Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mother's Mini-Message # 11 - World War III Will Never Happen. ..and much more :)


Mother's Mini-Message # 11 - World War III Will Never Happen

Mother's Mini-Message # 11

World War III Will Never Happen

This will be short and sweet.  I have a monumental announcement to make, dear children.  

Today was a historic moment in the history of Planet Earth.  World War III will not occur.  The conditions that were laid down by the secret governments of the world cannot be put into action.  I will tell you what they were, and why it will not happen.

There was a massive plan in place, which the cabal has spent years in organizing.  No, it was not to be nuclear warfare, or mass warfare of any kind you are familiar with. It consisted of a concerted global effort to cover the Earth in a multitude of parasites and nano devices that would invade the bodies of everyone alive, causing pain, heart attacks, cancer, and most forms of disease. 

These insidious devices are activated by the transmission of specific frequencies that stimulate their growth or initiate specific programmed actions. The cabal has blanketed the Earth over years with aerial spraying, by dumping them into water, into processed foods and of course, GMO crops.  It was to be the most massive and sadistic false-flag event ever devised, and it has been averted.

Poisonous particles and electronically-activated microscopic devices were engineered to enter the human body through water, air, soil, food, clothing, plastics, furniture and numerous other ways.  Some of the devices were laboratory created abominations that used parts of living creatures, others were entirely manufactured technology.  All were designed to take on what you might call a life of their own, when the masters of this domain of evil pushed the button to release the frequencies that were to activate them.

I am here to assure you today that this plan has been thwarted, for good.  The first phase occurred about 2 weeks ago, when we announced that an enormous event had been averted because of the work of our Lightworkers on the ground.  At that time, the activation of the frequency weapons was prevented by the efforts in which you raised your vibration, and your Galactic brothers and sisters, in conjunction with the Company of Heaven, shut down that frequency across the planet.

One location remained where the most intense frequencies could be felt.  That was in the Temple of Light in New York, where our beloved Kathryn and Christine had already begun their mission to act as surrogates, to experience the "hit" of the nano frequency weapons and their results so that the rest of humanity could be spared the devastation that would have occurred had it been released wholesale.  It would have created sudden havoc on Earth, pushing people to a place where they could be defeated in their Lightwork at least, and at worst, driven to terror, violence and war.

This arrangement was not by chance.  It was a contract they agreed to before coming here.  They were chosen because of their ability to remain in balance through weeks of pain and discomfort while documenting, exploring, questioning and finding solutions for the many challenges that have arisen.  In the process of working with their White Brotherhood teams, they have developed a protocol for ridding the body of these worms and parasites of all kinds which have taken up residence in their brains, hearts, intestines, eyes, ears, organs and joints.  Their intensive and carefully calibrated treatment has included nutritional, naturopathic and homeopathic remedies gleaned from around the world, and will be used as a model for others' healing as well.

We planned for this carefully, knowing that the ones who took on this mission would need strong support, emotionally and financially, and they would require a deep and unshakable connection with Father and me so that we could guarantee their survival and help them recover from this dangerous undertaking without permanent damage.  Every step of the way, we have been awe-struck by the creativity, resilience and undaunted humor with which our beloved daughters have negotiated their way through this difficult time.

They have been under constant attack by the cabal, who are listening to their every word and following every movement.  The operatives have been astonished by our daughters' absolute assurance that they are safe and protected, in spite of the audible high-pitched frequencies they are being bombarded with.  A few of the cabal leaders have begun to turn themselves in to the Temple of Light, after a session of "Kathryn talk" that convinced them they too could find safety and relief if they came to us to be healed and welcomed home.  These are the incarnations, you will remember, who have spent thousands of lifetimes in conditions of torture, intense programming, surrounded by evil in every part of their lives.  They are exhausted, and they know they have been defeated.  It is time for all to come Home.

In a later message, I will tell you about the dispensations that have been granted, and the lessons learned that will change the way the Multiverse operates as we evolve together.  Our Lightworkers have appealed to us to remove all evil from the options of how your lessons will be designed from now on, and I tell you, it will be granted.  Continue to work with us, Beloved Ones, to create the new world of peace, harmony and beauty that is to be the Earth Paradise we have envisioned together.

Hear my voice, as I speak to you in your meditations and quiet moments.  I am with you always, in Love.  


Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 14, 2015

DNA Upgrade from Mother and Father - Saturday, June 6, 2015 Blogtalk Radio Program:  Mother and Father's DNA Activation for Peace  

Michael's encoded message:   


These Mini Messages from Mother will be found in writing on our website,

and on our YouTube channel in audio form by Kathryn: 


 © Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,    


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Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart ~ Birthing the New Earth Soul ~ Calling back the Animals 14 June 2015 Channeler: Celia Fenn Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The June 2015 Solstice

The June 2015 Solstice: Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart, Birthing the New Earth Soul and Calling Back the Animals

Beloved Family of Light, your Planet is reaching a key moment in its process of Ascension and Transformation. As you enter into the ‘Event Field’ of the June Solstice on the 21st June, you are feeling the incoming and powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate, the 8/8/8, and the final Lunar Eclipse of the two year series on the 28th of September.

These events mark the final ‘grounding process’ of the Cosmic Diamond Heart Frequencies into the Multi-Dimensional Earth Grids, as well as the Birthing of the New Earth Soul. This is the true beginning of the Earth Star/Planet as a Multi-Dimensional experiential reality field for all Light Beings who choose to incarnate on the Earth. This includes not only Humans but all forms of life, including the Animal and Plant families.

At this beautiful convergence of energies at the Solstice, you will fully embody the Diamond Codes and the Diamond Light through activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart. You will welcome the New Earth Soul as a powerful new archetype, and you can, if you so choose, participate in calling back the animals who are beginning to leave the Planet in a mass extinction event.

Activating The Diamond Heart: Cosmic Codes…..on Earth as it Is in Heaven

In February of 2014, those of you who are Starseeds and Galactic Warriors made a massive Timeline Jump or shift to this present timeline. The Group Soul work was to create a way forward into the New Earth on this very heavy timeline.

In this process of healing and balancing and bringing in the Diamond Codes, the Earth’s Timeline fields would be unified so that all timelines were directed at a Multi-Dimensional New Earth where Humanity could continue to evolve and thrive together with all other Earth Life Forms.

This was an heroic effort by Family of Light and those of you who are Fourth-Dimensional Time Masters, to align the timelines into a common future of Peace and Love. You were to do this by creating peace and harmony in your own lives and by learning how to embody the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes.

