Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Jesus - The intense magnetism of God’s Love for you is irresistible.

Jesus - The intense magnetism of God’s Love for you is irresistible.

The intense magnetism of God’s Love for you is irresistible.

We are surging forwards towards the moment of humanity’s awakening from the dream or nightmare in which it has seemingly been ensnared for eons.  It is difficult for you to imagine how very close that wondrous moment is.  You have had many disappointments and “false dawns” as you have waited longingly and hopefully for this promised event, and so you are wary of forecasts and prognostications such as this one.

Here in the spiritual realms part of our job is to encourage you to keep holding your divine Light on high because that is your task and it ensures that the awakening happens; and one way we do this is to offer you uplifting guidance about its proximity.  And it truly is very near!

All that you have to do is to continue holding on high the Light of Love from which you were created and in which you have your eternal existence.  Separation from It, from your divine Source, is not possible because to be separate you have to remove yourselves from the proximity of that from which you wish to be separated, and there is nowhere else, so your experiences of separation, aloneness, or abandonment are utterly illusory.

What is illusory is unreal, it is an hallucinatory state that you invented to pretend that separation was real, and you did your utmost to make it appear real by filling it with experiences that were totally alien to Reality – fear, pain, suffering, deceit, and betrayal – all surreal inventions that were in opposition to Love to which, as you well know, there is no possible opposite.

And you have had enough of unreality.  You, humanity, have collectively decided to release your hold on, your belief in this disquieting environment that has caused you so much fear, pain, and confusion, and return to your true and natural state at one with your ever loving Source.  To awaken is to wake from this long endured dream of poverty, scarcity, danger, and solitariness into the ecstasy and joy of your eternal Home.  The time for disturbing and painful games has passed, the last remnants of those “games”are occurring as I talk to you.  Do not attempt to understand them, they are incomprehensible, just let them go, along with all the beliefs and attitudes that sustain them.

Your way Home is through your hearts, not through logic or reason which are important instruments for use only in the illusion where there is constant confusion and misunderstanding and an apparent urgent need to make clear.  In Reality all is clear, utterly clear, all is known thus making reason and logic meaningless tools that have no purpose, as you will discover to your delight and amazement.

When your awakening occurs, as it will very shortly, a great clarity will fill your minds as a full understanding of your human life’s purpose is revealed to you, and a sense of unconditional acceptance and Love will embrace and delight you.  Your long held hopes and dreams will be mightily and eternally delivered on a far grander scale than you can possibly imagine, as all your fears and anxieties dissolve into nothingness.

You will be Home, and you will recognize and remember how you belong here as you are welcomed into the wonder of these heavenly realms.  We, too, will be filled with joy and wonder as we observe you observing the marvels that surround you, and seeing your realization that it truly matters not how long you have spent in the illusion because you were at all times homewards bound, and because your return was inevitable.  Your arrival will totally resolve and remove any remaining traces of the time you spent apparently lost, confused, and seemingly alone and so often suffering in that strange and often threatening environment.

Your arrival is excitedly anticipated here because we can see that it is indeed absolutely inevitable.  To you, still seemingly endlessly anchored in the illusion, the prospect of awakening into Reality is something for which you yearn!  And that intense desire is one of the thoughts, one of the powerful intentions that is impelling you forwards on your journey back to your Source.  The, as you might describe it, intense magnetism of of God’s Love for you is irresistible, It is drawing you onwards resolutely, and with purposeful and unwavering determination.

The illusion is an egoic construct, and the ego’s intent is separation so that you are endlessly enslaved in its unreal world of fear, distrust, betrayal, and confusion where it rules supreme.  But of course the ego is unreal!  It is terrified that you will realize this and therefore also realize that it is an incredibly divisive aspect of yourselves that you can instantly discard and then lovingly reintegrate into your whole Selves where it truly belongs.

