Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Gathering

Colonel Billie Faye Woodard, USAF Ret.

Recorded Conference call of September 24 2011


You commented on the timeline, the end of 2011 and the end of 2012, and I know that that isn’t part of your mission but we have been educated about it, and of course from our view point its important to know where we’re going. So a little bit of information brings up more questions. And for the record, there are people that are concerned and considering the gathering as an evacuation, which is not a word that I don’t believe you have ever used. Could you just put people at peace about what the gathering is about and why we have to get out of the way for Mother Earth?

Sure. Well like you know it’s not part of my mission, but I will bring this out. First off, the emergence is the Agarthian people coming up to the surface, as given by Adama. He gave a message to you not long ago about the emergence time. His time frame was before the end of this year, before 2012. There would be the emergence of the Agarthian network coming up to the surface with their technology to straighten out the Earth as far as pollution, and water pollution, air pollution, things of this nature that is hindering the surface. And they will be doing this before the end of this year. And they could be even doing it even as we speak, in very low, beginning strokes of it. You probably noticed less chem-trails in the skies, clearer skies. Well, that’s because they’re doing what they said they were going to do.

Now the gathering is not an evacuation. It’s part of the evolvement of Mother Earth.  The gathering is where ships are coming from the other star systems: the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, and these others. They’re coming to collect their people that have incarnated on the surface of the Earth. So they’re coming to gather them, take them back home. The ones that are left will be slated to go either into Hollow Earth or Inner Earth. And the reason for this is because the Earth has to go through a transformation, returning to pristine state of existence, and an advancement or an ascension into the 5thdimension.

Now, during the time the Earth is going through its change, its physical changes, there’s not going to be anybody that’s going to want to be on the surface of the Mother Earth because she’s going to be rolling and up heaving all over the place, both in earthquake magnitudes of unheard frequencies. And obviously you wouldn’t want to be around when that happens! But the Earth is returning herself to a pristine state of existence. Her surface will change. All of man’s achievements such as major skyscrapers,  big cities and all this, will simply vanish, sent back to their elements from which they came, and the Earth will return to a Garden of Eden state all over, globally. Not just in one area, but globally. And all of man’s creations that have marred the surface will be eliminated.

During this time period, you will be safe in the Hollow Earth, in the Inner Earth, or off world. Upon the completion of this change to the 5thdimension, change of the surface back to a pristine state, those that wish to return to the surface will be allowed to do so. But the world will be a totally different world to you when your return to it. It’s going to be new, it’s going to be a new Earth as you know the Earth to be. It will be more beautiful than it is right now. It’s pretty beautiful right now, but you think about having no cities, no highways, nothing to mar the surface, nothing to interfere with Mother Nature.

Now, when you come back to the surface, you will speak forth your dwelling and it will appear, manifest out of thin air. The structures you will build will be in and around nature. And they will be round in structure. They won’t be reaching toward the sky. They’ll be in and around nature, and abiding by Mother Nature’s rules. And Mother Nature’s in charge, and she’s always been in charge.  The governments of the world are trying to encroach upon Mother Nature and trying to mold Mother nature to fit their way of thinking, and that’s not the way it works. Mother Nature’s reclaiming the Earth. And when Mother Nature reclaims that Earth everything that Mother Nature reclaims will be pure. I think that may have straightened a lot questions and put a lot of people at ease.

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