Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


By: Bradley Loves

(Continued from Part One)

Preston James continues:

Reset Blackmail, a new development in the Draco’s plan to complete their Alien Agenda.

It is like the nuclear Blackmail used by the Israeli leaders, the NeoCons, the PNACers and the Israeli-America “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens who did the 9/11/01 Nuclear Attack on America and Blackmailed Bush2 into silence. He was told basically that, Your father [Bush 1] sold the decommissioned w-54 nuclear Pitts to us and if you don’t go along with our demand to help us set up Homeland Security and streamline all American Intel and Law Enforcement under it [our control] we will set off some more nukes inside America”.

This Nuclear Blackmail was successfully deployed to coerce Bush2 to go along with their demand to allow and promote the creation of Homeland security as a secret Israeli Neo-Bolshevik occupying force inside America. Bush2 was aware that the Israelis had planted twenty-five additional nukes inside America. Some are known to be larger devices (“city destroyers”) taken from S-200 Russian warheads acquired by a US member of Congress who was given a budget of 10 billion dollars to decommission them after the end of the Cold War. He not only didn’t decommission these nukes as required by the law but instead sold them to the Israelis and pocketed and shared the large amount of money gained from this highly illegal sale with some other members of Congress.

Okay…, can you say INSANE?  These so called leaders of ours are not worth a plugged nickel…, and yet we have people all over the country who will ARGUE viciously that “we must” be obediant to our leaders!  Or, that they deserve our “allegiance”.     (BARF)  (How many of the British still bow and courtesy to the Queen???)

I have also written about this extensively with only a “moderate” response in the positive.  Sadly “most” of the people who argue against any type of “holding these people accountable for their actions” are NEW AGERS who simply call these criminals “partners in contrast” and other such ridiculous terms that show they really have NO CLUE about what is happening here on the Earth.

Instead they have been brainwashed into LALA land…, and partake of “Moral Relativism” like it’s pure oxygen!  (See: Moral Relativism!)

They “THINK” they know what is going on here…, and for that…, we have (CHANNELED MESSAGES) to thank.  Naturally, these channeled messages have “never” told us even a tiny bit of what we can find in this one article written by Preston James.


It is likely that the NeoCon, PNACers and Israeli-American Israeli-First “Dual Citizens” have been offered a second fall back option by the Dracos. Perhaps if these WZ Cutouts are able to provoke an actual nuclear WW3 with Russia they will be allowed to go underground into the DUMBS until the fallout subsides and preserve their Ruling Class status and lavish DC lifestyles.

Below is a diagram that clarifies the reason for the existence of Homeland Security (DHS) and how it has militarized and transformed American Law Enforcement (LE) into a agent of the State, in this case an Israli run Police State governed by Homeland Security, an agency known to be run at the top by Israeli “Dual Citizen” Traitors, Infil-Traitors and perverts. Be advised that America’s new High Military Command is on to this scam of DHS and their plan to transform America into GAZA II. Some top Military officials want to export them all back to Israel since they serve it and love it so much. Yes, it should be their nation of occupancy.

It is important to realize that only the very top few leaders of DHS know the true Agenda of DHS, which is basically an alien Agenda, that is an Agenda created and implemented by the Draco’s who run World Zionism on behalf of Lucifer. And it is also important to know that almost no American Police Officers who are operating on behalf of DHS have any idea of the true Agenda they are serving, which is to oppress and tyrannize Americans and eventually detain them and then mass-murder them in death camps. If these folks were ever to become aware of the true Agenda they are serving, they would immediately quit, organize and rebel.

The jig is now up and the truth is out via the Internet, spreading worldwide at the speed of lightning. It won’t be too long and there will be big time rebellion in the ranks of DHS, you can probably bet on it. And if DHS and any part of the US Military starts attacking American families, it’s a good guess that there will be an immediate rebellion inside DHS or any military organization attacking American families and lots of back-shot or fragged WZ-run leaders, supervisors or officers. Besides “We the People” are the world’s biggest army, with many millions of high powered firearms and lots of ammo. Beside “We the People” is a sleeping giant that is only now awakening. And when DHS starts it attack on American families, “We the People” will wake up quickly and there will be hell to pay for those responsible.