The ego is part of the illusion, but it is a part that you invented from within yourselves because you seemingly needed it to protect you from all the dangers and threats with which the illusory environment surrounded you.  Indeed it has been useful to you as a helpmate in the physical tasks with which you needed to deal as a human.  Unfortunately it has always assumed that you are under attack or about to be under attack, and so its motives have been defensive and mistrustful, of you, and of humanity at large.

Remember, the ego is a collective entity that expresses the general beliefs and concerns of humanity, while at the same time doing its best to convince each individual that this general perception is absolutely valid.  It has succeeded, and as a result you have wars on poverty, wars on drugs, wars on drunk driving, wars on illiteracy, wars on crime, wars on terrorism . . . on and on, nothing butwars!  And of course they all seem perfectly valid to the ego driven world of the illusion.

In the last twenty years or so, however, the applicability of the term “war on . . . ” has been increasingly questioned, and in many cases discarded as utterly inappropriate.  That is a sign that the ego is losing its grip, that humanity is uncovering its true nature – Love – and is beginning to respond to the problems and issues that disturb you and alienate you one from another by listening to the differing perceptions that until very recently served only to drive you apart and into opposing warring factions.  The insanity of that approach to problems is at last very clear as you observe the intense suffering that it has caused over the eons.

Humanity is growing up and letting go of its ego-driven behaviors and attitudes that may be appropriate in three year olds as they learn to cope with the insanity of the illusion in which they find themselves, and have to engage with others at the same level of intellectual development.  But, after a few bruising encounters, anyone with any sense, any true awareness, realizes that war is most definitely not the answer to any disagreement whatsoever, whether as little children in pre-school relationships, or as fully grown adults in nation to nation relationships.

War does not work!  It never has, and finally that is being accepted as a scientifically proven fact, even though the scientists in the arms industries and the politicians that support them might choose to disagree.  However their influence is fading very rapidly.  People are asking with grave concern why it is that in a world where unnecessary poverty is endemic nations are spending inordinate amounts of money on weapons.  And of course the answer to that is “Because those who would engage in war and in the manufacture of armaments are attempting to place themselves above humanity, and protect their favored and elitist positions by the use of police and military forces that are answerable only to them.”

Well, the time for those kinds of shenanigans is over.  Those who would control and suppress the mass of humanity have lost control!  Humanity has turned to Love, is opening its collective heart to engage once more with its true nature, and so the moment for your inevitable awakening draws ever closer.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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Love is All, and you will awaken into the glorious brilliance with which It shines.

Love is All, and you will awaken into the glorious brilliance with which It shines.

Those of you who continue to harbor doubts about the validity of these loving and inspiring messages from those in the spiritual realms please release them, because you know that they are totally valid.  The dream that is the illusion is coming to an end.  However, its last moments of “life” are very disturbing for you all because of the pain and suffering so many are experiencing, and which many others are observing with feelings of helplessness.

There are those who would maintain the illusion indefinitely because it appears to give them enormous power over others.  Their numbers are very small, but they have seemingly invincible egos, and over the eons they built up an hierarchical structure, placing themselves at its peak, and from which they have attempted to control, suppress, and abuse humanity.  That structure is collapsing, and there is nothing that can save it because its time is up. Humanity is moving forwards to a place where individual freedom and sovereignty are divinely assured, and where there is no room for the machinations of those with self-serving personal agendas who continue trying to maintain control of an insane and broken system that is completely beyond repair.

If you look back at your history it does seem that the power brokers – heads of families, heads of tribes, church leaders, dictators, presidents, royalty, and controllers of multi-national corporations – have been inordinately successful in their egoic drive to win at all costs, but that perception is illusory.  Power over others, as seen in your world, is very difficult to maintain because others are always attempting to wrest it from those who hold it.  Every moment of their lives is spent defending it, and that constant defense frequently costs them everything – their loved ones, their families, their friends, and their ill-informed supporters – as they renounce love, loyalty, honesty, and personal integrity in their desperate attempts to hold on to something that is purely ephemeral, in fact quite unreal.

