Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Your Earth Assignment September 3, 2015. ...and more

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Your Earth Assignment September 3, 2015

Dear Readers,
Certain articles I received in the past have been placed into my field of attention. This was written about a year ago, but the Arcturians wanted me to add important information to this message that could not be shared before. Therefore, if it sounds a bit familiar, it is because you have a good memory.

Reality is in layers of frequencies that are embedded into the holographic projections of 3D/4D Earth. Your difficulties on these levels of reality are not just about the persons known as the Cabal or the dark Ones, but also have to do with the frequency of reality to which you are attuned.

If you look at the fourth dimensional lower astral plane and the lower survival levels of the third dimension, you can see that the Cabal still has some control on those frequency layers of reality.

In fact, many of those who desire power-over-others have migrated to these lower levels of reality because they cannot tolerate the higher Light that is flowing deeper and deeper into Gaia’s fourth and higher third dimensional layers of reality.

Meanwhile, more and more of you, including Gaia Herself, are moving into the higher frequency layers of reality in which energy out quickly returns as energy back. The Cabal and others ruled by fear and anger are quite terrified about having the energy they send out being quickly returned.

They know the energy they have put out into the world and do NOT want to experience it coming back to them. The selfishness, the taking from others, the power-over, and the fear lived as anger and domination is not something they want to experience in their lives.

Therefore, they seek refuge in lower frequency layers of reality where energy out does not come back for a long time. In the lower dimensional realities they rule over those who also live within that resonance. To live beyond the lower frequencies of reality, you need to release the third dimensional concepts of “what is important.” Very often, you also need to release your attachment to wealth, as money has become a negative force on physical Earth.

The need for “more money” has been the reason for murders, wars, domination and selfish, power-over-others. Money is absolutely not a component of the higher fourth and fifth dimensional layers, habitat zones, of reality. In fact, except in the lower astral plane, money is barely a component of the fourth dimension.

As you expand your consciousness into higher and higher brainwaves, you begin to release the third dimensional concept of hard work to get money so that you can “have enough” or “have more.” The Cabal does not want others to get money, as that is a threat to them because money has been an important element of their power-over-others.

Fortunately, as your frequency of consciousness rises, you increasingly resonate to the flow of the Now. Therefore, you gradually move away from third dimensional “time.” As you continue to expand your consciousness into the realities that resonate beyond wealth, acquisition, or power-over-others, your creativity expands and so does your freedom.

As more and more of you make this shift, those who are still struggling and working hard will begin to wonder if perhaps they too could find out how to flow through life with peace and a sense of abundance.

This “sense of abundance” is not about money or about the things that money can buy. Abundance is a state of mind that reminds you of your own ability to direct your attention and intention into the peace, love and happiness of creating your own life.

As more of you leave your corporate jobs, move out into the country, grow your own food and barter for what is needed, you will find that you are perfectly happy with less “stuff.” These types of choices take down the Cabal as quickly as the Unconditional Love that is being sent to them from the higher dimensions.

Eventually, you will flow into the tipping point, the quantum shift, the transmutation back into the higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. What will happen when the majority of people choose to primarily think about Earth, other people, and creativity?

What will happen when only the minority of people thinks about accumulation, success, and power? When people are NOT lost in the struggle and dream of “getting more,” they can more easily flow into the higher frequencies of reality that resonate beyond the illusion of “needing more.” Needing more is the opposite of being thankful.

When you “want more” you are affirming that there is “not enough.” Then you fill that thought with the emotions of fear and anger. This thought and emotion combine create a negative thought-form.

`This thought-form travels out into the world to spread fear that there is “not enough,” which activates a collective fear and anger. Furthermore, this 3D thought-form returns to the sender and actually create MORE “not enough.”

Conversely, when you are thinking, “Thank you for the substance at hand,” your thoughts combine with your feeling of thankfulness to combine a positive thought-form. This thought-form calls out, “I am thankful for what I have.”

Then your thought-form travels out into the world to spread gratitude for all that you have. Eventually, this thought-form returns to you, the sender, with the blessing of “more of what you have.”

The challenge for many of you is that the rules of the 3D Game have changed and many of you did not get the memo. In the old version of the third dimensional Earth you had to work hard to get ahead and could not imagine that you could create your own reality.

Fortunately, the “old” third dimensional version of reality has taken in so much higher Light that instead of working hard, you feel that you are working smart to discover new ideas and technology that makes life so simple that you feel like your are creating rather than working.

Then, because your life is filled with creativity, your consciousness, and hence your perceptions, expand into higher and higher frequencies of reality. In other words, you are flowing into New Earth NOW!

As you advance towards the threshold to 5D New Earth, the Galactic Federation, who represents your ancestors and higher expressions of SELF, await the grand reunion. In this pre-fifth dimensional habitat zone, money no longer exists, as it is no longer needed.

You will all have replicators, which can instantly create anything you need from food, to furniture, to cars and even houses. You also have free personal tricorders – which are also bio-scanners, voice recognition language translators, anti-gravity cars etc. etc.

In fact, ALL of these devices are being “discovered” right now in your present transitional reality. However, the Cabal does NOT want these devices to be shared with their “worker bees.” Hence, many work hard to put a meal on the table while the dark Ones just program their personal replicator.

Fortunately, as you continue to flow into higher and higher frequencies of reality, you will be seeing more and more of this technology in your daily life. This will occur because the Cabal and other dark Ones who have been hiding this technology, will no longer be able to resonate to that layer of reality.

Therefore, the technology will be freely disseminated to everyone. This technology will be available to everyone because the first ones to expand their consciousness into the awareness of what is actually being horded by the few, while the many “work hard,” will come out and say, “Did you know that you could have this advanced technology?”

As your consciousness allows you to perceive more and more of New Earth, you will be greeted by your Galactic and Celestial families. As these members of your higher dimensional Self seem to “descend from above,” you will also meet your Lemurian and Atlantian family who will arise from the Core of Gaia.

Of course, descending and arising are third dimensional terms based on the polarity of up and down. Your fifth dimensional reality will be free of these polarities. As you further adapt to your higher dimensional perceptions, the concepts of polarity, separation, power-over and even conflict will fade from our reality.

