Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

March 19, 2015 --- Requiem for an Equinox. ...and more.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Requiem for an Equinox

by: Soren Dreier & Chautauqua
We humans are a pretty resilient bunch.  We can absorb a tremendous amount of setback or grief without giving in to the negativity.  On a personal level and even within the collective consciousness, we can take a punch.  We don't give up easily, because it just leaves a bad aftertaste in our throat. 
We humans also have a pronounced capacity to disregard things which violate our sense of dignity and justice.  Whether it is pedophile priests, genocide in Darfur or environmental crisis; humans can block it out to the point of madness.  We simply put all such subjects into a mental folder labeled "Things not affecting me which I can do nothing about" and go on about our participation in the rat race.  
With the 9-11 false flag event the matrix launched humanity into a whole new level of cognitive dissonance.  It was the first shot of the matrix endgame, which launched humanity into the time the Hopi people call Naqoyqatsi, which translates into "Life as War."  The chorus line of wars which followed 9-11 are a thinly veiled campaign of conquest for resources and treasure; home invasion on a global scale. 
We've passed the point at which we can just brush this all off as the new normal and continue on our own little lives.  It no longer fits the category of the folder we filed it away in because it is affecting all of us, and will continue to do so.  The trouble is after all this time if we start pulling issues out of that folder of things to be ignored, maintaining any level of sanity gets real sketchy.  So we leave them in there.  It's just easier that way.
The matrix provides us with constant stimulation and circuses to distract us from connecting too many dots; because they fear us if we ever were to become united against them.  They constantly keep their illusion reality pumped up nowadays because they know if they hit us with overwhelming negativity it will crush our will to resist.  The matrix minders know how we avoid the unpleasant realities, and they've been counting on it all along.
This conditioning began generations ago and the programming is updated on the fly to construct the consensus reality of the matrix we accept as daily life.  Once we are plugged into the system and dependent upon the grid it becomes very difficult to free ourselves; so we just go with the flow.  It's easier that way.
All the while, that mental folder gets fatter and fuller, it's overflowing, cluttering up the subconscious landscape.  On every level our inherent goodness is attacked by the matrix as they trot out one massive deception after another; boiling us down to the lowest common denominator in the process.  They are overloading our capacity to process and integrate information with a tsunami of root chakra stimulations designed to keep us focused upon our vices rather than our virtues. 
What a crock of shit.
The industrial giants have polluted this planet on an industrial scale for well over a hundred years and yet we must use approved light bulbs and monitor our carbon footprint because we are a threat to the ecosystem and a blight upon the environment.  What utter dystopian doublespeak.  They've been spraying the skies above earth with chemtrails since 1995 and yet that cigarette butt you tossed on the sidewalk is some kind of environmental disaster?  One huge crock of shit.
As a manufactured debate over global warming makes millions for those causing it, everyone everywhere is totally ignoring the long term consequences of Fukushima, as if it never happened!  The mental folder of all unpleasant things to be ignored has expanded to an entire file cabinet with Fukushima related issues, and there are many.
The first and most obvious issue is that nobody anywhere knows what to do about it.  The geography of Fukushima rules out encasing the site in cement as the Russians did at Chernobyl, so it has just continued to spew nuclear radiation into the ecosystem these last four years.  The governments of the world are unable to help, they are clueless how to stop this thing.  Angela Jolie likes to travel and collect orphans to bring public attention to important issues; yet we don't see her flying to Japan.  Right now Leonardo Dicaprio is busy financing a search of the worlds oceans for the worlds loneliest whale...WTF buddy, what the hell are you smoking?  He has the inside connections, he knows the massive deception.
It's all rather reminiscent of something Kurt Vonnegut said in 'Breakfast of Champions,'  "Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a dialogue between two pieces of yeast.  They were discussing the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and suffocated in their own excrement.  Because of their limited intelligence, they never came close to guessing that they were making champagne."
Perhaps the late Stuart Wilde said it best:
 "Earth, what a beautiful planet, shame about the people."
We're well beyond the point where some righteous spiritual anger is called for.  The planet wide cone of silence over all things Fukushima pretty much meets the criteria for mass insanity, wouldn't you say?  Remember not so long ago people flooded the streets by the thousands in protest of an unjust and illegal war in Vietnam; but nowadays they only turn out like that for a new iphone. 
What will it take for humanity to snap out of it and acknowledge Fukushima's impact?  Let's see here, first put some boobs on it and then figure out a way to tax it, how's that?  If world governments could figure out how to turn a profit from Fukushima they'd be fighting each other over who got the contract. 
How do we handle all of this on a spiritual level?  This is a major planetary disaster; and new age jingoistic rhetoric simply won't suffice any longer.  We've never needed transparency and  someone to take action more than now, but instead everyone's making plans for the coming Olympics in Tokyo.  Are you fucking joking?  Seriously, holding the Olympics in Japan is the absolute height of absurdity.  It is like saying we should hold a health care seminar in the Ebola ward. 
