Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Let go of any sense of guilt or shame.

The Oneness of ALL that exists is the Truth that all must come to an awareness of, and that truth (small “t” because at the moment it tends to be a scientific kind of awareness, a logical awareness uncovered by intellectual effort, and not yet aknowing that comes from your hearts, although that knowing is always available to you because it resides eternally within you.) is beginning to flow into the collective awareness.  It is as though a glacier had started to melt, and as it does so its contents spread out everywhere, soaking all in its path.  And, of course, you are all in its path.  Awareness is flowing and growing all across the world, it cannot remain unknown any longer, it can only be denied.

Nearly all of you, due to the suffering and betrayal that you have experienced over the eons, suffering and betrayal that has been far too painful to acknowledge and remember, have issues to address that you have been in denial about for a very long time.  And for many of you those issues are making their presence very intensely felt right now.  You burst into tears suddenly, and often for no reason that you can identify.  Let the tears flow!  It is a necessary and very effective form of release.

Do not expend time and energy, intellectual energy, attempting to uncover the situations or issues that may be the cause, because mostly they are from previous lives, and all that you need to do is let the emotions flow while you watch them, accept them, and then offer love and compassion to yourselves.  Nothing else is necessary.  Seeking and identifying causes is a distraction that can seriously mislead you, and might lead you into judgment and resentment, which are at best very unhelpful, and at worst may even be damaging for you.  As we keep telling you the answer to every issue or problem is Love; and Love includes compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.

What apparently happened to cause you pain and suffering did not really happen.  You are seemingly ensnared in a reality of betrayal and distrust, an unreal system of beliefs, and in the concomitant suffering that result from those beliefs.  Dwelling on the injustices that you have experienced, or that loved ones or other innocents have undergone only provides energy to maintain the illusion.  Your aim is to dissolve it and Love is doing that through you when you choose to be loving.

Remember, there is only NOW!  Past and future are figments of the illusion that seem very real because you are very powerful beings and you built a very convincing illusion.  Now is the time, the moment to allow it to dissolve.  To be momentarily humorous, try “Loving it to death!”   Love will dissolve it and bring you all to awakening, your human destiny.

YES, we keep on focusing on LOVE!  And you know why.  It is all that exists.  You are all caught up in It, embraced by It, enfolded within It – It is unavoidable, although It can be denied or ignored.  Now is the perfect moment to re-engage with It so that you can find your way lovingly Home.  You can delay as long as you choose, and to be unloving is to choose to delay.

In the illusion, where punishment is often an unacknowledged or hidden threat, delaying tactics seem to make sense.  In Reality to delay makes no sense at all.  There there is only joy, joy in every moment, unending joy.  And to experience that state is your inevitable destiny.

You are all, everyone who has ever experienced human existence or whoever will, the infinitely loved children of God, and nothing that you have done or can conceive of doing will alter that.  God’s Love for you is eternal and unchanging.  There isnothing that you can do to change that – either to persuade Him to love you more or to convince Him to love you less – you are all His perfect children, infinitely lovable and infinitely loved, always!

Knowing this, as at the depths of your being you do, why continue to delay your inevitable awakening?  I would suggest to you that it is because, like the children of humans in the illusion who have committed some transgression from the parental rules, you are afraid to wake up in the morning and “face the music” – parental anger or shaming.  You hope by delaying that whatever it is you have done that is inexcusable will have been forgotten, or better still will not have been noticed, and so you will be able to slink away with your pride intact.  However, the sense of guilt remains and continues to haunt you, often well into adulthood, and even into old age.

You seriously need to remind yourselves that God, your ever-loving Father is, Himself, Love.  Love is eternally unconditional, eternally accepting.  It never judges, It never condemns, It never shames, and It never punishes – It loves and loves and loves, and you are the objects of Its Love!

Let go of any sense of guilt or shame to which you may be holding on as you try to be a better person.  You are being a better person just by being aware of and investing in the desire and intent to be loving, always.  What has happened is past, over.  If there is some way of rectifying a past error that you believe you committed, and the thought of it still upsets you, then by all means make amends.  But often it is not possible.  Forgive yourself in the knowledge that you learnt a very important lesson, and that you will be far less likely to commit that or a similar transgression again.

Your life purpose within the illusion is to awaken.  That is all.  To do that you have to forgive and accept yourselves, and you do that by acknowledging what youknow is true, namely that there is nothing that you have done or can do that will ever change your relationship with God.  That your sense of shame and worthlessness is part of the illusion.  Yes, you have been playing some rather unpleasant games – manipulation of others, abuse, murder, betrayal, genocide – but those games are unreal.

Stop playing them and be loving at all times and in every situation.  Then Love will fill your hearts, because by ceasing to play those games you have invited It in, and as It enters you will realize that you are most firmly established on your path to awakening into your fully conscious state at One with God.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Within the illusion to rely on Love appears to be insane.

(Dear Readers, Good News, the audio has now uploaded, John)
Here in the spiritual realms, where all of you also have your eternal existence, even if you are temporarily unaware of this truth, we are observing with joy your continuing magnificent progress towards the moment of your awakening. As we have often told you, and as I repeat now “There will be no delays!” God’s plan is always perfectly on schedule and on time, although for you who are “seemingly” limited by and locked into the illusion, and who have been following with hope the various uplifting messages relayed to you over the eons by many holy channels, it does appear that nothing much is changing on Earth.

