Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Pamela channels Mary Magdalene

Dear women and men, I am very close to you, and you can feel me with your heart. I was called Mary Magdalene in one of my lives on Earth, and I have lived on Earth with sadness and joy, with fear and courage. Just like you, I have lived through every emotion while making the journey through the human experience.

It is not a mark of holiness to transcend all human emotions. The characteristic of a saint is precisely that they recognize and understand every furrow in a human face. They have such a deep understanding of the human path on Earth that there is no room for judgement, only space and silence, and a deep understanding of the other person. When that other person is so deeply understood by a fellow human being, their burden becomes lighter. A human being who can deeply see in that way, sees the essence of the other person, that essence of infinite beauty and wisdom.

You are people who want to see deeply, ever wanting to dig deeper and deeper to the essence, the Truth, and that is your great strength. You all are on the way to that space to which I referred, by first giving it to yourself and then by allowing space for all others, because you no longer need to judge, to separate good from evil, light from darkness. That space of which I speak is the Christ energy field. All who carry this energy came to testify to this space, but how do you do that? Words are always insufficient, because how do you describe that deep, quiet space which is not empty but full of feeling? Words fail.

I felt this vast, quiet space in the presence of Jeshua, and that touched me deeply. I was opened by the energy of his presence where I then discovered that space within myself and gradually began to inhabit it and feel at home there. Because of that, I could increasingly distance myself from the intense human emotions that also plagued me: the fear, horror, pain, rage, hate. It is so very easy to lose yourself in those emotional currents within.

It is your task as a human being to create this space within yourself. Someone else can invite you to do so through their presence and by holding up a mirror to you of how it can be, how you can live from that space within yourself. And that is essentially the task, or the inner purpose, of a lightworker: to hold to that space when in the presence of others, by first and foremost being present within yourself.

Let us practice that for a moment. Feel your consciousness becoming light and gentle, a little wavy and rippling, not forced, but very open. Let that gentle stream of your consciousness circulate through you. First through your head, where it takes away the sharpness of your thoughts so they become gentle and friendly. There often arises a cutting edge to your thoughts that originates from pain that you feel, and from which you think you need to react, to bite back, to become defensive. Let go of that need and allow in that calm, gentle stream of your true consciousness. Let it flow down through your throat and shoulders, through your heart, your solar plexus, your abdomen.

You can think of a rippling stream that quite naturally flows freely. Put a special emphasis on the area of your abdomen and your pelvis, and let the” water” flow there, cleansing you in a gentle way. Everything cutting is drained away by that flow. Let that energy move into your thighs, your knees, and your lower legs. See how the stream flows through your feet, between all your toes into the ground, and how your “roots” are nourished by the Earth; fed with strength and nurturance. Feel how the Earth supports you, that ground under your feet, and come Home to yourself.  

Sense how wide an aura you want to extend around yourself. Your energy field is a natural extension of your physical being. To where does yours reach; what feels like a good boundary? Feel free to let it broaden, for you are not negatively affecting anyone with it; in fact, your space also gives space to another.

Feel free to come to rest in yourself. Sink deeper into your abdomen and let your breath follow. Feel how in this state you are gentle and calm, at peace with yourself, yet at the same time you have clear boundaries, of which you have a strong sense within yourself. Your aura is safe with you, so let it occupy the space that suits you, while at the same time feeling calm and open within.

From this state of consciousness, I invite you to take a look at how you engage, or disengage, your male and female energies in everyday life in the world. You are inclined to use them separately from each other, or in a way so they do not sufficiently support each other.

The gentle energy, I just described, is your female side. It is concerned about others, and can empathize and understand deeply. But often, when you want to engage this energy in connection with another, you go outside yourself. You jump out of your own aura, or energy field, and become lost in that of the other person. See if you recognize this tendency in yourself, and feel what happens to you, energetically, when you do this. Your energy shoots upward and you lose the peace, the anchor, in your foundation, your abdomen.