Finally and inevitably that sense of power, of invincibility turns to ashes, leaving them quite bereft.  Truly, the only loving thing that you can do for them is to intend to send them love and compassion to help them to awaken from the nightmare that they have built for themselves and which seems to have destroyed them.  As you well know, there is no separation, all are one, and the divine Light of God’s Love is present in all sentient beings.  It is just that in some the cloak or veil under which it has been hidden is thicker or denser.  They too will awaken when they are ready, and will then be welcomed Home just like the prodigal son in the biblical parable.  Remember, no one is ever cast out or abandoned, all that is necessary is for a seemingly lost one to awaken is to release itself from anything that is not in alignment with Love.  That can indeed be very difficult, but the opportunity to do so is never withdrawn.

Only Love is Real.  There is nothing else.  Focus on that one and indisputable Truth, and enjoy, in fact delight in the sense of freedom from worry or anxiety with which your faith in that eternal Truth fills your hearts.

All else is smoke and mirrors, a system that has attempted to convince you that life is always under threat, a short-lived, one time only experience as a human in a dangerous environment from which there is no escape except through death into everlasting oblivion.  When that belief invades your consciousness it strengthens your sense of separation and abandonment, seemingly leaving you with no option other than to do everything in your power to grab for yourselves all that is seen as valuable, regardless of the consequences, or to sink into the depths of depression, a state that you may try to alleviate or combat by the use of various chemical stimulants.  And that of course is what those who hold the reigns of power have been doing for eons, but to no avail.  The illusion isunreal, and even those who would seek to maintain it are very fearfully aware that it is collapsing irrevocably despite all their efforts to maintain it.

To seek value and satisfaction in the offerings of the illusion – wealth, power, recognition, esteem – leads only to severe disappointment, because what you truly seek is a return to Oneness with your divine Source, and there is absolutely no substitute for the infinite joy of that your natural state.  And, therefore, that return is the only way out of the apparent separation and sense of aloneness that you experience and in which it seems you are ensnared.  Humanity has collectively realized this, although it may not have yet been expressed in this way, and the resultant resolve and efforts of so many to put right the wrongs that plague so many of you is the intent to return Home, to become once more aware of being One with your Source.

Go within, to your quiet undefiled inner sanctuary and be with your inner guidance, your intuition, then ask to feel the Love in which you are eternally embraced.  Remind yourselves that you are divine beings, perfect beings because that is how you were created.  All that God, our divine Source does is by its very nature perfect, without stain or flaw of any kind.  And determinedly intend to open your hearts to feel God’s loving embrace.

Your experiences to the contrary are of the illusion and unreal.  But the illusion was very cleverly constructed by your collective intent, and it is very hard for you to see its unreality.  You are far more than it seems you are when you focus your attention on your bodies.  Your bodies are of the illusion, but nevertheless, they seem very real as you experience pleasure and pain, suffering and happiness through them, in an intensity from which it is very difficult to stand back sufficiently to recognize that they are just temporary vehicles.  Vehicles that you have chosen to occupy as incarnated beings showing the rest of humanity the way Home, by holding the divine Light within you on high, while intending to demonstrate love in action at all times.

Of course, despite your holy intentions, you do forget your purpose from time to time, and you get drawn into the confusion and chaos of the illusion.  When you have an “aha” moment, a sudden realization that you are not upholding the Light as you had intended, do not berate or judge yourselves.  Instead forgive yourselves for sinking into the illusion, thereby temporarily losing your way and your awareness of your sacred path Home, and give thanks for the “wake-up” call with which the realization has presented you.  Then refresh your intent to hold your Light on high, knowing that your are ably and constantly assisted in this divine task by those in the spiritual realms whose duty it is to watch over you and watch out for you at all times.

Remember, this message is to encourage and inspire you to release your doubts about the validity of the many spiritual messages that are presently being received by so many of you faithful Light holders all across the planet.  The moment for humanity’s awakening is very close, and that is why you are being informed of this by so many channels, and of the essential need to maintain your focus and your faith in God’s eternal Love for you.  Love is All, and you will awaken into the glorious brilliance with which It shines eternally throughout God’s divine creation.

