Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Sananda: We Have Your Back - KEEP GOING!


I wish to continue the conversation with all of you after our historic radio program last night.  Archangel Michael and I followed up an amazing program on Ascension training with what we think of as our "Call to Action."  I hope all of you reading this will listen to it, so that you can hear the love and commitment in our voices, and understand deeply how important these days really are.

As our Kathryn has described on the show, we in the Company of Heaven, your Masters and Guides, Mother/Father God and Prime Creator have joined with you to begin a focused and powerful surge of clearing and stabilizing of the energies around the Earth.  We have debated long and carefully in the Councils to guarantee that we have not transgressed the contract we had with all of you not to usurp your free will, no matter what.  Unfortunately, that original contract did not take into account that this would give the dark ones an advantage, since they are thoroughly unscrupulous and did not adhere to their original contract to give up control years ago.

Some of you have complained about this, feeling that the deck was stacked against you, that the conditioning of thousands of years of oppression left humankind so traumatized that you were not able to bounce back from it.  We saw that since the Reptilians were removed, you have continued to generate the fear-based waves of darkness, without realizing that you were causing the dangerous warp in the electromagnetic field.

In an impassioned plea to the Council, Kathryn convinced Prime Creator and many others that the only reasonable recourse was to help you in a more intensive way for a time, so that you can maintain the progress you have made without being swamped by the dark thoughtforms swirling around you.  It was agreed that our intervention could be calibrated to yours in a completely synchronistic way.  As you clear away dark thoughtforms within yourself and your environment, we will follow, sustaining and supporting what you have done.  

We will not permit the darkness to envelop you any longer, our beloved Lightworkers.  We do literally "have your back."  In this way, you maintain your free will, while we protect you from the inadvertent assault by others who are not yet awake.  It is a more active and personal intervention than we have ever been allowed to take part in, but it is takes into account the spirit of our original agreement, which was that we would all come here to experience whatever comes in the duality experience, including darkness.  It was our strong belief that we could overcome all darkness because of the strength of our souls and the creative drive toward Light that is inherent in the human species.

As the Galactic brothers and sisters who created this original Great Plan, we understood that humanity is also characterized by sensitivity, empathy and can be overwhelmed by seeing pain in themselves and others.  We thought of this as a positive quality, one of the things that endeared you to us and to the entire cosmos.  Unfortunately, since humanity is a relatively new species, we did not foresee that this sensitivity and tendency toward deep love connections would also bring many to the breaking point - the point of losing hope and faith.  Our hearts ached for you as you struggled against the growing darkness, continuing on in spite of the growing odds, forging ahead one day, sliding back into darkness the next.

As our original Plan progressed, with great waves of Light being sent to you from the Great Central Sun, we saw that this had the effect for some of you of rubbing salt in your wounds, so to speak.  You felt the rising tide of Light and change within yourselves, and you experienced the backlash more and more intensely as those who were invested in the status quo fought harder to maintain their control, at all costs.  As the Light increased, so did the ugliness, violence and competition, and the coverage of it on the media.  Our removing the ability for governments to initiate nuclear war had the effect of turning the violence inward, creating conflict between individuals and armed groups rather than nations.

Now, understand that our original contract did call for opposition to our Prosperity programs.  ISIS is not a surprise, but the effect on the world populace has been for many to feel the hopelessness of believing that no matter how hard you tried, an endless stream of evil would appear out of nowhere to crush your best efforts to gain control of your destinies.  

Of course it is true that ISIS is a creation of the secret world government, whose funding originates primarily from the U.S.  Knowing this has the effect of turning the citizens against their elected government, and is going to help to bring down the old system.  Unfortunately, Americans are confused about who the real culprits are - those in power who threaten and hire hit squads to eliminate anyone who stands against their absolute power.  It is not apparent from the news coverage who those dark ones really are.

It takes clear vision and the ability to look behind the words and publicly reported actions to identify the ones who are dedicated participants in strangling the working and middle class, promoting the power of the corporations, and creating a New World Order of their own liking.  By the same token, it is difficult to identify the White Hats (our boots on the ground), because they have carefully cultivated the appearance of cooperating or even leading the dark ones.  This is not a new tactic on our part.  Remember the Lucifer Project?  Lucifer was our powerful double agent, working for the Light while convincing the dark ones he was their legitimate leader.

You see, it takes a certain amount of strategy to support our Boots on the Ground, to protect all of you long enough to help you put your plans in place before revealing to all who was really behind the massive shift that is just around the corner.  An important part of that strategy is to disguise our undercover Lightworkers as Dark Hats.  Those of you who are operating at a high vibration will resonate with them, regardless of what others say, but allowing your vibration to drop will leave you feeling confused and suspicious, unable to discriminate between the true culprits and the powerful White Hats who are here to help you.

This presents us with a "Catch 22" condition:  Our clever strategies leave those who are still asleep or dozing in a state of confusion, which adds to their despair and belief that all are corrupt, and things are hopeless.  This is why we appeal to you now to join with us, help us to clear away the dark thoughtforms, in yourself first.  This will raise the Light quotient on the planet in a way you cannot possibly understand, looking at it from behind the Veil.

In our recent messages, and in the tools you have been given by Kathryn, Meg and her family of Light, you are being offered a clear and simple program you can use to raise yourself immediately to a higher plane.  Please go to the email message or to the newly named Facebook page, Who Needs Light, to find the Enlightenment Tools.  This includes the flow chart that will take you step by step through the process of identifying and clearing dark thoughtforms, the use of the Ho'oponopono prayer, a case study showing how to use the program and how profound the results can be, and a word list to help you sort out your feelings.  I ask Kathryn to put all the links below.