I will now speak about the male energy. There are times when connecting with others is too much for you, compelling you to go out of yourself and to leave your foundation. That is not nourishing and something is out of balance. At that time, your aura needs to be closed off and you have to come Home to yourself. But it seems as if the only option for you is to establish your male energy in a firm, almost hard way, almost like armor or a wall, in order to keep your energy from leaking away. And because of emotions lodged within you, such as dissatisfaction, anger, disappointment, you put up a defensive wall, but see what that does to you, how it feels inside. Look at how doing this affects you, but look at it calmly and with a certain curiosity: "What does that do to me? Does it feel oppressive or is it freeing?“ Unfortunately, the nature of a defensive reaction goes against your natural, calm source within.

This pattern happens very often in you, and I speak in particular about a group of lightworkers who were born with a naturally high sensitivity and who empathize easily with other persons. From their role as a pioneer of consciousness, they tend to give too much of themselves in the hope that there will be a resonance, a recognition, a being attuned with another. When this connection does not come about, which has happened in all your lives, or still happens, then this leads to pain inside: disappointment, frustration, anger, resentment, or loneliness. You often then engage the male energy to shut down, which is restricting and makes you feel even lonelier. Doing that is not a way of broadening your space, which is the setting of boundaries in a natural way; it is rather a shutting down and a withdrawing of your energy from your space.

I encourage you to engage your male and female energies in a different way. You felt, just now, that it is possible to be completely at Home and anchored within yourself. Feel that anew by descending there once again. It is possible to remain there, even while interacting with others, and that means you let go of actively trying to change things too much; that you acknowledge your need for control or recognition; and that you no longer go outside yourself to try to earn the right to exist. Because that is what you want to accomplish with the excessive need to give and to connect with another. You desire to see your right to exist affirmed by that person; that they want you to be the way you truly are. It is natural for a child to have that desire, but being spiritually mature and growing up means you take care of the needs and desires of yourown inner child, and you really affirm and acknowledge its right to exist – and you do that over and over again. You do that by being open to the impulses of your inner child and by being aware of its needs as you interact with the world around you.

Now connect consciously to your energy field; be completely present within yourself and feel your inner child in your abdomen. Breathe in gently and feel how light fills your aura, your space. This is a sacred space. You have the ability to observe and see your inner essence, your own beauty and wisdom, your own value and love. If you have one task in life, this is it: to see, appreciate, and accept your own unique strength, the jewel that you are. That is it; that awakens the Christ consciousness within you, which emanates by itself to others and is not something you need to achieve through effort or struggle. This is precisely the art of becoming deeply rooted in your own foundation and remaining in your own being.

This is also, literally, the solution to resolving the old traumas that you carry with you: you can  ease their emotional charge by finding a balance between the male and female energies. The male energy brings you back to yourself, helps you to disengage and make distinctions whenever necessary. The female energy is your gentleness, your ability to connect, to understand, to comprehend. Ideally, both the male and female energies work together as one. Trauma always arises whenever you separate yourself from your foundation, because when you are out of balance, pulled away from yourself and fragmented, the pain of rejection – especially emotional rejection – can touch you deeply and cause you to be torn apart by your feelings.

By inner observation and in-depth regression therapy, you can come to know much about past traumas, and that is often helpful in order to gain insights. But at the heart of all healing and self healing is the return to yourself, to embrace your own self and to acknowledge your boundaries, yet at the same time remain gentle, calm, and open within. And precisely because of staying with yourself, you are able to do a lot for others by what you are and what you emanate.

Enjoy another moment of quietly being yourself. Relax and dare to be who you are – you are beautiful! The Christ energy awakens in all of you. Feel the presence of Christ in your inner space.

© Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan


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November Monthly Update by Cobra

You might want to listen to the November monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there: 

The Youtube version is available here: 

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 

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We are not meant at this time to shrink away from our highest soul purpose and calling.

Some of us have worked many lifetimes for this ultimate raising of the consciousness levels of mankind, as we witness the fall of the same from the 7th dimensional state and into the third.  Some of us vowed that we would not rest, until mankind finally learns to ascend into the higher states of Being once more and therefore incarnated at this time to see all of this into completion.

I have been working intensively with the spinal column of the planet, the pyramid energies and the Rivers of Light, the Tree of Life in the last few years.  It has brought to me a type of understanding that the earth is intricately linked to the human body.  Indeed, the body of the planet reflects our physical forms.  As we are of the earth, so we return to earth.  As the planet moves into the higher octaves of being, we move into it as well.