Is this moratorium on discussing Fukushima's future legacy some kind of collective emotional survival mechanism hidden somewhere in our DNA?  Is it simply too much, too scary and overwhelming for us to cope with?  Whatever the reason one thing is crystal clear; we don't want to hear about it and don't wish to discuss it. 
Whatever else it is, it just isn't healthy, and that should worry us as well but it doesn't. 
We love end of the world movies like Mad Max because if we didn't Hollywood would quit making so many of them.  Let that scenario manifest in real everyday life where your kids go to school and it's a whole different thing.  Just try bringing up Fukushima in any gathering of people, then observe the looks on the faces of those within earshot.  It's a taboo subject by group consensus.  It is almost as if the true and certain end of life as we've come to know it is just beyond human ability to deal with. 
Here's the thing.  Even if we don't think, or speak about the aftermath of Fukushima and what the future holds for our loved ones; we still know.  That knowledge is within us and cannot be deleted, it's permanent.  The very fact that we refuse to acknowledge this even to ourselves causes much harmonic discord within the spirit, it is a dichotomy that cannot persist; at some point something has to give.  Care to guess what that will be?  How about a wager! 
The Drake Equation is a famous formula for extrapolating the probable number of planets bearing intelligent life in our galaxy.  The part of the equation that speaks to our current reality is the one where the number of probable planets is further reduced by those civilizations who do not survive their technological childhood.  That is us, right now; failing that crucial test.  The only thing gained by our ignoring the problem is assured extinction.   
There are several signs and portents currently which increasingly indicate the matrix will likely instigate the long awaited crowd pleaser known as WW3, perhaps as soon as six months.  One such portent is certainly the cover of the Jan. 2015 issue of the Economist magazine.  In a dystopian parody of a famous Beatles album cover, the clearly matrix inspired artwork contains images of missiles and a mushroom cloud, and two distinct dates: 11.3 and 11.5 each printed on an arrow!  Is that in your face enough?
"I couldn't help wondering if that was what God put me on earth for:
to find out how much a man could take without breaking."  ~ Kurt Vonnegut ~
So is all of this dystopian nightmare the archon endgame?  Did they see us coming?  Did they succeed - yes they did.  They have robbed us of our dignity and robbed Gaia of her pristine oceans.  They have killed, pillaged and destroyed with cold callousness; they got what they wanted and are ready to move on soon.  Were we nothing more than a minor  mosquito caught in the net of planets they control?  Did the matrix take itself out with Fukushima?  We know they have plans for massive depopulation, yet some doubt remains whether that earthquake four years ago had some help or not from the strumming of the H.A.A.R.P. array?  Or, is what we are seeing some kind of scorched earth campaign, a going away present from the archons? 
Were we called here to bear witness to Gaia's murder? 
There are no secret technologies for rendering radiation harmless.
There is nobody coming from anywhere to bail us out. 
No get out of extinction free card.
What can we do?
First of all we need to just step outside of ourselves and get past it all.  We can adjust our expectations; from the physical mundane to the spiritual; and focus upon the needs of our basic soul.  No thought which begins with the words "what if" or "if only" is worth finishing.  Nothing positive can follow those words, so never use them in that order.
We can become emotional healers in the dystopian wasteland.  We can also clean and update our emotional software, because we can't let this take us down.  
We can avoid pessimism, in fact we must avoid it because every negative or pessimistic thought strengthens the neural pathway established for it.  If we never complete a negative thought, those neural pathways degrade.  We can focus on the positive, and build up those neural pathways instead. 
We can forsake the materialistic in favor of the spiritual connection between all humans.  We all laugh and cry the same way, we all love our children and we all bleed red.  The same things make all of us sad, and we all rejoice at the same things.  We can focus on this, we can do that for starters!
We can help one another keep spirits up, to help each other battle depression and find some point of grace.  We can help heal each other emotionally.  Humans have the abilityto rise above many difficult things individually, yet collectively we lack experience in actually using that ability.
We could explore who we really are thru the use of DMT, Iboga, or Ayahuasca; because the "laws" against them are absurd.  How can you make a plant illegal?  The whole entire point of making these natural plants illegal is to prevent people from connecting with their soul on the most intimate of levels, to disempower us.  The only reason.
We need to begin doing these things now, because there will be life after Fukushima.  There are places on the planet which will afford some natural protection from the accumulation of radiation.  Here and there small groups of humans will survive.  It has always been that way before and shall be again.  Hide and watch. 
We may or may not become enlightened but soon enough we'll become fluorescent.
Instead of the Aquarian evolution we were expecting, we get this dystopian evolution of a small and insignificant species on a backwater little world.  Bait and switch.  We're all now the passengers in Hitchcock's Lifeboat and if you don't understand the reference watching the movie may give valuable insight of the kind of future ahead of us.  If we cannot find our way to honor people over possessions, pretty soon we'll just be so much flotsam & jetsam floating upon a dead ocean on a dead planet.
© 2015 full re-post with permission only