You were also to do this be connecting deeply with the Earth and the Elemental Energies and calling back the precious creations to participate in the New Earth. This is what is being celebrated at this time.

The Diamond Heart is the Cosmic Frequency that is being embodied within the Galaxy to express the highest frequencies of Divine Light and Divine Creative Will. The Diamond Codes are received on the Earth from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center as pulsations of Diamond White Light or Fire.

The Heart of the Earth is in the process of aligning with these frequencies, and of course those of you who are working as Family of Light and Star Warriors are learning how to align your own Diamond Heart with these same Cosmic Frequencies.

The Diamond Light is the most intense and high-frequency energy that has yet been embodied on the Earth. It is a white fire that brings love, compassion, and creativity at very high levels. The key word is ‘Intensity’. When you embody this Light then you begin to experience the intensity and passion of the Diamond Light.

In terms of your physical body, there can be very powerful and noticeable effects on all levels. On the level of the body, all places where the frequency is low will be affected, as the body spins off low frequency and becomes more refined.

Many people notice this in the digestive system, as this is an area where low frequency energies are still found, as people eat without consciousness of what they are doing.

On the emotional and mental levels, all low-frequency fears and anxieties will be spun off and released to be replaced by higher frequency energies. This may give rise to anxiety and stress, and to an overactive mental or emotional energy for a while, as the old patterns are ‘revved up’ as they are transformed into Higher Frequency.

Do not hold on to what needs to be released. The more you hold on, the more difficult it will be to move forward with your life. Release with grace and gratitude, and allow your Higher Self to lead you forward into the new frequencies and the new version of yourself.

In terms of the Earth itself, these intense frequencies are causing much movement and disruption in weather and other global patterns. In the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ and other places, you will be seeing increased activity in volcanoes and earthquakes as the Earth moves into the Higher Frequencies and the Planet adjusts to these Diamond Frequencies. The cleansing activities of Fire and Water will be very noticeable at this time.

Beloved Ones, you chose to jump to this timeline to be the agents of change at this time. As you work with these deep and intense energies, know that you are working with your Soul, your Soul Group, and your Soul Families. You are Masters of Time and Space, and you are creating a new timeline for the Earth in her journey through Time and Space.

Birthing the New Earth Soul

Beloved Family, since the big energy shift in December 2012, your Planet has been in a powerful process of Ascension and Transformation. This process will culminate in 2017, as you fully birth the New Earth timeline and the New Earth Soul within your Multi-Dimensional Physical/Light Body Complex.

We, as Angels and Archangels, worked with you and taught you the Sacred Heart meditation to allow you to access the archetypal energies of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, to embody the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. This was essential in order for you to create the ‘Star Gates’ that would shift the planet into Multi-Dimensional frequencies.

After 2012, the Diamond Light frequencies began to enter the Earth Grids and Fields, and in this new Multi-Dimensional frequency, a New Earth Soul was born that would express the Diamond Heart of the New Earth Being.

The Divine Feminine of the Diamond Light expresses itself as Higher Wisdom, Strength, Courage, and Passion. It’s center is the Heart, and it activates the Sacral center, the Brow Center, and the Soul Star, into Radiant Rainbow frequencies of Intuition, Love, Passion, Intensity, and Creativity.

She is the Wise Woman and Warrior, who loves with intensity and integrity and whose focus, as the Great Mother, is on all the ‘children’ of the Galaxy and of the Earth. Her Diamond intensity is a white fire that clears away the old, the chaos, the confusion, and creates space for a new creation of Golden frequencies and Diamond frequencies of Higher Expressions of Divine Love and Blessings.

The Divine Masculine of the Diamond Light expresses itself as Creativity, Clarity, Strength, Empowerment, and the ability to structure New Creations with Love, Intense Passion, and Responsibility. This energy is also centered in the Heart, and activates the Base, the Solar Plexus, the Throat, and the Crown Centers.

He is the powerful Creator who brings order and harmony into manifestation through his creations of Golden Light and Diamond Intensity. He speaks his truth and follows the path of his Soul and Higher Self.

When the Diamond Sacred Masculine and Feminine come into alignment within your Soul, you birth the New Earth Soul. You become a Radiant Diamond Light Being whose intense Light, Passion and Clarity can light the way forward into the New Earth for others.

Beloved Family of Light, at the Solstice many of you will complete the ‘birthing’ of your New Earth Soul into the Diamond Light. You may feel this intense Flame of White Fire as it ignites within your Heart, your Soul, and within every cell in your Body and Light Body. This will be a precious gift and a powerful transformation.

Calling Back the Animals and Diamond Gratitude

Beloved Family of Light, as you work with the Diamond Light and the Ascension energies, you are aware of how intense and challenging life can be on the Earth at this time. This applies not only to human life but to all life forms on the Earth.

As the Earth shifts and changes, it is becoming more difficult for many life forms to hold their life templates in existence on the Earth. It is Divine Love and Creativity that anchors them here, but they need your assistance as well.

Your original ‘mission’ on the Planet was to fill the Earth and to tend to the ‘Garden’ and the Animals. While you have filled the Earth, you have not taken that much care of the Garden and its Life Forms. Many Species feel deeply unloved, as their habitats are destroyed and their families hunted and killed as resources.

In the incoming Diamond Light, it is time to call back all life forms, tend to the Garden, and call back the Animals especially. Do not allow them to go into extinction feeling unloved and unwanted!

The Shining Radiance of Creation is a precious Gift, all of it. At this time of the Solstice, and the birthing of the New Earth Soul, it is also time to affirm your Love, Appreciation and Gratitude for all Creation. Call back the animals, let them come home to Earth, and feel loved, honored and appreciated in their natural environments.

The animals were created from the Divine Creation Template of the Galaxy to be your companions on the Earth. They are also ‘Soul Family’, and they are ‘Star Seeds’ from many different systems and galaxies. Each species brings a gift from the Stars. As they disappear and become extinct, so the blessings are lost and the Earth becomes more lonely and isolated.

Beloved Ones, call them back. Let them know that your hearts yearn for them and their presence and their frequencies and their gifts. Call their Souls and Spirits, and let them know that you have seen their pain and suffering. And let them know that you will work together with them to create a New Earth..

It is time to rebirth the garden and to tend to the many species that were gifted to Earth. It is time for a powerful new force to arise, Diamond Gratitude. Gratitude, for every living being and their contribution to the Garden of Life that is Planet Earth, and to the Galaxy and the Cosmos!