With this comes the understanding that we all are cosmically wired as well.  So, although the earth is part and particle of our bodies, our soul is cosmically linked to the rest of creation.

It is only when we incorporate BOTH heaven and earth into our daily lives,  that we start to function at a greater level.  As long as we are in denial of any aspect of earth and cosmos we are not balanced.

In that we expand our consciousness, we expand into ever greater understanding that nothing is ever at random, but all fits perfectly into a greater Master-plan, a cosmic one.

As above – so below, as within – so without!

In that the human cell is an amazing and intricate cosmic machine in itself, reflects the immensity of the Being who created the human body and whether we inherited this form via our ancestors or from cosmic Beings, is of no essence: –  for all is part and particle of one single Masterplan and the same Mastermind which created all.

If one single cell in our physical bodies can have a ripple effect on all the other cells and organisms in the human body, then imagine how your own soul sends out ripple effects to the rest of the cosmos.  You are not on this planet randomly, but because your soul chose to be here at this time.

So, with every single thought you think, with every single moment that you live life on this planet, you are sending out, or rather radiating out energy into the greater whole.  That is how powerful you are.

Imagine then, that you are sending out these ripple energies into the earth and having an effect on all the people that you meet in some way or form.  How are you impacting then?

Are you like a sickly cell that is effecting the other cells of human consciousness in downwards spirals and it part of the dis-ease in the collective of mankind?

Or are you a healthy and radiant cell, bringing in more radiant life-force energy and love into Being and thus lifting the greater humanity into the higher states of Being?

If one becomes aware of this, something deep inside is awakened, and one starts to live life differently.  You start to take control over your own life, and the way you are living it.  You start empowering yourself from soul level and then reconnecting to the cosmic soul and the heart-force energy of all life itself.

I cannot stand in the understanding of all of this, without standing in awe and wonder at the magnificent and omnipotence of all of Creation.  When I understand that my own soul is pure energy, and I transmit this energy in all that I am and am aspiring to be and to become, then that means that I act as a type of energy force, which is a co-creative force.

I can use this energy for the greater good of all – or for the destructive and splintering of all.  That is how powerful I am – and you.  For we all have this inherent ability deep within ourselves!

Perhaps then, the more we understand energy and energy forms, the more en-light-ened we become, the more we are lit up from deep within.  That light is our birthright as children of the Sun.  Like the Great Central Sun radiates out from the inner galaxies, which were the core 12 galaxies ever created around  the Great Central Sun, there are different octaves of Being.

For there are 12 Octaves of Divine Being in itself, and each one of the radiant Galaxies reflect this.  Therefore the 13th holds the Master Key encodements.

The whole energy shifting on this planet is all about understanding this.  It is more than this the understanding that we are all cosmic Beings, and have the ability to expand beyond the norm and into the extra-ordinary, the higher octaves of Being, not only via the planet but also via our own souls.

For truly there is no higher calling, than to become ignited from deep within, and then to ignite the rest of the world and the greater cosmic whole.

(Judith Kusel)

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channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

2:44 AM
The days get tight; the world now stands at the 
end of its journey and human Beings with it.

Wake up beloved Ones, time presses on, 
the course of the world changes and lives 
end and are reborn!

There is still time, God’s Grace is still omnipresent, 
the Light flux to this world is still unbroken, in order 
to enable each transformation. The end of time is still to be 
expected, the light warriors of the first and last hours still 
see themselves confronted with the unpredictability of this 
world and those, who want to impede all of mankind, either 
good or evil, are still riding high.
As long as the great events still have not unwound in great 
success from the Creator, there is still time for everything, 
foremost time for your turning back!

And therefore this wake-up call from eternity goes out 
to this world and to this mankind: 

Wake up as long as Mother Earth still offers
you an opportunity for it and as long as the 
Creator nurtures you in his Grace. 


Master of Clarity, Master of Purity and Master of all those 
human Beings, who are willing to face themselves in God’s 
Light – unconditionally, without compromise, truthfully and 
with a heart filled with the desire for God.

