Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: It Is The NOW May 20, 2015 By Andrew Eardley. ....and more :)

The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: It Is The NOW May 20, 2015 By Andrew Eardley

Morning Message for May 19 and free download click here

It is the NOW for ALL of you, our Grounded Ones, to BE your true Multidimensional SELF.

We suggest that you document your experiences and share them with others so that you can facilitate their full awakening. Please “document” your experiences in any manner that best suits YOU.

We are requesting that you share your process because it is the NOW to release the protection of your forgetfulness. Yes, forgetting disturbing perceptions and experiences was often your only protection during the dark times of Gaia, but this reign of darkness is coming to a conclusion.

You, our brave Emissaries to Gaia, have had to hide your Light. But NOW, you can begin to BE your SELF and LIVE your Mission. NOW, that the Light is brighter than the darkness, you can more easily perceive – and thus release – the illusions that you have had to tolerate and live through for myriad incarnations.

Not all of you chose to first enter Earth at the fall of Atlantis, but once you entered the 3D matrix, you could experience an incarnation during any timeline that was in need of your assistance. In many of those timelines, the Matrix was so polluted with darkness that you totally forgot your SELF.

Worse yet, you fell into that darkness and believed what that darkness told you. In other lives, your remained connected to your SELF, but often were punished, tortured and/or murdered for being “different” than the ruling darkness.

Those lives left deep scars on your etheric body, which you have been healing in your present incarnation. However, in order to fully heal these wounds, it is best to remember them. This remembrance can be quite traumatic for your third dimensional consciousness. Therefore, when we see that our brave Away Team is clearing the old to bring in the new, we take them to the Regeneration Chamber on our Ship while they “sleep.”

Most of you do not recall too much of your reality on the Ship because the “homesickness” of that remembering could be quite heartbreaking. However, it is the NOW for many of you, our Volunteers, to remember your lives on the Ship. That memory will facilitate your ability to be in conscious, constant, contact with the YOU on the Ship that bi-located into your present Earth vessel.

We see that many of your 3D minds are whirling with the remembrance of the myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. However, it is the Mission of many of you to inform the masses of the fact that reality is Multidimensional, and that everyone has myriad incarnations on different dimensions, realities, and timelines.

Thus, you need to have a “vivid imagination” in order to remember your expressions of Self in other dimensions and timelines that are running simultaneously to your life in the physical world. We bring up this issue because many of you, our Volunteers, are having the experience of consciously experiencing your parallel, alternate and higher dimensional lives.

You are feeling these “stories,” “lives” and “memories” on different timelines and in different locations because you are “packing your bags” and preparing to move back to your “ancestral” Home. You will no longer “reincarnate” on Gaia’s 3D planets because She, too, is returning to Her Higher SELF.

Dear Volunteers to assist Gaia, we, your Galactic and Celestial families, want to remind you to maintain a conscious connection with your higher frequency expressions of SELF. It is through this conscious connection that you can best remember, and thus fulfill, the Mission that you chose before you took this Earth vessel.

Of course, you all have the collective personal and planetary mission of “returning to SELF.” In order to fully achieve this return, you will have to leave time, as the NOW is outside of third dimensional time.

Hence, it is also the NOW to open and expand your consciousness through your personal portals to join us in our Arcturian Corridor. Our Arcturian Corridor is a portal through which the myriad portals of our Ascending Ones can gather in unity, safety and freedom to intermingle and form a cohesive group.

It is important that our Volunteers gather in this manner because the Unity consciousness that is created by this gathering will allow you to exponentially expand your personal and group consciousness. Because you are contributing personal ascending consciousness to the UNIFIED energy field of Gaia’s ascending Earth, it is vital within this NOW that you become “Masters” of your energy field.

Because Gaia, brave Being that She is, decided to be a School to teach cause and effect, individuality AND free-will, She is a very complicated planet to ascend. Fortunately, because She has been so deeply trapped in the darkness, when she ascends She will expand Her planetary SELF into correlate higher frequencies of Light.

Just as one jumping on a trampoline will only jump UP as high as the move DOWN, Gaia has allowed her planet to accept myriad laggards of darkness into Her immense heart. These dark ones have secretly ruled Gaia’s planet for more “time” than humanity could bear to know.

