Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

JESUS : You have enormous power, enormous capabilities. ~ by John Smallman

You have enormous power, enormous capabilities. ~ by John Smallman

You have enormous power, enormous capabilities. ~ by John Smallman

Time, as you experience it in the illusion, is accelerating.  The reason for that is because more and more of you are focusing on the now moment, which is quite free of the limitations that the construct of time imposes upon you.  You are making your way into wakefulness, where time is no more, and as you do so it appears to be accelerating and taking you along with it.  It's quite an adventure, is it not?  And of course it leads to the cessation of time altogether.
You have a saying “time is of the essence,” and within the illusion that certainly seems to be the case as everyone is almost constantly running to keep up with themselves, to make deadlines, to attend meetings, and when occasionally you get left behind the world flows on unaware, and seemingly uncaringly.  This is not a happy state because you then have to defer or cancel some of those things you were planning on doing, which at the time seemed incredibly important.  It is depressing for you and can lead to a self-judgment that you are not good enough, strong enough, resourceful enough compared to others who seem to cope so well.
Time is confusing, very confusing for you because it is so unstable, especially when you must rely on its stability.  Your atomic clocks are incredibly precise in their measuring of its passing, but all they really measure is the frequency of their own energy fluctuations which is useful in a physical or scientific sense because very precise spatial relationships can be established between things.  But time is what youexperience as you wait for something to happen or to pass.  It is purely experiential and, depending on the intensity and direction of your expectations, the same amount of measured time can seem long, short, or “normal.”  That sensation is quite personal to you, individuated and separated as you are, and therefore confirms for you the reality of the illusion and your aloneness in a vast and uncaring universe, in which you are engaged in an unending struggle to survive.  Here the concept of Oneness makes absolutely no sense, is quite incomprehensible, another insane idea that is best ignored or discarded.
Consequently nearly all of the mystics, masters, enlightened ones, and we in the spiritual realms advise you to make a very determined effort to live in the “now” moment, the only moment that has real meaning, because everything that happens happens now.  Despairing about the past or worrying about the future is an incredible and quite unnecessary drain on your energy.
Yes, in the illusion it seems that intelligent, creative, and highly motivated people can, as it were, “move mountains.”  That is they build railroads, super-highways, space shuttles, weapons systems, etc., but allof these areillusory and will not last because within the illusion everything – and there are no exceptions here – decays, falls apart, and disintegrates.  Focusing on the now moment is a spiritual exercise that helps you to clear your minds of extraneous distractions and draws you irresistibly towards your inevitable awakening, into your natural state as fully conscious beings, whereupon all the limitations of the illusory world just fall away.
As you each raise your level of consciousness, your awareness, through meditation, contemplation, or by focusing on that ever-present now moment, you find your physical needs becoming fewer and fewer.  Along with that your peace and contentment grow proportionately, your remaining worries dissolve, and you know that all is divinely taken care of, and therefore, of course, that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.  And that produces a most wonderfully stress reducing and blood pressure reducing state of alert relaxation.
And your doctors and scientists do agree that meditation is good for you.  So even if you do not seem to be achieving wonderful moments of clarity, enlightenment, or some other highly sought illuminating and uplifting experience, do allow yourselves the time to meditate.  Above all be patient with yourselves as you do so, and ignore all the egoic distractions that tend to pour into your minds as you sit quietly doing nothing, reminding you of all the things you should be doing.  It is your determined intent – an ability which will most definitely increase if you persist in meditating regularly – to ignore those distractions that brings you the benefits.
And as you succeed in disregarding those distractions space becomes available for you to hear your spiritual guidance, those intuitive hits that help you to resolve issues that had been troubling you.  Success breeds success, and as you learn to resolve personal issues peacefully and gently your competence in all your fields of endeavor increases.  You each have enormous power, enormous capabilities – you know that because there are all those self-help books out there confirming this! – and you gain access to them through your meditative practice.
The power and importance of a meditative practice can never be overemphasized simply because it is so powerful.  When you are tired or dispirited it is often very tempting to give your meditation practice a miss, “just for today you tell yourself.” And you remind yourself of how unrewarding it has been for you on previous occasions when you attempted to meditate when you felt like that.  However, even though it seems that you are getting no benefit, actually taking the time to sit, despite your reluctance and the expected ineffectiveness you experience while doing so, is beneficial.  At a deep level you do know this, so disregard the complaints of your tired and anxious body and enter a meditative state, even if only for a few minutes, because this really does strengthen you.
Many of you have at times given up your meditation practice altogether, and then maybe months or even years later you decided to take it up again, and the results were often quite startling as you obtained a forgotten sense of peace and relaxation that you had not enjoyed in a long time.  So, if that is where you are, restart your practice right now, enjoy the benefits, and allow Love to flow abundantly through you once more, as It will, healing you and those with whom you interact.  That is why you are here now, to be a conduit, to the planet and to all the life forms that she supports, through which God's Love flows constantly and abundantly.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Out of the Mind and Into the Heart – Part 1 /2 ~ by Wes Annac

