Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Patricia Cota-Robles: Where Do We Go From Here? ....Salusa and more :)

Patricia Cota-Robles:  Where Do We Go From Here?

Dear Friends, I am sending this wonderful channeling from Patricia Cota-Robles because it continues the discussion I sent to you in my last message.  She gives us a picture of the background of why we are struggling with dark thoughtforms now, and lays the historical foundation for our coming discussion about Sexuality and Love, to begin tonight on BlogTalkRadio:


by Patricia Cota-Robles 

April 7, 2015


We have just been through an Eclipse Series that bathed the Earth and all her Life with the most intensified influx of Light Humanity has ever experienced. What does that mean for each of us individually and where do we go from here? 


Well, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have affirmed that we are truly in uncharted waters. For the very first time since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality aeons ago and lost Christ Consciousness, which is the enlightened state of awareness we were invested with by our Father-Mother God at our inception, Humanity en masse is in a position to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. This means we are now vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow us to actually reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Christ Conscious Sons and Daughters of God. This is a critical step in our Ascension process and it is something that every man, woman, and child must accomplish in order to fulfill this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. This is true whether or not a person acknowledges or comprehends this profound Truth.


Because of the misinformation and disinformation about what Christ Consciousness truly means and the doubt in the minds of many as to whether or not the masses of Humanity could possibly attain that level of enlightenment, people are very confused. For that reason the Company of Heaven is reiterating the information they have shared with us over the years about this subject. Here is a brief overview of the information pouring forth from the Realms of Illumined Truth. Please take this information into the deepest recesses of your Heart and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth about Humanity's unprecedented opportunity to return to Christ Consciousness. 




When we were first breathed forth from the Core of Creation as individualized Sons and Daughters of God, we were Birthed into an awakened state of Christ Consciousness. At that time, we were also invested with the creative faculties of thought and feeling, and given the gift of Free Will. We then received our gift of Life. This is our Lifeforce, the electronic Light substance that beats our heart, activates our brain, and enables us to think, feel, breathe, move, and exist as individualized expressions of our Father-Mother God.  


The original Divine Plan was for the Sons and Daughters of God to learn how to become cocreators with our God Parents. Through our Free-Will choices and our unique ways of thinking and feeling, the intent was for us to create previously unknown expressions of Divinity that would increase the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God. This would expand exponentially the all-encompassing Divine Matrix that is our Father-Mother God's Body. The Body of God is the forcefield of Infinite Light and Divine Love within which every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. 


Our Father-Mother God determined that the most efficient way for us to learn how to become cocreators would be for us to exist within the constraints of a 3rd-dimensional time and space continuum. This would allow us to experience what we were choosing to create through our thoughts and feelings in a much more tangible and physical way than would be possible in the timeless, spaceless frequencies of the Higher Dimensions. 


With that decision, the Sons and Daughters of God who were destined to embody in our Solar System, on Planet Earth, began their Earthly sojourns.


 When we were first embodied on Earth as Sons and Daughters of God, the hemisphere of our left-brain was activated by the Masculine Polarity of our Father God. That Polarity of God manifests as a sapphire blue Ray of Light that pulsates with the Masculine Qualities of Divine Will, Power, Illumined Faith, Protection, and God's First Cause of Perfection. After our Father God's Blue Ray of Light activated our rational, logical left-brain hemisphere, it awakened the power center within our Throat Chakra. Then it was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful blue plume of Sacred Fire.


Simultaneously, as our Father God's Masculine Polarity was activated within our left-brain hemisphere, our Mother God's Feminine Polarity was activated within the hemisphere of our right-brain. This Polarity of God manifests as a crystalline pink Ray of Light that pulsates with the Feminine Qualities of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for Life, and the Sacred Fire Breath of the Holy Spirit. Once our Mother God's Pink Ray of Light activated our creative, intuitive right-brain hemisphere, it awakened the Love center within our Heart Chakra. Then this Ray of Light was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful pink plume of Sacred Fire.


Once the Blue Flame of our Father God's Power and the Pink Flame of our Mother God's Love were perfectly balanced in the Divinity of our Heart, they merged into a magnificent Violet Flame. This Sacred Fire is known as the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. In Divine Timing, the Violet Flame blazed up from the Divinity in our Heart and expanded into our physical brain structure, activating our pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic center at the base of our brain. 


Once the activation of our spiritual brain centers was complete our Crown Chakra opened to full breadth, and the full Divine Momentum of Christ Consciousness began flowing through our pineal gland into our mental and emotional bodies. We became fully aware of our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, and our I AM Presence. In this natural state of awakened consciousness, we were able to easily communicate with all of the various Aspects of Divinity through open heart and mind telepathic communication. 


Christ Consciousness is our Divine Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God. It manifests as a yellow-gold Ray of Light that pulsates with the Divine Qualities of Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, and Understanding. Once our Crown Chakra was open to full breadth and we began to receive the flow of Christ Consciousness, that Ray of Light was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful yellow-gold plume of Sacred Fire. 


That event completed the physical manifestation of the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame that is blazing as the Divinity within every person's Heart. These three Flames, the Blue Flame of our Father God's Power, the Pink Flame of our Mother God's Love, and the Yellow-gold Flame of the Son and Daughter of God's Wisdom or Christ Consciousness represent the threefold activity of Life that is exemplified by the Holy Trinity.


Christ Consciousness is the awakened state of awareness that our Father-Mother God invested us with in the beginning, and intended for us to utilize and maintain during all of our Earthly sojourns. This is the awakened level of awareness our God Parents intended for us to have when we were choosing how to use our Free Will, our Gift of Life, and our creative faculties of thought and feeling. 