Source:“Archangel Michael: The June 2015 Solstice,” channeled by Celia Fenn, June 12, 2015, at

Source Link: Starchild Global with Celia Fenn

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I am Estabenlince - from the Green Ray of the Rainbow People 13 June 2015 Channeler: Dr. Madalyn Kennedy

It is true. There are many of us here from different star systems and we have come because we have heard your call for ascension and we are here to help facilitate that. We are not the only ones who have heard your call however and the Antarians have wanted to keep their hold on your and your planet since the beginning. Same as the people within your own borders, there are those who wish to do good for others and there are those who wish to only do good for themselves. Most of the Antarians are of the later impression but again, not all. So you need to be very, very sure and careful with whom you wish to communicate. Make sure you have your protection of the Ascended Masters and Universal Source Energy white light completely surrounding you so your connection and communications are accurate and true. And that they are the communications to help better your position for the ascension to occur. It will occur rather humans are ready for it or not but it will be so much easier and better if you are all prepared properly.

There is a need to remember this protection of the Ultimate Source Energy white light through which nothing that is of a lower vibration can disturb or distort any message received by your higher level guidance system. The ancients always knew to use this method for accurate communication and now you know this also. We are always close at hand and have always been. You are amazing creatures, you human hybrids, and we are going to protect and defend you until you understand the importance of your personal DNA for individual and group mass ascension. All is being prepared and readied now and it’s time for yourselves to do the same. We are from the green ray of healing and blessings and are part of the rainbow family that is always watching over this planet.

Not much is written about us of the green ray but we will begin to share things with you so more and more awareness will spread. You have been seeing me for a long time already. Since your trip to Colorado when you saw my green image outside your side car window as you drove. Remember. And then the leprechaun decided to speak with you and Mera. Again green, yes. More and more validation of our energy of the green ray will be shared with you. All of your plants are green, the grass and tree leaves are green. Money is green so you need to know that money grows easily. You just have to attend to it with love and care. That’s all. Same energy for mother earth. Attend to her with love and care and she will justly reward you for it. That is nice to think about, is it not? Green is a very strong and powerful color with it’s growing, nurturing and healing abilities. Green carries the magic of life within its color spectrum. For the charka system it is related to the heart chakra which pumps the magic of life into your human form, correct?

I am Estabenlince at your service today and I am honored we had this time to speak together. Much love gratitude and thanks to you our dear sister from the stars.

Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 6, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links:

The video versions will be posted on my YouTube Channel - it's especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don't see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. -


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Channeler: Julie Miller Considerate Honesty Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ June 14 – 21, 2015

Considerate Honesty
14 June 2015

received by Julie Miller
June 14, 2015

It can be pretty easy to fall into the habit of making excuses, but is it possible to overcome such a habit? Have you even considered the reasons why you tend to make excuses? Do you tell excuses because you are uncomfortable with the truth and feign politeness instead? When someone invites you to something and you don’t want to go, or has suggested something for you to read or to watch, instead of fumbling with an excuse as to not go, or to not read or to not watch, couldn’t you just say, no without the drama?

Making excuses can look quite silly if you think about it. Many people will make an excuse for the excuse or reason why they are unable to follow through something. Being honest with others dear ones, begins by you being honest with you. No excuses. If you take the time to evaluate how you are feeling when someone has asked something of you; perhaps an invitation or if you have read the latest article of a distinguished writer you are both fond of, or something else, determine how you feel at the point of the inquiry, just before you make the excuse. You might be surprised to learn that many of your excuses are because you are uncomfortable with saying no.

You can say no to someone tactfully and positively without hurting anyone’s feelings in the process and it is a much better way of interacting than making excuses. It is well understood that people, generally, prefer to be treated honestly, but in a kind and tactful manner. When turning down someone’s invitation, you can do so with honesty that is blended with consideration. There are many people, we are positive you know that could use a bit more tact, but instead of telling them honestly how their rudeness makes you feel, you create excuses to not be with them that is not totally honest.

Take the time to look a little deeper whenever you or someone you know uses the word, can’t. Recognize the concealed power within such a small word. When this word is used, it carries a negative message to your own inner self. In your head, it may appear to just being a word that begins the excuse, but subconsciously it communicates a message regarding your own abilities or weaknesses. If you say the word can’t enough times, over time there is a possibility that you will begin believing that you can’t do much of anything.

When you declare that you can’t follow through something or take part in something you have been invited to, when telling the truth is uncomfortable, you are really offending your own inner sense of truth an honesty. It is important to realize dear ones that your own conscience does know the difference between making an honest reply to an excuse that is like a false truth. Out of respect for those you interact with, become more motivated to tell the truth, but in a tactful and considerate manner, devoid of excuses. But before you shower another person with respect and honesty, show the same degree of honesty and respect towards yourself first.

Just before you know you are about to reply with an excuse, stop yourself by using other, more truthful statements like, no thank you, or say you’re not interested, or that you will, but just not today. There are many others that we are sure you can come up that display tact and honesty but are without excuses. When you replace an excuse with an honest reply that reflects your intention that doesn’t carry the hint of dishonesty, you not only improve your relationship with others, but you also help to expand your own beliefs regarding your own abilities and improve your relationship with yourself.

You can be honest with someone without being thoughtless or brutal with your words. Remember, your words have power. They can cut like a sword, or offer the right amount of healing or consideration that is needed depending on the situation. By becoming more honest, in a kindlier and more respectful way, you begin to understand the importance of thinking before you speak, and choosing the appropriate honest reply for every circumstance that does not include excuses. Can you think of when it would be appropriate to provide a less than true response, when honesty is always the best way to go?

Learning to understand how you feel just before you reply with an excuse helps you to determine how substantial your presence is, or if you are always hurrying inside your mind to get somewhere else. Are you someone who fidgets as you reply to a question, do you ever merrily accept someone else’s views as truth just to fit in? You do realize dear ones that someone else’s truth is not necessarily your truth. It is important to know who you are and to accept the truth of your whole self.

You are responsible for the unfolding of you. There are no excuses. The more kindness and consideration you can give towards yourself, the more you will be able to give unto others. Take the time dear ones and determine if your need to make excuses has diminished the substance of your presence. If you make excuses often, throughout the day, then you know you have some inner work to do and to learn to become more comfortable respecting yourself by being honest with yourself.

The more honest and truthful you can be with yourself, the more authentic your actions will become, and the more you will accomplish in the things that matter to you most.