Change is Brewing 
The unrest in this world increases. The great change 
with the cascade of great events is truly brewing.

The positions for the last hours in this world have been
taken on the socio-political parquet, human Beings have
chosen and mankind has decided.

Madness spreads, there, where reason has failed, fallacies 
prevail, there, where the manipulations of the human mind 
are effective and all those human Beings remain unconscious, 
who despite the many opportunities for awakening have decided 
to remain unconscious.
Who at the end of all days says, he did not know anything about 
the planetary transformation and the cosmic events, is a false 
broker of his case and will freeze in God’s countenance, in the 
Light of the Creator and in the truth of Heaven.
Because whoever has denied the obvious, even then, when it 
intrudes on him, has agreed to a new circle of life in the 
impermanence due to death and dying and remains away 
from the levels of light-filled 4D worlds.

The extent of the transformation is obvious, and the light 
warriors of the first and last hours know that after eons the
great arch of all Life closes today – it will be fulfilled what on 
account of God longs for perfection and on account of human 
Beings can now attain reality.

Yet human Beings in great numbers leave this world and 
enter into a new world, and yet remain unchanged, because 
they add new loops of fate to their dull life in illusion.

Beloved Ones!

Wake up, before the last opportunities fade and elapse, 
and before you yourself will die away with these opportunities, 
whereby you face your mortality again; as an unredeemed human
Being standing in front of his mirror image. Recognize how much 
the brood of vipers wants to imbibe you. And while this plan 
occurs on a level, wherefrom the ascending ones will stay away, 
it will become reality for all those, who want to remain 
unconscious until the last day.

Awakening of the last Light Warriors 
And yet this wake-up call from eternity goes out to 
this mankind – today, here and now. Why?

Today, here and now, it is about those human Beings, 
who still carry a spark of wisdom in themselves in order 
to awaken, because: Every awakened human child is a
Creator of a new world of Light.
This world rises and is dissolved at the same time.
In these days those Masters, who serve on the bridges 
between the worlds, experience that many human Beings, 
who were called, are deaf, and that many, who are expected, 
stay away. 

It is true: The number of spiritually awakened
ones is as few as their quality is unsurpassed. 

Today, here and now, it is about to shake up in a last act of 
Love those human Beings, who are of good will and yet have 
gone astray, and to liberate them from their sluggishness, 
in order to save them from what is upcoming; because truly: 
each experience of pain demands healing – and before such 
an experience finds redemption, it creates again only damage 
and upheaval in a soul.

Pain experiences are only means for healing for those human 
Beings, who are fully unconscious and due to events, which 
break open human consciousness, will be moved to turn back.

And this chalice of pain experiences can go past the number 
of human Beings, who still carry a life-spark of Light and love 
in them, whereby they still recognize today what they deny 
and tomorrow are ready for the journey into the Light.
To serve the truth, to see reality – and to discard every 
comfort and habit in thinking, feeling and doing. This is 
the way, in order never to be handed the chalice of suffering.

Recognition and Awakening 
Recognition means: To recognize the false prophets 
in politics, the economy and in the New Age movement.
Awakening means: To apply one’s own power as an awakened 
Being, as Creator among Gods, and thereby undermine the 
foundation of the dark forces until the last of all days in this 

The wake-up call from Eternity, for all those, 
who, standing on the bridge into the Light, 
are turning back or want to turn back. 

Do not back off from your decision to return to the Light,
rather back off from the fact to be subjected again to the 
impermanent world, because your desire for God has been 
suffocated and you have forgotten your divine assignments. 
You are also light warriors of the first and last hours, only
you have neglected the daily work in God’s garden in contrast 
to those, who rightfully call themselves Master of mankind and 
have ascended to Creator Gods of All-That-Is.

And so today you stand full of doubts and full of insecurity 
on the bridges between worlds; you are captured by fear and 
you turn around instead of aiming toward the other side of the 
bridge with full strength and confidence. You are the lost ones, 
who now receive this opportunity.

