Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. August 28, 2015. ... and more :)

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. August 28, 2015. August 28, 2015 By Andrew Eardley

People of the Earth, you are in turmoil as your systems are breaking down, proving once again that they are inadequate to maintain a decent and sustained standard of living.

Regrettably it has to be that way, as you are the Masters of your own destiny having been graced with freewill. It could have been so different had you accepted that you are your Brother’s keeper, and that you are All One within the Human Race. Greed and self-aggrandisement have prevented souls from equally sharing the wealth of the planet, and that has led to an unbalanced society.

We do not condemn those involved as the Human Race has accepted what amounts to a free-for-all. However, the experience has given all concerned an insight into life without Love and without God, and shown that Man lacks the know-how or will to be his Brother’s Keeper. So no experience is without its positive side, in teaching lessons that have speeded up your evolution.

You have had many lives where different approaches to life have been tried, and apart from the occasional high points it has been very much a hard lesson about life. Certainly as you have experienced many different approaches to life’s challenges and problems, you have nevertheless continued to evolve and many of you have advanced sufficiently to be able to ascend.

It now remains to be seen when you can raise the vibrations sufficiently for Ascension to take place. It will certainly occur as that is your destiny and indeed for the whole Universe. It cannot be otherwise and has been decreed by the higher forces that oversee the evolution of the Human Race.

Every soul is given the same opportunity to ascend, and much help is given them subject to their freewill. Some are so entrenched in the lower vibrations that they find it difficult to move on, but be assured that every help is given to help them rise up. However, there comes a point when a cycle has run its course and a new one begins, and it is this interim period that causes you so many problems.

There is a grand sorting out that at this time is elevating all aspects of the Light. There will come a time quite soon, when the Light has risen to such a level that it literally leaves the lower vibrations behind. It means that any soul that has not ascended will move to another cycle that continues to meet their needs.

All works out perfectly in the end so there is no need to worry about the future of any particular soul. Dear Ones, give thought to the fact that God dwells in a state of complete and utter Love and Perfection, and God’s plan for Man is perfection incarnate.

Before you volunteered to experience duality and dropped down into the lower vibrations, you knew that it would be a trying time but were confident that you could overcome the challenge. You knew that all along your journey you would be helped to rise up again, but also that with freewill you could experience every aspect of duality.

So you travel at a speed that suits your particular requirements, which is why some souls are “lagging” behind. Those who feel a strong link with the Human Race, will return after their Ascension desiring to help lost souls to find their way out of the darkness and back to the Light.

At a higher level of vibration the Oneness of all souls is truly understood, and in Brotherly/Sisterly love some will stay in service to them. As you are no doubt beginning to realise, the energy of Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.

In such changing times, our advice to you is to simply keep your goal in mind, and try as far as possible to ignore what is going on around you. None of you at your level will truly understand what is really happening behind the scenes, but however it appears remember that all actions taken by the Light are ultimately for your benefit.

You would consider the tasks we face are too enormous to deal with in short time. However, we emphasise once again that we have enormous forces of Light ready to go into action. Plus our methods are far in advance of what you are already aware of and we can make relatively short work of whatever tasks we face, as we have unlimited resources at our disposal. Our main concern as always is your safety and we will move you into another area if the necessity arises, but do not worry as we do not visualise any major need for such drastic action.

You are still getting visitors from other civilisations, but often these are for no more than cursory visits where information is being collected regarding the changes in your planet. You are in a very unique situation as your personal Ascension is attracting a lot of interest, as it is the first time it will have been achieved with your existing physical bodies, that even now are being affected by the higher energies.

You may not “feel” it occurring but will possibly sense the change within Self, as you will ultimately become more at ease and in harmony with all else. You can of course help yourselves by keeping calm and focussed on the Light. You may read of many frightening occurrences around the world but that is inevitable when cleansing is taking place. Plus the fact that the Press enjoys exaggerating conditions by using very emotive words. The dark Ones also enjoy creating fear, as the energy feeds their lower energies and draws more people into them.

Every soul – if not already there – is gradually moving into position to experience the End Times while at the same time completing their karmic needs. Some of you are already past them and are preparing yourselves for Ascension. Forget what is going on around you as it is a most exciting time, although some who are more involved with actions on Earth may not believe it.

One day in the future you will look back at this period and be glad you were part of that history. You of the Light have served the people on many occasions and are acclaimed for what you have achieved. We are not surprised at your success, as you were initially chosen for the task due to your vast experience.

The Galactic Federation is at the ready for instructions to round up the dark Ones, who are no longer the force they were. They are now very restricted in what they can do and are unable to proceed with their plans to take over the Earth. Indeed, we monitor and control what takes place thus preventing any actions that would cause widespread damage and loss of life.

It can be confusing at times as by your understanding there will still be attacks on civilians, but these are not always what they seem. Remember that the Illuminati have infiltrated many Institutions, and their minions still carry out their secret operations that we are already aware of.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that more and more souls are awakening and beginning to realise that something big is taking place on Earth. Soon events will occur that will indicate what is coming. Know that each of you have many Dear Ones with you giving guidance, so I will leave you with those thoughts and my love.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

Source:SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. August 28, 2015.

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Michael's Message

Beloved masters, returning to the narrow path of Ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As an empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of ALL. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.

Indeed, the multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of Ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities, and that you have a direct link to the power source of Creation via the River of Life/Light.

As you learn to breathe deeply and effortlessly, you descend into your Sacred Heart Center where the Creator and Creation are one. This is when you begin to awaken and realize that you are experiencing your reality through a veil of illusion, that you are the dreamer as well as the dream. You begin to release yourself from the bonds of the mass consciousness belief structure, and you begin to seek your own higher truths. At that time, you begin the journey back into wholeness as you strive to recreate yourself into the SUN CHILD of our Father / Mother God—a Being of Light—which is your Divine Heritage. The Creator is THE SOURCE OF THE BREATH OF LIFE. The Breath is your Lifeline to and from the ALL THAT IS. As you inhale, you receive this gift that originates from within the Heart Core of the Creator. With each exhalation, you send this gift of Sacred Breath back to into the realms of the Infinite Source of Life.

As the veil between your world and ours gradually dissolves, we have endeavored to give you the tools and the knowledge you will need to function and be comfortable in an expanded reality as evolved Soul-infused Human Beings. It is important for you to understand that we have the capability of monitoring the major thought forms or the most prevalent beliefs of the masses on the earthly plane of existence, and through our highly developed senses we can observe the ebb and flow of the Light and shadows in every part of the world.

You are now aware that there are streams of Life/Light, which flow throughout the Omniverse, into each Universe, Sub-Universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, and into every sentient Being. Once you begin to awaken—to actively seek to strengthen the connection and to ask for guidance and direction—that personal Light line grows in brilliance and strength. We, of the Archangelic realm, radiate streams of refracted Creator Light throughout this Sub-Universe. These Living streams of Light radiate the qualities, attributes and virtues that we embody as representatives of our Mother/Father God, and it is our Divine Mission to make them available to humanity, the Earth and all creation. When you focus your consciousness on any one of us, you automatically connect with one of our millions of Light streams, and we are instantaneously aware of you. It is like tuning into a radio station, or plugging into an electric energy socket. The strength of the Light stream and the connection depends upon the frequencies you embody or the harmony and strength of your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song.

Each person’s Soul-Self is endeavoring to assume its proper role as the director of his/her life’s experiences. There is a tug-of-war going on between the Soul-Self and the ego-desire body, for the ego does not wish to relinquish its control of the four lower bodily systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric. The Soul is immortal and could be called the personality of your God-Self. It remembers who you truly are and ALL you have experienced throughout your many sojourns as a conscious God Spark. The ego- desire body is an integral part of your physical personality, and your physical, mental and emotional bodies have been encoded with the attributes, the weaknesses, strengths, challenges and opportunities you chose to experience in this important lifetime. You have always chosen or agreed to the Karmic lessons you would endeavor to resolve in each lifetime. Free will also applies within “the in-between lifetimes State of Being.” You are advised and suggestions are made; however, you have always made the final decisions.