I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller


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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild: June 13th, 2015

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

June 13th,2015

Blossom: Good morning to you. There is a subject I would like to ask you about today, concerning the end of September this year, 2015. There is quite a bit being spoken of between the dates of Sept 22 – 28th and that something big is going to happen. Some of it is enlightening and hopeful, then of course … the opposite. I wondered if you would care to give your take on this time frame?
The Federation of Light: With open heart and mind we greet each one.
Blossom: I suddenly felt the Energy change dramatically … I closed my eyes and prepared for them to speak.
Here is the link to hear what ‘They’ said and below is the transcript. I HIGHLY recommend … even if you prefer to read … that you listen to the audio, due to the Energy their sound vibration contains.
The Federation of Light: 

Greetings to all who have the time and the ears to listen to that which we choose to bring forth on this day in your time. We are very much aware of the question posed, regarding the time of the month of September this year, 2015.



June 14-21, 2015

Beloved Ones, 

Each of you is stretching for the potential that rests within. This potential beckons you onward, poignant in its endless possibilities and its creative energies help open the flow to needed movement and direction. These are creating inner growth and are not outwardly seen but inwardly felt. Follow your heart in all things. Former ways of doing things are now evolving as you follow your inner direction with faith and determination. Your trust in your intuition is becoming more developed and the insight provided into your own inner workings provides a greater awareness of the people and situations that surround you. As you practice being still and quiet, an inner knowingness comes, a spiritual energy that focuses on understandings that come from a place beyond one’s reason. As you give your inner guidance from the higher aspects of yourself the opportunity to manifest, your own intuition becomes a reality in its operation in your daily life. The key is to take the time to be still and know that you are on the right track. 

The creativity you hold within you unfolds now and you find new levels of expression for it as you reach for ever greater expansion in finding ways to share your richness and goodness with the world. This opens you to the abundance of the universe and the greater gifts that you have acquired throughout time and the evolution of your inner growth begins to find physical expression. Your belief in your self and your value and worth intensifies as you further align to this higher inner direction. You realize that the only limitations you experience are those that you put on yourself and you seek to break those crystallized forms so that you can further expand into areas that uncover ever greater potential. As the limits of your conscious mind are removed, you raise your energy level and your frequency to the next step in your ongoing evolution of consciousness. 

As you give ever greater focus to the spiritual values, your heart opens and you become more aware of the intensity of the spirit within which seeks ever greater manifestation in your reality. You are entering into a new phase of inner and outer development. This development comes in ebbs and flows, sometimes the inner guidance encourages withdrawal from the world around you, and this inner growth then seeks manifestation in the outer world. It is important to be yourself, to know who you are and stay grounded in that knowing. There are new beginnings that are coming forward and previously hidden facets of your self coming into expression. Allowing this new direction to take shape brings new perspectives and a new level of your inner truth comes forward to be acknowledged and fully integrated. This will open you to an ever greater understanding and expansion of yourself. 

Allow this new level of truth to touch into all aspects of your life. Personal wisdom is gained through experience and is guiding and opening you to the greater mysteries of the universe. It lightens your spirit and brings you to a greater awareness that you have the freedom to be or do whatever you want; all you have to do is claim the right to do so. The choices before you are limitless and all you have to do is take the action necessary to claim them as yours. To be abundant in your world is to experience the joy of creation. What you set in motion returns to you. You are in control of each situation that you encounter by what you choose to empower. The universal energy of creation is always present and this cosmic balance and perfection is reflected within you, recognize this and come into the rhythm with creation. 

There must be a balance between the spiritual and the physical. There is always a pattern, an order and a system that is in operation to every creation that manifests. There is a constant flow of energy which comes from different realms that gifts the seeds of wisdom that is required for your ongoing evolution and enlightenment. This wisdom puts you in touch with the light that illuminates your connection with the infinite. Your personal star is waiting to shine in your life.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Views: 17


Sandra Walter – Embodiment: How to Lose Your Mind without Losing Your Mind – Part III – June 13, 2015

June 14, 2015


slideoneBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The Solstice Gateway is well underway. I AM sure many of you are experiencing the increase in revelation/expansion activity. We graciously arrive at the midway point between the final Equinox-Blood Moon Gates, halfway through this year of Mastery. We witness our transformation and make adjustments as Solstice turns up the intensity. The acceleration has a momentum of its own, which is driven by Cosmic forces. For our own cognition, emotional stability, and determination to complete the task at hand, we focus on the frequencies of Divine Love which support embodiment.

Feel into the HUman heart grid; there are many of us experiencing the profound, the bizarre, and the indescribable during this phase. I won’t get into my personal experiences here. It is the unspoken which unifies us right now. Remember it is a phase, a right of passage. Saturate your consciousness with the Divine experience.

Gateway passages are opportunities; they accelerate the advancement of our personal Ascension goals. Be true to your own path. When introspective, quiet engagement is required (or requested by the Higher Self/Higher Realms), honor it. If you are guided to gather (not out of habit, tradition, or beliefs), honor it. Personally, I desire stillness for deep exploration of what is occurring in my consciousness.


A Message on Embodiment

As you enter the higher levels of your transfiguration, you may feel a unity with those who have embodied the Solar Cosmic Christ in the past. Those are the templates anchored by your predecessors. In the Now Ascension, note the uniqueness of your experiences. You reflect a new command from Source which is penetrating every particle of this Universe. As you navigate your way through the energetic barriers between 4D and 5D, between the Lower Self and Higher Self, between the old experience and the new light creation, you bravely embrace the unknown. As always, the new energies and higher light is easily received in a calm, relaxed state of beingness. Breathe.

It is important to note how anxiety was used, and continues to be used, as a way to block higher consciousness. Heart-based discernment selects what to engage with in this new light. If your Ascension goal is embodiment of the crystalline consciousness, use your higher wisdom (especially) over the next four months. Avoid agendas which feed on vulnerability, emotions, or doubt. It can be a tenuous phase as you embrace the unknown. It may require some gentle protection on your part. Honor the larger mission at hand.

Personal and planetary spiritual victories are won by aligning with the spiritual forces of Divine Will and Divine Love; pure Source Light radiating through a pure conduit. Gratitude to all who are receiving the new light with HUmility, grace, and heart-based intention. You have become a vital pathway for global transformation, and your courage is honored.

How to Lose Your Mind without Losing Your Mind – Part III

The Filters between 4D and 5D

You Higher consciousness explores many realms, many dimensions. However, the body and (projection of) the lower Self is in the midst of transcending the personal and planetary veils. The energetic filters between 4D and 5D become more acute during Ascension. The here-and-not-here sensation, walking between worlds, the in this world but not of it state have become the norm. Multidimensional merge sequences present us with more Divine aspects, more of the multidimensional Self, and yet we are still transforming the consciousness within the body vehicle. The focus is on embodiment right now; a clear moment of pure intention is enough to permanently anchor oneself at a new level of expansion.