The original Divine Plan was for the Sons and Daughters of God to remain in the elevated state of Christ Consciousness as we learned to become cocreators with our Father-Mother God. The goal was for us to use our Lifeforce to cocreate previously unknown patterns of Divine Love, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Abundance, Happiness, and Abounding Joy as we expanded the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with every thought, feeling, word, or action we expressed. 


In order to insure the fulfillment of that facet of the Divine Plan and to keep their Sons and Daughters focused strictly on the Light, our Father-Mother God gave us ONE admonition, "Do NOT partake of the Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL." 


Our God Parents knew that as long as their Sons and Daughters never used our Free Will or our creative faculties of thought and feeling to empower evil, WHICH IS NOTHING MORE THAN THE ABSENCE OF LOVE, we would not create the gross mutations of evil which manifest as poverty, disease, war, greed, crime, corruption, inclement weather conditions, the abuse of power, and every other form of pain and suffering. 


Our Father-Mother God knew that as long as our Father God's Power was always balanced with our Mother God's Love, and that every choice and decision we made was from the Loving Wisdom of Christ Consciousness, we would never have to experience painful human miscreations or deal with the distorted illusions of separation and duality. 


But tragically, that was not to be.   




There was a point in time when the Sons and Daughters of God made the Free-Will decision to experiment with our Lifeforce by empowering thoughts and feelings that were not based in Love or Reverence for Life. Once we made that fateful decision, we began to experience for the first time the painful effects of our actions. We can use our Lifeforce to create whatever we choose to empower through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs. What is important for us to realize is that we are RESPONSIBLE for whatever it is we choose to create. 


Over time, the negative results of our thoughts and feelings caused us to descend into such painful and discordant frequencies of vibration that we could no longer hear the inner guidance from our I AM Presence or the Heavenly Realms. We became frightened and thought that maybe we could eliminate our pain by closing our Heart Chakra and blocking our ability to feel. 


Our Heart Chakra is the portal through which the Love of our Mother God enters the physical plane. Once we chose to close our Heart Chakra, which blocked the flow of our Mother God's Love, she was forced to withdraw. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that fateful decision is the event that is overwhelmingly responsible for our loss of Christ Consciousness and the sustained pain and suffering Humanity and the Earth have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago.


The infinitesimal amount of Divine Love our Mother God was able to project through our right-brain hemisphere after we closed our Heart Chakra, was barely enough to sustain brain consciousness. This caused our right brain to become almost dormant. When that occurred, the Blue Flame of Power from our Father God and the Pink Flame of Love from our Mother God no longer merged into the perfectly balanced Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. 


Our Father-Mother God's balanced Violet Flame was the catalyst that activated our spiritual brain centers and opened our Crown Chakra, so we could receive the flow of Christ Consciousness into our pineal gland. Without the support of the Violet Flame, our spiritual brain centers began to atrophy. This forced our Crown Chakra to close. This tragedy prevented us from receiving the flow of Christ Consciousness and from staying connected with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.  


Once we lost Christ Consciousness and the awareness of our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven, we started to perceive the physical plane as our only reality. We came to the distorted conclusion that our physical body is all that we are and that the gratification of our physical senses is our purpose and reason for being. As we plodded through our Earthly existence making choices that were not based in Love and that took us further into separation and duality, we became more and more confused. We developed a fragmented personality, a fear-based alter ego. This fear-based human ego usurped control of our Free Will and manipulated our creative faculties of thought and feeling. Since our human ego believed that its sole purpose was to gratify our physical senses, it decided that whatever it needed to do to accomplish that goal would be just fine. This self-serving decision gave our ego permission to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get whatever it wanted. These destructive behavior patterns catapulted us further into darkness and greatly amplified our pain and suffering. 


Without the balance of our Mother God's Love, we began abusing our Masculine Power. Our fear-based ego made power-oriented decisions that did not take into consideration how our choices would affect other people, or if they reflected a Reverence for Life. When we were in male bodies we abused our power by being violent and aggressive. When we were in female bodies, we abused our power by suppressing it and allowing ourselves to be dominated and oppressed. The more we abused our power, the deeper we fell into the abyss of our human miscreations. 


Since our initial fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been doing everything in Its power to awaken Humanity and to help us return to Christ Consciousness, so we can reverse the adverse effects of our negative behavior patterns and return to the Path of Divine Love and Reverence for Life. The problem is that we got ourselves into this mess by deliberately creating thoughts and feelings that were not based in Love. Consequently, we alone are responsible for transmuting our human miscreations back into Light. and returning to the Path of Divine Love, which is the ONLY way for us to once again attain Christ Consciousness. The Company of Heaven will assist us in myriad ways to accomplish that mighty feat if we ask for their assistance, but they cannot intervene without our permission. Remember, "ask and you shall receive."


Listen to your Heart and ask your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven what you can do to take full advantage of this Cosmic Opportunity to Return to Christ Consciousness. Living the Path of Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life will change your life in profound and wondrous ways. 


Regardless of how far you may feel you are from attaining Christ Consciousness through your I AM Presence and the assistance of the Company of Heaven your transformation could be a Breath away.


Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

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wonderful channeling from Patricia Cota-Robles because it continues the discussion I sent to you in my last message.  She gives us a picture of the background of why we are struggling with dark thoughtforms now, and lays the historical foundation for our coming discussion about Sexuality and Love, to begin tonight on BlogTalkRadio:


by Patricia Cota-Robles           


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Osho on AUM

Osho on AUM

First, AUM is not a word, it is a pure sound, so it has no meaning as such. It is a pure sound, like the sound of a waterfall; what meaning has it? – no meaning at all. Or the sound of this aeroplane passing by; what meaning has it? – no meaning at all. The sound becomes a word when meaning becomes attached to it. 

A meaningful sound is a word; a meaningless word is a sound. So the first thing to be understood: AUM is not a word, it is pure sound. All other words have arisen out of it, but it itself is not a word. It is the source of all sounds; it cannot have any meaning whatsoever. 

This sound AUM consists of three sounds: A, U, M. These are the seed sounds; all other sounds are created by A,U,M. All our words, the whole alphabet, is created by these three seed sounds: 

A,U,M. AUM is the source of all these three. 

That’s why in India AUM is not written alphabetically. It has a symbol of its own. That is simply to designate: don’t be confused and don’t try to think about AUM as a word. AUM is the only sound in India which is not written alphabetically. It is written pictorially; it has a picture, a symbol, which is outside the alphabet. These are symbolic things. It has been kept outside the alphabet because it is the source. The source is always out, beyond, transcendental. 

AUM consists of three sounds and one anuswar. Anuswar is a very subtle sound; it represents a kind of humming. When you say, “AU”, that M prolonged, that humming sound that goes on reverberating, is the anuswar. Anuswar means just a dot; that too represents something. So AUM consists of four things: three visible, A,U,M, and the fourth invisible the rhythmic, humming shadow. 

These four represent the whole of Indian metaphysics. “A” represents one state of the mind, when you are awake, the waking consciousness. “U” represents when you are dreaming, the dreaming consciousness. “M” represents when you are fast asleep, dreamlessly asleep – sushupti – deep, profound dreamless sleep. These are the three states of the human mind, human consciousness. 

And the anuswar, the dot – that humming sound that goes on reverberating – that represents the fourth, turiya, the transcendental state when you are neither asleep nor awake nor dreaming, when you are just a witness to all that is happening: the state of a Buddha or a Christ, the state where I am, where one can declare oneself Bhagwan. 

Turiya. The word “turiya” also means “the fourth”, simply “the fourth”. It has no other name, because it cannot be named. It is beyond names. This has to be understood first. 

And then the second thing: when you have reached the fourth state, turiya, when there is nothing but a melody heard, the celestial music – what Pythagoras has called the music of the heavens, the music of the stars, the music that is the very undercurrent of existence – when you have reached the fourth state of awakening, awareness, Buddhahood, you hear a music, a music which is not produced by any instrument. 

Let me remind you of the Zen Masters who tell their disciples to find the sound of one hand clapping. 

That is the music: one hand clapping. That is found only in the fourth. Why one hand clapping? 

You cannot produce music by one hand clapping; the clapping needs the other. Two are needed to tango, two are needed to clash, two are needed to create something. If a child is born, then two are needed, man and woman. Two are needed everywhere. Electricity needs the positive and the negative. Even life needs death as the opposite. So if you look into life, everything is dual; two are needed. 

But beyond the two there is also a state, the transcendental, where two are not needed. It is called anahat naad: unstruck sound, one hand clapping. That sound is the very nature of existence. 

Existence is a subtle music – but it is heard only when you have reached the fourth state, when all thoughts have disappeared, where all unconsciousness has disappeared, where you are nothing but a pure mirror, mirroring nothing. Then suddenly explodes a melody. 

That melody is called AUM. It is not a mantra, as you have been told. Please never use AUM as a mantra; don’t go on repeating, “AUM, AUM, AUM…. ” If you repeat it you will miss something; you will become habitual. 

A man fell from a ten-story building. A professor was passing by with his student. Of course he must have been a professor of philosophy; he asked the student, “Look at the situation. The man has fallen from ten stories and he has not been hurt. What do you call it?” 

The student said, “It is coincidence.” 

The professor said, “Now, if he goes back again to the tenth story and falls and is not hurt, then what will you call it?” 

The student said, “That will be fate. Once, it is coincidence, but if he goes again and falls, that will be fate.” And the professor said, “Okay. If he goes again, the third time, and falls from the tenth story, what will you call it?” 

The student said, “Sir, then it will be habit. What else can it be?” 

If you repeat AUM continuously, year in and year out, it will become your habit. It will become a subtle layer around you; it will prevent you from hearing the real AUM. The real AUM cannot be produced by you. 

That’s why I am against the so-called transcendental meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is very destructive. It is a lullaby; it only gives you good sleep, at the most. It can’t awaken you. It can cool you, it can give you a little calmness; it is good for people who are suffering from nervousness, tension, anxiety. It is a psychological device, it is a psychological drug – a non-medicinal tranquilizer. 

But it is not meditation, no. It is neither meditation nor transcendental; it is not at all. It simply soothes you, consoles you, helps you to go into good sleep. 

And it is not accidental that America has become very much interested in the so-called transcendental meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, because America is suffering tremendously from insomnia. People have lost their sleep. They want sleep at any cost; they are ready to try anything. And transcendental meditation can help you to have a good sleep. 

But meditation is just the opposite. Meditation is waking up. It is not a lullaby, it is diametrically the opposite. It is a shock, it shatters your sleep and your dreams. If you are a beggar, you are no more a beggar; it shatters the idea of your beggarhood. If you are a prime minister, you are no more a prime minister; it shatters your illusion of being a prime minister. It shatters all identities. It simply reveals one fact, that you are God. It only reveals your reality and takes all illusions away. 