Many of you who have experienced PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) are aware that it can be intensified by recurring nightmares of a quite horrific nature, further stressing you out because there is no escape from it, even in sleep. The illusion is a similar nightmare for many of you – on top of any new PTSD that may have been caused by traumas during your current earth lives – in so far as it is ongoing with very little sign that it is only a nightmare, because it appears to be so real and because you do not seem able to awaken from it. However, you do get some respite when you sleep, because your higher Self withdraws you from your body for brief periods to recuperate at night so that you can carry on with the human life path that you have chosen to follow this time around.

Yes, for many of you this particular life time is intensely stressful and unsettling because it appears even more real than previous ones. This is because over the eons you have accumulated much negative karma all of which needs to be addressed and released in this life time so that you can move forwards to your awakening as divinely planned and intended. When you chose this particular incarnation you knew it would be very hard work, very demanding, and very stressful, but with much forethought and with some extremely wise guidance to help you in your choice, you decided that it was the best path for you in this now moment. Having to accept amnesia as part of the deal does not make it any easier for you.

However, all on Earth are doing sterling work and making tremendous and most effective efforts to collectively bring humanity to its moment of awakening, and you will succeed most wonderfully. You are receiving an amazing amount of help from your brothers and sisters in the spiritual realms, and the Light of Love burning powerfully at the deepest center of your individual divine beingness is nourishing you, and encouraging you forwards. Failure to awaken is neither an option nor even a remote possibility. Keep reminding yourselves of this truth, especially when you feel weary, or when doubts and anxieties plague you. You most definitely are achieving what you set out to do, and nothing can prevent you from reaching your goal.

You need to keep reminding yourselves that you are immortal; perfect divine beings created by your loving Father to enjoy eternally the gifts with which He showered you when He created you. Gifts that enable you to create as He does. Yes, you do have the power to create! He created you and then gave to you every part or aspect of Himself; He made you equal to Him so that you could engage fully with Him in all your creative endeavors. There is no hierarchy in Heaven because all are One.

Of course you then used your limitless freedom to build a severely limited and imaginary environment in which to play your games of separation, separation from the Source that maintains you eternally alive and abundantly well. Not a terribly good idea. But God knew that you would quickly learn that it had been unwise to discard the wonderful gifts with which He had endowed you, by placing yourselves in a spartan environment with very tight restraints on your freedom of movement, and that you would quickly start to seek your way Home. Those gifts await your willingness to reclaim them, and they will assist you on your homewards journey.

No longer able to roam freely throughout all of creation, you began to get irritated with one another, blaming one another for the situations in which you found yourselves – cold, wet, hungry, and fearful – having totally forgotten that you had made this unwelcoming environment and the weak and feeble bodies in which you had enclosed yourselves.

Yes, amnesia is part of the illusion, a part that adds to its seeming reality for you. If you could remember God and Heaven the illusion would not work, and you very much wanted it to work, until it did! Then you seemingly found yourselves alone, cold, lost, confused, and frightened. You had forgotten Love. You desperately wanted Love, wanted to be loved because you felt so empty and unfulfilled without It. But you had forgotten what It was, you just knew that something was seriously wrong, something of great importance was missing, but you knew not what. You entered into relationships in the hope of finding that missing aspect of life in another, and that other sought it in you.

But of course It was within you, always! Not outside, in someone else who might be persuaded to give It to you. But you were blind to that Truth, and in your misery you turned on one another, or gathered in like minded groups for support, and fought those whom you saw as different from you, and therefore a threat to you that must be destroyed.

All your personal spiritual guides, and all the loving ones who channel guidance from the masters in the spiritual realms keep telling you that the way out of the illusion is to embrace Love, and only Love. There is nothing else. But still many of you have trouble with this “concept.” Within the illusion to rely on Love appears to be insane, an open invitation to others to rob you of all your worldly goods. And nearly all the business organizations on the planet are set up with the express intention of destroying other businesses and taking over their domains.

But, there are no worldly goods! Anything of a worldly nature, anything that has form, physical substance, exists only temporarily, and as soon as it is made or constructed it starts the process of its decay. It seems to you that the visible Universe, having existed for 13.7 billion years, is extremely old, but in truth that is but a blip, less even than a second or two as compared to eternity. It is just that as humans you experience life as very short, passing by very quickly, and in relation to the Universe your life spans are as nothing, unnoticeable in the larger scheme of things. But this is precisely the kind of separation you were seeking to experience when you constructed the illusion. And it is overwhelming for you to attempt to imagine your place and your importance – and you most certainly do want to be important – in the seemingly vast Universe of which you are each such small insignificant particles, existing for but a most fleeting moment on the enormous wheel of time.

So, be glad that it is all nothing but an illusion, an illusion that you built for yourselves and which you maintain by your belief in it! If this was not the case then your future would indeed be bleak. However, there is no future, and there is no past, there is only the eternal now moment in which all of God’s divine creation is eternally present in infinite joy. Your unavoidable destiny is to awaken and re-engage with your loving Source and experience that unutterable joy.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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