The filters are there for a reason. The resonation of the 5D torus field is completely anchored in Divine Love. Nothing less can merge with that field. There is no pretending or pretension. Your passkey is a heart free of insecurities, belief systems, controls, manipulations, and programs of the old light. Your free will is honored, so if you find yourself lingering or experiencing anxiety, so be it. It is not a race, even though it may appear that many Wayshowers are dropping the keys behind them as they pass through the filters. That is just the role, beloveds. It is a fascinating passage.

Fear of the Self as Source: The Safety Mechanism

When we reach deeper and more expansive states of the heart center – our connection to Source – we confront the void of Zero Point. In the process of the Solar Cosmic Christ, we first experience the pushing sensation (lightbody merge), then heat and radiation through the heart (burning off of density, activation), and then we hit a stage when the Heart center feels empty, like a black hole singularity, or a Universal core (because it is).

Moving through this space brings us to the birth of our new consciousness. It is the point at which we feel the Higher Self actively rewriting our beingness. It can trigger fear of the unknown. You may feel as if you are disappearing. This is not the airy, carefree beingness of a good meditation. Rather it is a very strong face-to-face-with-permanent change sensation. Everyone on this path will have moments of this during embodiment. We discussed this and comforted each other on this month’s connection call; it is a startling sensation, even for advanced meditators who have been to the edge before.

The jolt back from that experience is not failure. It is a built-in safety mechanism, which allows us to choose whether or not to move forward. Sometimes the body vehicle will flinch, the mind or emotions will cause a sudden reaction that withdraws you from the meditation, back from the edge, and this is purposeful. Our free-will choices grow more profound along this journey. We are confronted with a permanent shift in consciousness, which can be accepted or rejected as many times as needed. You may feel the rewrite begin, then withdraw. Little by little, the shift is made. Remember your psychological stability is important; we are showing HUmanity what is possible when embodying Divine Love. Pace yourself.

There is also something else at work here; the fear of Source-as-Self: the New Self. Many of us have had multiple incarnations when we attained a connection to Source. We are familiar with the energy and power of that Divinity. It was comfortable, we knew what it felt like. May the Source be with You.

Now in this incarnation, we are met with Source’s new agenda for this Universe. When we get to Zero Point in those expansive Heart meditations where we reconnect with Source, we feel the new command for purification, divinity, and the shift in consciousness. When the lower Self and body consciousness senses the New creation emanating through Source, Source itself can feel unfamiliar. This can be disconcerting to the lower levels, and commonly we are yanked out of that state by fear, anxiety, or doubt. No worries, beloveds. You get as many opportunities as you need to come face-to-face with Source in the Universal rewrite, and allow it to change you. This seems to be the last big challenge of our Mastery and embodiment. It is different from the past, because the entire platform for our experience has changed.

Our Creative Evolution

Understand that an Ascension process of this type, ascending the consciousness up and out of the densest experience of separation, is an activity of absolute faith and trust. We help each other, we unify in purpose, however the inner work is ours alone to complete.

We are becoming a race of true Creator-in-Carnates. This process rewards us with the ability to create something out of nothing; creating out of the pure void, just as Source does. Source does not operate with an audience, or any external validation or influence. This is the purpose of this grand experiment in density; to create a genome which carries so much similarity to Source Light Intelligence that it is capable of creating in complete isolation via faith in Divine Love. We become capable of birthing creations which are not influenced by external agendas. This may be a good topic to meditate on during the passages when you feel isolated. It is purposeful. It may seem ironic to call it Unity consciousness, however I AM confident you will sense how the illusion of separation is creating Divine Unity. It also adds another level to the Feminine (the infinite space of consciousness) and Masculine (the activity of creation) balancing act. Brilliant.

The Death of Coping Mechanisms

The current energies aimed at prepared vessels are (obviously) quite stimulating in that 5D sleepy, spacey, expansive way. They are reflected in physical side-effects as the vagus nerve becomes attuned to its new purpose. This is why the ear/head tones become louder and more complex, the heart center is triggered (palpitations), and the lower diaphragm begins to build new structures to support the crystalline consciousness (changes in appetite). You may notice on some days (not all) that the light-encoded photons coming through the SUN can make your arms, chest and head feel prickly; it can be quite uncomfortable. Avoid charging the lightbody too long when this occurs. The new light seeks receptive places – crystalline structures – to anchor. Vibration = vibration. The physical side-effects are what they are. Take care.

The focus is on crystalline embodiment to compliment the dimensional Shift. As the energetic filters become finer, the lower consciousness may get entangled by beliefs, habits, and coping mechanisms from deep within the subconscious. You may have noticed that things which used to entertain, assist, or provide comfort no longer work. This is a good indication of your progress, however please take note that revisiting old coping mechanisms will cause discomfort or distress at this juncture.

Rather than attempt to find another coping mechanism, get to know your new Self. It is a beautiful time to discover what complements your new creation. When you strike upon what pleases the new Self, you will feel joy, gratitude, and a sense of tranquility. The new activity will be related to creativity, service, and nature, as those are in alignment with 5D dynamics. Keep it simple and authentic, this is not a passage of busy-ness.

The Solstice Gateway

The merge sequences, which allow for a conscious experience of embodiment, will become stronger as Solstice intentions amplify. While 2015 has a consistent momentum of ever-increasing intensity, there are markers/triggers in place to assist us as a global collective. Solstice is one of those markers.

Focus is our task during Solstice. Personally, I will be remote for this Gateway. The Galactics are very present, it is Summer in Shasta, and the desire for total focus is overwhelming. Something very different is occurring, and I AM guided to get in the Gateways and stay there as this new level of light enters.

We unify in the intention of Divine Love and tap into the HUman heart grid for strength, comfort, and inspiration. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, we will be surging the new light level through the crystal beds and every crystal placed upon Gaia in service to the pure and true Ascension. It will amplify crystalline structures within the body; be out in nature and available to transmit/receive if you can. Plant or place your crystals now, and feel free to participate in the global intention of Divinity. Let us unify with those on the path of embodiment, in the highest interests of all concerned. So be it!

In Love, Light and Service,


Views: 14

20 Transformational Truths From Sages Throughout the Ages

Throughout the ages, there have been many who have had gotten a taste of incredibly mesmerizing higher states of consciousness. 