AUM is not a mantra. So, Rajen, don’t use it as a mantra. It is a scientific formula, just like H2O. 

H2O is not water. You can go on repeating – when you are feeling thirsty you can sit and go on repeating – “H2O, H2O” – you can make a mantra out of it, and it may help you to fall asleep. Try, and you will be surprised: H2O can do the same as any mantra. Just try, “H2O, H2O” – sway with it – H2O, H2O – go on, go on, faster and faster and faster – and soon you will be transported into deep sleep. 

And when you awake, you will feel fresh, certainly fresh, but you will still be thirsty. It can’t help your thirst, it can’t quench you. And not that the formula is wrong, but a formula is not a mantra. 

AUM is the H2O of the spiritual transformation. It has all the secrets in it, but it is not something to be repeated. It has to be understood, so understand these things. First, AUM is not a word; it is a pure sound, the purest, the ultimate sound of existence. When all is gone, that sound remains. That is the sound of soundlessness, the sound of silence. 

And, symbolically, AUM represents your waking consciousness, your dreaming consciousness, your sleeping consciousness, and the beyond – the turiya – the fourth state, where one becomes Bhagwan, where one becomes Christ, Buddha, where one is one with totality. It is a tremendously important formula; it contains the whole metaphysics of the East. But it is not a mantra. Please never repeat it. Repeating won’t help; it will deceive you. Try to understand it, and then start becoming more and more aware of your waking consciousness. Walking on the road, walk with full awareness, knowing that you are walking. Then slowly, slowly transform every act into awareness. 

De-automatize every act. 

A man came to me. He had been suffering from chain-smoking for thirty years; he was ill and the doctors said, “You will never be healthy if you don’t stop smoking. ” But he was a chronic smoker; he could not help it. He had tried – not that he had not tried – he had tried hard, and he had suffered much in trying, but one day or two days, and then again the urge would come so tremendously, it would simply take him away. Again he would fall into the same pattern. 

Because of this smoking he had lost all self-confidence: he knows he cannot do a small thing; he cannot stop smoking. He had become worthless in his own eyes; he thought himself just the most worthless person in the world. He had no respect for himself. 

He came to me; he said, “What can I do? How can I stop smoking?” I said, “Nobody can stop smoking. You have to understand. Smoking is not only a question of your decision now. It has entered into your world of habits, it has taken roots. Thirty years is a long time. It has taken roots in your body, in your chemistry, it has spread all over. It is not just a question of your head deciding; your head cannot do anything. The head is impotent; it can start things, but it cannot stop so easily. 

Once you have started and once you have practiced so long, you are a great yogi – thirty years’ practicing smoking. It has become autonomous; you will have to de-automatize it. ” He said, “What do you mean by ‘de-automatization’?” 

And that’s what meditation is all about: de-automatization. 

I said, “You do one thing: forget about stopping. There is no need either. For thirty years you have smoked and lived; of course it was a suffering, but you have become accustomed to that too. And what does it matter if you die a few hours earlier than you would have died without smoking? What are you going to do here? What have you done? So what is the point – whether you die Monday or Tuesday or Sunday, this year, that year – what does it matter?” 

He said, “Yes, that is true, it doesn’t matter.” Then I said, “Forget about it; we are not going to stop it at all. Rather, we are going to understand it. So next time, you make it a meditation. “ 

He said, “Meditation out of smoking?” I said, “Yes. If Zen people can make meditation out of drinking tea, and can make it a ceremony, why not? Smoking can be as beautiful a meditation. “ 

He looked thrilled. He said, “What are you saying?” He became alive! He said, “Meditation? Just tell me – I cannot wait! “ 

I gave him the meditation. I said, “Do one thing. When you take the packet out of your pocket, for a moment go slowly. When you are taking the packet of cigarettes out of your pocket move slowly. Enjoy it, there is no hurry. Be conscious, alert, aware; take it out slowly, with full awareness. 

Then take the cigarette out of the packet with full awareness, slowly – not in the old hurried way, unconscious way, mechanical way. Then start tapping the cigarette on your packet – but very alertly. 

Listen to the sound, just as Zen people do when the samovar starts singing and the tea starts boiling, and the aroma. Then smell the cigarette and the beauty of it…. “ 

He said, “What are you saying? The beauty?” “Yes, it is beautiful. Tobacco is as divine as anything. 

Even Morarji Desai is divine, so why not tobacco? Smell it; it is God’s smell.” 

He looked a little surprised. He said, “What, are you joking?” “No, I am not joking.” 

Even when I joke, I don’t joke. I am very serious. 

“Then put it in your mouth, with full awareness, light it with full awareness. Enjoy every act, small act, and divide it into as many small acts as possible, so you can become more and more aware. 

“Then have the first puff: God in the form of smoke. Hindus say,’annam brahm’ – ‘ Food is God.’ Why not smoke? All is God. Fill your lungs deeply – this is a pranayam. I am giving you the new yoga for the new age! Then release the smoke, relax, another puff… and go very slowly. 

“If you can do it, you will be surprised, soon you will see the whole stupidity of it. Not because others have said that it is stupid, not because others have said that it is bad: you will see it. And the seeing will not be just intellectual. It will be from your total being, it will be a vision of your totality. And then, one day, if it drops, it drops; if it continues, it continues. You need not worry about it. “ 

After three months he came, and he said, “But it dropped.” 