However, just as Gaia has chosen to accept the darkness into her planetary heart, you too must accept that darkness. By “accept” we mean that you do not deny the darkness, for what you deny will only move into your unconscious. Whatever is stored is your unconscious 3D brain, is difficult for you to heal and release.

How can your heal that which you do not even know? This “unconscious” darkness acts like an illness that is denied so long that it is extremely difficult to heal. You, our brave Emissaries to Earth, have volunteered to bi-locate into a physical form so that you could assist Gaia from within Her planetary system through the Earth vessel that you are wearing.

We speak now to those who have awakened, as those who still slumber cannot imagine that they have the ability to face the monumental darkness that has secretly ruled Gaia for longer than many of you could imagine. But as you remember your incarnations in other timelines on Earth, you will realize that the polarity of Light and dark was a constant theme.

We will now look closely at Gaia’s choices of service to all life. These choices are the classes you are attending during your “time” on University Earth. The theme of these classes are to teach you how to:

Use your free will to…
Blend polarity into unity by…
Releasing the illusion of separation.
In other words, Gaia is a planetary “School for Ascension.” You, our Dear Ones, have chosen to take a vessel on Earth within this NOW because Gaia, and her planetary Self, are ready to return to Earth’s true Multidimensional expression.

Many beings and civilizations have come to Gaia’s planetary body over more “time” than you could count. They came to Earth to take advantage of the opportunity to ascend out the third/fourth dimensional Wheel of Life—Death—Life—Death.

Gaia has experienced enough lives and deaths and She is ready to ascend her Self. Hence, She needs YOU to use your Free Will to unify with ALL life, so that YOU can blend all polarities into unity by releasing your illusion of separation.

One of the most difficult components of this “class” is to release the illusion of safety that your free will created by separating you from a conscious knowledge of how much the dark polarities had ruled Gaia.

Since “separation” is a third dimensional illusion, the belief in separation lowers your consciousness to only perceive the physical world. In truth, separation only means that you cannot perceive that which is in-between. And, what is “in-between” there is YOU.

However, if you are to blend all polarity into Unity, then the polarity of darkness and the polarity of Light must be united. If you look at the lives of the humans who have ascended from your planet, you will see that they ALL embraced all their inner darkness with their inner Light.

These Ascending Ones have found the power within their SELF to feel Unity with ALL life. “All Life” does not mean unity with only the life that resonates to the Light. It does not mean unity with just other Light Beings. Unity with ALL life means that you unite with and Unconditionally Love ALL life – Light, dark and all the shades of grey in-between.

Furthermore, when you ascend, there is NO “in-between.” In-between is a third/fourth dimensional concept that is based on separation. If there is no separation, then there is no individuality. You also must release the illusion of your “individual Self” to embrace the reality of your Multidimensional SELF.

Your Multidimensional SELF does not begin in the higher frequencies. Your Multidimensional SELF resonates to all frequencies. YOU are your highest Light and YOU are your deepest darkness. If you cannot embrace, accept, unite, and Unconditionally Love your own darkness, how can you heal the darkness around you?

How can you do for “others” what you cannot do for your Self? Remember, darkness is just a frequency. There are those who resonate to the lower dimensional signature frequency of power-over-others. On the other hand, the Ascended Ones resonate to the higher dimensional signature frequency of power within Self.

Soon, it will be revealed just how deeply your reality has fallen into the lower frequency of “power-over-others.” This will occur because you, our Ascending Ones, are expanding your consciousness into the higher frequencies.

Once you regain your higher dimensional perceptions, you will not see people’s Earth vessels. You will see and communicate with them as energy fields. Instead of “people with names” you will perceive “energy fields with signature frequencies.”

Individual people can become quite adept at lying, but energy fields can only express the Truth of their resonant frequency. Once illusions are identified and released, all that remains is the Truth. When you consciously perceive the truth of what has occurred on your planet, your individual Self may want to be angry, sad and/or frightened.

Your individual Self may want to blame someone because you cannot forgive yourself for not knowing what was really happening. Because of that possibility, we wish to remind you of the life stories of all Earth’s Ascended Ones.