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The current situation & the Presence of the Divine conscious

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine Consciousness / written by the Enlightened Master on 18th of March.2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine conscious
The cosmic anomaly is healed completely, and the test to pass the pulse through it was successfully done...

The universe with its new fabric of Time & Space works with all its energies...

The veil is surrounded with Light and waiting for your hearts readiness, to announce the breakthrough...

The Dimensions and the 7 realms are alignment...

The fleet of confederation stands ready, waiting for the sign...

The Force of Darkness became fully aware of its not strong enough to cheesed, and they are invited to return to the river of eternal Light, to complete the joyous...

The pulse of Solara tries to adapt & be alignment with the Center of Gaia...

The events in the sky stand ready to embody in the ground world, in the physical dimension...

Don’t follow the Time, but follow the pulse of your hearts …. The term {When} means: when the pulse of the sky is alignment with the pulse of the hearts of people on earth...

The Word of the Avatara {the embodiment of the Divine consciousness}which was launched today by him:

The Infinite & Eternal Devine Light began flow from the Center of the Eternal Consciousness, of the center of this galaxy, as the first delicate launch {the test of passing the pulse} , to touch the thirsty hearts to merge with the Eternal Light, and this is in the period between 12th -20th of  March 2015, so as to contribute in the preparation of the hearts, to the great contact at the time of the event;  that’s why you people feel full eminence of tolerance, and have the desire of fresh start  for the new era.. leaving behind you all the hassles and loads of the Dark Era.. ….. The Light of tolerance and forgiveness will be the Boat of Light which will take you to the Land of Light...

This delicate sense, will develop into a big meanings in your hearts, and each of you will aware of it on his own way, it is the sensation in the embodiment of the Divine Light in your earth. This sensation will knock on every door, the doors of hearts to enlighten them….

so for those who are from the Christian consciousness will feel the return of Jesus, and for those who are from the Mohammadi consciousness will feel the return of his Light at the end of Time, and for those from the theology consciousness will feel the Masaya. And for those who are from the spiritual awareness schools will feel Vishnu & Shiva... And for those who are from the mystery schools consciousness will feel the return of Gods...

Every way of all above, have their reasons in a way to express themselves..

