Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Connection between Alkalinity and Spiritual Awareness 10 June 2015 - Teacher: DL Zeta. ...and much more :)

The Connection between Alkalinity and Spiritual Awareness 10 June 2015 - Teacher: DL Zeta

To improve your channeling skills, it is important to cultivate alkaline conditions in your physical system. This greatly enhances your receiving capabilities.

Maintaining an alkaline body allows you to more easily connect with spirit. The more alkaline our bodies are, the more calm and focused we become. Our emotions become more harmonious and we become more receptive to spiritual guidance. We literally are vibrating more in harmony with the energy of our higher self.

Alkalinizing the Body

The body uses two major groups of substances -- acid and alkaline. To be healthy, it needs both. When you have these two in equal amounts, a balance is achieved. The degree of acidity of a substance is measured by its PH. Alkaline foods are more gentle substances. A 7.39 PH is where the body operates in perfection. When alkalinity is too high or when acidity is too high, imbalances are created. Due to poor dietary choices, many people these days are too acidic. You can do simple daily tests to find out where you are in terms of alkalinity. Most health food stores sell PH test strips that use either saliva or urine to indicate PH levels.

How to Become Alkaline

Too much acidity in the body robs the blood of oxygen. Without sufficient oxygen, the body suffers. To keep your body alkaline rather than acidic, eat plenty of high-quality healthful fats (omegas) and focus food choices around green vegetables. It is also important to keep your body sufficiently hydrated with charged water. There are many good brands of water ionizers on the market with new technologies being developed every day. A water ionizer provides high-PH water.

Eating a High-Alkaline Diet

Eating high alkaline foods gives the body more opportunity to be healthy, while high acidic foods do not. Choosing a balance of foods that create an alkaline body will cause a healing atmosphere in the body. Acid Foods are foods that when digested in the body form an acid substance in the system. Alkaline Foods are foods that when digested in the body neutralize acids in the system.

High alkaline foods include:

Apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, beans, beets, bran, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery,cherries, coconut, corn, cranberries, cucumbers, dates, eggplant, flaxseed, garlic, grapefruit, lemons, lentils, lettuce, limes, mango,milk, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, olives, olive oil, onions, parsley, parsnips, dried peaches, peas, pineapple, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peppermint, red radishes, raisins, spinach, squash, raw tomatoes, turnips, vegetable oils, watercress and watermelon.

Some acid foods include:

Barley, beef, blackberries, butter, cashew nuts, cereals, cheese,chestnuts, chicken, chocolate, soda, clams, cocoa, cottage cheese,corn, milk or cream, eggs, flour white and wheat, gooseberries, grapes, halibut, ham, hazelnuts, hominy, honey, horseradish, lamb, macaroni, maple syrup, milk (condensed), molasses, oatmeal, peaches, peanuts, pecans, plums, pork, raspberries, rhubarb, rice, rutabagas, sauerkraut, salmon, scallops, sole, spaghetti, strawberries, sugar (white), syrup, tapioca, tomatoes cooked, turkey, vinegar (cider), walnuts, wheat germ.

Excerpt from Channeling into the Next Dimension: A Handbook for Opening Your Psychic Senses by DL Zeta
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Saul - There is nothing to fear.

  Listen to Saul Audio Blog for Saturday June 13th

Humanity’s awakening is imminent!  To many of you it seems impossible that this could be true as you see all around you judgment, condemnation, demands for punishment and restitution, and intense pain and suffering throughout the globe.  Everywhere it seems that people are righteously taking sides leading to further unnecessary conflict and even more suffering.  Well, as you have so often been told, the illusion is a dream of insanity, therefore events that occur within it tend to be caused by crazy thinking that believes itself sane.

But, as many of you are also aware, there are many now who are fully awake to the insanity of so many human activities and who are actively moving most successfully to bring this craziness into the awareness of the masses of humanity who have for so long, due to their intense pain and suffering, been only aware of their own narrow life paths.  As a result many new organizations have sprung up to protest vociferously, but peacefully, about the ongoing damage being inflicted on impoverished communities, minority groups, and the planet herself.  Humanity will no longer accept the platitudes and excuses of those who have the power and influence to bring into effect the many changes necessary to lead to peace and abundance for all.

The only shortages or scarcities being experienced are artificially instigated by people of wealth and influence because of their own fears.  They fear that they will be brought down from their seemingly enviable social positions and have to struggle like everyone else for survival.  Fear and distrust are endemic on earth, at every level of society, and in every nation.  And everybody, there are no exceptions, is seeking only to be loved.  When people feel loved their fear dissolves.  And all areloved, infinitely.  The illusion is like a veil that hides Reality, Love, God from people, a veil that they have each constructed for themselves so that what they fear – separation from that infinitely loving Source, and Oneness with that Source – remains hidden from them.