These Brave Ones meditated, suffered, served others and went deep inside their Self again and again to confront ALL their inner darkness. Beloved Ones, you can only project out into your reality what you find within your Self. Therefore, remember that those who have projected out darkness could only find darkness within.

The Cabal that you have feared and hated lost all contact with their own inner Light. Therefore, they tried to steal it from others. But Light cannot be stolen. Light is free for all to receive, but one can only receive it if they believe they deserve it.

Please use your wonderful gift of imagination to think of how it must feel to believe that you do NOT deserve Light. Imagine how it must feel to be so detached from the Light that you think you can steal it from another.

The Ascended Masters did not just confront the darkness around them. They first confronted the darkness within them. Because they found, healed, loved and released ALL their inner darkness, they had only Light within them. With only pure Light within, they only projected pure Light out into their world.

That Light was a beacon for all who sought the Light outside of them because they could not find it within. Therefore, many gathered people around the Ascended Ones. They wanted to take on the Light that the Masters had found by releasing all their inner darkness.

However, some of the “disciples” could not release their inner darkness and became vengeful towards their Master. It was then that the Master’s challenge to not allow anything inside or outside of his/her vessel to activate any of the inner darkness took them years, decades, and lifetimes to release.

They then came to that final initiation. If a being trapped in darkness wanted to kill them to extinguish their Light, could they respond with Unconditional Love? Could you? Can YOU? Can you respond to fear and anger with Light and Unconditional Love?

Your instant response is likely “Yes.” But, can you look these beings in the face and say, “I forgive you as you know not what you do?”

Please take the remnants of your “time” on the third dimension to look at the darkness within that appears to be “separate” from you and decree,
“I Unconditionally Forgive you.”

Because you are releasing ALL illusion of separation, you look at the darkness that you perceive in you world and decree,
“I Unconditionally Love You.”

Since you chose to live in Unity Consciousness with all life, you decree,
“With my free will I choose to blend ALL polarities into UNITY So that I can release ALL illusions of separation.”

Dear Emissaries of Light and Love, we salute your courage to look inwards in order to change your world.


The Arcturians

The Arcturians – It Is The NOW. Channeled by Suzanne Lie. May 19, 2015.

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12 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills

Over the last several decades, over-use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high. The result has been drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs” that evolve faster than scientists can figure out how to fight them. A future where bacteria are at the top of the food chain is not unheard of.
Long before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics – developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped guard against infection and disease on a daily basis. Many of these natural defenders are still in use today with holistic healers around the globe.

Our ancestors also had a solution for healing, using antibiotics from nature and it would be good to remind ourselves who these antibiotics are and possibly think about using them in case of an illness.

Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills

Oregano and the oil of oregano

You’ve probably used oregano as a flavoring in your favorite Italian dishes without even realizing the health benefits that it contains. Beyond its antibacterial properties, oregano can help with digestion and aid in weight loss. An oil that is found in oregano, Carvacrol, has been found to fight the bacteria that can lead to infections. The oil of oregano has been found to treat digestive infections, and even one particular yeast infection. It is more than just a food flavoring.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

The far-reaching benefits of daily doses of apple cider vinegar (ACV) include antibiotic and antiseptic properties, naturally alkalizing your system, and can aid you in everything from managing your weight to lowering cholesterol and your risk of cancer.

A chemical-free astringent, ACV can be used topically to disinfect and sterilize.


Ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to treat wounds and prevent infection.

Civilizations all over the world continue to consider honey one of the best natural antibiotics, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, and antiseptics known to man after thousands of years.

New Zealand’s Manuka honey has been proven to have the highest levels of antioxidants and curative powers.

An enzyme found in honey releases hydrogen peroxide. This process helps your body fight infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. Soothing to the digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps your liver operate more efficiently.

A great boost to the immune system, consider combining honey with cinnamon to strengthen your white blood cells! Raw, organic honey is the best option since most pasteurization methods kills the antioxidant effects.


This spice isn’t just rich in color and flavor, but it also products your body against harm. Turmeric and be both consumed and applied externally, making it a great choice for fighting against bacteria. For extra benefit, from combining two bacteria fighting substances, you can mix turmeric with honey and create a paste to apply to infected areas on your skin.