You must endeavor to rise above the everyday stressful situations so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity. It is vitally important that you focus on what is right in your life and within your personal world, and it is important that you begin to envision yourself as you desire to become. We have emphasized that you must practice non-judgment and that includes non-judgment of Self.

Remember, you now have access to all of the Creator Particles of Light/Life that you can draw forth into your Sacred Heart, and never forget that these Adamantine Particles of Creation can only be activated by your pure loving intention. Also, we remind you that when you have integrated the vibrational formula of abundance, and accepted it as your truth, it becomes a part of your Soul Song. Thereafter, those frequency patterns of abundance will radiate forth, from the front and back portals of your Solar Power Center in an Infinity sign, thereby creating a constant flow of abundance in all good things.

We spoke long ago about the “virtue of selfishness” and this shocked many of you, for it was in direct opposition to what you had been taught in past ages. We ask you to consider, how can you become or give what you have not claimed for yourself? It behooves you to become a radiant shining example for others, and to share your Love/Light and wisdom with the Earth, humanity and all Creation. When you are functioning within a harmonious mid- or upper-Fourth-Dimensional environment, and you are tapping into the power, gifts and awareness of the Fifth Dimension via your crystalline Pyramid of Light, you are then given access to the Cities of Light, which are stationed strategically in the higher Dimensions around the Earth. In doing so, you begin the flow of Adamantine Particles, the elixir of Love/Life, into your personal Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid, and the Etheric Replica that you left there so very long ago.

From that point on, you have a supply of Creator Light flowing through your vertical River of Life Line into your physical vessel, via the Crown Chakra, which supply will be stored within your Sacred Heart. Once you connect with this Divine Source of Power/Life/Light, your earthly reality will never be the same. You are to take what you need, for the supply is unlimited. See these sparkling Particles flowing throughout your body in a stream of glowing Light, balancing, transforming and empowering. Through the techniques we have given you, especially the Infinity Breath, you will automatically send forth the blessed gift of Creator Light out into the world.

After you state your intention, and you have your ritual as a Bearer/conveyer of Light firmly anchored within your mind, you no longer have to focus on sending forth these transforming Particles of Light, for a Divine schematic will be in place and it will automatically follow the paths you have chosen. You can assign a percentage of your Adamantine Particles to the World Pyramid or the World Server Pyramid, for the upliftment of humanity and the Earth, and you can also dedicate a portion to the Group Pyramids in which you are an active member. Also, don’t forget to infuse your Work Pyramid—your projects and Seed thoughts—with an ample portion of Creator Light.

When you are filled to overflowing with Love/Light, and Spirit is the director of your life and experiences, you no longer worry about getting your share of love, wealth, respect and so on, for the validation of who and what you are comes from within—that is when you move into the unselfish mode of a Self-master. You know you have access to the riches, virtues and talents of your Divine birthright and you are not dependent on anyone or anything in the physical world, for you have become a sovereign Being of Light.

We also wish to clarify some confusion about “Free Will.” When we ask you to pray “Thy Will Be Done,” we are not asking you to give up your free will. We are endeavoring to help you to make the highest and best choices you can intelligently make. It is also wise to state, “I ask for this or something greater, for my highest good and the greatest good of all,” for you may not always know, because of future circumstances, what the highest choice may be. When you call upon your Higher Self each day when you arise, and ask that your will be aligned with the Will of your Divine Self for your greatest good each day, you are giving your Soul Self permission to guide, inspire and direct you. You will be strengthening the connection between your Higher Self and the Beings of Light so that they may begin to communicate with you through your intuition, and they will assist you in making the perfect choices each and every moment of the day. It will also speed up the process if you state, “I now place my ego-personality under the control of my Higher Self, and henceforth, through our unified efforts, we will create only beauty, harmony and balance within and around us.” This will allow your Higher Self to begin to direct you toward your highest destiny, and it will speed up the transition process via the integration of your physical, mental, and emotional bodies with your Spiritual-Self. All of you are being asked to make some important, major decisions as you prepare for your forthcoming Fifth-Dimensional destiny. Remember, you are always in control of the final choices you make.

My valiant Ones, these transformational years can be the most exciting, fulfilling years of your lives if you will just begin to tap into your Sacred Mind via your Sacred Heart. You have brought forth into this lifetime many wonderful talents and abilities; however, you must consciously begin to access and bring these gifts into your awareness so that you can perfect them and then share with others. Allow yourself to envision the perfect world you wish to create, and then follow Spirit’s nudgings as you take the action necessary to manifest your dreams. You must use the gifts you have been blessed with so that more may be bestowed upon you.

For many of you, there most likely are those who are presently in your life, or who may come into your life, who will try to discourage you from your Path. There may also be some family or friends that you will leave behind as you step onto the Path of en-Lighten-ment. As you learn the lessons that are presented to you, and are ready to advance toward the Light, they may remain stuck in the illusion of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. It will be their choice—so do not judge them. Bless them and allow them to follow their own chosen Path, but do not allow them to deter you from yours. Courageous hearts, those like you are in the Vanguard, the ones brave enough to step out and away from popular beliefs and the limited mass consciousness of the Lower-Dimensional environment.

Your destiny as a Wayshower is to become a shining example to those around you by projecting love and harmony. If you do nothing more than this, you will have fulfilled your current earthly Divine Mission. See yourself surrounded in the Violet Flame of transformation, and then project this radiant Flame out into the world of substance. See each adversity as Seeds of opportunity. As you move through each lesson and gain the value of its teachings, know that you will never have to experience that particular situation again. Bravely going forth to seek and live your own truth is the first step in taking back your personal power. Again, we remind you, your Sacred Mind holds the Memory Seed Atoms of your past and the future, and it is your personal source of the Divine will and power from our heavenly Father. These Memory Seed Atoms for the future must be incubated within the Sacred Heart and the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light ignited by your love, and through your pure intention and actions they are manifested in the world of form. Abundance of all kinds is a natural manifestation when you are in harmonious attunement with Spirit and the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.

Beloveds, it was never intended that you should journey alone. We are waiting to reunite with you and to offer you assistance during these accelerated times of change. We have often asked you to call on us, for we are only a thought away. We now ask you to envision a stream of Light, a Life Line flowing forth from your heart center and connecting with us. You may create a connection with as many of us as you wish and, together, we will surround the Earth with Streams of Creator Light. You are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael.

​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :

Note: Please scroll down to the bottom of this email for links to foreign language translations. * *

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Saint Germain, August 28, 2015 

Wake up Call 

Through Nancy Tate

Dear ones, it is I St. Germain today, and I wish to bring you some news that may be of profound meaning to you all. There is coming an event in the coming month that will curtail so many ways in which the cabal has been controlling the people on earth. This event will deliver circumstances of freedom to the masses and keep the cabal at length, and away from interfering with the freedom of all of life on this planet. 

I am telling you this now because even as I speak there are things going on that are in place to clear away the debris that has accumulated over the centuries. Using that word, debris, and what it means is an example of how quickly the clearing is taking place. It has been in the works to get this planet in drudgery and the closure of freedom. Now it is taking a flash, in perspective of the difference of time it took to set it in place as compared to the time that it will take to clear it all away. There have been some events that have already taken place in the background that have brought about huge changes in the way the systems of society are being freed. These events have been organized by many people on earth in co-operation with many of the ones off planet who have been in harmony and communication with these people. There are many facets of the process that are now at rest and have made way for the next phases of the clearing. 

As it all sets into place in the coming days you will begin to see how much has been being organized to shed light on the amount of lies that have been showered over the people. This is just now being broadcast in pieces across the world and it will be seen as pieces of the puzzle being set into place as each of the pieces come to the front and are settled into the lives of all of you beautiful people who are seeing that there is indeed a place for freedom and truth in this world for now and evermore. 