You may have seen our new website,  It is completely redesigned to express the Love and Light we feel in our hearts and to offer greater flexibility to hold all the resources we offer you - all of them freely given, all generated through our long and productive relationship with Kathryn and her team.  Every message has been carefully crafted to present the information we wished to bring to you at the time.  You will feel the spirit of Love in ever word.  Do not hesitate to read them several times.  You will learn more each time.

Now, back to our appeal to you.  We have given you these tools so that you can now step into the position of leading this project.  Our response is now calibrated carefully to reinforce and increase the effect of your actions.  For the first time in the history of our Great Plan, we have been given the latitude to act in intimate partnership with each and every one of you, resonating powerfully in tune with your highest vibrations, and maintaining the effect of your efforts even as you sleep or go about your demanding lives.

We are working tirelessly to support you, to literally keep you afloat as you propel us all forward.  We have never coordinated so closely, focused so intently, or generated so much Light to fill every corner of your planet and all its grids and surrounding energy systems.  

Now it is personal, Beloved Ones.  We are working for you, and we need your help.  We will sustain our efforts as long as necessary, as long as you are taking command of your part of the program - to raise the vibration of the planet from your position on the ground.

My dear brother Michael told you last night in the most eloquent way just how much we need your love and support, channeled through your light pillar to us, to combine with ours.  The total effect is uplifting for all of us, and increases our power exponentially.  This action on your part gives us increasing Light energy, as we refocus and direct our Light to help you stabilize and balance, then move forward again.

This message is to tell you, Dear Ones - IT IS WORKING!  Please KEEP GOING!  Remained focused and diligent along with us, moving forward shoulder to shoulder with us in the perfectly choreographed march toward the Light we envisioned long ago.  It is with tears in our eyes and joy in our hearts that we tell you WE ARE SUCCEEDING!

Mother Terra is filled with joy and gratitude as she is finally able to make great progress on clearing away the residues of toxins and destruction, and she is now able to maintain it for the first time!  

Breathe with us, Dear Ones, feel with us the hope and promise of a New Earth, close along our path.  We see a glorious future for you.  We must complete the building of that future together.  At this point, we see that you cannot do it alone, and you should not be expected to, but we cannot do anything without your leading the way.  Lead us on, Beloved Ones!  Lead us on!

Lift your eyes and your hearts to the skies.  Send us your Light and your Love as we send you ours.  Search out your deep connection with your twin flame, your Guides and Angels.  Use that connection to forge the rainbow bridge that will keep us always in tune with each other.  We are creating a tsunami of Love, and it will sweep all in its path into the New Golden Age.

I love you without end, as you have loved me.
I am your Sananda.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, December 11, 2014

Blogtalk show from December 10, 2014:

Here is a copy of the flow chart, case study and feelings inventory list from our last email, redesigned for easy copying: 

Now, here's how to apply what you have learned above!

The following example is a clear demonstration of how you can use the flow chart method of uncovering and clearing dark thoughtforms, for yourself, or for someone who has expressed a willingness to resolve old feelings in order to move toward Enlightenment.

Yes, you can try this at home!   - Kathryn

Case Study 1: Enlightenment Training and Dark Thought Form Clearing

        Meg Davis, Acupuncturist and Nutritionist, Atlanta, GA

I am sharing this as a true life example of the application of the Enlightenment Training process of clearing dark thought forms we are being guided to do by The Company of Heaven, and are modeling and discussing on the Wednesday evening Blog Talk Radio program Channel Panel.

To reinforce the importance of this work we have agreed to do, Sananda stated, 

"If you're in the state where you're blaming others for how bad you are not in a state of ascension. You are generating dark thoughtforms. Now this is a difficult challenge because you've been raised this way. This is the way everyone has behaved around you and toward you, but we are telling you Beloved Ones: it is a program. The problem is the thoughtforms, the brainwashing... If it's a program, Beloveds, it is not you!...You are made for Light. You are made for Love."   
(, 5 D Community & Sananda Jesus November 26, 2014, linked above.)

Case Study 1: Gloria and Clearing Feelings of Inadequacy  

(Please note that the client's name has been changed)

Gloria sought out my support one month ago with a main complaint of tenderness and swelling in left breast lymph area.  She expresses having a mild fear about the possible diagnosis of what that could be, but intuitively feels the issue is an infection backed up in the lymph area, since her whole shoulder is achy.  After further discussion, I agree with her self-assessment, beginning her on herbs for infection and inflammation, and ask her to follow-up in one month.  It is during the follow-up appointment that the Enlightenment training program is used, and I will be sharing this from a first person perspective.   

At the follow-up appointment, she shares that the tenderness and swelling are much improved, but hasn't completely cleared.  In my previous experiences, infections clear quickly and thoroughly with these herbs, so I suspect an emotional component to the physical symptoms she is experiencing.  I ask if she would be willing to investigate the possibility of unresolved emotional issues preventing her complete healing.  She agrees. We begin with questions of any uncomfortable feelings in any of her current relationships albeit with spouse, children, friends, or co-workers.   She mentions a relationship with a co-worker that is strained.

I ask what she feels when she interacts with the co-worker, suggesting she use the "Feelings Inventory" list (attached below). She said the co-worker "made her feel inadequate."   I express to her that no one can "make" us feel anything without our agreement; that we, alone, are completely responsible for how we feel. So the uncomfortable feelings and thoughts within her are already there and are being brought to the surface (triggered) by her interactions with the co-worker.  This is a new concept for her, so we explore it further.

Now this next part is very important to get before we proceed. Gloria is NOT inadequate.  In truth, Gloria and all of us are Pure Light, unconditionally loved and adored by our Higher Selves, The Company of Heaven and Creator.  So if Gloria is feeling inadequate, it is the feeling elicited by the dark thought form she was programmed with and still carries, probably from childhood.  Once she is conscious of the dark thought form, we can clear it and assist Gloria in remembering Who She Really Is... Pure Light and Love.