Your Galactic, Celestial, Lemurian and Atlantian families will assist you to create a personal and collective New Earth by moving through your population assisting, loving and supporting all the newly-Awakened Ones who have released their fear and turned towards Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Creativity as a new way of life.

At first you will move into and out of these higher zones of reality, as it will take practice and more mastery of your thoughts and emotions to maintain a constant presence in this higher frequency of Earth.

Fortunately, your higher dimensional thoughts and loving emotions will direct your attention towards your ever-expanding, fifth dimensional bodily sensations. Some of you will slowly adapt to these sensations, some will adapt very quickly, and others will not adapt at all.

Those who cannot adapt to a higher frequency version of reality will live out their third dimensional life as if nothing happened at all. They will remain in the same illusion that led them through myriad versions of life on 3D Earth.

When they “die” at the specific time that was chosen by them before they took an incarnation, they will be able to study in the fourth dimensional Mystery School until they are ready to release their addiction to the third dimension.

Yes, the third dimension is very addictive because, too often, you do NOT get the satisfaction of “a good job well done.” Without this feeling of satisfaction, some of you have problems growing. Therefore, you try the same thing again and again and expect a different outcome.

You see, the Cabal moved deeply into the educational system to make it difficult for people to learn new ways to perceive and live their life. Thankfully, once you remember how to gain and maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you will remember that you are already Masters of your Energy Field, but you forgot that fact when you entered your 3D Earth vessel.

Once you steadily remember your Multidimensional SELF, you do not need to learn, or try, or wait. Your fifth dimensional Lightbody will instantly align your consciousness and perceptions to a fifth dimensional resonance of reality.

Within that frequency of reality, the physical Earth vessel that carried you through your third dimensional reality will instantly transmute into your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Just as your third dimensional, physical body resonated to the third dimensional habitat zones of Gaia, your fifth dimensional Lightbody resonates with fifth dimensional New Earth. In other words, your fifth dimensional state of consciousness will align you with your fifth dimensional perceptions of fifth dimensional Earth.

Once you can perceive that frequency of reality,
you can chose to live that frequency of reality.

Remember that your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF chose to send it’s essence into a third dimensional vessel to assist Gaia with Her planetary Ascension. Therefore, your fifth dimension Lightbody is your natural body, and your third dimensional physical body is a third dimensional creation that is connected to the 3D Matrix.

YOU are a Multidimensional Being who chose to temporarily wear a third dimensional Earth vessel. You chose to wear that vessel at this “time” to assist in Planetary Ascension. Your assignment was:

Align your fifth dimensional consciousness with your third-dimensional Earth vessel.
Forget your true Multidimensional SELF and become a physical human.
Remember your Multidimensional SELF and gradually return to your Lightbody.
Return to Lightbody by returning to a conscious awareness of your fourth and fifth dimensional SELF.
As you return to your Multidimensional consciousness, gradually transmute your 3D vessel so that it can merge with your fifth dimensional Lightbody.
As you transmute your personal Earth vessel, elemental-by-elemental, you ALSO transmute Gaia’s planetary Earth vessel – elemental-by-elemental.
As you return to your fifth dimensional Lightbody, you assist Gaia to return to Her fifth dimensional Lightplanet.
Remember that Creation begins in the higher dimensions and expands down into the lower dimensions. Hence, the higher dimensions never leave or disappear. However, the higher worlds do disappear to YOUR perceptions once your consciousness falls into the lower third and fourth dimensional brainwaves.

However, as you expand your consciousness into the NOW of the zone of reality in which you are wearing your Lightbody, you will easily perceive the New Earth that ALWAYS existed. Since there is NO time in the fifth dimension and beyond, there is no beginning and no ending. There is only the ONE of the NOW.

When you learned to walk, you often fell. When you learned to talk you said words wrong. You just had to practice, practice, practice, and “grow up.” You are all growing up now and returning to your Multidimensional SELF. Be as patient and loving with your Self, as you would be with your beloved child.

In fact, YOU are beloved Children of the Universe. As the higher Light increasingly infiltrates your reality, you will leave “time” flow into the NOW of the higher frequencies of reality.

If you believe you must suffer or work hard, you will create that thought-form which will align you with that version of reality. YOU are Masters in training. However, because you are a Multidimensional Being, you do not need to learn anything except to:


We are the Arcturians

Source:The Arcturians – Your Earth Assignment. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. September 2, 2015.

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Love is all powerful, nothing can defeat It.

 Listen to Saul Audio Blog for Sunday September 6th

With the illusory world apparently in chaos it is very unsettling for you all to be constantly made aware of the enormous suffering that is occurring and which it seems you cannot personally ease in any way at all.  You can pray for those suffering, you can send charitable donations to appropriate organizations that offer assistance, you can call on your politicians to address the situation with ultimate compassion, yet despite all of this the suffering continues seemingly with no solution anywhere to be seen.

The illusion, being intended to separate you from God, cannot but cause suffering.  You all, without exception, desperately want to be unconditionally loved.  To be unconditionally loved by God is your natural and eternal state of existence, and to be separated from that state is terrifying, humiliating, and very painful.  Of course you have never been separated from God as you well know because God is All That Exists.  But your choice eons ago – but in Reality only a moment ago – to separate yourself from God could only cause you pain even though it is an unreal state, because your immense power enabled you to build something imaginary that seems utterly real to you.

Most of you have experienced the sight of small children in rage absolutely resisting any attempts to comfort them and at the same time suffering intensely because they truly want only to be enfolded in your loving arms and comforted.  All that they have to do is let go of the rage which is tearing them apart, and surrender into your loving embrace – but they will not – not until the rage has dissipated and ceased to drive them from you.  Well that is very similar to the illusory state in which humanity is apparently helplessly embroiled, and humanity too cannot respond to God’s Love until its inner rage has dissipated.