“Now, ” I said, “try it on other things too. “ 

This is the secret, the secret: de-automatize. Walking, walk slowly, watchfully. Looking, look watchfully, and you will see trees are greener than they have ever been and roses are rosier than they have ever been. Listen. Somebody is talking, gossiping: listen, listen attentively. When you are talking, talk attentively. Let your whole waking activity become de-automatized, and then you will be surprised, the moment it happens, your dream activity will have a new perspective. You will start becoming aware in your dream. 

Then start watching your dreams. That is a miracle when it happens. When you start watching your dreams you are really a totally different person. Then the dreams have no impact on you. Watching your dreams, one day dreams disappear; you have de-automatized your dreaming process. And then you will be able to watch your dreamless sleep: yoU are asleep, and you are still awake. The whole body sleeping, every cell of it relaxed, the whole mechanism silent – and you are watching there, a silent witness. 

When this third has happened, the fourth arises on its own: the humming sound. You are full of a new music. That music is God.


Please respect all credits. 



English -- SaLuSa 10 April 2015

    SaLuSa 10 April 2015
From our perspective time is moving so much quicker than you experience. So whilst you have been without our messages for what seems some time, to us it is just a fleeting moment. Over a long period you have read or heard of many experiences where people have been out of the body and been “away” for days, to return and find that only a short time has elapsed. Sometimes it has only been a matter of hours or minutes as opposed to days. In such circumstances you begin to understand that everything is in the Now. You are learning that time is not constant, and it will become more apparent as you move away from Earth, into the higher vibrations.
These are times when you must keep a very open mind, as more surprises are waiting to be discovered. Things are not necessarily as you have been taught, and perhaps one of the hardest facts to accept is that you can travel faster than the speed of Light. There is much to learn that will come to you when you become fully fledged as a Galactic Being. At this time your consciousness is opening up and your vibrations are increasing, and you are on the way to returning to levels that you are in reality already familiar with. From here-on it is a matter of re-learning what you have forgotten and that will not be difficult as you will be getting much help. As we have told you previously, you are much greater than you imagine and in essence you are Gods in the making. However, there is a long way to go before you reach such a pinnacle of growth.
Around your world peace seems hard to broker, but be assured great Beings such as President Obama are busily working behind the scenes to bring it about. Naturally there are millions of souls working towards the same end, but clearly some wield more power than others. You also need a leader such as President Obama who has yet to reveal his plan to bring permanent peace to your Earth. As Souls of the Light you came to Earth at this important time to help bring about the changes necessary to carry you forward further into the Light. In the not too distant future you will rise to a level where the dark Ones can no longer be present, and the New Age will have truly arrived.
Knowing what you do you can help others through what is a difficult period. By general reckoning it is chaotic, and peace seems as far away than it has ever been. However, as we have previously mentioned, certain events have to be played out to clear long standing karma and ensure lessons are learnt where they are needed. You could correctly say you are in a very busy period where souls are taking their last opportunity to evolve, before it comes to a close. Whatever level souls are on each one will have been given every chance to move on. With all of the help that is given it would be surprising if you did not learn from your experiences. However, some souls are enmeshed in the darkness and find it difficult to move on. Be assured however that not one soul is abandoned, and great Beings of Light do all they can to enable them to rise up.
Looking back you might agree that your experiences have strengthened your resolve, to stand firm in the face of the delaying tactics of the dark Ones. They have tested you in some cases to the very limits of your endurance, but you have withstood all they have thrown at you. Such experiences have prepared you for greater achievements, and in the future many of you will act as Ambassadors to the Beings on other planets. Evolution is a perpetual process of learning from those who have already advanced further along the path. There is always “help” when it is needed but other souls of Light do not impose themselves upon you without receiving your call first. You have almost certainly received help along your way, but may not be aware of it. Be assured that your Guides are most active trying to ensure that you keep to your life plan. When that useful “coincidence” that is beneficial comes along it is often brought about by them. It goes as far as saving your life so that you can continue with your necessary experiences, and complete your life plan.
In the immediate future the direction you are going in will become clear, and the work put in by the Lightworkers will come to fruition. Much is happening that will ensure success and be assured that we are also giving you a helping hand. The way of things at your level, dictates that the dark Ones are allowed a certain leeway to put you to the test. However, their future is in our hands and this cycle will be the last one of this particular Age. You will soon rise up into the higher vibrations where love and peace are present and the lower vibrations non-existent. It is what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and the journey is nearly over.
The experience you have gained over many lives will hold good, and enable you to be mentors to those souls who are still making their way forward into the Light. Not every soul will progress in the same direction, as there are many varied opportunities for you to serve the Light. At your level of attainment you have a great deal of freedom to decide what you will do next, and naturally you in turn have your mentors to help you. Many of you will return to your “homeland” before deciding your next step, and the calling to do so will be very strong.
When you can look ahead rather than look back, and your consciousness grows the way forward will become clear. The times you have spent lives in the lower vibrations will soon become but a distant memory, but the lessons learnt will always be with you. Already as the level of your consciousness grows, you will find it easier to maintain it without any risk of falling back. The world can pass you by without there being any fear of being distracted from your goal. Yet you can still be fully aware of what is taking place.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and happy to be in touch with you again. We know how much you look forward to receiving our messages, and we will continue for as long as they are necessary. We send you our love and are never far away if needed.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

The Mind without a Heart – Part 1/2

Krishnamurti said that liberation comes through understanding the ways of the self. Let me look at that self, ego, or mind.

The mind is a complex spiritual computer which:

(1) Stores memories from the past of things and events significantly related to its owner’s perceived interests and survival;

(2) Watches out for those interests and survival in the present; and

(3) Takes purposive action designed to enhance and protect them in the present and the future.