This delicate sensation which will knock the hearts is the embody of the Divine Consciousness among you, it is the embody of the Oneness inside the heart ;which was created for this will not be a repetition on any of the old things, and will not be aspiration for anything modern, .but it is the Presence of Now in Union with the consciousness Center...

When your hearts become ready to meet him, he will come and his sign will come with him, announcing The Day of Meeting, the day where the sky and the earth will be ONE..

The readiness is not to know Him, but through knowing who you really are, at this moment, the drop will return to the ocean, and you will leave the world of dreams through the presence of your hearts..

The event is: the readiness … the event is: the beginning..

With Eminence of Love, I will leave you in peace...




We are moving towards the completion of a planetary phase, the first phase in the birth of the New Earth.

Since 1994 immense changes have come in on multiple levels in order to shift the planet into a much higher frequency band, and therefore all upon her.

A lot of us have been through immense upheavals, literally being uprooted, revamped and reinvented in the last few years, as the old life steadily has disintegrated and a new life slowly but surely started to emerge out of the ashes of the old.  The Phoenix rising from ashes has become our symbol, so to speak, for truly sometimes we could not see for seeing but have to have faith that whatever was happening, was bringing in a new and higher form of life.

The massive portal opened with the harmonic convergence in 1994, 11:11 now is moving into the 777 as the Central Sun of the 7th Galaxy is now starting to make its Presence felt.  It was the sun that affected us in the creation stages of this planet, and will now start influencing us on all consciousness levels, as this is the Sun of Illumination – that which shifts us collectively into much higher gear.

It acts as a portal opening up for those who are ready to step into it, which will allow us to truly now step into our co-creator roles, and into and onto a much higher frequency band for it is that of the earth returning to its origins – its creation and that which it has been created for.

It has to do with the mass awakening of the inner earth, as that inner earth layers, which was originally created, with its massive pyramids and the pyramid grids, will open up (indeed is opening up) and the mass energies released from within, and the 777 energies move in cosmically.  The two work in tandem and are interlinked. The 7 acts like a massive lightning bolt, it not only cleaves open, it ignites, like a lightning bolts is charged with immense electromagnetic energy, the 7 amplified literally is pouring in vast electromagnetic frequencies into planet earth and into our Being.  It brings the full activation of the return of the codes of alchemy and magic – that mystical Beingness.

Indeed it is the ray of ritual, mysticism, ceremony and magic.  It will enable the spiritual and physical to blend, to merge and to become AS ONE.  It is stimulating ancient memory banks opening, ancient higher healing techniques returned and the awakening of SACRED WISDOM.

For the first time in millennia we will be able to create something extraordinary, something that has never been before, and therefore we have to get crystal clear about our intention and what we intend to create in the next few years, for the 7’s will amplify this.

Alchemy always has to do with changing forms – lead into gold – transformation. We are in the process of changing form, being alchemized. Transformed and in transforming all around us is transformed.

Nowhere is this going to show up more than in the area of relationships, which reflect the microcosm and macrocosm of society at large.  If we wish to create a New Earth, first of all we have to get our own house in order, for if we cannot even find unconditional love for ourselves, how can we find it for others?  If we cannot create something extraordinary with our nearest and dearest, how can we co-create the world?

In essence magic has always been the ability to use energy and energy form and then to change that form into something else – therefore shift is some way, to become something else.  Or to use energy and create in amazing ways that which we would love to bring about in some form.

Slowly but surely there will be a new emergence happening here with this shift.  It will be that we find that in the changes of our inner core self, where we step into higher alignment and awareness – become more conscious and more cosmically aligned, that we emerged as new Beings.

We are now learning to take responsibility for what we create!  In other words, every day we become aware of our thoughts, our deeds, our inner seeing, and then focus on what we do wish to create, and not on what we do not wish in our lives.  So the shift here is subtle but sublime.

For with the release of the pyramid energies we will be bombarded with an energy that is so potent, that it will literally pull us into a much higher state of Being.  It is illuminating from outside and within.  When such high frequency energies are released the sluggish density cannot sustain form.

So, all that no longer serves the collective whole will systematically disintegrate.