Small children are often afraid of the dark because it is like a veil that hides their parents, their siblings, and their toys from view causing them to think that they are all alone, unsafe, and unprotected by those on whom they rely, those they can normally see.  When vision is lost, due to the dark, it can be very frightening.  And that is what the illusion does, it hides vision, the Light of Reality in which you were all created and without which you would not exist even for a moment.

That you exist and that you know that you exist is proof of God, of Love, of your divine and eternal nature.  Your doubts arise purely from the fact that you appear to be in the dark, blind to Reality, but this need not be.  Self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy are an endemic aspect of the illusion, and no matter how self-assured a person appears to be doubts and feelings of inadequacy still haunt them.  That is what the illusion is – an apparently very threatening reality that in truth is unreal, and this leads inevitably to fear and doubt.

You need Reality.  Reality is your Home, your natural and eternal state of existence where Love and joy are your constant companions.  When you do not experience that, because of your personal and individual choice to engage with the illusion, fear arises, and that can only be dissolved by Love.  You are Love, but you have chosen to hide that divine truth from yourselves, creating a state of confusion, anxiety, and, of course, fear.  A belief then arises that you are not good enough, that you need to improve yourself to gain God’s acceptance or, if you do not believe in God, then to gain the respect, acceptance, and love of other humans.

Not belonging is frightening for you, and of course, no one belongs . . . in an illusion!

When you awaken and become once more aware of your true Self, your real nature at One with God, then of course you will see that you do belong, and have alwaysbelonged in God’s loving embrace, from which you have never been separated, even for a moment.

Now, many humans are coming to realize this experientially through personal mystical occurrences or through Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and they have been talking about them and writing about them and being publicly interviewed about them in order that the message “there is only LOVE” gets broadcast far and wide.  And that message is being heard and shared worldwide.

You are not alone.  To be alone is utterly beyond the bounds of possibility.  But, like small children who are afraid of the dark or who cover their eyes with their hands and think those present have now departed, nothing has changed.  You are forever held securely in God’s divine embrace, One with Him for all eternity.  You all exist. There is only God and He is the life force, the energy field that is eternal existence.  You have just forgotten this, but your memories, in fact your full awareness of Reality, eternal life, will burst forth into your consciousness with amazing brilliance as you release your hold on and belief in the illusion which is all that maintains and supports it.

There is nothing to fear, you have and always have had eternal life in God’s divine embrace, delighting in something inconceivable in the illusion – utter and infinite joy.  That is the state into which you are to awaken because it is God’s Will, and your will.  Your real and unchanging will, is in perfect alignment with His, eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.




The Soul itself is pure energy.

It consists of self-same energy which is the primordial energy of Creation, the Creative Forcefield, thus the Divine.

The soul itself then, consists of several energy particles, which I personally see as energy which appears flame-like, for it has within itself then the same God-force energy.

The soul then consists of 12 particles of energy, within one single entity of one single energy field, within the greater energy field of the SOUL GROUP, which consists of soul clusters of energy, and therefore in its turn then forms part of the greater Cosmic Energy Force which forms a nucleus around the Divine Creative forcefield.    In this it looks very much like a galaxy in its spiraling formation, and the nearest that I can get to an equation then, would be the Andromeda galaxy.

When we incarnate onto planet earth, and assume very dense and primitive physical forms, we forget all of this, and then suffer from intense amnesia.  Yet, our soul has assumed many physical forms in other dimensions, existences, and in galaxies, and star systems all over the cosmos.  It is not attached to the earthly sphere and neither does it need to incarnate here.  It is basically a soul’s free will and choice whether it wishes to assume a physical form on planet earth – or not.

When I first started becoming aware that I was starting to tap into the Central Super-consciousness energy field of the Divine, the first thing I was reconnected with was my own soul energy.  I remember distinctively the feeling of dis-solving, of becoming no-thing-ness: – there was no I or me anyone, I was Creation and Creation was me: – therefore essentially I AM THAT I AM – I am that which is the energy force field of creation and I AM essentially the thought behind creation, and creation itself.

 Where I begin and end is no-thing-ness, form-less, yet it is also pure energy in perpetual motion and expansion ever upon itself!

This experience made me realize for the first time that in Trust I AM not the persona I have assumed on planet earth – but rather like a dress that I put on for one moment within space-time, and which I will easily and effortlessly shed when I return to my true and infinite energy state, and reunite with my other soul energy flames.

