Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers




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Intricate portals move into activation in the next few years, as the planet is being revamped and revitalized.  Therefore there are massive fractures in earth crust and with it the inner stirring of mass liquid mass, which will bring about volcanic activity, even in those volcanoes which have been dormant for some time and with the eruptions in the inner earth, as liquid mass explodes this will cause earth eruptions, earth quakes and in some cases the sea will start boiling.

It is therefore imperative for mankind to understand that as the earth is reinventing herself, so human beings are being reinvented as they too are being re-formed, reinvented and even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline in nature and therefore contain higher frequency bands.

Most human beings are not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies, nor are they aware that a lot of changes are happening in the way the chakras and the spinal cord energies now move into higher octaves of being.

A lot of discomfort in the body is not caused so much by what we human being term “DIS-EASE” but rather by blocked particles of energies within these centers and therefore now are being worked on galactically to prepare mankind for the massive shifts with the portals opening up.

It is known to the Intergalactic Federation of Light, that the human body will have to be readjusted immensely, as the portal energies open up, as the normal human is not consciously aware enough to know about energies and energy centers and are not consciously seeking to activate these, do not work on the daily cleansing and clearing process, the healing of the emotional body, and more than this the healing of the mental body as well.

BOTH the emotional and mental bodies need to be healed and in balance with each other, as the last 26 000 year cycle has separated the heart (emotion/feeling) from the mind (rational, dissecting, fixing, creating/inventing without love or feeling).

Most people concentrate on the balance between the masculine and feminine WITHIN, but fail to understand the importance of the balance of heart and mind.  One cannot step into full co-creatorship without there being balance between the heart and mind, between the feelings and rational, for if the heart is not fully opened up and the vital energy flow of Love is not in balance with the mind, one is imbalanced and it was imbalance which caused mass trauma since the fall of Atlantis.

When the heart energies and mind energies, are in balance with each other, a state of balance reigns within and without: –  One starts then creating within the Universal Laws, as one applies them in HARMONY with the balance reigning elsewhere in the cosmos.

There are higher energy centers which work on the higher 36 chakras which were shut down after the fall of Atlantis, because human beings went out of control when the mind ruled and created the chaos that sunk Atlantis.  It was done as the 3rd dimensional form of the lower DENSER physical form, could not hold the immensely high vibrational frequency which the opening up of 48 chakras would entail.

In the previous civilizations before Atlantis 72 chakras were fully opened up which meant that they lived in a much higher frequency band and therefore their physical forms where of much higher light body form.  In Atlantis this was shrunk to 43 (12 + 36) and after Atlantis this further shrunk to 7 only.  There are 330 chakras in all, and the more one activated the higher chakras the more one evolves by octaves of Being.

It speaks for itself then how far mankind has sunk into the sea of density and forgetfulness.

However the chakras are not the only energy centers held within the body!  The nadis and meridians play a huge role, and these are not just held within the physical body, but also within the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  To only treat the physical body, is the lowest form of healing there is.  When one starts treating ALL the bodies, disease cannot sustain life within the bodily form.

Take this one step further, and it was known that together with the chakras, the nadis and meridians, the 33 Vortex energy centers held within the spinal column had to be fully cleansed, healed and activated.  It was known that each vertebrae, held soul memory banks and only in releasing these soul memory banks could such a center be fully activated.  Each vertebrae acts like a mini computer chip, and records all that is held in the emotional and mental bodies.

Unless each vertebrae is treated like living entity in its own right and higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function nor can it be fully activated.  There is more to the spinal column here, than I will divulge now, but to confuse this energy with the Kundalini energy is to play down the importance of these energy centers.

The Kundalini rises yes, through center energy channels in the spinal column, however it is but one single energy force, and not the whole.  It is but cog in the Universal wheel – not the be-all and end-all as some would have it be.  Again, forgetfulness and the wrong interpretation of ancient scripts and the handing down orally of teachings, has left immense gaps in human knowledge and understanding of vital truths.