You can protect your body against infections and bacteria based sicknesses by taking advantage of these safe and natural remedies that are available in the average kitchen. Protect your body without the use of prescription drugs by using honey, oregano, garlic, echinacea, and turmeric.


Flavorful and wonderful on a piece of butter toast, this plant also has very powerful qualities to it. Garlic can fight such simple infections as the common cold, pushing the germs away before they have a change to disrupt your life. Using the allicin that it contains, garlic protects against yeast, parasites, bacteria, and more. If you are looking for a simple way to live healthier, add more garlic to your diet.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study that found grapefruit seed extract (GSE) effective against more than 800 forms of viruses and bacteria, more than a hundred strains of fungus, and many parasites.

High in many antioxidants, GSE boosts immunity, alkalizes the body naturally, and aids in digestion by improving your beneficial gut flora.


So, you might not have as much experience with this product, but it is a safe herb that is found in many kitchens. The consumption of this herb has been proven to reduce the amount of colds that a person deals with in their life, and shorten the colds that the person does have to face. This herb is a great choice when taken as a preventative measure.


There are sulfur compounds found in cabbage – a member of the cruciferous family that includes broccoli and kale – that have been shown effective as cancer fighters.
What many people don’t realize is how much vitamin C is found in cabbage. One cup provides 75% of what you need every day.

Naturally antibacterial, eating shredded raw cabbage in your salad, as a side dish in the form of slaw, or drinking fresh cabbage juice (with honey added to sweeten) is an excellent way to improve digestion, prevent disease, and even manage your weight!

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

There is not enough that can be said for the benefits of coconut oil. It has naturally occurring anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and is packed with antioxidants you can’t find anywhere else in nature.

Use it to boost your immune system, balance thyroid, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and even improve brain function. Safe to use internally and externally, coconut oil is one of the most versatile and unique gifts from Mother Nature.

Stir a spoonful into your morning coffee for added energy and a clearer head all day.

Fermented food

Unpasteurized cabbage, homemade pickles, kefir and probiotic yogurts, all of these renew our intestinal flora, protects us from cancer and keeps our body fit to fight off infections.

Colloidal Silver

A natural antibiotic, colloidal silver is a mixture of silver particles suspended in fluid that have been used for centuries.

This treatment is temporary since too much silver – a heavy metal – can be toxic. However, it disables the enzyme that single-cell bacteria require to multiply. Deprived of their oxygen supply, the bacteria and viruses are destroyed without damage to you.



The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period... written by / The Enlightened Master Ibrahim H. on May 19th 2015

New Update..May19th, 2015

The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period...

All main timelines have reached the convergence point that led to activate the New Timeline, which through it, all the previous problems in the universe will end..

Working on the birth plan for the new timeline, began since thousands of years, which when completed there will be a reset for all Timeline schedules, and the end of each obstacles that was tracked to the main problem that happened in the beginning of the creation to this universe...

The New Timeline was ready in 2014, but was not been activated, because one of its possibilities {which the timeline contained} will cause a big side effect to make it successful, {usually each timeline has both sides of Negative & Positive possibilities}...

Now; any large side effect , which is related to the New Timeline was canceled, and based on that; the new timeline has been activated, and this happened through the help of the Blue Dark Merkaba "The Avatara’s Merkaba " , where a credit of Light wisdom code that related to the experiences of the Avatara has been added to the new Timeline, in order to modify all the possibilities of this new timeline, [ This issue, is somewhat complicated to be explained, and we will explain it in the future if there is a need for it..]

The New Timeline has been linked from the 4th D (the Ethereal Plane) with the 3rd D (the Physical Plane) and this led to the activation of the Law of Manifestation...

The effects that is happening now as a result of activating the new timeline:

a- From the inner realm (Inner planes):

The entry of the transition period starting from now on...

The end of the Kali Yuga “the age of darkness”, and the entry to the Golden Age...

The presence of Lord Kalki with all his army from the Light Beings, to complete the elimination of the dark forces...

Three Natural Star Gates for the planet earth has been opened..

One of those Star Gates is the main Star Gate for planet earth..

The Light Cities are under preparation to manifest..