The cause of that rage?  Well, the cause was and is the insane choice to separate in the first place along with the inner knowing that the choice was insane.  For a long time that inner rage was totally denied, but that denial of an incredibly powerful emotion just led to it building up an enormous pressure as there was no way of releasing it when it remained denied.  Now, because the pressure of its intensity has become so powerful it can no longer be denied or contained, and it is being released indiscriminately all over the world.

This seems terrible, unacceptable, and horrifying, and it is, BUT until it has been fully released movement back to your natural state of peace and harmony in the loving presence of God cannot be achieved.  Nothing that is not in perfect harmony with Love can accept the Love that is offered to it.  As this rage is released through the various ongoing humanitarian crises across the world the pressure falls and space becomes available into which Love can percolate.  So the horrors that you see are actuallyhelping to release humanity from its bondage in separation, because, like with small children, as the intensity of the rage subsides it becomes possible to start accepting the Love that is constantly being offered.

Knowing that the world you see and experience is illusory does not really comfort you at all, but it does allow you to choose to let it dissolve.  It is unreal, and only your collective belief in it makes it appear so real.  By choosing to be loving in everysituation in which you find yourselves you open your hearts a little further, and you begin to recognize the Love within that you really are.  That Love has always been there, buried deep within you and utterly inextinguishable, but your choice to be fearful and construct defensive barriers to protect you from the dangerous world without has blocked your awareness of it.

Occasionally you receive intimations of it when you are fully involved with those you trust and love, and when the outside world is briefly forgotten.  But those moments are by their very nature brief, and awareness of that threatening outside world can only avoided for a few short moments.  Your task on Earth is to be Love and to demonstrate Love in action.

Initially that is difficult for you because you have all experienced abuse and betrayal of one sort or another, and so you have built personal defense systems, the unreal masks that you present to the world because to disclose your true selves would, you believe, open you to attack and possibly ridicule.  That basic fear is part of the human condition of apparent separation – as bodies you are indeed very separate – which convinces you that you are basically alone in the world, and human death reconfirms that underlying belief.

What we in the spiritual realms have been telling you, and what various saints and mystics throughout the ages have been demonstrating is that to be You, to be Love, although seemingly a very vulnerable and dangerous state, in fact makes you invulnerable.  Love is all powerful, nothing can defeat It.  However, of course, a human body can be hurt in many ways, and as long as you identify fully with your human bodies pain and suffering are inevitable.  By identifying with your true nature however, your personal energy field, the field of Love in which you are always held and lovingly embraced by God, becomes strong and effectively disarms those who would attack you.

By being Love, that is by accepting your real nature and offering Love to all in every situation you attract more Love to yourself, and your fears and anxieties dissolve.  When that happens your stress reduces and peace and contentment become normal, and others will seek you out for companionship because your energy feels so good.  That energy is experienced by others as non-judgmental unconditional acceptance, and the more you are able to engage with your true nature, spreading Love unconditionally throughout the world – when you live lovingly your energy field really does affect everyone on the planet – you will find others you know are also changing, becoming more accepting, more peaceful, more trusting.  In fact you will find more and more people starting to identify, possibly without awareness, with who they truly are.

Love lived and demonstrated leads to more Love.  Why?  Because Love is all that exists, and living It causes the cloak under which you have hidden from It to disintegrate, the fog in which you are lost to disperse, allowing the warm and brilliant Light of Love to shine on you without interruption now that the clouds of fear and doubt have been dispersed.

You, as loving and accepting beings, have an enormous effect worldwide even though you have very little sense of it.  The divine energy that embraces you in every moment of your existence, that is your nature, that is the Real You, expands outwards through you to infinity and beyond when you allow yourselves to accept its embrace, impacting every sentient being, the whole collective of humanity, leading them to also open to the Love that surrounds them.  It is of those individual energy fields of loving humans that the Tsunami of Love is made, It is irresistible, and It is changing the world because you are allowing It to flow.

There is only Love, and slowly but powerfully that is becoming apparent, humanitywill awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.


Essentials unified, Hue-manity holds the course


gaia_energy1Essentials unified, Hue-manity holds the course.

Essentials clarified, humanity now grasps the unification.

Essentials illuminated, Gaia Nova is unveiled.

Essentials purified, Cosmic alignments are recognized.

Staging is complete, separation commences.

Atlas may have shrugged, yet Gaia Nova rises.


Views: 5

Darkly Through the Hourglass
Twelve Years On…


By Jim Kirwan 



“How did it happen that we came to find ourselves in this deep dark place that seems to border on World War III? How, in just over two years have we come so far down the ladder of civilized behavior, even as we continue at breakneck speed toward ethical and financial bankruptcy on a scale heretofore unseen and unknown?

It hasn’t been a simple process or a pretty one. Since what I do involves mostly images, I decided to try to explore this implosion of things American, in some illustrations, in an effort to add to what the images allude to, I thought a few words on each might help untangle some of the more difficult underlying conditions for our collective fall from sanity.

Hourglass ONE

In 2000, after a truly fractious political campaign, there was an illegal ending to the farce. The Bush camp, running as the All-American Right Wing, enfolded in a cloak of “Compassionate Conservatism” found itself petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to ‘stop the vote count in Florida’ because to allow the counting to continue would be to severely penalize the Bush administration’s schedule for taking the office which they had decided belonged to them. The question of counting the votes to see who really won ­ was beside their point.

For their part the Supreme Court in direct violation of the Constitution, chose to honor the demands of the Bush campaign ­ and so on December 12, 2000 appointed George W. Bush, to be the 43rd president of the United States. There being no outcry from the people or from the Congress ­ this obscenity became a part of history.

NOTE: By having sanctioned this illegal action ­ the legality of the Office of the Presidency, as described in the U.S. Constitution ­ has now ceased to exist. Technically the United States of America has undergone a bloodless coup ­ and the result of that coup has been the death of the Office of the President: and the birth of the first American Dictator ­ George Walker Bush.

After a grim nine months ­ in which the world was repeatedly shocked by a United States government that seemed to have no use for any treaty or international agreements, previously agreed to or signed by the US ­ the horrific acts of September 11, 2001 occurred. Shortly after that slaughter of nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington D.C. and in Pennsylvania, the ‘president’ demanded from Congress a “License to Kill.” Congress immediately complied, and the world stage was now set for the unfolding of the mega-drama that we are now in only the first act of witnessing.