As mankind sunk into forgetfulness a lot of the teachers, could not understand the greater whole, and therefore started sharing only what they knew and could understand.  What went beyond their own understanding they could not teach.  They might have handed down certain texts, or what was recorded in such, but the earliest civilizations recorded such not in the form of writing, but in the form of ENERGY.

As the human body is this massive and very sensitive energy field, in combination with the emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve lightbodies, so is the earth.  Every single aspect of the human body reflects within the body of the earth.  She is as much a living, breathing entity as we are – it is just that we tend to forget that.

To me the earth changes and the opening up of the portals brings in a higher understanding of just how linked our physical forms are to planet earth.  But not only our physical forms and the rest of our bodies are linked – OUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS ARE ALSO LINKED THE PLANET’S!

Consciousness and awareness levels are not only linked to the earth’s but also to that of the 12 Central SUNS and the 12 Central Galaxies.


What is exists in the macrocosm exists in the microcosm and vice versa.

The portals opening up, come from the energy beamed down from the Centrals Suns, into the consciousness energy center of the planet earth.  The Central Suns are one vast energy center of highest Consciousness and the Highest Mind/Heart pulsation.

As human beings our whole energy systems are geared to PICK up the cosmic and earth’s frequency bands and the more consciously aware we become, the more we have the ability to TUNE into the cosmic and earth energy fields and systems!

If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions.  If the earth energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the earth energy transmissions.  BOTH have to be equally activated and opened up, before we can truly step into the 5th dimensional state, and this is even truer stepping into the 6th – 12th dimensional states.

Most people are not even aware of the earth’s energies, let alone the cosmic ones: -The walking, living, sleeping dead.  They will not be able to hold the higher frequency bands as the earth moves more and more into higher activation and with it shifts into higher cosmic frequency gear.

It is not only human beings who will not be able to hold their physical forms anymore as this happens, the same applies to animal and plant life – indeed any living organism.

It is the dying of the Old Adam and Eve and the birth of the new human race.

It is the dying of the Old planet Earth and the birth of the New EARTH.

It is the dying of some parts of the Milky Way Galaxy and the birthing of a new galaxy now being born.

We are in the process of a massive COSMIC rebirthing, revamping process and therefore should not fear the changes, but rather embrace them!  Whether these are earth changes or bodily changes or a total clean-up of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – and all the rest.

One only fears what one is not consciously aware and part of.

The more consciously aware one becomes, the more COSMICALLY aware becomes. 

Our souls are intricately linked to the Central Suns and to the Divine. 

Our SOULS are immortal, eternal, and therefore KNOW all of this.

There is truly nothing new under the Great Central Suns!

Photo credit  Visionary Artist Jean-Luc Bozzoli


(Judith Kusel)

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☮︵‿︵❇ Empathic Ability ❇︵‿︵☮ 9 August 2015 The Presence

♥‿︵ૐ. ⊰✿•︵‿╯•☼• ░ ♥‿︵° Empathic Ability

An Empath is a person who is perceptive, highly sensitive to their surroundings, and to the emotions of others.

Empathic ability is a psychic sense, and through this empaths experience the world intuitively.

They feel the emotions of others, and they can sense the past, present, and future states of another on many levels.

♥‿︵ૐ. ⊰✿•︵‿╯•☼• ░ ♥‿︵° Archangel Muriel channeled by Melanie Beckler

Source for below: ~ @

♥‿︵ૐ. ⊰✿•︵‿╯•☼• ░ ♥‿︵° Greetings, indeed. I am Archangel Muriel here with you now.

Notice my energy signature, my presence, and how you feel.

Notice any color you see, any sensation you experience, and know that as you open your heart and quiet your mind,
my presence will be experienced more and more for I am here with you at this time.
I am here in this moment to simply love, serve, and assist you, for you are so loved and encouraged on your path in your life,
which unfolds before you one step at a time.
One moment at a time life unfolds before you, indeed. I speak to you now on empathy and on being empathic.