Rather than keep their experiential knowledge and wisdom about the higher and deeper elements of existence to themselves they spread the word to others, be it through spoken word, written works, or other methods. 

Thanks to the sages, luminaries, spiritual teachers, thinkers, and every-day people who had an enlightening experience we can ignite the light of expanded awareness about the higher and deeper aspects of the human experience and of existence itself from such people. 

When the future looks bleak and the motivation to excel and advance seems pointless we can look up to those who have lived and are still alive who possess that inner wisdom which they had realized through their own personal experiences of an enlightened state of awareness.

The transformational truths that such guiding lights to humanity express to us can raise our level of hope once more to the domain of energy that makes us more proactive. Reignited excitement and passion can drive us closer to the successes we imagined and dreamed would come true. 

We are all capable of incredible feats. Ask yourself if your state of mind is stopping you from realizing that realized life success story that you undoubtedly had played within your head so many times before.

Don’t let it stay a dream, let it become a reality. Living in the 21st century of our archaic timeline we have the amazing opportunity to taste such consciousness-shifting words of wisdom and we will take a look at 20 such enlightening truths from sages throughout the ages. 

Allow for these timeless words nourish your mind, heart and soul.

Transformational Truth 1

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us a universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest … a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. 

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

    Albert Einstein

Transformational Truth 2

You should be an island to yourself, a refuge to yourself, not dependent on any other but taking refuge in the truth and none other than the truth. And how do you become an island and a refuge to yourself? In this way. You see and contemplate your body as composed of all the forces of the universe. 

Ardently and mindfully you steer your body-self by restraining your discontent with the world about you. In the same way, observe and contemplate your feelings and use that same ardent restraint and self-possession against enslavement by greed or desire. 

By seeing attachment to your body and feelings as blocking the truth, you dwell in self-possession and ardent liberation from those ties. This is how you live as an island to yourself and a refuge to yourself. Whoever dwells in this contemplation, islanded by the truth and taking refuge in the truth–that one will come out of the darkness and into the light.

    The Digha Nikaya

Transformational Truth 3

    “Life is what you make it,” this is very true.
    Find beauty and magic in all things,
    and the Love that sees you through.
    When you look at the world where you live,
    seek not your gain, but what you can give.
    When a man is poor, and hungers, and thirsts,
    serve not yourself til you serve this man first.
    When a man is down and seeks shelter from cold, give him shelter.
    You’ll receive blessings untold.
    Live by the Golden Rule:
    Do unto others as you’d have done unto you.
    And always remember:
    When you destroy, you destroy a part of you, too.
    Life is what you make of it!


Transformational Truth 4

    Loving this world, seeing the beauty in everything.
    Appreciating every moment as a beautiful, wholly contained,
    pearl of eternal nature, this is the world to me.

    A never ending string of pearls…. every moment is in and of it’s self a life time,
    and when we have affection and let ourselves experience life without expectation…
    that is when the majesty of the world opens her petals to us…
    And welcomes us home.

    Carlos Castaneda

Transformational Truth 5

We may liken truth to a mountain, and the various interpretations of that truth to different paths leading up to the summit. 

Many people are traveling along all of these paths and every one, while he is at the bottom, thinks his path is the only one; he sees only a small part of the mountain, and may therefore be justified in crying to his brothers, “You are wrong! Come over to my path; this is the only one that leads to the top.” 

But as all these people progress upward, they will see that the paths converge at the top and that they are all one in the ultimate.

    Max Heindel

Transformational Truth 6

Stop attributing names and shapes to the essentially nameless and formless, realize that every mode of perception is subjective, that what is seen or heard, touched or smelled, felt or thought,expected or imagined, is in the mind and not in reality, and you will experience peace and freedom from fear.

    Nisargadatta Maharaj

Transformational Truth 7

    Do not believe anything
    because it is said by an authority,
    or if it is said to come from angels,
    or from gods,
    or from an inspired source.

    Believe it only if you have explored it
    in your own heart
    and mind and body
    and found it to be true.

    Work out your own path,
    through diligence.

    Gautama Buddha

Transformational Truth 8

Every man has his woman within him and every woman has her man within her. Only the meditator comes to know his whole being. Suddenly his inner woman and the inner man melt and merge into each other. That creates an orgasmic state in him. 

Now it is no more a momentary experience that comes and goes; it is something that continues, day in and day out, like the heart beating or breathing.


Transformational Truth 9

    When you find the way
    Others will find you
    Passing by on the road
    They will be drawn to your door
    The way that cannot be heard
    will be reflected in your voice
    The way that cannot be seen
    Will be reflected in your eyes

    Lao Tzu

Transformational Truth 10

When we experience the pain of another person, we instinctively want to take away that pain. But by taking away the other person’s pain, we also take away his or her opportunity to grow. 

To be truly compassionate, we must be able to share another person’s suffering and pain — knowing there is nothing we can do to relieve it and that we are not responsible for it, and yet knowing and understanding what that pain feels like.

    John Gray

Transformational Truth 11

How people see the world is often a reflection of how they see themselves. If they think that the world is just a cesspool of lies and deceit, then they themselves may be full of lies and deceit.

Watch out for those people who are always telling you just how corrupt the rest of the world is. As the saying goes, “It takes one to know one.”

    David J. Lieberman

Transformational Truth 12

    Throw away holiness and wisdom,
    and people will be a hundred times happier.
    Throw away morality and justice,
    and people will do the right thing.
    Throw away industry and profit,
    and there won’t be any thieves.

    If these three aren’t enough,
    just stay at the center of the circle
    and let all things take their course

    Lao Tzu

Transformational Truth 13

Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable.

    Terence McKenna

Transformational Truth 14

    Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
    Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviors.
    Keep your behaviors positive, because your behaviors become your habits.
    Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
    Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.


Transformational Truth 15

All the forms of Life in the Universe may be looked upon as being manifestations of the One and Universal Principle of Life in various forms; the whole of the Cosmos, being a product of the Universal Mind, may be regarded as universal, absolute consciousness becoming relative in separate forms. 

The universal consciousness of the Universal Mind forms spiritual centres of consciousness in living beings, whereby each being may feel and know its surroundings; and as the kind of living beings expands, their consciousness and power of sensation and perception expand with it; for all their powers belong to the mind. and not to the body: the latter without the mind is merely a form without life.

    Franz Hartmann

Transformational Truth 16

    If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely.
    If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative.
    In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths.
    Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts.
    We can always replace negative with positive.

    Bettie Eadie

Transformational Truth 17

Since time without beginning, the nature of Awakened Mind and Emptiness has consisted of the same, absolute non-duality of no birth or death, no existence or non-existence, no purity or impurity, no movement or stillness, no young or old, no inside or outside, no shape and form, no sound and color. 

