher, July 7, 2015, at

Source Link: Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast

©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

“You All Have A Resolve To Be Free” – Saint Germain, One Who Serves and Ashira 9 July 2015 - Channeler: James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on July 5, 2015)

“St. Germain”

I am “St. Germain”. It is very good to be with you in this way at this time. It was good to speak with you two Advances ago about this day you just yesterday, the Fourth of July. But know that the Fourth of July, as you know it and the way it is celebrated in this country was not the way it was supposed to be.

For how many of you and those that you know really understand what this day has meant to this country and yes, even to the world. For it was a day that was to be free, a day to signify the freedom for all of this country and eventually, to the entire world.

But, as you know, that has not happened. Yes, there are many here in this country who think they are free. Who think they can do whatever they want and live a life that they want. To many it seems so. But those of you who have listened to many sources know that you are not truly free, and have not been free for a long time.

For as the forefathers who developed, who created this country and had plans, ideas and ideals to bring it forth and to put all of that into motion. There have been those that have come through and usurped all of their great ideals.

You call yourself a democracy here in this country but that was not what it was meant to be. You are a Republic and a Republic again you shall be. For a Republic becomes all that it was meant to be for men to be free, where all men and women are truly equal.

You have those times coming ahead. Very soon now, within the next several months, you will begin to see many different changes. But many of these changes were begun back in your 1776. It is only now when those who have taken control of this system and created this democracy, once they are gone they will no longer control. Incidentally, they have lost much of their control now.

Once their control is completely eliminated you will have the freedom that was meant to be. The freedom that those who were gathered in that room, before signing the Declaration of Independence, and there I was with them. They looked at each other and would not sign this document. They were afraid. There was fear. They knew that whoever signed this document signaled their own death, giving them a death sentence.

But yet, as I looked around this room and saw it in their faces. I saw the fear, yes, but I also saw that which would overcome the fear. I saw the resolve in each of them. A resolve to be free. I stood up and I addressed the gathering there. I spoke to that resolve, of the need to be free. Yes, I believe I was quite eloquent at that time. But it was not my eloquence that won them over. It was their inner knowing of what could be.
One by one they overcame their fear. Their resolve took over and they stepped up one by one to the table and signed their name. Even knowing that at the moment they signed, they would be signing their death sentence. Yet they signed. Yet they came forth.

It is today, now, so many years ahead in the future from that moment that there are those again that have that resolve, that have that freedom in mind but this time, not just for a country but for an entire planet. For there are those across this entire planet that want freedom. And freedom they shall have. Freedom you shall all have. For you all have that resolve in you.

And it will come forth and it is coming forth just as it did then. I can tell you now, as you look ahead, and this exercise you just did was meant to show you this. As you look ahead, a year from now, and the changes that you saw, your idea of the Fourth of July will never be the same as it was yesterday!

I am St. Germain. I am with you now and will continue to be with you as these many changes begin to happen. You will show forth that very resolve that was within those who came before you.

All of my peace and love be with each of you. I leave you now.

“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you! “One Who Serves” here with you now to answer questions you might have. “Ashira” is also standing by and will also have a message for you. Would you have a question for “One Who Serves” and “Ashira”?

Question: With the visit of the Pope and the month of September. Is there something you expect to be happening?

“One Who Serves”
Is it something we expect to be happening? Yes, it is in the works here that it will happen. As to what will occur in that moment we cannot say because at this point, we do not know ourselves. Because even though there are those plans that are created in the “boardroom” you might say, and they are moving toward fruition, there are many things that can occur before that moment that can cause changes to happen to those very plans that were enacted at that time.

Do you understand this? Now as to various changes that can happen as St. Germain has said and there are many others who have said this and we, ourselves, have said this and Ashira, there are so many things that are coming. What you have a saying that is, “mind blowing”. Prepare to have your minds blown. Not you Central Nervous System though because if these things had happened too fast, there are those who would have had their Central Nervous System blown out, literally. This could never be.