When we refuse to change nor to be changed, we will not be able to step through this portal.  It is like we are given a flight ticket, and when we arrive at the airport and do not find the correct plane, we will miss the flight.  It is not like the plane was not there – it is that we did not board it on time – it took off without our being on it.

What is now being created is something we have forgotten about, but it has always been there.  It is the deep connection with the cosmos as a cosmic citizen, where we not only see the bigger picture, but we create within the cosmic laws.

I was inspired a few days ago to think about what I would love to create in marriage – what would I love to create with my Divine Other and in what way.  As I was doing this, I was suddenly seeing this new portal opening and what lay beyond it, and I realized that I had the opportunity now to not only put out the intent, but to release it into this new energy field and it would emerge into Being.  Yet, what I wished to create, would also have to be in higher alignment with my own soul and Being, for otherwise I would challenged to the very core, to keep to what I created in some form or another.

The key word here is responsibility – when one steps into the role of co-creator you have to take responsibility for what you are and have created.

What is it that you would wish to create that will have a profound and lasting effect on the New Earth?

What is it that would wish to create in your relationships?

What is that would wish to create in firmly anchoring in your soul mission onto planet earth?

The portal has opened to truly create something extraordinary, something amazing and to do so from the innermost heart and soul and with great love.

(Judith Kusel)

In Preparation for Vernal Equinox, 2015: Understanding the Illusion of NOW

In Preparation for Vernal Equinox, 2015: Understanding the Illusion of NOW


Judith here. You have heard it all, I’m sure… what a powerful week we are in… that we’re actually planting seeds that will become our future for the next several years… that only after six months or so will they have germinated enough for us to even SEE what we have sown.

Sounds like an enormous responsibility, doesn’t it, having such total sovereign authority over our lives (even if it’s what we thought we wanted, lol)– especially for those who’ve been feeling pretty crappy about some things that are going on in their lives these days. If you, by any chance, might be one of them…

First of all you’re not alone. There are about five billion others who feel pretty crappy about something or other, just like you do. (Some even feel a whole lot crappier than you do, btw.) Second of all, whatever is manifesting NOW has nothing to do with whether or not you’re going to screw up the next next seven years or so of your life!

The celestial team has something very important to say about such “illusions,” as they put it, which I’m sure will go a long way towards helping you feel a whole lot better-- which will be a whole lot better all the way around. AROUND. Please note that I did NOT say “as you go forward.”

The reason I didn’t is because even TRYING to play “living my life” on that linear backwards/forwards track anymore is to keep smacking into concrete… that’s been MY experience, anyway. Not to mention the double-bind of “trying,” period… And on that note, the celestial team is fizzing through to lighten up, shed some light, en-light-en… expand our perceptions altogether, shall we say–

Hello, Beloved!
There is urgency in our transmission, and we say that only to confirm what You ALREADY feel. Urgency means crisis, and urgency means opportunity suddenly offered. Both are the same. Both are NOW.
“BOTH” is an excellent word to fly around with in this moment of your time, which brings us to the crux of our message:
The past and present meet the future in every pulse of NOW. 

Take that IN please, Beloved!
There is a “time lag” between what YOU create and when your creation manifests, re-member? And that “time lag” is decreasing rapidly.

Beloved, do You understand? There is NO SUCH THING as “the way it IS” where YOU are concerned! You are creating the way it IS through the FREQUENCIES you are holding in every moment. What You see around You are only past creations– they are like paintings You’ve already finished, You might say.

It will serve You greatly NOW to re-member this, so as not to become discouraged and drop out of the FREQUENCIES of what it IS that You are creating. Instead, let the feelings and experiences of the past run through You like an old tape that is winding down in the present–and BE GLAD they are! Then, You’ll be choosing a template for the future that You will be VERY GLAD to live in.

How we love You! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team



Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Views: 5


Malfeasance paradigms are corrected within individual Hue-Beings

Malfeasance paradigms are corrected within individual Hue-Beings

20 Mar

gaia_energy1Malfeasance paradigms are corrected within individual Hue-Beings.

Transference occurs rapidly via increased hu-being awareness.