I am going into some details here, for I am often asked these questions by the souls (people) I have done soul and Twin Flame Readings for.

Most people do not understand the concept of their souls being pure energy, and that all the records of the soul (and indeed all of life and life forms – the whole of Creation) is stored in one vast central ENERGY field, which is enormous, yet compact, and this is pure spiraling energy.  At its very core lies the Divine Core Creative Energy Force.  In essence then our soul can never be separate from the very same energy field in which is stored.

Most people think that one’s soul name is one single name, or one phrase – like my name Judith.  Some assume spiritual names on planet earth, given to them by others.  Yet these also fail in bringing the soul essence or expression into Being.

The SOUL NAME vibrates on the same FREQUENCY as the soul and therefore, as it forms part and particle of the Divine Energy, it was created to REFLECT an ESSENCE OR ATTRITUBE of the DIVINE BACK ONTO ITSELF by experiencing that essence or attribute throughout the cosmos in many lives and life forms and all life expression during the soul’s sojourn through infinite space.

As this is pure energy and of such a high frequency band, the human language cannot translate this energy into form – as yet.  This is mainly due to the fact that we lost our ability to communicate with this energy field TELEPATHICALLY.  Therefore when I TRANSMIT these records (and I transmit, and have no recall whatsoever of them afterwards) I have to transcribe energy into primitive sound-words, which most often are inadequate.  Therefore the soul name will be more a description of the attributes of the soul itself.

With my Twin Flame Soul Readings, where two souls have incarnated from ONE single soul entity or energy force field, the names will more or less enhance the energy of the other.  In other words, they will enhance the same type of attributes of the Divine but in different vibrational energy fields.

I personally see this like a double helix energy strand, where the two strands of energy are interwoven.  However, if the energy between the two are not equally balanced (as is most often the case during an incarnation on earth), the helix strands wobble if they are not equally balanced.  If this happens then the unequal energy will bring pain until both are back in balance, and therefore one is not more than the other, and one’s energy is not overpowering the other.   Equilibrium is the middle point between two energies, and nowhere is this more applicable than at soul level.

From the feedback that I have received from all over the world from those that I have done readings for often comment on the way something very deep INSIDE of themselves get triggered with these.  This is because of the soul name energies triggering the inherent soul memory banks deep within.  We all have the ability at some level to consciously tap into our own soul energy field by opening up our transmitting channels, but most people never aspire to relearn how to do this, for they do not trust their own inner voice and guidance, and more than this KNOWING.

I have often wondered about my own ability to do this work – which came only after I started to tap into the energy fields of the planet and cosmically when I started searching for answers and meaning as to why I was born Africa.  I never consciously searched for this – it kind of found me, and started triggering within me, what I have always done on soul level through many lifetimes and existences.  So, this was nothing new to my soul – but to the “me” incarnated at this time.

The more I delve into the realms and vastness of Being, the more humble I become before the immensity of the Being itself.  That a cosmic mind could create such amazing energy fields, and with such masterful precision leaves me often standing in total awe and wonder.  Nothing is ever out of place or missing.

It is our very limited human perception that perceives things as imperfect or missing.

Within the vastness of the Creative Energy Forcefield of Creation all is perfectly in place and all works as one single energy field.

When we start understanding this, we start to understand that our lives on this planet consist of a mere eyewink in eternity, and what our souls have come here to do, be and express is but one single fleeting moment in the infinite journeys of our souls.

It kind of puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

When we finally reconnect with our soul, we reconnect with our own Higher Soul Selves, and our true purpose and mission – and then we can do and live no other than what we have come here onto this planet for.


(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:


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An Activation Of Divine Proportion

breatheMaureen Moss – Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well.

More than once I sat down to write a newsletter and nothing came. I simply said to the Universe, “If I’m to write something, lead me.”

More than two weeks passed before I was led. I was led to something I had written and delivered as an activation and an invitation. I was told it beared repeating, now.

This activation has seven steps. These seven steps, if done with sacred intention, in sacred space will change your life and shatter perceptions and illusions about circumstances and limitations as you become a living bridge between the Quantum field and you.

This is an activation of Divine Proportion. Please read through it before acting on it.

It is a sacred activation requiring your uninterrupted attention and full intention for seven days. Within these seven days you will find yourself in deep rapport with your Soul and Sacred Heart. Your breath and focus are key.

Step 1 – You are to accept as so that you are the architect of your world. This must be accepted as fact. And, that you are willing to let your consciousness assume ‘a state’ that is not yet so in your physical world. Doing so allows you to begin this activation, in Master Consciousness.

