Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Life on a New Earth
This article might shock you, but I hope it will excite you. It is information given to me by Star Beings,
who in these challenging times bring a message of peace, love, and support to our planet.
I am writing this on the first day of November. December 21, 2012 – the date prophesied by the Mayans
as the end of an epoch of time – is only weeks away.
Is it to be a time of Earth cataclysm? In the wake of Hurricane Sandy and destructive floods in many
parts of the world, some might fear so. Or is it a new beginning for humanity, the beginning of a new
age of peace and plenty, as has been predicted by the prophecies of many of the ancient peoples of
the Earth? Legends handed down in many of the sacred teachings of diverse and distant cultures all tell
of a time of human challenge and Earth upheaval giving way to a new beginning for the Earth – a new
Golden Age. The Mayans, the writings of the sacred Hindu text “the Mahabarata,” and ancient writings
of Greece, Rome, and Egypt all tell remarkably similar stories. Twentieth-century channel Edgar Cayce
and sixteenth-century seer Nostradamus said much the same thing.
We are obviously not alone here on Earth. There have been thousands of documented sightings of UFOs
and extraterrestrial beings in the past one hundred years. And, like it or not, incredible technological
feats of construction such as the Pyramids of Giza could not possibly have been the work of human
hands and human-designed machines. The perfect geometrical alignment and complex construction of
the Great Pyramid could not be replicated even in today’s world.
For the past fifteen years, I have connected with and been contacted by many Star Beings. I am able to
speak many extraterrestrial “star languages” and I communicate with civilizations from beyond Earth.
From multi-dimensional realities, they join together as one voice, rather like the United Nations, to
oversee life within our Milky Way Galaxy. Many of these Star Beings are humanoid in appearance. This is
because they created us to look like them, with aspects of their own DNA codes.
These Star Beings are completely aligned with the discarnate, spiritual Star Beings whom we understand
and know better, because of our religious beliefs and the teachings of spiritual masters who have come
to Earth. Ascended masters, angels, devas, bodhisattvas, and other beloved teachers of the spiritual
hierarchies of all the religious beliefs in the world are in complete alignment with the loving, “Christed”
extraterrestrial Star Beings from many dimensional worlds within this galaxy.
The Elohim Creator aspect of God or the One God created them and us.
At this time of Earth transition, these Star Beings have asked me to deliver a series of messages to
the people of the Earth, so that people everywhere might be informed of their imminent arrival. The
Star Beings who have until now walked largely unseen beside us are coming soon. They want us to be
prepared and they want us to be without fear.
Their message is about us as human beings finally coming of age and together with them co-creating
new life within this galaxy. They are here to stand beside us and help us transition through this time of
change and challenge, to create a new age of peace and prosperity on Earth together.
Be guided by how you feel when you read their words. Let the opening into love that you will feel within
your heart and the quickening of the energy behind their message as it flows into your body be the
yardstick and barometer of the truth.
This is what I am told to tell you:
A long time ago in a time known by the ancients as Zep Tepi, “the first times,” the Galactic Council of
this Milky Way Galaxy decided to create a new, upgraded species of people for the Earth. The Earth’s
indigenous people at that time were mired in repeating cycles of death and destruction, and they did
not have the genetic ability and the spiritual capacity to advance and move beyond these cycles. They
had lost their way when the Earth lost its way, and had fallen in consciousness and vibration from being
a fifth-dimensional star called Tara to a third-dimensional planet called Earth.
The Creator Gods and the Star Nations within this galaxy were troubled. They wished to redeem the
Earth beings and felt that the only way they could take the Earth and her people forward was to create a
new upgraded human species and to seed the Earth with this new more advanced human DNA.
This great experiment in human creation occurred around 100,000 years ago. The new, more advanced
human beings were brought to the Earth to intermarry with those who were already here. Many beings
from the stars also chose personally to incarnate on Earth to take on the new DNA coding and so help
the Earth move forward.