Here are some examples of the dark thought forms from the programming/brainwashing:

"I am wrong"
"I am unworthy"
"I am separate"
"I am unlovable"
"Children should be seen and not heard"
"Love is conditional"

These dark thoughts can be conveyed verbally or implied by parents, school, television/media, religion and other parts of our culture.

OK...back to Gloria... We discuss how inadequacy is not what she is and is not part of her natural state of being. We talk about how gratifying it can be when we uncover "something not of our making" to clear it away from our experience, so that we can return to our natural state of happiness, joy and peace.
Once we identify the uncomfortable feeling of inadequacy, I ask her to close her eyes and trace this feeling back through her life and locate the first time she ever remembers feeling "inadequate."

She quickly references, with teary eyes, her mother telling her as a little girl (maybe 6 or 7) that she will never "measure up" to her brothers, and discusses the continuous comparisons to her brothers all throughout her childhood and teenage years.  I ask if she can remember what she was feeling at that time as a child. She said, "I felt very hurt and sad and confused."  She remembers continually trying to prove herself to her mother.  She tells the story of going to college and graduating summa cum laude in her class and thinking,  "See there! I did it!"... still attempting to prove her worth and value to her mother/parents.

We discuss how these experiences contributed to the dark thoughts of "I am worthless, I am inadequate, I am not enough."  And because these thoughts were not corrected in her childhood, she took them with her when she left home, and carries them around still.  And now it is coming up as an opportunity to correct it and be done with it!

Note: Remember her chief complaint, breast swelling and immune imbalances... We can see the connection between toxic breasts and toxic emotions about her mother and breast problems with heart chakra imbalances.

After we locate the original template (the first memory) of the dark thought form, I ask Gloria to look around that time of her life with "young Gloria" as much as she feels OK doing to make sure she has time to really look at the variations of this thought form and uncomfortable feelings she experienced.  This is not long, just about 10 minutes or so.  This allows "young Gloria" to be heard in a way that she wasn't as a child.  I suggest standing with herself as a child as she experiences these feelings and telling her she is listening and feeling with her as an adult in charge of the situation.

By doing this, Gloria can tell herself as a child that she is more than adequate, in fact, she is Pure Light and perfect and innocent.  We can see that this is programming done to her by an abusive mother who is in pain herself and taking it out on her child.  I tell Gloria there is a powerful prayer she can use here to completely clear away the uncomfortable feelings and correct the thought forms originally given to her by her mother.

Ho'oponopono Prayer

Ho'oponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.  It is comprised of 4 powerful, and simple phrases:
"I am sorry.  Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."

Ho'oponopono means to make right. Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships, especially with yourself.

"If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society."
   -  By Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au. She was recognized by the State of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983.

Once forgiveness has been offered to the original situation, and Gloria feels a completion there, I ask her to see if she can locate the feeling of inadequacy, and the partnering dark thought forms, that she brought forward with her from that original template.  As she travels through her memories from her childhood to present day, she can find many instances of the thread of this type of feeling.  I ask her to offer the Ho' oponopono Prayer to each incident she can find, with the deepest feelings with her whole heart and soul.

Gloria states that she is finding it easier to do the prayer and feels the dark thought forms clearing as she moves close to present day.  And, then, she hits strong emotions when she recalls a particular memory: the delivery of her daughter who was still-born, having died just two weeks before she was due. The umbilical chord was wrapped around her neck in the womb.  I allow time for Gloria to connect with the feelings of this experience, and breathe.  She says she is experiencing tremendous sadness and guilt.

There is a part of her that knows she is not to blame for the death of her daughter, but still she feels guilt.  I ask her to see how this is similar to the feelings she experienced as a child: "I am wrong.  I am not good enough.  I don't measure up.  I am inadequate."  She offers the Ho' oponopono Prayer for the experience, and cries a few more tears of release.

We bring it full circle to the uncomfortable feelings between her and the co-worker.  She sees now this dark thought form pattern is replicating from the original template from childhood, and understands how the feelings of inadequacy and coupled dark thought forms are not who she is, but a program placed in her child brain, and now it can be completely healed and permanently cleared.

She expresses astonishment about the connection between her situation with her co-worker and her mother, but totally "gets it."  She tells me that during the tracing of the feelings back through her life she experienced pain in her breast, and a throbbing.  But now, nothing.  She says that she can see the connection and it "intuitively makes SO much sense."

I jot down the Enlightenment process in bullet points and suggest she use it for any and all uncomfortable feelings and thoughts that arise.  She now sees that, even though she is experiencing these feeling fresh in the Now, their roots lay in her childhood...and they can be looked at, dissolved and released "for good, "literally!

Link for Channel Panel Blogtalkradio Program: 5D COMMUNITY & SANANDA JESUS

This Case Study is to be used in conjunction with the book, Who Needs Light? by Dr. Kathryn E. May and the "Enlightenment Training & Support, Clearing Dark Thoughtforms Flowchart"


feeling words

feeling words 2


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The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus

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English -- SaLuSa 12 December 2014