Step 2 – From the depths of your heart, name and clearly define in writing your desired state, dream, or imagined reality regarding anything that will help you access your next level of joy, peace and prosperity within any of your bodies. Do so with gratitude, precision and clarity, not mind and not ego.

Please do not accept or seek to assume a state to fix what you currently perceive to be broken or wrong. Nothing is broken and nothing is wrong. Repeat as often as necessary: I AM whole and complete within my God Self.

You are crafting a resurrected state of consciousness in the moment of NOW, always. As we continue our evolution, our consciousness requires an upgrade away from habitual and limited thinking and believing, to absolutely possible, in order that we harmonize with the frequencies of God Consciousness (not human consciousness) and take full advantage of our Divine Birthright.

*Note: The mind and ego may double its efforts to have you rationalize many circumstances based on what it perceives as wrong or in an unfixable state. Do not touch an unsavory thought with another one.

At any time breathe and speak aloud: I now take control of my mind and emotions. I AM the Master of Myself.

Step 3 – Once you have defined your desired state, you must then mystically marry or become entrained, (meaning at One) with your desired state.

You are being asked to be in a definite, deliberate and deeply felt state of engagement (alignment, resonance and rapport) with what you have stated to be your desired state, dream or imagined reality.

Breathe, and open your heart fully to your desired state.

Love your desired state. Feel it. Cherish your desired state. Feel it.

Breathe LIFE into your desired state and feel it.

Create a sacred ceremony that you resonate with and say aloud: I open all Life force energy centers in all of my bodies on all levels of Creation as I marry and hold sacred that which I have claimed to be my desired state.

Breathe and allow your energy to spin into a golden vortex of Light, connecting to the Divine flow of Spirit. Repeat three times.

You are merging with the quantum field. You are merging with the Sacred.

Step 4 – Now you are to make a vow of acceptance to the state you have claimed, even though it is not here yet — nothing comes here yet, until we are in 100% alignment, resonance and rapport with whatever it is you, as the Creator, desires to create. That is Universal Law.

Before you state your vow of acceptance to your mystical marriage, close your eyes, place your right hand over your heart palm open. Take three slow and steady breaths of gratitude into the center of your heart. Breathe out all tension.

Take this action three times, and repeat three times: I Am Grateful. I Am Grateful. I Am Grateful.

Step 5 – Breathe and feel into your vow of acceptance. Breathe, open your heart and allow your vow of acceptance to imprint within it. Breathe once again and let it take up residency in your cellular body. Breathe and be grateful.

Use your breath and breathe in the feeling, not the thought, but the feeling of your married state to your vow of acceptance. Breathe out a sigh of relief.

You have begun creating that which you desire in a heightened state of consciousness.

Once again, take a breath, breathing in the feeling of your desired state, realized. Breathe out a sigh of relief.

Breathe in the feeling of freedom, excitement and joy, accepting this state as realized. You are deepening your alignment with your desired state and igniting your connection to your unlimited power to create from the Quantum field.

Take another breath and breathe in a feeling of peace. Breathe peace out and into the Universal flow of Life.

Note: A sigh of peace is different than a sigh of relief. Peace is a neutral state of being. Relief still carries an energy of discordance attached to it.

Step 6 – Now you are to hold this definite, defined, focused, clear and deeply felt state of connection and consciousness for six full days without ever once questioning how your desired state can or will be made manifest. Doing so you will experience the deepest meaning of surrender and faith, and the peace that passes all mental understanding.

These six days (and then the seventh), when done in reverence and done precisely elevates your frequency, your consciousness, your power and your state of being more than you can imagine. This is a profound and Masterful practice of conscious creation, and grace.

Step 7 – The last step, step seven, on the seventh day of this practice is the Sabbath. You are to rest and be still in order that your desired state can incubate. This day is as important as each day that preceded it. Please do not use this day to probe into anything. Don’t ask any questions. Don’t let your mind usurp what you’ve done thus far. Simply rest in the feeling of, “It is done, and so be it.”

If you have been precise and diligent you will witness a new world emerge.

Be fascinated, be grateful, be amazed and be at peace.

Maureen Moss, © 2015. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact.

SF Source Maureen Moss  June 2015

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Heralded arrivals are imminent


gaia_energy1Heralded arrivals are imminent.

Resonance of Gaia upper energetics complies with required vibration for ascension.

Feral energetics are retrieved and cared for.

Primal entities are harnessed and applied.

Collectives are aligned.


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