The Star Beings tell me that since that time, four cycles of Earth’s Precession of the Equinoxes have
come and gone. Each cycle of Earth’s Precession, also called a Great Age or a Great Year, comprises
25,920 years. A cycle of precession involves a gradual shift of Earth’s axis of rotation: a slow, revolving
wobble of the Earth on its axis, like a spinning top. However, the angle of Earth tilt in its relationship to
the sun and other heavenly bodies remains the same.
As each of these four cycles came to an end and the Earth realigned with the energy programming
center at the heart of the galaxy – the Galactic Center – a new Great Age began and as it did so, a shift
in the electromagnetic energy entrainment between the Earth and the Galactic Center also took place.
The ending and beginning of previous Earth cycles may also have coincided with cataclysmic Earth
upheavals and destructive climatic events.
In recent years, scientists have reported an extensive area of ice melt in the Arctic, but overall, the mass
of polar ice is increasing in the Antarctic. It is a documented scientific fact that the tilt of Earth’s axis at
23.4° has already increased to at least 26° degrees. This increasing shift of Earth’s axis tilt is changing
our weather and climate in an unprecedented manner. The Star Beings tell me that a controlled pole
shift is underway, and it will culminate with a final shift in the Earth’s angle of torque, Earth’s angle of
rotation or axis tilt, on December 21, with continuing Earth changes through 2014.
December 21, 2012 is the end of Earth’s most recent 25,920-year cycle, but the Star Beings tell me that
this new beginning will be different. They say that at this time of transition, Earth is finally to come of
age and will recalibrate to a fifth-dimensional vibration. A new fifth root race of human beings is to be
created. What this means is that the faster pulsating energy environment of a new fifth-dimensional
Earth will activate the twelve-strand-DNA potential that we all have. This activation was not possible
previously while the Earth was vibrating in the slower pulsating rhythm of the third dimension. But
when Earth’s frequency recalibrates, we shall have the same potential. With the Earth’s shift to the fifth
dimension on December 21, more of the innate cognitive power and potential that was always part of
our original genetic code will activate. DNA material that scientists previously termed “junk DNA” will
begin switching on. The capacity for us as human beings to use our minds in more empowered ways will
increase. In truth, with the Earth’s shift to the fifth dimension, we are all being recreated and upgraded,
both in consciousness and in physical form.
At this time of new beginning, many beings from the stars are coming again to the Earth to help
humanity chart a course through stormy waters and begin a new planetary cycle of conscious galactic
After this fifth Great Age begins on December 21, many representatives of the Star Nations of this galaxy
will come to walk among us here on Earth. They say that so many will come that no government will
be able to deny this or cover up the truth. In turn, they will help our world governments chart a new
path of progress and vision for the Earth, so that, working together as one Galactic people, we will right
injustice and ensure that all upon the Earth have equal opportunity.
Their message is positive. They say “be heartened by what lies ahead.” They assure us that our thoughts
of fear are merely a release of old, outmoded consciousness vibrations that are falling away now, like
a snake shedding its skin. They understand that old viewpoints and conditioned ideas of reality may
require mental readjustments, but this is quickly done if we just allow ourselves to be and be with what
They say: When we come we will come quickly and we will come in large numbers. You will see huge
ships of light in the skies above your cities. No one will be able to deny that we are here among you.
When you see these irrevocable signs in the skies that we have arrived, please welcome us with a
consciousness of love as you too came from the stars and we are like family to you. We work only for
your highest good and greatest wellbeing. In the years ahead, we wish to assist you in many areas of
technology to advance the Earth and create abundance, health, and happiness for all. Together we will
recreate the pure light and original beauty of Tara, the Earth as it once was and will be again.
The time of our coming is at hand. Practice love and goodwill. Be kind to yourself and to others. Become
aware that thoughts that are critical or condemning will fly like a boomerang back to you, so be mindful
of how you think and how you act from these thoughts that are your own creation.
The most important thing we say to you is this: Be at peace and know that all is well.
Judy Satori

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