SaLuSa 12 December 2014
What exciting prospects lie ahead because you can rightly look forward to some revealing times, and positive indications that the long awaited changes are coming to fruition.  We appreciate the reasons for your caution, and feel sure that given time you will have no doubt that you are leaving the old Age cycle behind. It has run its course and there is no way back for those of the dark forces who have supported it. Naturally there will still be obstacles to overcome, but their ability to maintain it has been sorely diminished. You can expect them to try and prevent the news becoming widespread, but it is of such importance that we will not allow it to be stopped or interfered with. There may be minor problems, but you may be assured that a wonderful future is assured.
The time selected for the announcement has obviously been chosen with the holiday period in mind, so that as many people as possible can be reached. Families can gather together and discuss the implications of the coming Cities of Light. It should bring about a great upliftment in people's hopes and faith in the future. Your experiences have been closely followed since the beginning of the cycle some 26,500 years ago. You have been guided to follow a path that would give you the needed experiences to hasten your evolution, and also opportunities to rise up above the lower energies. The end times were always subject to your choice of which direction to go in and we are pleased that sufficient souls of the Light have been successful. They may not have been a majority, but their ability to bring the Light through has been sufficient to overcome the dark energies that would have destroyed them and taken full control.
After having to stand by your beliefs often with little proof you at last have something to back you up, and as time passes it will become even stronger. Some souls will still find it difficult to understand the meaning of what is happening and will carry on in their old ways. That is fine inasmuch that each one of you must follow your own intuition, and decide your own future. In fact you cannot simply elect to move further into the Light than your own vibrations will allow. You must therefore allow others to define their own needs and path to follow. Be assured that all souls will eventually find themselves exactly where they are intended to be. This will allow them to proceed with their evolution in a manner that is appropriate to their level of understanding. In the long term all souls will rise up, since in reality there is no time such as you understand it. The higher levels are not bound by time and souls can move backwards and forward within it.
On Earth the news of the Cities of Light will cause a great stir and give the people great hope for the future of Mankind. Hitherto the future looked grim with chaos seeming to get worse and with little hope of any changes for the better. As you have been experiencing, the end times can be quite volatile as the old energies play themselves out. However, nothing will stop the full manifestation of the New Age that has already commenced. What is to happen will give people great hope for the future, and many advances that you have heard of can soon become part of your reality. Although you have been held back by the dark Ones, the fact remains that progress has still continued where new inventions have been made that will make life a lot easier. "Lack" will eventually become an unnecessary word and there will come a time when poverty will become totally eradicated. Hunger and lack of the material needs that make life more acceptable will no longer apply, as there will be ample supplies of all the necessary things that can bring it to you.
Dear Ones, by now you should have a good idea of where Humanity is heading, and it will make up for the many less acceptable experiences that you have had. All has of course been in the interests of your evolution and have been planned from one life to another, so that you have kept on rising up and raising your vibrations. For those souls that have been unable to do so, there are no recriminations but simply more opportunities given to succeed another time around. As you have often been informed, at all times you have had assistance and never been left alone to fight your battles. It may seem otherwise but please remember that we can advise you and work with you, but the final path you take is your decision and who are we or indeed anyone else to interfere with your choice.
Considerable karma is accumulated on Earth by those who believe in revenge for acts against them. It is in fact a way that brings you more karma, because nothing is ever gained by such acts. Each soul has to face themselves and their acts when the mortal life expires. It is of course difficult to become passive in a violent world, but bear in mind that all of the time you are creating your own future. If you are a soul of Love and Light that has reached the level of one who can express "love" in all circumstances, then you are surely ready for your Ascension. However, do not despair as there are different levels within all dimensions, and as long as you lead your life based on loving your brothers and sisters, you will succeed and rise up.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and happy to be able to give the good news about the Cities of Light. They have been slowly manifesting for quite some time and it will be a wonderful sight when they do. They will attract thousands of visitors but we suspect that initially its appearance will be as you say “dumbed down”. However, the Cities are quite large and there will clearly be enormous interest in them. The authorities will not be allowed to interfere and adequate precautions will be made to give it full protection. Be In Love and Light and know you are blessed to be present on Earth at such an important time.    
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

You will be overwhelmed with the sense of Oneness that embraces you.

You will be overwhelmed with the sense of Oneness that embraces you.

Listen to Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday 13th

Here, removed from the illusion as we are, we can see that humanity is most definitely moving forwards towards wakefulness, and that that movement towards will not be arrested.  Too many insane events and disclosures are now occurring to allow the nightmare to remain seemingly real.  When a dream becomes too intense or too seemingly real the sleeper wakens and dissolves the dream as he rubs his eyes and returns to Reality.  That is happening right now.  Just continue to hold your intent to wake up from the illusion, intend to be loving at all times, and to constantly hold the Light that you bear on high.

It is humanity’s collective intent that supports and maintains the illusion or that causes it to collapse and crumble.  That latter intent has been chosen, is strengthening and intensifying, and its effects are now becoming apparent.  Signs of its dissolution are everywhere, and the attempts to shore it up by those who would maintain the status quo are proving utterly ineffective.  Its foundations are disintegrating and are beyond repair, and you all know that, so do not allow yourselves to be drawn back down into the doom and gloom scenario of the illusion by the disturbing news that is reported by the mainstream media, and which is intended to keep you in a state of fear.  Instead focus on Love.

Love surrounds you in every moment waiting most patiently for you to open your hearts to It.  That is to fully open your hearts, unconditionally.  It is not helpful to think to yourselves, and many do, that when others – loved ones, friends, relatives, church leaders, politicians, etc. – become more respectful, more trustworthy, more open, more loving, then so will you.  It does not work like that!  The only person who can open your heart is you, and waiting for someone else to open theirs first just delays the whole process.

By opening your hearts very consciously, and by confirming your intent to do so frequently throughout the day, you make it happen.  You need to keep reminding yourselves to be loving, regardless of what is going on around you.  When you do the energy field of Love in which you were created, and in whose embrace you are always firmly held, brightens and intensifies, when you forget it dims.

To forget and get on with your life “normally,” defenses at the ready for any snub, offense, or attack that may arise, puts a dark and heavy veil over the bright divine Light that burns constantly within you, hiding it from general view, and encouraging others to keep their own defenses at the ready, thus also veiling the Light of their own inextinguishable fields of Love.