This is why there are calls for patience here. This why there seems to be delays of all of those who work to bring this about. Those of you are included in this for you are working to bring this about as well.

When you have your guided meditations as you had here today, notice that as you work with this, you are creating. You are creating what you are wanting to have and what you are wanting to develop. This is going out into the Collective Consciousness into the Universal Mind. It is creating this process.

When you do this there are many who come upon this and pull it in you might say and begin to create it as well. This is how the entire creation process occurs here, you see? Does this answer your question?
Anything you wish to add here “Ashira”? No, thank you, not at this time.

(“One Who Serves”…we will wait here for the dogs (2 huskies howling upstairs) to have their say! They are answering as well!)
Any further questions here before we release channel?

Let us say, continue “keep on, keeping on”. Continue going on with your various activities, your daily lives and continue to be in the present moment at all times. For as you are in the present moment and creating your future ahead of you with your thoughts, create it in a positive fashion. Create that which you want to be, not what you don’t want to happen. Begin more and more to take the focus away from what you don’t want to what you do want. This is the secret of manifestation here and the attraction process.

So more and more and more focus on what you want and as you focus on what you want the attraction process will draw that to you and you will find that you are manifesting much more quickly than you have ever done before. As you spoke of earlier in your group, the energies are growing and expanding and many people are feeling them differently.

And as we have said many times, you will see more and more of the glimpses of what is beyond the veil. As you have more of these, the veil will be dropping, It is already dropping and soon it will be gone completely.

And those negative ions that were shared in your guided meditation will replace all of the energy that has been here before in a negative fashion. You can imagine what it is like after a beautiful Spring rain or a Summer rain. How would you feel after this? This is what you are moving toward.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.


I am “Ashira”. Last week the transcription was cut short and I wanted to repeat some of my closing message again. We also wish to share our support for the messages given this day.

Last week we discussed some of the mood swings people are experiencing. Know that these moods, those of melancholy or depression are not yours. They are part of what is evolving upon this planet and as it moves through you and you feel it, stop and say, “This is not mine”. Allow it to move through you.

Those who need to process are processing but as it moves around the planet in consciousness, those who are awake to others feel this as well. As was given last week, allow these to move through and do not seek a meaning from them. You have done your work.

There are many who are crying out saying that “we” do not understand what is happening. Yet those in this group and others like it know that we understand because we have been through this too. As this continues on, as you meet in this group and other groups as well, you SEE what is happening. You are in a different place and a different state of mind than those who are in early states of awakening and wonder about all they are being shown.

This is the good news. For as you look a year hence from now, next year’s Fourth of July, the conversation will be lively. This is the reason we have been excited and spoke about the movement over the finish line.

It is only days and weeks and months and not so long as many months. Yes, August, September and Fall this year sees many changes coming. Bigger changes are coming. All over the planet, changes. The majority of those who are sleeping now will be awakened. You will step into your new roles. We are eager to be sharing with you and answering your questions.

Those of you, like Mahendrin who was not able to ask his question, are feeling nudges, you are feeling pushes. You are feeling that which is coming for it is coming so quickly that you are being pushed in ways that are unfamiliar to you. You do not see a finish line. Where are you going? Where are you being pushed to?

Keep the faith. Go with the flow. Allow each day to unfold. As doors seem to close, know that others will open on the other side. It is somewhat like the death process where there are crowds of people who tell you goodbye on one side and there are crowds on the other side welcoming you. We are with you there pulling you forward, helping you as we are happy to do.
We give you all of our love and blessings. Thank you for this day. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

Aligning with the Version of Yourself that Already Exists along Fifth-Dimensional Timelines 9 July 2015 Teacher: DL Zeta

When you reach toward your highest potentials, you allow the "you" most strongly aligned with the timeline where your vision exists to transport you there. We offer here some steps you can follow to align with your highest potentials.

The Time to Begin is Always Now

One) Accept that the time is always now to begin this process. The present moment is always your true point of power. Taking even small steps in your present moment will bring about major energetic shifts that, over time, will transport you to timelines where you access the frequencies of the new time.