Hourglass TWO

With the illegalities in-place, and the public suitably cowed into complete submission ­ the new Dictatorship began to function. Against the backdrop of the Stars and Stripes, the nation watched the unfolding of corporate greed, Wall Street manipulations, massive fraud and grand theft on an unbelievable scale. We were now in the midst of a righteous WAR on TERROR, and so we couldn’t spend a lot of time on investigations of these civil matters ­ especially since Enron, the ‘president’s’ major campaign backer was the most offensive violator of all kinds of laws ­ yet somehow it’s CEO has still not been charged with any crimes. This despite the fact that the Vice-President, whose “Office” has also constitutionally disappeared ­ was the one in charge of ‘national energy policy decisions’ that came to favor Enron and his old company Halliburton Oil. That investigation too was blocked, this time by “Vice-Presidential Executive Privilege.” Which, given his illegality to exist as such in the first place, is an oxymoron.

While the ‘WAR’ on Afghanistan was heating up the ‘president’ was busy protecting all his father’s secrets from ever seeing the light of day ­ by Presidential Executive Decree. And for good measure John Ashcroft encouraged government employees to disregard the Freedom of Information Act ­ as this might prove troublesome for the government’s prosecution of the War on Terror. When the public demanded an investigation of 911 ­ they were given instead a complete re-organization of the government. This re-organization was designed to eliminate any possibility of any direct blame for any act in the future, while it fully guaranteed complete government gridlock ­ to eliminate any substantive actions by future government whistle-blowers.

Note: The Congress in its ‘complicity’ with the reigning Dictator has ignored or deferred its duties to enforce the checks and balances, which they are charged to uphold under the Constitution.

So now there was a second attack upon America, this time upon the Liberties of the citizens, and the general population of the United States. That’s what is going on in the lower left had corner of the hourglass. When Americans wanted to know how they could help in this time of national crisis, the ‘president’ told us: “just go shopping.” And without much further ado ­ we did just that.

Hourglass THREE

As we began 2002 the texture of life in America began to change. The strains in Bush administration policies began to show. Gaps appeared in the orchestration of our star-spangled patriotism. More of the behind the scenes players began to make their presence known, and ‘new realities’ began to take their place in the hierarchy of the class struggle between the rich and the rest of us. The government began to withhold documents from key committees who wanted to investigate 911, while draconian new domestic laws were promulgated to crush the Bill of Rights and subject the population to a tyranny never seen before.

The Aegis for these abrupt changes in the ways of American life were directed to “protect America and Americans” from all the dangers in the world. But there are many ways that a free people can protect themselves from harm and hatred. One of those ways is by insuring that our policies abroad are as clear and open for others as they are supposed to be for us. Neither is the case. We were attacked because we have allowed our foreign policies to rape, to pillage and to plunder almost every nation with which we’ve become involved ­ irrespective of their religion or their national customs.

Note: But the real point is that the people were supposed to have a say in policies, through the voices of our elected representatives. This has not happened. So without the Courts to protect either the constitution or the people, and without the Congress to give voice to dissenting points of view in active and open debates there can be no legal government for people to turn to when there are disagreements as to what course the nation will follow, either inside or outside this country.

The steel fist of imprisonment that Bush is using upon America is unnecessary for a nation that is at peace with the wider world. The kind of ‘security’ we seek is not possible to obtain ­ because we can never be safe from all those who have come to hate us. The only real protection any civilized nation has is to behave in a civilized way toward others in a viable and prosperous world of order. Bush has done everything in his power to insure that we have violated that ideal in every way possible ­ unilaterally.

Under the guise of the need to ‘protect the public’ from everything known to threaten human life ­ The USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act became the law of the land. This flawed and re-cycled piece of quasi-legal trash was rushed through a compliant congress in the dead of night. The members later told a disbelieving public, that there hadn’t been time to even read the document before they had rubber-stamped its fascistic decrees. ‘Security’ became our new American watchword (our only real concern), while suspicion and fear became our new bedfellows in every household in the land. And the public bought it all with open arms. A nation that was founded on an ideal that worshipped openness and dialogue, in a non-sectarian marketplace of ideas ­ had now become just another slave state that feared every different person, every new idea. We allowed our Dictator to kill the very ideals that have made us who we are. We allowed these American Outlaws to do unto us what no other nation could ever even dream of doing. It was not the terrorists who stole this nation’s spirit ­ it was a bunch of thugs pretending to be our leaders, while in actuality they were plotting to steal the wider world. And thanks to our failure to stop this travesty ­ our fall from nationhood will drift almost unnoticed into its silent place in recorded history.

Hourglass FOUR

As we closed out 2002 and began 2003 Iraq replaced Afghanistan as our new target in a lengthy new series of coming wars ­ wars that would be based on the successful takeover of Iraq. Now the flags once so proudly waved in support of “America the Victim” were being waved again, but this time in support of a war of vengeance ­ a new kind of war for the US, because this time we would initiate the war, instead of defending ourselves from an attack. Bush screams that this we must do ­ but he fails to mention that we never had a voice in any of his decisions: Decisions that he made as Dictator and never as a sovereign and lawful president.

Note: On December 12, 2002, exactly two years to the day after he completed the theft of the Office of the Presidency ­ he announced to the world that as president, he would now have the right to use Nuclear Weapons, whenever he deemed them to be necessary.

Still more characters began to surface, with all the baggage of their dirty little deals in tow. The public began to hear from relics of other times and places ­ people that many felt had been dealt with long ago. But these were the undead that magically returned to haunt the offices of the government once more. Some were convicted criminals, one of these was put in charge of Total Information Access ­ the ultimate spy program designed to spy on US citizens with the blessings of the same government that had sworn to protect the people from just such terrors. And still the public slept.