On the other hand, when you dismantle those defenses and offer Love at all times to the others with whom you interact, they will be strongly encouraged to dismantle their own defenses.  At first it seems to be a very local thing – loving people getting together, letting down their defenses, and creating a safe and loving haven in which harmonious interactions occur spontaneously.  Then through constancy and persistence the courage that you share intensifies and you become willing to remove your personal defenses in ever more unfamiliar circumstances and situations.  Very rapidly you will become aware of the fact you have no need of defenses, you will demolish them, and that is how you, each and every one of you, changes the world!

It is truly amazing how many on Earth at this moment are already demolishing those defenses which it seems have served you so well over the eons.  But, in truth, they have merely enabled your sense of separation, of aloneness, even of abandonment to persist, thus confirming your fears and your belief that you need defenses for protection from the dangers with which it seems you are constantly threatened.

This demolishment of defenses, this willingness to be seen and counted, being demonstrated by whistle-blowers and those prepared to publish them, is having an unprecedented affect all over the world.  The dirty secrets that those who would control you have hidden from you for so long can no longer be contained, their deceits and dishonesties are betraying them, they no longer have anywhere to hide – The Truth Will Out!

You most certainly know this because the Truth cannot remainpermanently hidden, it can only be denied until disclosure occurs.  You know that the way forwards, the way home to Reality is along the path that the brilliant Light you are each bearing, which is firmly and eternally established at the center of your being, shines ahead of you lighting yourway unmistakably.  You cannot get lost, although you canchoose to dally, dawdle, or apparently lose your way by letting go of your intent to be loving in every moment.

Being loving holds the dark veil clear of your inextinguishable Light so that you can see your path.  When you take a break from holding your loving intent the veil falls across your Light, and the path ahead becomes dark and obscured, it may even appear dangerous.  When you experience this situation it means that you have forgotten to be loving in some way – maybe a judgment, a resentment, a jealousy, or an anger has occupied your mind, and the veil has fallen over your Light, dimming it temporarily – just release whatever was blocking your loving intent, and the way will once again become clear.

Truly, your way home is always brilliantly lighted.  When it seems that it is not, look within and see what you are holding on to that is not in alignment with Love.  When you are in alignment you will feel at peace, anxiety will fall away, and you will deal most satisfactorily with any issues that arise.  You have done it before, so, if necessary, call to mind issues that you have dealt with satisfactorily and successfully in the past, and remember the state of mind you used to engage with them and resolve them.  You will find that acceptance was one of those states, and that that led to an awareness that the situation could be resolved, whereupon peace and resolution followed.

Love surrounds you in every moment, and if you will open to It fully you will feel Its embrace warming and comforting you.  Opening to It is to release that within you that is distracting you and dragging you back down into the illusion, anything that is out of alignment and cannot harmonize with It – I don’t think I need to spell that out again!

So think of something you truly love – a person, a place, an experience – and recall it as vividly as possible as you sit quietly within your holy inner sanctuary, and allow it to dissolve all that is disturbing or upsetting you.  To do just that is all you need do to re-establish inner peace.  By sitting quietly with that intent you are also calling on us for help, and we always respond instantly because we are always waiting for your call.  There is no separation, we are all One, and that is how we always know when you call on us.  And when you awaken, as is inevitable, you will be overwhelmed with the sense of Oneness that embraces you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Transcending The Ego And Find Godself....Part 1,2,3......Wes Annac..From Culture Of Awareness....

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness


The ego’s an innate aspect of our consciousness that can be used for benevolence or malevolence. Most people who hear the word ‘ego’ associate it with someone who’s full of themselves; who brags about their accomplishments or acts like they’re better than the people around them.

The ego’s usually associated with people who are so confident in themselves that they tend to be overbearing, but there’s much more to it and its mechanisms than simple self-centeredness. As strange as it might sound, the ego’s actually necessary for us to survive and function in the lower realms, and it can only fill us with selfishness if we let it.

I think the mind can be used for good when the ego’s overbearing influence is transcended, and here, I’d like to examine what some of our spiritual teachers have said about it.

I’ve probably done a report on the ego before, but I wanted to talk about it again because I’m fascinated with the idea of transcending it and using the mind for positive purposes.

As you can probably imagine, our teachers encourage us to transcend the ego and its constant wants and desires, and I agree that we’ll have to transcend it if we want to feel, anchor or express spirit with any degree of purity.

One we transcend its influence, we can work with it to produce helpful works that benefit others. We can express unhindered spirituality from right here on earth (as opposed to striving to evolve into a higher realm to feel it), but only when the ego’s transcended will we express it properly.

Sadhu Arunachala describes his experience of ego death, which came in the form of an intense fear he started to feel after meditating for months.

“After I had been meditating in the presence of Bhagavan [Sri Ramana Maharshi] for some months, I reached a certain stage when I would be overcome by fear. … [Bhagavan] explained that it was the ego that experienced the fear as it felt that it was gradually losing its grip.

“It was, in fact, dying, and naturally resented it. He asked me, ‘To whom is the fear? It is all due to the habit of identifying the body with the Self. Repeated experience of separation from this idea will make one familiar with this state and fear will then automatically cease.’” (1)

Paul Ferrini tells us that the ego puts all of its effort into sustaining what’s already known.

“Your ego is terrified of the unknown. No matter how terrible the known past is, the ego prefers it to the unknown present.

“All of its energy goes into trying to make the present into the past. It thinks that this creates safety, but in truth it creates continued terror, a constant aggravation of the wound until the pain is so intense that it must be dealt with. You see, everything, even your ego, conspires toward your awakening!