The beginning of the preparation for the emergence of the 3 ancient continents (Lemuria, Atlantis and Sri Lanka)...

b) From the Outer Realm (Dimensions & Civilizations) :

The beginning to open the Oval Lid of the quantum anomaly [The Quarantine] from this sector of this Galaxy “Milky Way “..

The beginning of the stages of removing the veil..

The First phase was completed successfully, and the operations are still running on the second phase..

At a certain point from those phases of removing the Veil, the Event will be announced..

There is a large breakthrough of Light through the Veil, and from now on, the earth will be exposed to the cosmic rays & frequencies significantly to prepare this planet and its people for the ascension process in the near future..

a major weakening on the plasma plane is now taking place, because of the beginning of removing the Quarantine, and also because of the intense quantities of light which is reaching now to this sector of the galaxy..

Any big influence to any move for the Chimera Group has been ended, due to the entry of the New Timeline...

Upon the arrival of light inside the quarantine area to a certain limit;. The plasma plane will collapse, and the operations work on achieving this now...

c) On the Ground:

The activation of the New Timeline & the entry of the transition period, will exceed dramatically and significantly the following reactions:

All the projects that known to many as: {Disclosure, New Economic System, Big changes in the politic sectors “hidden files”} will start showing to the public greatly from now on..

We will start seeing a big role for the Light Forces, Resistance Movement & their allies and the positive military on the ground...

The darkness will not be the only force on the ground, everything will be shown to the public, and the light forces will start in receipting the reins

There is a big changing in the media sector...

The Mass Awakening will be huge...

There will be a drastic changes in the climate as a result of the light entry, and the fake reality will be removed gradually, and restore the Virgin Situation to the earth’s atmosphere..

Of course; don’t expect all of that will happen in one day or few days,, the transition period has begun , and at a certain point, the event will be announced..


Enlightened Master/ Ibrahim Hassan

Audio Player

Saul audio Blog for Sunday May 17th

Here in the spiritual realms we are well aware of your increasing impatience as it seems to you that the spiritual evolution of humanity is proceeding far too slowly, or may even be backsliding.  The mainstream media continues to avoid reporting on the true issues that concern humanity, and focuses instead on items that serve to increase the energies of fear and anxiety in the general population, energies on which those who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart feed voraciously.

However, all is not as it seems, those negative energies are weakening daily, and those who feed on them are starving.  The Tsunami of Love is all pervasive, it is infiltrating every area of human activity on every continent, and as a direct result change is occurring very rapidly indeed.  Love is the only Reality, anything not in alignment with It is illusory, dreamlike, and is being ineluctably dissipated as you move most purposefully forwards towards the moment of your awakening.  God’s divine plan for his children will not be delayed or interfered with, it will be brought to a stunning fulfillment precisely as divinely planned.

God’s Will for you is eternal joy, it was in this state that you were created, and it is to that state you will return.  Of course, in truth, you have never departed from that state, but the dream in which you collectively chose to be bound together seems very real to you and hides Reality from you by a thin ephemeral veil which is itself dissolving.  Your awakening, unless you choose not to awaken – as a very small minority of humans may well do – is imminent.  Deep within you you knowthis is true, and that is why you maintain the courage and the determination to keep demonstrating love in action in your daily lives.

At times it does seem as if you are too exhausted to continue, and yet you do!  You are divine beings of the most brilliant Light, but due to the limitations of your human bodies the brilliance that you substantiate is severely subdued or restricted because your bodies would otherwise just burn up instantly were it permitted to shine at full strength, and anyone in your presence in that moment would be temporarily blinded, and on recovering would have no memory of what had occurred.

You knew what a tremendously difficult and important task you were undertaking when you volunteered for a human embodiment at this evolutionary moment.  You also knew that you had the strength and the determination to carry it out.  Further to that, you knew that you were divinely supported in every moment, and that failure was not only not an option but was impossible because of that infinite divine support.

Truly the choice you made to incarnate was like buying a lottery ticket offering you everything you could ever wish for and knowing that it was the only ticket that would be sold!  You are presently just waiting for the draw.  There is absolutely no doubt as to the result.  With God beside you, as He always is, there are only winners.  Yes, you are all winners of the divine prize, so prepare yourselves to receive it. “How?” you may ask.