I speak now of some news that will be coming forth of how people can open up some doors that have been locked shut for decades, not only in America, but in various other countries as well. These doors have come open and are expelling the truths that have been locked away in order to keep control of the truth of what has been taking the toll on the freedom of the world. So much will be allowed back, to be able to spread forth the abundance that is in the hearts of the people. It will be transported into their lives as the representatives that they are of the way to live in peace, joy, and love. There will be examples of it in the days to come, and it will be a continual example that will be tuned into in abundance.

I would like to give you one example now. It is in the interest of some well-known ones who are in the process of exposing some of the ways that have been used in manipulation. They are broadcasting to the people how they can step forth and allow the power that they have to be the energy that keeps the truths coming forth to the masses. These messages and pieces of news will spread across the globe and those who see them and cannot deny the truth of what they say, will also realize that these same pieces of news represent many of the other unexplained incidences that have taken place for many years. It will open them up to how to interpret many of the news items that have been told. Also they will see many of the pieces of information that have seemed to be of value, and now are seen to be of value in only one way, and that is that they represent the evidence of the manipulation that is no longer being done. They will know that it cannot be done because the ones who did it for so long are no longer in power. 

My dear ones, I have shared with you today what is going to be a powerful flow of opening you to the truths that you have either felt to be coming or have seen as a surprise, yet believable. It is part of what you have given me and others the freedom to bring forth, for your souls see that it is time for you to come forth in your power and be the strength of your ability to become a leader of the process in your own lives of the freedom and truth that you are destined for. Have a wonderful and joyful rest of the day, on into forever. My heart is with you all!

Thank you dear St. Germain,

Much Love, Nancy Tate


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A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment.

Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Saturday August 29th 2015. For a change I am including my whole channeling exchange with Jesus today (Friday August 28th) just so that you can see (or hear) how it happens. I do take breaks, as the energy gets quite intense at times, and then I return to my computer and we continue from where we broke off.

Jesus Blog # 263 for ​Saturday August 29th Channeled Friday August 28th 2015 10.50.

A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment.

Me:  Good morning Dear Jesus.  Thank you very much for your last message, it is nice to be communing with you once again after the long summer break that I took.  I seem to be more at peace, more content, more relaxed than I was earlier in the summer, so I hope I have released most of what was blocking our channel or leaving me unmotivated to be open to you or even positively not wanting to channel your loving and inspiring messages.  So, if you are available, can we please start a new one?

Jesus:   A very good morning to you, John.  Yes I am most definitely available to commune with you.  I am always available, so never hesitate to call on me as my task, my duty, my loving service is to be available to all who call on me.  Relax for just a moment, then we can start.

As I keep telling you, keep on hammering into you, all are One!  The state of separation from one another that appears to be the human condition is illusory, even though it seems so real to you all.  When God created You He gave You everything that He is – infinite unconditional Love and also therefore the absolute freedom, free will, that is one of its innumerable loving aspects – because Love just loves without conditions, eternally setting You free while at the same time maintaining You in a state of Oneness with Itself.

Within the illusion, as humans, that seems to be a very paradoxical and confusing idea because the illusion you constructed was intended to allow you to experience separation, and so the sense or state of Oneness had to be hidden, cloaked, or disguised.  In freedom you chose to establish an illusory state of limitation, of separation from God and therefore from Yourself!  Real separation is not possible because there is only One – God and You eternally engaged in an infinitely loving embrace that can never be broken.  It really is that simple.

All that you – humanity – have to do is open yourselves to your natural state, the state in which you were created and which you have never left, but which you havechosen to hide from yourselves under a cloak of darkness.  As an allegory you can think of the illusion as dark clouds that can obscure the sun.  But, the sun is always there, and although the clouds will dissipate, it seems that whether or not you can see the sun depends on fickle weather patterns flowing across the planet and over which you have no control.

However, the clouds hiding Reality from you are of your own making, and only you can dissolve them.  When you open to Love they dissolve.  Most of you have experienced moments of intense love when the radiance of the moment has shone briefly through the clouds of fear that mostly envelop you.  But you have considered those moments an aberration, a lucky meeting of minds or bodies when you inadvertently let your guard down and experienced a brief moment of ecstasy.  Often, before you have reset your guard, you have been hurt or betrayed by another proving to you that Love invariably leads to pain and suffering.  As you mature, or age, that safety barrier becomes ever more firmly established between you and the world outside to protect you from the inevitable attacks and betrayals that you know are just waiting to breach it.

And yet, you see others, maybe only a very few, who do not install those barriers to protect themselves from the dangers surrounding them.  They enjoy being vulnerable!  You dismiss their behavior as insane, especially if you see them apparently under attack or being betrayed.  But it still puzzles you because despite these attacks and betrayals they remain at peace.

Well the reason for that is that to be vulnerable makes you invulnerable!  To be offended is a choice you have to make.  Offensive behavior can only offend you if you choose to be offended.  And those loving souls who do not hide behind protective psychological barriers with their emotions safely locked away have not only realized this, but have also discovered that to be loving attracts others who are loving into their personal space, adding to their peace and contentment

To reiterate, from your perspective to be vulnerable appears to make it very likely that you will be taken advantage of and hurt, but in fact the opposite is the case.  Being vulnerable is being openly loving, being absolutely nonthreatening, and while it might appear that that is a very dangerous state to maintain, it in fact draws to you others who are willing and desirous of being loving.  To live in such a state dissolves fear and anxiety and allows you to behave in the most appropriate way in every moment because the Holy Spirit is guiding your every thought, word, and action.  It is a most relaxed and powerful way to go through life.  It will not obliterate pain and suffering but it will ensure that you are not overwhelmed when experiencing them.

Life in the illusion is painful, and suffering is unavoidable, but how you respond in each situation is a choice you are always free to make.  Often you react out of habit, instead of seeing each moment as independent of previous moments, and so you keep on repeating painful experiences, seeing them as imposed on you by a vicious world or a punishing god, and seeing yourselves as helpless victims in a very unsafe environment.

This is never the case.  Each one of you is following a life path that you planned prior to incarnating as a human with the loving guidance and assistance of your mentors in the spiritual realms – or, if you prefer, you may see it as guidance from God, the Holy Spirit, or the divine Mother.  The life path you are on is not random, everything that occurs during your life has a purpose, either for you directly, or for someone with whom you have a relationship – either long term or only momentary – nothing is accidental.

Your task on Earth is to learn each lesson that you placed upon your path as it arises.  If you do not, then it will arise again, possibly in a slightly different form, until eventually awareness dawns on you and you do learn it.  The lessons can be rather painful in order to catch your attention, but once learnt do not need repeating.  A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment, and leads to a greater willingness to accept life as it unfolds because you then realize that indeed everything does have a purpose which is far easier to see when you accept it instead of fighting against it.

In the spiritual realms you have guides and mentors watching over you constantly, ready and waiting for you to ask them for assistance which they will then most graciously and willingly provide, but only when you ask.  To assist before you asked would be an invasion of your personal energy field, an overriding of your free will, and none in the spiritual realms, not even God Himself, would do that.  But as soon as you ask we are there for you, because we love you and we do not want to see you suffering.

So, today’s message is basically a reiteration of the fact that there is only Love, all else is illusory, and that we in the spiritual realms are watching over you constantly and ready to assist you instantly when you call on us.  Therefore Please call on us for assistance with even the smallest or seemingly most insignificant of issues because it is our joy and our duty to serve you in any way that we can.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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Service in Love to Humanity - Master Djwhal Khul 29 August 2015 Channeler: Christine Meleriessee

Festival of Lights within Virgo ~ As Shared by Master Djwhal Khul

It is my Divine Pleasure, to be here with each of you in this moment. I Am Master Djwhal Khul sharing the essence of the Moon in the Sun Sign of Virgo.

First, let me explain how important it is to reflect within each sun sign for the specifics of the energies presently. In the higher states of conditioning Virgo is a very caring and self-involved energy within the planet of this Earth. It represents nurturing, growth, and understanding what needs to be addressed within the enfoldment of these aspects through the human conditioning.