Meanwhile the economy that had been dying at a phenomenal rate since day one of the Bush administration was becoming critical. What to do? More tax cuts in the middle of the second war, which this administration started. No accountability has yet been given for the disastrous state of the national budget. Just as no accounting has been forthcoming for the complete failure to fund social programs, education, health, or any of the other needs of the people of this country because according to our Dictator ­ the only thing that matters now ­ is the war To speak of anything else is to be unpatriotic, if not outright treasonable.

And throughout all this there are no jobs available, and no solutions, no waiting promises on the horizons of our lives. Between the brutality of the Criminal Justice system, and the travesty in the administration of the courts, the plight of decent jobs has remained completely overlooked. Some 3 million jobs ­ the ones that pay more than minimum wage have been moved offshore, and what remains of opportunities here are being downsized or eliminated altogether. That’s on top of tax giveaways to the richest 1% of the people. For all who find the ‘going difficult’ ­ there are always the streets or that black hole of the forgotten among us ­ the perpetually unemployed. But despite all this we have the reassurance of total SECURITY in America. Which is interesting in that we are seeking to “Free the People of Iraq” while we have succeeded in enslaving those of us who still chose to call ourselves Americans.

Hourglass FIVE

Most recently we come to the dire situation in which our Dictator, not having been content with stealing the United States, is now determined to begin stealing the rest of the world as well. He’s anointed himself to be the new ruler of the New-Old world. However this has not gone as well as did his theft of the Office of the Presidency. This time the world, that other 94% of the planet is not accepting his personal view of his own divinity. To reinforce his demands we are now threatening to use nuclear weapons to get our way with Iraq. And the rest of the planet is not nearly as pliant or as docile as were the Americans when he imprisoned us. The world is planning to fight back.

With the imposition of “Shock and Awe” as a weapon of suppression upon the civilian population of 5 million in the city of Baghdad: the United States of America is signaling the opening of the Gates of Hell itself. Should the US use its powers to their full extent ­ that event will mark a major shift in world history ­ a shift that will not be forgotten by any who survive it.

Hourglass SIX

There is a simple remedy for this situation within the Constitution. And while the remedy may be simple, the implementation of it is not. Impeachment is required for not only the corrupted office of the presidency, but for all those who are equally guilty of aiding and abetting this conspiracy of illegal power. Since those who would need to bring the charges are the same ones who have directly benefited from this seizure ­ the likelihood of such actions, as are advocated in these two images is unlikely to occur. But Impeachment must be pursued.

Hourglass SEVEN

To break out of this black and white nightmare of ‘us and them,’ of good and evil,’ we must return to that full color world where everything is not perfect: We must recapture that time where we concerned ourselves with making the world a better place for ourselves and for our children of whatever race, religion, or nationality: Because if we are ever to awaken from this continuing and ever-darkening nightmare ­ we must chose life with all its uncertainties and all its problems. It is within our power as Americans to stop this coming War upon the World, and because we have allowed this cancer to grow ­ it now becomes our duty to remove it from power. If any of us are to survive at all, there can be no other choice.”


Through the Hourglass ­ Darkly: 2003


 Greetings dear ones, we are happy to meet once again. The channel needed a break as she too is evolving and growing into the new energies all are experiencing at this time.


Greetings dear ones, we are happy to meet once again. The channel needed a break as she too is evolving and growing into the new energies all are experiencing at this time.

Much continues to happen on all levels as more and more awaken out of the dream. Many of those awakening do not yet understand what is happening but instead see inner change simply as changing their minds or having a new opinion about some issue. In actuality it is an expansion of consciousness allowing them to move beyond many old fear based beliefs.

Rejoice my friends, for you are emerging out of the dense cocoon of ignorance and becoming butterflies of awareness even if you do not think you are.

There are many serious spiritual seekers who continue to hold concepts about what spirituality and ascension must look like. Most of these ideas come from books with stories and information about the experiences of others--experiences that were often not fully understood and were thus interpreted and presented to others though the eyes of third dimensional consciousness and religious beliefs.

No one person's evolutionary experience will be exactly like another's. Everyone of you has lived many lifetimes of differing experiences and are here now with lessons to be learned that are personal to you. Each person's experiences will be different depending upon what is needed for in order to move beyond the old energy and into the real. Often those looked upon as failures according to world thinking are actually accomplishing tremendous spiritual growth through their chosen experience.

We observe you all moving into a deeper understanding and awareness of what love really is, and how to live it. False concepts of love within human consciousness have throughout the ages resulted in a great deal of suffering and limitation for many. This continues as children who are free of concepts limiting their expression of love are taught not to love certain people or in certain ways.

Love has been believed to be an emotion causing many to believe they were incapable of loving unconditionally because they didn't feel an emotion. You are evolving, and love is beginning to be understood as the realization and activity that flows from a consciousness of Oneness--a recognition of the innate Divinity of every soul and every living thing--regardless of outer appearances.

This attained state of consciousness recognizes that ALL living things are to be respected and honored for there is not nor can there ever be anything outside of ONE--One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness. Man is not superior to other living things as so many falsely believe. When this is understood and embraced by the majority, the world will think nothing of having conversation with trees, plants, nature spirits, and animals as many of you are already doing.

Hold the energy of love regardless of what takes place throughout your day. This is the practice. Do not engage on the level of lower resonating energies but instead as best you can, meet every situation from a place of Light. It often happens that the act of being quiet and doing nothing in the face of some adversity is not the spiritual solution it is believed to be, but is instead an escape reflecting an acceptance of the lower dimensional energy as a power. When in question, ask yourselves; "What am I believing that is causing me to act or think this way?"

Face your "bullies" (which may simply be someone spouting his or her nonsense at you) from a place of Light. You may be guided to simply be silent but this silence will be different. "Am I hiding from and thus giving power to something?" or "Am I resting the light of truth and seeing through appearances?" You may be guided simply to give a smile, or a "Thank you for your opinion." or even to respond firmly with words the person will understand according to their state of consciousness.

Lower resonating energies cannot enter into the higher. Keep your energy field filled with Light and truth as you go about your day, allowing others the freedom to live according to their attained state of consciousness. This does NOT mean you are to stay in an abusive relationship of any kind.