Well just continue to hold your Light on high, and remind yourselves frequently that you are infinitely loved in every moment of your existence, because that is your Source of strength.  You already know this, but, as embodied humans, you tend to forget because the trials and tribulations of daily living distract you, drawing you back into the illusion, and into the anxieties, the suffering, and the problems with which it constantly presents you, or that you observe others undergoing.  It will not last, but while it does, strengthen yourselves by focusing on the Love that embraces you constantly and that will fill your hearts when you choose not to focus your attention on the worldly worries and anxieties that seem so real when you place your attention on them.

As I just remarked, you were created in a state of eternal joy, but in your dream state you have forgotten this.  Dreams are unreal, ephemeral, temporary, and very short-lived.  Nevertheless, thy seem very real when you are experiencing them.  You know that what you are experiencing is unreal – how many times in moments of shock have you not declared “I don’t believe this!”  Well in those moments you often are expressing the truth, what you are experiencing is unbelievable.

You know that God is Love, you know that there is nothing beyond or outside of God because there is nothing except God.  Therefore anything that you experience that is unloving in any manner at all is unquestionably unreal, illusory.  It does not exist.  All that exists is God’s divine creation which is Love.  While you cling to the illusion, and you do so because to you it seems to be the only reality that will ensure your continued existence, you can only get very brief glimpses of Love.  When you do they are mind-blowing experiences, never-to-be-forgotten.  Brief reminders of your true nature.  If you have not personally had such an uplifting experience I suggest you read about the experiences of others who have in some of the books on Near Death Experiences, because they too carry a powerful energy of Love which will uplift and inspire you.

To end, I will just remind you once more that you are on your way Home, to the Home you have never left, and when you arrive your recognition will be instantaneous, and your welcome will be tumultuous.

With so very much love, Saul. ­

[PS You will be glad to “hear” that I have invested in a new mike and it seems to have solved the background noise problem in the audio.]


English -- SaLuSa 22 May 2015


    SaLuSa  22 May 2015

Time continues to pass very rapidly and will continue to do so, which for many of you is a relief as you are experiencing many challenges. This is to be expected as you face clearing the residue of karma accumulated over a long period of time. There will come a point when you will have virtually completed it, and it will be considered as having been cleared and the slate will be clean. Your focus on all that is positive will ensure that you stay on the path of Light, and the end times should be an occasion when you become aware of completion within yourself. It will come with a feeling of peace and a knowing that all is well. You will find it easier to live in the “Now” and life will be more enjoyable as you focus on the Light. The old vibrations will hold little or no attraction any longer, and you will know beyond doubt that you are ascending.
It is as though two worlds are intertwining, but they are in reality becoming separated as the higher vibrations lift you up. You are by your own choice leaving the old vibrations behind, as you have learnt the lessons they had to give you. For those who choose to remain their life will continue very much as before, even if they have to re-locate to a new Earth. Be assured that the plan for Man is perfect and each soul will find themselves exactly where they are intended to be. If it means parting from friends do not despair as where it is formed from a love link you will always be able to renew it. Bear in mind that at some stage in the future everything will be in the “Now”, and then you will be able to move instantly by the power of thought.
For the time being you can start to imagine what the future holds, and the joy and happiness it will bring. Some souls will worry about keeping up old relationships, but bear in mind that contact can always be made by putting out the thought, and if that soul is free you will connect. By comparison to the freedom that you will have, the Earth experience will seem like having been in “prison” simply because of the restrictions that have been necessary to ensure your lives were not interfered with. You created your reality and it was necessary for you to experience whatever you created. It is the only way to learn how to handle such power, and it will serve you well when you have complete freedom to move within the higher dimensions of the Galaxy.
We believe that many of you have woken up to your true potential, and know that you have awakened and expanded your consciousness. This will continue until you are ready to take the final steps to become a Galactic Being. It will not be new to you as you are returning to a level that you had previously attained. You dropped your vibrations to experience in the lower ones, and now many of you are ready to claim back the higher ones. You are much greater than you can probably imagine, but as time passes you will remember your previous experiences. After having spent many lives on Earth with a limited consciousness, you will eventually become One again with your Higher Self and become whole. The times ahead are exciting and you will choose your next experience, as evolution is constantly taking place. The ultimate is to return to the Godhead but that is way ahead of you at present.
As ever we monitor all activity on Earth and around it, with a view to stopping warring factions from causing another World War. We also keep a watch out for unwanted intruders that we keep at bay, as the Earth is what you call a “no go area”. We sometimes allow contact, but only to increase your awareness as to the others forms of life that exist in your Universe. You simply have so much to learn and it will be very acceptable and help your understanding of universal life that abounds all around you. Until recently you had been kept so isolated that you really did believe that you were at the center of the Universe. Now you realize that many, many very advanced civilizations exist with you, and when you are ready they will be introduced to you.
In the meantime busy yourself with what you call “unfinished business”, and where it applies to relationships try to bring about a mutual understanding to overcome any remaining problems. Holding grudges or outright hostilities are not acceptable for one who is looking to progress with their evolution. As you have so often been told, “Love” is the most powerful energy and it will eventually overcome the most difficult problems you may encounter. If you have read the Masters messages you will note that they are of “Love and Peace” and for example the teachings of Jesus emphasized the need to “turn the other cheek”, and that is not easy for you when you are faced with hostility or threats. However, always aim for the highest response you can and by your example you will be helping others.
The changes to Earth that you were warned about are taking place, and inevitably there will be loss of life. However be assured that all follows each soul’s life plan, and in general you are all where you are supposed to be to gain experience. If you can take it in your stride you will pass through such periods with relative ease. So much is being affected by the changes and not least of all the Nature Kingdoms. The animals in particular will move to areas that suit their needs, and importantly maintain their continuance. Some species will inevitably die out and if you look at your history, such changes are not unusual. Changes cannot be avoided and once things settle down you will see that the world is becoming more temperate. It is all part of yours and Mother Earth’s evolution.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased to enlighten you as to the nature of the changes you can expect. Look for the positive outcome to what is happening, and know that the cleansing is far reaching as it continues to restore the Earth to its pristine condition. Go about your tasks with Love and Joy and give freely of it to help others sharing your journey.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.   