With so very much love, Saul.


Anything you can imagine you can create.

The excitement mounts!  Here in the spiritual realms we are all agog as we observe the tremendous progress you are making as you power forwards towards your awakening.  It is so very close!  Keep shining your Light brightly as you hold determinedly to your intent to be loving in every moment, in every situation, and prepare yourselves for unbridled amazement and wonder when it happens, as it most surely will.  You are on course and on schedule for a great event that has been planned for eons.  You are at the forefront as it prepares to unfold, beautifully and very dramatically, for all of humanity who choose to be part of this momentous and uplifting move, away from the dark energies that have been so prevalent on planet Earth, and into the eternal Light of God’s infinite Love.

God’s Love is the infinite energy field in which all of creation is eternally enfolded.  There is nowhere else, and there is no need for anywhere else because your divine Source provides in infinite abundance all that you could possibly dream of, wish for, or desire as you use your brilliant creative capabilities to join with Him in endlessly expanding that creation.  There are no limits!  And yet there is nothing beyond our divine Source, the Source of all that exists and into which all is inextricably, freely, and lovingly integrated.  For you, presently experiencing scarcity and limitation within the illusion, this is a paradox of incomprehensible proportions.

However, deep within each one of you is the absolute knowing that you are each inseparable and essential parts or aspects of the divine energy field.  But because you chose to play games of separation, abandonment, heartache, and suffering within your unreal and illusory environment, you closed off, temporarily, your awareness of your divine and eternal nature.  It is as though the sacred flame of His Love, burning eternally within each one of you, had been hidden or covered over, leaving you apparently alone and abandoned in the strife-torn and fearful darkness of a cold and insensitive universe.  And your science, in its extremely limited perception, confirms that space is an extremely cold and forbidding place into which you would only venture at your peril, and, should you choose to do so, quite a pointless exercise 1) because you have neither the ability nor the technology to traverse any but the smallest portion of it, it being so vast, and 2) because your lives are far too short for you to have enough time to make any meaningful return journeys or forays out into its vastness.

Nevertheless, this is a totally incorrect assessment of your situation.  As divine beings, which you most certainly are, you were created free, free to explore the whole vastness of creation without let or hindrance, and in comparison your visible universe is like unto your backyard.  Temporarily, however, you chose to build an illusory and severely limited environment in which to play some rather insane games.  The initial excitement that this environment provided has long since faded away, and the realization that this is not God’s Will for you is now dawning.  Consequently you have collectively made the decision to let it dissolve back into the nothingness from which you imagined it into being, and so, inevitably, you will awaken.

If you could tune in to any of the infinite number of positive energy frequencies of the spiritual realms, which are boundless, you would be astounded by the ongoing and eternal creative enterprises in which you are all involved.  Even though it seems that you are earth-bound, encased in bodies that constantly limit you, you would be able to see the incredible and uncountable contributions that you are all making to the infinitely growing and expanding field of creation in moments when you are either sleeping, meditating, or just quietly relaxing without engaging with your fear-driven egoic minds.

You are all divine beings, and your true Home is in the infinitely varied and endless spiritual realms where there are no limits.  Anything you can imagine you can create and that will add to the divine and most beautiful energy field that is all that exists.  God’s Will in creating sentient life was to expand Reality and have all of you assist Him in filling the energy field that He had created with beautiful creations of your own.  And you are all inseparable parts of that divine Reality.  This expansion is a creative tour de force in which all sentient life is fully involved, joyfully and eternally.  As humans, in a state of limited and severely restricted consciousness, you can have no idea of the wonders that await your imminent awakening!

Creation, Reality, is an ongoing exercise in joy!  It is endlessly delightful, enticing, and entrancing, and Its sole purpose is in the pure joy of creating further wonders to amaze all who are part of it, all sentient life.  God is Love, an infinite and ever-expanding field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.  It is into that wondrous state that you are all shortly to awaken, whereupon you will truly know yourselves for the first time as brilliantly competent individual centers of intelligence who are at the same time One with your divine Source.