Foundations of New Time come to the fore.

Feathering of the ancients leads to Freedom.

Interspersions of Light continue at all dimensional levels.

Practical plans are drawn and approved.


Views: 6

UFO Mothership in Torreon Mexico▬OVNI Nave Nodriza en Torreon Mexico Edit 20/03/2015

ufo mexico1

Date of sighting: March 20, 2015
Location of sighting: Torreon, Mexico
Many have debated that the disk clouds are not UFOs that are cloaked, but actual clouds. That is foolish. These are UFOs that can create clouds to hide inside of. Also they often take on a white cloud appearance. I have seen one once, close up over White Sand Beach, Taiwan, but what I saw was a shiny white disk, ceramic-like…no smoke, so whisps of smoke anywhere. It was just a 400+ meter disk. Sadly this was back in 2006-7 and I had no camera. A few weeks later I bought one. These are UFOs. The glowing orb that comes out of it confirms it. This UFO in the video is far away compared to the one that flew over me, but it is a UFO.
Published on Mar 21, 2015

OVNI Nave Nodriza en Torreon Mexico Edit 20/03/2015
COMPARTENOS TU VIDEO Si grabaste algún ovni o tienes fotografías Mandalo a el correo

Fleet of UFOs in Antioquia Colombia, OVNI,s en Antioquia colombia Edit 21/03/2015


Date of sighting: March 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Antioquia, Colombia

This fleet of UFO orbs are amazing. At first they look like balloons, but if they were balloons they would move in the same direction. Instead we see them move in different directions and at different speeds. Unless there is a drone convention in the area, these are alien orbs. They usually spread out far from one another. However they do unite at two times. First when they are released, second when they wait for the mother orb to come meet them, which them pulls them inside of it. This looks odd when it happens, but the mother orb is just a few times bigger than these smaller orbs. SCW

Published on Mar 18, 2015

OVNI en Antioquia colombia Edit 17/03/2015

VIDEO ORIGINAL DE : Jose Luis Vasquez
COMPARTENOS TU VIDEO Si grabaste algún ovni o tienes fotografías Mandalo a el correo

18th March 2015 - There were two of us sitting together in meditation today and I could sense feathers all around my head as if a Native American Indian had drawn close. 

We are the Wisdom Keepers . . . barometers of sorts.


We sense an all pervading loneliness within this room, a loneliness . . . from the very depth of your being. A loneliness for family, for those who brought you joy, for those who made you smile, for those that brought tears of laughter, for those that you wish were here still and yet are within you always. Those loved ones are never far away no matter how long ago they departed; they here within you, in your heart and in your mind and if you talk with them they will answer you and you will feel their loving embrace once more. We can only hope that you will express yourselves and bring to the surface the Love that is within you . . . don’t keep it bottled up, let it bubble out, talk to those you Love, they/we can still hear you. We can still be there with you to help you on your journey and this we bring with the greatest Love. You are so special to us and we are most proud of your achievements both here and now and in the future. Keep strong, be that bright spark for humanity that you have always been.

Thank you for your words.

You are most cherished little one, most cherished and we bring these words from the Great Divine, from the great encompassing Love of the Great Spirit. Feel the change within you, feel the serenity . . . feel the Love that is there for you. The future is rosy and bright!

I've included this as there are many of us who miss not only our earth family, but our Star family, who are always there to lend an ear.

23.3.15 – Great Spirit I welcome you to join me in my heart space and as I send Love out into the world I invite my Sun man to come and join. I can now feel tingles on the right lobe of my brain.

Consider this next step of your journey and abide with us, your friends and helpers on the other side. We blend and sway with perfect ease . . . amalgamating the frequencies within your breast, challenging you with our encryptions, data stored within your memory banks waiting to be accessed and utilised to help you move forward.

I can see purple and gold – it looks like a golden cross section of a brain.