Out of the Mind and Into the Heart – Part 1 /2 ~ by Wes Annac

The Aquarius Paradigm

Written by Wes Annac

I’ve written plenty of articles about the heart space and the immense benefits of opening up to it, and when I realized that a wealth of interesting channelled material has already addressed this subject, I knew that a report was inevitable.
Like I’ve said before, I’m very fascinated with the coordinated nature of these messages, because they’re channeled independently and from different sources. Our guides are directly encouraging and assisting us via various different scribes, and one of the things we’ve been taught is that living in the heart space is very important.
As opposed to the confining mind, the open heart space will help us lovingly transmute our worries and concerns as we reclaim happiness and freedom. We won’t have to seek happiness or anything else when we live fully in the heart, because it’ll endlessly flow to us.
We have to practice living in the heart before we can feel its greatest effects, because an intensely strong and flowing experience of universal, unconditional love could easily overwhelm us.

In our first quote, Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman tells us about the importance of operating from the heart space.
“A vital component of Self-mastery is learning to function through the intellect of the Sacred Heart. As you strengthen the connection between your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart, you will begin to access the wisdom of the Soul, your Higher Self and the multidimensional facets of your Self.” (1)
It’s important to live in the higher mind if we want to connect with the heart space, because the lower mind traps us in negativity and depletion. When we unite the higher mind with the heart space, we unlock our greater perceptual and creative gifts and flow with inspired works that inform and uplift others.
A lot of seekers are already living in the heart and accessing the soul-level guidance that flows through it, and this guidance enables them to gain fresh perspectives on the things that play out in their lives.
Archangel Michael then tells us that our guides and higher selves communicate with us through the heart space.
“Your Soul, your Higher Self, your guides, guardians and angelic helpers communicate with you through your Soul Self and your Sacred Heart. The whispers of Spirit in the unawakened become a mighty voice of loving wisdom and comfort as you awaken to the strength and majesty of your own divinity.” (2)
The more we grow, the more the influence of spirit grows within us as we act on the inspiration its guidance provides. What starts as a whisper becomes a mighty roar of encouragement to keep developing our abilities, and as we continue to expand, we enable ourselves to receive spirit’s guidance in purer doses.
It feels great to know that we walk with constant guides, whose energy and guidance we can receive when we open our hearts.
Mary Magdalene, speaking through Ute Posegga-Rudel, tells us that our journey back to the heart space is inevitable.
“Dear Ones, if you haven’t done it yet, it is now inevitable that you journey back into your heart to remain there as the essence and center of your being. It is only the fullness of Divine Emotion that has the power to embrace the world and change it from the core, to inspire the confused to return to Oneness.
“This Heart-Power cannot be ‘created’, it must be allowed to emerge from the Depth of your Divine Being that always has been there. It is your participation in this Divine Force that requires the surrender of your separate self.” (3)
We can’t change the world if we’re rooted in a negative or dull mindset, and it’s best to engage our problems from the love and fullness of the open heart. We have to be able to greet the challenges we face with readiness and willingness to handle them, and when we do, we’ll be able to find sensible solutions to them.
If we were collectively rooted in the heart space, none of our current problems would exist. Our problems have been caused primarily by greed and neglect, and these qualities run against the light-filled agenda of the heart-centered individual and would be reversed by an awake and aware humanity.
If everyone was centered in the heart, neglect would be replaced with compassion and destruction would give way to active restoration.
Mary Magdalene then tells us that the heart space isn’t limited to the structures that exist in the mind.
“It does not know techniques, because it is greater than all of them, it does not even know ‘structure’, it is beyond and prior to the human hologram. It just Is. It embraces all beings and things because it Is the Oneness of All. (4)
The heart space adds it’s beautiful, subjective creation to the objective template the mind provides it, which it’s far greater than. When we’re ready to move on from the mental holograms we’ve created, we’ll discover the expanded, indefinable existence the heart space provides, which both transcends and supersedes the lower creation around us.
We’re then told that we’ll have to live in the heart to really understand what it’s like.
“Dear Ones, this cannot be merely a thought. It must be experienced, it must be lived. It must become Reality, your very own Reality, your firm anchor to be of service in the times to come.
“What is merely brain-based cannot hold against the storm. But what is heart-based is standing firmly and is also grounded in your Mother Earth, One with Her. Gaia’s spiritually expanded state of consciousness and your unity with Her is protecting and enveloping those who understand the Oneness with their planet as the source of their life.” (5)
The seekers who are beginning to understand their oneness with every facet of consciousness around them are orienting their lives to love and service, and the limited mental structures that keep our reality in place can’t last much longer.
With the extent to which the lower vibrations are being transmuted, I think it’s important for us to seek and remain in a constant heart-centered space. The lower vibrations can’t and won’t last, and any seeker who’s still unsure about the heart space might want to consider jumping ship and experiencing its bliss before the lower-dimensional ground under their feet dissolves.
Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow.