It is essential to realize that the aspects of this sign are reflected on what is created within the Earth.

As each human form walks upon the floor of this planet, they bring an essential quality of themselves into creation. When a person honors the essence of nature in all its form, it is thanking the evolution of that essence to be fully manifested within its purest form. This allows it to grow deeper with each breath of the planet.

This truly is what we honor within Virgo ~ Giving Service of Love to All the Inhabitants of this Earth.

When you, as an individual, loves something outside of yourself then you become the recipient of that exchange that you have exhibited. This is giving Service. Allowing the Love to be shown through the exchange of all parties involved creates the harmony of life.

If humanity were able to concentrate on this element continually, this earth would be more evolved than it is presently. It is due to the strife within the world that GAIA is feeling pressure in so many areas.

Each soul inhabited upon the Earth presently has the ability to command the Love Essence that they are into their physical bodies while extending it into GAIA’s core.

This then allows me to speak about the essence of the moon at this time within the sign of Pisces. It is a beautiful connection within Pisces and Virgo as together their essences combined into one full extension representing the reason every soul is upon this Earth.

Do you know what that reason may be?

Each of you has chosen to be an extension of God’s Love, the purity and peace of Light that you have been. This Love radiates so deeply within you even when you think that it is not. As the radiation of your Light and Love beams forth from the Heavens Above, then you become the totality of what you desire in each moment.

This then extends into the Core of Gaia’s Heart.

She heals so deeply from these moments of your reflection into the miracles of love that she portrays through the lands around the world. Each of the sacred moments upon the Earth that you experience are truly but a mere reflection of what is within you.

As you look upon the oceans, a waterfall, a mountain, a lake, or a meadow within the lands around the Earth, they reflect into your Heart. You start to sing and dance as if there is a butterfly within you that is about to be born.

As you expand these energies around you, then GAIA receives them within all her wonders around the globe. The excitement that you feel, the beauty that you allow yourself to be engaged within you, is due to what you have experienced by seeing and feeling the essences upon this Earth. When you stand upon these areas, share your prayers, gratitude, and love as this is truly giving Service.

You are a beacon of Light upon this Earth.

Your main responsibility is to experience peace and joy as that is your determined birthright as a Soul. You bring this essence into GAIA’s heart. This is when she expands beyond what anyone can imagine.

This is where Service of the Light and within the Light starts. It is embraced by everything you experience through your eyes, your ears, and your heart.

During this full moon, take time to realize the expressive energies that are part of your Divine Essence from the Source of Light that you are. These elements coming into you will be expanded into everything around you. Take time to concentrate on the Service that you are doing within the element of Divine Love.

Through these energies of the Piscean and Virgo essences it will help to ground all the expressive qualities of Divine Love and Light within each of your Hearts. Those elements cannot help but be felt by the ground you walk upon going into GAIA’s core essence.

Then, take time to fully concentrate on the energies that you are feeling. As you walk upon the ground, allow your True Essence to flow from your Earth Star into the Heart of Gaia. It will be like sparkles of light filtering through the air but in this instance, it will be moving through the many layers of her core essence. If you walk through water, do the same exercise. Feel the movement through your feet as it blends within the molecules of the water allowing the Divine Love within you to flow all around you.

You will then be giving Service of Love for Humanity.

These essences cannot help but be felt by every soul upon this Earth. Many individuals are hurting deeply with the challenges that they are experiencing. Those that do not have this awareness that each of you are inhabiting need your assistance. Know that in the process of giving Service you will be receiving exactly what you desire for yourself. Do not allow the essence of this moon take you down a dark spiraling path, but yet, it will bring a great opportunity to for you to embrace all that is You but has been Lost.

This is a beautiful way to perform Service to this Earth.

Walk in the beauty that you are, that I see within you, as all elements within your reach fully support your effort as a Divine Soul upon this Earth.

Thank you for your continued effort for creating the New Earth.

I Am Master Djwhal at your service.

Please join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific for a Full Moon Ceremony and Meditation. Please click the link for details on how to join the tele-call.

NEW PROGRAM: Become a Partner of Walking Terra Christa. This entails receiving our weekly teachings via MP3 files and is especially helpful to individuals that cannot attend the Live Transmissions. We have a selected fee schedule depending upon your financial level so we hope you will take advantage of this special offer. Please click the link above for more details.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Gracious greetings from this Melchizedek!

I’ve released in 2012 yet the heraldries about the forthcoming World Leader, Guardians, Gatekeeperships, and coming world government. This messenger, Initiate of a certain degree, teacher & volunteer in Mahatma El Morya’s ashram, will share to you some updates about the Guardians of the planet.

For so long a time, the great division between two worlds—the Inner Earth & underground (UG) cities on one hand, the Outer Earth and post-Ice Age peoples on the other hand—remained. Guardians of Light as a whole shifted allegiance to Lucifer during the Cosmic Wars, thus leaving almost nary a Guardian save for the Inner Earth & UGs who retained rulerships of Guardians and/or Melchizedek priests.

The Inner Earth & UGs therefore formed their own governments and confederation (equivalent of today’s United Nations) which then sought permission from the cosmic hierarchy to join the Confederation of Light (for Milky Way civilizations). Earth as a whole had no guardianship structure of sorts, so the protection of the planet had to be done on concurrent capacity by Gabriel’s legions and by volunteer members of the Galactic Command/Confederation.

“The times they are a-changing” though, as Bob Dylan’s poignant poetic line says. Many new spiritual masters ascended the ‘Jacob’s ladder’ (Initiation), with the ascended masters alone exceeding 100,000 as of the early 1990s yet. Among the Initiates sent to the surface known as the 144,000 Rishis (White Robes) were those whose monads were of 1st Ray (power), who upon ascension in November 2008 were given the mantle of guardianship.

In the aftermath of the wonderful ascension graduation for many Rishis in November the 22nd, 2008, Lord Kalki right away constituted an interim council comprising of emerging Guardians plus those highly competent leaders of the Inner Earth & UGs. Thus was comprised the Interim Guardianship Council, a planet-wide body that was absent for a very long time (after Lucifer’s rebellion/Cosmic Wars’ hot pursuits).

Lord Sananda and Lord Kalki have been convening the Council on a regular basis since January of 2009. Imagine the profound joy of Lord Kalki, as a formidable staff of administrators, largely 1st Ray in monads, would be assisting him in the preparations of the governance structures, process, and culture for the New Earth.

Furthermore, Earth will finally have a unified command structure of its own that will protect the planet from invasive species of Empire forces and renegade aliens. Initially, the new Guardians were supplied each with a mother ship and military back up ships, along with personnel and officers, from the Ashtar Command of the Confederation (Ashtar Command’s jurisdiction of our Sector 9 in the galaxy + added mission in aid of ascension).

The Guardians of Earth were thus apportioned a region or sector each for the planet. In late 2009, the motherships and back up military ships prepositioned themselves gradually in their regions of jurisdiction. The Guardianships were uncloaked from the very start of locational positioning, contrary to the claims of psychotics and Evil puppets down here, though the ships are positioned in high altitudes that make them appear like stars.

A Guardian’s command ship—of huge mothership size—is so spacious that its very own chamber (room) spaces exceed that of the imperial palace in Beijing five times over. Noting this large enough space, the Guardians then offered their own spaces to the emerging Gatekeeperships to hold conventions, regular meetings, and temporary offices until the ‘city of governance’ will be constructed and installed in 5th Density Earth.

The chelas of White Robe teachers in our surface are normally sent to the Guardianship ‘offices’ (command ship + back ups) for exposures, relevant trainings, and interactions with the personnel of the said offices. The personnel today is largely composed of professionals and technical people from the Inner Earth & UGs, who also expose the chelas to the diverse smaller Light ships and patrol ships up to some piloting maneuverings if necessary.