Neither striving nor searching, one should not use intellect to understand nor words to express Awakened Mind. One should not think that it is a place or things, name or form.

One should not think that it is a place or things, name or form. Only then is it realized that all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sentient beings possess the same natural state of great Nirvana.

    Huang Po

Transformational Truth 18

As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. 

The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger and attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion, a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.

    Dalai Lama

Transformational Truth 19

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. 

If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

    John Lennon

Transformational Truth 20

    Greet everyone you meet with a warm smile, no matter how busy you are.
    Don’t rush encounters with coworkers, family and friends.
    Speak softly. Listen attentively.
    Act as if every conversation you have is the most important thing on your mind today.
    Look your children and your partner in the eyes when they talk to you.
    Stroke the cat, caress the dog.
    Lavish love on every living being you meet.
    See how different you feel at the end of the day.

    Sarah Ban Breathnach

By Shift.Is

Declassified FBI Document: Earth Visited by UFOs, Aliens and 'Beings From Other Dimensions'

The official link from the FBI vault can be found here.

Is it surprising that the FBI has shown interest in the study of the UFO phenomena? Is it possible that many science fiction films are actually based on real events, or better called “leaks” given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population?

In 2011 after some documents were “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public.

The special agent of the FBI, a lieutenant colonel whose identity, remained anonymous because of “national security” gather numerous data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for years.

According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numerous extraterrestrial species, some of which are not only from other planets, but from other dimensions.

Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe. These “entities”, that could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures.

Here is a transcript of some of the most important details of the report:

1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control

2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane

3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size

4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world

5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us

6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter

7. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace

8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms.

9. They probably can not be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus

Related: NASA is Preparing the World for Extraterrestrial Contact 

Addendum: The Lokas are oval shape, fluted length oval with a heat-resistaning metal or alloy not yet known the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.

What are your thoughts on this? If these beings have been visiting us in the last 50 to 60 years, is it possible that these same beings visited Earth hundreds and thousands of years ago? 

Is it possible that these beings influenced civilization as we know it today? And is it possible that they are still influencing the way of life on Earth

By Ancient Code

Declassified FBI Document: Earth Visited by UFOs, Aliens and 'Beings From Other Dimensions'

The official link from the FBI vault can be found here.

Is it surprising that the FBI has shown interest in the study of the UFO phenomena? Is it possible that many science fiction films are actually based on real events, or better called “leaks” given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population?

In 2011 after some documents were “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public.

The special agent of the FBI, a lieutenant colonel whose identity, remained anonymous because of “national security” gather numerous data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for years.

According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numerous extraterrestrial species, some of which are not only from other planets, but from other dimensions.

Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe. These “entities”, that could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures.

Here is a transcript of some of the most important details of the report:

1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control

2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane

3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size

4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world

5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us

6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter

7. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace

8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms.

9. They probably can not be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus

Related: NASA is Preparing the World for Extraterrestrial Contact 

Addendum: The Lokas are oval shape, fluted length oval with a heat-resistaning metal or alloy not yet known the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.

What are your thoughts on this? If these beings have been visiting us in the last 50 to 60 years, is it possible that these same beings visited Earth hundreds and thousands of years ago? 

Is it possible that these beings influenced civilization as we know it today? And is it possible that they are still influencing the way of life on Earth

By Ancient Code



We are delighted to invite you to join us on this
historic occasion!

We have been counting down the days until June 15 and the Inaugural Ceremonial Seating of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. The Inauguration of the ITNJ is scheduled to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, and 800 years to the day, we will sign the ITNJ into action, breathing life into a new mandate for Truth and fairness in jurisprudence.  

We invite you to join the events of June 15 via live-stream broadcast fromWestminster Hall, London.  What better venue to hold the Inaugural Ceremony of the People's Tribunal than in the shadow of where Kings and Queens have been crowned for centuries!  Once again on that historic day the People will declare that even the presumed 'rulers' must follow the Rule of Law.

Most courts in the world are completely controlled by for-profit government corporations.  The People have no voice in what passes for systems of justice.  The systems claim we delegated them the authority, but we never did.  Kings claimed the divine right to rule, then governments claimed the right of kings.  The People never agreed to be subjects of the kings.  

We the People are now standing to reclaim sovereign birthright.  We are duty-bound to stop the violence that passes for Rule of Law.  The ITNJ gives us the mechanism to hold agents of justice systems accountable for injury caused to the People in the name of government.  Injury includes stolen birthrights, stolen homes, stolen property, stolen children, and stolen lives. 




There are just a few hours left until the first milestone of our crowdfunding campaign.  We are now in the home stretch of the Countdown to the Launch of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, and we're counting on you to make a contribution that willpush us over the top, and to spread this message to your friends and loved ones.


Note:  We realize that many of you are also subscribed to at least some of our other newsletters.  If you have not already seen this one, click here for more details on the event and to read about why you are the authority behind the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.  

This is the first court in the history of the world
“Of the People, by the People, and for the People.”  
Let history be rewritten according to our will and our intent.
Let Freedom ring throughout our world.


Join us at New Earth Events Live and be part of history.

In Gratitude and Fellowship


Views: 21


Mother's Mini-Message # 12 - The Lost Children of the Underground are Coming Home

Mother's Mini-Message # 12

The Lost Children of the Underground are Coming Home

My Dear Ones, I was not able to send a message yesterday because our dear Kathryn has been working hard in the Temple of Light every time she has a break from the healing sessions with her Arcturian team.  Both she and Christine are working to overcome the parasite and nano infestation problem, as surrogates to pave the way for complete recovery and an end to this heinous plot to subdue all mankind.

Several wonderful events have occurred in the Temple of Light.  Members of the cabal have begun to contact Kathryn, Christine and young Jade, who is beginning to learn how to channel.  First came a very high official in the cabal who saw that the end was near for his department, which oversees all the drug dealing organizations that have funded the cabal and their secret technology programs, including the nano weapons.  Shortly afterward, a former political leader sheepishly entered the Temple.  Later, children began coming, asking to speak with Kathryn and Christine, wanting their own "Kathryn talk."

One of the children, a young man named Roger who had contacted Jade initially, asked what Kathryn has meant when she said they would all be "safe" in the Temple of Light.  They were unbelieving at first, but were reassured when Kathryn explained that there is no punishment, ever, for anything, and they would see wondrous things, like sunshine and beautiful gardens, and be treated with kindness and be given endless hugs, and yes, they could talk with Mother and Father anytime.