Considered from the standpoint of the soul, which is who we are (the big-S “Self”), the mind is the epitome of highly-advanced artificial intelligence.  Truth be told, every one of our bodies is artificial intelligence. Everything about us is, except the Self (and some would argue that even that is).

The mind is capable of making an object of awareness of anything, including itself.  It can think and even talk about things that are distant, invisible, and non-existent.

It can conceptualize and talk about things that, for most of us, have only a theoretical existence, like subatomic particles and numbers. Have you ever seen a number right there in front of you? I haven’t.  Does it bother you to talk about something that has no form? Probably not. Thank the mind for those extensions of consciousness.

The most significant thing the mind is lacking is that it lacks a heart. I’ve been unable to find a mind with a heart, save one that has been placed in the service of the heart. It simply lacks it and everything that goes with it – compassion, generosity, mercy. An individual who has those has activated their heart and gained some mastery in conditioning the mind to its direction.

I’m not seeking to turn the mind into a little, grey, squishy thing that we chase around the room. I’m just saying that I consider its usefulness to have limits. I see the need to bring the mind under the heart’s direction.  And I have the motivation to do it.

Mine is not yet under the heart’s direction. I’m walking through that process as we speak. And it has to be done because the new call to leadership from Archangel Michael raises the bar again.

I used to ask myself how I could cross the line that separated me from not caring to caring about others. I couldn’t see how it could be done. Not really.

I now see that I couldn’t because my heart was closed and I was only looking from the mind.

The passage from a mind-centered to a heart-centered consciousness is the very thing I was looking for, the very thing that would help with that transition.

(Concluded in Part 2.)


The Mind without a Heart – Part 2/2

Heart 22

Credit: the

(Concluded from Part 1.)

The mind reacts to things with defensiveness, anger, fear, etc. I asked Archangel Michael in my last reading how I could get on top of my own aggressiveness, my edge. The answer was again to put my anger under the control of love, of my heart:

Archangel Michael: Come back to the love, my brother. This is the most radical treatment in the entire Omniverse.

Steve Beckow: I understand.  After the heart opening, I do. I probably wouldn’t have before.

AAM: Let it simply wash away this anger. When you feel that lightning strike, the match being struck, and you think, “here comes the anger,” acknowledge it for what it is: fear.

I will give you a magic word that will extinguish it.

SB: What’s that?

AAM: Michael.

SB: Undoubtedly!

AAM: If you say that, I will immediately be within you.

SB: Wow, radical intervention!

AAM: Yes. (1)

Now that is a friend.

I suspect that living from the mind only, without the mind knowing or serving the heart, is like being poverty-stricken. One is perpetually hungry, wanting, grasping and rejecting. Living from the mind has been described as eating the menu instead of the meal. There’s no experience in it and hence only superficial learning. (2)

Because so many of us live from the mind, it’s said that the progress we make in any one lifetime is not that great.

Living from the heart, and keeping the mind on a short leash, is like living beyond financial concern. The pleasure of the love that comes from the heart makes one forget about things and possessions. Hence financial concern goes out the window from a lack of desire.

Finally, there’s no waiting with love. No lineups. No credit cards. No insiders, galactics and discussion groups. Love is available instantly at a fountain that never runs dry. It’s a permanent feature of some locales, which you and I intend to visit. And maybe live in.

I’m almost sure that leaving the mind behind as a controlling and directing force in my life and looking to the heart for guidance is exactly what I’m looking for. I hear myself asking: “What does the heart say?” I know who planted that idea in my mind.

I’d never have seen any of this before. It wouldn’t have done much good to even tell me about it. Probably many people tried and are happy that I finally got it. (3)

In this new era we live in, archangels can bestow spiritual gifts and by that means came my sudden windfall. It now allows me to see that Archangel Michael’s heart consciousness is for me indeed the answer.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, April 3, 2015. Everything he says here I assert he says to you too.

(2) Knowledge has to move from being intellectual to being experiential, to being realized for there to be motivation to action and lasting benefit.

(3) We often worry a great deal about what others will think of us now that we finally see. Mostly, I think, they’re just happy and relieved we finally got it.

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Hollow Earth Network
Apr 9 at 2:46 PM

High density pulses of Inner Light are fully recognized

High density pulses of Inner Light are fully recognized

11 Apr

gaia_energy1High density pulses of Inner Light are fully recognized by Hue-manity groups and this relays directly to hu-manity beings of all types.

Linear pathways have ceased; exponentially pathways predominate.

Rapid arisings of transmutative energetics occurs throughout Gaia collective.

Awakenings of giant Beings is noted by all.

Flavors of prospectus are appreciated by all.


Views: 16


Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #1 -- Suzanne Lie

 Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #1

By Suzanne Lie

Energetic Weather Report

Beloved ones, we are the Arcturians.

We are here to begin our process of sharing with you the energetic weather reports.  As you know the energy fields on Gaia have been extremely intense, and the frequencies seem to be rising every day.  However, simultaneously, there are other places, situations and people where the frequencies seem to be getting lower.  This is because as the frequency gets higher, there are people who are dropping out.


This doesn't mean that these people will not be able to continue their Ascension process, but it means instead that sometimes our beloved Galactics and Celestials wearing human forms need some time to rest.  Some of you need to just stop and be still, take a vacation, do only do what you want to do, be with friends, travel, be in nature, write, sing, dance - whatever brings joy in your life.

