Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Brings One into Right Relationship with Solar Family

Beloved Ones, I am Lady Venus here with you this evening.

Our Peoples of Venus are Guardians of the Sacred Light for this Solar System. This particularly concerns planetary bodies. For our Father Sun and the many civilizations of Light which are with him are the guiding stone of all of our planetary civilizations.

We of Venus are a Star Nation. We resonate with those Seven Stars known as Pleiades. We ourselves are not a planet but a Star Reality.

Our chief teaching is what you shall hear again and again, known as “LOVE”. For this word shall be brought to you until you have a true language to put with it. LOVE itself has an entire language, multidimensional languages, and Universes of languages just to express a single concept.

Know that our peoples, many thousands of years ago, came to save the human race upon Mother Earth. For there were many dark energies which came to devolve your planet. Dear Mother Earth has always been a shining star, a great presence in our Universe. Therefore, the Cosmic Councils did bestow upon us the right to send our Holy Ones unto you. We give thanks unto the Sacred Ones of Mother Earth that did receive us.

I am here to introduce you to a bit of your Solar Family. This means your family of this Solar System. There are literally hundreds of thousands of civilizations which live here with you. We wish that you would stop focusing so much upon the negative ones. For there are only three or four such negative civilizations, and there are thousands of civilizations which focus upon the Light and Law of the Universe.

You hear of these negative beings more because they make more noise. They are loud. Screaming seems to get your attention; whereas the gentle music of the Celestial Word are rhythmical within the DNA, and do not make such noise. These three or four negative civilizations which are giving such havoc upon planet Earth are very short-lived.

Our Mother Earth has decided to rise into the Celestial Spheres. She has decided to shake off the negativities and to transform into the very Light of the Sacred Heart which she has carried since the creation of the Universe.

The Wisdom Freedom Star she shall be.

Once again Paradise shall be known here. It shall be known in a New World that is already prepared for you, much like the Ancestors’ stories of walking up a Sacred Ladder or through a tunnel into a new and recreated world. In this instance of Earth transformations, the people are channeling the energy of higher dimensionality.

In other words, the Third and Fourth worlds are crashing out of existence. The Fifth and greater worlds, are cascading into your being!

This is why it is important that we introduce to you some of your Relations of this Solar System. Now, to do this is much easier through music. This is a technology which will soon become apparent to all Relations of Mother Earth. The many Peoples that are other-than-human-beings already understand these things. They are in perfect resonance with the core of the Universe. It is time for the human beings to shake loose misunderstandings and return to Original Nature. Then, they too will be able to hear, see and feel the grand workings of our Solar System.

It has been introduced to you through Beloved Archangel Michael that there are seven realities. These are represented in the Rainbow to which human being is responsible, and worlds with which human being is already in contact.

These are Seven Levels of Being which must be searched in order to understand the Life which exists on every planet, asteroid, moon and little particles of this Solar System. Each has its own form of intelligence and understanding; each is a very great teacher from our Father Great Central Sun.

To understand these beings and to access your ancestral memories within the Solar System, you must first understand the Rainbow of Being, the Seven Principles which were presented as LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE, UNITY, HARMONY, TRUTH and FREEDOM. These are the Ray Aspects; these are the understandings of the Seven Cosmic Rays. These are the Planes of Life within your own terrestrial understanding and the terrestrial understandings of all the planets.

At this time, we are going to let you know the form of some of the beings we are speaking about. There are beings which are solid. These are like the Stone People. They exist on every planet. Each planet itself is a great living Teacher. This is why you have what is called “astrology,” because they are the rulers of the Solar Family with our Father Sun.

The second form of being we wish you to be aware of is the form of light. There are many strata of civilizations in the light planes. These you may know through that ajna and crown center. Especially through Truth and Freedom, you may know the beings of Light.

The third form of beings exist as “gas.” They exist on many planets as well. On our own planet of Venus, there are many gaseous beings. These are similar to those beings which came to you as the Cloud Beings.

The fourth form of beings are very active in your Solar System, and are liquid. They are Water Beings. By “liquid” we mean everything that moves. For human beings are liquid beings as well. You simply have an encasing of living tissue in which to move the Waters of your Life.

Let it be known that the Water and Fire coexist. This is one of the teachings the Cloud Beings wish you to know: the Sacred Fire of Life moves within the womb of the Cosmic Waters.

These are the first four forms of life which we of Venus have been given permission by Councils of our Solar System to bestow their knowledge unto you.

Come to understand those beings which are solid like the Stone People, those beings which are light like the Rainbow People, those beings which are gas like the Cloud and Air People, and those beings which are Sacred Water, the Water and Fire together.

These waters live within Mother Earth, within that part you know as hot liquid. This same type of being lives in our Father Sun as very high vibration, spiritual civilizations. They are what is known as plasma by your earth scientists.

These are but four short introductions of the type of life which is here in our Solar System. These civilizations are as intelligent, important, and wise as human beings.

To access these civilizations and to come to know them personally is your responsibility.

Through the resonance of your Heart, Mind, and Body you can communicate with these beings. Through your Spirit you have that telepathic communication with all of the Solar Family.

Mother Earth has billions of civilizations. She is one of the most populated of our Solar System. These civilizations are the civilizations which you know as Animals, Plants, Stones, and Elements. These are all civilizations.

Therefore, we of Venus once again remind you to slow down and understand before you act.

For human beings must stop destroying life; life which human beings do not yet understand. Instead, Human beings must channel Celestial Energies and give to all Earth Peoples.

Human being is the Steward, the walking trees of Mother Earth. They must serve as protectors and understand all life.

Therefore, come into right relationship with your Solar Family by coming into right relationship with those beings of Mother Earth with whom you have lived for many, many lifetimes. Then, you will be allowed to operate on the solar level and understand the intricacies of the interactions between the planets. Your astrology is a good start for this, for those who are ready.

We of the Morning Star once again commend the human beings in their acts of LOVE, Giving, and exploration of the Light.

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awww ! lovely true educational wisdom indeed,of Lady Venus.
...thnx precious Aurora :) ...Namaste Great girl. Love.

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