Those persons down here who had long exposures to the Ashtar Command, who may actually be undergoing Initiation too like all Melchizedeks, can actually easily identify the ships of the Guardianships while viewing the space vehicles down the surface. One such person, whose identity I shall keep confidential, would exclaim, while looking up in Philippines’ space, “hey that’s an X-Class, o! that’s Y-Class…yeah look at the Light ship!” just to show you the visibility of the space ships in broad daylight and night time.

The Guardians administering the Earth Command have on top priority today the conduct of affairs related to the ascension. A strongly Earth-centered priority is for now the top priority, top regular missions and contingency tasks. The missions (tasks) include wiping out the last bases of the Evil Aliens of Earth, aside from intercepting and wiping out incoming Empire (Draco-Orion) and renegade aliens. However, in the long run, the Earth Command must meet its commitment to send contingents to far space in pursuit of Evil Ones in the revived Cosmic Wars.

For you enthused Ascensionauts, please trash those deceptions coming from folks and evil puppets who continue to peddle a “cloaked” space people or so in our planet. The Guardianship offices are fully uncloaked, but they won’t descend down so low as to risk being the targets of military assets of world powers down here. They will not bow down to the behest of spiritual quacks here who wish them to show themselves at so low an altitude, as that obnoxious act will reinforce the Cult of Aliens being fanned out by New Age evil puppets.

The Guardianships have already installed new structures up there in space, akin to the international space satellite. Above Manila, for instance, in one special spot there (which I won’t reveal), are structures for communications, monitoring, and related purposes, as Manila’s very own space is the ‘station base’ of one particular Guardian. They’ve also installed bases down the surface, in high altitude areas, where the command ships of military back ups are landing every now and then.

Let there be no mistake from military forces of surface people to engage the Guardianships, as they will be effectively intercepted even before they come near the military back up ships (they’re of mother ship size too, though smaller than the Guardian command ship). Besides, the ships of the Guardians can always tune up to higher density, thus cloak themselves instantly, so as to avoid engagement with hostile surface human forces.

The mission order of the Guardians are very clear: smote to fragments only those Evil Aliens & renegades. Leave the Outer Earth surface people untouched, while helping to guard also the Inner Earth & UGs who moved up to space and stay there for some time prior to entry to 5th Density Earth.

Hail Lord Kalki! Hail Lord Sananda! Hail the Guardians of New Earth!

[28 August 2015]


Views: 24


Blue Dragon Journal

Through the Looking Glass

by Eliza Ayres 

 August 29, 2015

Wallowa Lake at Sunset

Eliza: Through the Looking Glass
One of my primary teachers in this lifetime has been fear. And I have noticed several blog posts recently about the role that fear takes in our lives. It is a choice whether or not we face our fears, move through them, transcend them, transform them or resist the option to even look at them.
In many ways, I have chosen to move through my fears. Really I can hardly categorize the fears as “mine” as I inherited them when I chose to embody on this fear-ridden planet. Fears of all kinds have driven humanity to ever more desperate measures to escape what the future seems to have in store for us all… death.
Yet, as I begin to comprehend my own multidimensionality and interconnection to all life, there is little need to allow fear to reign over my life. What can my worst imaginings actually do to me that have not been done to “me” already in numerous lifetimes? I, as a conscious entity have survived the worst that this crazy, upside world can dish out. What is one more death?
As a child, I had some strange dreams where I and my mother would be seated in a large council room, with some kind of trial going on. There was always a sense of fear present in and around me, permeating the atmosphere as if something unexpected was about to pop through into the room. I also had dreams where I was escaping from some unknown danger; I still have this kind of dream even today.
As a teenager, I felt nervous about going on my own downtown. I didn’t understand the fear I could feel in my body; it was just there.
Throughout my younger years, I tried hard… now and then, to fit in but never really socially-oriented. I liked people, but enjoyed being on my own better or just around one or two other best friends. I’ve never been one for big parties and noisy gatherings except those within my own extended family, most of whom are now either dead or scattered to the far winds.
It seems that we as writers often write about those things that we are most in need of understanding. And as we wrestle with our inhibitions and fears, in sharing our experiences, we end up teaching ourselves and others.
I am no longer a child. Indeed, I’ve become an elder, a crone… and hopefully, a wise woman. I have learned to face my fears and to listen to what my body needs in the moment.
Today, the weather service forecasts a large dust storm coming our way, driven inland by a storm front from the Pacific. Unfortunately, often by the time the clouds reach Eastern Washington, there is little moisture in them. The clouds travel over us and re-group as they hit the higher elevations of the Rockies, forming nascent storms that will wreak havoc over the Mid-Western states and eastward to the Atlantic. Unless we receive significant rainfall, there will be little relief from the fires raging all over the West. Meanwhile, the East Coast has been receiving more than its share of moisture and even now, a tropical storm is threatening Florida. The transformation clearing energies take many shapes.
Each of us is also facing storms clouds and winds in the shape of emotional turbulence due to factors in our outer circumstances, relations with friends, family members or co-workers, financial stresses and so on. Others simply want to escape from a world that they deem too harsh and inexplicable.
Being “human” we can hardly escape our lives but we can turn things around by being willing to “see” things differently. A change in perspective requires that we release long held beliefs about what can “hurt” us “out there”. Nothing can “hurt” us.
Whether or not we are willing to accept the notion, we are truly sovereign beings all. No one has power “over” you unless you first give that power away. Of course, most people have no idea that they are truly wonderful, powerful beings as all of what they have learned in their early years has conditioned them to believe otherwise. They have learned to assign power “out there” to professionals, religious leaders or gods, political leaders, financial leaders, the heads of organizations or families and so on.
Through manipulation of the “fear” that is embedded in our DNA, those in the know have successfully managed to control the population of this globe through various techniques usually involving tactics that instill or bring fear to the surface of people’s consciousness and freeze them in place.
To overcome or transcend the manipulation you need to stare fear straight in the eye and to move through what you think might hurt you. Often times you will quickly realize that what you feared actually didn’t exist or took on a whole different look when examined with a neutral eye.
I have worked through many of my fears and have yet to tackle a few more. It’s one step at a time, one day at a time, one project at a time right now. I’ve decided that it’s best to allow change to occur on at a slower or more natural pace than to resist it entirely.
Questions that we all ask ourselves at one time or another come to me:
What if I can’t this project done?
What if no one likes my work?
What have I accomplished by being here, or writing this or (fill in the blank)?
What if I don’t fit in?
These and similar questions come from the ego’s perspective, not that of the multidimensional Self. Simply by being here on the planet, we are making a difference. You can see that our world is changing. What has been hidden for centuries is now in the process of being revealed. Energies first created during the fall of Atlantis are being transmuted, transformed and released from the deepest depths of the collective unconscious. What has been deemed the worst of the worst is being purged and how is that happening? Through the presence of the Love that exists within all of us.
Those of us who came to assist mankind to transcend the age old fear and belief in separation are making a difference. By using our human vehicles, our bodies as vehicles of transformation, we are stepping down the higher frequency energies that purge, transform and transmute the heavier frequencies that we have called “fear”.
Fear is simply the opposite of love. Fear is the belief that one is separate from other forms of life and that one needs to fight, resist or do whatever is necessary to maintain the status quo in order to survive. Fear has locked entire populations and cultures into paradigms that are resistant to change, which therefore become brittle, less resilient in the face of physical change. In view of the intense climatic and structural changes that are occurring on our living planet, it seems a wise step to move beyond these old outworn and outmoded belief patterns and into something that flows more with the energies that move through our forms on a moment to moment basis.
We are all a part of life, whether or not we actively participate in events “out there”. Some of us work quietly, concentrating on mastering our own individual energies, knowing intuitively that by doing so, we are affecting those who move through our daily lives.
The morning has been pleasant, the winds practically non-existent, but just now, I noticed the tree outside my window moving with more force. Looks like it is time to batten down the doors and windows as it can get mighty dusty hereabouts. And, Lord, it has been a physically stressful week with the poor air quality and smoke-filled skies. Just walking or climbing stairs has been enough to bring on a coughing spell.
So… the body is forced to rest, allowing the consciousness to take flight. For each movement through the day, there is a purpose, perhaps unknown, but it is not necessary to know where you are going all the time. Your inner being is running this show and fear is not a part of it.