  1. “Archangel Michael: Ritual of Passage into a Fifth Dimensional Reality,” channelled through Ronna Herman, January 1, 2014, at
  2. Loc. cit.
  3. “Mary Magdalene: A Humanity One at Heart,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, October 26, 2013 at
  4. Loc. cit.
  5. Loc. cit.
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Wes Annac | April 10, 2014 | URL:
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SaLuSa  11-April-2014

SaLuSa  11 April 2014


We come again to tell you that matters are soon to come to a head, as the Love and Light continues to strongly establish itself upon the Earth. Each of you can take some credit for these changes, and we welcome your determination to achieve total success. We are continually monitoring events upon Earth and would assure you that all proceeds very well. We do so to say keep everything under wraps and even so are making very good progress. For those that keep up with our reports that come through various sources, a picture is emerging that should indicate how far much progress we have made.


It has been many years now that our craft have come close to Earth, and it is way of assuring you that we are looking after you. Sometimes we have to allow karmic situations to see their way to completion, thus allowing much karma to be cleared. Some look at the devastation caused in Syria and the immense loss of life and wonder if it has all been necessary. We would say “yes” because the situation has released so much karma, and allowed many souls to move forward. The destruction would seem to be massive, but bear in mind that it is the negative energies that are being cleared. Upon our arrival on Earth which is an event that will be announced in the near future, we shall work with you to clear any areas destroyed by wars, and can assure you that all traces will be removed and everything restored to its original beauty.


We can transform areas back to their pristine condition if necessary, in next to no time. These will be exciting times and most fulfilling after centuries of death and destruction. We can absolutely state that nothing shall interfere with our plans to restore Mother Earth. So do not worry unduly as to how the restoration will take place as with our technologies and experience it will seem to be no time at all. Way back in your past the Earth was truly a Paradise to it shall return. God has decreed that there will be an end to wars and the pointless destruction that they cause. So whatever challenges you are yet to experience, bear in mind that you are to see and experience a wonderful closing to the last cycle.

Because the people of Earth have more freedom to travel, the mysteries of other races has become known and ultimately you realize how much you are alike. People seek happiness and peace, and it is only the dark Ones who have deliberately maintained a situation that has repeatedly led to wars and unrest. That is already changing and with the mixing of the different Races, people are realizing that there is in truth only one Race upon Earth – the Human Race. Even so as you have incarnated in many different countries for your evolution, you have acquired an understanding of the differences – that All are One. In the larger picture you are all Gods but that is a potential at this time, yet you will come to accept that truth.


You are not your body yet it is a vehicle that you use to gain experience. However, upon death you will move into a higher version of it that will not age or be subject to the ravages of time. In fact it will be perfect version of your previous body but in a higher vibration. The future will be full of very acceptable surprises not least of all your ability to experience freedom to define your own future, and choose your experiences. Being on Earth in the lower dimensions has had its ups and downs, but to use your terminology – it is a fast track to Ascension. Nowhere else would you evolve at such a fast pace, and be assured that many souls would willingly change places with you. It may seem unlikely but you are truly privileged to have the opportunity to evolve in the lower dimensions.


Also be aware that you only carry a small amount of knowledge as to your real status. You are far greater than you imagine but in time you will “grow” into a much higher level of consciousness. On Earth you are very limited and part of your challenge has been to find your real self. Once you begin to realize that your consciousness is limited yet has no boundaries, you will quickly evolve at an astonishing pace. We tell you all of this because it is time for the truth to be made known. You can therefore set your sights as high as you like as literally anything is possible where you evolution is concerned.