Within Reality there are no needs because you are all complete just as God created you, and so you are unlimited, untethered, and free to create as your moods and inspirations take flight, bringing into existence ever more brilliant demonstrations of the creative geniuses that your loving Father created when He created each one of you.  Creation is an ongoing and endless series of mind-blowing delights which will fill you constantly with joy as you forever expand your visions of what is possible.  And, of course, anything that you can envision is possible.

An exhilarating awakening experience is at hand, so hold your Light on high and prepare for boundless wonder as the limits that have bound you for so long fade away as you allow yourselves to be led forwards into this divine garden of enchanting beauty.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Ra:  Our Names, Soul Identities and Creator's Truth



Today, I will tell you about who I am, and why I have come to you at this time in your Earthly experience.  I have been sending you messages through our channel Kathryn for several years now.  We have quite a collection of my teachings, posted on her website and Facebook pages, and disseminated around the world in many languages.  I have asked that the links to these writings be included at the end of these messages, so that you can find the archives of our written and spoken teachings any time you want.  We have spent thousands of hours thinking through the kinds of teachings that would be most helpful to all of you at this moment in your Ascension training.

By We, I mean the Company of Heaven, in consultation with Great Creator, who oversees everything we do, and we, Kathryn and I, who shape the messages to be as understandable and eloquent as possible without making them impossible to translate.  We do hope that the entire collection will soon be available in book form in many languages.  It is a big project for those who will take part, but I promise to oversee and supervise the translations and the creation of the books, for my heart is in every word, and my great Love for you is expressed in every chapter of these messages.

It was agreed long ago with Creator that it would be helpful for representatives of the Company of Heaven - those of us who are especially involved in this phase of the Ascension of Planet Earth - to take turns, making every effort to contact and speak with you through our channels, and through our incarnations on Earth, in order to restore a spiritual connection with humankind in every way possible.  For hundreds of years we have done this, seeking out those who were physically tuned to our vibration, who could bring our messages to the people.

Many of those you now call "channels" were known as prophets, oracles, adepts, messengers and holy people in earlier ages.  Times have changed, the internet has made it possible for us to reach many more people, and current tastes do not require that our prophets be male, ascetic, lonely wanderers or persecuted witches.  We are happy for that, because it allows people to relate to their messengers as approachable real people, living their lives as you too can do, just as they did with Jesus in his time.  We simply ask that our messengers transmit our messages faithfully and accurately, and that they represent us with integrity.  

As times have changed and your understanding of the Truths about life on Earth, the connection between this human body and the soul you are, and your relationship with us in Higher Dimensions, the kind of messages we are able to send have evolved and changed.  Those who are reading these messages no long need to be instructed in the fact that your bodies are not all there is to you, and this life is not the only one you have experienced.  We have gone on to teach more a more detailed picture of life in the Universe and the Truths which govern all life here and throughout the Multiverse.

So, you see, as our needs have changed, we have modified our teachings accordingly, but the overriding purpose is always to show you that we are here for you and that the Creator of All, our great Source, the beginning and end which has no beginning or end, is Love.  With that in mind, I will tell you of the changing roles I have played in my dedication to Creator's Truth and my wish to represent Creator in the most accessible way possible.

You have known me through the ages in the roles I played as a spiritual leader.  In each of the major cultures throughout the descent from higher dimensions into the darkness which overtook the planet for the past several thousand years, I have come to you either as an embodied human or as a spiritual guide.  I have been known as Ra, the Sun God in Ancient Egypt, as Shiva in HIndu tradition, as Yahweh in ancient Jewish tradition, Jehovah in Christianity, and more recently as Zorra, a mentor and friend who would be available to answer your questions and listen to your concerns.  I came through as Zorra for a time, to offer you information that was new to many of you, especially offering you familiarity with the presence of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters who are here to help you.