The more you look and search the more you will find my friend and we move forward upon this stream of energy, welcoming you to these shores. We have beamed you thus forth and welcome you with open arms, taking up the mantle of Light to be replaced with a mantle of Gold. We envision greater prospects ahead for each and every one of you who come to these shores, questioning with open hearts and minds, delving deeper and deeper into the unknown. We advise on any shortcomings that need adjustment with a time of recuperation, a time of preparation, a time for joyfully welcoming in the new and the vibrant, putting aside the darkness and welcoming in that golden light of understanding unsurpassed.

We will aspire to even greater avenues and we tempt you with our tidbits, beckoning you further along this causeway of Love. We have remonstrated with many of you in the past, bringing to the surface all that is stored and hidden and we bring you broader shoulders to help with this mission, shouldering the concerns that you have and why this has taken so long to come to fruition. We do indeed have a surplus to requirements when it comes to the upkeep to all we hold most dear and we ask you not to be alarmed, not to be worried into submission. This is a steadfast goal that we aspire to.

We are embroiled in matters that do not concern us and we point you in a new direction, asking you to satisfy those inner longings within your breast. We do ask in all sincerity that you take heart for the future is brighter than you think and this has been our main objective to bring you up to this point, where we may take the lead helping you along this highway of Love. It is with great respect we gather our resources and with initiative we shall push back those boundaries that have held us back from achieving the bliss which is ours by right. We confirm our attention to detail, assisting where needed, and we have reckoned on a great team effort to push us into the limelight, the light of true understanding. We welcome in a time of peace and tranquility and Love beyond all worldly measure.

I’m seeing deep pulsating lilac light and feel a jolt as if I’ve been catapulted into a different framework.

Persevere my child . . . we are getting there, slowly but surely and we shall forage through those dark areas that need weeding, slight irritations that cause damage and harm.  We push through an agenda that is to some unfavorable but we need to maintain this structure to bring Peace, an item that is much in your minds at this time. We amalgamate and deliver these thought patterns, iridescent, irreversible patterns of Love that makes us tick, for where would we be without Love my friends . . . in a very sorry state we can be sure! This is the final frontier . . . no more doubt or indecision only Love and purest bliss await those who travel this pathway. We are between worlds . . . no man’s land . . . a world of degradation and sorrow we leave behind, welcoming in a new world of joyous harmony, sanctioned by those on high. We are programmed to accept the inevitable and we sweep you along in our wake, trailing out those reserves of energy needed to join our entourage – we greet you and those like you whose feet are planted firmly on this highway!

I can see a golden skull now - every time I waver in meditation and drift off, I steady myself concentrating to hold the frequency . . . the frequency of Love.

Are there any more words for today please before I close?

To champion the cause and to be ever vigilant, ever strong, tapping into those reserves of energy that are there for you to help you grow;  at each way station you will be recharged before continuing your journey and we treasure these advantages for you to take on board. Believe that we have your best interests at heart and will not lead you astray, we journey ever onwards with Love and Joy in our hearts for the human race.

I can see what looks like the shape of a jellyfish without the tendrils, maybe it is a living space ship. 


Ripples of Light . . . frequencies exchanged . . . we bring you this and so much more, so that you may explore, seeking and reaching out, touching and feeling . . . sensing your way towards a finer future for mankind.

Thank you friends for another beautiful session, I think I’ll leave it there for today.


Wow I’ve just opened my eyes and outside it’s all bleak, misty and dark! Where I’ve been is full of colour and light, which reminds me even more that we do not need to be prisoners of our physical frame, we can journey inwards and explore new realms, new possibilities and bathe in those colours of the inner worlds.

Many years ago a wheelchair bound friend of mine said that when she dreamt she often saw herself running across meadows, always having full use of her legs. This prompted a short poem I called ‘Inner Gate’.

When life gets too hard to bear close your eyes and don’t despair - think of a gently running stream - let your thoughts drift into a dream. This is the way to meditate to journey forth from your inner gate. Visualise a garden in full bloom beckoning your spirit to rise from your room. Higher you soar into realms bright and clear to meet those you Love and those you hold dear. When you return to Earth once more you’ll have peace and contentment in greatest store. There is no need to be prisoner of your physical frame, Spirit we are and will always remain. Set yourselves free in moments of stress . . . seek God’s great Love and tenderness.


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