“So living the past over and over again creates the ultimate terror. Outwardly, life seems safe and predictable. Inwardly, the dynamite has been lit.” (2)

The more we ty to live in the past by sustaining an experience we remember or understand, the more we trap ourselves in the ego’s confines.

Some of you who are on the path of spiritual evolution might notice that you’re sometimes tempted by the desire to fall back into old habitual patterns and ways of living/being that no longer serve you, and this could very well be because the ego’s striving to maintain its grip.

The ego will start to feel like its dying as we continuously fade into our sacred center. It’ll fight, fight and fight some more to postpone its inevitable transcendence, and it’s our duty to stay as centered and materialistically unfocused as we can in an effort to constantly embrace spirit.

If we can embrace spirit, the ego will have less and less control over our ability to think and discern. Let’s feed spirit as much as we can and go out of our way to deny the wants and demands of the ego, which fights to save its own life and influence over our consciousness and the decisions we make.

Adyashanti affirms what Paul told us about the ego’s need to sustain itself.

“The psychological self seeks to continue, to survive. Simultaneously there is a compelling, driving urge to break free of this self.

“However, to break free brings the end of time. When it happens, past and future will be over for you. Questions and answers will cease, and there will be nothing. Out of that nothing, something fresh will flower. You will have to become that flower.” (3)

Paramahansa Ramakrishna advises that to see ourselves as finite humans, and not as Source, is to limit ourselves and feed spiritual ignorance.

“‘I’ and ‘mine’ — these constitute ignorance. ‘My house,’ ‘my wealth’, ‘my learning’, ‘my possessions’ — the attitude which prompts one to say such things comes of ignorance. (4)

We’re much more than the meat suits we embody here on earth, and we can’t take our material possession with us into the higher realms. We can’t even take our physical bodies with us on our journey back to Source.

All we can take with us is our consciousness as it’ll exist when we’re ready to leave this sphere, so we’ll want to make sure we cultivate a wholesome life for ourselves in the realms beyond by living as much in love and centeredness as we can on earth.

It’s easy to fill our heads and hearts with material possessions and concerns, but we’ll make life much harder for ourselves when we’re back in the higher (or lower) realms if we do.

Where we go when the physical body perishes depends entirely on the choices we make in life, and if we make choices that are in alignment with our spiritual paths, I’m sure we’ll experience pure bliss when we’re back in the higher realms.

We’ll experience exactly what we create for ourselves, and if we create love and joy here on earth, that’s exactly what we’ll experience.


Sadhu Arunachala (A.W. Chadwick), A Sadhu’s Reminiscences of Ramana Maharshi. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1961, 40.
Paul Ferrini, Silence of the Heart. South Deerfield, MA: Heartways Press, 1996, 22.
Adyashanti,, 16 May 2004.
Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 105.

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Continued from Part 1

As Ramakrishna also tells us, the ‘I’ we’re familiar with isn’t intended to be our physical selves, but Source him/herself.

“By discriminating you will realize that what you call ‘I’ is really nothing but Atman. Reason it out. Are you the body or the flesh or something else?

“At the end you will know that you are none of these. You are free from attributes. Then you will realize that you have never been the doer of any action, that you have been free from virtue and faults alike, that you are beyond righteousness and unrighteousness.” (1)

As long as we empower the ego, he tells us, we’ll continue to live in the illusion of polarity.

“[Virtue and vice] both exist and do not exist.

“If God keeps the ego in a man, then He keeps in him the sense of differentiation and also the sense of virtue and sin. But in a rare few He completely effaces the ego, and these go beyond virtue and sin, good and bad. As long as a man has not realized God, he retains the sense of differentiation and the knowledge of good and bad.” (2)

The idea that only a select few people can find enlightenment seems a bit outdated, and I can only say this because of the opinions of the readers who commented on one of my recent articles about the concept of enlightenment only being attainable to the few seekers who are diligent enough to completely transcend the ego.

Even though inner work is still an absolute requirement, I think the portal has widened since Ramakrishna’s days and more seekers can now find enlightenment.

I suppose this perspective is partially influenced by modern day ascension beliefs; by the idea that all of humanity’s experiencing a gradual yet direct physical/spiritual evolution. The feeling I (and plenty of others) get is that enlightenment’s now widely available as long as we can do the inner work that’s always been (and always will be) necessary.

The ego, Ramakrishna tells us, “is like a stick that seems to divide the water in two. It makes you feel that you are one and I am another.” (3)

Spiritual ignorance, he advises, “lasts as long as one has ego. There can be no liberation as long as the ego remains. ‘O God, Thou art the Doer and not I’ — that is knowledge.” (4)

He expands on one of his quotes from earlier.

“’My house,’ ‘my wealth’, ‘my learning’, ‘my possessions’ — the attitude which prompts one to say such things comes of ignorance. On the contrary, the attitude born of Knowledge is: ‘O God, Thou art the Master, and all these things belong to Thee. House, family, children, attendants, friends are Thine.” (5)

Becoming a conduit for Source’s energy and inspiration is worth our time and effort. When we can recognize that our finite physical selves are only capable of achieving things that resonate with our surface perception, we can open up, break the barrier and do things we never expected to do.

Source works through us to the extent that we’re willing and able to open up, and our creativity will flow (along with our general spirituality) when we allow Source to express his/her omnipotent love and intelligence through us. We’ll no longer stress or worry about how other seekers see our work, because we’ll know we didn’t create it by ourselves – we received divine assistance.

According to Krishnamurti, “It is the mind with its demands and fears, its attachments and denials, its determinations and urges, that destroys love.” (6)

He tells us how religious and political ‘propaganda’ have shaped the way we think.