Two) Open to receive a vision aligned with your highest potentials. When we come into resonance with a new potential, we begin to receive perceptual glimmers or visions of this potential. These glimmers offer insight into how this reality would look, how it would feel, and the types of potentials and opportunities we might encounter along that reality thread. This glimmer on the horizon sparks inspiration and your imagination catches fire. Captivated and enthused about this vision, you begin the quest to learn more about it. Set an intention to observe it. Each time you turn your attention to this intended creation, you energize it and the energetic field of the creation expands.

Once you receive a vision and choose to align with it, next begin the process of cultivating and strengthening the aspect of your consciousness most closely aligned with your vision. This is the aspect capable of bringing your creation into being. The fact that you are reading this says that you're interested in existing along high-vibrational, fifth-dimensional timelines and have set your intentions to manifest the "you" capable of helping you step more fully into the new time. This "you" represent your highest potentials. When we become the version of ourselves that is able to take us in the direction of our highest potentials, this self will always find a way to access higher frequencies within each moment.

First, Simply Allow a Vision to Exist in Consciousness

Three) Allow your new vision to simply exist in consciousness. Do not concern yourself in this early stage with how you will bring this vision into your physical reality. When a new vision arrives in the doorway of our imagination, all we need do is open to it and welcome it as a potential. We do not have to know how we will carry out the vision in order to open to it and allow it to exist as a strong potential in consciousness. It is a misunderstanding to think that we can only carry out those visions we are skilled and experienced in carrying out. This is yet another version of the scarcity thought virus that tells us we do not have what we need to carry out a vision so we must disregard it as yet another "daydream" delivered up by our fanciful imagination.

Allow a New Vision to Grow and Expand

Four) Nurture and allow this new vision to grow in your consciousness. Day by day and moment by moment, observe this vision as it exists within your energetic field. Ask questions about it and get to know it. As we learn more about this potential, we begin to activate and link with the facet of our consciousness most closely aligned with it. Each time we bring our focus to it, our potential gathers energy and expands. The critical mass for its arrival into physical reality is reached when the potential gains sufficient energetic resonance with the part of our consciousness that is able to nurture its arrival into physical reality.

Release Aspects Trapped in Past Traumas

Five) As a new potential gathers strength in its energetic field, you may become aware of pockets of resistance that exist within you. Generally speaking, these are not aspects that want to hold you back, but rather, aspects that exist within past moments where unhealed and unresolved emotions and their accompanying traumas reside. These aspects are holding energy to "bookmark" this moment in time so a future, more masterful "you" can return to heal and release them. As we cultivate and prepare to activate new potentials, we are shown any areas that need healing and release. As we free energy being held around past traumas, we're able to refocus this energy toward new potentials we wish to activate.

Meet Future Potentials in your Inner Temple

Six) Create an inner temple and spend time there daily. One way you can strengthen the connection with a new potential is to meet with it in consciousness each day. An inner temple is the perfect place to meet and work with future potentials. This temple can take any form you wish. It can be a cottage by the ocean, a cabin in the mountains, a tree house in a tropical rainforest or a tent in the desert. You can invite your intended creations here to meet with you and spend time together in this relaxed and loving atmosphere. In this high-vibrational space, you will find it easier to bring all aspects of your being on board with new potentials. Higher-vibrational frequencies will always heal and entrain lower-vibrational frequencies. Entering a high feeling state daily even for short periods will naturally clear obstacles to healing and help manifest your visions.

Resist the Urge to Micro-Manage how Realities Manifest

Seven) Allow the universe to bring new realities to you in whatever way it can. It is a mistake to place contingencies on how realities arrive. Some believe they must first manifest a sum of money in order to realize their higher visions. This is a misunderstanding. Placing contingencies and prerequisites on our creations only serves to bottleneck and slow their arrival in physical reality. For example, if you wish to undertake a spiritual pilgrimage around the world, focus on this desire rather than the money needed to make it happen. It's easy to see how a vision of your journey is far more exciting to your higher self than a pile of money which by comparison is abstract and may hold connotations of meaningless work and enslavement. When you set an intention and remain awake and aware to clues and information in your daily life, you will find the bread crumb trail that leads to your desired creation.