And this due to the fact, because the ascension has stretched 
in length and the great events were built up always anew, in 
order to pour out in close foreign worlds; because before this 
Mother planet of ascension ascends, all worlds, which arise from 
this world, will be captured by the dynamic of this process.
The wake-up call of this kind and in this time is possible, 
because the clock of this time still runs and the final events, 
even though they have been ongoing for a long time, will still 
nfold their effect overpowering everything.

Now is the moment, when Heaven leans toward you, 
in order to remind you of God’s presence and your absence 
from the divine. A reminder – at the same time, a wake-up 
call – really, a last opportunity – foremost.
Take the necessary precautions, so that suffering 
and pain remain excluded, because: 

Today those, whose pain is not owed to any 
higher sense, suffer their own ignorance and 
lack of love toward oneself and toward Life. 

Stand up, look up! You light warriors, you, those, who deny 
their own Light and do not know how to interpret the wars in 
this world? How long do you want to wait and how long shall 
we still expect you?
We are sending out this wake-up call to those, who have 
preserved God’s spark of Love and to those, who today 
remain standing stock-still on the bridge between the worlds, 
because they fear the Light in front of them as well as the 
darkness behind them. 

The days get tight; the world now stands 
at the end of its journey and human Beings with it. 

I am with you, beloved One,
I am with all Life in this world.
I am only a breath away from you,
And yet those, who cannot gain anything from 
Eternity and can gain everything from impermanence, 
are an Eternity away from me.

In infinite Love

I am


Message from the Light Reading on November 21st, 2014 in Vienna.

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

I have ascended, as you ascend today, and I have come back 
to this world, as you will return to this world after your ascension, 
to many worlds, foremost to those levels in All-That-Is, which you
have created yourself.

I am

And until it is that far, until your transfiguration is fulfilled 
and until the course of time is completed, opportunities upon 
opportunities are created so that human Beings recognize, 
awaken and can perfect themselves. The cornucopia of God’s Grace 
is truly unlimited and today it pours out over mankind like at no 
other time before. Today this wake-up call from Eternity is dedicated
to all human Beings, who still carry a living Light spark in themselves 
and have still not ignited it.

This wake-up call is the one, which will liberate several 
human Beings from their self-imposed shackles.
A special power is inherent in this call, a penetrating strength 
and a strength removing all disturbance fields, a strength, 
which I represent. 

Everything shall be removed from you, 
which you hold on to in this last phase 
before the ascension! It is removed so 
that you are ready to receive everything
- out of the hands of the Creator. 

An allegory for it was given to Jahn on 11/19/2014:
Report: Scene I: On 11/19/2014(1+9+1+1+2+0+1+4=19; 
1+9=10)  in the morning, my beloved son Noah, who is now 
3 years and 7 months old hangs on to a shelf made out of glass 
(with his whole weight of 18 kilos) below the great mirror in the 
bathroom, in order to reach for something that he wants to grab. 
Whereupon the glass surface, which holds bathing paraphernalia, 
like combs, crèmes, waters, etc. detaches from the wall and 
crashes down. Nobody is injured, only that the great oval mirror 
hangs on the empty wall in unfamiliar nakedness. 
Scene II: On the living room table 19 rose-red roses  
stand in a new red vase since several days ago, roses, 
which do not seem to wither, and just the opposite, 
seem to open more with every day. 
Which is rarely the case for ordinary, even though 
truly beautiful cut flowers from the supermarket.
(End of report/introduction) 

Interpretation JJK: These two scenes describe the 
quality of the “wake-up call from eternity”. The number 19, 
as the 1 for the individual human Being, who is fulfilled 
(in the 9, the last one-digit number). The number 10 points
to the wholeness of human Beings (10 fingers), and again 
the 1, and the 0, which point to the perfection in God.
The 11, by itself, as the Master number.

The empty naked wall, the great oval mirror without 
an area of deposit: Shows that human Beings encounter 
each other without make-up, all aid is being removed (the 
deposit area is removed); it also means that all securities 
disappear; encounters with oneself and with one’s own mirror 
image without make-up, with our true countenance in the 
“great mirror” of the Creator. 