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This author archives: Ayres

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. 
Individually anyone can be helped to find self Truth that is different to each of us. 

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This is the time for immense energy changes, and what will impact the most at this time is the disintegration, the leaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can be resurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve Kadmon Lightbodies.

So many of us have been put through severe initiations in the last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memory bank after memory bank.  We have been stripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then some more.

That little boy, the bewildered teenager, the little girl and the bewildered teenager, has to be released, for it is the LOWER soul self, the animal self, which makes us sometimes behave irrationally, and holds on prisoners of fear:  the fear of truly opening ourselves to love and being loved, the fear of abandonment, of loss, the fear of dying, the fear change, the fear of having to move out of our self-made prisons and into the utter freedom of just BEING.

The Higher Soul Self KNOWS  and is not planetary bound, but flies free cosmically.  It is the infinite expanded version of ourselves, the limitless soul which has had billions of lives, parallel lives in cosmic Universes and Omni verses.  It limitless, eternal and therefore knows no time and bounds.  It is free to BE – just BE in any existence or form.

In Ancient times those high adepts and initiation could easily shape-shift into any form they wished to adopt for certain energy work.  They literally BECAME the force, in allowing themselves to be disintegrated and reassembled.  There was no fear of loss of the physical form, for one was not attached to this form.  One knew that the physical body was but a vessel, a vehicle one adopted for a short eyewink in eternity, for its true soul-form was that of pure Light-energy.

The Higher Soul Self knows just LOVE. It cannot be other than love ever expanding upon itself.

However, when our lower soul self rules us while we are here on this planet and are sinking into the Sea of Forgetfulness, fears move in to hold us prisoner, and blame, shame and low self-confidence, low self-worth, make us shrinking violets who fear the power of love and who fear the catalyst of change.  We hold on for dear life to our pain, our fears, and our limitations.

The Higher Soul Self knows only love, and in expanded form, knows no fear, knows no loss, knows no boundaries, for it only functions, operates from a cosmic KNOWING and deep inner WISDOM, that knows that there is no such thing as fear, no such thing as ever losing love, nor gaining love, nor does it see limitations.  It only knows the cosmic expansive BEINGNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS in its limitless form.

I gained this understanding of the limitless, the expansiveness of the Higher Soul Self, in those times when I was asked to open up massive energy portals, and I literally had to allow myself, my lower soul self, to be disintegrated, so that my Higher Soul Self, could totally step in and allow itself to BECOME the energy and energy fields and then allow all to shift as it should.  The I, as in my lower self, the fearing, bound, I, had to completely leave so that this energy clearing work could be done.

It gave me immense understanding that when I was totally able to step up and into my Higher Soul Self, then it did not matter what happened in and around me, it did not matter how everything disintegrated, I could stand fully in my power, my Higher Soul Self power, and allow myself to be expanded cosmically into the infinite realms, where I BECAME that which was ever Present, ever expanded, ever re-creating itself.

There was no fear of loss, no fear of disintegration, no fear of losing self, no fear of losing bodily form, no fear of change or expansion.  I had nothing to hold onto, to cling to, no self-made empires, no self-made prisons, and no self.  The SELF had disappeared, but simultaneously activated the limitless ME, the limitless SOUL-SELF, the TRUTH of who and what I am.

This is now exactly what is happening to all of us at this time.  The Old Adam and Old Eve served their purpose.  This was the lowest form of existence the human soul ever experienced on this planet in the 3D world.  This is now disintegrating.

We will only fear change, fear to love another soul with all that we are, or fear pain, or fear to lose ourselves totally and our self-made prisons, if we refuse to let go.  Some people cling onto their little boy, girl, then teenager, the lower self with all they have, for that little one is like a bewildered and scared self, who is scared to lose, scared of loving with an open heart, is scared of being hurt, is scared of being abandoned, is scared of the world at large.  It conjures up fierce and scary monsters, where in reality there are none.  It always find excuses not to love, not to be, not to expand, not to get out of its own prisons and comfort zones.  It fears its own power most of all, and it fears taking responsibility for its own life, in the measure of what the soul wishes to bring in.  Once it was hurt or pained, it builds fortresses around itself and its heart, and then some more for the very frightened and hurt inner child, wants to cuddle back into the mother’s womb for protection and not face the world at large.

There is no need for that little child anymore.  That little child and teenager, has to now step up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truth it cannot go there.  It has to disintegrate in order for the true soul self to step through the portals opening up, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher Soul Self, which knows no limitations.

Only the Higher Soul-Self can step into the full power of Co-CREATION, which is what the New Earth will be created from.

I see this as expansive consciousness, the conscious awareness of co-creatorship and taking full responsibility for what one creates.

One cannot truly love another human being, as long as that fearing inner child is present, for one will always hit out where one is most vulnerable, create fortresses because one fears pain, and separation, one fears that in loving the other, something will have to give way – one fears a dying inside and outside oneself.

This has to be released so that one can step into full soul maturity and full soul activation as well as incredible high ranking service work.

We cannot allow ourselves to be shrunk by the lower soul self anymore in these next few months and years.  We have to step into full maturity and full activation, as well expanded cosmic service.

The Old Adam and Eve and all the fear-based personas, the lower self personas, the masks, the pretense, ALL of it, has to go.  If we are not willing to let go of this consciousness, parts of ourselves will disintegrate, and if we cannot sustain our physical form because of this, we will have to leave the planet.

This is the reality of this time.

As the earth ascends in to much higher and more potent frequency bands, our lower selves have to be put through the fires of purification and this is what this time is all about.  Purification.  Disintegration, so that we can be reassembled into the much higher version of ourselves and into expanded consciousness and BEING.

Let those who have inner ears – hear with full activation.

Let those who inner eyes – see with full activation.

Let those who have knowing – understand with full activation.

Let this be written.

Let this be done.

So it is for all immortal cosmic Sun consciousness.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings, Twin Flame Soul Readings, etc. please visit my website



This is the time for immense energy changes, and what will impact the most at this time is the disintegration, the leaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can be resurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve Kadmon Lightbodies.

So many of us have been put through severe initiations in the last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memory bank after memory bank.  We have been stripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then some more.

That little boy, the bewildered teenager, the little girl and the bewildered teenager, has to be released, for it is the LOWER soul self, the animal self, which makes us sometimes behave irrationally, and holds on prisoners of fear:  the fear of truly opening ourselves to love and being loved, the fear of abandonment, of loss, the fear of dying, the fear change, the fear of having to move out of our self-made prisons and into the utter freedom of just BEING.

The Higher Soul Self KNOWS  and is not planetary bound, but flies free cosmically.  It is the infinite expanded version of ourselves, the limitless soul which has had billions of lives, parallel lives in cosmic Universes and Omni verses.  It limitless, eternal and therefore knows no time and bounds.  It is free to BE – just BE in any existence or form.

In Ancient times those high adepts and initiation could easily shape-shift into any form they wished to adopt for certain energy work.  They literally BECAME the force, in allowing themselves to be disintegrated and reassembled.  There was no fear of loss of the physical form, for one was not attached to this form.  One knew that the physical body was but a vessel, a vehicle one adopted for a short eyewink in eternity, for its true soul-form was that of pure Light-energy.

The Higher Soul Self knows just LOVE. It cannot be other than love ever expanding upon itself.

However, when our lower soul self rules us while we are here on this planet and are sinking into the Sea of Forgetfulness, fears move in to hold us prisoner, and blame, shame and low self-confidence, low self-worth, make us shrinking violets who fear the power of love and who fear the catalyst of change.  We hold on for dear life to our pain, our fears, and our limitations.

The Higher Soul Self knows only love, and in expanded form, knows no fear, knows no loss, knows no boundaries, for it only functions, operates from a cosmic KNOWING and deep inner WISDOM, that knows that there is no such thing as fear, no such thing as ever losing love, nor gaining love, nor does it see limitations.  It only knows the cosmic expansive BEINGNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS in its limitless form.