We wish to speak of love as an energy which is why it is so important for individuals to love themselves as well as others. Love in its purest form resonates on a very high level--it is pure Light. When a person does not love or honor themselves, they block the flow and integration of this energy. You cannot leave yourselves out of the picture if you are to learn and experience Love which is the foundation of all that exists. Remember, there is only ONE expressing Itself in infinite form and variety and therefore you could never be left out.

Many have been falsely taught that it is spiritual to denigrate the self. It is not, this belief is an insult to the Divine--your true nature.

Love, the energy of ONE is infinitely present and flowing within ITSELF. Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is ITSELF but interpreted according to the state of consciousness of the individual. Nothing or no one can ever be separate from ITSELF.

The high resonance of love appears to heal, change, and lift those receptive but what really happens is that illusory appearances dissolve, revealing the real. This is how the master known as Jesus healed. His consciousness which knew and recognized only Divine perfection served to lift the consciousness of those receptive into it. The world called it healing, but it was a revealing. Jesus was a way shower, trying to teach the world that these gifts were not his alone as many still believe, but are natural once this state of consciousness has been attained (not just intellectually understood).

As an individual practices knowing truth with every situation, it gradually becomes his state of consciousness and begins to manifest in every day living. Many make the mistake of believing that once they have the intellectual awareness of a truth, it will function in their life. Example; throwing away needed medicine while shouting; " Since I am Divine, I no longer need this.", and then collapsing. Spiritual evolution is the gradual attaining of a consciousness of Truth leading to a point at which the medicine indeed can be thrown away. This can not be accomplished in one lifetime.

You are nearing the end of your three dimensional lessons and are ready to move into a new and higher energy. You did the work, struggled, and are graduating. Know this regardless of any outer appearances. You would not be reading or resonating with these messages if this were not true.

The high resonating energy of true and real Love flowing from the consciousness of so many at this time is lifting the world into ascension. Each person who attains a consciousness of unconditional love, adds more light to universal world consciousness. Nothing is holding pictures of duality and separation in place but the energy of belief in them. Much will begin to disappear or evolve into higher forms as more and more people awaken.

War, violence, and struggle will never lift the world into peace. These activities can only manifest more of the same because of the energy being poured into them. You are creators, do not forget that. You have the power to change anything you want, but the higher forms of anything can only manifest as there is the consciousness (substance of form) necessary to manifest those higher forms.

At this important time the world and all who are receptive are receiving powerful help from evolved beings of light, angels, archangels, and evolved planetary beings. Many new and higher energies are flowing to assist with the ascension. Try not to fear the future or try and figure out exactly how everything needs to unfold for there is a bigger picture here than what the human mind can comprehend.

Simply live each moment of each day without expectation of how it "should" unfold in order to be "right". More often than not, when things do not go as you expect, there is an important lesson being learned. You are not where you are by accident, you chose to be here and are on your path whether it seems that way or not.

It is time to move into trust. Trust that in reality, you are a Divine Being having three dimensional experiences to learn and grow. Trust that there are Guides and Beings of Light guiding you. Trust your intuition at all times even with the most mundane experiences of every day living . Trust that every experience you have is helping you awaken to whatever false concepts and beliefs you may still hold.

You knew that it would be difficult living in lower energies when you chose to incarnate at this time, yet you did it anyway knowing these times would offer opportunities like no other. There were and are many still hoping to be on earth at this time. Give gratitude that you are here regardless of whatever difficulties you may be experiencing, for it is a blessed privilege.

Trust, relax, and most importantly, LOVE.

We are the Arcturian Group 9/6/15

Still in Line for a Sweet Tomorrow 5 September 2015 Channeler: Pleiadian Renegades

Much is being said about the timing of the things to come. Expectations fill the spectrum from low to high about being splashed in the face with a wake-up call for a new tomorrow. We have news for you, dear people of Earth. You have heard so many things and now we add our voices to the fray. While the seconds tick off the time from one now to the next, reality is shifting for all of you in surprising ways. If you’re not surprised yet, you haven’t been paying attention. If you haven’t been shocked, you have been sleeping through the alarm bell. What we have to share is meant to soothe your jangled nerves and settle you into a good groove for the coming dawn. Bear with us as we arrange our words so they may best take the form your present state of mind can process. It is one thing to have information, and another to process it.

Love has hit the shores of humanity with resounding screams and cries and wails. You may not have heard the vibrations from your perch on the world tree, but we assure you, the reverberations are spreading around the planet with great intensity for the heart of humanity to cope with. In many ways, it is a late arrival, this wave of awareness that has been creeping toward the collective mind of man. And no one expected it to be led by images of terror and bereavement. Yet this is how waves of awareness sometimes act. Though you expect the fringes of foam to tickle your toes, sometimes a sand-filled splash gets grit all over your clean clothes. The sea is not to be measured with such certainty that you know what the waves will wash in. The sea is best experienced in acceptance and responsiveness to nature’s intent. Thus do you surf, swim, and sail in her embrace. Thus it is with Love, as well.

Puzzling, isn’t it, how far the lengths are that humanity will let loose the leash of its demons? How many horrors you allow yourself to witness, how surprised you allow yourself to be by surrender to the love that rises in response to its perceived absence. How long you let yourselves sit in doom’s paralyzing grip, becoming aware of love’s stirrings and promptings in your heart rising to your mental lucidity while screaming inside of yourself that enough is enough. At this moment, you hear the echoes of the shouts of despair from distant shores reach the inner chambers of your heart, and you recognize in yourself the desperation that the whole of humanity is carrying aloft, struggling to cast it off, to find a respite from the unceasing bombardment of modernity’s progressive march of ideas, lies, and war. We do not watch in taciturn silence, dear ones, we do not yawn in boredom at another day’s tragic losses and ignorance reconstituted by a machinery of hate. We watch, and we infiltrate your minds with whispers and shafts of light to guide your trembling steps toward the new threshold of the day you create together, yet we do not interfere with the holy work you are doing other than to guide the transformation you undertake in this now. There are other ways we participate in your reality to shift matters in Love’s favor, but there is little we are willing to do to take your sovereignty from you, just when you are about to wield it triumphantly in the face of a snarling beast that has had you in its jaws for millennia. That glory is yours alone to claim, and you are powerful and clever enough to do just that. Love is your weapon of greatest effect, we remind you, and Love is the only thing that obliterates the darkest grim realities in the mind of man to imagine. Which is precisely where the tide is turned, within.

