Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Message from the Angelic Realms - 26th October: Archangels~ Michael And Metatron.


Message from the Angelic Realms - 26th October: Archangels~ Michael And Metatron.

We ask for YOUr FAITH and TRUST in this transition period which even as I communicate with YOU draws to a close, for the time of the new energies unfolding is fast approaching11-11-11. Channeler:
Karen Doonan
Beloved ones we are here amongst you and we walk alongside of YOU at all times. We are the angelic realms and ...we come through our channel to offer our support and guidance at this time of vast change and increase in energies. Many are now finding the going hard and we guide ALL to let go. The old is dissolving and with it patterns of fear and behaviours borne out of fear and trauma. It may feel as if your world is collapsing, for many across the planet it is as if they have woken up on a planet they no longer recognise.
It is precisely because of this dissolving that we come to YOU. For we can support and we can guide but we need YOU to acknowledge us. For humans have free will, we may stand next to YOU as YOU as you cry out in pain and fear but we can do nothing but send our love and healing to you hoping that you can feel it. Allow us to communicate with YOU dear ones, allow YOUr heart to open and FEEL our presence.
Archangel Michael wishes to converse with YOU at this time dear ones. I am AA Michael and I stand beside YOU with my flaming blue sword, allow it to cut the bonds that tie YOU to the energies that are no longer supported across the planet. YOU may have strong bonds and cords to the very behaviours that are now dissolving and YOU may feel them tug and pull at YOU. This will be reflected in YOUr FEELings, for many are now FEELing on edge and irritable, angry yet unable to put a label on why. That is a connection to that which must be released dear ones and the releasing is not only done by thought. YOU are all energy and the cords and bonds that tie many of YOU to illusion are pure energy, energy that has been intensified over lifetimes and I am here to cut through them with YOU.
Many are wary of cord cutting and many have fallen into illusion around what stays and what is cut. Dear ones, the bonds of LOVE never fade, never cut, for they are eternal, they will carry YOU through lifetimes and beyond. What is cut are the ties of illusion, the denser, negative energies that have been taught from within illusion. The words that are used to create these bonds are negative and are often carried from childhood. Allow the release of these bonds dear ones for ALL are FREE and in bondage no more.
For many more across the planet life as they know it has changed yet they cannot label why and to those I ask YOU to hold the space and pour love and compassion from YOUr heart to their heart, for many can hear us speak and many more are blind to us. Those who have chosen not to awaken during this process are blind and will not be able to see us, so we employ human angels to walk amongst them, so that they are not forgotten and are able to be comforted.
We ask for YOUr FAITH and TRUST in this transition period which even as I communicate with YOU draws to a close, for the time of the new energies unfolding is fast approaching. Those who have taken the past few weeks to acclimatise to the new will find their dreams coming into creation. For YOU all create dear ones and we are here to help YOU realise those dreams. For too long the human race has been kept bound and chained in the lower vibrations and now dear ones YOU will be able to soar. Leave the swords on the boats dear ones and we will transmute ALL back into the LOVE that IS.
I step back now and allow Archangel Metatron to communicate via our channel. Remember dear ones YOU ARE LOVE.
I am AA Metratron and I come through this channel at this time to communicate with ALL across the planet. For ALL is changing for the human race and rapidly. Many of YOU still cling on to that which is dissolving and we guide ALL to detach from this. YOU are magnificent BEings of light dear ones, I can clearly see YOU all SHINE and yet many of YOU do not acknowledge this TRUTH, so trapped in behaviours no longer supported by the new. The way to step out of the behaviours is to be the observer, to detach from the dramas that try to take hold around YOU. BE still dear ones, open YOUr hearts and pour LOVE through ALL. For LOVE is the answer to everything dear ones.
Where YOU see pain in the world pour LOVE through it, where YOU see trauma pour LOVE through it, for much more is to be released across the planet. Many are now beginning to truly see how low illusion has kept them and are now feeling outrage at the atrocities done to fellow human BEings and animals who share the planet. The way to move out of illusion dear ones is not to rage about the injustice for that lowers vibration, the way out is to pour LOVE and COMPASSION through it all. For those who took the role of abused and traumatised did so KNOWING that their fellow humans would awaken and SEE the wrong in illusion.
Know that when they pass into energy from physical form they are counselled and they are released of the pain and the trauma. Many are highly advanced souls who chose to undergo the experience such is their love for the human race. KNOW THIS dear ones. Illusion will try to teach injustice and stir the emotions of anger and hatred and this will further allow the illusion to hang on where it should be dissolved. Do not fall for this simple trick dear ones, pour LOVE through it all, for LOVE dissolves fear and trauma not anger.
Much is changing and will continue to change from now on dear ones; YOU step into a new era, a new way of BEing. Rejoice and embrace the new for freedom is YOUr birthright dear ones, YOU join us, the angelic realms, in the universe. YOU stand EQUAL to us, for ALL ARE ONE. We note that many are still walking in the illusion of hierarchy and we guide for ALL to detach. I am not mightier than YOU dear ones, simply a different form of energy. For many I am a BEing to be subservient to and once more I ask that YOU detach from this teaching. NONE are above any other. ALL ARE EQUAL.
The way forward is lighter dear ones, those who have awakened have anchored vast amounts of light across the planet and this is set to increase dear ones. YOU have done well, YOU have weathered the storms of illusion and now YOU set sale across the oceans of calm. Allow YOUrself time to rest and recover for many have experienced the trauma of clearing many lifetimes. There is NO rush dear ones, there just IS.
I speak for the angelic realms and I send our love and blessings to YOU all. For ALL ARE ONE. 

For Message from the Angelic Realms.
 26th October: Archangels~ Michael And Metatron
*** We ask for YOUr FAITH and TRUST in this transition period which even as I communicate with YOU draws to a close, for the time of the new energies unfolding is fast approaching11-11-11. ***
Channeler: KAREN DOONAN.
Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated.

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Much wisdom here, thank you Besimi. I would say to AA Metatron that it is better to send Love to where it is needed rather than to say all suffering which would only negate many individual karmic journeys.

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