Empathy in understanding and relating to an experience of another, being able to understand the perspective of another,
to momentarily view reality through the eyes of another, to walk that mile in another’s shoes.
To understand their perspective, their hardship, their life so that you may respond with love, with non judgment,
and in a way which serves the other and serves all.
This is similar and yet somewhat different from being an empath.
An empath relates to the feeling and experience of others with a psychic sense, with a sense that is beyond the physical.
Feeling the emotion of another, feeling the joy, the love, the sorrow, the tragedy of another as if it were one’s own.
While those who are young or newly aware of their empathic ability tend to take on the emotions of others
and struggle in the emotions of others, this is not needed.
Boundaries established are able to prevent you from absorbing another’s emotion
and rather simply being aware of it as a feeling energy alongside your own.
An important question to ask is, “Is this mine?”
For as an empath you may become overwhelmed with emotion which is belonging to another.
When you feel the strong emotion ask, “Is this mine?”
and let your intuitive voice, your soul voice, the guidance of your angels and spirit respond.

Yes, this is your emotion or no this is the emotion of another. In either scenario,
release your attachment to it. Let go of it. If the emotion is yours,
which may be the case for you are a spiritual being in physical form and storms of emotion,
waves of emotion pass through you often… (You are an emotional being) Let yourself feel the emotion, acknowledge it.
“This is my emotion.” Notice where the feeling is held. How does it vibrate? In which direction is it moving?
Become aware of the qualities of energy of the feeling, or emotion you are experiencing and ask yourself,
“Could I release it? Would I release it? When?” Release the emotion into the light.

If the emotion you are feeling belongs to another, release attachment to it.Imagine an orb
or a rose of light energy between you and the emotion of the other.
This enables you to maintain your energy and vibration, to be aware of the emotion of the other
without taking it upon yourself, so that you can respond to the other with love and compassion.
You understand their perspective, you understand their struggle,
you understand the emotion they are feeling without needing to be flooding your experience with whatever that may be.
The rose or the light orb between you and the emotion of the other filters out any energy which is not yours.
You’re still aware of it, however, you have this boundary so that you are able to see where what is yours ends
and where what is another begins. Now, we digress and say, indeed, you are one with All That Is.

Energetically you are connected to All That Is.
This is the foundation and the basis for how your empathic ability works.
You are connected to all and so you are able to feel all. However, you are manifest in a physical body,
a unique physical being in the physical realm. You are within the realm of earth, the classroom of life,
a realm of illusion in which you do experience the illusion of separation and there are reasons for this,
purposes for this, and benefits in this. You are able to separate your emotion from the emotion of the other
while still recognizing that you are innately one. One life force energy manifest as two separate beings.
Do you see the difference? As your empathic ability develops and expands, as you open your heart
and increase your vibration beyond simply feeling the emotions of others,
you are able to get a full sense and knowing of another person in their current situation.

Perhaps you’re walking down the street and you’re able to tell, to pinpoint the people
who are happy or sad in any moment. Advanced empathic ability enables you to do this
without taking on any of the emotion of others.
Remaining uplifted, joyful, and loving towards yourself ever increasing your vibration,
expanding your ability to perceive in the world around you, to experience the divine realms,
to tune in through your empathic ability without being drained or brought down when you do tune in to sorrow,
density, and negativity of another. The same is true with animals.
You are able to simply look at an animal and understand are they happy or sad or tired, content, or drained.

Empathic ability enables you to walk into a room and feel the energy of a room.
Has there been an argument recently? Or has someone been meditating and calling in the light and vibrations of love?
When you are empathic, regardless of whether you are consciously aware,
you feel people, places, situations, and so walking into a place where you feel uncomfortable for some reason,
know that the cause and the root is in energy and the lesson and the blessing,
the why behind being empathic is that you are able to make a difference.
You’re able to make a difference by simply radiating light and love yourself, which uplifts the greater whole
that you’re connected with in every moment. In addition, when you walk into that building that is filled with tension,
that is filled with past arguments, that is filled with density, you are able to uplift the vibration.

Advanced empathic ability allows you to simply vibrate like a tornado of light and love that spins around the room d
issolving any dense energy into the light. But this is an advanced technique and if not executed properly
can cause you to absorb negativity from the surrounding. And so I recommend to begin this work that
when you enter into a room or building or place in which you feel that tension or dense energy,
call upon a cleansing and healing team of guides and angels to clear and uplift the energy.
Imagine the light of the divine entering in. Call in the light of the divine to cleanse and uplift,
to raise the vibration, to release negativity and to invite in light and love for the highest and greatest good. And so it is.