Now…, what Preston says above is SO OBVIOUS that it really can’t be argued with.  It’s like the sky above…, it’s right there…, no question about it.  Now…, you can “ignore” what  DHS is up to…, BUT…, you can’t argue with what has already happened!


Finally, Preston says something that we can CLEARLY SEE HAPPENING as we speak…, if we are only willing to look!!

The Dracos are desperate and are pushing their Cutouts hard to do desperate acts against “We the People.”

The Dracos know they are very close to losing once again and being pushed back into the darkness (where they belong). They are exceedingly desperate and afraid but do not want anyone, including their Circles of Twelve to know this. That is why they believe that unless they move ahead fast with their Reset Blackmail plan, they will be completely defeated. They have told their WZ Cutouts something like this: “If you do not do your job and come up with an adequate reset plan to eliminate at least 90% of everyone in America while we take you underground to stay in the DUMBs until it is safe to go back, we will strip you of all your powers, wealth and status and throw you to the wolves. Plus we will institute our own Reset Plan which will destroy you along with 100% of the folks on Planet Earth.”

Next, he gets into the “HISTORY” of how this all started.

How did this all start and how did Planet Earth get into such a mess?

The BCC and the IZCS were ordered to form a working partnership after WW2 by the World Zionists run out of the City of London who are allegedly controlled by Dracos.

This super crime-coalition was intended to hijack the world and all its resources to fulfill a Draco Alien Agenda. And this was to be done through pre-staged wars to cause mass-death, creation of monopolies to control the economies, issuing of debt-based “funny money” to allow the manipulation of the money supply, creation and use of pernicious usury to create debt-slavery, massive international illegal weapons and drug trafficking to create mass death and chaos.

Perhaps the most closely guarded secret in the world?

It has been reported from connected insiders for many years that these WZ Action-Agents the BCC and the IZCS have received their power from help by these Draco Alien ETs and vast private central Bankster Money-Power from the City of London financial District (a separate country inside London with its own ambassadors like the Vatican, which was covertly hijacked by the Rothschilds aka Bauers, when Napoleon was defeated).

Perhaps this is the most closely guarded secret in recent history is this secret alliance and working relationship that was formed between the World Zionists (WZs) from the City of London, and a certain inter-dimensional Alien ET group known to be extremely aggressive and evil known as the Reptilians, Dragons, Order of the Snake, or most frequently as the Dracos.


There is MORE!  And this is where all of the Luciferians “Ritual Child Sacrifice”…, Truma Based Mind Control…, AND Pedophilia come in!

This Alien ET group the Dracos have been reputed by good sources to be “Energy Vampires” or Parasites that feed off the negative energy of extreme human fear, terror and painful death.

The World Zionists (WZs) are also known as the Rothschild Private Central Banksters that seized the City of London private central Banks through very crafty means that some believe was supernatural and occult driven Intel. Others believe carrier pigeons were used to carry the message of Napoleon’s defeat to London from France, but this is not what official records in the Vatican Basement Secret Library or the secret records of MJ-12 are alleged to suggest.

The closely guarded secret source of the WZs world power has been (in their own words), “the Teeming power of Lucifer.”

It is now known that the WZs have secretly been pure Luciferians who became Occult “Black-Magick Masters” who learned and perfected Black-Magick Arts passed down from Ancient Babylonia through their family “Luciferian Blood Lines. As the official account goes, those initiated into these Babylonian Black-Magick Luciferian Arts each received an individual inter-dimensional Spirit Guide that would appear to them during human sacrifice ceremonies first and then more frequently at other times. These personal spirit guides are viewed by some as inter-dimensional ETs, Demons or Jinns and have a record of assisting their client in mastering evil and oppressing Planet Earth’s masses.

See Part Three….

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