This is so important because, even when you are sitting still, it is working very hard. Your body has to adapt to higher and higher frequencies of Light.  As this higher Light is moving into your pineal gland, it is going into your endocrine system and moving through all of your Chakras.  As the higher frequency light moves into the endocrine system of all of your chakras, you begin to have a different bio-chemical mix, so to speak.
Another thing that is occurring is that time is becoming increasingly confusing. This confusion is because as you are moving into your fifth-dimensional consciousness you are beginning to remember how it is to live in the NOW. Hence, you get so involved in the NOW of what you are doing, thinking or being, that you lose all track of time. 
Then you look back and say, "Oh look, I've wasted all of this time." We want you to know that there is no wasting of time.  We want you to know that it is vital that you allow yourself to surrender into your true SELF, surrender into your fifth-dimensional SELF that resonates to the One of the NOW.
Speaking of resonance we see that many of you have begun to feel the kundalini merging its way up your spine and undulating up and down.  Within that kundalini your Lightbody is getting ready to flash forward.  Now we will not give you a time for this because time is an illusion of the third-dimension. 
You already have a Lightbody in your fifth-dimensional self. When you are serving on the Starships, you are primarily serving in your Lightbody. However, the Lightbody that you are wearing while in your fifth-dimensional state of consciousness does not look the same as a Lightbody you may perceive while you are in a third-dimensional state of consciousness.
If you perceive a Lightbody, in other worlds, but you are in third or fourth dimensional consciousness, it will be something that is almost beyond your perceptions.  So therefore it will look like a flash of Light.  It will be a bit blurry, and you may not see details like fingers, toes, noses or eyes.  You might just see a large being of Light. 
However, if you are also wearing a fifth-dimensional body of Light, you will perceive that body in much greater detail.  In fact, you can see all of the details of that being.  You can see their face, their arms, their body, and you can feel that they resonate to this fifth-dimensional Light just like you do.
It is very difficult to accurately perceive a reality that is beyond your state of consciousness.  You might be able to perceive it with your imagination, which is really your fifth-dimensional thought, for a bit of your time.  But you will quickly become tired as your third-dimensional brain is not programmed for that type of perception.
Now, more and more of you, our beloved ones wearing Earth vessels, are beginning to awaken to your higher perceptions. You are beginning to see with your clairvoyance, hear with your clairaudience, and feel with your clairsentience. 
Therefore you are able to see beings of Light that you have not been able to see before.  However, until you have become accustomed to perceiving that frequency, you may still have difficulties perceiving, acknowledging and recognizing the details of these perceptions.
It is much like using an old, crystal radio to try to receive a high-speed transmission from outer space.  That radio would not be able to receive it and if it did it at all, it would not be very clear.  That is what is occurring with you now.  Just be patient and allow yourself to perceive the higher realities in whichever manner they come to you.
Remember that belief and perception are best friends.  If you can believe, "I am perceiving a Starship," then you have given yourself permission to imagine that you are actually seeing a Starship.  In fact, you can't see that Starship unless you use your fifth-dimensional imagination, or your clairvoyance, or you might hear it with your clairaudience. You may just know that the Starship there with your clairsentience.
Sometimes you will look up into the sky and see a star and say, "No that is more than just a star.  I know inside me that it's more than a star.  I can feel it.  I can feel it in my heart. I can see it in my Third Eye. I can even imagine myself on that ship.  Oh, NOW I can remember that dream I had not too long ago. 
I don't remember many details of that dream. I just remember talking to someone who was definitely not human.  Even if they were Pleiadian, they were clearly not human.  They looked like human but they did not feel like human.  They did not talk like human.  In fact, they didn't talk at well.  We just spoke with our minds.
Then I tried so hard to bring that back to my physical self as I was awakening.  I could hold it for just a few minutes, and then it was gone.  All I could remember was that, "I think I might have had an experience last night, but I can't remember any of it."
Don't worry, practice makes perfect.  More and more, you will be able to acknowledge that you visit us on a regular basis. You will also be able to acknowledge that we visit you.  Now we don't visit you in that we would lower our high frequency bodies down to the density of your world except for short periods of time. 
When we do visit your frequency, very often we wear special suits that help us to maintain our own inner frequency.  If you were to go to the bottom of the ocean, you would wear a special suit because you would need that assistance to live in such a different environment. 
In the same manner, we also often need assistance to be able to spend much of your time in your low frequency of reality.  Also we know how to project, what they used to call it in the third and fourth dimensions, of the glimmer of magic. 
Actually, we know how to create a thoughtform around us.  Therefore, you see that thought form that we have created. We are not trying to fool you at all, but we don't want to frighten you.  We do want you to know that we are among you, and we walk with you much more than you can imagine.
Now again, we are going to touch down and walk with you a while, then go back up to our ships and into our innate higher frequency.  But it is good for us to lower ourselves even though we have to make special preparations because then we can really understand what you, our dear grounded ones, have to go through every day. We also want you to know that we are here and we will be more and more visible. 
So just relax and believe that we are real.  Remember, what you can believe you can perceive and what you can perceive you can believe. 
Know that we perceive every one of you, and we send you all Light. We are also sending Light to all of humanity, especially to those who are lost. Fortunately, there are many who are awakening from the members of the lost ones.  We are very happy to share that information with you. 
Well, see you on our Ship. We will return soon (within your illusion of time) to transmit another Energetic Weather Report.
Have a wonderful day, and we send blessings to you all,
The Arcturians


 My answer is in the comments on my blog post... Please share your experiences, too.