Now, we have given you a hint about the days that are upon you, and we have hinted that we might have some news for you. If you know what we have been saying for so many years to you, you will know that we never give predictions, other than to highlight a sequence of events and the kind of realizations that you can make to bring about a tangible reality shift. We usually stay well away of pinning your attention on a point in time that doesn’t yet exist, and which very well may never be part of your personal timestream. However, today we deviate from that practice a bit to tell you that in the weeks ahead, you will witness some levels of inhumanity that may bring you to your knees, while at the same time participating in a wave of rising consciousness that negates the ill effects of all the pain that you have witnessed forever in the history of your collective subjugation. That’s saying a lot, so let us explain ourselves to be clear.

The history you have endured is far more destructive to the human spirit than your history books lead you to believe. You are the survivors through time of those who have witnessed unspeakable pain and violence to the human spirit. You have carried this shard of glass within your code through time to join together and present each shard to form a shimmering lens, a mirror reflecting the resilience of the human spirit, to see who you are in totality and to realize the aspirations of ancestors who watched their world die. You are the ones who will watch your world be born, and you will create the image of yourselves as a unified people when you extract the sharp splinter of personal tragedy from your inner heart and present it to the wave for Love to reassemble, each one a piece of light intrinsic to the whole of the One. In opalescence, this creation comes into being and in peace, the pieces form a new world free of pain and in recognition of Love finally in balance with sorrow, transforming it into the purity of sacred knowingness of separation’s end.

This is the action of Nine. This is the OM of human divinity in core unity with itself. This is the end of our transmission in this mode of communication and our au revoir until the next phase of transmission begins, soon again. We ask you to review all that we have said since we have begun our conversation with you, and we promise that the next phase of communication from our ranks will be matched to the new pulsation of consciousness that you are entering the experience of. A new day indeed is dawning and the light that pulses from the heart of the galaxy will shift everything you see into deeper visual acuity of the heart and core mind of humanity, everywhere. Our hands are with yours as you enter the gates of the sacred understanding of your divine nature, dear brothers and sisters, our family, our kin. With the love of all hearts of Pleiadians and stellar community, we say, be brave, walk with purpose, and know that you are the wave carrying the love that transforms all.

Source:by Maryann Rada,
originally posted on

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MAITREYA DOESN’T NEED SPACESHIP, BEWARE OF CULT LIARS! 6 September 2015 Teacher: Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Let the Light of Truth be with you all!

This messenger, teacher & volunteer in the Ashram of Mahatma El Morya, Initiate of a certain degree, will clarify some issues being raised by Maitreya Cult fanatics and other New Age circles. I began it with “Maitreya doesn’t need spaceship” as a style for presenting the other issues and truths.

Melchizedeks or Initiates of the Brotherhood of Light are down here on the surface, serving as ‘Light workers’ or ‘world servers’, empowered to be the actual ‘ambassadors’ of goodwill of Maitreya who is Supreme Grandmaster of the Brotherhood (master of all masters). 100 messengers were mandated to herald 3rd Dispensation of ancient Wisdom, which focuses immensely on the planetary Ascension.

Earthlings or Terrans were forewarned thousands of years ago yet that during the ‘end of times’ many False Prophets and False Teachers will crop up like millions of mushrooms. Not only will they disseminate grand lies that tend to deceive or misguide the folks, they will also use fear and mystery-shrouded contentions in order to let folks gravitate to their ersewhile “chosen people” of exclusive circles, cults, and sects.

Let me summarize their deceptive claims, and then make the clarifications of truth as correction to each of the delusional contentions, as follows:

FALSE CLAIM 1: Maitreya appointed a special ambassador to be his emissary or bridge to humanity on the surface.

TRUTH 1: Shamballah & Spiritual Hierarchy sent forth 144,000 Rishis or White Robes, added to Initiates of 1st & 2nd Degrees, to serve as Maitreya’s or Lord Kalki’s emissaries of Light. Certain crackpots may make claims about being ‘ambassador’, ‘emissary’, ‘amenuensis’ or equivalent self-serving egotistical titles and roles, all of which are highly deceptive and suspicious. Only a Brother/Sister of Light—of whatever degree—can serve the role of ‘ambassador’ for its Grandmaster, Lord Maitreya or Lord Kalki (Kolki in Western twang).

FALSE CLAIM 2: Maitreya just arrived, astride a huge space ship that is the Jerusalem Command or Nibiru planet.

TRUTH 2: Maitreya has been always on Earth, never left Earth, as he is Planetary Christ, Bodhisattva of the 5th ‘root race’. He needs no space ship to move across dimensions, planets, or stars, as he only needs thought command to send a ‘part’ of him to manifest in his destination, and use the same to depart from that destination. Remember, Maitreya is Avatara who is capable of being in at least 200 places at the same time. Nibiru is a Fallen Planet, populated by a racial abomination, of which Maitreya has nothing to do about.

FALSE CLAIM 3: Maitreya’s ‘Star’ signaling his birth is already in the East.

TRUTH 3: Maitreya has always been in Shamballah where all Ascended Masters or Mahatmas reside. He needs no star to signal his birth, which will be explained below. The star on the east referred to by the cult fanatics and New Age circles in the Philippine, which shines without flickering above Manila’s space on cloudless night, is the mothership of the Terran Command Guardian for the Earth sector on the East (I won’t reveal the scope of this sector). It shines like the planet Venus, can be mistaken for Venus. It moves westward from its east Luzon location (hovering above the Sierra Madre mountains), hovers at a location above a spot in Metro Manila (where a monitoring facility is located in space), and then moves Eastward back to its location in the early morning.

FALSE CLAIM 4: Maitreya will be reborn as a baby, in a circumstance akin to Jesus birth (w/ ‘star’ above).