Being a Human is in itself a remarkable experience, but can you imagine what it is like to be an Angel. Indeed, what it is like to be at the right hand of God, in a state of pure perfection. You are too far into the lower dimensions to “feel” what it is like to in the higher ones, but that will come to you in time. As you must realize, there is no need to limit your ambitions as all souls are slowly making their way back to the Godhead. It may be a little too much to expect you to take in such possibilities but we do want to make you realize that you have unlimited potential.

Coming back to Earth once again do what you can to help other souls on their journey. After all you are “One” and all at different stages of your journey back home. Share your knowledge where you know it can be accepted and understood, but do not overwhelm another soul as sometimes all that is needed to help awaken them is a subtle suggestion or idea. Deep down each soul knows the Truth, but it has been clouded or hidden deliberately to allow a focus on the experiences necessary. So never assume that knowledge or intelligence are pointers to a souls stage of evolution.


I am SaLuSa, and look forward meeting you on the Earth and being able to help speed up your progress. You will be enlightened more fully as to what the future holds for you, and we can even give you glimpses of it. Technologies are used by us that will truly seem miraculous, and we can therefore deal with your problems on Earth with all speed. Restoring the planet to its pristine condition is one of our first priorities. However, our resources are virtually unlimited, and we have millions of craft to call upon if we needed them. Great times lie ahead and be assured we will invite you to share them with us. So go forward with full confidence as everything will work out not just to your expectations, but well beyond. I leave you with my love and blessings.


Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available at

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channeled by Jahn J Kassl

translated by Franz 
Beloved Ones! 
New energy fields of Light build up over you,  in you and on account of you and they begin to  fill the purified hearts of the awakened ones with  God’s essence.  The closeness to God is being experienced,  the Love of your Father understood and the  shelter in the lap of your eternal Mother is granted to you. The light quality that presently flows to earth releases  all blockages and heals all injuries in your bodies.  Who gives self to this Light will attain healing even  before the day passes.
Divine vibration provided  The Light overexposure of Mankind has begun and  thereby vibration fields of the 6th and 7th dimension  are provided. Gentle and lovingly, the Masters of this  time are lifted and brought into their divine nature. And it is this high frequency vibration that on the  upcoming day will save you from harm and will keep  you away from the destructive aspects of this transformation.  Your bodies are slowly reconfigured,  your cells are slowly restructured,  slowly you become whole and completed;   and slowly the miracles happen which for a long  time you have longed for and have sent for. Gods awaken and human Beings become whole  Stay vigilant!  Stay vigilant, stay away from low vibrating energy fields,  center yourself, by constantly remaining conscious of the  complexity of this transformation; and recognize what is right,  recognize what is wrong, so that you slip out of the clever  traps of those forces which want to chain you to their  sluggish reality. The process has begun whereby any deposited fear in  your cells is removed. Thereby you step out from the  “game of anxieties”. As at all times when darkness took possession of  human Beings, today the forces of darkness also undertake  everything in order to cut you off from your spiritual light flow,  whereby they build their “destructive” vibration fields and  distribute false information over particular “channels”.  You can cope with these processes if you are fully conscious  of it and if you are always oriented toward God, the essence  of all life. To overcome these sluggish energy fields is only  possible by looking at it with detachment, without denying  this fact, without being frightened by horror and the horrors; and without falling for the false belief that by ignoring the  darkness, it will disappear. The spiritual Light of the higher light realms  reaches you now and it is called for to open yourself for it. And those human Beings, who already posses a  purified energy field are able to open themselves. And “purified” means, to apply the power of discernment  with superior ease and be able to distinguish between  “right” and “wrong”.  Deceptions only have power over you, if you are unable to recognize them as such. Ascension is certain  Your ascension is certain! No power in the world can  thwart it. Unless you slide back into the condition of  impotence, into the condition, when you delegate  responsibility to a second or third one. Then you have  truly disregarded a great time in its value and handed  yourself over to the sluggish energies of different worlds. I am the wellspring of all springs, I am the omnipresence of Love, I am the omnipresence of Light, I am the omnipresence of all Being. And you have been entrusted with the task  to fully orient yourself toward me, so that I may  welcome you and honor you, on judgment day,  still before the end of this time.  Let yourself be guided by me, let yourself be led by me – then you will surely arrive, then you will see what  until now has been hidden from human sight.  Open yourself to God’s Light and lock up  as alluring calls of darkness reach you; And perceive what is, know yourself and me - your ALL-IS-GOD reality in me. GOD  The light world publishing and the author do not lead any  correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published on this website.

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