Whatever your primary psychic sense, empathic ability can be developed as a compliment
or as a primary sense in and of its own. There is an infinite supply of information that you can tune into
through this empathic ability to feel emotion, feeling, state of being, and even physical vitality of another or of yourself.
Focus within, letting your heart open, as a blue orb of healing light is placed around you.
Cleansing any blockages from your natural empathic ability to perceive.

Let these blockages be released, allowing this innate ability to understand to feel, to know about others,
to shine through. To know when someone is telling the truth, to know when someone is in their authentic power
or chasing the dreams of another. To know if someone is moving
in the direction of their authentic purpose in their life path, or is stagnant or stuck in fear.

There are many benefits in this innate and empathic understanding of others,
for you are by nature a social being and interacting with others is of paramount importance to your journey through life.
Empathic ability will help you to navigate relationships,
and so breathe and open your heart and begin to simply be aware of others around you
and notice, can you feel what they are feeling?
Are you aware of their present state? For as is the case with all psychic ability,
when sensing beyond the physical… With awareness, the ability increases for the highest and greatest good.
And through empathic ability you are able to serve others, to truly understand their point of perspective,
to love them anyway, to maintain your own vibration, and to serve with love and compassion.

I am Muriel. I’m here to assist you in the entire process and at any time
when you need help understanding what you are feeling and whether what you are feeling is your own
or belonging to another, invite me in. And remember, you have the ability to shift your state
in any moment when you are feeling bad. Feel the feeling, where is it and how is it vibrating?
Then ask yourself, could you release it? Would you release it? When?
Release the feeling into the light, let go, and let your inner radiance shine through.

You are loved and blessed. Goodbye for now.

♥‿︵ૐ. ⊰✿•︵‿╯•☼• ░ ♥‿︵° A L O H A °︵‿♥ ░ •☼•╰‿︵•✿⊱ .ૐ︵‿♥ /

8:08 PM ~

ource : ~  @

The Magnificence of You Message from Isis, Egyptian Mother Goddess received by Julie Miller August 9, 2015

The Magnificence of You
9 August 2015

Julie Miller

Joy is always within reach. Sometimes the busyness of your mind has you looking into the complexity of things to find pleasure, joy, and happiness when it is always the simple things that provide you with long-lasting, meaningful experiences that attracts real happiness.

When you are at peace with your whole self, when you can accept ALL of who you are; and that means any faults or weaknesses, then there is NEVER any need to compete with someone else who is trying their best to fulfill their life’s purpose.

You are not meant to be carbon copies of each other. You are meant to be different and unique. You can be inspired by another person’s actions. When you are inspired by another person regardless if it is for personal, professional or spiritual development, the important thing to remember is that you are you. Whatever their way was belongs to them. When you follow your heart, the direction you take will be yours and it will be uniquely beautiful and inspiring for others. The magnificence of you is not discovered by copying and competing with others, it’s when you use that inspiration as empowerment to do what your heart is guiding you towards.

No one can be you like you can, so why would you want to be like anyone else? You are already magnificent, it’s just sometimes you forget as you become distracted by the mental party your ego has brought you to. When you find you are off course, you have the power and ability to bring your awareness back to the present by making use of self-inquiry questions. You can do this periodically by checking in with yourself on how you are doing, how you are feeling and so forth and by answering these self-inquiry questions with truth and honesty. Don’t cover up the truths that come forth. What you learn is to help bring you back to the present, fully focused and in control of your inner and outer being.

You will not find happiness by mimicking others. Happiness is found when you’re happy being you. The beautiful truth is that with all that is different between you and another person is that there is enough similarity to unite you, to recognize what is the same and it is that you celebrate while respecting with kindly consideration to what is not the same.

When you love your whole self and appreciate your whole self: ALL of you, then you can truly listen, understand and see that everyone you once judged and criticized is human just like you. They too are able to make mistakes, take wrong turns, and spend time with despair, and just like you, they learn what is needed to grow, to live, to love and how to be. And the best thing you can be is magnificent, unique you.

