Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

On June 5th, Pope Francis Will Announce the Catholic Church Is Preparing For Alien Contact

On June 5th, Pope Francis Will Announce the Catholic Church Is Prep...

11 Responses to On June 5th, Pope Francis Will Announce the Catholic Church Is Preparing For Alien Contact

  1. bewareofserco says:

    Until I see power being taken away from the corporations and given back to the people, NOTHING this hypocritical, paedophile supporting scumbag says or does will have any credibility as far as I am concerned.

    • Jean says:

      Well said!!! Well said!!! BUT, you know, we can begin at the local level to take that power back . . . for instance, rescind Citizens United. Hugs, ~Jean

      Note: Please check out these two sites. These sites suggest things we can address locally through our friends, neighbors, and various organizations. I believe almost everyone in the USA can agree on these two particular issues!! There are many more items like this; I’ve got a whole list!. It would really slow this bunch way down — if not bring them to a half, and WE, THE PEOPLE CAN DO IT!!! INDEED, WE MUST DO IT!!!

      We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.


      Electoral College is 61% of the Way to Being Fixed

      The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in the entire United States. The bill preserves the Electoral College, while ensuring that every vote in every state will matter in every presidential election. The National Popular Vote law has been enacted by 11 jurisdictions possessing 165 electoral votes — 61% of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate it.

      • bewareofserco says:

        You’re right! WE must act in high numbers so that those at local level who are in a position to be a positive influence and who want to do the ‘right’ thing, know that they have overwhelming support and are not putting themselves and their families at risk for pushing back against the unethical policies of the corporate government dictatorship.

        • Jean says:

          Bewareofserco, I believe WE ARE THE ONES WE ARE WAITING FOR . . . and we CAN act:

          Note: Please check out these two sites. These sites suggest things we can address locally through our friends, neighbors, and various organizations. I believe almost everyone in the USA can agree on these two particular issues!! There are many more items like this; I’ve got a whole list!. It would really slow this bunch way down — if not bring them to a half, and WE, THE PEOPLE CAN DO IT!!! INDEED, WE MUST DO IT!!!

          We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.


          Electoral College is 61% of the Way to Being Fixed

          The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in the entire United States. The bill preserves the Electoral College, while ensuring that every vote in every state will matter in everypresidential election. The National Popular Vote law has been enacted by 11 jurisdictions possessing 165 electoral votes — 61% of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate it.

  2. mike says:

    The last sentence says it all. “Usurp national governments.” The Pope’s plan is nothing more than a step to a 1 world government. There is no true alien contact happening in the sense that the church will promote. It’s a lie for the NWO control plan.

  3. Tracy says:

    So here we go again, the Catholic Church is putting themselves in the “driver’s seat” for the E.T. meet and greet. And I wonder are these “aliens”, the fallen angels/demons that will be coming into Earth from the CERN Portal? I DO NOT CONSENT

    This E.T. plan has obviously been in the works, remember this article/headline: Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life date 7-23-14 ~ ; and let’s not forget The Goals of Project Blue Beam ~

    — The Pope needs to be “defrocked” for being the shill of the “evil-world-order” that wants to control this Earthly Realm. JUST SAY: “NOT NO — BUT HELL NO”, in the mighty name of CHRIST YESHUA (12) the real LORD OF LORDS, KING OF KINGS. This lulu, knows that this is our HOME REALM. My beautiful Mother Earth and all her children will not be “infiltrated” without our Mother’s consent or our / her Children’s consent or without our CREATOR FATHER ONE’s consent. The Pope is not my divine authority; he does not speak for me. We know that there are both good & bad E.T.’s — who’s going to let us know which is which the Pope or Catholic Church….Nope I don’t consent to this authority.

    Yep…..I went there (even though we know religion was used as a tool against us [along with politics, education, and et. al for control] — we still have a LORD who died for our sins and showed us the way, truth & life [he said: The Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN] for those nay-sayer’s. I guess because I’m a Sunday’s child I just can’t let it go – I was lost and then I was found again. I understand there have been so many crimes committed in the name of “religion”, etc. but I know that I/We are Eternal…the CHRIST is both a “living incarnated perfect person” who died that we would live & ascended; and a “Christ Consciousness” — the Compassionate LOVE that was sent to help us get to the next “evolution” in our spiritual journey of ONENESS — as from the CREATOR FORCE OF LOVE. Just my opinion.

    I found this video a week ago, it had me thinking……outside of the box (cube)
    How Jesus defeated SATURN ~
    And I just found this timely reminder:

    A] POPE Francis to Lead U.N. 1-World GOVT Official “SIGNING” & Launching (Sept 2015) ~

    B] Headline: Things Getting Weird as Pope Francis Joins the UN to Come Down Firmly on Climate Change Skeptics‏… (I bookmarked this find from Neseranews) and also today found two sources:, and Watchman on the Web:

    So I would urge everyone to not be too hasty to welcome the Pope/Catholic Church “decree” that there are E.T.’s and we should make contact with them. There should be many questions asked before “consent” is given. Otherwise it’s just part of the “NWO Program” IMO.

    • Jean says:

      Tracy, you and others have made me fall in love with my readers yet again . . . many thanks. I’m publishing these ;) Hugs, ~Jean

  4. Ilex says:

    Maybe the title should have read “Preparing for Archonic Contact?” Meaning the Vat of course.

    • Jean says:

      :) You know, I think we human beings will do just great meeting the good ETs, all on our own. We don’t need the Vatican :) Hugs, ~Jean

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ET Disclosure movement directed by Rockefeller/Jesuits for New World Order world government globalist power objectives

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