“The experience of pleasure and pain is direct, individual; but the understanding of the experience is after the pattern of others, of the religious and social authorities. We are the result of the thoughts and influences of others; we are conditioned by religious as well as political propaganda.” (7)

Hazrat Inayat Khan affirms that seeing ourselves through an ego-driven lens causes a lot of unnecessary misery.

“A person who likes to say twenty times in the day, ‘I’, does not like to say, ‘I am not, Thou art’. But he does not know that this claim of ‘I’ is the root of all his trouble. It is this claim that makes him feel hurt by every little insult, by every little disturbance.

“The amount of pain that this illusion gives him is so great that it is just as well he got rid of it. But that is the last thing he would do. He would give up his last penny, but not the thought of ‘I’. … That is the whole difficulty and the only hindrance on the spiritual path.” (8)

According to Sri Krishna, ‘cutting free from desire’ will liberate us and show us the way to the heart.

“Self-controlled, Cut free from desire, Curbing the heart And knowing the Atman, Man finds Nirvana That is in Brahman, Here and hereafter.” (9)

The Buddha tells us that “The world does not know that we must all come to an end here; but those who know it, their quarrels cease at once.” (10)

Everything in existence has a purpose, the Buddha shares, and living in love is the best thing we can do with this existence.

“All things that exist are not without cause. However, neither Ishvara, nor the absolute, nor the self, nor causeless chance, is the maker, but our deeds produce results both good and evil.

“The whole world is under the law of causation, and the causes that act are not un-mental, for the gold of which the cup is made is gold throughout. … Let us surrender self and all selfishness, and as all things are fixed by causation, let us practise good so that good may result from our actions.” (11)

When we can live purely and unflinchingly in the heart, the karma we manifest will uplift us and those around us who’d benefit from our love and positivity. The afterlife we create for ourselves will be much more blissful, because we’ll have made a real and solid effort to make it pleasant for ourselves with our continuously loving actions on earth.

Sometimes, I want to shout from a mountaintop that love is the most important and powerful force in existence, second only to Source him/herself.

Love will help us see our way through the confusing earthly maze we have to try our best to navigate, and with love in our hearts and the willingness in our minds to consistently transcend the ego, we’ll align our thoughts, feelings and actions with a higher power.


Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 208.
Ibid., 328.
Ibid., 387.
Ibid., 204.
Ibid., 105.
J. Krishnamurti,Commentaries on Living. Second Series. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1967; c1958, 223.
J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 61-2.
Hazrat Inayat Khan, Way of Illumination. Delhi, etc.: Motilal Banarsidass, 1988, 197.
Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 61.
Edwin A. Burtt, ed., The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha. New York and Toronto: New American Library, 1955, 53.
Paul Carus, The Gospel of Buddha According to Old Records. Tucson: Omen Press, 1972, 61.
Concluded in Part 3 tomorrow. Head here to read the full article.


English --The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild -- December 14, 2014

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

December 14, 2014

Blossom: Welcome to you, once again. A question that I would like to ask … regarding those of us that have been chosen to be on this planet to help raise Mother Earth into her Higher position. White Cloud has often said that many, many volunteered to come, knowing what an important mission it is ... yet, only the strongest of the strong were chosen. Why is it then, that more than half the world seem to have slept through their alarm clock?

The Federation of Light: A warmest welcome to you and all who are of Light … and by this we mean ALL. For ALL BEINGS are of Light. They cannot BE of anything else.

Blossom: Although of course, they may ‘appear’ to be something completely opposite.

The Federation of Light: Indeed. As always … we speak to you of the Bigger Picture. Consider the scenario of the GRAND PLAY … The PLAYING OUT of a performance. Within this story, there are the goodies and the baddies … the happy and the sad … the ‘everything you can possibly think of’s’ … in order to make this particular play, one that has an intense purpose … and leaves one, when leaving the theatre, uplifted and moved … and indeed, much wiser for having had the experience.

Blossom: OK. So, if I take out of the equation … the dark ones … in the understanding that they are playing their part, in order for us to gain in knowledge and understanding … what about those who are simply still unaware of who they are and continue on through life, not really contributing to the upliftment of The Whole? Did they not come here to be of assistance?

The Federation of Light: Yes, they did.

Blossom: In what way?

The Federation of Light: In the way of BEING themselves.

Blossom: Yet, when those still in slumber seem to be ‘speaking ill of others’ and a thousand other things that would portray them to still be sleeping … how is this assisting in what they came here to do? Are those who didn’t get chosen, not a little frustrated by those who are not playing their part? Are they not thinking they could be doing a better job … in getting this show on the road? Truly, I am not judging … just curious.

The Federation of Light: Have we not many times used the expression …   ‘All is as should be.’ Or … ‘All is not as it seems.’?

Yes, indeed, there are those who are choosing to take a little longer in their awakening. There are those who are simply part of the cycle/circle of Life that are determining their pathway and which avenues to choose … and then, there are those who have come down here in a specific form with a specific agenda in order to ‘move things along’ for the benefit of The Whole.

Consider, that if all on Earth at this time were … would we say … the volunteers that were chosen … there would be little need for such a Divine Plan to be so fully intricate and involved. Yet, not ALL are of such a degree of Enlightenment.

Therefore, the position of many Light Beings was invoked, in order to balance out the necessary requirement of frequency.

Blossom: So, when you say … ‘Others are here in the way of ‘being themselves’ to assist’ what do you mean?

The Federation of Light: There is so much to explain … in matters of everything.

Those, that for you … for instance … ‘go against the grain’ … if we may put it that way …
Blossom: You may.

The Federation of Light: are playing out their role. There HAS to be everything playing out.  Every level of evolving … from the insect to the astronaut … because THIS … THIS LIFE ON EARTH is the experiment that was created.