Energy Report for May 2015 22 May 2015 Channeler: Kate A. Spreckley

At this stage of our continually evolving journey called life, the only certainty we have is that transformation and change are guaranteed and incessant. The more knowledge and awareness we can gather about the shifting cosmic cycles and seasons, the more comfortable we can become with the energetic shifts and changes occurring within ourselves and our world.

The changing cosmic cycles and seasons are what grant you access to your inner world and point you towards your central purpose – the quest to fulfil your individual destiny by bravely following the path of your heart. In being prepared in the coming months, for more transformation experiences, you are supported in releasing any remaining negative attachments, fears, patterns and limitations. You may find many unexpected events and sudden developments happening in the coming months. These events and developments are aimed at accentuating your transformation, purification and spiritual awakening. You will be initiated, or reborn, into the realms of your hearts power and transmutation abilities to invoke the birth of a new heart based consciousness.

Ultimately what is being truly awoken is the heart of the world. We are experiencing the purification, reformation and transformation from ego consciousness to heart consciousness. In this, the New Earth, ego consciousness can no longer have any basis in a spiritual life. Therefore it is important to remember that in order for a new heart conscious life to emerge and prosper much must change internally as well as externally. As we move through this time of purification, reformation and transformation old fears, desires and resentments, which have kept you chained to old karma and worn out patterns of ego consciousness, will be cut away. From this process you will emerge into the purity and clarity of heart consciousness, which will bring about a renewal of your energy field and restore the flow of life force energy within your physical life.

Currently many are feeling blocked, held back, drained, depressed and or exhausted. Your energy system and the energy system of the Earth is shifting, adjusting and reforming. The flow of life force within the Earth is changing creating a shift and change within our own life force energy. This month the incoming cosmic light and energy will aid you in adjusting your life force energy and support the clearing of any remaining blockages. The energies are moving to purify and strengthen your heart centre, soothe your emotions and support an openhearted attitude so that you may re-invite the spirit of love into your heart. Rays of cosmic love are pouring directly into your heart offering unconditional love to the wounded healer within so that the suffering you have carried on your human journey can be healed.