Remain Alert to Thought Viruses that Sabotage your Efforts

Eight) Remain alert to the voices in your head that tell you that your dreams are impossible and unrealistic. These are the voices of thought viruses you were indoctrinated to in childhood and through collective consciousness. Your higher self will never tell you that you're not able to live your dreams. Likewise, your intuition will never bring you dreams and visions of potentials that are not real and true for you.
Don't allow yourself to be hamstrung by thought viruses that say you're not ready or good enough or empowered enough or enlightened enough to live your visions. You can wire around these disempowering voices by choosing to align with the highest vibrational frequency you're able to access within the present moment and move on from there.

Align with Desired Realities at Subtle Levels

Nine) Release overinvestment in physical reality. Hold in awareness that the reality you see around you in your present moment represents past creations and is fluid and changeable. Don't be fooled by the solid, concrete appearance of "reality." When we look at these seemingly solid and immovable structures of our present moment, we may feel powerless to change them. It's true we cannot change an existing timeline. But we can shift to a new timeline. In order to change our reality and the timeline we exist along, we must go within to align our visions and intentions with subtle energy. Creating is not a matter of moving concrete around but of aligning ourselves with the reality we wish to experience at the subtle level where raw energy is shaped by intention, and allowing ourselves to be transported energetically to the timeline where that reality already exists.

Adopting a Focus Self Aligned with your Desired Reality

Ten) Align with the identity of one who is living the reality you wish to create. When you receive a vision of a new potential, there's always an aspect of your consciousness that is able to nurture this vision into physical reality and transport you to the timeline where this new potential exists. As you energize and nurture a new potential, it will teach you who you need to become in order to carry it out to the world. In this way, you learn the identity of this aspect of your consciousness and begin to align with and adopt it as your new focus self. If you have become overly invested in your present-moment focus self, you will need to work with your higher self which can teach your present focus self to embrace the concept of service, impermanence and transcendence. As your focus self learns to act in service to the highest good of all, it will step aside when the time comes to alow a new facet of your consciousness to become the focus identity self capable of transporting you to timelines where new potentials exist.

Accept that Everything has Happened with Divine Perfection

Eleven) Refrain from judging yourself as moments from your past come before you to be released. Everything you created/activated in the past was designed to help you learn to grow and become the wise and empowered "you" that exists within your present moment.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more information, visit

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English -- SaLuSa 10 July 2015


Dear Friends, I am including a link to Blossom's message as she has asked me to help out in this way, as she is now in London attending to her mother who is seriously ill. Obviously she is unable to send it out herself as usual, so I am pleased to be of help.

The link is:
    SaLuSa  10 July 2015

Matters continue to ferment and chaos exists in many countries, as the old ways are proving to no longer cater for your needs. The problem has grown so big that it requires massive changes to put your civilization on to a new track that will take you into the New Age. The changes are now under way and are irreversible as the new must replace the old to take you out of a system that no longer covers your needs. It is a disturbing process for many who have little or no understanding of what is taking place, yet as the answers are seen to come with a new approach to your needs, people will rise up to the occasion. As always we will direct those who have a major role to play in bringing the changes about. They cannot be achieved without a measure of hardship, but we will ensure that it is kept to a minimum. Keep holding a positive outlook as the plan for your future has been well established. You will be more than pleased at the outcome.

For too long you have been as you might say “led up the garden path” and have been deliberately kept in the dark as to the truth of your potential and reason for experiencing duality. It has been a great learning curve that has enabled you to lift yourselves up from lives of limited consciousness, to ones that will awaken you to your true potential. As we have mentioned many times, you are far greater than you imagine but have been deliberately misguided by false teachings, and the limitation of your consciousness. All that is changing at a rapid speed and more souls are awakening to their true selves. You are coming out of a long period of darkness into the Light and nothing can now prevent you from going all the way to full consciousness. It is already evident by the number of souls who have awakened, and are leading you along the path to full enlightenment.