Each individual soul has a purpose for itself on its journey … It has choice for itself.
Each soul decides who to be … how to be it … and when.

One could relate to picking up a script and deciding ‘Yes, this time around, I will play this character’. Yet, ALL the scripts are chapters of THE ONE VAST PLAY/PLAN.

Blossom: I still get confused by the Divine plan. How can there be a plan when we are creating as we go?  What if the balance of many’s thoughts, veer of course from what the DIVINE PLAN ‘s plan is?

The Federation of Light: Yet … it cannot.

For The Divine Plan IS your creation.

That’s it.

That is the plan.

Your creation of Life for yourselves … of yourselves.

Blossom: Yet, isn’t the Divine Plan … or at least part of it … to lift Gaia into a Higher vibration?

The Federation of Light: Indeed … yet, you have come here to create that.

Blossom: What if we forget that is why we came? What if, when here, some change their mind or get distracted. And, if we came here to create that lifting of the planet … would that … could that … not be considered pre-programming?

The Federation of Light: In no sense would we comply with programming of self-choice. That would not make sense for the creation of yourselves.

When you are not of Earth, in the physical Being … you are a form of Light … different degrees of Light … depending on where you choose to be/go when you leave the Earth plane.

Those that were /are chosen to assist in lifting the Planet are driven by this KNOWING … that this is what they came to do. It is part of them. It is not programming … It is a conscious decision by THE ALL … that this is the ‘correct way to go’. The next step in humanity, if you like.

This part of the plan is a collective conscious decision. Therefore, when we say ‘You create your own reality’ … yes, you do. This is a Divine Truth.

Yet, have you considered that perhaps you create your own reality … or perhaps the ‘blue print’ of your Earthly possible reality … before you arrive there each time?
As if the creation of ‘Benefitting The Whole’ is a conscious decision of/by The Whole … before One enters into the Earthly life to then ‘bring it into reality.’

This is why so many of you KNOW. You have an inner KNOWING when you are following your heart. That instinctive ‘This FEELS so right’ FEELING … is your soul’s way of telling you, that you are creating that which you decided you would create before you came.

In the same way … when you have the uncomfortable feeling about something that is taking place … you KNOW that you are not on track with that which you decided would be part of THE PLAN.

There is the individual plan and there is the OVERALL plan.

One … wherever they were in perspective to travelling and opening up their souls Truth … would not consider coming back for another ‘ride/trip’ to Earth and living out a creation that would be detrimental to their growth.

Blossom: Yet … in many souls lives, it may appear that way.

The Federation of Light: This word ‘appearance’ is a word that has many connotations …of which, at this moment in time we are having difficulty putting the right accent upon.

That which can ‘appear’ to be working or being presented as one thing … may not actually be the reason behind what it is ‘appearing’ to be.

Blossom: I feel you want me to look up ‘appearance’. OK. So, 

1. The outward or visible aspect of a person or thing: 
2. An outward show; pretence: 
3. One of the outward signs or indications by which a person or thing is assessed

The Federation of Light: Thank you. This assists us. For, what is the outward visible aspect of a person, is not necessarily the reason why the inward aspect of that soul ... is choosing to appear that way outwardly.

Blossom: And the direction to the funny farm is?

The Federation of Light: We continue, in that, ‘an appearance can be an indication or sign of how a person is assessed’. Yet, we would clearly state that the outward indication MAY BE very, very different from the inward indication ... It just needs to be presented in a particular way.

Blossom: Almost there, in understanding. Yet, so close also, to the funny farm!

The Federation of Light: We can only say then … for we FEEL unable to express correctly … that if you ponder on this … your soul will know its TRUTH. 

Blossom: Yes, it sort of does. Yet, I have now forgotten the point in the first place!

The Federation of Light: It was regarding One’s creativity of the life chosen to live on Earth each time.

We would expand on this by saying … to hopefully make it more accessible to understanding … that some souls … are still ‘working on’ their individual pathway … as opposed to being aware of the pathway of Light for The Whole. Whereas, other souls … have evolved into a position where much of their own individual pathway has been walked … and they are now continuing to walk their own pathway … yet, it is ‘attached’ to the upliftment of ONE. Those that have come down here to ‘lift the planet’, have reached a certain ‘grade’ … would we say … and therefore, have come to create that which is FOR ALL ... and by this we mean … ALL.

It is a simple matter of One understanding more and more of WHO THEY ARE. This does not come from an egotistical knowing … for when One has reached a certain grade, the ego is left behind. Although, it can sometimes ‘appear’ to still be hanging around ... Maybe, this is for others to understand ‘ego’.

Blossom: Mmm! Might go into that later. My brain cannot handle that right now. I can FEEL that.







This recognition … this remembering the BRIGHT LIGHT OF SELF … magnifies the speed of the transition that is taking place … greatly.

As you move into the next phase of Lightness … as your new year brings in even Higher levels of Light/Love Energy … as YOU … Each One … merge with these Higher Energies and recognise yourselves at this HIGHER level  … how you shall see CHANGES OF MAGNIFICENCE taking place.

Be of the GREATEST cheer Dearest Souls …

We are aware Blossom, that you have not wanted us to speak of how close you are  etc … of matters concerning time frames. Yet, we thank you this day for allowing us to say … that you are so very close now … to FEELING in your hearts, that …

ALL OF THIS that you have seen/been through …

ALL OF THIS that you have marched bravely onwards for …





Blossom: Thank you so much … I know it is time to go … Always a blessing to have a chat with you … In Love and thanks.

The Federation of Light: Always, with much gratitude to Each One for remaining in their Truth as they walk their pathway.

The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE.

An Invocation from Feb 14th. Always good to do when you FEEL like it . It all helps.

Petitioning President Barack Obama
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Barack Obama
Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.
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