TRUTH 4: Maitreya was re-born in 1924 yet, in Shamballah. The details of his re-embodiment or materialization wasn’t fully disclosed or remains confidential. HE RE-EMBODIED AS LORD KALKI, the World Leader during the Golden Age of Light which we’re in right now. He manifested a year before the 1925 Great Council of Divinities, a convention held once every 100 years, in Shamballah. Prior to World War II yet, the Initiates of the Brotherhood who were on the surface already addressed him as Lord Kalki. Maitreya is the prophesied Kalki Avatar, 10th embodiment of Lord Vishnu, who will reign in the Golden Age after the end of the Kali Yuga, and who will usher the reign of the Manu, Bodhisattva, and Mahachohan of the coming 6th ‘root race’.

Be very discerning and cautious about statements coming from cult liars who number so many hundreds of thousands to millions now. The Maitreya Cult itself, as per my scanning of its members, is highly infiltrated by Black Magic practitioners. A lady from Germany, who connected with me in a social network, yet who strongly denied the existence of the Elders of the Race, was shockingly a member of a Black Robe circle of Left Hand path practitioners as per my meditation probe scanning. The secretive leader of that circle, a mustachioed German man, early 30s, attempted to attack me psychically in 2008, an attack effectively thwarted by me anyway.

In the Philippines, the Maitreya Cult members are so condescendingly arrogant that they regard every one else outside of their ‘in-group’ as inferior and subordinate. Light Worker and meditation circles in Manila refuse to invite them or ignore their presence altogether for purposes of special events. Accordingly, a Manila cult group’s leader performs rituals that are dreadfully bizarre, with narratives of hairs protruding out of the leader (male) during one particular ritual.

No one particular group or network can ever claim exclusive access to the Planetary Christ, the Lord Maitreya. He is accessible to everyone who is attuned to the Ascended Masters or Mahatmas, as he has already been assisting everyone on the ‘outer Earth’ surface without exception to adjust to the 4th Density vibrations. He, along with 59 other senior members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, is down here on the surface, and has been contacting the various Initiates who are down here.

As already clarified in my other writings, which my fellow messengers have also pronounced, Maitreya or Kalki Avatar will help get ascensionauts to the 5th Density. As I further clarified, he already helped in getting an initial population to 5th Density. In no way did he nor the messengers ever claim that entry to New Earth is the exclusive right or franchise of select groups and persons such as Maitreya Cult and New Age quacks.

“From the point of Love within the Heart of God,” so says the Great Invocation given to us by Maitreya via the mandated adept Master D.K. God as Love is for everyone else, so be it for accessibility to the Christ who is the Love aspect of God.

[05 September 2015]


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September 6-13, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There has been a shift in the energies of the Earth and within you. You have stood on the threshold of two worlds, and have made your choice. You have recommitted to the growth and evolution of your soul and this has brought you to the greater frequencies that now enfold you. There is a new aspect of your total being that is now coming to the surface. Many of you are still in the throes of purification, the purification of the four lower bodies and will continue to experience the effects of this cleansing process. Some of you are sometimes shocked at the words and thoughts that come into your awareness…this is your ego mind trying to bring you back into its control through the attempted distraction of your renewed commitment to self. The good news is that you now recognize what is occurring and are able to counteract by changing those thoughts as they happen. You are truly becoming the alchemists, changing the lead of the lower dimensions of life experience into the purified gold of your Holy Christ Self.

Loving others is an integral part of your spiritual being. Sometimes, your words and actions may seem to you to be rather extreme, but then you are surprised by the positive effect that these produce in others. This is you speaking your truth, without heat, in total detachment, and you are being heard. For some of you, this is a new experience, being heard and seen by those who surround you in the physical realm. This is a direct result of you giving love and kindness toyourself, knowing that you are worth it. When one loves self in a non-egotistical way, only good can come of it. By balancing the energies of duality in all facets of your inner and outer being, you are creating a new you. By embracing the light and the dark aspects that comprise the spiritual being that you are and coming into balanced acceptance of it, you are achieving mastership of the lower dimensions and moving into the next phase of growth on your spiritual evolutionary journey back to oneness with Source.

There is an element of the miraculous in the energies that enfold you now. Each moment is alive with infinite possibilities as you expand the magic that is within you. You are reaching inward to enter new realms of joyful creation and are filled with the anticipation of victorious achievement. There is a sense that something wonderful and totally unexpected is about to happen. As you go within daily, give thanks and acknowledgement for the countless miracles and blessings that now manifest in your life. As you listen to the promptings of your physical body and your higher guidance and allow the deep rest and relaxation to take place as needed, healing within is achieved and this gives you renewal and strength in the manifestation process of your deepest dreams. The higher aspects of your being bring forth the wisdom of your soul and you view the world from a higher perspective.

There is an ongoing shift into higher frequencies taking place within you and while this is occurring, new levels of perception are gained and this will help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the current situations manifesting in your life and you will be better able and equipped to deal with them. There is a coming together of all aspects of your being and this will eventually assist you in your return to the oneness of Source. You have been learning that in order to create, one needs to be involved in the experience in a personal way. You rise above the mundane realities of your daily life and see what is required of you to overcome them. You now use the energies that flow through you as an authentic expression of your soul. You are finding the joy in this process of surrender to the higher workings of your life purpose and realize that your soul and higher self truly do have your greatest blessing and well being at heart.

As you move in the direction of the great potential that lives within you, you gain awareness of the way to allow this process to unfold. You know you cannot remain in the place of comfortable sameness any longer and that you must allow the inner growth you have experienced to expand outwardly into all facets of your life. All that was is now being changed and transformed on your life path. Be at peace with this process, for it is part of your divine plan and an outward reflection of the inner commitment to the growth of self that you have consciously chosen.  Stand in your truth of this perspective and move forward into the new direction towards the achievement of your highest potentials.  You have all that you need ever available within you. You have all the wisdom of the ages within you which your soul has gathered and learned throughout its many experiences on Earth and in the cosmos. Continue to steadfastly follow your own star as it shines ever more brightly upon this planet! 

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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