The underground workers asked questions like, "What is happiness?" and "What is a garden?" and "How do we know we can trust what you say, that we won't be hurt?" It was explained that they would be treated just like Jade is, with love and respect, and that Kathryn would carry the little ones, and Christine and Jade would hold their hands as they went up the steps to the Temple.

The children described how they had been taken to be trained as young children, and they lived underground in Wisconsin, the Southwest, and Oklahoma, and they were trained to send out the high-pitched frequencies that activate the weapons.  Although there are some mechanical weapons that send out blanket frequencies, the most effective weapons are the minions who send telepathic attacks on specific individuals.

Those who came to the Temple this week acknowledged they were sending the frequencies that were causing Kathryn and Christine pain.  In the process of sending these attacks, they were assigned to watch them.  This is when they became curious, and one by one they decided to turn themselves in because they saw how much love and fun and laughter was shared by the family.  They had never seen anything like it, and they wanted to understand it.

A very large group of children, who had been in contact with one another telepathically, decided to come today, and Roger put out the call to other groups to come too.  They have learned to use their telepathic skill to communicate with each other, and are aware that there are many of them hidden underground across the country.  Waves of children began to come to the Temple, asking for hugs, wanting to see God, and angels, and wanting to be free of the slavery they had experienced all their lives.  Understand now, these are the incarnated souls, who come telepathically by leaving their bodies behind, coming to us in the way they have trained to do telepathically, like an out-of-body experience.  

Now I will tell what provisions we are making for these beloved children, many who were the victims of kidnapping.  They will be able to leave their bodies behind, like a normal death with no pain, and we will take their tired little souls into our arms and help them to heal and be restored completely.  They can then return to incarnate in much happier conditions after the world itself is in a higher vibration.  A few of the older ones may wish to return to their bodies to escape, and possibly to help put an end to the kidnapping and horrific abuse of babies and small children.  It will be their choice, once they have recovered completely.

It is a triumphant day in the Temple of Light, as hundreds of children have already come, and thousands more are expected within the coming days.  It is a victory for the children, and it leaves the cabal programs without their skillful minions.  We are celebrating the beginning of an end to all slavery on Planet Earth.

With a song in our hearts, we send this message of freedom to you.

I am your Mother

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 15, 2015

DNA Upgrade from Mother and Father - Saturday, June 6, 2015 Blogtalk Radio Program:  Mother and Father's DNA Activation for Peace  

Michael's encoded message:   


These Mini Messages from Mother will be found in writing on our website,

and on our YouTube channel in audio form by Kathryn:


 © Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,    


Perhaps the world's conspiracy theorists have been right all along

We used to laugh at conspiracy theorists, but from Fifa to banking scandals and the Iraq War, it seems they might have been on to something after all, says Alex Proud

'I want to believe': Mulder and Scully (David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson) in The X Files
'I want to believe': Mulder and Scully (David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson) in The X Files  Photo: 20th Century Fox

Conspiracy theories used to be so easy.


You’d have your mate who, after a few beers, would tell you that the moon landings were faked or that the Illuminati controlled everything or that the US government was holding alien autopsies in Area 51. And you’d be able to dismiss this because it was all rubbish.

Look, you’d say, we have moon rock samples and pictures and we left laser reflectors on the surface and... basically you still don’t believe me but that’s because you’re mad and no proof on earth (or the moon) would satisfy you.

It’s true that there was always the big one which wasn’t quite so easily dismissed. This was the Kennedy assassination - but here you could be fairly sure that the whole thing was a terrible, impenetrable murky morass. You knew that some things never would be known (or would be released, partially redacted by the CIA, 200 years in the future). And you knew that whatever the truth was it was probably a bit dull compared to your mate’s flights of fantasy involving the KGB, the Mafia and the military-industrial complex. Besides, it all made for a lot of very entertaining films and books.

Photo: Reuters

This nice, cozy state of affairs lasted until the early 2000s. But then something changed. These days conspiracy theories don’t look so crazy and conspiracy theorists don’t look like crackpots. In fact, today’s conspiracy theory is tomorrow’s news headlines. It’s tempting, I suppose, to say we live in a golden age of conspiracy theories, although it’s only really golden for the architects of the conspiracies. From the Iraq war to Fifa to the banking crisis, the truth is not only out there, but it’s more outlandish than anything we could have made up.

• Our devotion to brands is a sickness of modern life

Of course, our real-life conspiracies aren’t much like The X-Files – they’re disappointingly short on aliens and the supernatural. Rather, they’re more like John Le Carre books. Shady dealings by powerful people who want nothing more than to line their profits at the expense of others. The abuse of power. Crazy ideologues who try and create their own facts for fun and profit. Corporations supplanting governments via regulatory capture.

So, what are some of our biggest conspiracies?

The Iraq War

The most disgusting abuse of power in a generation and a moral quagmire that never ends. America is attacked by terrorists and so, declares war on a country that had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks, while ignoring an oil rich ally which had everything to do with them. The justification for war is based on some witches’ brew of faulty intelligence, concocted intelligence and ignored good intelligence. Decent people are forced to lie on an international stage. All sensible advice is ignored and rabid neo-con draft dodgers hold sway on military matters. The UK joins this fool’s errand for no good reason. Blood is spilled and treasure is spent.

The result is a disaster that was predicted only by Middle Eastern experts, post-conflict planners and several million members of the public. Thousands of allied troops and hundreds of thousands of blameless Iraqis are killed, although plenty of companies and individuals benefit from the US dollars that were shipped out, literally, by the ton. More recently, Iraq, now in a far worse state than it ever was under any dictator, has become an incubator for more terrorists, which is a special kind of geopolitical irony lost entirely on the war’s supporters.

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And yet, we can’t really bring ourselves to hold anyone accountable. Apportioning responsibility would be difficult, painful and inconvenient, so we shrug as the men behind all this enjoy their well-upholstered retirements despite being directly and personally responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of wasted dollars. And the slow drip, drip of revelations continues, largely ignored by the public, despite the horrendous costs which (in the UK) could have been spent on things like the NHS or properly equipping our armed forces.


The conspiracy du jour. We always knew Fifa was shonky and bribey, but most of us thought the more outlandish claims were just that. Not so. As it turns out, Fifa is a giant corruption machine and it now looks like every World Cup in the last three decades, even the ones we were cool about, like South Africa, could have been fixes.

Photo: AFP

On the plus side, it seems that something may be done,.... READ MORE ---->

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