Red Vase: Life (Blood), health in spirit and in all bodies, 
life force. 
Rose-red “eternal” roses: Rose-red is the healing Christ Light, 
the awakening of Christ consciousness, eternal Life in God’s 
Love (Roses, which never wither).
And again the number 19, as a symbol of the individual (1) 
human Being, who is perfected in God (9).
Two scenes, which show in what manner those human 
Beings, to whom this wake-up call is directed, will be 
shaken up – due to removal of all illusions and due to 
the encounter with oneself. (End of interpretation)

Therefore the process is in this particular manner. 
Those, who on a soul level have decided to comply 
with this wake-up call and are ready to look at their 
fallacies, from those the “make-up” will be removed, 
so that the unvarnished observation of one’s own and 
actual energetic as well as total consciousness condition 
becomes possible.

Too many light warriors of the first and last hours have arranged 
it comfortably for themselves. Too many neglect their daily 
transformation work! What is here being said of me, who I 
am the Master of clarity?

Too many of those human Beings continue to lead their lives 
in old dependencies. They refuse to put their life under the 
Light and to examine it for its actual truthfulness. Relationships, 
to be given up a long time ago, work conditions and circles of friends, 
are still being served; traditions, which have lost their meaning and 
thoughts, words and actions, which obey the old and established 
patterns of time, are continued to be lived without reflection.
Here those light warriors are being addressed, who still have 
not awakened, yet believe it based on their knowledge about 
the ascension.

Awakened is the one, who daily puts everything under the Light!
Awakened is the one, who never backs off from the truth – never! 
Here the truth is not meant, which one is ready to tell to somebody 
else, instead the truthfulness, which one is ready to deal with 

Know: The actually awakened light warriors have solved
their earthly affairs with respect to family and friendship 
relationships a long time ago and live up to their divine 
assignments at 100 percent. Those, who still confront unredeemed 
issues of this kind and questioningly look toward Heaven: those are 
the ones, which are meant here, and the opportunity is now given to 
catch up due to the blessing, which streams forth from todays 
manifestation of the Light.

Those, who have been freed from curses and maledictions 
(Message: “Recognition and Dissolution of Foreign Energies”,, are free to be reborn.And every human Being, who 
follows these words full of trust and dedication, will be freed 
of curses at this moment, in order to be able to reorient oneself.

The inability of many human Beings or their unwillingness to 
true transformation is very often based on the burden, which 
a “curse” represents. This burden is now removed. Please pay 
attention that you are free of it in the future, because the time 
quality is still full of contradictions, whereby Light and shadows 
interchange, like day and night, only in very quick succession.

This wake-up call has been made!

Do not underestimate your will power or God’s Grace. 
Thereby everything is possible and a new life is the logical 
conclusion, as you are ready to look at your naked self in 
the mirror.

„You have come into this world naked 
and you leave this world naked.”

See what is 
Thereby you inner nakedness, the nakedness of your soul is 
meant, the actual truth, which you are without make-up, the 
self, which is pure and unclouded, and whereby you return 
into Heaven. Not meant is your physical nakedness.

To be naked in front of God means 
to see what is, is the lifeblood of these 
last days at this development stage, 
whereupon the light warriors of the 
first and last hours find themselves.

In world affairs the contradictions continue to increase 
and the gap between the Light forces and the dark powers 
again drifts apart; until the point has been reached, which 
brings the last discharges. 
This means, it is still necessary to act on this earth firmly 
anchored and even though the time, which is allocated for 
it is short, to you it seems like eternity.

Connect yourself with God’s messengers, with the realms 
of the Angels and Masters. Receive strength, recognition and 
Love from it. It is highest time that you are continuously linked 
to the Light, because only thereby can you foster your own 
processes and understand the global processes, in order to
meet them in an appropriate manner.

The time until the last short days of mankind is short and 
the longer the days seem to you, the closer are the days, 
when everything will be unveiled to you.
Until then you still have much to do. Until then we still have 
much to do. Because a field requires the daily care of the farmer, 
the field of the immortal human soul requires the daily Light
flooding from Heaven even more, so that it is nurtured and 
can lift itself up to God.

Get well whereby you devote yourself here and now to 
your own soul, your own life again and without compromise.

I am ready! Are you also?
In infinite Love

I am

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