There will also be some answers during the webinar mentioned above.
I hope you can join us,
P.S. have you viewed our Arcturian Corridor Launch Party video yet?


Arcturian Energetic Weather Reports 
Check in on our recent Arcturian Energetic Weather Reports that are intended to assist in your understanding of the current transformative cycles and opportunities to embrace the higher energies while minding the restorative needs of your physical vessel. The first report is included below, or you can download and listen to the audio recording.  
You are also invited you join us this weekend for another exciting journey as we become portals for ascension by Living in the Now!
Monthly Webinar Series
Next Session: Saturday, April 18, 2015
11 am Pacific / Noon Mountain / 1 pm Central / 2 pm Eastern / 6 pm GMT
Find out more about becoming an ascension portal.
 Join us for this session or for the entire series.
Your tour guides Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD, and Lauren Galey promise an exciting trip into higher states of Unity consciousness. Join us!
Living in the NOW

Please respect all credits. 

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North Atlantic Islands

The New Scriptures and Autobiography Written by Sananda/Jesus


by Sananda/Jesus
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD


Most of you have known me by my given name when I was here incarnated - Jesus, or Yeshua ben Joseph, my family name.  Sananda is my ancient soul name, given to me at the time of my soul birth, and so you might think of it as my “real name.” I come at this time to speak with you because I wish to correct some of the untruths that were spread about my teachings and the facts surrounding that incarnation on Earth as Jesus.

I wish to emphasize that I am not the story here.  The facts of my life are relevant only because they shape peoples’ understanding of what I stood for and taught.  I have also included a short autobiography, written after the 24 messages, to further clarify some of the personal information.  I hope it will be used simply as a footnote, or an invitation to get to know me better.  As the Veil of Forgetfulness thins, you will feel my presence close to you, sending you my unending love.  I hope to strengthen that relationship with every one of you.

Kathryn has collaborated with me in the past to write the chapter in her book called "The Christ You Never Knew."  I am asking her now to begin presenting my teachings to you directly, in unedited, unadulterated form, unlike the documents you have had available until now. We are less limited now by the language, since more people speak English than spoke my Aramaic language 2000 years ago, and we will have more control over the translations than I did then.

Dr. Kathryn, as we call her, has given her permission to be the scribe who will present these teachings to the world, for she knows the intentions of my heart and will faithfully transcribe my words just as I intend them. Our long relationship goes back to the creation of this galaxy.  I have chosen carefully, and she has been tested to the limits of her endurance. She has proven herself steadfast in the principles of Oneness I teach, regardless of the challenges we have presented to her. I now feel completely comfortable in asking her to do this important work for Us in this historic time, and she has agreed to take on the responsibility.  I thank her for her loving and tireless service.

I ask that these lessons be distributed unedited, without commentary, in their entirety. Any translations must be specifically authorized by me. There are twenty-four chapters, which work together as one Book of Teachings.  As long as those standards are met, we offer them freely to the world.

Much of what you will read in these New Scriptures will surprise you, because it is unlike the picture of me you have been taught to believe, and because I have focused in these messages on political and economic as well as spiritual matters.  I have done this because it was decided in consultation with the Company of Heaven and our beloved Creator that it was time for Earth’s people to understand that there is no separation between public and private life.  This is increasingly true as the vibrations rise on the planet in preparation for your Ascension to higher dimensions.

The Cosmos is guided by a specific and immutable program of Universal Law, which includes as one of its tenets that feelings and thoughts are the medium of creation.  It cannot be otherwise, but this is a new idea for most of humankind.  What you believe, you create.  What you fear, you create, and what you oppose you strengthen.  Even more powerful is the energy of Love, for Love can overcome fear and any dark belief systems or thought forms.  You are now, in the beginning of the 21st Century, engaged in the end game that will see the finale of the struggle between Light and the illusion of darkness.

The Chapters I have given here are for the purpose of clarifying the difference between dark and Light, and helping all to clear away old, destructive patterns of thought and behavior.  I have watched as many of the darkest teachings have unfortunately been shored up by the distorted “religious” teachings that are supposedly based on, or affected by, my teachings.  

I regret that a new religion was created in my name.  I had no intention of being the center of any organized movement.  I do not endorse “Christianity” or any other religion.  Humankind has reached a level of maturity that will allow for freedom of thought, and a freeing of feeling from the constricting dogma that sometimes passes for moral teachings.

I came here to teach unconditional Love, the Love of our Creator.  I came to use my understanding of God’s Love and Light to help people heal, and to alleviate the suffering caused by oppression of all kinds.  I do the same now, with an audience that has access to a far more sophisticated understanding of science, politics and economics than those I was addressing in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago.  We also now have access to the internet as a way of sending out the message across the globe.

I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition.  I wish to encourage and support you, and with to help of our “boots on the ground,” to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries.  You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognize the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts.  Together, we will manifest our Dream.

I hope you will pass on this message as widely as possible, to help raise the consciousness of the entire planet at this time of preparation for the Great Event, the project you and I have been working toward for eons - The Ascension of all humankind along with their beloved Mother Earth.  

It is a glorious time, a time of hope, community, harmony and Love.  Yes, of course there are signs of chaos and upheaval, but they are the final writhing of the beast before its departure into the archives of memory.  You are free.  It is now a matter of claiming that freedom and celebrating together as we lay down the foundation for The New Golden Age on Planet Earth.

I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition.  I wish to encourage and support you, and with to help of our “boots on the ground,” to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries.  You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognize the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts.  Together, we will manifest our Dream.

In service to humankind, I am Sananda/Jesus

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