I gained this understanding of the limitless, the expansiveness of the Higher Soul Self, in those times when I was asked to open up massive energy portals, and I literally had to allow myself, my lower soul self, to be disintegrated, so that my Higher Soul Self, could totally step in and allow itself to BECOME the energy and energy fields and then allow all to shift as it should.  The I, as in my lower self, the fearing, bound, I, had to completely leave so that this energy clearing work could be done.

It gave me immense understanding that when I was totally able to step up and into my Higher Soul Self, then it did not matter what happened in and around me, it did not matter how everything disintegrated, I could stand fully in my power, my Higher Soul Self power, and allow myself to be expanded cosmically into the infinite realms, where I BECAME that which was ever Present, ever expanded, ever re-creating itself.

There was no fear of loss, no fear of disintegration, no fear of losing self, no fear of losing bodily form, no fear of change or expansion.  I had nothing to hold onto, to cling to, no self-made empires, no self-made prisons, and no self.  The SELF had disappeared, but simultaneously activated the limitless ME, the limitless SOUL-SELF, the TRUTH of who and what I am.

This is now exactly what is happening to all of us at this time.  The Old Adam and Old Eve served their purpose.  This was the lowest form of existence the human soul ever experienced on this planet in the 3D world.  This is now disintegrating.

We will only fear change, fear to love another soul with all that we are, or fear pain, or fear to lose ourselves totally and our self-made prisons, if we refuse to let go.  Some people cling onto their little boy, girl, then teenager, the lower self with all they have, for that little one is like a bewildered and scared self, who is scared to lose, scared of loving with an open heart, is scared of being hurt, is scared of being abandoned, is scared of the world at large.  It conjures up fierce and scary monsters, where in reality there are none.  It always find excuses not to love, not to be, not to expand, not to get out of its own prisons and comfort zones.  It fears its own power most of all, and it fears taking responsibility for its own life, in the measure of what the soul wishes to bring in.  Once it was hurt or pained, it builds fortresses around itself and its heart, and then some more for the very frightened and hurt inner child, wants to cuddle back into the mother’s womb for protection and not face the world at large.

There is no need for that little child anymore.  That little child and teenager, has to now step up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truth it cannot go there.  It has to disintegrate in order for the true soul self to step through the portals opening up, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher Soul Self, which knows no limitations.

Only the Higher Soul-Self can step into the full power of Co-CREATION, which is what the New Earth will be created from.

I see this as expansive consciousness, the conscious awareness of co-creatorship and taking full responsibility for what one creates.

One cannot truly love another human being, as long as that fearing inner child is present, for one will always hit out where one is most vulnerable, create fortresses because one fears pain, and separation, one fears that in loving the other, something will have to give way – one fears a dying inside and outside oneself.

This has to be released so that one can step into full soul maturity and full soul activation as well as incredible high ranking service work.

We cannot allow ourselves to be shrunk by the lower soul self anymore in these next few months and years.  We have to step into full maturity and full activation, as well expanded cosmic service.

The Old Adam and Eve and all the fear-based personas, the lower self personas, the masks, the pretense, ALL of it, has to go.  If we are not willing to let go of this consciousness, parts of ourselves will disintegrate, and if we cannot sustain our physical form because of this, we will have to leave the planet.

This is the reality of this time.

As the earth ascends in to much higher and more potent frequency bands, our lower selves have to be put through the fires of purification and this is what this time is all about.  Purification.  Disintegration, so that we can be reassembled into the much higher version of ourselves and into expanded consciousness and BEING.

Let those who have inner ears – hear with full activation.

Let those who inner eyes – see with full activation.

Let those who have knowing – understand with full activation.

Let this be written.

Let this be done.

So it is for all immortal cosmic Sun consciousness.

(Judith Kusel)

For Soul Readings, Twin Flame Soul Readings, etc. please visit my website

GAIAPORTAL: Triumphal energetics are in process and continue to build

Triumphal energetics are in process and continue to build



Triumphal energetics are in process and continue to build.

Resonance of Light becomes the strength.

Flash points averted, yet flashes are viewed.

Pardons have been arranged.

Frescoes of Higher Energies are now in formation.

Views: 10

Invocation for Humanity’s Prosperity August 30, 2015 By Tiara Kumara

Calling for Divine Intervention

golden_globeGreat Spirit of all life, in whom we live and move and have our being…

In the name of Unity Consciousness, we call into dynamic action the consummate force of Universal Will.

Use us as your human conduits in this petition for a new global economy that is based upon your divine principles. Bring to us now a great surge of intervening support from the realms of illumined truth.

By and through the redeeming power of unified awareness, we call forth immediate Divine Intervention to restructure the financial systems so that equality and economic balance is actualized upon this planet. Please assist us to inaugurate the era of the “right use of money” in accordance with Earth’s Divine Plan.

From the vast reservoir of universal light, we call forth the mightiest penetration of solar sacred fire… to go DEEP DEEP DEEP into the darkest financial corruptions that are happening in our world. Send in the divine intervening forces to conduct a massive and permanent cleansing of ALL economic transgressions, through every time frame and dimension, both known and unknown.

This includes a relentless and thorough psychological cleansing of the sub consciousness of every man, woman and child upon this planet. Through the Law of Grace, purge and redeem all humanity from the self-imprisonment of vice and any associated karmas, in perfect accordance with Divine Will.

Permanently SEAL the door where corruption dwells. Release the human race from the grip of all economic controllers who use financial assets to control, deceive, manipulate and destroy. Bless these transgressors with the unfailing light of forgiveness, mercy and compassion. May the Truth be revealed!

Blaze the Cosmic Light in, through and around all financial related buildings and controlling factions… their entire matter-space and all persons and associated activities. May a great act of purification ripple out to affect all other related groups and individuals, creating a massive domino effect in this global housecleaning.

Blessed Legions of Light, un-trench the planetary morphogenetic field of mass consciousness to accommodate the new intellectual blueprint for our evolving species. Support this recalibration with a constant stream of living light intelligence until the task is complete.

We call the Universal Laws into action, which permits assisting star nation technology and the cosmic light of morphogenesis into full momentum. Come dear intergalactic family of light….aide us in our full transition into global peace and prosperity.

Help us to seed, anchor and activate the new financial and educational templates that are created from Divine Principle and Universal Law. Through the realization of global equality, may all beneficial systems prevail.

We command the radiance of universal love to sweep through the higher mental body of every soul, catalyzing a permanent shift in all illusions of fear and lack, transmuting these ancient patterns into the global realization of infinite abundance and shared opportunity.

Awaken and inspire all people with divine remembrance of our true unlimited nature, beings of immanent love and prosperous beyond measure.

ACTIVATE, ACTIVATE, ACTIVATE the New Earth codes of prosperity and co-creation… HERE AND NOW, for the greater good of all.

Please sustain this sacred fire and invocation activity until all is fully manifest in your holy name.

By and through Universal Law…..Thy…. Will…. Be…. Done!


Courtesy of Children of the Sun Foundation


Views: 6


It has been quite a while since my last ascension update. That is because most that has happened is highly personal and one might even say traumatic if one considers multiple blood clots in one’s lungs traumatic.

As a reminder I get my information directly from dreams, visions and astral travel and then need to interpret what I have seen the best I can. Everything I have sensed so far is that Gaia and all living things upon her are going to be swept up in a massive wave that has already begun. The first dominos have started to fall in what promises to be a long process of transformation and change.

In past posts I have divided humanity into two groups which I call the new humans and the new elves. Basically the new elves are those human souls that have been with Gaia through her long cycle and might be termed indigenous souls or those souls belonging to and with Gaia. Their ascension takes place through the DNA itself and is deeply rooted into Gaia’s core.

The new humans are those souls or star seeds, brothers and sisters that have come to visit Gaia and help, but are not organically linked to her. They live upon her and she tolerates them, to a point. They are also going through the ascension process, a process that is lifting their own souls higher into the light and closer to God.