I AM Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Love, Fertility and Magic


Monty persuaded me to go to the BASES CONFERENCE (Miles Johnston) in Wiltshire, last weekend. Monty insisted that I had to connect with HARALD KAUTZ-VELLA. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to Miles Johnston for bringing this young man to our attention. Harald is everything we could wish for in a guide, as humanity steps forward into the future. He has covered everything. Harald is a physicist, and he has also studied geology. He knows the problems we will have to face when the chaos begins, and more importantly, HE HAS THE ANSWERS. I see him as our Guardian Angel, guiding us through it. I spent four days with him. We filmed a little chat using his computer. Although the sound is not good, with ear phones you can hear what he has to say. Harald and I will work together. To my amazement, he and I were researching something that is important to both of us. It was an honour and a privilege to meet him. He is a beautiful soul with a brilliant mind. I am so happy to call him my friend.

Message from Montague

We are observing the many changes that are planned for humanity by the Cabal. This is why it was necessary for me to insist that Veronica had to meet with Harald Kautz-Vella, in order to prepare humanity for the future. Veronica and Harald worked together in ancient times; they will do so again. It was good to see my dear wife energised and enjoying the many interesting people at the conference.

The End Times are upon you. You must ensure that you have all that you may need during the transition that is now taking place. Water is essential, and you need food that can be stored. Prepare mentally as well as physically. You will witness all that is corrupt and evil disappear. They will lose all their power and control over you.

You, on the other hand, will step into your power, and will see clearly how you had been conned into giving your power to Lucifer, through religion and politics. Without realising it, you had become Lucifer's slaves.

Please put time and effort into the ley line project. As Harald explained to Veronica, FRACKING is being done to DESTROY your LEY LINES. It is as though they are cutting all the VEINS in your BODY: your blood would flow out and you would die. Just like the Earth's Black Goo, the life force in the ley lines will flow out of the Earth. This must not be allowed to happen. This is so serious. For humanity to survive on Earth, he must protect it.

Listen only to those who speak truth, not your elected dictators who are mere puppets. Waking up has proved a difficult operation for many people, who are still in a hypnotic haze, obediently obeying the "laws" that your oppressors have forced upon you. I do understand that it is difficult for you to face the unpleasant truth about religion and politics. The Cabal has made your existence on Earth extremely difficult. They ensured that you did not have the time or the energy to see what they were doing. You will cope with the changes that are unavoidable. Know that there are many, such as Harald, who have taken the necessary steps to prepare the way for you. All that is in place to cause you hardship and pain will be removed. Be very careful about what you accept as fact, as so much is loaded against you. Many will tell you that everything will just fall into place, but those messages are NOT coming from the light; consequently, many people are being fooled into a false sense of security. Take all necessary steps to ensure that you are prepared for all eventualities.

The banks will fall and this will bring the inevitable chaos. For this, you are looking at weeks, not months. We in Spirit have managed to thwart many of their evil plans, such as World War III, but unfortunately, many others get under the radar. Those who rule your world are NOT OF YOUR WORLD, they just appear to look like you. Know that they are clever, and they plan meticulously. They want all that you have, and they hope to get it by forcing you out. They thrive on causing you as much pain and discomfort as possible, and they rape and murder your children. All this will stop when you wake up to it. Then, human life will be valued and respected once more. The right people are coming together to ensure that everything will go as smoothly as possible.

The Cabal is racing ahead with its plans, as they FEAR that many more of you are waking up. Think about it: they fear you! When enough of you wake up, you can step out of the pyramid, and the Cabal will fall. It is just a house of cards. Take away your support and you will see them disappear without trace, to return from whence they came. The real power is in your hands.

I will not detain you. Listen to Harald's wise words, as he speaks the truth.

My dear, there was no other way that we could have brought you and Harald together. I know that you understand. You will work together. I am grateful to Colin for taking good care of you in my absence.

Always at your side, your adoring, Monty.

NOTE: The video of the conversation between Veronica and Harald will be added to the homepage in the next few days.

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