There are some souls who cannot lift up their vibrations, but be assured that they will be given every assistance to direct them towards the Light. There is no point in trying to “run before you can walk” and their Guides will help such souls to awaken to the truth. Once you commence to realise how you have been kept in the dark, it becomes so much easier to grasp the truth of your being. You are in essence all great souls that have undertaken to experience duality, to deal with the challenges that it brings up. Over many live you have touched the depths of darkness, yet have never lost touch with your higher selves. As a result many of you have eventually found your true path that is leading you back to full consciousness. Once you start to awaken there is no going back to the old ways, and those souls of the Light will bring about a complete change in the way you lead your lives.

We have followed your progress for eons of time, and consider your achievement in regaining your consciousness levels to be remarkable over such a short period. Your history shows what happens when souls lose touch with the Light, and in consequence how difficult it has been to rise up again. However, you have proved that it is possible and today many of you lead the way forward. In so doing you are also bringing others with you and so the re-awakening gathers pace. You are to be congratulated on having risen to the occasion and its needs, and nothing will be able to stop your onward progress. For a long time those awakened souls have been shunned by others who have been unable to comprehend the truth, but that is changing as the vibrations continue to rise up. Very soon there will be another major upliftment in your consciousness and the truth will come to many more souls.

We are so close to you now and are openly visiting your Earth, so much that most people accept our presence in your skies. Because of our highly advanced technology your weapons pose little danger to us, and many of you know that we have put many of them out of action when a threat has arisen. You have many recorded instances of our craft being seen over your nuclear sites, and taking action to prevent you starting another war. We have been successful in maintaining world peace on Earth but have to allow the what we call minor confrontations because of karmic reasons. We will however monitor such happenings so as to ensure that they do not get out of hand. There will eventually be an end to all wars and lasting peace upon Earth will be achieved. Your future is assured and the changes you are now experiencing are part of the cleansing that is taking place.

Or a long time now we have been using our influence to guide your scientists along a path that will result in a peaceful world. However, we cannot intervene if others still support the weapons of war, but will ensure that they are not used to risk a worldwide war. The Earth has been subjected to nuclear devices on many occasions, but they will not be allowed to be used again and we are here to ensure that you are protected. You have freewill but as you enter the New Age a new future awaits you, that no longer allows wars that bring widespread death and destruction that has previously occurred. Peace for all people will be possible once the presence of the dark One is removed. You will not have too long to wait for world peace to be declared, but there is much in the way of necessary changes that will be needed.

In the meantime we shall continue with our monitoring of Earth’s activities, including those of Mother Earth who is also involved in the changes that are occurring. The upheavals are necessary to allow the greater changes that will result in a new Earth, cleansed of all the residues of centuries of neglect and the poisoning of the land and seas. It may look to be an almost impossible task, but with our advanced knowledge and unlimited resources it will not take very long to achieve. We are in fact already prepared to go ahead with Mother Earth and restore it to the pristine condition it was in many Ages ago. These tasks could not be handled by you with the limited knowledge you have, but we will be on hand to assist you once the cleansing can commence.

We know that many of you have expanded levels of consciousness and understand how the truth has been misrepresented to keep you in the dark. Be assured that when the time is right there will be no delay in acquainting you with your true history and the glorious future that awaits you. You may have had visions of a new Earth but in reality it will surpass your idea of what lies in store for you. All of the tears and disappointments that you have experienced will seem to count for nothing when you see the marvellous changes taking place. The beauty and wonders that will be yours to enjoy are far beyond your present imagination.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, come once again to enlighten you as to what lies ahead. Gone will be the threat of war and destruction and permanent peace will reign. We will be by your side helping to bring the new Earth into existence, and it shall be a joyous time for all of you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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