In recent months, I revealed that my role as Zorra was just that:  a role I played in order to reach out to you, to touch your hearts and win your trust at a time in your culture when images of God (Creator) were still portrayed as vindictive, punitive and judgmental.  I wanted to teach you how accessible we are, and how much we care for you, regardless of the name you call us by.  And so I have taken another step in revealing my true identity.  I am also the one who came to you as Yahweh, and then Father God in the messages I sent through Kathryn. Later, when she channeled me as Zorra, she identified me immediately as the one she knew a Yahweh/Father God. Yes, I am one and the same with all these identities, just as you are one with all the incarnations and soul names you have carried over the ages. 

So you see, it is certainly not a matter of deception to use the various names I have gone by as my Higher Self and my incarnations; it is simply a convenience through which I give you a handle to grasp so that you will feel my touch and hear the words I speak in the deepest part of your hearts.  Familiarity is an important element in building relationships.  You feel that recognition with your dear St. Germain, who has made himself so accessible and who has helped so much with this phase of your Ascension.  Of course his "real" name is not St. Germain - it is just a name that reminds you of his incarnation here in which he established the Prosperity Programs.  He could also go by names like Leonardo, Alexander, Marc Anthony and Ramadi, which is his original soul name.

I have recently begun using Ra, a kind of "nickname," you might say, in connection to my familiar name, Father God, to let you know that I am the one who has been speaking to you all along, under different names, but always the same soul entity.  In my individual soul (which is the uniqueness I experience, although I am One with Creator as my primary identity), my original soul name was Rama, which means "heart of God." My twin flame is Isis, Mother Sekhmet, Divine Mother, and many other variations which represent her power as creative feminine force.

And so, since you have all evolved as students and no longer need the "kid gloves" approach to Truth, I can now come forth without having to gently introduce new information bit by bit, in terms that will lead you carefully through the quagmire of dark thought forms and into the Light, although I do not mind doing that if you still require it or enjoy it.  I am happy to teach and to reveal Truth any way I can.  I appreciate your inclination to prefer information which is tailored to the familiar language of spirituality and religion, but we are moving together, you and I, to a higher plane - one in which the languages of physics, astronomy, art and politics are One.  That language is Love.

You see, today I again introduce you to the concept that names are of no significance.  It is the vibration of your self - the combination of body and soul which you are now experiencing - which tells the story of who you are and what your path in this life will be.  You are complex beings, in that you carry within the deepest part of your being the vibration of Creator, in addition to your own unique original soul vibration and the "feel" of your present incarnation - what you might call your present "personality."

Your Higher Self, like mine, is directly connected to all other living beings and to Creator (whom you sometimes call Prime Creator).  We created that designation to distinguish Creator from Mother God and I, who took those name to give you a stepping stone, a voice through which you could ascend in your feelings and thoughts toward Creator.  We also were asked to use those names as a way of introducing you to the concept that you are all Gods and Goddesses.  Your I AM Presence is the living expression of Love and Light, which is the energy of Creator.

Do you see?  Our aim was to coax you all together along the path out of the confused and contradictory muddle of ideas and concepts, to focus on the love you feel when you communicate with us, your Ascended Masters, your Higher Selves.  In our Spirit form, we carry the energy of our group consciousness, the same energy you feel from your own Higher Self.  Open your hearts and your minds, Dear Ones, and you will feel the unmistakable energy of Love and Light.  You will know that we are here for you, always dedicated to your highest good, when you partake of the sweet and gentle power of Creator, which is in all of us.

There is no mistaking the Light we carry as part of our essence for anything you would call dark.  We do not trick you or mislead you - in fact we could not, if you are in synchrony with your heart and the Heart of Creator.  You will feel my presence and know it is I, and you will feel also the unique presence of your dear guides and angels.  We are all here to help you in this historic transition, for you are at the center of this Ascension of all beings.

I am the one who is known in the lower planes as Ra or Father God, whichever you prefer, and I love you without end.  As always, in service to our Creator.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 29, 2014, 1 pm.

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