A couple nights ago I dreamed of walking Gaia’s surface and going past a large building that proclaimed AMORC on it in large letters. I was not drawn to it, but I wondered about it. To me AMORC represents the GWB, Great White Brotherhood, or spiritual hierarchy. I am an elder in the Rosicrucian Order AMORC and have completed their degree studies. Then I broke away from them because they were not interested in Gaia’s ascension, but in humanity’s ascension. In this spiritual lineage we also find the Dali Lama and other world teachers and mystery schools that exist in today’s world. Together these form the spiritual hierarchy that guide and direct the evolution of humanity. My dream shows that the new spiritual hierarchy of the new earth is now completely anchored and firmly in place in our new Gaia. This is the spiritual hierarchy of the new humans, the star seeds and space brothers. I am not saying that this hierarchy is AMORC. I am saying that AMORC is part of this hierarchy, the part I recognize in my dream symbolism.

Because the new elves follow a genetic ascension process they have no mystery schools or hierarchy. They are being transformed from the inside out like all other living creatures that collectively form the circle of life upon Gaia. Most living creatures do not have the spiritual or intellectual capacity to reach high levels of ascension, but through genetic transformation they too are able to ascend and this is what has been taking so long.

The ascension paths of the new humans and of the new elves have until now been in vibrational conflict. All the new frequencies have now been locked in place and things can proceed with the organic ascension of Gaia. This is slated to happen and reach a high point between the September equinox and the next full moon, the blood moon of September.

Based upon my own personal experience this past year I believe that Gaia’s organic ascension will involve the complete activation, integration and empowerment of the etheric double of all living things energetically connected to her. This will provide the magical link needed for living things to create and manifest in our new world.

For the new humans empowerment will come through collective works and organizations where all follow the same or similar spiritual paths. This is essentially a repeat of the old eon way of spiritual development and evolution. The new humans are not able to integrate their own shadow aspects and organic ascension is not possible for them. They can live upon this world as guests but not partake in her inner mysteries.

For those life forms experiencing organic DNA ascension including the new elves, empowerment will come through loving relationships between males and females. The development of the soul and its powers will come from loving each other and sharing opposite sex energies to develop the male and female soul that is inside each one of us. This is the true union of opposites, when we can find both polarities inside our own soul.

I like to draw and when I first began I read some instruction books on art. One book said that if you can draw the human figure you can draw anything. So I concentrated and focused on learning to draw the human figure in comic art. I drew what I loved and learned a lot about drawing anything.

The ability to create and manifest in this new world is like that. When we focus on love and sharing it with a partner we are at the same time learning about all the others things as well because they are contained within us. When we focus on money or material things or philosophical things or spiritual truths we are missing the boat as well. In this new age it is for the heart to create and it creates only out of love.

bright blessings,



Views: 23


The New Tower Of Babel

By Jim Kirwan 8-19-15

The Vatican - Spiritual

The literal history of the planet was rewritten back around 1066, which is part of how we all came to be manipulated into believing the so-called global scarcities on which all our fake-bubbles are currently based.

The Vatican above is supported by The City of London & D.C.







Financial Control

Washington D.C. Military

These three flags represent the global Triad

Which changed everything about how the people of the world

Have been governed

And how our lands have been stolen from us all, over a thousand years ago.

The Supreme Creator has never sold the Earth to anyone, thus by natural law and simple logic no-one can claim exclusive ownership of the land. However, it also follows that all humans and creatures, may, by birthright and wise management utilize it within the limits of their authentic needs, and without encroaching upon others.


This concept is known as Allodial Earth wherein land may be held, managed and utilized, and that individuals may rightfully claim full ownership of the fruits of their labor upon that land, but not of the land itself.

To fully understand the extent of our enslavement we should understand the history we were NOT taught in school.


The Britannic Isles, (what we know today as England, Wales, Scotland and Eire) prior to the Anglo Saxon and Norman invasions was known as Albien. Albien, simply meant “the surface of the Earth”, and in those days it was inhabited by tribal communities, there were no borders, religious or political boundaries or divisions, no kings or, no landowners or serfs. The society was following an allodial system, each family held rights to a sufficient area of land to be able to cultivate and feed their families and trade or barter the excess.

Communities were governed by a “Rex” system, a rex being a strong man of the tribe who “put right” or solved conflicts, protected the weak, and gathered men to protect the tribe in case of danger. The Rex owned no special claim to his own land, but played a “legal” role in managing the affairs of the tribe according to their legal systems based on common law, rather than a kingship.


Over a period of 500 or so years, the waves of Anglo-Saxon invasions started which were to permanently alter the face of Albien. The invaders raped, mass-murdered and pillaged their way through the villages and settlements of the South, stealing whatever they could find and killing whoever could not flee for their lives. The installed their kings on the seized land, (since land is not likely to remain seized without an “owner” and force of arms to control it). Albien became Angle-land (England).

However the greatest transformation occurred in 1066 with the arrival of William the Bastard, (Guillaume Le Batard) sent by the Vatican papacy (Pope Alexander II) of Rome, with the express purpose of laying claim to the lands of Albien. It appears that William was chosen for his brutal enforcement of a Feudal System in Normandy…”


Control of Land is Power, and if that control is consolidated through violence, treachery and monopoly, that power is concentrated. If that monopoly is sustained through violence or threat of violence then it can be exploited through the many forms of usury, such as ownership, debt economics and slavery, administrated through the construction of legal fictions codified as positive law. If you can govern the minds of those enslaved never to rebut those constructed fictions, then you can own the Earth, all life it contains and all souls”.

Abdun Nur

To grasp the depths of depravity that have come to govern everything that now controls the world we live in, we need to grasp the way the world was altered from the beginnings of human existence and how that was forcefully stolen to make the nightmare that we’re all still living in today: That’s the reason that there is this “new” Tower of Babel, that very few know about, much less how this came to be governed by these three centers of evil-incarnate in Rome, London and Washington D.C.

Who Owns the Land Part 2

Who Owns the Land? Part 1

* * *

The current day live-form of “global-control”, or lack thereof, can be seen in what I called “a preemptive military strike on China”. The spinoff from the controllers of the triad is being played out in the damage or the absence of damage surrounding the recent explosions in Tianjin, China.

Crucial to the entire event is what the site looked like before and after the ‘explosions’. Some say that there were no buildings at the site where the supposed ‘storage’ was located. But China is still censoring as much as they can, about what actually happened to their facilities in Tianjin.

Play with the before & after images, using the vertical cursor and decide, if you can, about the existence of the building that supposedly held the chemicals and the cyanide in the hundreds of tons previously announced.

Satellite Images show China explosions before & after

High-res aerial images of China's Tianjin blast crater’481174/photos-high-res-aerial-images-of-the-tianjin-blast-crater-show-devastation-that-words-cant-explain/

The current Tower of Babel has been using the global population like herds of dumb-animals that can only serve them: We have never been allowed to question anything they continue to do to us all: And the result is that our world has been reduced to a very minute portion of the actual lands and resources that are supposedly “owned” by the Vatican and the Zionist Supremacy worldwide.

In addition the same kinds of disproportionate “fraudulent-ownerships” have also been applied to all the resources of the planet, as well as the way people live in every one of the former nations of the world today—given that the corporations have never paid for any of the raw materials, or any of nature’s bounty in whatever they continue to steal from nature across the planet today.

Nature Is Speaking ­ Julia Roberts

The Ocean - Harrison Ford

The Rainforest ­ Kevin Spacey

The Soil - Edward Norton

Water - Penelope Cruz

The Redwoods - Robert Redford

The Coral Reef - Ian Somerhalder

The Flower - Pita Nyong’o

And on and on it goes. If we care about life, then we need

To go back to what is outlined in the beginning two articles

From Zen Gardner,

At the beginning of this comment above

Which all too clearly outlines for us, where humanity went wrong…

HOME one hour 33 minutes


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