This is an important phase of your growth, a time of reconnecting with the Divine forces of love, which will replenish and restore your connection to the life force of all Creation – Love. However, if you continue to hold onto old patterns of fear and limitation this process will be painful, both physically and emotionally. It is essential that you seek to embrace the essence of love within your heart and to reflect this love within your daily life. Now is the time to heal the cracks in your heart so that you may soothe your soul and revitalize your life. Consciously working with the incoming energies and focusing their power on your heart centre will support a magical transformation. By applying the energy in strengthening your connection to the inner sanctuary of your heart, you are able to resurrect the Divine love and compassion you hold therein and bring that forth into your daily life. You are being offered assurance that you too are a healer and that if you are to walk the path of heart consciousness you must go beyond your wounds and accept this magnificent opportunity to transform into a new body of love.

Bless and honour you, for your heart is being granted the birth of a new consciousness, which carries the seed of an emerging new life. By allowing the radiant love of the Divine to pour into your heart you allow its power to lead you through whatever suffering you may currently be experiencing. As you allow your heart to fill with love you will find yourself bathed in healing and joy. By expanding the divinity sleeping within your heart, you allow it to flourish and open the doorway to a new heart conscious world. Recognise that this time in your life is not a struggle but a dance of love and creativity. Focus on the constructive freedom that is being offered to you now and consider the significance of this beautiful moment. Every heart is filled with dreams, hopes, prayers and faith. It is your heart that holds the light of the world. Become the light bearer who feels compassion for all who share this Earth with you.

This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2014 Kate Ann Spreckley

The Cure For Loneliness, Part 1 20 May 2015 Channeler: Simon NightStarr

Feeling lonely is rooted in the feeling of Oneness, in terms of its core sense of Being, but loneliness is a mental distortion of the ego that misinterprets the feeling of "I AM" and creates an imaginary border that appears to be "between" itself, "other selves" and God-Source. The reality of "I AM" is its most pure when it is simply "AM," meaning that it just IS. When the "I" is birthed, this is the beginning of all manifestation, all dream realities that depict illusions of separation. Feeling lonely is a state of delusion that you all must awaken from.

The core feeling of "I AM," which all beings have, has both a positive polarity and a negative polarity. (This is not ultimately true, but is simply part of the duality experience of dreaming.) The "positive polarity" is representative of Divine Truth, God's Oneness and Immutable Reality, whereas the "negative polarity" is symbolically that which has been generally represented by the "devil," which is the ego in negative polarity, which symbolizes fear, separation and enslavement.

Loneliness is thus a feeling of being enslaved, a sense of captivity, in terms of its most fearful connotation, yet most people do not deeply realize that it is their BELIEF in captivity that is the jailer and prison guard, so to speak. It is only because you have forgotten that loneliness is an illusory mental construct, and that freedom is the core basis of all life, that you may feel lonely. During the course of a lifetime the ego generally spends huge amounts of energy in maintaining this delusion/illusion, because it fears its own "demise," which is REALLY its fear of Eternal Life.

Most of you have been taught and still believe that the greatest human fear (or basically one of the most deeply feared things) is the fear of death, yet this is incorrect in the way that you generally perceive "death." You actually fear the Divine Light of God, not merely "darkness." You already have what appears to most of you to be much darkness in "the world." You already have what appears to be much "death" and much "evil," which is why most of your world media (which are direct reflections of the "collective human consciousness") spends so much time and focus on investigating, depicting and reporting fear-based aspects of human life much more often than love-based, although as we have stated many times before, this is gradually lessening. (You have many more forms of media in your current age, including increasing numbers of groups of people that are more positively focused on accentuating SOLUTIONS and helping to heal your planet.) Humans generally exaggerate "negativity" and often quickly forget and even largely ignore the everyday miracles of life that are available to be witnessed and enjoyed.

The good news is that all of this is changing for the better, meaning for your more expanded awareness and therefore for your greater sense of well-being, because your sense of awareness of remembering your True Nature IS expanding. True Awareness Itself, Divine Awareness, which is really God, does not expand nor contract. Your feelings of loneliness are but feelings of contraction, feelings of holding back from accepting your Spiritual Wholeness, and your self-love is that which heals this insane perception. You fear surrendering to your Source more than anything else, humanity! Once you realize this, a great sense of relief washes over you, for now you understand that the cure for loneliness is nothing less than the release of your own shackles.



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